Various swings. Do-it-yourself swing: made of wood and metal, for giving, children and adults

What do children do in their free time on the street? Run and play, build a house out of sand, ride a bike, kick a ball. And many kids enjoy spending time on the swings. They are very fond of rising and falling sharply. Such a swing can be made with your own hands, using improvised material for this.

For several centuries, swings have remained a popular attraction, not only for children, but also for adults. Not a single folk festival in Ancient Russia could not do without "flights" on these devices. At times Russian Empire they were both among the poor and the rich. Naturally, they looked different: the poor were swinging on ordinary wooden planks, tied with ropes to poles, and the swings of the rich were decorated decorative elements, pillows, bows and ruffles. In our time, interest in them does not fade away, they can also be seen on courtyard grounds, in many children's organizations, in country "residences".

What material is suitable for the manufacture of yard swings

You can make a swing with your own hands, using almost everything that is at hand for this.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of different materials

Material type Advantages Flaws
  1. Strength.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. Long service life.
  4. Non-slip seats.
  5. No dependence of their surface temperature on weather conditions.
  1. Susceptibility to decay if not properly treated.
  2. Increased risk of splinters and minor injuries.
  1. High reliability. Such swings are able to withstand significant loads (up to 150 kg).
  2. The possibility of decorating with different details.
  1. Susceptibility to corrosion.
  2. The high thermal conductivity of the metal, which interferes with the comfortable use of the swing (in the heat they are very hot, and in the cold too cold).
  1. Extensive range of shapes and colors.
  2. Ease of installation (due to the low weight of the structures).
  3. No need for special care.
  4. Harmony of presence both on suburban areas and in massive complexes for children's entertainment.
  1. Low reliability of the design compared to products made from other materials.
  2. Cannot be used outdoors.
  3. Susceptibility to the influence of severe frosts, temperature extremes, high humidity.
  4. Can only be used by younger children.
  5. Not all plastic structures withstand very coldy, temperature fluctuations and high humidity.

Photo gallery: types of swing by material

Wooden swings require careful antiseptic treatment and surface grinding
The strength and reliability of metal structures no one disputes
Plastic children's structures can be purchased at ready-made but they are only for toddlers.

Use of non-standard materials

Some craftsmen can make a swing from other materials, using car tires for this, plastic pipes, wooden pallets, etc. Even snowboard boards, skateboards and other non-standard materials, such as an old basin, can be used.

Photo gallery: creative seats

Creation hanging swing won't take long
AT skillful hands even a snowboard can be a useful element of a children's swing
Older kids like it non-standard solutions, for example, a swing from a tire
The role of the seat can be performed by an old roomy basin

swing designs

By design features swings are:

  • frame;
  • suspended;
  • floor;
  • transformers;
  • electronic type.

Age preference for swings frame type- children from 3 to 10 years old. Such structures have a great advantage - mobility. They can be placed in any area. suburban area or playground. They are strong enough to support the weight of primary school children.

Suspended swings are attached to the beam-beam. To do this, you can use chains, ropes, ropes. Their reliability increases with the use of a strong crossbar and subject to proper fastening.

Floor structures can be used by children under 5 years old. Most often, when creating them, plastic and metal parts are combined.

For very young children, you can make a rocking chair-transformer, which combines several elements at once:

  • Chair for babies;
  • mini chair;
  • swing directly.

The modern world cannot be imagined without electronics. There are swings equipped with a special system, which may include:

  • timer;
  • "music Center";
  • a device for setting the rhythm of swing movements.

They should be purchased only if your family has a newborn child.

Photo gallery: different swing designs

Frame swing 0 common type of structures
The design of the floor swing provides for their transfer to any appropriate place
Good and comfortable for children in a hanging swing with a back
Electronic swing suitable even for crumbs

What functions can a swing perform

Swings, despite similar functions, may differ slightly from each other. This is due to the design of these structures, and their principles of operation.

Which adult does not remember such rides as boats? This type of swing can be used to entertain both children and their parents.

There are several types of children's structures, designated by one concept - a swing-balancer. Such devices include swings:

  • "scales";
  • "pendulum";
  • "rocker".

Such fun fun is suitable even for small children. With the support of an adult, a one-year-old baby can also ride on a swing.

In our time, manufacturers of children's structures offer a rich variety of spring devices for swinging with balancing.

Of course, swings can be purchased at the store, but it’s better to work hard and build the swing yourself. Years will pass, but your child, who has already matured, will definitely remember the minutes of “ups” and “falls” on the swing that you made with your own hands.

Photo gallery: spring designs for kids

"On the seas, on the waves" - the motto of the design for children in the form of a boat
Sitting on the plane, you can feel like a real pilot
Such ladybug will not take your child to heaven, but will help to have fun
Springing, sitting in a helicopter, will appeal to all the kids

Preparatory work

If you decide to build a children's swing yourself, then you should do the preparatory work:

  • determine the type of future design;
  • specify parameters;
  • draw a drawing;
  • purchase the necessary materials;
  • get all the tools you need.

Material selection

The simplest swing design is suspended. You can make them completely wooden or combine different materials. For hanging elements most often they use metal chains, ropes, a strong cord, parachute lines or a rope.

As a seat, it is best to use a polished board, because it is comfortable, does not crack in the cold, and will not cause discomfort to the child in heat and cold. You can use improvised means - old seats from chairs, armchairs, etc.

If you have more than one child or guests with children often come to you, then you can make a balancer for two. They are made from different materials. The advantages of metal swings are in their strength, but for an independent construction of such a design, you will need a good welder. Wooden swings are easier to make and less dangerous to use.

Material calculation

The easiest way to make a hanging swing with metal support and wooden swing-balance.

The materials you will need are:

  • 2 iron pipes for support pillars(d=74 cm);
  • 2 bearings;
  • 1 metal pipe(for the crossbar) 50 cm long (d=150 mm);
  • ready-made mortar for concreting;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • 2 metal plates no longer than 7 cm.

For the swing-balancer, prepare:

  • any wooden material (average length- 2.5 meters). You can take an ordinary thin log, timber (thickness 40–50 mm) or a board about 25 cm wide.
  • boards for seats (width - 30-40 cm, length - 45-60 cm) with a thickness of at least 30 mm.
  • metal rod for support.
  • hardware.
  • paint or primer.
  • 2 wooden handles(they can be made from a wooden rod with a diameter of 25 mm, about 60 cm long).

Schemes of street swings

You can facilitate the work of making a swing by drawing up a design diagram. Drawings are made independently (under individual parameters) or are taken ready-made from various sources.

Photo gallery: examples of drawings

The design of the swing must be very stable
Based on the drawn up scheme, you can build a frame swing made of wood
Be sure to indicate the dimensions of each part on the diagram.

Tool preparation

Depending on which design you prefer, you need to prepare:

  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • shovel or hand drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinder;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • plane.

Step-by-step instructions for making a hanging swing with a chain and a wooden seat

Having prepared everything you need, you can get to work:

There is one more reliable way fastening supports and crossbars - by welding a special design (this option is very suitable for connecting wooden elements structures).

In the central part of the crossbar, bearings are attached using metal plates. The bearings must ensure the movement of the swing in the forward / backward direction. The next steps are:

The condition of the swing should be carefully monitored. It is necessary to regularly lubricate the bearings with machine oil and tint shabby parts.

Before you invite the kids to ride, try the swing yourself.

Video: how to make a swing from a profile pipe in the country with your own hands

How to make a do-it-yourself wooden swing-balancer for a child

Based on the drawings made and armed necessary materials, a tool, you can start assembling a wooden swing-balancer. The work is carried out in 4 stages:

  • base installation;
  • manufacture of rocker-balancer;
  • assembly;
  • product painting.

The base is the basis for the reliability of the design for children. This swing element can be built from wooden beam(10x15 cm), logs (20 cm), boards (not thinner than 3 cm), fixing them in the intended place of the future swing. A lower frame about 1 m long is constructed from wood and vertical supports or racks are attached to it (using self-tapping screws) at an angle.

The rocker-balancer is easiest to make from a bar or a thick board.

For the entire length of the balancer (up to 2.5–3 m), 2 beams are laid parallel to each other, shorter beams (up to 1 m) are placed between them (on both sides). The entire structure obtained is fixed with screws or waterproof glue (for carpentry). You can use one board.

At the edges of the rocker, seats with handles are made, in its central part there is a hole for profile pipe.

Handles, like all other wooden parts, must be perfectly smooth so that the child does not drive a splinter into the skin.

The assembly of the rocker arm and the base is carried out using two pipes: a support pipe and a segment mounted in the center of the swing. They are combined, a steel rod is inserted into pre-drilled holes on both pipes.

Video: how to make a tire product

Decorating process

After the swing is mounted, you need to take care of them appearance. The easiest way to paint them oil paint. This method is suitable for both wooden and metal structures. You can dream up and make the swing especially attractive for kids.

Do not neglect the rules for using a children's swing, which will help to avoid injury. It is forbidden:

  1. Getting too close to them while they are being used by other children.
  2. Swing while standing, resting your feet on the seat.
  3. Twist ropes, chains or other hanging elements.
  4. Get off the swing before it comes to a complete stop.
  5. Sit on the same seat for several children at once.

Before operating the swing, it is necessary to carefully inspect all nodes and connections for their integrity and functionality. Regularly lubricate the swing, preventing the appearance of rust and creaking. Make sure that there are no sharp objects, protruding bolts, unsanded wood sections in the structure.

Making a swing with your own hands is easy. The main thing is to adhere to the manufacturing technology of the product and the recommendations of specialists.

To diversify the rest in the country, in the shade garden trees there are comfortable swings where you can relax and recharge your batteries. We want to tell you how to make a garden swing with your own hands, because it is doubly pleasant when the use of the product of your own labor also brings joy.

Preparing to build a swing

Site selection

A swing is not just a bench or a stump with a seat, this type will be a stationary and relatively capital object, so you need to choose the appropriate place for it.

This means that we need to take into account all the nuances of this structure, namely:

  • Mobility. Part of the structure is a movable unit that performs damped oscillatory movements under the action of gravity, like a pendulum. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the maximum swing of this pendulum in each direction and take care that within these limits there are no obstacles: trees, stumps, shrubs or garden furniture;
  • Stationarity. To ensure the movement of one part of the structure, it is necessary to securely fix its other part - support frame. To do this, we will have to dig into the ground and concrete the racks to a depth of 60 - 70 cm;
  • Site quality. You probably noticed constant puddles and dirt under the yard or homemade swings, as the ground under the seat is constantly wiped off with your feet during braking, and a depression forms there where water and dirt accumulate. Therefore, for comfortable use of the attraction, you should immediately rid yourself of this misunderstanding - make concrete screed or lay tiles, rubber, at least make a backfill of gravel.

For normal and long-term operation of the structure, it must be installed as evenly as possible, that is, with the seat hanging freely in the lower position, the chain or cable must be perpendicular to the upper crossbar.
To control this parameter, it is most convenient to use a plumb line.

It is also important to remember that it is very dangerous to be in the swing zone of the ride bench, as you can get a strong blow and seriously injure a part of the body. Therefore, this area should either be limited for access, or ensure that people or animals do not enter it during the operation of the swing.

Another aspect that is often overlooked is that the attraction is likely to be permanent place your children's games, so it's best to think ahead about how to limit the zenith or the highest point to which the pendulum can swing. Otherwise, children, out of incomprehension, can swing it up to a full turn around the crossbar with chains winding around it and falling headfirst.

From all that has been said, the following summary can be drawn: the place for the place must be spacious, even, free from obstacles and be in a line of sight relative to the house for control and safety.

Choice of material and type of construction

Several factors will depend on the choice of type of construction and materials:

  1. Reliability;
  2. Durability;
  3. Price;
  4. Safety;
  5. Relevance in terms of design.

As a rule, two types of materials are used for self-manufacturing: wood and metal, as well as their combinations. Concrete works and works on the improvement of the site, we will not consider yet.

Metal models, at first glance, are more reliable and durable, and ceteris paribus, it is so. However, the metal is also subject to corrosion, and if it is not properly processed, this advantage is easily lost.

On the other hand, properly selected and processed wood, with timely care, demonstrates quite acceptable reliability indicators comparable to metal.

If we consider these materials from the point of view of safety and artistic value, then wood will be the undisputed leader here (unless, of course, your garden is made in the style of a Gothic cemetery and is not replete with wrought iron bars and fences).

It is also important that the processing wooden parts much easier and does not require tools such as a grinder, electric and gas welding, a metal drill, etc.

If we talk about the cost, then a really beautiful forged frame will cost much more than high-quality wood, and the use of banal pipes or corners will result in a “freak” that will spoil the beauty and atmosphere of a country estate.

We consider the most appropriate from the point of view of expediency wooden structure, reinforced with metal parts in some places.

Making a swing

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a work plan and a drawing. You can easily find drawings of a garden swing with your own hands on our website, you can also make them yourself.

  1. We take 4 three-meter beams 100x100 mm and make two L-ob different designs connected at an angle of 50 - 55 degrees with furniture bolts;

  1. We retreat from the lower end of the support 60 cm and divide the rest by three. At the level of the border of the first and second thirds, we mount puffs from edged board, two for each leg. Fasten with bolts.

  1. Now we connect the resulting frames with a crossbar 100x100 mm from an oak beam. We select the length of the crossbar so that the width of the frame is 50 cm more than the width of the seat.

  1. We dig in the legs of the structure to a depth of 70 cm, where 10 cm will be filled with crushed stone and sand. Next, we concrete the pits with a solution of cement, sand and gravel 1: 3: 5. We expose the structure along the plumb line so that the thread is perpendicular to the crossbar;

Part of the support beam, which will be immersed in concrete, is treated with bituminous mastic.


Good wooden swing in the country - perfect place for relaxation and joy for children of all ages. We told you how to make them yourself, the nuances are in the video in this article.

Today a large number of people have country houses or dachas - places where you can calmly take a break from everyday hustle and bustle and relax. Today we will tell you how to make a metal garden swing with your own hands for your summer cottage.

This material is conditionally divided into 3 parts.

  • In the first part: the use of metal to build a swing, and why country builders prefer it. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such structures, calculate the mass of planned attractions, and also talk about the types of attachment for stationary and hanging swings.
  • In the second part: we will tell you how to make an outdoor metal swing for a summer residence in the form of a bench or a sofa with your own hands, we will also give recommendations on the installation of single structures. And you will also learn how to make a swing seat from a profile pipe with your own hands, as well as a frame.
  • In the third part: a little about decorating and caring for iron swings, as well as features of the choice in the store.

Advantages and disadvantages of a profile pipe

If you understand in detail the advantages of a profile pipe, you get the following list.

  • The shape of the pipe is optimized for fast production, which means it is very easy and convenient to work with.
  • Very economical material, especially when compared with reinforcing structures.
  • The stiffening ribs, which are located on the structure, greatly increase the upper limit of permissible loads.
  • The material is highly resistant mechanical damage- it is difficult to deform with a blow.

However, along with the advantages, the swing from the profile pipe also has its drawbacks:

  • Most of the operations that can be done with the pipe do not require sophisticated equipment. Except one - bending. It is very difficult to bend it, and all because of those very stiffeners. For this you need a special machine.
  • Carbon steel rusts easily and is easily damaged by moisture. This shortcoming can be eliminated using the galvanizing procedure, but it also greatly increases the price of the final structure.

Calculation of a profile pipe to determine the mass of a swing

When calculating the size of a swing made of metal, it is necessary to calculate its mass. This will help in the future to determine whether a foundation is needed and what loads the swing will withstand.

  • When using a square profile pipe with dimensions of 20x20 and a thickness of 1 mm, the weight of one meter of the tube will be ~ 600 g (it all depends on the steel grade).
  • A 30x30 pipe with a thickness of 1 mm has a weight of 900 g, respectively.
  • A profile pipe 40x40 with a wall thickness of 2 mm per 1 meter of length will weigh ~ 2300 gr.

Using the data provided, it is easy to calculate the approximate mass of both pipes and the frame of a future garden swing from a profile pipe. We can do this in the following way.

For example, the design uses 8.5 meters of a pipe measuring 30x30x1mm and 3 meters of a pipe measuring 50x50x2mm. Calculate the structural weight:

  1. 8.5*900=7650 gr ( total weight pipes 30x30x1mm);
  2. Since the pipe 40x40x2mm weighs 2300 g, the pipe 50x50x2 has a weight, respectively, 2300 + 2300 * 0.25 = 2875 g.
  3. 3*2875=8625 gr (total pipe weight 50x50x2mm).

Appointment of a profile pipe for a swing

In order to correctly answer this question, it is necessary to explain what types of pipes are used for which parts of the swing.

  1. Round (oval) pipes. Suitable for curved structures (e.g. seats, armrests, arches).
  2. Square and rectangular pipes. They have good strength, suitable for parts that are placed on the surface (vertical racks, spacers).
  3. Flat pipes - suitable for auxiliary elements (horizontal struts).

Swing attachment types and classification

Before choosing a scheme according to which we will assemble a metal swing with our own hands, we need to decide on the methods of attaching them to the supporting structure.

There are two main types of attachments for hanging swings:

  • on eye nuts;
  • to nodes.

In the first case, you do the following:

  1. Doing through holes in a horizontal beam using a drill (~ 5 mm);
  2. Insert long bolts with washers, tighten the eye nuts;
  3. Attach carabiners and chains or ropes to them.

In the second case, the sequence is:

  1. Throw the ropes over the crossbar;
  2. Making a sea knot
  3. Attach the other ends of the rope to the seat.

Hanging metal swing

Homemade swings for summer cottages made of metal are often enough small size. These are usually small seats for one person, mostly for children. They do not need a fixed base to hang them in the yard, they only need a tree with thick enough branches or a supporting structure.

Hanging swings are most often hung on a chain or strong ropes - depending on the desire and style. At the same time, you can fix them without damaging the branch itself: wrap the chain or rope with a sliding knot, which will provide a fairly strong grip. The main thing here is to correctly calculate the thickness of the suspension itself.

Chain attachment example.

  1. Drill a large through hole along the width of the seat with a thickness of 7-9 mm (along the red line in the picture);
  2. Pull the chain through drilled hole chain;
  3. Screw the steel bolts along the edges of the seat in such a way as to fix the chain.

Stationary metal swing

Do-it-yourself stationary garden swing from a profile pipe is a more complex option, but no less popular. Great if you need to install seats for two or three people.

For a stationary swing, in addition to the seat itself, it is necessary to make a frame from a profile pipe. This is the supporting element of the entire structure, the heaviest loads will fall on it, so you need to do it with all the attention. Mounting to a stationary frame has several varieties.

Where to install a metal swing on the site

Before you weld a swing or buy it in a store, you need to choose a place on the site, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. The swing should be located in an open area near the house. Perfect option– 10-20 meters so that you can watch your children play;
  2. There should be no communications above the iron swing (water, power lines and other wires);
  3. There should be no roads nearby (it is best to put a fence around).

Having decided on the place, it is necessary to prepare a drawing-project of your design. We recommend that you specify all dimensions in advance - this way you will save a lot of time and resources for revisions and alterations.

Swing in the form of a bench or sofa with a metal frame

This type of swing is common among manufacturers - today on the market you will find a large number of ready-made assembled models of this type. They are distinguished by practicality and relative cheapness. Such swings are suitable for joint gatherings in the evening after a hard day or on weekends with children and loved ones.

Before purchasing materials and proceeding to self-manufacturing iron swing, check out the design features:

  • this type of metal swing for giving can be both portable and stationary;
  • foundation portable design not required - the support is a square at the base. In case you decide to make a stationary swing, we recommend that you keep in mind the columnar foundation;
  • a canopy is often made to such structures - it can be like polycarbonate roof, and a stretched awning.

Materials and tools

To make a swing from a profile pipe with your own hands, you will need whole list tools and materials:

  • Round profile pipe for a frame with a diameter of 20 mm, 14170 mm (take a meter or two more with a margin);
  • 4 steel corners;
  • 2 steel arcs, each 250 mm long and 15 mm in diameter;
  • 2 wooden canvases;
  • a cable, chain or any other suspension that can withstand a load of up to 250-300 kilograms;
  • welding machine;
  • pliers;
  • a hammer;
  • vise;
  • grinder or hacksaw;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • special paint for metal against corrosion;
  • eye screws 5x80mm, 4 pieces.
  • shackle M5, 6 pieces;
  • bolt M6x30, 4 pieces;
  • nut M6, 4 pieces;
  • spring washer M6, 4 pieces.

Step-by-step instruction

Cutting parts from profile pipes for iron street swings. For side racks, you will need pieces of 2500 mm, 4 pieces. On the crossbar you will need a piece of pipe, 2100 mm long.

We cut off the edge of the pipe at 30 degrees at the end, after which we weld them into an isosceles triangle using a welding machine.

We measure 2000 mm from the top of the uprights and weld a 1035 mm long horizontal bar to strengthen the frame. See the drawing of a garden swing made of metal, which we made for you with our own hands.

We weld the horizontal bar at the ends uprights. After that, the seat will be attached to it. The distance between A-pillars– 2000 mm, the crossbar protrudes 50 mm on each side.

Let's create a swing bench from a profile pipe with our own hands. We take several bars 30x30x6000 mm and shorten them. You should get segments of 1500 mm in the amount of 24 pieces. We clean them with sandpaper or a machine tool. Or you can take a bar 100x100 and fit it under required dimensions. It is not necessary to cut 30x30, you can use 20x50 and 30x70, etc.

Apply paintwork on the surface to prevent rotting of the wood.

We make a frame from a pipe 15 mm in diameter. We weld the segments together and attach the bars with bolts. The distance between them is 20-25mm. Along the edges, we weld eye nuts for attaching the chain (two on one side, two on the other). You can also experiment with the distance between the bars (it all depends on their size). More details on the drawing of a swing from a profile pipe.

We fasten the seat to the vertical posts of the metal swing frame. We drill through holes in the crossbar for bolts with eye nuts. We thread them and twist them. We connect the carabiners with all the eye nuts and attach the chain.

We dig 4 holes with a depth of 450mm. To do this, we use a hand iron drill.

Mixing concrete. Add cement, sand and water to the container in proportions of 1:2:3. It is best to use cement labeled as M400.

At the bottom we fall asleep a pillow of sand 100mm, after which we install the racks in the pits. We throw a few large stones for the stability of the structure, after which we fill everything with concrete. We are waiting for 3-4 days until everything dries. The design is ready

Metal single swing

Do-it-yourself single swings from pipes can be welded both stationary and portable - it all depends on who will use them and how much free space you have on the site.

Stationary swings have the greatest stability of all the listed options: children will not be able to turn them over even during the most active game. However, because of this, they have a drawback - low mobility: they cannot be removed during bad weather. Portable, of course, are not as stable, but also much more convenient than stationary ones.

The main stages of installation

To weld the swing frame from the profile, you need to take the pipe and cut it into two equal parts, each 3100 mm. Cut the edges of the vertical racks at an angle of 45 degrees. After that, it is necessary to form the letter P - weld the third to the ends of these two segments. Its edges should also be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

The second step is the formation of a do-it-yourself metal swing structure on bearings. We need two pieces 5 centimeters long from a pipe with a diameter of 90 millimeters. Bearings are inserted into them, after which they are scalded for fixing. On the other hand, for additional fixation, a small piece of metal is welded over the pipe. A piece of pipe with a diameter of 27 millimeters will be inserted into the bearings.

Two plates are welded to a 27 mm pipe - this will be fasteners for carabiners. The bearing structure itself is fixed on the crossbar with the help of two pieces of metal. They are welded on the sides of the pipe into which they are inserted into the bearings. Important - before starting the assembly of this part, apply grease to the bearing and periodically moisten it with water. If this is not done, then the material will heat up from welding, the steel will expand and the structure will be damaged.

After the assembly of the frame is over, it is necessary to dig two holes under it, insert the ends of the pipe there and carefully concrete everything. After the concrete has dried, it is necessary to weld stabilizing slopes from the remains of the pipes.

A frame is welded under the seat of a garden metal swing from a prepared profile pipe. We use a welding machine. At the edges we fasten the eye nuts (marked with green dots).

We fasten the carabiners to the eye nuts and connect everything with a steel chain.

How to make metal swing seats

Such double swings from a profile pipe can often be found on playgrounds. First, a few words about the advantages and disadvantages.

Large metal outdoor swing


  • strength is the most important advantage of such a swing. Stiffeners greatly increase the bending resistance of the structure;
  • profitability - profile pipes are easy to manufacture, which helps to significantly reduce the cost of all materials;
  • durability.


  • careful care - if you do not galvanize the profile pipes and do not cover them protective compounds, then after a while rust will appear;
  • the complexity of bending pipes - this may require additional equipment.

How to weld a frame for a swing made of metal with your own hands to the country, prepare the foundation and hang the seats, we have repeatedly told, so now we will tell you which seat is suitable for such a design and its dimensions.

The following parts are needed: 3x1600m; 3x880mm; 2x200mm; 5x500mm. More details on the drawing.

A long segment of 1600 mm is installed, 3 short ones of 500 mm each are welded to it - the letter Sh is obtained. Another long segment is welded from the free ends. The back is formed in the same way. Everything is fixed with corners along the edges of each part of the structure and welded together at an angle of 90 degrees. Two pieces of board are attached to the structure with bolts.

To make the back more comfortable for sitting, you need to set it at an angle of 115 degrees. To do this, you need to make an appropriate section at the ends of 880 mm segments for the back.

How to make a garden swing frame - video

For self-creation frame of a garden swing from a professional pipe, we recommend that you follow the algorithm of actions, as in the video below.

Decorating and caring for metal swings

In order for the swing from the pipes that you made with your own hands to last as long as possible, we recommend that you pre-decorate them and, after every six months or a year, tint them with special paint for metal.

Here's what else you can cover the metal with:

  • rust solvent;
  • paint-enamel for metal;
  • primer for surface treatment;
  • paint with the addition of metal powder (yellow).

After the building is completed, you can decorate the structure:

  1. Sew seat covers. For them, a dense fabric that is not afraid of contact with moisture is suitable.
  2. Paint the side racks with patterns or drawings. To do this, you need a stencil with patterns or figures, paint for metal and a brush (or sponge). Attach the stencil to the walls. Take a sponge and wet it with paint. Blot the stencil and remove it. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Decorate the area next to a homemade iron swing for the street. Plant flowers, build a small decorative fence, arrange the sculptures.

How to choose a metal swing

When buying a metal swing for giving in a store, you should pay attention to:

  • size and dimensions. As a rule, the swing has a width of 2-2.5, which is universal and allows you to easily install it on any type of site. If you need unique dimensions, it is best to make to order.
  • Manufacturing material. Decide in advance what kind of material you want to see. Classic variant- made of metal and wood, but there are also modern materials, such as high-strength plastic, steel bars.
  • Price. This is an important factor, since on the market you can find absolutely any model for a different budget.

We offer to consider several models of single and double metal swings, which are now popular on the market:

ModelPriceManufacturerMain pros and features
8 990 rubChina1.9x1.13x1.8mup to 300 kg● double swing;

soft seat;

● fabric canopy.

3 710rRussia1.37×1.42×1.8mup to 90 kg● single swing;

● product bases are installed in concrete;

● wooden seat with chain attachment.

6 890 rubRussia3x1.2mup to 100 kg● double swing;

● wooden seat;

● fastening - steel chain;

● without foundation

12 990 rubRussia2.9x1.55x2mup to 250kg in total● double swing;

● seat material - plastic;

● suitable for children 3-10 years old;

● production material - steel

In conclusion, I would like to say that regardless of whether you want to assemble a metal swing yourself or purchase ready product, you need to look first of all at their quality and ease of use, choose only the best. We hope that now you know how to do it. Good luck!

Remember childhood sensations from the swing? This is not only pleasant, but also useful - monotonous rocking trains the vestibular apparatus, and also calms nervous system. The second property is very useful in our time. Such a pleasant treatment-relaxation after a busy day. Moreover, any person with “straight” hands can make a swing with their own hands. There are, of course, complex models, but there are much more simple ones.

About designs

Like most outbuildings, swings are most often made of wood. Racks and crossbar - from timber, logs, seats - from planks and even from parts of home furniture.

A little about designs. There are three main types of hanging swings, or as they are also called - boat swings, sofas, benches, etc. The main difference is in the type of support structure: there are A-shaped and U-shaped. You see an example with racks folded into a triangular structure above, and in the photo below an example with a U-shaped rack. This is more likely with a hanging bench and it is built according to the same type, only taking into account swinging loads.

There is a third type - this is already a complex structure that requires certain skills - it is based on articulated joints and they swing from their feet to the floor. We will immediately give both photos and diagrams for those who wish (you can expand it to full screen by clicking on the arrows in the upper right corner of the picture).

We make a swing with our own hands from wood

Most often, they independently make a design in the form of the letter "A". It is simpler, requires less material consumption. We will analyze the nodes, fasteners in more detail, talk about materials, protection against destruction and stability.


Immediately about what to make a wooden swing from. The choice of lumber section depends on the planned load. If it is assumed that one adult will sit, the uprights and the upper crossbar are at a minimum - 50 * 70 mm. If it is supposed large quantity"Seats" - two or three, then the cross section of the beam is at least 100 * 100 mm, in the best - 100 * 150 mm. Experienced it has been established that such a design, when using a beam of 100 * 100, can normally withstand a total load of about 200 kg. If you need more - take a larger section, or put logs))

About what the bench / sofa is made of. A bar 70 * 40 mm will go to the frame, the back height is at least 600 mm, the seat depth is at least 480 mm. You can experiment with the depth of the seat and the angle of the backrest: there are options for a “lying” position. Accordingly, both the length of the sofa and the dimensions of the structure change greatly from this. For fastening use nails 200 or studs at least 10 mm in diameter.

How to position the racks

Scheme with dimensions and a list of the required material in the photo below. To be frank, few people make from such materials as indicated in the specification. More often they put a bar.

There are varieties of this design: with or without a lower frame. If the swing is installed on a hard platform and the fasteners are made rigid, on studs, without the possibility of backlash, then such a design will stand without problems. If in doubt, you can make a screed from a bar along the bottom, nail it with studs to the coating, or drive the staples into the ground.

A crossbar has been added here, there is nothing to disperse. simple design, but the "legs" can move apart

For those who are afraid of lateral loads - the design in this axis is not the most reliable - we can offer to install racks with a slope. The area will be large, but the stability will be high.

If installation in the ground is intended, parts of the posts that will be buried must be treated with bio-protection. How cheap option- put for several hours in a vessel with used oil. Dry, then bury. They bury to a depth of at least 50 cm, pour a little rubble on the bottom, set up racks and concrete. If you are afraid that this is not enough, attach a few strips of metal crosswise at the bottom. The hole will have to be dug larger, but the holding area will be larger.

Ways of fastening the crossbar

In all swings of this type - with racks sawn at the top with bars - the problem is the attachment point of the crossbar, to which the bench is then hooked. In the photo above, it is solved reliably, although not entirely aesthetically pleasing. The trouble is that aesthetic methods are difficult to perform. And, if you are not for sale, it's faster to do something inelegant, but reliable. So, in order to fix the crossbar, an overhead beam is attached below the intersection, pulled to the uprights with studs. A cross member rests on it, which is held from lateral shifts by racks and fasteners - nails and spikes.

Another way to install the crossmember is to mount the side racks in the form of the letter "X". With this option, the carrier beam fits perfectly. It is additionally fixed with nails, and the racks are pulled together with studs. See the next photo for this.

Everything is fine, but the length of the sofa is not enough ...

By the same principle, a do-it-yourself swing is assembled from logs: the side ones are fastened crosswise, and a support log is laid on top. If the timber is sometimes assembled on nails, then in the case of logs, studs are mainly used.

For those who are familiar with carpentry, there are other options: half a tree. Such a project in the photo gallery below with close-up some key nodes.

How the racks are fastened together - inside view

Photo gallery of homemade swings on chains

And a few photos of different swings made on the basis of an A-shaped design.

From thin logs under a reed roof - looks great Chic option- 3-seater, or maybe more, swings Another option in which all the "finishing" has developed - racks in the form of the letter "X" and under a slope One of the modifications is more difficult to manufacture This is a whole swing house .... cool Right away and stairs...

Fastening the swing to the crossbar

The swing mount also requires clarification, that is, it is not obvious to everyone how to hang a bench-sofa on the crossbar. First, the crossbar is drilled from the bottom up through. A bolt is passed through the hole, to which the eye nut is attached. One or two wide washers are placed under the nut head so that it does not squeeze under weight.

It turns out that the eye-nut ring is located at the bottom. You can attach a carabiner to it, throw a rope or cable, etc. Just note that the carabiner should hang normally, freely on the eye-nut ring. And in the carabiner, two links of the chain should fit freely. Therefore, it is advisable to buy everything together in one store: you can try on the entire knot at once.

By the way, in the rigging store you can stumble upon other devices that can be adapted for attaching chains or ropes from the swing seat. For example, such as in the photo below.

They are designed to lift loads from 0.5 tons, so it makes no sense to use them for children, but on a swing for adults - quite.

Such a mount has a significant minus - a creak is heard when swinging. For a while, you can get rid of it by lubricating the knot, but this operation will have to be repeated periodically. The way out is to make a knot on bearings, but you can’t do without welding.

Do-it-yourself metal swing

Their structure is exactly the same. The material is different, and the way it is attached. This is welding. For those who are familiar with, it will not be difficult to cook something similar. And for inspiration, a photo report.

Below is a drawing of this swing with dimensions. Some explanation is required. In the figure there is a pipe welded around the perimeter (this plane is shaded). It is buried and therefore not visible in the photo. It was made in order to increase stability: the masses of friends are considerable. For the same reason, metal plates are welded onto the ends of the racks. The installation was complicated, but the swing is tight.

For manufacturing, it took 22 meters of a profile pipe 50 * 50 mm, for a seat 25 * 25 mm - 10 mm, boards 2000 * 120 * 18 - 7 pcs and the rest - fasteners, paint, anti-rust.

There is another way to attach the swing to the crossbar. He is in the photo.

A way to make a metal swing mount to the crossbar

The original form of a swing from a profile pipe - the racks are non-linear, but curved. If it is possible to do this with a tree, then only the master.

Baby swing

For children, you can make the same design, but smaller.

There are several other models for , but about . Here are the first ones - a swing-scale or a balance beam.

Swing for children - balance beam or scales

Everything is clear, questions may arise only on the attachment point. Below is a drawing with dimensions. To strengthen the upper part, steel plates are fixed inside. To make them swing, a hole is drilled into which the pin is threaded. You can improve the "rolling" by inserting bearings.

You can quickly and easily make a nest swing out of a tire ( car tire). Bolts with eye nuts are installed in it at four corners, but of a smaller diameter (do not forget about the washers), ropes or chains cling to them, and you can even throw them on the corresponding branch on the tree, even hang them on the horizontal bar.

In various ways, you can achieve comfortable conditions for relaxing in the country. Along with beautiful gazebos and comfortable benches, do-it-yourself garden swings for a summer cottage are of no small importance.

A swing is a place where you can ride, relax, and sit when there are no other places in the garden. A photo of a swing in the country with your own hands can be easily seen on the Internet, and a number of rules or instructions will help you without special efforts create such a useful product.

And note that such a swing is intended not only for children, but also for adults. The most important thing is to correctly calculate the weight for which the future swing is intended, as well as to correctly build a safe and reliable design swing.

Classification and properties

Usually, a swing for a summer residence is made from such traditional materials like wood and metal. To decorate external characteristics object or to give reliability and safety of the structure - often used in work and elements decorative forging. Also used at work:

  • bars;
  • elastic and durable rope;
  • metal pipes;
  • plastic;
  • old armchairs or chairs without legs, which serve as the basis for future swings;

For a successful result, of course, you should first make drawings of the swing, as well as an approximate model.

Garden swing can be created absolutely different forms and types. An original and comfortable swing will also be an excellent option for decorating a garden or landscape of any country house.

mobile swing

They are a lightweight structure, so moving such a swing from one place to another is very convenient and fast. For example, when it rains or winter time you can move such a swing to the veranda. The size of such a swing is not so big.

family swing

The design of such a swing is already more durable and massive. They are endowed with a high and wide back, and in appearance they look like large benches for relaxing, only without legs. Therefore, they are called so, since all family members can fit on such a swing.

In order to ensure a high level of reliability during the operation of the swing, the swing is fixed on a frame, most often U-shaped. The swing is fixed due to tight chains or cables.

You can also build a roof over such a swing so that they don’t get wet during the rain, and enjoy nature while riding on a swing.

Do-it-yourself children's swing

A separate group of products, which in most cases is a boat or an armchair hanging in the air. Children's swings must comply with all standards of reliability and safety.

Suitable for adult children, and small ones can only be used with the help of parents.

The size of the garden swing in most cases depends only on you. You can also make a children's swing in large sizes.

By type of construction, the swing is also variable:

Swing in the form of a hammock. Such swings are located on the crossbars made of wood or metal. A person who sits on such a swing feels that he is floating above the ground. On such a swing, it is especially great to read books and listen to music.

Single swing. Designs can be variable, and the installation of crossbars is not even required. The installation of such a swing is not a very complicated process. You can install them absolutely anywhere. Most often it is a swing made of pipes. We are talking about metal pipes.

Hanging swing. Question: "How to make such a swing?" does not have a complicated answer, because everything is very simple.


A swing is an ordinary seat that is suspended on several ropes or chains. As a rule, fastenings are located on the sides.

You see how many options for creating a garden swing you have in your arsenal.

The key point, of course, is to take care of safety while relaxing on a swing. All possible circumstances should be taken into account, and the swing should be provided with maximum reliability and comfort.

Do not forget also about the aesthetic properties of creating a swing. Beautiful and original swing, made in a special style, will attract the eyes of neighbors and guests, and children and relatives will enjoy the pleasure of relaxing on such a swing.

Photo of a swing for a summer house with your own hands
