How to improve a country house. Beautiful garden and vegetable garden - how to equip

Summer cottages in our time do not differ in a large territory. Therefore, their owners often have to decide the issue of placing all the necessary residential and outbuildings, not to mention a garden with a garden, in a very limited space. In most cases, they solve the problem in terms of practicality, leaving comfort in the background. This circumstance inevitably affects the appearance of the landscape. However, with a rational approach, arranging a plot of 10 acres with your own hands can be a completely solvable task.

Important aspects of rational placement

It should be noted that this type of design includes a number of areas with peculiar variants of technical ideas and solutions. They relate to the size of each zone and its saturation with certain elements. This diversity gives the consumer the opportunity to choose the phased layout of the scheme of such a site.

The advice of professional designers regarding the location of a residential building boils down, basically, to the recommendation to locate it closer to the access road and the entrance to the site. This creates conditions for facilitating access to communication systems, which, as a rule, run along the route.

As a result of such planning of a dacha territory with an area of ​​10 acres, there is a rational delimitation of the residential area from the garden part of the site, which is extremely important with such a small area.

According to another type of projects, the placement of residential buildings is supposed to be in the background of the summer cottage, away from the roadway. However, this variant of country design should be resorted to when it is planned to equip a lawn or set up a small park in the foreground of the country house.

The final decision on the layout should be made based on personal preferences or the desire to give the site a certain appearance.

To decorate the main building, it is appropriate to use compositions made up of trimmed shrubs or limit yourself to one large bush or plant two or more trees symmetrically in front of the house. In addition to garden plants, special decorative items can serve as decorations.

Location of outbuildings

Buildings of this type, in addition to garages and parking spaces, include greenhouses, greenhouses, sheds for tools and various garden tools. This may also include premises for livestock, pigs or poultry, if the owners of the cottage are engaged in poultry or animal husbandry. In order to save the most usable space such buildings should be placed in the form of a complex. To do this, they often try to combine the garage with outbuildings or attach them to the main building.

Some experts in the field of design and landscape design, in order to highlight the working area, often recommend that such buildings (with the exception of the garage) be located at the other end of the summer cottage. In this case, the working part of the territory does not spoil the appearance and does not interfere with rest.

It must be said that the placement of such buildings is planned to create maximum comfort during their operation, therefore, the issues of landscaping such relatively small suburban areas are always discussed by designers with their future users. At the same time, in the design process, it is advisable to use special software that allows, in addition to the plan, to get a picture of all the elements in a three-dimensional perspective.

Communication systems

When creating a design project for a dacha with an area of ​​​​10 acres, the position of all communication systems is marked on it, because it makes no sense to talk about the full improvement of such a site without water and gas supply systems, electricity and sewerage. This part of the design not only facilitates the work on the location of buildings on the site, but also allows you to correctly supply electricity, water and gas to the buildings and competently divert sewage from them.

At the same time, in order to comply with operational requirements, transformer booths, wells for wells, gas pipelines themselves and gas pipeline entry points should be placed separately.

Many designers prefer to use special buildings - technical rooms for wiring communication systems. It is recommended to install all these systems at some distance from the main residential building in order to comply with fire safety regulations and other technical regulations.

Lawn or garden?

It is impossible to imagine any suburban area without a garden, a garden, or at least a lawn, if it is considered only as a place of rest, and not an area for growing vegetables or fruits. Therefore, projects for the design of a territory of a small area are created not only taking into account the personal tastes of future owners, but also with a bias towards the most aesthetic landscape. This is very appealing to most owners of such cottages, giving them the opportunity to grow certain crops for their table on their own plot. In addition, site planning is a process that allows you to realize your creative potential in the field of landscape design.

According to experts in this field, the garden should be located on the far side of the land, and it is better to place fruit trees in the foreground. If it is planned to equip greenhouses on the site, then it is more expedient to break them in the depths of the territory, choosing for this the space that is most open to the sun.

As for the arrangement of a green lawn on a summer cottage with an area of ​​​​10 acres, this idea has recently gained increasing popularity. After all, a lawn with its natural grass cover can become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family, while the price of the grass itself is relatively low, and caring for it is not the slightest difficulty.

Since large lawn areas look deserted, some designers advise not to arrange large lawns or dilute them with shrubs, flowers, trees, or other design elements.

Of course, each site is individual in its own way, so the rules for a single territory may change. This is mainly due to uneven terrain or the non-standard shape of the territory. Decor lovers can be recommended to place sculptural compositions or individual figures on the site.

Also, when designing, you can use the following tips:

  • Outbuildings should be located near a residential building, subject to the principle of visual camouflage.
  • When laying out a garden and a vegetable garden, the house should stand in the northern part of the territory for uniform lighting and excluding shadows over crops.
  • The optimal ratio of the area of ​​​​the house to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot should be 1/10 of the total area.

Every person, for sure, dreams of always being surrounded by beauty. Beauty should surround us not only in the house, but also on the street. Today, it is customary to decorate not only the interior of the dwelling, but also garden plots. A professional designer will be able to do everything in the highest class. But you will have to pay a lot of money for his services. And if you do not have huge sums of money, then you can do it on your own. Indeed, in order to make your courtyard attractive, you do not need to spend a lot of money. In this case, you can get by on a limited budget. Remember that do-it-yourself garden design for the poor can make absolutely any summer cottage attractive.

We plan an economical garden design

It is important to say at the beginning that it is not possible to ennoble the site without spending money at all. Therefore, it is worth first calculating the amount of finance that you can allocate for landscaping. Below we describe the sequence of actions by which your garden will become more attractive.

Looking for building materials.

Old trash, for sure, is in your country house. As a rule, it is stored in sheds or pantries. You will use the items suitable for garden design. In this case, the following may be involved in decorating the garden: boards, logs, old tires from a car, leaky barrels and buckets, pieces of reinforcement. For arranging small mini-flower beds, you can even use holey shoes. And an old bathtub and a broken stroller can be used as a flower garden.

We evaluate the site and future work.

If you are interested in do-it-yourself garden design, then you can look at some photos for inspiration. Thanks to them, you can find the perfect solution for you. Before you start decorating a garden, it is important to evaluate your site and draw up a rough plan for it. In this case, you can use a computer program, and if you do not know how to be friends with a computer, then you do not need to despair. Arm yourself with a pen with a notebook and go to your yard. It is necessary to sketch out a rough plan of your site on a piece of paper. Designate in the notebook the house and those buildings that are involved as household. In the plan, it is worth indicating the location of the cardinal points. It is also necessary to evaluate the configuration of the site. Write about your soil and note any irregularities that it has.

If the house was recently built and there are no landings next to it, then this is a good situation. But in practice it is quite different. And so we all want to change the situation and produce an inexpensive landscape design for a summer cottage. As a rule, cheap materials or those materials that are at hand can be used here. You need to think about the layout of the garden plot. What changes will you make in this case? If you intend to move the garden, then think in advance about the work that will be carried out.

Those plants that already grow in the country are written out on a separate sheet. In a separate column, indicate those trees and plants that do not make sense to replant. You can quickly and cheaply change the situation in your garden with the help of perennials. You don't need to buy plants. It is enough to ask your friends who can give you their shoots.

Planning details.

From the hands of an experienced designer, a beautiful drawing and a plan for describing actions to improve a garden plot can come out. But even without any skills, you can also do just as well. On a plan in a regular notebook, draw with a pen those details that you want to get. In this case, it is necessary to place explanatory notes on the sidelines.

On the plan, flower beds are indicated by an oval or a square. It all depends on the form that they will have in the future. Straight or winding lines indicate paths in the garden. Large circles are large trees. Small circles are shrubs. A number is placed in the center of the circle. And then on a separate sheet opposite each we put down the name of the plant.

In general, for design elements you need to develop your own notation. This system should be convenient and understandable for you. At the same time, you can change your plan taking into account the possibilities and your desires.

There are a few tips to keep in mind when planning your garden design. In this case, you can make the right decision and make your garden very beautiful.

We take into account the location of the cardinal points.

  • On the garden plot, everything should be located correctly relative to the cardinal points.
  • The north side will always be in the shade. Therefore, in this area it is better to place a place to relax.
  • On the eastern side, the sun's rays stay from sunrise until noon. In such a zone, it is most pleasant to drink a cup of tea in the early morning and listen to the birds singing. Therefore, it is recommended to place a table or bench here.
  • The west side is well illuminated by the sun's rays. This usually happens from noon until sunset.
  • The south side is considered the best in the garden. The sun is in this part of the day during the whole daylight hours. Therefore, all design elements, as well as flower beds, are recommended to be located in this zone.

We divide the site into zones.

Even the smallest land plot can be divided into certain zones. In this case, you do not have to build huge walls or plant expensive shrubs. Here you can get by on a budget. To divide the site, it is enough to drive in a couple of stakes and pull the twine. A climbing perennial or annual plant is worth planting nearby. The effect will be amazing. You can also stretch the twine between two trees.

On a solid support that can last more than one year, you can start up: various varieties of grapes, clematis, honeysuckle. You can divide the site by means of: arches with looping plants, trellises or some kind of decorative walls.

Paths and paths.

Ordinary paths and paths in the country are not the best solution. As a rule, walking on them is not very convenient due to dirt and weeds. Resolving the situation is easy. The paths are tiled. It's comfortable and beautiful. You can also fill them with rubble or gravel. Naturally, the second option is cheaper, but if you have the opportunity, then choose a tile.

An excellent solution for the garden would be a grass path called "highlander". This weed easily masters any surface. He is not afraid of trampling, and in the summer it is a real pleasure to walk along such a path. This herb is growing at a fast pace. Therefore, its growth can be reduced by trimming with trimmer scissors.

A beautiful and very comfortable path can be made from birch logs. These logs are simply sawn into circles, which should not be too thin. After that, the path is laid out in circles. The result will be very beautiful, and the path will lay you down for a long time.

On a note! You should not lay out a path from birch circles in the place where children play. They can trip over the mugs and injure themselves.

And some more tips for arranging paths and paths.

  • For a solo hike, a path 60-80 cm wide is suitable.
  • For paired paths, a path is constructed with a width of 1.2 meters.
  • To approach the house, a path is built, having a width of 1.2-1.4 meters. Moreover, the garden path on the way to the house should gradually expand.
  • The shape of the path must be chosen taking into account the landscape features of your summer cottage.
  • If the path has sharp bends, then they are masked. As a rule, in this case, ornamental trees or shrubs are used.
  • From the front door to the gate there should be a flat and wide road.

Let's talk about borders

Borders are an integral part of any suburban area. You can build them from different materials. Suitable in this case: tiles and border tape. But sometimes such materials are not available in the country. The way out is very simple. Take discs and planks of wood. But they should be pre-soaked with used engine oil. This action will prevent the material from rotting. Such borders may not last long. But during this time you can find those materials that will become a replacement and form a beautiful border.

Lawn in the country.

In this article, we list DIY garden design ideas. In addition to tips, you can also see photos here. In landscape design, a lawn is quite common. But this element is considered the most difficult to care for. And if there is no money to buy seeds, but you really want to have a plot with a lawn, then you can get by with a budget option. In this situation, a grassy area is selected, which is regularly mowed. Remember that with constant mowing of grass, weeds lose their ability to grow and also multiply. In a couple of years of such actions, weed grass will completely leave the site, and it will be replaced by beautiful grasses that usually grow in a meadow.

A meadow grass lawn will not be very beautiful. However, it is extremely easy to care for such a site. They mow it once a month, and the grass is not removed at the same time, it will be fertilizer. In addition, it will be difficult for weeds to grow through it. This type of lawn has several other advantages. For example, he is not afraid of trampling and it is so pleasant to walk barefoot on it in the summer to harden the body.

Small forms of architecture.

Auxiliary elements in the decor of the garden plot are MAFs. MAF are small architectural forms. They can be: benches, gazebos, arches, pergolas and other elements. Some of these elements are easy to make yourself. In this case, you do not have to spend huge amounts of money. Here, for example, it is very simple to make benches. And to add beauty or from strong winds, a trellis is installed behind the bench, which is made of slats or planks. Also, for beauty, you can plant vines that will beautifully braid this support.

Quite often on the garden plot you can see gazebos. But it is not so easy to build it with your own hands. And yes, this is costly. You can do it differently. Take reinforcement or high poles, from which form a hut. Climbing plants are planted next to such a structure. Naturally, such an arbor is not capable of protecting from rain and precipitation. But it is quite possible to hide from the sun. In addition, such a product will be an excellent decorative element.

Flowerbeds and flowerbeds.

Just digging up a plot and planting flowers on it is half the battle. It is worth remembering that even the most expensive plant varieties will look ridiculous in untidy beds or flower beds. It is best to use fewer plants in the composition. However, it is worth thinking about their combination.

In the country, flower beds and flower beds can be of completely different shapes. Moreover, the size can also be different. Building a beautiful flower garden is not an easy task. But, if you take into account some rules, then you will succeed.

First of all, the chosen place and environmental conditions are evaluated. The site for planting flowers should be consecrated and have fertile soil. Plants are planted only in a suitable place. They are grouped according to the requirement for watering. In this case, it is highly not recommended to plant a moisture-loving plant with a plant that loves moderate watering. In such a situation, one of the plants will necessarily suffer.

When planting flowers, pay attention to layering. In the foreground are low flowers. But plant large ones in the back. Small plants should frame the entire flower garden if it is clearly visible from all sides. But large flowers are planted in the center.

Throughout the season, the flower garden should play a decorative role. Before planning your flower bed, you need to know the flowering time of the plants you plan to plant. Pay attention to decorative leafy plants. They are quite varied. Therefore, you can easily find everything you need.

In the flower garden, all flowering plants should be combined in color. A flower bed should be well-chosen. White flowers are a good option. They can be combined with flowers of any color. But the 50:50 color ratio isn't particularly pretty. The correct combination of 1/3 and 2/3.

Flowerbeds from handy material

Do you think that decorating the site with flowers is an expensive undertaking? Then it is worth saying that you are grossly mistaken. You will have to spend money only on planting material, but to create flower beds you will need handy materials. An old bath, an unwanted log, and even a leaky bucket - all this can serve you to create an original flower bed.

Old shoes and bags may be involved in landscaping. These items are filled with earth and hung throughout the site. Lobelia and petunia grow well in such interesting flower beds.

If you pre-paint the old car tires, then you can plant flowers in them.


In this article, we have listed for readers just a few options for arranging a summer cottage. Of course, we offer you not expensive ideas with which your garden will sparkle with new colors.

Harmony and comfort are the main wishes of all summer residents. Our ideas for a country house will find a visual embodiment in competent improvement. At the same time, saving energy, time and finances is dear to us, because serene rest is the main occupation on a country estate.

The strict format here gives way to original, sometimes fantastic ideas for landscape and interior design. Combining fragments of ready-made options is welcome. And the country style dominates here in its diverse manifestations, which gives us freedom of choice.

Original home improvement

It is the well-thought-out interior of the cottage that contributes to a comfortable restorative rest. Stylish and comfortable design is possible even for a hut with one room, and its external decoration is important both for strength and for creating a pleasant mood. Do-it-yourself home improvement is interesting, joyful and practical.

We will paint the facade with bright colors, and we will make the walls and windows, the door slightly contrasting. Sunny yellow goes well with brown, blue, red, or green. From such color ideas, our little house will sparkle like a cute field bouquet, and flowerpots on the windowsills will only emphasize the similarity.

rustic color

In the photo - pastoral cozy design of a small house.

Advice! The internal space of a single room will necessarily require division into zones for rest, lunch, and sleep. A mobile and decorative screen with fresh indoor flowers, a transparent or heavy curtain will fashionably and unobtrusively divide the room.

The instructions of the designers say that the following elements will bring a valuable folk flavor to the architecture:

  • carved architraves on windows and an entrance;
  • thematic pastoral paintings and photos;
  • souvenir crafts and attributes of peasant life;
  • wooden parts coated with varnish, not paint.

Modern touches

  • Ecostyle and minimalism are also suitable for a small cottage. They will help us create magic: turn the house into a beautiful and worthy abode.
  • Only natural shades are characteristic of the colors of these styles.
  • We will equip country houses from block containers with a transforming table, an armchair-bed to expand the space.

Unusual furniture

Country furniture should contribute to a pleasant stay. Its comfort is successfully combined with ease of transfer or transformation to save space.

And coating with varnish or paint guarantees hygiene and ease of cleaning.

  • We will fix the tabletop according to the technique of the Russian log house, and the benches - to the logs. This set is stable without nails - a hacksaw and an ax will make the connections strong.
  • High-quality walnut, oak, cherry, beech, birch, linden wood will increase the life of rustic furniture. Teak is the most resistant to frost, pine gives a healing effect, and aspen suppresses unhealthy energy.
  • Whole logs, twigs, bizarre stumps and logs are most suitable, and we use chipboard, plywood, fiberboard in detail: for backs, seats.

  • Decorating such furniture with fabric, stones and metal inlay will provide it with originality and originality.
  • Fastening parts with bolts, screws, nails guarantees reliability and stability. PVC and furniture glue will save you from squeaks.
  • Careful grinding and processing with special water-repellent coatings will increase the durability of the country headset.

  • Old furniture - free material for stylish interior details and original landscape. So, we will put planters on the chairs, we will remake the cabinets for decorative flower containers for the garden.
  • We will repair rare furniture and renew its decor: we will encrust, varnish or just paint.
  • Homemade save the family budget. A strong rope, an old chair and bearings - that's what we need. We will strengthen the wooden chair with slats and paint it. Then we drill holes for the rope and tie it on a strong branch of a mighty tree.

Summer cottage decoration

The most convenient, but the same type of country houses from block containers are especially in need of the original arrangement. Our imagination and efforts will give them a charming originality and characteristic individuality. And the use of construction waste will make such artistic and architectural design absolutely cost-free.

We use a stone

  • An exclusive table made of natural stone looks natural in his garden. We will independently pick up and lay the stones in a rectangular cube (but easier - from a brick). Then we attach the side flower cassettes, cover the walls with moss and install the countertop.
  • Stones, boulders will make our flower beds unique.
  • Gravel will decorate garden paths and the bottom of a miniature reservoir.
  • An oriental-style oasis - a small rock garden with a flower garden and a pond will give us a pleasant freshness even in the heat.

  • We will pave the paths with rubble, and the distant paths.

Fence Design Ideas

Fence shelves are a practical idea for organizing a normally unused space.

Many ideas for a country house and summer cottage delight with their originality.

The main thing is that we will create these options ourselves.

  • All you need is a drill and large multi-colored transparent beads or glass.
  • We will drill through holes in a wooden fence and paste beads and glass there.
  • They sparkle in the sun with precious gems.

Unique reservoirs

  • Technological conditions are such that water is not absorbed at all, and its surface retains the illusion of a natural surface.
  • First, we will model the reservoir, calculate the dimensions and determine its place on the site. And at the same time we will decide whether it will become a corner of wildlife or a cultural recreation area.
  • Along the contour, we will remove a layer of soil, forming at the same time “shores”.

Advice! Do not dig a deep hole, because the more water, the more difficult it is to clean. Therefore, even for the wintering of fish, there is enough pit with a depth below the annual freezing and a diameter of 2 m.

  • The most spectacular ponds are terraces, gradually descending to the bottom. Here they picturesquely hold algae and decor on their horizontal ledges.
  • We level the bottom of the pit with sand, cover it with waterproofing - geotextiles, polyethylene, roofing material or old linoleum.
  • The overlap of the joints and care for the edges of the walls of the reservoir - 1m, which will ensure tightness.
  • Thick polyethylene is an excellent hydraulic barrier. When filled with water, it fits tightly along the relief bottom and approaches the outlet left at the walls. Now only we will fix this release with stones.

Advice. Mandatory sizing with sealant or thermal soldering of polyethylene seams with an iron through paper is a guarantee of high-quality waterproofing.

  • In a large pond, we lay the bottom with the most rigid plastic profile that we buy at gardening markets. Its sturdy construction is laid directly on the sand.
  • The peculiarity of the pond decoration, its vegetation, paths and decorative highlights in the form of a fountain or a mill will make our country oasis unique.
  • A variety of fountains powered by electricity are quite accessible to us. After all, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is real and inexpensive. The generator up to 30 kW is ideal at the price and a practicality.

  • A variety of configurations of finished models, steps for descent, color variations and other design are constantly being improved. The owner himself can install it in a couple of hours.
  • We just dig in the purchased frame and plant it with flowers.
  • Bench, deck chair, hammock and sunshade will turn this wonderful oasis into a special place to relax even on a hot day.

Fairy decor

The arrangement of the cottage also provides for the decoration of each section of the yard.

For example, we will build a table and chairs from stumps that have not yet been uprooted. It is only necessary to level their surface and attach painted plywood seats and a tabletop.

Children are delighted with the painted flat plywood figures - cartoon characters who have settled in the garden and on the playground. Their price is only the cost of acrylic paints, and we know how to cut with a jigsaw since school.


  • The sports area usually has favorite gymnastic equipment, a tennis table and a place for mini football, volleyball and other popular ball games.
  • The gymnastic complex usually consists of horizontal bars, rings, wall bars.
  • A canopy is appropriate here: it will protect from an unexpected summer downpour and the scorching sun - it should not blind us.
  • On the benches it is nice to relax after a warm-up.
  • Electric lighting will extend the time of sports hobbies.


Comfort and beauty coexist harmoniously in a country estate, no matter what size and relief it may be. It is here that the surrounding nature generously shares healing energy. But only thanks to our imagination, bold aspiration and our hands, the country house will become comfortable and inimitable.

Only home-made details of the interior and landscape, self-made furniture bears the individuality of its owner, his creative energy. And the material is around us: large snags, dry branches, stones left over from construction, pebbles, sand.

The creative process itself will tell you that even extra stones will become a design masterpiece in our country house. We will also get new ideas for stylish and comfortable arrangement by watching the video in this article.


Three years ago, my husband and I bought a country house on a plot of 10 acres. I didn't know what to grab onto and where to start. My husband began to make repairs to the house, and the responsibility for arranging the garden was placed on my shoulders. I really wanted to reflect my vision of beauty and comfort at their summer cottage. I did it with minimal cost and maximum effect. I will share with you my observations and recommendations.

Where to begin?

From the simplest - get a notebook for notes and enter everything related to the summer cottage: your desires, the advice of friends and the opinions of experienced gardeners. Every season I write down what I need to buy, make or plant for next summer.

Draw up a project of your site on paper, display the following zones on it:

  • Entrance.
  • front door.
  • Economic.
  • Rest zone.
  • Gardening.

Draw them according to how you would like to see your site. You can complement the project with a barbecue area, a bathhouse. If there is nothing on the site, think about where to place the shower, outbuilding and toilet. At the same time, do not forget about the established standards, which are developed by the Ministry of Regional Development .

Before you equip your site, read the following recommendations:

  1. The economic zone is better located away from the place of rest.
  2. The garden area should be well lit. Do not forget about the convenience of watering.
  3. The playground must be supervised by adults. It is good if it is visible from the windows of the house and from all sides of the site.
  4. The pool should be located under the sun, away from neighbors' eyes.
  5. Arbor with barbecue is better to put in the shade.
  6. 30 percent of the children's area should be in the shade. It is better to put an umbrella in the sandbox.
  7. The main path should be straight, while the rest can be winding. It is desirable that there is a slight slope on both sides of the road. As a material, tiles, stone, concrete are usually used.
  8. Landscaping and all buildings should be decorated in the same style.
  9. Do not forget to remove all stones, bumps and growing thorns in the children's area.

Follow the promotions in stores , and then you can inexpensively buy a brazier, a sunbed, a children's pool with a slide and other necessary things. Feel free to buy used items.

Original and inexpensive ideas

Do not rush to demolish old buildings

When we bought the plot, there was already a building for household equipment on it. I painted it green and drew cartoon characters on it. The children were delighted. The husband welded the roof and put things in order inside, made various shelves. If you are afraid that your drawing will become the property of the Museum of Bad Art, use special stencils that can be bought in the “everything for home and garden” departments.

Choose a gazebo made of metal

There must be an awning. We bought an inexpensive transformer tent, which we folded and set up every time. This turned out to be very inconvenient. Firstly, it takes time, and secondly, such awnings cannot withstand strong winds.

Somehow it began to pour rain, and we caught an awning in a neighboring area. After that, he fell into disrepair. Therefore, I advise everyone to order metal gazebos with a roof . Look at ads on sites like Avito. There you can buy a strong and beautiful gazebo for 10-15 thousand rubles.

Choose picky plants

If you are a beginner gardener, it is unlikely that you will get masterpiece alpine slides the first time. Start with simple flowers that are easy to care for.

For instance:

  • Lupine.
  • Bathing suit.
  • Astilba.
  • Knapweed.
  • Petunia.
  • Phlox.

Do not rush to immediately dig up half of the plot for a garden, as I did. Most vegetable crops require regular watering and care. If you come to the country 2-3 times a month for a couple of days, be prepared for. Learn more about how to fertilize, and it's better if one of the experienced gardeners will help you take care of the crops. . For starters, you can plant dill, parsley, mint, sorrel, green onions.

We decorate the fence

There are several ways to decorate an old fence:

  • Climbing plants.
  • Trees.
  • bushes.

Plants with dark foliage, planted at the corners of the fence, visually create depth.

We care about lighting

We have placed solar-powered garden lights around the perimeter. On the outer walls of the house hung special lights that react to movement. You can buy these on Joom or Aliexpress for about 500 rubles. Just in case, we keep a ground mini searchlight.

DIY flowerbeds

Worn tires are the cheapest. Plus, they are easy to paint on. They are placed in a different order around the perimeter of the site. Some people make flower beds out of plastic bottles. However, they do not look as good as brick or stone ones.

Today, vertical flower beds are popular, which perfectly save space on the site. .

Setting up a children's area

It is quite easy to equip a children's recreation area.

I looked at many ideas on the Internet and chose the most affordable:

  • You can buy a sandbox on a children's toys website, but it's cheaper to make it yourself . My husband made it from boards, I painted it in bright colors. We put paving slabs under the sand. The children were delighted, and acquaintances thought that we had bought it. Don't forget the sandbox lid.
  • We sawed stumps of various heights from logs, painted them in bright colors and buried in the ground around the playground. Looks fun and kids love to walk and jump on them.
  • What is a playground without swings? We bought a dacha option specifically for children on Avito for only 1,500 rubles.

Today on the Internet you can find many original ideas for arranging a summer cottage. Show a little imagination and do not be lazy!

Veronica Lakelskaya

In order to comfortably relax in the country, it is not enough to have just a house. It is desirable that it be tastefully furnished, regardless of its size. Even in a one-room house, where a cozy atmosphere is created, one can feel more pleasant than in a tastelessly furnished mansion. Do you agree? Then we suggest you consider the simplest, but at the same time cool ideas for decorating a country house inside with your own hands. Photos of projects will help you choose your style.

Ideas for arranging a country house inside with your own hands, photo

Country house inside: how to equip?

The design of a small house will be successful and comfortable if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Remove unnecessary things from the room.
  • When choosing furniture, it is best to give preference to multifunctional options: a folding bed, a sofa bed, a folding table, or a model that stows away in a closet. For small rooms, the ideal option would be furniture - a transformer.
  • Do not clutter up the space with hanging cabinets. Their absence allows you to expand the room, it is better to hang a few light shelves.
  • To expand the space, use light shades of furniture, textiles, and finishes.

When planning a permanent summer residence in the country, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a water supply and sewage discharge into an equipped septic tank. If in a holiday village there are interruptions in the water supply, then you can put a water tank on the roof or on a special pedestal, the volume of which is about 200 liters. In addition, during the day, the water will heat up in the sun, and it can be used for a summer shower. The container is installed higher than the taps are located.

If it is necessary to equip a warm toilet, you can purchase a dry closet and install it in a house or outbuilding, not forgetting to ventilate the room. Heating the house is very important. Even in summer, with prolonged rains, the room becomes damp and cool. If the house is not equipped with a stove or fireplace, you can install an infrared or convection heater that allows you to set a constant temperature mode.

Wall and ceiling decoration inside the house can be made from various materials, many of which are environmentally friendly and practical. On sale there are two types of gypsum boards - gypsum boards and dry plaster. The slabs are gypsum reinforced with fiber reinforced and pressed with cellulose fibers. Thanks to this, a reliable product is obtained, into which it is not dangerous to screw a screw, hammer a nail. The gypsum fiber board is moisture resistant and can be used to finish the kitchen, basement, bathroom. Dry plaster is gypsum, covered on both sides with cardboard, to which, for greater porosity, a foaming agent is added, which helps to reduce weight and thermal conductivity. Such products are convenient to use for interior decoration.

Plywood is a material used since Soviet times. It is sold in any specialized store and is easy to work with. Plywood is pressed from several wood fiber layers, it can be of normal or increased moisture resistance. When sheathing the room, the walls "breathe", which creates a healthy microclimate in the room. Good thermal insulation qualities will help make the house warmer, and sound insulation will ensure silence. Walls and ceilings sheathed with plywood are allowed to be painted, varnished or stained, and wallpapered.

Materials for interior decoration of a country house

In recent years, plastic panels have been used to finish the inside of the house, which are produced in two types - with photo printing and laminated. The first option is more suitable for creating an original design, and the second one will appeal to lovers of the classic style. The advantages of the panels include their ease of use, long service life, ease of maintenance, variety of colors and textures, fire safety.

Wallpapers are no less popular for decorative decoration of a country house, in addition, they are currently represented by a wide variety: paper, in liquid form, textile, vinyl, photo murals, glass murals. In addition, natural or artificial stone, plastic lining, and plaster are used for decoration. The more time spent outside the city, the more comfortable the living space should be. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • If the house does not have a porch, it is advisable to attach it by equipping a canopy on top. This will help unload the hallway, you can leave dirty shoes on the porch without bringing them into the house. On it you can put a small bench or a folding chair for relaxing.
  • Even if the house consists of one room, it needs a kitchen. Since it’s impossible to allocate a full-fledged room, you need to equip at least a kitchenette. To do this, put a cupboard for dishes, a table with chairs. It is convenient to use a sliding table or equip a tabletop that is attached to the wall, and it can be raised at any time and free up space. Chairs can be picked up folding, which are easy to remove or get if necessary. Ensure the availability of household appliances, from a minimum of necessary appliances - electric stoves (or electric ovens) and a refrigerator, which will greatly facilitate living conditions.
  • It is necessary to take care of arranging a sleeping place for each member of the family. It's no secret that many owners of summer cottages bring there furniture that has already served its time. But sleeping on a sagging sofa or mattress is not only uncomfortable, but also not healthy. After a hard day in the garden, you need a good rest, on a comfortable bed. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase normal furniture, even the simplest, but with a good mattress, which allows you to feel rested after sleep.
  • Mosquito nets should be hung on windows and doors, or tulle curtains should be used to prevent the access of flying insects.

IMPORTANT! The internal content of a country house is determined by the type of its structure. If the room is small, then it is better to use built-in furniture (lockers, benches), which can be built

Styles for decorating a country house

For a small country house, you can choose a country-style design. This style is characterized by bright colors, it organically combines wood and textiles. Comfort will help to create colored pillows, napkins, curtains. For this, hand-made crafts, knitwear, homemade are also suitable.

If the furniture in the house is rather old-fashioned, but still of good quality, you can equip the room in a retro style. Previously fashionable paintings, figurines, harmoniously fit into the interior. A touch of charm will be added by spaced vases with fresh flowers. The overall design of the room is done in light colors.

Designers recommend zoning the area, allocating areas for rest, sleep, and cooking. If it is not possible to allocate a separate room for a bedroom, it can be enclosed with a sliding screen or wardrobe. It would be appropriate to put a small floor lamp in each zone or hang a wall lamp, which will add coziness in the evening.