What are hoods? Installation of an exhaust hood using special support frames.

In rooms associated with cooking, there are large emissions of steam, fats, combustion products, etc. To prevent their spread to other rooms and to clean the air from them, exhaust hoods are often used. Next, we will consider what these devices are, their types and features.

Installation of kitchen exhaust systems

Any room has a ventilation system that provides fresh air inflow and polluted outflow. However, such ventilation is not enough for cooking places, because emissions, before entering the general system, spread throughout the room and mix with clean.

Therefore, in the food industry and in household kitchens, local ventilation is usually used, the main element of which is a ventilation hood. Most often, this is a domed structure that is connected to a common ventilation system.

Umbrellas for ventilation systems are made of galvanized sheet steel so that when hot air enters the box, oxidation and even more air pollution do not occur.

The whole structure consists, as a rule, of several main elements:

  • box- is the main product, as it prevents the spread of emissions throughout the space of the room, and is also a housing for other parts.
  • Filters– as a rule, all models are necessarily equipped with a grease trap. In addition, they may have additional filtration systems.
  • Fan- forcibly sucks polluted air into the box. I must say that it is not available in all devices. For example, if the structure is connected to forced exhaust ventilation, then it may not.
  • air duct- a channel through which polluted air enters the ventilation system from the duct. The diameter of the duct can be different: 110-150 mm. In addition, there are square and rectangular ducts.

When working with open fire, the product must be equipped with a flame filter.

Depending on the type of device, the design may have some nuances. For example, recuperative ventilation hoods do not have an air duct, as they are not connected to general ventilation. The air in such devices undergoes fine cleaning and enters back into the room.

Thus, the principle of operation of the design is quite simple - polluted air is sucked into the hood, it is cleaned there to prevent it, and then it is vented out through the air ducts.


All existing kitchen umbrellas differ in several ways:

Household and industrial hoods

An industrial exhaust hood for ventilation is in many ways similar to household hoods.

The difference is only in a few points, such as:

  • Size - industrial devices have much larger dimensions, as they cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bindustrial furnaces.
  • Fan power is much higher.
  • Filters - industrial hoods have special grease traps, from which the settled impurities drain into a special glass. Such a drive must be periodically emptied and washed with soapy water. Household devices, as a rule, have paper and fibrous disposable filters.

I must say that the difference between industrial and domestic hoods is sometimes not very pronounced. For example, devices are often installed in cottages, which are very similar in their characteristics to industrial hoods.

The price of these products mainly depends on the fan power, dimensions and availability of additional functions.

Mounting methods

As mentioned above, there are two types of hoods according to the installation method:

  • Island ventilation umbrellas - suspended from the ceiling. They are often installed above kitchen stoves located in the middle of the room. As a rule, such devices contain several rows of filters.
  • Wall-mounted - as you might guess from the name, they are mounted to the wall. Such structures are often installed above stoves located near the wall. Do-it-yourself installation of such a hood is quite simple.

When installing the hood above the stove, according to GOST for ventilation system umbrellas, it must be at least 100 mm larger than the hood.
This will avoid the release of harmful substances into the environment.

Here, perhaps, are all the main differences between local exhaust installations, knowing which, you can choose the most suitable device for a particular case.


Exhaust hoods are widely used in everyday life and the food industry, as they provide high-quality removal of polluted air. In addition, the instructions for their operation and maintenance are extremely simple. The main thing is to choose the right device for each individual case, especially for industrial devices.

From the video in this article, you can get some additional information on this topic.

In rooms where a lot of steam, fat and combustion by-products are emitted into the air mass (and this is most often kitchens), it is necessary to clean the air in a timely manner. To completely absorb the harmful fumes that pollute the air mass, exhaust hoods are installed over the sources of unpleasant emissions.
These devices perform the function of timely air purification in catering establishments, in kitchens, canteens, restaurants and supermarkets, in the premises of chemical plants

Internal organization

An exhaust kitchen hood is a cap-shaped metal box that is connected through an air duct to the ventilation system. But its functionality is significantly increased if its design includes a grease filter that cleans the air mass from oily contaminants and fatty impurities. Most often, an exhaust hood is sold without a fan. Positive responses are models with a spark arresting grate designed for installation above an open flame.

The exhaust hood removes heated exhaust air and pollution from the room, but does not provide a sufficient amount of fresh air mass. Therefore, the design is recommended to be installed only where fresh air is supplied regardless of the device. It is necessary to correctly calculate so that the volumes of exhaust and supply air are the same, only then comfortable conditions will be provided in the room.

There are also supply and exhaust hoods on sale, which not only remove the exhaust air, but also pump in new one. Hot air has a low density and rises to the top, and a cold air mass comes to replace it.

The material from which these devices are made is stainless food steel, so when hot air mass gets on the inner walls of the case, oxidation does not occur. Advantages of stainless steel:

  1. resistance to corrosion processes;
  2. durability;
  3. fire resistance;
  4. ease of care;
  5. resistance to moisture and steam.

The seams of the case are treated with argon welding, therefore they are distinguished by increased strength. The main element of the metal structure is the grease trap.

The exhaust hood on the duct consists of two parts:

The principle of operation is simple. Air mass with particles of fat, soot and soot enters the filter device. Here, the air hits the internal lintels of the filters with force and is cleaned (during the impact, the by-products of combustion and the air mass itself breaks into pieces).

After air purification, fatty compounds in liquid form slowly settle and move through the drain channel to the receiving tank, which is located at the bottom of the device. After completion of work, this container is emptied and thoroughly washed with an anti-grease agent. In order to wash the glass faster next time, 4-5 drops of detergent are poured into it in advance. For ease of use, the filters and tank plugs are removable and can be easily removed, cleaned and reinstalled.

Hood classification

Depending on the scope of application, exhaust hoods are divided into two types:

  • household.

These are two separate concepts, but the difference between their internal structure is small. Industrial exhaust hoods, in comparison with household appliances, have the following features:

  • large dimensions;
  • high fan performance;
  • use of other types of grease filters.

In household models, the dimensions are adjusted to the dimensions of gas and electric stoves used in houses and apartments. True, there is practically no difference between an exhaust device operating in the kitchen of a huge country house and an industrial model.

Depending on the location, exhaust hoods are:

  1. Wall-mounted - simple devices that are attached directly to the load-bearing wall above the heating appliances. Filters inside such models are arranged in one line.
  2. Island - these structures are attached directly to the ceiling on studs or chains above the equipment in the middle of the room. Such models have two rows of filtering devices.

There are also outdoor models for barbecues and barbecues, which are empty inside the dome without additional elements.

They capture smoke, heated air and fatty impurities. The principle of their operation differs from the devices; they function thanks to the transition umbrellas, which have the shape of a cone. It is more difficult to make preliminary calculations for their competent installation, but they can be safely used over an open flame. But devices used indoors are more often equipped with a fan, purifiers, and a grill. There are also complex designs called an exhaust table, but they are not used in everyday life and in food enterprises, as they are intended for chemical laboratories.

Characteristics of exhaust hoods

Exhaust hoods for the kitchen are used everywhere, as these devices are easy to maintain and operate. The main thing is not to forget to clean the storage tank from oily contaminants in a timely manner. Compliance with the rules of use and safety measures when working with such equipment is not difficult.

Stainless steel exhaust hoods are manufactured in strict accordance with the current standards and regulations for the production of food industry equipment. The manufacture of exhaust hoods from high-quality materials is the key to their successful and safe operation in the future. Therefore, the use of this ventilation equipment is safe both for people in the room and for the atmosphere. During operation, no harmful substances are emitted.

The choice of exhaust equipment is wide. On sale there are exhaust hoods for the kitchen of any color, configuration and size.

The device is selected in accordance with the style of the interior

If the presented models do not meet the client's requirements, it is possible to manufacture ventilation umbrellas to order. Many companies offer the opportunity to arrange an individual production of a ventilation structure to order according to the developed drawings.

It is important to correctly select a device with the desired performance. If the device will not cope well with its functions, then there is no point in installing it at all. If the device works to the maximum, then it will fail faster, and the cost of electricity will be significant. Power is the most important characteristic of the device. For high-quality air purification in an ordinary kitchen, a device with a capacity of 500-650 m3 / h is enough. For public catering enterprises, industrial devices with a capacity of up to 1800-1900m3 / h are suitable.

Since in many enterprises there is a problem of oily impurities settling on the surfaces of devices, exhaust hoods with grease filters are well-deservedly popular. An exhaust hood with a grease trap works according to the following principle: the polluted air mass enters on its own or with the help of a fan, where the grease settles and drains from the tank, while clean air enters the duct. Grease filters are different:

  • cassette,

  • from paper.

The control system can be different: push-button, electronic, touch. Push-button control is understandable for people of all ages, but it causes a lot of inconvenience when cleaning (dust, dirt and grease collect near the buttons, which is difficult to clean). Touchpads are more practical, but not as easy to understand for older people. It is easy to take care of the electronic panel: it is enough to regularly wipe its surface with a soft sponge.

Installation of exhaust hoods

There are traditional ways to install ventilation umbrellas:

  1. With anchors. This method is considered the simplest. But the main condition is that the wall must be load-bearing, even and durable (stone or brickwork). Based on the length of the device, the number of holes (2 or 3) is calculated. Carefully and symmetrically place marks for drilling on the rear vertical wall of the umbrella. Holes are drilled through which the umbrella is attracted to the wall with anchors. If the reach has a length of more than 100 cm, then the device is additionally attached to the ceiling.
  2. With the help of pins. 4 holes are drilled along the four edges of the apparatus at the top (ears for studs are welded). Studs are pre-fixed on the ceiling. Everything is simple, but one condition must be observed - the height of the room should not exceed 4.3 meters.
  3. On ropes and chains. In this way, you can fix the exhaust hood at any height. 4 brackets are welded in the upper plane of the device. Cables or chains are fixed to the ceiling and secured through a carabiner to the apparatus. The only disadvantage of this design is unsteadiness, which creates additional inconvenience when tying with air ducts.
  4. Special support frames. Depending on the size of the umbrella, a support frame is made of a stainless profile with four legs, which are securely attached to the floor through the plates. The device is installed on it. The design is rectangular or square, the height is set individually. Such designs look presentable and neat. Therefore, in rooms with high ceilings and with equipment located in the middle, this option is the most optimal.

Exhaust hoods are mounted not only over stoves and hobs, but also over other heat-generating devices (grill, oven or deep fryer)

When choosing exhaust hoods, take into account the dimensions of the stove or hob over which the device will be mounted.

The device (exhaust hood over the stove) should be at least 10-15 cm wider than the stove. Mounting height above the equipment is from 0.7 to 1.1 m.

The location of the exhaust hood in the kitchen is determined by the location of the stove. If the equipment is located near a wall, then it is advisable to install the exhaust device on the same surface.

Installing an exhaust hood with your own hands is not difficult for a person who is at least a little versed in construction, repair and tools. When installing, follow these instructions:

  • Determine the location of the exhaust hood on the wall, taking into account all dimensions: 10 cm wider than the plate and 70-75 cm higher.
  • Cover the kitchen set with a film or paper to facilitate cleaning after completion of work.
  • Take a circular saw and cut an opening in the ceiling of the desired size for the duct.
  • With a long drill in the center of the resulting opening, drill a hole (1 cm) - this will be the center of the duct.
  • With a crayon or felt-tip pen, draw a circle on the outside of the roof, starting from the drilled hole.
  • Carefully saw through the roofing and bottom skin.
  • Place the hood fan in the hole sawn in the roof.
  • Fix the branch pipe and flange, fill the voids formed at the joint with sealant.
  • At the bottom, fix the branch pipe with the ventilation channel.
  • Connect the fan motor to the outlet and run the cable inward to the kitchen through the ceiling.
  • Take a flexible channel and connect it to the pipe. Check all connections for strength, wrap them with foil for tightness.
  • Fix the brackets to the wall with screws and hang the umbrella on them.
  • Connect the fan cable to the socket.

It is easy to install a household exhaust hood for the hood, and it is better to entrust the installation of overall models to the employees of a reliable company. The easiest way is to mount a kitchen hood without a fan. The main thing is to adjust the umbrella closer to the chimney pipe or air duct, then the polluted air will be easily expelled outside.


There are several traditional ways installation of wall and island ventilation hoods, which are designed to remove heat, smoke, moisture, odors from technological equipment installed in catering establishments, cafes, bars and restaurants.

The first way to install the exhaust hood

The first way (the easiest one) is installation of exhaust hoods to the wall with anchors. Depending on the length of the hood, two or three holes are drilled symmetrically in the rear vertical wall of the exhaust hood. Through the enlarged washers with anchors, the exhaust hood is attracted and fixed to the wall. The wall in this case should be solid and even, at least brickwork. If the umbrella has a long reach (more than 1000 mm), it is recommended to additionally fix the umbrella to the ceiling.

Second mounting method

The second way is mounting wall or island exhaust hoods through studs and collets to the ceiling. In the upper horizontal plane, along the edges of the exhaust hood, four holes are drilled or special ears are welded for the studs, which include four studs Ф8 - Ф10 mm, previously fixed in the ceiling. The method is quite simple and effective. The only inconvenience of this method is that the height of the ceilings should not exceed 4350 mm, since the increased height will not allow the use of standard studs up to 2 meters long.

Installation of exhaust hoods on cables or chains

The third way is installation of exhaust hoods on cables or chains, through brackets and anchors to the ceiling. Four special mounting brackets are welded in the upper horizontal plane of the umbrella, into which a cable or chain is fixed through a carabiner, the other end of the chain is fixed to the ceiling. In this case, the height of the ceilings is not very important. The main possible problem with the installation of exhaust hoods in this way is associated with the unsteadiness of the structure. It is quite difficult to tie a rigidly unfixed structure with air ducts.

Mounting the hood with special support frames

The fourth way is installation of exhaust hoods using special support frames. Depending on the overall dimensions of the lower section of the exhaust hood, a support frame is made, on which the exhaust hood is installed from above. It can be rectangular or square on four legs, the height of which is selected individually for each object. Legs through special support plates are rigidly attached to the floor. Support frames are made of stainless steel profile 30x30 or 20x40 mm. Thanks to proven technology, the use of modern metal-working and metal-cutting tools, EuroVentGroup specialists achieve perfect geometry and a very presentable appearance of the exhaust hoods produced by the company and the supporting structures necessary for mounting these exhaust hoods. In such cases, where the technological equipment is located far from the walls, the ceiling height is quite high, and the customer makes high aesthetic demands on the arrangement of local exhaust ventilation, the use of exhaust hoods complete with support frames from EuroVentGroup remains the only right solution.

It should be noted that the umbrellas of ventilation systems have a completely uncomplicated design. A rectangular chimney umbrella consists of a main body, a grease collection tray and filters that perform. Filters are always installed at an angle of exactly 45 degrees Celsius.

If we are talking about supply and exhaust hoods, then in this case it is imperative to use a grill or a device such as a diffuser.

In some cases, air duct umbrellas are also equipped with additional elements, such as connection ears, fans, lamps and many others.

1 The principle of operation of the ventilation hood

This device works as follows. The air that is processed to become hot has a much lower density and therefore rises to the top to be replaced by cold air currents.

Then the air enters the pipe and passes through special grease filters, where it is saturated with a large amount of oil vapor, due to which it begins to cool over time.

In the end, passing through such a pipe due to strong temperature changes, the oil condenses, air flows begin to separate from it and allow the fat to drain into the bath through special channels.

In turn, the air, which after such a process is purified, enters the round or.

2 Device classification

Today, two types of rectangular umbrellas are used for the chimney:

  1. Hoods . Their main purpose is the complete elimination of unnecessary gases, substances, combustion products from the chimney. Heavily heated air streams are drawn in by an umbrella, after which they are transported through a pipe where grease filters are placed and are eventually transported back to the air duct, with the help of which they are removed from the building. All this can be easily done by hand.
  2. Supply and exhaust umbrellas . Thanks to them, both the exhaust of polluted air and the supply of new, clean air into the room are ensured. These umbrellas are best used in those rooms where, due to certain circumstances, the flow of clean air is limited. It is always necessary to carry out the calculation, taking into account the fact that the volumes of supplied and exhausted air flows will always differ from each other. Therefore, in no case should you rely on the fact that exhaust hoods will contribute to the complete destruction of odors, gases and other substances. Although the chimney, of course, will work much more efficiently.

There is also a classification according to the type of construction. So, exhaust and supply-exhaust rectangular and round umbrellas are divided into island and wall.

2.1 Do-it-yourself installation and calculation features

I would like to note that installing such umbrellas with your own hands is quite real, since in fact there is nothing complicated in such work. Below are some of the most popular ways to install a chimney umbrella.

  • Method number 1. Installation of wall exhaust hoods using anchors. After a certain calculation, the length of the umbrella is selected and 2 or 3 equal holes are drilled in the back of the wall. Using enlarged models of washers, the exhaust hood is first attracted, and then installed on the wall. It is very important that the wall is perfectly flat.
  • Do-it-yourself installation of rectangular umbrellas through collets and studs to the ceiling. At the very beginning, it is necessary to drill 4 identical holes for the studs. All these holes are drilled strictly along the edges of the umbrella, after which the device is attached directly to the ceiling. A modern chimney works perfectly if this option is used. The only negative, the calculation of the ceiling height to the standard length of the stud, does not allow the use of this technology if the height of the room is more than 4 meters.
  • Installation of exhaust hoods for the chimney using various cables and chains through anchors and brackets to the ceiling. In order to do everything with your own hands, you need to weld 4 brackets of the required parameters to the upper horizontal part of the umbrella, after which, using a carabiner, securely fix the chain or cable. The second end of such a chain or cable must also be securely connected to the ceiling. Among the disadvantages of this method, one can note the precariousness of the structure, so it is not at all easy to tie it with air ducts, but such a scheme is perfect for a chimney.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to do the installation yourself. The main thing is to adjust the umbrella as close as possible to the chimney pipe and take into account some of the nuances.

Application area

Supply and exhaust and exhaust hoods of ventilation systems are widely used today by industrial enterprises and not only. Such systems are widely used in public catering establishments, such as restaurants, canteens, bars, food processing plants, cafes and so on.

Also, the installation of umbrellas is carried out over all kinds of devices of thermal equipment, in particular, this applies to deep fryers, gas stoves, and ovens. If the calculation allows you to install such umbrellas, then they are also used in various industrial premises - food, pharmacological, physical, chemical.

2.2 It looks like a ventilation rectangular umbrella - video

The root of construction troubles is hidden in the details. Neglecting small details, the owner of private housing inflates the family budget inefficiently with repair costs. But if the owner treats the house as a whole organism in which everything is interconnected, his money does not fly out the pipe, and the costs are limited to scheduled maintenance. Improper installation of protective devices on the chimney provokes losses - both financial and human.

Installing an umbrella on the chimney helps to maintain the heating system in optimal mode, prevent premature aging of the chimney, and improve air circulation in the house.

Caps and caps on pipes are designed for the following purposes:

  • close the ventilation duct, protecting it from rain, snow and dirt. The lack of protection can lead to the accumulation of a large amount of water in the chimney, which contributes to a decrease in draft and, accordingly, a drop in the efficiency of the heating system;
  • protect the pipe material from damage, removing accumulated condensate due to the presence of special grooves;
  • do not allow insects and birds to fall into the pipe, serve as an obstacle for leaves and branches from trees;
  • perform a decorative function. They give the roof a complete look, especially if the design contains elements of artistic forging.

Note! Using an umbrella, you can solve one of the problems of dampness in a house or bath. If the pipe is open to all winds and rains, the moisture that has got into it penetrates into the premises. As a result, the walls and floors are affected by the fungus, an unpleasant smell appears in the air.

Some types of caps have a design that creates a rarefied environment in the upper part of the pipe. Due to this, an improvement in draft in the chimney is achieved, excess moisture, exhaust air and combustion products are removed faster.