Build a country shower out of wood with your own hands. Summer shower - choose a practical and original design

V summer heat, after working on the beds or active games with kids, nothing beats the freshness of a summer shower. A small neat building in a sunny spot or just a compact fixture on the wall country house is a temporary replacement for a bathroom.

We will tell you how to build a summer shower with your own hands. In the article presented by us, all types of structures popular among summer residents are described in detail. Instructions are given for the construction of self-made showers that increase the level of comfort country life.

The shower device for giving, which is usually installed near the wall of the house or at some distance from the building, is quite simple. Usually it comes down to a set of "volumetric tank + faucet-watering can". The tank is mounted on roof of the lung buildings, and the watering can should be no higher than at arm's length.

But we will move away from the primitive designs of a summer shower and consider various models, differing both in external design and in the method of water supply.

Curtain on a metal frame

A simple and budget solution - a product frame type. It represents metal frame, at the top of which a water tank is attached. The container can be made from a barrel, but factory models are most often initially equipped with a flat tank with a volume of 100-200 liters.

Water enters the tank in two ways: it is pumped from a water supply system (well, well) or carried by hand, in buckets. The second method is laborious, but sometimes it is the only possible one.

An excellent solution for receiving water procedures in summer period– mobile cabin with shower and washbasin attached with outside. The function of the storage tank for water is performed by a plastic barrel, securely fixed on top.

The metal frame can be sheathed with sheets of polycarbonate, plywood or profiled sheet and equipped with a door, then it will turn into a closed shower stall. It is easy to carry from place to place and set up where it is. this moment necessary: ​​in the garden, in the garden, near the house, summer kitchen or pool.

With the construction technology of a summer shower with polycarbonate sheeting, dedicated to the analysis of options and the construction of similar structures.

Light wooden structure

A building sheathed with clapboard, boards, timber or siding is a more serious solution. If the project is designed for several years, it is recommended to make a foundation that will ensure stability and reliability. Sometimes it's enough metal racks dug into the ground, on which the whole structure rests.

Lightweight semi-open portable model, assembled from thin wooden planks, installed vertically and fixed with metal hoops. Suitable for areas equipped with plumbing

You can be creative and create a unique structure that is both simple and stylish.

It is good to install such buildings near the pool connected to the water supply system. But any systems associated with plumbing are designed more for a cottage than for a country house for temporary residence.

If the site is fully erected well-appointed house, can be attached to the wall of the house by organizing the water supply.

Wooden buildings and partitions can become a design element if they are assembled from well-crafted wooden parts and then cover decorative paint or varnish

Wood is valuable because it goes well with brick and wooden houses, fences, green spaces. In addition, it belongs to soft, easy-to-handle materials, so you can do the device of a comfortable summer shower in the country on your own.

As you have noticed, to create a comfortable booth, you do not need complex drawings and diagrams - a small amount of wooden parts and a little imagination are enough.

Capital building with tank

If you live outside the city permanently or spend more than six months, a capital structure made of bricks, timber, foam blocks will come in handy. In order for the shower to be supplied with water, the storage tank must be connected to the water supply system, and to use the premises even in October or in early spring heating can be done.

For better functionality equipment it is placed inside the building, under the roof. A watering can with a tap is mounted in the lower part, a tap for water supply is fixed on the side, and a heating element on the other side

When cold weather sets in, the system must be completely freed from water, otherwise it will freeze and disable all equipment.

An exception is made only if the building is insulated - for example, it is an extension to the house and is partially heated by a common heating system.

A variant of a household building made of bricks with a tank. There are three rooms under one roof: a shower, a toilet and a change house, a separate door leads to each compartment

Perhaps all summer residents know that it is simply impossible to do without a shower on the site. This is especially true in the summer, when after a whole day of work on the beds, it is necessary to take water procedures simply for hygiene reasons.

It is easy to assemble an outdoor shower, and there are a great many manufacturing options. Some aspects of the work will be discussed below.


As a temporary solution, you can do simple shower: fix a metal or plastic tank, preferably dark color, with a faucet and a mixer, make a screen. Everything about everything will take a minimum amount of materials, time and labor, so that such a structure can be erected in a few minutes.

Polycarbonate shower

Stages of work:

  • First level the place where the construction is supposed to be.
  • Then you need to mark the place. A wooden stake is driven into the ground. Then, at a distance of about two meters from it, the next one is driven in and a cord is pulled between them.
  • In the same way, two more pegs are driven in and connected to form a square. To check the correctness of the markup, the diagonals are compared, they must match.
  • In places of marking corners, it is necessary to dig holes with a depth of about 1 meter.
  • Wooden or metal poles are installed in these pits. It is important to remember that the part of the column that will be below ground level must be treated with waterproofing materials, for example, wrapped with roofing material. As a sealant, necessary to firmly hold the post in the ground, you can use a brick battle or concrete, if we are talking about a metal frame.
  • Then you need to perform the crate of the structure. At a distance of about a meter from each other, boards are nailed or screwed with self-tapping screws or metal profile pipes are welded. Such a crate must be made over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. Where there will be a door, the crate is not made.
  • Then polycarbonate sheets are mounted on the walls. The sheet is cut to size and screwed with screws.
  • The next stage of construction is the installation of the roof. As a roofing material, you can use, for example, simple slate. Several horizontal bars are pre-laid and fixed, which will perform the functions truss system. Slate sheets are laid and fixed on them. It should be borne in mind that on one side, small blocks should be placed under the bearing beam in order to provide the angle of inclination necessary for the precipitation to drain.
  • Next, a water tank is installed. In the place of its installation, it is necessary to additionally strengthen the floors. The tank can be made, in principle, from any material, but plastic should be preferred. Such a tank will be much lighter than a metal one, which is important.
  • And, finally, the final step is door installation: a wooden frame of suitable size is sheathed with polycarbonate and mounted on hinges.

As a floor, you can use a simple pallet, which is a lattice made of wooden beam.

Shower cabin on a metal frame

For the manufacture of a shower cabin, you can use a metal corner.

  • First, the frame is welded. Its dimensions are chosen arbitrarily, but the height of the building must be at least 2 meters.
  • After the frame is made and installed, a water tank is mounted on top, and some kind of opaque film stretched between the supports will serve as walls.

In order to take a shower for one person, you will need at least 20 liters of water, which means that even the smallest water tank should have a capacity of about 50 liters. It follows that the place of installation of this tank must be well fortified.

Video: building a summer shower on a metal frame with a 220 l barrel

Among the materials, one can also mention the metal profile that has become familiar. As in the previous case, the frame of the building is assembled, and then sheathed with this material. In principle, this option deserves attention, but with practical side metal is not the best choice.

Will happen in the soul constant contact with water, which means that no matter how well the profile sheet is covered protective compounds corrosion will set in quickly.

Again, as a temporary measure hastily the issue can be resolved. With all the materials necessary for the construction, such a structure is assembled in just a few hours. But, perhaps, this is one of its few advantages.

Video: construction of a summer shower from a metal profile


This option is good in all respects, as it allows you to use the shower in any weather, however, its device is somewhat more complicated and requires more knowledge and skills.

It may be added that one of essential conditions The work of such a shower is a reliable thermal insulation device. Expanded polystyrene can be called as the most suitable material for this. It is moisture resistant and easy to install. And if you also cover it with a dense film, you get an almost airtight room that will be relatively warm in itself.

To speed up the heating of water in the tank, it can be painted black.

If a heated system is used, then it can be additionally equipped with an automatic set of water, which will make life easier for yourself, but all these technical devices will entail additional financial investments.



Summer is a great time for country rest. It can be overshadowed by the absence of a shower, since a person, regardless of whether he works or rests, needs to perform water procedures.

If the cottage is used only in the summer, then the easiest way to organize a shower is on the site. You can make a mobile shower, or build a solid outbuilding.

Portable outdoor shower

In stores you can find a foot shower. It does not require any construction or installation to operate. As a rule, only a small container of water is needed to use it.

An existing hose is lowered into the tank, which is connected to the pump. It looks like a small rug. Water comes out through a hose with a watering can, and for it to go, a person just needs to stomp in one place.

This device is simply indispensable, as it is suitable not only for summer cottages, but also for picnics, you can take it with you on trips.

With its help, water procedures can be carried out not only on the street, but also in the house, when it is very cool outside.

To do this, you just need to put a basin and wash. Another advantage of a mobile shower is self-adjustment water temperature. Such a shower in the country is simply not replaceable.

Stationary shower

Many summer residents are interested in how to make a stationary shower. This option is quite expensive compared to the first one. However, it will serve you for many years.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to consider where the water will drain from it. It is good when there is an antiseptic on the site. It can be drained from the shower.

If it is absent, then you need to make a hole, fill the bottom with expanded clay. A family needs a pit measuring 60x60x60 cm.

If sand predominates in the soil, the walls of the recess will have to be strengthened so that they do not crumble. For this, a metal mesh or boards that are no longer needed are suitable.

shower base

As a rule, the shower building weighs little. Therefore, it makes no sense to make a foundation for it, it can be replaced with blocks. They are leveled at the same level so that the structure is level.

It is much cheaper than the foundation, and takes much less time to build, since the foundation must dry out, and the building can be erected immediately on the blocks.

Blocks should be placed 20 cm from the ground, this is necessary so that the tree does not rot.

In the event that you are going to make a metal structure, then the blocks can not be aligned at a level of 20 cm. Such a frame can be installed on ordinary paving slabs.


There are two types of building. The first is when the building is divided into several parts. In one part, a shower is made, in the other a dressing room or technical room where the boiler is installed.


The second type is a simple shower with a curtain, where only water procedures will be performed. Therefore, the dimensions of the soul are calculated from what kind of building is planned.

Frame types

Metal. The frame can be made of a profiled pipe, 3 mm in size. Required for work welding machine.

Pipe joints are best welded, so the structure will be stronger. If the device is not available, then the joints can be fastened with special bolts.

Tree. For construction, you need a beam. Usually use a bar with a size of 50x50 mm. Before starting construction, it is necessary to make a drawing of the shower in the country.

shower sheathing

After the frame has been erected, the shower must be covered with material. There are no specific material standards. Everyone chooses according to his own pocket.

Let's highlight the most popular materials:

  • oilcloth;
  • the cloth;
  • wood;
  • slate;
  • polycarbonate.

Water tank

Absolutely any container can be used as a tank. Basically, these are metal or plastic barrels. They can be purchased at any building, country stores.


When choosing, consider the region of residence. For southern cities, any capacity is suitable, but for northern regions only metal, as it heats up faster.

shower tray

It is best to purchase a pallet ready-made, as it will have a drain that will directly merge into the pit. The pallet is made of plastic or metal. Metal will last much longer, so it is advisable to choose it.

Making a summer shower in the country is not so difficult. The main thing is to thoroughly approach the design and calculate in advance the amount of material required.

For clarity, you can consider a photo of a summer soul in the country with your own hands. It will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable.

Do-it-yourself photo of the soul in the country


Water treatments in the open air are very useful, so many adherents of relaxation and hardening decide to make a summer shower for a shower in the country with their own hands, or at least install a finished booth on the site. This article will help you understand the design features, choose the right size and installation location, draw up a preliminary diagram and complete all stages of construction without errors.

Types of autonomous toilets. Choosing a place for building a toilet in a summer cottage

If it is planned to build a capital shower for a do-it-yourself brick cottage, it is advisable to use a strip type of foundation. A trench is formed along the perimeter of the future building. The optimal depth is 0.5 m. Next, the formwork is installed. At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to form a sand and gravel cushion with a thickness of 0.1 m. After that, reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured. This must be done in such a way that ready-made the foundation rose above ground level by about 0.1 m.

When the base is completely hardened and dry, it will be possible to begin the construction of the sewer system.

How to organize a drain system in the shower in the country with your own hands

There are several ways to organize a waste system in a shower stall. The choice of construction technology depends on several factors:

  • type of soil on the site;
  • type of foundation;
  • the number of people living in the house.

If a monolithic slab is used as the foundation for a summer shower in the country house, then before filling it is necessary to lay a system of plastic pipes with an elbow. The plate is formed in such a way that on all sides there is a slope towards the drain hole. The sewer pipe is led outside the shower and connected to common system drains. You can bring the drainage to the drainage well.

Useful advice! For the construction of a similar sewer for a booth installed on a foundation of a different type, it is not necessary to fill the floors with concrete. It is enough to buy a summer shower for giving with a pallet made of acrylic. This element will serve as the floor.

With connection to sewer systembest option for big family, since the pit will not be able to accommodate the volume of wastewater that will be formed during operation. If the design is designed for 1-2 people, it will be enough to drain directly under the booth. But this type of system is suitable for areas with a loose type of soil, when the shower is installed on a columnar or pile foundation. This option can also be used for strip base.

First you need to remove a layer of soil with a depth of 0.5 m. The formed depression is filled with gravel or stone to half its height. The rest is covered with crushed stone with a fine fraction. After the cabin structure is assembled, a pallet made in the form of a wooden lattice is installed on the crushed stone layer. The system is designed in such a way that wastewater passes through the drainage layers and gradually soaks into the soil.

Sometimes the owners summer cottages lead the sewer into the garden, which cannot be called good decision. If you still resort to a similar method, it is desirable that the place where the water drains is well warmed by the sun. Otherwise, the liquid will accumulate, and a swamp full of mosquitoes will form around the shower.

Making a cabin for a summer shower: photo and construction technology

For the construction of a cabin for makeshift shower any available materials can be used.

Suitable for these purposes:

  • wood;
  • polycarbonate;
  • corrugated board;
  • brick.

Each type of material has its own advantages, features and properties.

How to build a shower in the country with your own hands: economy cabin

There is a little trick that will help you achieve savings in the process of building a shower house. To reduce costs, it is enough to use one of the blank walls of the building as a side for a booth.

Before you build a budget type summer shower, you need to fix a water tank on the wall small size equipped with a watering can. Here you can also install elements related to comfort, for example, hooks for clothes, shelves, etc. At the top of the future structure is a partition. It is fixed on the wall of the building. As front door a tarpaulin or film (necessarily opaque) can be used. The curtain is suspended with rings.

The floor is arranged so that the drains are diverted as far as possible from the foundation part of the house. To do this, a platform is concreted or you can get by with installing a pallet made of acrylic.

Useful advice! If use inner corner building, having an L-shaped, you can generally avoid the construction of the sides of the booth. Their function will be performed by the walls of the building.

Building a wooden cabin for a country shower with your own hands

The most common version of a country shower is a booth made in the form wooden house. This type of building is considered one of the most affordable. Wood is easy to process. At the same time, it perfectly retains heat, which is undoubted advantage if the shower will be used in cold weather.

For the construction of a summer shower in a private house with your own hands, it is advisable to use a wooden beam. For the manufacture of corner posts of the booth, a material with a section size of 10x10 cm is required. A tank for 200 liters of water is installed in the upper part of the shower, so the beam must be thick enough to withstand such a weight load.

To hang the door, you will need to install two additional racks in front of the booth. These elements are placed between the corner posts. For their manufacture, you can take a bar with a section size of 5x5 cm.

To form a small slope angle for shed roof cabins, it is recommended to install the front corner posts 0.2 m higher than the rear ones. This is not required if a square-shaped tank is used as a container. In this case, the racks are mounted on the same level.

All supports are attached to wooden frame bottom strapping. For fixing it is necessary to use hardware and metal corners. At the top of the structure, strapping is done in a similar way. You can use spacers to secure the racks more firmly. On the upper trim of the frame part of the booth, a basis for mounting the container is formed. In this case, you need to read not only the size, but also the shape of the tank.

For sheathing the frame part of the building, you can use a board 2 cm thick. Such material fit and for making doors. It is necessary to lay the boards in one row and knock them together with the help of two jumpers. To prevent the door from skewing, the structure can be strengthened obliquely using a long rail. door frame for a country summer shower it is made of boards, the thickness of which is 4 cm. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws as fasteners.

When the booth is completely ready, it can be opened with a colored varnish composition. WITH inside the entrance is curtained with a film, otherwise the doors will swell from moisture.

Useful advice! Often, a large barrel for a shower in the country is used for construction. By installing a watering can over the structure, you can get a budget option wooden cabin.

Polycarbonate garden shower technology

Since wood is subject to deformation changes under the influence of moisture, many site owners are thinking about how to make a shower in the country with their own hands from more practical and resistant materials, such as polycarbonate. The frame part of the cabin is made in the same way as in the case of a wooden shower, however, a metal profile must be used as the material. Optimal size section - 4x6 cm.

The frame part of the cabin is formed with the help of racks and jumpers between them. In this case, are used metal elements, so a welding machine is required to fasten them. Moreover, the assembly order can be performed in several ways. In the first case, the frame part is welded separately, after which it is installed on the base and fastened with anchor bolts. The second method involves concreting racks during the pouring of the foundation. Then the strapping is formed, spacers are attached.

It is desirable to use a 1 cm thick sheet material as a polycarbonate shower sheathing. It is fixed on a metal frame with the help of hardware, which must necessarily have sealing gaskets.

Installation of the tank and features of the construction of a shower in a country house with heating by one's own hands

At the last stage of the construction of the shower, a tank is installed. The container can be made independently using any container made of stainless steel or plastic. To do this, it is necessary to form a hole in the bottom, the diameter of which is 1.5 cm. A pipe segment with a thread on both sides is attached to it with the help of nuts. The length of this element should be 30 cm.

In the roof of the booth in the center, you need to make a hole where the pipe will be inserted. After installing the tank, a tap and a watering can made of plastic are screwed onto the free end. Then the container is firmly fixed on the frame of the frame part of the booth, filled with water and covered with a lid.

To create a summer shower with heating for a summer residence, it is enough to install a heating element in the tank. Of course, the natural energy of the sun can be used to heat water. In this case, there will be no electricity costs. However, the sun's rays are not able to heat a large volume of liquid. In addition, not every region has the necessary climatic conditions.

On the network you can find many schemes needed to connect a summer shower for a heated cottage to electricity. The advantage of these devices is that the water warms up in the tank quickly enough, regardless of the time of day and the weather outside. At the same time, a person can adjust temperature regime. If you attach a piece of foam to the hose, the most warm water. For the same reason, liquid is taken from the upper zone of the tank.

Useful advice! To speed up the process of heating the liquid, you can add a coil to the circuit.

Is it possible to buy a summer shower for a summer residence inexpensively: prices for finished structures

To simplify the construction technology, you can buy a ready-made summer shower and install it on a prepared base. The cost of cabins is varied and depends on various factors.

The following points affect the price of products:

  • material of manufacture;
  • modification (presence of a locker room);
  • the shape of the water tank (in the form of a barrel, a square tank);
  • complete set (availability heating element, tank, temperature sensor, etc.);
  • tank capacity;

  • the material from which the water tank is made.

Average prices for finished structures

Name price, rub.

Metal frame and PVC fabric

garden shower

Garden shower with water heater

Garden shower with water heater and dressing room

Polycarbonate construction

Cabin with 130 l tank

Cabin with 200 l tank

Cabin with 130 l tank with heating

A wide variety of materials suitable for construction, as well as manufacturing technologies, allows any summer resident to acquire a comfortable and convenient shower in the country. Moreover, you can make a booth yourself from improvised means or purchase it ready-made in a specialized store.