How to paint a laminated door. How and how to paint wooden doors with your own hands How to repaint a door covered with pvc film

Have you planned renovations in your apartment or country house? Then you will be interested to know how to paint the doors in an apartment with your own hands. Of course, the painting can be ordered by professional painters. But, such a service will not be cheap, so it is better to do this work yourself, especially since the range of paints and varnishes (paintwork materials) and tools on sale is wide, and you will probably be able to purchase everything you need for a successful result.

Factors affecting the quality of painting

If desired, each person can paint the door with their own hands. But the result of the work done will depend on factors such as:

  • the material from which the door leaf is made;
  • condition of the treated surface;
  • the quality of the pre-paint preparation of the treated surface;
  • the quality of the paintwork materials used;
  • compliance with technological requirements when carrying out painting work.

Door staining technology

Let's consider each of the listed stages in more detail.

Preparatory work

The design of the doors, no matter whether they are external or internal, consists of such elements as a frame (box), directly onto which the canvas is hung with the help of special hinges. In the door leaf itself there are locking fittings, locks, handles, etc.

Our main task is to dismantle all structural elements that can be disassembled at all. This is done for two reasons:

  • for the convenience of painting, since it is easier to get close to the removed parts of the massive door from different sides;
  • for the accuracy of painting, since when painting a canvas that has not been removed from the hinges, the paint leaks, and when painting the platbands, it gets on the wall.

Important: We must dismantle the mortise lock. If this is not done, you will most likely paint its core with paint, which will negatively affect its appearance and possibly its performance.

After we have completed the dismantling work, it's time to assess the condition of the surface of the canvas and decide whether it is necessary to remove the old coating.

On average, if the thickness of the old coating is no more than 2-3 layers and is stable, you can do without removing it. If there are many layers and areas of the coating peel off, you will have to remove it.

There are two ways to remove old paintwork without compromising the condition of the treated surface:

  • exposure to chemicals - removers that soften the coating;
  • mechanical method, when the old coating is heated with an industrial hairdryer and scraped off with a spatula or wire brush.

The choice of one of the listed methods depends both on the type of coating and on the material from which the canvas is made.

After the old coating has been removed, the surface is leveled with putties, selected in accordance with the type of surface to be treated. At this stage, the putty is applied and leveled with your own hands using a wide spatula. After that, the smoothed surface is sanded with emery paper with alternating alternation of the degree of abrasiveness.

Important: Leveling with putty is acceptable for canvases and platbands with an initially smooth surface; it is not recommended to use this method for leveling modern MDF doors with a relief texture.

Before painting the entrance doors, it is advisable to apply a coat of primer. The primer allows you to increase the degree of adhesion of paintwork materials and the treated surface. In addition, due to the preliminary application of the primer, the absorbency of the treated surface is significantly reduced, which means that paint consumption is reduced.

How to paint

Painting instructions are largely determined by the type of painting tool used. As a tool you can use:

  • spray gun (spray gun)- allows you to achieve a uniform layer of color, but it will not be easy to carry out painting work directly in the room;
  • paint roller- also allows you to evenly paint even surfaces, but there are some difficulties with the processing of the relief;
  • swing hand- the most accessible category of painting tools, providing good results with skillful use.

  • just before starting painting work, adjust the nozzle and set the optimal torch width;
  • mix the paintwork qualitatively in order to achieve the uniformity of the applied layer;
  • use only those thinners that are recommended by the paintwork manufacturer;
  • position the spray gun nozzle at a distance of 20-25 cm from the surface;
  • for the convenience of staining, it is advisable to position the surface to be treated vertically;
  • if painting work is performed outdoors, it is better to do this in the morning, when there is not much dust around;
  • if any utility room is equipped for a spray booth, in no case do we sweep before painting, since the dust will hang in the air for several hours;
  • immediately before painting, wipe the surface to be treated with a lint-free cloth soaked in a thinner;
  • the first layer is applied across the door leaf, and the second finishing layer is applied along.

Painting trough - a mandatory attribute of painting with a roller

  • we use any paint roller except foam rubber, as the foam rubber will leave torn spools on the paint layer;
  • we use the roller once, since when re-painting it will leave stains on the treated surface;
  • be sure to use a painting trough and squeeze the roller against its edge to avoid smudges;
  • for high-quality performance of painting work, we use several rollers of different lengths.

Tip: Do not skimp on the purchase of rollers and choose those options where the reel with the skin is fixed to the handle with a nut. If you take a cheap tool, where the locking nut is not provided, the reel will come off the handle, which will negatively affect the quality of the stain.

  • use a flat flywheel brush with medium soft long bristles;
  • in the course of painting work, we apply longitudinal strokes directed along the grain of the wood;
  • smear the applied strokes until a uniform color is obtained;
  • to work with the relief, use narrow brushes.

Important: You shouldn't skimp on purchasing high-quality brushes, as if used correctly, this tool will serve many times. At the same time, bristles climb from cheap brushes, which makes high-quality staining impossible.

What to paint

In most building materials stores, you will find a wide range of paints and varnishes. When choosing a paint, the following questions may arise:

  1. Can a laminated door be painted and how to do it? For these purposes, any alkyd paint is suitable, but immediately before painting, the surface must be matted. Otherwise, the surface can be treated with special primers such as Dulux Trade Super Grip Primer;
  2. What to do if the door is made of solid pine and you don't want to cover it with a continuous layer of paintwork materials? In this case, you can treat the wood with a high-quality stain and then cover it with a layer of furniture varnish;
  3. Is it possible to paint the doors with water-based emulsion so that the apartment does not smell? Water-borne paints are not the best choice, as they get dirty quickly and cannot be washed. In addition, the application of water-soluble formulations will not provide an even glossy surface. Therefore, it is better to buy odorless enamel such as, for example, Tikkurila Euro Pesto 10;
  4. How to dissolve paintwork materials to an acceptable consistency? As a rule, paint manufacturers indicate the preferred diluent brand on the cans. For most enamels, White Spirit thinner is a suitable option;
  5. Which paintwork materials are environmentally friendly and which are not? Almost all enamels and coatings used to paint wood and metal involve working with a respirator or a paint mask. It is also recommended to work outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Tip: In order to dissipate the toxic smell of paint faster, it is recommended to put a bucket of water in the room at night.

Name Manufacturer Weight / volume additional information Price
Enamel PF-115 (universal) "Plain" (Russia) 0.9 kg. RUB 65
Enamel PF-115 (universal) Novax (Russia) 0.9 kg. Semi-gloss, solvent odor persistent RUB 75
Enamel NTs-132 (universal) "The Choice of the Master" (Russia) 0.7 kg. Glossy, solvent odor resistant 124 RUB
Enamel MATT VD-PF 215 (Russia) 0.9 kg. Watery, weak odor, matte 286 r
Universal enamel Tikkurila Pesto C Tikkurila (Finland) 0.9 kg. Almost odorless, dries quickly RUB 485
Thinner White Spirit Novax (Russia) 1 liter RUB 75

The table lists the brands of paintwork materials that are in demand today and their cost in the chain of stores.


Now you know which paint is suitable for painting doors and how to use it for its intended purpose. Check out the video in this article for more details. After that, you can leave comments about what you read.

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I'll tell you about my own experience in painting chipboard and film facades in the furniture industry.

Chipboard painting

Chipboard was painted, but rarely, when the project indicated that, for example, the outer side wall of the kitchen or the details of the portal had to be the same as painted or patinated facades.

In this case, the chipboard surface was sanded with P220 grit paper or larger in order to break the upper protective layer of the laminate on the chipboard to the degree of a matte surface. Then they applied paint, but more often they worked according to the scheme - grinding, one layer of primer, grinding, finishing. No adhesives were used.

Problems arose if the edge was poorly glued and after finishing the paint fell into places of poor adhesion of the edge, worse if it peeled off, but again this was due to poor operation of the pasting equipment, violation of the pasting technology.

Painting of facades covered with PVC film

We had to resort to the painting technology of film facades in order to simplify the technology of painting facades with complex internal milling.

What were the difficulties: the main ones are the laboriousness of grinding complex milled profiles and the risks of breaking the profile itself, which already required reworking the facades.

In addition, it was necessary to apply an insulating primer, sand it, apply a base primer, sand, re-primer and sand again. In the case of the film, a preliminary grinding of the surface and profile of the MDF facade in the PVC film and the application of finishing layers were carried out.

It turns out that the technology is reduced to a minimum, well, sometimes they could apply primer to the film before painting, but grinding the primer in this case was much easier than not lined MDF.

An important point in all this is how high-quality the film is glued to the MDF facades. If the film peels off the edge, if there are inclusions under the film, glue beads, poor-quality milling, poor preparation of the facade surface before pressing, then we will get not advantages, but disadvantages of this technology.

Therefore, the technology of pressing facades in a membrane vacuum press must be at a high level.

In addition, the film itself must be selected for the facades. Firstly, it should be white, and secondly, it will be better if it is intended just for painting, that is, without a protective topcoat.

Film suppliers called this film a primer. In principle, you can use just a white film, but a trial application and an adhesion test are necessary.

Interestingly, no adhesion primers were applied to the film facades, it was enough to mat the film by sanding. But, in any case, experiments are always needed, and then the mass application of technology, otherwise the primer may and will be needed to improve the adhesion of paint to film or chipboard. For such primers, contact your suppliers, they will help you choose the right paint and varnish materials.

Particleboard is one of the well-known materials that are used for the manufacture of furniture, doors and other products. What is this material made of? These are wood chips that are held together by formaldehyde resin. Wood chips under the influence of moisture and other unfavorable conditions can deteriorate and peel off. You can protect them by treating the surface with varnish or paint. In addition to the fact that coloring materials serve as protection, painting also gives a decorative effect, because not only multi-colored surfaces are created, but also a variety of textures. So the question is raised, how to paint a chipboard door to give it a beautiful look? To do this, you just need to cover the door with a new layer of paint material. It is essential to know what material the chipboard was originally covered with or the door is new, and the coating is completely absent.

Before painting the chipboard, you should carefully prepare the surface. The final result of painting depends on this work. To renovate chipboard doors, transparent varnish or paint is most often used, which is applied to the surface. But this is not practical, as the paint begins to crack after a while. It is not so easy to remove this layer of paint later and takes a lot of time. But it can be done in several ways.

The surface of the door can be treated with a chemical composition. You need to choose it depending on what the door was processed with.

Also, the surface can be exposed to hot air, which can be supplied from a building hair dryer. When leaving, sufficiently hot air affects the old coating, destroying it. But then you can easily remove it with a spatula. But it is important to maintain a certain temperature so that the door surface does not deteriorate.

Then the surface must be cleaned of collected dust and degreased. Using a grout mesh (preferably coarse), grind the base of the door so as to leave small burrs. This is necessary in order to create the best adhesion to the substrate. Apply a special primer. The primer is applied so that the glue that holds the wood chips together does not allow the evaporation of toxic substances, and moisture cannot penetrate inside.

Before painting a chipboard door, it should be putty and sanded to remove the resulting irregularities and drops. Before puttingtying, a primer must be applied to the surface. For chipboard doors, it is better to use acrylic primers. They tend to protect the base from cracks. The putty should be applied with a construction trowel, spreading it evenly over the entire door.

After the putty layer dries, it is carefully sanded with fine-grained emery paper.

How to paint laminated doors

This procedure is carried out until all the irregularities are corrected. After that, the dust must be removed and proceed directly to painting.

A good solution for painting chipboard would be a spray bottle or a special spray can filled with paint. It is easier with such tools to make an even layer, without smudges.

What types of paint are suitable for this material?

Before choosing a paint, you need to take into account one point: different types of paint give different staining results. To increase the resistance of the surface to mechanical stress, the base should be varnished.

Painted doors with acrylic paints will serve for many years. They are not afraid of temperature extremes and collecting steam, condensation and splashing water. Surfaces painted with acrylic paints can withstand about 5000 washes.

Before you paint a chipboard door, you need to know the painting technology.

The paint is applied in several layers. It can be painted either with a brush or with a roller, which has a short nap. A roller with a long pile can leave a pattern that looks like an orange peel. If, after applying the paint, irregularities are still visible, you should reapply sandpaper for sanding and apply a coat of paint again. If the expected result has been achieved by this method, you can proceed to the final stage - applying transparent varnish. It can also be applied in several layers.

The choice of paint quality and colors is a matter of taste, but it is important that painted chipboard doors are in harmony with the interior.

How to paint a laminated interior door so that it acquires novelty and serves for a long time

Nowadays, laminated flooring is used more and more often. They are used to decorate furniture, interior and exterior doors, as well as other interior elements. By its appearance, the laminate resembles a tree, therefore its parts are used in construction and decoration. This coating is considered to be durable, but still, due to mechanical stress, laminated doors can get flaws and become unusable.

Can laminated doors be painted?

To make such door defects attractive and invigorate them with color, technological painting is used. Next, we'll take a look at how to paint your laminated door to make it last as long as possible.

We restore a laminated door using paint

Over time, laminated doors become stained around doorknobs and surface scratches. It is quite difficult to remove such flaws, since the coating does not really lend itself to this. Therefore, the most effective remedy for repairing damage is painting the doors.

Immediately, we note that processing with wood stain and varnish will not work, since for this process it will be necessary to grind the door and fill up all the irregularities with putty, and all these errors will be visible under transparent coatings.

Therefore, for painting laminated doors, only an opaque coating, paint is suitable. But the work is not at all easy to do. Especially because the paint will not adhere to the laminated surface and will drip from it. Therefore, it is necessary to know the technology of how to paint a laminated door so that the paint stays on it as long as possible.

Materials and tools for painting

Special enamel for painting.

Brush and roller.


Wood putty.

Putty knife.


Napkins and rags.

The surface of the door should be prepared for painting. Doors are washed, wiped and dried. All scratches, as well as the door leaf, are rubbed with sandpaper or a grinder. After that, dust from the surface is removed with a brush and rags.

Then putty is applied to the door leaf. It should lie in a thin layer so as to become one with the door. After drying and sanding the first layer, the second layer is applied, which is also rubbed after drying.

When the door has acquired the desired structure, it is cleaned of dust and wiped with a solvent. The surface is now completely ready for painting. Next, let's take a look at how to paint your laminated door correctly.

We paint the laminated door

The paint will need to be thinned as the door should be covered with three thin coats of paint. The material for painting should be one that is diluted with white spirit.

It should be painted with a brush, this will allow better coating of the door surface. They do not just cover the surface with paint, but carefully rub it into the door leaf.

After applying the paint, the door should dry completely. Only then is the second and then the third layer applied. Each of them, after applying the next one, must be dry.

Now the finished door is varnished to give it shine and attractiveness. The varnish can be applied either with a brush or with a spray gun.

Painting the laminated door with wood stain

How to paint a laminated door if there are no large defects on it, but the color of the coating has faded and wiped off a little.

Using a sander, the top layer of the coating is carefully removed. Then the surface is rubbed with sandpaper and cleaned of chips and dust.

The door leaf is wiped with a solvent, and after it dries, it is treated with a stain of the appropriate tone.

Dilute the stain according to the instructions.

The mixture is applied to the door with a roller, brush or using a spray gun.

The technology of work is the same as with paint. It is necessary to cover the door leaf in three approaches, but not earlier than 12 hours after applying the previous layer.

After the final painting with wood stain and complete drying of the door surface, they should be opened with varnish.

Alexander Dryablov
What to do with furniture? Leave the furniture to your grandmother, she doesn’t have much left and there aren’t so many reasons to be happy With the presence of this furniture in the apartment, the grandmother “marks the territory.” While the furniture remains, this is her apartment. I don’t know your relationship, but probably you still need to persuade. You can take out the furniture (rent a garage, for example, by the way, modern furniture made of chipboard ... You just say that the furniture is worth, do not explain what is new or old, but buy another one yourself

Anatoly Sverdl
I have a large wardrobe, polish on the doors. I would like to remove it or who to decorate tell me how? Sand well and cover with a matte varnish or make it antique. Wax polish with silicone oils This is another adventure. First, rinse with white spirit a couple of times. Each time, removing the remains of white spirit with a wet rag from the ferry. Then some damp cleaning powder on the foam rubber ...

Oksana Strelkova
How can you paint a varnished wooden door? Varnish, only with a touch. It is better to remove varnish with acetone. Sand the door and cover with another varnish. If you can't (or don't want) to mess around, you can just sand it and cover it with another varnish, but it's better to rinse it off. And after washing, you can prime and paint with any paint ... Varnish and paint, the paint can fly off. or remove the varnish surface

Natalia Titova
I painted the wooden surface with varnish. I want to repaint with enamel paint, in / emulsion, do I need to remove the varnish ?! In general, unpainted wood is coated with water-based paints. So with enamel or all the same with an emulsion) Sanding is necessary It is not necessary, if the varnish is not water-based, they are compatible with the enamel, and if the varnish is water-based, then it is better to prime it or remove it altogether. IT IS NECESSARY to otshilushya everything that otshilushka with the help of any improvised tools and - cover with everything you want

Stanislav Yakovenko
How to repaint the windowsill? Smell with sandpaper, and cover with oil paint (tikuril or snow) New stick in plastic - it will be cheaper. Repaint with alkyd enamel. And before that, suffer with tearing If the window sill is wooden, then you can cleanly remove all the paint and varnish it. I covered it like that with stain and varnish, though the window is in light beige ... Here is the fact that you have it not plastic - for sure. Or wooden with peeling paint or from csp (they used to put such where wide window sills were to peel off everything and paint again.

Denis Andreychikov
Hello. Please, advise how and in what color the interior doors can be repainted. Use acrylic paint. It does not stink, dries quickly, can be washed off, while damp, with water. The color depends on the device. I would paint it in ivory or the color of the wallpaper in the lightest color present on the wallpaper. Firstly, you need to remove the old paint for this one, you need a gasoline blowtorch and a spatula with a lamp, heat the beauty until bubbles form and immediately clean it off with a spatula. if you have doors from Soviet times ...

Gleb Zubkov
Do you do your own pedicure? And with what varnish do you like to paint half your toenails "Verunchik herself, herself, herself" I always have freshness on my feet, but usually there is no varnish on my hands. but more and more chic to me ...

How to paint doors

On my own, and only in the summer I cover it entirely with varnish I do at home more often, sometimes I go to the salon in general with peeling ones I don't allow myself to walk)

Larisa Antusheva
How to repaint or update an old hallway wardrobe? color - light wood, coating - varnish, there are frames on the doors and this is pasted over with maple: There are excellent tinted varnishes, you just need to take into account that you already have a certain shade. In general, if you are going to restore furniture, then it is better to varnish it from a spray gun. This restoration is a very delicate and complex matter, although it is very interesting, it is difficult to tell here, so write to YouTube and there you will see the whole process how they make it under a tree, how and with what kind of wood is applied. And disassembly is mandatory for everything that can be removed

Vladislav Udovkin
What pervert (apparently in the USSR) with a sick imagination and unhealthy color perception invented floor paint ?! What the fuck is the difference, but they lived well. Well, personally, I painted the floors with similar paint in the country house, because I plan to make repairs there in the future, and there is no point in using any coating, since soon everything will be redone to hell. Better paint than a shabby floor. So that.

Veronica Konstantinova
There is an old Soviet cabinet - I want to repaint - how is it done, the paint on what basis to take, is it possible to paint from a spray can Skim, degrease, paint. Paint with alkyd enamel with a brush or small velor roller. There is an ancient Evenki method - buy adhesive wallpaper under a tree - and beautifully and without problems It will stink with acrylic paint I painted a polished desk with acrylic paint, without sanding, everything was painted over perfectly and kept!

Ruslan Lyubyak
How to paint a refrigerator? Ask those who paint a car. They can paint and dazzle airbrushing. Well, if it’s not worth it, then wipe it with a nitro solvent to degrease, clean out the rust and dust it all from a balloon with paint on metal of 2-3 layers with drying each ... I once painted the refrigerator with a spray can. This paint is easily scratched. But it looks fine. Primed nothing. Just wiped it with acetone and sprinkled it with paint For a more solid effect, it is better to buy auto paint and 2-component ...

Alina Lizunova
How can grease stains on a light brown door be wiped off? gasoline and detergents did not help Oksol or Oxol polish, after wiping off the stains, you need to go through the entire surface either with lacquer thinners - from the lungs with white spirit (not the fact that it will help if the varnish was based on nitro-based 646 will remove fat, but also the color, moreover ... You can try organic solvents no. 646 or 647, but they strongly corrode paint and some plastics.

Victor Samokhvalov
How to repaint lacquered furniture First you need to strip it off, and the varnish first.

to leave a bare tree. there are paints on the varnish, but with them it does not look very nice. it is at home. I know this method: tint all the "problem" places with ordinary gouache, dry it - and then cover it with furniture varnish, you can after drying it again. Looks like new. But look - this is the way for polished surfaces….

After purchasing an apartment or after a certain period of time of living in one place, you may want to make cosmetic repairs. If everything is clear with gluing wallpaper, rearranging furniture, replacing the floor covering, then how to update the door leaves. Not every person knows how to paint interior doors from MDF.

MDF is a medium density fiberboard. It is made of wood chips, which can be large, medium, fine. It is pressed using special equipment. Adhesives (urea resins) are added to hold the chips together.

The peculiarities of this material are that, due to its heterogeneity, MDF absorbs a large amount of the coloring composition. In addition to this, it is required to choose high-quality paint, otherwise, under the influence of environmental factors, the decorative layer will be covered with cracks. Due to the addition of urea resins for gluing the boards, the environmental friendliness of the material deteriorates. In order not to harm the human body, it is required to choose only environmentally friendly coloring compositions.

Required tools and materials

It is important to know not only how to paint, but also how to paint MDF doors at home. Initially, it is required to prepare tools, materials, additional devices that will be useful in carrying out the planned work.


  1. Brushes. They are necessary for staining inaccessible and patterned places. The roller cannot catch them. The main thing when choosing brushes is to check the condition of the pile. It should not crumble and climb when working.
  2. Roller. When buying this tool, you need to choose a terry or woolen working part. Foam rollers leave empty spaces when painting.
  3. Tray for coloring composition or primer. Its size is suitable for applying the coloring composition to the working surface of the roller for further work.
  4. You can use any metal stick or electric drill with a mixer to stir the paint.

These were the main tools. You will also need a set of screwdrivers, a screwdriver, or a pry bar. They are needed to remove the door leaf. Plus, masking tape, scissors, a sharp blade for gluing decorative elements. Stencils come in handy for creating decoration. The question of whether it is possible to paint MDF doors with a PVC film coating often arises. In this case, it is required to initially make the smooth plastic rough. To do this, you need to buy fine sandpaper.

Choice of paint

Before you start painting the door leaf, you need to pay special attention to the choice of the coloring composition. There are a number of requirements that you need to pay attention to when choosing a coloring composition:

  1. Choose paints that smell less. These include water-based formulations.
  2. It is important to choose formulations without the addition of toxic and harmful components to the body.
  3. When choosing a paint, you need to pay attention to wear-resistant formulations. The doors are used constantly. Not every coating can withstand intense loads.
  4. Choose fast-drying paints and varnishes. This is typical for water-based and acrylic paints.
  5. MDF has a porous structure, and a matte paint composition will look ugly on such a surface. The glossy outer layer hides this disadvantage.
  6. Purchased containers should be labeled “high adhesion”.
Important! Pay attention to paint consumption. The normal indicator is 1 kg of paint and primer on a door leaf with a size of 2000 × 800 mm.

You can find various paints in the markets, in hardware and hardware stores. They can all be divided into three groups.

Acrylic enamels

You can find a huge number of color shades. The advantages of acrylic compounds are that they do not exude an unpleasant odor and dry quickly.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane enamels

These formulations are considered the most popular. Consumers appreciate these paints for their low price, wide range of colors. Alkyd compounds have significant disadvantages. They give off an unpleasant odor within 3 days after application and take a long time to dry. Do not use alkyd paints to cover the doors to bedrooms and paint anything in rooms where people with allergies live.

Polyurethane enamels

The advantages of these paints are durability and beautiful appearance after application. But the high price, toxicity, unpleasant odor are not suitable for all buyers.

Attention! Any kind of decorative coating needs a certain time to dry before further work is carried out.

Painting process

When tools, materials, accessories are prepared, it is required to create a working atmosphere. In order not to stain the floor, you need to cover it with polyethylene. Paper will not work for this, as it will be saturated with paint and traces will remain on the surface. When the surface is covered, you can begin to carry out the main work.

Preparatory stage

First of all, it is necessary to remove the door leaf from the hinges. If the door is old, a pry bar is used for this. It must be placed on one side under the canvas to make a lever. With pressure on the other side, the blade will go up and off the hinges. In new doors, the hinges are fixed to the door with self-tapping screws. You can unscrew them with a screwdriver or screwdriver.

You need to shoot the canvas together. This is due to the large weight of the structure.

It is required to clean the door with sandpaper. Brush off the debris. Decorative inserts made of metal or glass are sealed with masking tape.


When the canvas is prepared, it is necessary to apply a primer. It will hide various defects. After applying the composition, you need to wait for the time indicated on the package. When the first coat is dry, inspect the surface for scratches and cracks. A total of 3-4 layers of primer are needed. This amount will reduce the absorbency of the MDF.

Painting stage

When the primer is dry, you can start painting. First of all, hard-to-reach places are painted over. A brush is used for this. The surface is painted with a roller. The first coat must dry before proceeding.

After drying, you need to apply another layer, wait until it dries, and cover the canvas with an outer layer. The finishing coat must be applied carefully. After coating, it is necessary to check the finished surface for defects.


To age the door, it is necessary to use glaze as a finishing layer. This is a special thinner that can be purchased from the same place as the paint. It strengthens the structure of MDF, draws the structure of the material. The last layer in the work will be varnishing.

When the varnish is dry, you need to install the door leaf in place, remove the masking tape and throw out the debris. The varnish will strengthen the paint and protect it from mechanical stress.

To paint a MDF door, you do not need to have additional skills. It is important to know the features of this material, to perform a certain sequence of actions. We must not forget about sanding the canvas with sandpaper and covering it with a primer.

03.09.2016 87477

Modern inexpensive means comfort at home. They fully support good noise and heat insulation, as they are full-bodied, produced by pressing various waste lumber. Coloring gives them their proper appearance. Choosing a paint and carrying out the work is more difficult than with an array. This is what will be discussed.

How to choose a coating for MDF canvas

The abbreviation MDF stands for fine fraction. That is, the web consists of shavings and wood fibers, pressed or glued together. There is no need to talk about environmental qualities - the chemical composition is present in large quantities, but the disadvantage is covered by good performance and price. Nevertheless, coloring is difficult precisely because of the fraction - colored and transparent coatings are strongly absorbed. The composition is selected according to the following criteria:

  1. No pungent smell. There are no completely neutral compounds. Subtle smells are present anyway. They can affect the well-being of the master. Water-based enamels are the safest in contrast to alkyd or nitro enamels.
  2. Quick drying. This property is possessed by water-based and acrylic paints.
  3. Gloss is required. The surface of the door is similar to a sponge and the matte color is not very beautiful on it. This will require MDF, which is poured into a container before application to release air bubbles.
  4. High adhesion. This parameter is spelled out on the paint container.
  5. A small expense - for a standard door - 200 * 80 mm, a kilogram can of paint and the same amount of primer should be enough.

The color is chosen according to the designer's vision of the master, but in no case should the door distract attention to itself in the future.

Preparing to paint a MDF door

It is not difficult to paint a door from MDF on your own if you follow the rules of work. You will need tools: a spatula, rags, emery cloths, wood glue. First of all, it is important to prepare the canvas. For this:

  • Remove the door from the hinges and release from the fittings. By the way, new handles will also play a positive role in the interior, along with the chosen color of the door.
  • Lay the canvas on a horizontal surface - when painting, then visible streaks are excluded.
  • They release the old MDF from the old coating by two methods - heating or dissolving the previous layers. It is better to use the first method to prevent softening of the MDF layer, which is already porous.
  • The canvas is sanded. Old newspapers are spread on the floor to collect fine wood dust - later it will come in handy. You will have to act manually - the MDF layers are too soft for mechanical action and in the absence of experience, the structure can be severely disturbed.
  • Collect wood waste and prepare a putty from them, adding wood glue to the dry mass. Such raw materials can hide all defects and at the same time not violate the structure of the door itself. After puttying, the places are cleaned with fine emery cloth - so, all chips and cracks will be hidden by natural material.
Particular importance is attached to the insertion points of locks and handles - from constant activity, they split the fibers of the door. They are impregnated with wood glue and cleaned.

In order for MDF painting to become of high quality, it is important to choose the right tools: brushes, rollers, sponges.

For a dull surface, rollers are suitable, while the paint consumption will decrease. It is better to paint the inserts with brushes.

The paint, in addition to the above qualities, must give the coating strength. Glazal differs in this to a large extent:

  • Does not change colors. It can be added to a topcoat or used as a stand-alone compound.
  • Provides rigidity to the fibers. Painted MDF doors will be durable.
  • Allows you to create textured surfaces. Aging, Venetian coating, imitation of bark beetle and other decorations are made with a sponge or brush strokes. Gauze, rags, film are laid on glazal. By removing, an unusual textured surface is obtained.

The composition is mixed with a base coat or primer. Painting goes as follows:

  • First, the canvas is primed with a large amount of drying oil. In addition to the varnishing effect, it will clog small pores, and the surface will become uniform. It will take 2-3 coats to prevent the coating from absorbing.
  • After drying the canvas, MDF - acrylic or oil. You need to act quickly so that the strokes are uniform, without gaps. Two to three coats will provide color and texture consistency.

The finishing touch will be a layer of varnish. Actually, this is the whole process. Painting MDF is no more difficult than any other surface.

Top coat requirements

  1. Complete natural drying. If it is decided to paint the MDF at home in one tone, without any effects, then the color is best preserved when each layer is kept for at least two days. Adequate drying time will allow the coating to become durable - adhesion will be fully manifested.
  2. Application of paint in one layer, without going through one area twice. Such, will do without gaps. If it is decided to restore semi-antique doors, then they act, on the contrary, on the not yet dried layer, apply contrasting strokes with the end of a dry brush.
  3. Interior and entrance doors are first painted on both sides, then they proceed to the ends. So, there are fewer drips on a flat area. The ends of the MDF door must be protected from moisture penetration to a greater extent than the canvas - they are impregnated with water-repellent compounds before painting.
  4. If the old doors satisfy with their appearance after cleaning, then the natural style is left - it is always appropriate. They use only varnish.

Requirements for tools and materials

  • Paint rollers and paint brushes are first soaked in vinegar to soften them. Hard brushes are useful for creating complex effects - aging for example. A fur roller, when interacting with caustic paints, will leave a pile on the surface, therefore only spongy ones are used.
  • The use of paper tape will make the work neat. This is true for canvases with glass inserts or if it is decided to paint the paneled parts in a different color.
  • Eliminate sloppy traces of mdf paint, as well as drips, immediately. An ordinary sponge is useful for this. You cannot rub the layer, just blot it once.
  • The primer will reduce paint consumption, besides, the surface will become glossy, small cracks and other defects will hide. Drying oil is an inexpensive and reliable option.
  • Solvents will help wipe away the bloopers on the built-in locks. Cotton wool, soaked and laid inside, will not allow the mechanism to jam in the future. After work, it is recommended to lubricate them with machine oil for good functionality.

Not difficultMDF, if you prepare in advance for the process - choose a style, covering material, prepare. The result depends on the applied effort. Independent work will save the family budget and will allow you to get an exclusive model of the home interior.