How to make a sofa for a balcony with your own hands - designer tips. Compact sofa on the balcony: a rational solution with your own hands Sofa on the balcony with your own hands drawings

In the understanding of a modern city dweller, a balcony is an integral part of an apartment. The room, which in Soviet times was perceived as a warehouse for all kinds of household utensils, is now associated as a recreation room. It is not surprising to install a sofa on a balcony for comfort and a beautiful look. Given the small area, a sofa on the balcony can be made by hand or ordered from a specialized organization that supplies built-in furniture. This will save space and allow it to fit into the size of the room.

Types of sofas for the balcony

There are various modifications of sofas for balconies. Someone is more important that the furniture transforms into a sleeping place, someone appreciates the area of ​​the room, preferring smaller models. It is worth highlighting the main types of sofas suitable for installation on the balcony.

The practical sofa for the balcony combines direct functions with storage space.


A chair on the balcony is a great solution for a small space. It will fit on narrow balconies. You can install it to the wall farthest from the entrance to ensure unfolding. When folded, it will play the role of an armchair, which will save space. If necessary, the chair can be folded out to get a berth.

Eurobook sofa

This option is intended for wide balconies. The advantage of this type is the usual fast folding and unfolding. When folded, it provides a comfortable seating surface with a vertical, padded back. Such a sofa on the balcony will be practical to combine both of these functions.


A trestle bed is a mini-sofa, under the soft surface of which there is a box for storing household belongings. Small sofas on the balcony save space and are only for seating. They do not transform into a sleeping place. Its main advantage will be saving usable space on a small balcony. This is the smallest option for arrangement.

Corner sofa

The corner sofa fits perfectly on a large balcony. It can also contain a fold-out section to provide an extra bed. A smaller ledge could be with a storage box. Such designs fit into the space ergonomically. With sufficiently large dimensions, they take up little space. Corner sofas for loggias will be an excellent solution in organizing a practical space.

Material selection

The air temperature on the balcony or loggia in the cold season does not coincide with the temperature in the apartment.

It is necessary to understand that an unheated room is an aggressive environment with high humidity, therefore, in order for the furniture to serve as long as possible, materials are chosen for outdoor use.

The outer cover should not be made of fabrics that easily absorb moisture and dust, and the body should not be made of material untreated with special means. For what a sofa on the balcony can be, see this video:

For the manufacture of the frame, you can use a dry wooden beam treated with an antiseptic against fungus and varnish that protects against moisture penetration. Foam rubber will reliably serve as a filler. The surface of the sofa on the balcony can be made of eco-leather. It will prevent water and dust from getting inside.

On an open unglazed balcony, for maximum practicality, it is better to opt for wicker or plastic furniture. But here we are no longer talking about built-in sofas and armchairs.

Making a sofa on the balcony with your own hands

If the owner decides to build the sofa onto the balcony on his own, then you can be guided by the following general rules. Tips to help you avoid unpleasant mistakes during the manufacturing process:

  1. Take measurements on the balcony and create a design project with a drawing of the sofa. The rounded parts of the sofa will create the appearance of a larger balcony space. The size should be commensurate with the area of ​​the room. You need to take this into account when designing.
  2. Calculate the exact amount of material required.
  3. Decide on the tool required in the manufacturing process.
  4. When assembling the case, use special furniture hardware. Assembling the frame is made of hardwood. For the base to which the filler and covering material will be attached, plywood is suitable. The structure of the hull must be dimensioned for the planned loads. It is not recommended to use ordinary carpentry nails for fastening, since during use, with constant dynamic influences, they will loosen inside the wood.
  5. Choose only high-quality fittings for the pull-out parts of the sofa. The movable positions of the structure should be smoothly and without hesitation to be pulled out if necessary. Cheap hardware will stop working correctly over time. In no case should you skimp on this so important component.
  6. Use foam rubber in two layers as a filler: the first is of increased rigidity, the second is soft. Foam is an inexpensive and practical filling material between the rigid body and the outer cover. It is better to choose the first layer, which will adhere to the plywood, hard, and the second layer, covered with fabric, soft. Then it will be quite comfortable to sit and lie on such a sofa.
  7. Fasten the upholstery to the body with staples and a stapler.

It is possible that the sofa on the balcony with your own hands, due to some circumstances, will be a difficult process (lack of your own tool, cutting fabric, etc.). You can watch how to make a sofa with your own hands in this video:

There are organizations that can solve this problem, saving the customer's time, effort and money. Having an idea of ​​the characteristics and materials used by the manufacturer in the production of balcony furniture, we can conclude about his qualifications. This will help determine the choice of a particular performer.

For many years, our compatriots have used balconies as places for storing various things and trash, storing food in the cold season, and also exclusively for smoking. Today, people strive to maximize the living space in their apartments, therefore they are trying to create a functional room in which they can spend time, relax or go about their business.

It is quite possible to ennoble this non-residential space by installing an armchair, table and chairs, a sofa on the balcony.

Furniture, together with high-quality glazing and insulation, allows you to create a living room. Oddly enough, a sofa is best suited for balconies. There are many different models of balcony sofas on the market, which differ in the following characteristics:

  • Shape (square, rectangular, drawer, oval, etc.);
  • Colors (you can buy or order a cover of any shade);
  • Construction (folding, standard, corner, etc.)
  • Various dimensions.

Many people make sofas for balconies and loggias with their own hands, without resorting to the services of professionals.

If it is not assumed that the furniture will have any complex structural features, then its manufacture will not require the use of a large amount of expensive materials. Of course, it will be cheaper to do it yourself than to buy a finished product.

Which sofa can you choose for your balcony?

Free space is seriously limited, not like in the rest of the apartment, therefore, the selected sofa on the balcony should be compact in size, and preferably several functions. If the size of the loggia allows, then it is best to install a sofa bed in it.

Sofa bed on the balcony.

Many models of sofas for balconies are very compact in size and can be folded out, so on a warm summer day it is quite possible to lie down on the sofa and take a poke. In addition, one more place to relax in the apartment has not bothered anyone yet.

But some do not need a folding sofa on the balcony, so the choice is made in favor of the most standard models. Now on the market you can find many different options, including small sizes. It would be correct to measure the length and width of the balcony in advance, then come to the store with measurements and, in accordance with them, arrange the purchase of a sofa for the balcony.

Small sofa on the balcony.

In addition, the possibility of purchasing corner models is often considered as an alternative to folding and standard designs. But, it is worth noting that a sufficiently large room is desirable for them, primarily in width.

The use of such sofas for a balcony requires seating on both sides.

A simple corner sofa.

At the same time, if there are few wardrobes, dressers and nightstands at home, then in the store you need to look after models that are equipped with various drawers and shelves. You can store different things in these sofas for the balcony.

How to make a sofa on the balcony yourself?

It is not always possible to purchase a sofa for a balcony in a store. This is often due to financial difficulties or the lack of desired furniture in stores.

Sometimes the owners have a desire to make a sofa on their own.

By and large, there is nothing complicated in this work, because in order to make a simple small sofa on the loggia, you do not need special construction and installation skills, as well as the presence of special tools.

The easiest option is to make a regular sofa, without any additional functions. Of course, if there is a desire to make a folding structure with your own hands, then you will need both skills and the appropriate tools (to create such a sofa for a balcony, you may need the help of specialists).

The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. First you need to make a project. Regardless of its size, the process of creating a sofa for a balcony should be accompanied by a detailed plan and at least banal amateur drawings for a visual representation of what the result will be. To do this, you need to measure the installation site and calculate the appropriate dimensions of the structure, carefully consider the shape and design. As an assistant, you can use the Internet, where, if you wish, it is possible to find completely free plans and drawings of sofas for the balcony.
  2. At the second stage, the procurement of all the necessary materials should take place. The sofas on the balcony usually have the simplest design, so you don't have to buy anything special. To build such a technically complex structure with your own hands, you will need: wooden blocks, chipboard or plywood sheets, antiseptic and protective compounds for wood processing, fasteners, foam rubber or synthetic winterizer to give the sofa for the balcony softness, Velcro tapes for attaching pillows, a hammer, a hacksaw for wood, pliers, stapler for working with furniture.
  3. At the third stage, it is necessary to process all the wooden elements of the future sofa for the balcony using antiseptic and protective compounds. With the help of this process, not only long-term and reliable protection of wood will be ensured, but it will also be possible to give it an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  4. At the fourth stage, you need to deal with the formation of the frame. To do this, you first need to cut the bars with a hacksaw on wood, observing the dimensions indicated in the drawing prepared in advance. After that, a frame is hammered out of the bars. In most cases, for sofas on the balconies, for greater reliability, all the joints of the beams are additionally glued (in addition, it will not be superfluous to strengthen them with metal corners). When creating the back of a sofa with your own hands, do not forget that it should be located at a slight slope, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to sit.
  5. At the fifth stage, you should start creating a soft back. Sofas for balconies usually use the simplest foam rubber to give softness, so there is simply no point in purchasing expensive fillers and foreign counterparts. Foam rubber must be glued with household and ecological adhesives to plywood sheets, and then tightly wrapped with a cloth intended for upholstery. Also, sofas on the balcony can be equipped with removable upholstery that can be washed, so the foam rubber, if used, must be placed inside.
  6. Next, you need to nail the plywood sheets to the wooden frame. You can do this with your own hands using ordinary nails, but for reliability, you can fix them with self-tapping screws. The finished cushions fit directly onto the frame, just like the seats. Most balcony sofas do not have side backs with armrests, because they take up extra space, which is extremely inconvenient in a limited space. Of course, if you have a large loggia, it is best to make armrests.

Final work

In the store, you can buy quite practical types of fabrics that are convenient to fit homemade sofas on balconies and in other rooms. The covering is done by hand using furniture nails and a hammer, a furniture stapler is very convenient. If necessary, the sofa created in the way described above can always be disassembled, it will not take much time, and the remaining materials will be quite suitable for further use.

DIY balcony sofas can also have free space under the seat.

The storage couch is closed.

When creating it, it is necessary to use awnings, which are usually mounted to the rear crossbar of a wooden frame and attached to one side of the seat. It is very convenient for balcony sofas to have free space in the lower part, it can be used to accommodate various things.

The storage couch is open.

For reading 9 min.

The presence of a balcony in the apartment is a great opportunity to use this additional space to its advantage. And it's not about making a warehouse of unnecessary things or a smoking room out of it, but about a full-fledged rest room. But in order to create it, you need to choose the right furniture, especially a comfortable sofa. This will significantly expand the living space in the apartment, and besides, if you want to sell it, the ennobled balcony will be a big plus. Let's try to figure out which sofa models are suitable for creating a comfortable environment on a balcony or loggia and how to make them with our own hands.

Sofa options suitable for the balcony

The main criterion for choosing furniture for a balcony is its size. Naturally, you need to choose an option that will not be too cumbersome, but at the same time convenient for relaxation. For example, in conditions of limited space, you can place the following sofa models:

  • Folding sofa bed (a similar option is an armchair bed).

This option is ideal for lovers of outdoor recreation, or rather for those who do not have the opportunity to often go out for walks. In addition, an extra bed is useful for those who often invite guests to stay overnight. When choosing such a sofa, it is worth considering that it should unfold forward, but to such a length that it remains possible to move around the balcony. Making it yourself without certain skills will not work.

  • Sofa with storage boxes.

This is the most practical option. In the boxes located under the seat or armrests, you can just store unnecessary things that get in the way of the apartment itself. Also, the free space inside such a sofa can be equipped for storing various rolls and vegetables, if you approach this business correctly.

  • Corner sofa.

It is better to choose this type of sofa if the size of the balcony allows or it is partially combined with the room. Next to such a sofa, you can put a small coffee table or footrest. This will be a very stylish interior solution that will add comfort to the atmosphere.

  • An ordinary soft sofa.

The easiest and cheapest option is to put an ordinary small sofa on the balcony. Despite its simplicity, it can be very comfortable and soft, so that the corner furnished on the balcony will immediately become your favorite place in the apartment. In addition, such a sofa can be made on your own, which will be much cheaper.

It is not necessary to dwell on any one option - different models of sofas often combine several functions at once. For example, a corner sofa can easily convert into a small bed and still have free storage space.

Furniture stores offer a huge selection of various models of sofas, armchairs and sofas, but often they are not suitable for loggias and balconies because of their size, and ordering such furniture on purpose is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, the best option would be to make a small sofa for the balcony with your own hands.

We make a sofa on the balcony with our own hands

In order to independently make not only a comfortable, but also practical sofa for a balcony, you must have at least minimal skills for each stage of work. Namely: processing of wooden blocks, plywood; upholstery and upholstery of furniture with fabric; sewing soft pillows, etc.

Required tools and materials

First you need to make sure that you have all the materials and tools you need for this job. Some of the items from the list may not be useful to you, but some can be replaced with analogs. The main thing is that in the end you can cope with each stage of work without any problems.

Read also: How to equip a dressing room on the balcony - design ideas

You will need the following set of tools:

  • Roulette, building level;
  • Hacksaw, jigsaw;
  • Grinder or regular sandpaper;
  • Hammer with pliers;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Construction stapler or glue gun.

And materials:

  • Wooden bars;
  • Plywood or chipboard sheets;
  • Fasteners (screws, hinges, glue nails, Velcro tapes, etc.);
  • Soft filler (foam for upholstery or synthetic winterizer for pillows);
  • Cloth for covering or pillows;
  • Means for protecting wood from external influences (paint, stain, varnish, special compounds against insects and moisture).

Balconies have a small area, and in order to equip this limited space beautifully, with convenience and comfort, you need to think over every detail of the interior. Furniture for the balcony plays an important role here, of course, it should be compact, ergonomic, functional and not clutter up the room.

Next, we will tell you how to furnish a small space as useful as possible, how to choose the right furniture, what materials it should be. We will also show you how to make a cabinet, shelves and a table with your own hands.

How to choose furniture, taking into account the specifics of the space

There are different balconies: open, closed, cold, as well as glazed and insulated, and even with heating, and, accordingly, furniture should be chosen, taking into account all the specifics of the premises.

Furniture should be made of materials that are not afraid of difficult operating conditions

Furnishings for open balconies

Choosing furniture for an open-type balcony is, perhaps, a task at the same time difficult and at the same time creative. Here it is necessary to take into account the difficult operating conditions: precipitation, dust, wind, given this specificity, furniture should be made of moisture-resistant materials that are not afraid of an aggressive environment.

Wicker furniture, although practical, but takes up a lot of space, it is better to buy a folding table

Interior items made of metal, coated with durable powder paints that protect against corrosion, or forged products, for example, metal shelves, preferably with doors, and whatnots, cabinets, are best suited.

Wrought iron furniture on the balcony is always practical, stylish and original

Feels good on open balconies plastic, wicker garden furniture or folding on a metal frame with wood trim, mesh or straw hammock for relaxation. In larger areas, you can place comfortable sun loungers.

Folding furniture is very convenient for open balconies, it is better to store it at home in a closet in winter.

For creative and zealous people, in the photo we offer an interesting idea of ​​how to make a sofa out of wood with your own hands. In the same way, a bench, wardrobe or table can be made from pallets or edged boards.

Do-it-yourself balcony sofa from pallets

What furniture is suitable for glazed but cold balconies

Most often, trying to equip a balcony, the owners glaze it with cold aluminum systems. Of course, they do not retain heat in winter, but they reliably protect the room from rain and snow, from noise and dust, so it is much easier to pick up furniture for such a balcony.

Built-in wardrobe on the balcony with hinged doors

Here you can place both garden furniture: wicker or folding, as well as wooden interior items. Shelves, chests of drawers, cabinets, cabinets made of laminated chipboard on cold balconies will last no more than 3 years, since this material consists of pressed sawdust, changes in temperature and humidity will not spare the aesthetics of furniture.

An example of how to make a folding chair with your own hands

It should be noted that a built-in wardrobe is often installed on the balconies, near the end wall, its frame is recommended to be made of wood or plywood, but the facades of the cabinet can be made as wooden swing blinds, as well as lifting rollers or sliding compartments, made of plastic or glass.

Built-in wardrobe on the balcony, photo of ergonomic furniture with different types of facades

Furnishings for warm balconies

In order to have several additional meters of not only useful, but also living space, the balcony is insulated, windows are installed, and heating is carried out. But when arranging a small space, the question arises: how to choose the right furniture so that it is not only comfortable, but also does not take up much space.

Mensoles and brackets - the easiest way to screw the shelves on the balcony with your own hands

It is required to use the entire area to the maximum, for this it is better to order the manufacture of cabinets, tables, side tables, beds to order. A competent designer will think over the ergonomics of the items, as well as select the right materials for manufacturing, and the craftsmen will adjust and install the furniture in place.

A folding table to the balcony will significantly save space

Of course, the price for such products is higher than for finished products, but if the task is to save money, it is quite possible to make a wardrobe, cabinet or table with your own hands.

All the features of the space are taken into account in custom-made furniture

Advice: To make the balcony comfortable, try to choose furniture with smooth corners, and to save space, use the plane of the walls, so narrow hanging shelves and cabinets will help you place a lot of household items.

Built-in cabinet on the balcony from the lining

If you are determined to pick up ready-made cabinet furniture for the balcony, then cabinets with a width of 600 mm (preferably single-leaf), or 800 mm (double-leaf) are quite suitable in size. It is recommended to install a sliding wardrobe on a balcony with a width of at least 1 m, so that there is convenient access to the interior space, since one part always remains closed.

When buying ready-made furniture, think over all the little things, the main thing is that nothing interferes with the opening of the lockers

A few practical ideas for organizing space

Furniture for small balconies and balconies should be multifunctional and compact. For example, if a desktop is being made, then it will be advisable to arrange an extension-shelves / cabinets for placing papers on top.

Ergonomic computer desk on the balcony

If we consider rooms of complex geometric shapes, with sharp corners, then it is recommended to build a cabinet, a corner wardrobe in this place, or choose a ready-made table or bookcase for flowers.

Ready-made hanging table for attachment to the parapet

Thoughtful multifunctional details play an important role in organizing the space, so instead of a window sill it would be advisable to arrange a bar counter with a wide acrylic stone top, high chairs will suit it. Under the windowsill, you can also make narrow built-in cupboards for dishes and utensils.

Bar counter on the balcony, for convenience, the width of the table top is 300-400 mm

If the balcony is attached to the room, then, as a rule, it is not possible to demolish the window-sill block, it can be converted into a working one, with vertical shelves, or a dining table, with a beautiful chrome counter and baskets.

Bar counter and dining table on the combined balcony

Another very practical solution for small balconies is a homemade chest box, on top of which a trestle bed or sofa is arranged.

Homemade couch and vegetable storage box

Inside you can store vegetables or things, and the soft pillows on top will help to equip a comfortable place to relax.

Chest sofa made of edged board on the balcony

Let's talk separately about the organization of the workplace. Of course, it is better to make a computer desk to order; the table top should have curved lines that smoothly outline the space. If the countertop continues along a long wall, then it should be no wider than 300-400 mm, so that there is enough space for movement on a narrow balcony.

Even a kitchen set can be placed in larger rooms, but most likely it will be with built-in wardrobes, this is the only way to correctly dispose of the usable area.

A compact corner sofa is quite suitable for organizing a dining area; most often the body is made of wood, with a soft seat on top. It is recommended to choose a folding table with rounded corners in the kit. On the wall, for dishes, it is recommended to place a narrow cabinet or closed rack.

The finished small kitchenette fits onto a balcony 800 mm wide

Often a sleeping place is arranged on the balcony, there are several solutions:

  • for wide balconies a built-in wardrobe bed or a mini sofa bed;
  • folding trestle bed, which is arranged along a long inner wall under the window of the room;
  • high mattress.

Wardrobe bed on the balcony, convenient for organizing a comfortable bed

From theory to practice, how to make furniture with your own hands

It is not difficult to make furniture for the balcony with your own hands, for homemade cabinets it is better to use an edged board 100-200 mm wide, lining, for the frame - a bar of 40 * 30 and 40 * 50 mm, plywood.

You can use old furniture, as well as chipboard, you can buy them already sawn into parts with a width of 300, 400, 600 mm, a melamine edge, which is glued with an iron, is suitable for processing the ends.

Diy scheme for making a folding table

Advice: To assemble wooden furniture, it is better to use self-tapping screws, but it is recommended to fasten parts from plates to each other with Euro bolts. For strength, the furniture is screwed to the wall with dowels.

How to make a locker on the balcony

To make a wardrobe on the balcony with your own hands, first of all, you need a drawing, indicating the dimensions, on the basis of which detailing should be done. As an example, let's take a cabinet with dimensions: height 2700 mm (to the ceiling), width 800 mm (it is better to divide the inside into 2 compartments with a vertical partition, depth 600 mm (optimal for organizing a bar with hangers), for shelves you can make a depth of 400 mm. furniture boards, 16 mm thick, free compartments above and below, 400 mm high, 50 mm - plinth.

Would need:

  • cabinet sides - 2 pcs., 2700 * 600 mm;
  • horizons - 4 pieces, 2 - top / bottom, 2 - we separate the mezzanine and the lower compartment, (800-16-16) = 768 * 600 mm;
  • middle (vertical partition) - 1 pc., (2700-400-400) = 1850 * 600 mm;
  • rod for 1 section - (400-16-8) - 4 mm = 372 mm
  • shelves for 2 sections - (400-16-8) - 2 mm = 374 * 600 mm - 4 pcs., you get 5 compartments, the distance between the shelves is approximately 350 mm.
  • Bars for cabinet frame 40 * 40 600 mm long - 6 pcs.;
  • bars on a plinth 40 * 50, length 768 mm - 2 pcs.

You will also need fittings and doors for the cabinet, in our case, swing facades:

  • 396 * 396 - 4 pcs.;
  • 1846 * 396 - 2 pcs.;
  • overhead hinges with a cup 35 mm - 14 pcs. (6 preferably with soft closing closers);
  • handles - 6 pcs.;
  • shelf supports - 16 pieces, instead of them you can stuff the slats on the sides and put shelves.

Wardrobe on the balcony, photo of the built-in structure, if desired, the interior space can be planned depending on the needs

Instead of a cabinet, you can make a rack on the balcony, you can buy ready-made metal side holders with brackets that are fixed on the wall to the desired width, and cut the shelves to size for them.

Slides and holders for homemade shelves can be purchased at Ikea

To save money, instead of guides, you can make a frame of bars, like a staircase, one side is tied with dowels to the wall, and the second floor and ceiling (since on the other side, as a rule, there is a window). It remains only to cut shelves from boards or plywood and the cabinet is ready.

An example of how to make a simple wardrobe with your own hands

In our photo gallery you will find some more interesting options on how to choose the right furniture for the balcony.

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Exclusive sofa on the balcony: 4 production options "out of nothing"

In recent years, I have seen less and less cluttered balconies turned into a closet for unnecessary things. But in old houses, they are so microscopic in size that it is difficult to arrange a recreation area on such an area. For example, the smallest sofa on the balcony, which I have come across in stores, is 75 cm long.And the width of the balcony in my son's Khrushchev is exactly 73 cm.

That is, you cannot squeeze it into the most convenient place at the end, and along the long wall you can put only a narrow bench. There are only two options left: to make furniture to order or do it yourself. As a great lover of exploiting my husband's crazy hands for the implementation of all sorts of crazy and not very constructive ideas, I am more interested in the second one.

All sofas are good, choose the taste

Having methodically groped my eyes around the house and the plot, I tried on the role of the future sofa on many things. My goal is to use what lies idle. We have already been surprised to ascertain that the price of a home-made thing turned out to be comparable to a factory one, if all the materials for its manufacture had to be bought.

It's not so interesting: you want not only to get moral satisfaction, but also to save money. Therefore, we will make a sofa on the balcony with our own hands according to the principle "I blinded it from what was." The only thing that in most cases you need to buy is upholstery fabric.

I am bringing to your judgment a few ideas.

Option 1 - frameless

First of all, the eye caught on the old beanbag chairs, sewn five years ago and stuffed with foam balls.

During this time, the balls crumpled, the covers crawled at the seams, the chairs lost their shape. So why not sew a new case of the desired shape and size, and pour the filler into it? Business something:

  • Find a suitable pattern:
  • Make two covers with zippers - inner and outer, which can be removed and washed. Moreover, both the locks and the fabric for the inner bag can be used the same;
  • Pour the balls into a new shell and you're done!

The only drawback of such furniture is that it is difficult to get out of it., since the balls move under the weight of a person, the chair slides down. But this problem can be easily solved if you install a transverse bar at the bottom of the sofa, fixing it between the walls.

Option 2 - converted from old furniture

In the same photo, there is an old sofa next to the armchairs, which we are still not going to throw away. It is small - it would stand on a balcony more than a meter wide.

But! Firstly, it is clear that this is old, secondly, it is too heavy, and thirdly, it simply does not fit in size. Although ... if you remove the massive back and armrests, you can come up with something from the frame and seat. For example:

  • Disassemble the entire structure, install the lower part of the frame in place, and connect the seat to it using door hinges - you will get a sofa with a box on the balcony for storing tools, homework and other necessary things;
  • Since the original sofa is folding (moves forward), the seat consists of two pillows sewn together. One of them in our version will serve as a soft back. It can be simply leaned against the wall or fixed over the sofa, and the pillow can be hung on its hinges.

If the inside of the box is sheathed with foil insulation, the potatoes on the glazed balcony can be stored in winter..

For the soft parts, a new cover and pillow cases for the armrests will be sewn from the same fabric. Although the armrests are more convenient to make in the form of rollers.

In general, it is not necessary to use a wooden frame from old upholstered furniture. The box can be made independently from bars, boards, plywood, chipboard and even building pallets.

Instead, you can lay a camera from a broken small refrigerator with the door up on the floor, put a chest, a low cabinet from a hallway with hinged doors, or the bottom of a chest of drawers.

In the absence of upholstered furniture ready for throw away, the seat for the sofa can be easily cut out of foam rubber. But there are other solutions as well. For example, stuffing a tailored-to-size cover with down from old pillows and down jackets - you get an excellent featherbed. Or small soft toys, which are often accumulated in “childish” families in alarming quantities.

Speaking of pillows!

Option 3 - pillow-mattress

I have long dreamed of replacing feather pillows with new ones, with synthetic fillers, and getting rid of the ancient "wadded" mattresses lying around idle in the utility block. The whole hand did not rise to throw it away, and not in vain. Because just in time I came across such a simple and original idea of ​​how to make a sofa with your own hands on the balcony from a similar mattress and wooden shields:

Now I won't throw away the pillows either. Even if they are not useful for arranging the balcony of a young family, I will adapt it on my terrace. Quilting, putting on beautiful covers and fixing it on a wooden podium with the help of double-sided Velcro.

There is also material for the podium arrangement: somewhere there must be an old wooden door leaf of seventy. One of it is enough to make a frame for a sofa on a balcony, if this option is to the liking of children. Cut into three parts in width - you get both the seat, and the back, and the front panel.

Option 4 - lightweight and portable

Once I already showed this "masterpiece" made by my husband from plastic pipes and the remains of a kitchen countertop:

After installing the water supply system on the site and in the garden, we still have pipes that can be used for the manufacture of such a structure. You only need to buy tees, corners and clips, which cost a penny, and build a sofa on the loggia right on the spot.

  • In our case, the back and seat are removable, they are attached to the frame tubes using clips screwed to the shields:

  • But now I would choose another option - with a soft support made of durable fabric stretched between the tubes. In this case, the instructions for making the frame are a little more complicated, since before soldering the tubes, they will need to be passed through the "pocket".

Generally any furniture for the balcony can be made of plastic pipes, especially if it is not glazed. These are chairs, tables, and shelves for potted flowers. For the winter or in rainy weather, soft parts are brought into the house, and the frame is not afraid of any moisture.


And I also have a carapace bed net ... but I have not yet figured out how to use it to make a sofa on the balcony. It turns out only an ottoman, which occupies half of its area.

You may find on your farm some other obsolete things that, if desired, are transformed into balcony furniture. Some ideas can be seen from the video in this article.

Well, I would like to hear opinions: which of the described options seems to you the most worthy. I look forward to your comments. Ready for tomatoes too.

September 12, 2016

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