Do-it-yourself swing seat made of wood. How to make a garden swing with your own hands: useful tips, step-by-step instructions and the subtleties of work

Remember the childhood sensations of a swing? This is not only pleasant, but also useful - monotonous rocking trains the vestibular apparatus, and also soothes nervous system... The second property is very useful in our time. Such a pleasant relaxation treatment after a busy day. Moreover, any person with "straight" hands can make a swing with their own hands. There are, of course, complex models, but there are many more simple ones.

About constructions

Like most outbuildings, swings are most often made of wood. Racks and a crossbar - from a bar, logs, seats - from planks and even from parts of home furniture.

A little about the designs. There are three main types of hanging swings, or as they are also called - boat swing, sofa, bench, etc. The main difference is in the type of support structure: there is an A-shaped and a U-shaped. You see an example with racks folded into a triangular structure above, and in the photo below an example with a U-shaped rack. This is more likely with a suspended bench and it is built according to the same type, only taking into account the swinging loads.

There is a third type - this is already a complex structure that requires certain skills - it is based on articulated joints and they swing from resting their feet on the floor. Immediately we will give you a photo and a diagram for those who wish (you can expand it to full screen if you click on the arrows in the upper right corner of the picture).

We make a swing with our own hands from a tree

Most often, they make a design in the form of the letter "A" on their own. It is simpler and requires less material. Let's take a closer look at the nodes, fasteners, talk about materials, protection against destruction and stability.

Materials (edit)

Immediately about what to make a wooden swing. The choice of lumber section depends on the planned load. If it is assumed that there will be one adult person, the racks and the upper crossbar are at least 50 * 70 mm. If it is supposed large quantity"Seats" - two or three, then the cross-section of the bar is not less than 100 * 100 mm, better - 100 * 150 mm. It has been experimentally established that such a structure, when using a 100 * 100 bar, normally withstands a total load of about 200 kg. If you need more - take a larger section, or put logs))

About what the bench / sofa is made of. A bar of 70 * 40 mm will go to the frame, the backrest height is at least 600 mm, the seat depth is at least 480 mm. You can experiment with the depth of the seat and the angle of the backrest: there are options for the "recumbent" position. Accordingly, both the length of the sofa and the dimensions of the structure vary greatly from this. For fastening, use 200 nails or hairpins at least 10 mm in diameter.

How to position the racks

A diagram with dimensions and a list of the required material in the photo below. To be honest, very few people make from such materials, as indicated in the specification. More often they put a bar.

There are varieties of this design: with or without a bottom frame. If the swing is installed on a rigid platform and the fasteners are made rigid, on the studs, without the possibility of backlash, then such a structure will stand without problems. If in doubt, you can make a screed from a bar along the bottom, nail it with pins to the coating, or drive the staples into the ground.

A crossbar has been added here, there is nothing to disperse. simple construction, but "legs" can part

For those who are afraid of lateral loads - the structure in this axis is not the most reliable - we can offer the racks to be installed with a slope. The area will be large, but the stability will be high.

If it is intended to be installed in the ground, parts of the racks that will be buried must be treated with bio-protection. How cheap option- put in a container with used oil for several hours. Dry, then bury. They are buried to a depth of at least 50 cm, a little rubble is poured at the bottom, racks are set up and concreted. If you are afraid that this is not enough, attach several strips of metal crosswise at the bottom. The hole will have to be digged with a larger size, but the retention area will be larger.

Crossbar fastening methods

In all swings of this type - with the racks sawn at the top - the problem is the attachment point of the crossbeam, to which the bench is then attached. In the photo above, it is solved reliably, although not entirely aesthetically pleasing. The trouble is that aesthetic methods are difficult to execute. And, if you are not for sale, it is faster to do something inelegant, but reliable. So, in order to secure the cross-member, an overhead bar is attached below the intersection, pulled to the racks with pins. The crossbar rests on it, which is held from lateral shifts by racks and fasteners - nails and studs.

Another way to install the cross member is to attach the side posts in an “X” shape. With this option, the support beam fits perfectly. It is additionally fastened with nails, and the racks are pulled together with hairpins. See this option in the next photo.

Everything is fine, but the length of the sofa is not enough ...

By the same principle, do-it-yourself swings are assembled from logs: the side ones are fastened crosswise, and a support log is laid on top. If the timber is sometimes assembled on nails, then in the case of logs, studs are mainly used.

For those who are familiar with carpentry, there are more options: in a half-tree. Such a project in the photo gallery below with a close-up of some of the key nodes.

How the racks are fastened together - inside view

Photo gallery of homemade swing on chains

And several photos of different swings made on the basis of the A-shaped structure.

From thin logs under a reed roof - looks great Chic option- 3-seater, and maybe more, swing Another option, in which all the "finishing touches" were formed - stands in the form of the letter "X" and with a slope One of the modifications - more difficult to manufacture This is a whole house-swing ... funnily Immediately and the stairs ...

Attaching the swing to the bar

The attachment for the swing also requires clarification, that is, it is not obvious to everyone how to hang a bench-sofa on the crossbar. First, the crossbar is drilled from bottom to top through and through. A bolt is passed through the hole, to which an eye nut is attached. One or two wide washers are placed under the nut head so that it does not squeeze under the weight.

It turns out that the ring of the eye nut is located at the bottom. You can attach a carabiner to it, throw a rope or cable, etc. Just pay attention that the carabiner should normally hang freely on the ring of the eye nut. And in the carabiner, two chain links should fit freely. Therefore, it is advisable to buy everything together in one store: you can try on the entire unit at once.

By the way, in a rigging store, you can stumble upon other devices that can be adapted to attach chains or ropes from the swing seat. For example, such as in the photo below.

They are designed to lift loads from 0.5 tons, so there is no point in using them for children, but on a swing for adults - quite.

This mount has a significant drawback - a squeak is heard when rocking. For a while, you can get rid of it by lubricating the unit, but this operation will have to be repeated periodically. The way out is to make a knot on bearings, but welding is indispensable.

DIY metal swing

Their design is exactly the same. The material is different, and the method of its attachment. This is welding. For those who are familiar with, it will not be difficult to cook something like this. And for inspiration, a photo report.

Below is a drawing of this swing with dimensions. Some clarification is required. The figure shows a pipe welded around the perimeter (this plane is shaded). It is buried and therefore is not visible in the photo. It was made in order to increase stability: the masses of friends are considerable. For the same reason, metal plates are welded onto the ends of the posts. The installation was complicated, but the swing is still standing.

It took 22 meters to make shaped pipe 50 * 50 mm, for a seat 25 * 25 mm - 10 mm, boards 2000 * 120 * 18 - 7 pieces and the rest - fasteners, paint, anti-rust.

There is another way to attach the swing to the bar. He is in the photo.

A way to attach a metal swing to a crossbar

The original form of a swing from a profile pipe - the posts are non-linear, but curved. If it is possible to do this with a tree, then only a master.

Baby swing

For children, you can make the same design, but smaller.

There are several other models for as well. Here are the first ones - a swing-scale or a balancer.

Swing for children - balancer or scales

Everything is clear, there may be questions only about the attachment point. Below is a drawing showing dimensions. To decorate the upper part, steel plates are fixed inside. To make them swing, a hole is drilled into which a pin is threaded. It is possible to improve "rolling" by inserting bearings.

Quickly and simply, you can make a nest swing from a tire (car tire). Bolts with eye-nuts are installed in it in four corners, but of a smaller diameter (do not forget about washers), ropes or chains cling to them, and you can even throw them on a corresponding branch on a tree, or hang them on a horizontal bar.

It so happened that for many of us, a swing is associated with childhood or a wedding, but not necessarily perceived as required element garden. At the same time, many readers of our blog will probably be interested in learning how to make a swing, so undeservedly forgotten, and moreover, purely with their own hands. They can be made in a rustic style, using metal or wood, as a seating area for an Italian patio, under a pergola or a children's version of a swing - you will definitely like some of these.

Swings as a subject of a backyard exterior are not so often found in summer cottages and near country houses our compatriots. We propose to radically change this situation. It will be about self-production garden decor due to the need for a rational approach to spending.

Probably not worth mentioning that such exterior items are quite expensive on sale. The cost of wooden models in Europe reaches 700-900 euros. In Russia, prices start at $ 200-300. Making them is not so difficult. Work in the garden and on fresh air Is a useful hobby in every sense.

Traditional English swing benches

Swing benches belong to the traditional decoration of the terrace of the classic english home... This tradition also existed in tsarist Russia; swings were built on verandas and terraces, as a rule, under an existing canopy. Fastening to the roof beams provided the required reliability without unnecessary investment.

You can make a swing from any material available in the country for your terrace with your own hands and without the involvement of assistants. To do this, you do not have to make a base and a canopy, but only build reliable fastening to the ceiling and make the seating. A woman can cope with such work, only you need to make sure of the reliability of the roofing so that the work is not only easy, but also of high quality.

V American cottages such models in the form of benches with textile cushions are found on the open terrace. In Italian Tuscany, hanging wooden seats are often arranged under a flower shed - a pergola that vaguely resembles a Russian gazebo and often serves as a summer kitchen.

Swing-bed or swing-bed

Swing-bed is an alternative form of larger deck swing. A similar rocking bed can be built into a garden, under a canopy, tree shade or awning. If you add a canopy to the design, then in the summer you can sleep freely on such a swing, enjoying the pleasant coolness of the night. Use one of the ideas presented in the photo.

Photo, design and drawings of a swing bench for a terrace and garden

Pergola as a supporting structure

Free-standing A-structures without canopy

Free-standing A-shaped structures with a canopy (diagram and drawing)

Ways of fastening elements of the supporting structure of the swing

Swing in rustic style for wooden estates

If you are the proud owner of Russian wooden house, built from a bar, be sure to appreciate the rustic-style swing. offers its author's models at a cost of about 900 euros. A similar garden decor is made in Russia by the family workshop using natural materials.

As building material when constructing such a swing, a wild log is used. During processing, the branches are trimmed and used as brackets for flower stands... We invite you to evaluate your strengths and build such a decor yourself. How to make a swing in the garden in the country from scrap materials and do-it-yourself photos, we suggest looking below.

Installation of a rustic swing is carried out individually without drawings, using the standard dimensions of such backyard structures as a basis. It is not at all necessary to remove the bark from the support, as it was done in the GardenLand sample. But if you decide to create an author's sample of a swing, you will need a specialized tool for Russian log cabins.

Wood base coating protective equipment will help maintain the appearance of the tree. Specialized paints and varnishes are available in a wide range, most often the craftsmen use a budget linen impregnation.

For fastening individual elements swing, anchor bolts and fixing accessories are used for the construction of the roof. We talked about a similar installation in the review about wooden stairs.

The main advantage of the wild log swing is its stability and high strength. The design can easily support the weight of several adults. How the installation of such a rustic decor is done can be seen in the video.

French textile chairs or Brazilian Hammocks

The French swing originated from the traditional Brazilian Hammock hammocks and is usually made from a dense linen fabric or tarpaulin, fittings and a thick linen cord. The chair is shaped using cords of different lengths. They are attached to a transverse wooden beam, which, in turn, to a secure ceiling of a terrace or pergola. Form-retaining cushions are placed to create the seat base.

See how to make a swing in the form of hanging chairs, benches and benches with your own hands photo. Such functional decor for the pergola and terrace will become a favorite entertainment for adults and children.

Textile chairs can be used without a canopy; for this purpose, we recommend making a hook on the anchor bolt, to which they will be attached as needed. For quiet purposes, a portable terrace swing can be used, which in good weather can be installed outdoors without a canopy. With a sufficiently reliable base, this can also apply to different swing-bed variations.

Playgrounds on the backyard with swings

Baby swing can have different designs and are arranged in any place of the personal plot where the child will play or be near the parents. Make small rocking chairs for a small child on the terrace. Moreover, you can pre-fix the ceiling with a hook, so that at any time you can replace it with any other suspended structure.

Always keep in mind that grown-up children love to swing the structure strongly, which should be considered when choosing suspensions and a base. If the floors cannot withstand this force, use a more suitable model.

Video instruction for the construction of a wooden swing


All the proposed swing models can be made by hand, and in some cases from improvised material at no cost. The photo shows various designs which are pretty simple in self-assembly... Ideas can be applied to decorate a seating area on personal plot or make your own playground for children.

Swinging is a favorite pastime not only for children, but also for many adults. They relax, calm down and put the nerves in full order. Currently, it will not be difficult to purchase a ready-made structure in a store. But it is much more pleasant to make a swing with your own hands. Wood or metal can be used as material. You will definitely need blueprints. Use ready-made ones or create your own. Step-by-step instructions with photos and videos will tell you how to do it right Garden swing do it yourself in the country with little money and labor.

Wooden or metal swing: which one to choose?

The choice of materials for making a garden swing is not so diverse and is limited to plastic, metal and wood. The last two options are more popular. Therefore, consider positive sides designs from them.

The main advantage of garden metal swing is their strength and long-term operation. It is worth noting that metal structures can be forged, welded or collapsible. Each of the options will fit perfectly into the overall style of the suburban area.

The advantage of wooden structures:

  1. Ease of manufacture.
  2. Economical in terms of material costs.
  3. A large number of design options.
  4. Harmony.
  5. Security.
  6. Naturalness.

The last two points are most relevant to those who have small children. Environmental friendliness and non-trauma are the main criteria that parents should pay attention to.


All swings can be divided into several groups according to the principle of appointment:

  • family type;
  • children;
  • covered for gazebos and terraces.

Baby swing

The requirements for a children's swing are always higher. So, they come with or without a frame. Those designs that have only a seat and suspension are called frameless. They are quite simple to install and remove. The main disadvantage of the swing is increased degree trauma and low level facilities. A frame swing is much more comfortable.

Attention! One of the important conditions for installing a swing for children is a reliable fixation of the support.

Family type swing

Such a swing looks like a bench suspended from a frame. Frames are A or U-shaped, and the side pillars are dug into the ground by at least 0.5 m, filling with a cement mortar. Such structures are very stable and have good strength. They can accommodate several people at once. That is why they got this name.

Swing for a terrace

The main difference between the swing and the rest is that they have some advantages. They can be disassembled and reassembled.

Drawings: how to read them correctly?

What is a drawing for? As with any design, this is an initial project in which everything is calculated to the smallest detail. To draw up a drawing correctly, you will need to calculate all the parameters of the swing and the amount of material required. So, in order to make a family-type garden swing for a summer cottage, you will have to proceed from the following parameters:

  • the width of the bench for one person (from 0.4 to 0.6 m);
  • seat height (0.5 m);
  • distance from the seat to the crossbar (calculation is made individually);
  • for suspended structures, the distance from the edge to the support post is determined as follows: 0.15–0.2 m when suspended on a chain of types 2–4 and 404;
  • 0.25–0.3 m for other types of chain hangers;
  • 0.35–0.4 m for ropes.

Attention! With strong rocking vibrations, the seat can move in different sides and touch the supports. It is traumatic and very dangerous. Therefore, take this point into account when drawing up a drawing.

Making a garden swing: step by step instructions

Doing a garden swing yourself is an interesting and not as complicated process as it might seem. Your attention is invited step-by-step instruction with a photo of making a swing made of wood with an A-shaped frame.

The choice of location is the first and very important step... You cannot install a swing in a place you just like. You should choose a surface with a perfectly flat relief. This will simplify the installation process. In addition, it is better to choose a place for installation away from prying eyes. Then it will bring peace and satisfaction.

Advice. There should be no obstacles in front and behind the swing. Such as trees, a fence or a wall of a house.

Selection of inventory and purchase of material

For a wooden structure, you will need a bar good quality, no cracks or knots. Oak, birch, spruce or cedar are fine. For the frame base, you will need:

  • cedar timber (10 * 10 cm) - 4 units. by 3 running meters(for side supports);
  • cedar timber (8 * 8 cm) - 1 unit. 2.5 running meters (for the manufacture of a crossbar);
  • edged board (3 * 10 * 60 cm) - 1 unit. (for side brace).

For the bench you will need additionally:

  • cedar timber (4.5 * 5.6 cm) - 12 running meters;
  • sheathing board (2.6 * 4.6 cm) - 18 running meters;
  • pillows - for decoration (if desired, you can make yourself);
  • suspension and fastening (chain, metal corners, suspensions, furniture bolts, various self-tapping screws).

As for the construction tool, for the manufacture of a garden swing, store in your inventory the following necessary items:

  1. Bulgarian.
  2. Plane.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Level.
  5. Electric drill.

Well preparatory work completed, it's time to start making a home-type swing.

Creation of side posts

Advice. The base of the side posts should be at least 0.5 m wider than the seat.

  • First you need to calculate the upper corner of the rack.
  • Then you need to draw out the dimensions and work with a jigsaw.
  • The next step is to connect the structural parts.
  • It is necessary to connect the upper parts of the beams, fastening with furniture bolts.
  • Next, you should proceed with the side ties. Externally, the racks should resemble the letter A. Therefore, you will need to mark the bars from the height of the soil.
  • Then the screeds are marked. Parts are cut and fixed with screws and corners.
  • At the end, 2 trapezoids of the same size 0.1 m high are cut out.They need to be attached to inside bars by means of corners.

Seat installation

To make a comfortable seat, you will need to make two frames with dimensions of 20 * 5 cm. And one more (back) - 20 * 6.5 cm.

  • Their inner contour is fixed with stiffeners.
  • Then you need to connect the back and seat with corners and screws.
  • Sheathe the seat with a special board.

Attention! Armrests can be fitted on request.

  • Then attach the suspension to the seat by means of the eyebolts.

Swing installation

Almost all the work has been completed and there is very little time left before your site will be decorated with an eco-friendly and comfortable swing made of wood.

  • Install the bearing support on the uprights using self-tapping screws.
  • Dig holes for the support posts.
  • Pour crushed stone into the pits, set up racks and fill everything with concrete.
  • Correct the inclination of the side struts with a spirit level.

Attention! The angle of inclination of the side struts should only be 90 degrees. Pay attention to the depth as well. The supports should be dug in to the same length.

  • Secure the uprights with rope ties. In this state, they should be until the concrete solidifies completely.
  • Before installing a garden swing, the wooden structure must be varnished.

The final stage

  • Check the fixation of the crossbeam.
  • Drill holes in the beam to hold the eyebolts.
  • Install the seat.
  • The swing is ready. Enjoy the fruits of your own labors!

A garden swing is a great option for relaxation in the country. It is especially pleasant when they are made by hand. It will take a little time to make them, but you can enjoy the result every day!

Garden swing design: video

Garden swing: photo

The trills of birds delight the soul, and the gentle swaying soothes. Garden swing on summer cottage are needed not only for children, but also for adults. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to buy models of the same type, covered with fabric. It is much more interesting to create an original designer item yourself. How to make a garden swing with your own hands? What is the best choice for the frame, metal or wood? Tips from experienced craftsmen, drawings, a selection of photos and video instructions - in this review.

Homemade swing and their classification

In childhood, it seems that the "winged swing" is able to reach the sun. As we grow up, we remember this wonderful feeling of carelessness. And we subconsciously want to repeat it. This is quite possible, because swings are not only for children:

  • family. Looks like a bench with high back suspended on strong supports by chains;
  • mobile swing, if necessary, can be moved to another place;
  • the hammock is the unrivaled relaxation champion;
  • swing arbor. Suitable for several people;
  • balancer or pendulum. A floor structure in the form of a log, which is thrown from one side to the other, depending on the weight of the players;
  • swing - sofas. Soft construction with the ability to embody the most daring design solutions;
  • swing - "boats".

According to the manufacturing method, the swing is divided into:

  • frame;
  • frameless.

By installation method:

  • stationary;
  • portable - easy to take off and put away elsewhere.

The frame can be made from a number of materials and their combinations:

  • plastic and fabric;
  • tires and chains or ropes;
  • wood and chains;
  • rounded and non-rounded bars;
  • metal.

Choosing the right option

Before starting construction, you need to decide on the purposes of use and the material of manufacture. If a baby up to 3 years old needs a swing, then a purchased or home-made stationary, stable option is suitable. For children from 5 years old - lightweight plastic or wooden hanging swing. They can be attached to a canopy beam in front of the house or to a powerful tree branch. A noisy children's company will appreciate the entertainment in the form of a balance bar (pendulum).

Attention! The most durable products are considered processed wood and metal. For "wintering" it is enough to cover them with polyethylene. Purchased swing with plastic base covered with cloth - must be disassembled for the winter and stored in a dry, warm room.

If you want your garden swing to serve not only as a resting place, but also as an accent piece landscape design, then you can prefer noble forging or wood eco-design.

For the older generation, sturdy benches with a high back and canopy are ideal. For noisy youth - swinging sofas with lots of colorful pillows or hammocks for relaxing with a book.

Original car tire construction

A swing that any beginner can make from scrap materials. For manufacturing, you will need a car tire, a strong rope and the ability to knit sea knots.

Installation steps:

  1. Drill four holes in the tire. 2 on each side.
  2. Insert the rope into the two holes next to it and tie it firmly at the bottom, under the bus.
  3. On the second side, repeat the same steps.
  4. Choose a suitable tree branch or any other crossbar. Hang an impromptu swing on the bar. The main thing is strong knots that ensure swing safety.

Such editing will not take much time, but it will bring a lot of joy to children.

Children's fun from the board and rope

The easiest swing to make, which does not require special skills and materials, is a beam suspended from a rope.

Attention! Wooden swing without a back are unstable, therefore it is recommended to build them for children from 7 years old. If you want a swing with a back, then you can cut the legs of the wooden chair and attach it with a rope to the base and back.

For installation you will need:

  • edged or unedged board 3-4 cm thick and 15-20 cm wide;
  • durable rope;
  • antiseptic, varnish;
  • hacksaw or saw.

Step by step guide:

  1. Saw off a piece of the board to the desired length.
  2. Sand until smooth.
  3. Cover with antiseptic and varnish.
  4. Cut 2 grooves along the long sides of the board closer to the corners.
  5. Make 2 more drank on both sides about 3 cm from the corners.
  6. Thread the rope from groove to groove with three stitches.
  7. Attach the rope to any cross bar.

The peculiarity of the fastening guarantees the strength of the structure. At the bottom, the rope will not loosen or fray.

Making family swings from wood and metal

An evening conversation on a regularly swaying bench promotes mutual understanding. And if you decorate wooden frame nice pillows, a comfortable stay is guaranteed!

Advice. The thickness of the slats for the seat of the swing bench should be greater than for the back.

Before construction, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • 15 pine or spruce boards 10x25x2500 mm;
  • 1 board 150x50x2500 mm;
  • chain equal to the length of the swing;
  • 40 self-tapping screws 80x4.5;
  • 200 self-tapping screws 51x3.5;
  • 6 carbines;
  • 2 screws with rings 12x100;
  • 2 screws with rings 12x80;
  • drill, jigsaw, a circular saw, hammer, plane.

Action plan:

  1. Saw off the boards 1.5 m long.
  2. Saw out 6 curly pieces for the base of the bench from the thickest board.
  3. Arrange 6 parts in 1 row, attach wooden strips to them with self-tapping screws. The bar should be fastened first from the ends, then in the middle. There will be 17 boards on the seat, 15 on the back.
  4. Make two armrests and the remaining wood.
  5. Attach on lower part armrest screw with ring.
  6. Attach the finished swing to any crossbar. If it is not there, then you can dig 2 beams into the ground, concrete them and connect them with a transverse board.
  7. Reinforce 2 more rings on the upper crossbar.
  8. Stretch the chain and hang the swing.

A properly built structure will be solid and reliable, and will last for several seasons.

Sturdy base for any kind of seat

You may want to hang a bench swing or a pair of children's board rails on the chains. The main thing is to mount a reliable base that can withstand both a small load and several adults.

For construction work, the following elements are required:

  • bars 100x100 mm;
  • boards for the construction of the base and shed;
  • concrete;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hammer, hacksaw, drill, tape measure.

Advice. Part of the beams intended for burying into the ground should be treated with bituminous varnish or resin.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Determine the location for the swing. This stage is important because non-portable design.
  2. Dig 4 holes 1 m deep each.
  3. Place the bars in the holes so that they intersect at the top, resembling the letter "l".
  4. Pour the base with concrete.
  5. Fasten the beams with self-tapping screws at the intersections at the top.
  6. Knock down the wooden flooring from half of the slats.
  7. From the second half - a canopy with a horizontal crossbeam and jibs that strengthen the structure.
  8. Finish the finished frame with varnish.

Any kind of swing can be attached to such a base using rings, a carabiner and a chain.

Which one to choose, a chain or a rope?

The safety of the swing directly depends on the type of suspension. A rope is a fairly durable option, especially if it is secured with a nautical knot. But over time, it can stretch out or fray. Therefore, such a suspension is recommended only for children's swings that are not subject to heavy loads.

Attention! The optimal rope is nylon rope with a cross lay from 24 mm.

The chain is a more durable option that can withstand increased stress.

Pros of using a metal chain:

  • strong;
  • weakening of the ring is immediately visible;
  • optimal for low swing.
  • when mounted on bearings, it sways very strongly. Hence, it is necessary to install a swing speed limiter;
  • in large rings, babies can pinch a finger.

A garden swing is not just a resting place, but also an original highlight of any site. A rational choice of design, construction taking into account all the nuances and careful maintenance - will provide the swing with a "long life".

DIY garden swing - video

DIY garden swing - photo

How to make creative do it yourself swing: this will be discussed in this article on the site "" a drawings and photos will help you with this. Comfortable conditions for relaxing in the garden of a private house or in a summer cottage, you can achieve different ways... Along with and, not the last place is occupied by swing for garden: Photo interesting solutions can be easily found on the network, and using the instructions, you can easily cope with the manufacture do it yourself swing... Even adults can use such a swing. The main thing is to accurately calculate the weight and build a reliable structure.

Swing located on a personal plot will become a source of good mood for both children and adults

DIY swing: photos of interesting ideas

Traditional materials for making do it yourself outdoor swing are metal and wood. In order to improve reliability and external characteristics you can combine these materials, as well as partially decorate metal structure decorative forging.

Bright cocoon swing suspended from a tree branch

Helpful advice! For the manufacture of a seat, any materials at hand can be used that may remain on the site after the construction of a house or repair work.

For construction, you can use:

  • bars;
  • plastic;
  • durable rope;
  • metal pipes;
  • old chairs or chairs from which you must first remove the legs.

Comfortable swing suitable for sleeping outdoors or reading

Car owners can use old car tires. They will go well with flower beds made of similar material.

Garden swing classification

There are many original and comfortable swing capable of any suburban area.

They can be conventionally divided into three broad categories:

  • mobile - the products have a lightweight portable design, due to which swing can be moved around the site at any comfortable spot, for example, in a house, on, in a gazebo or under a canopy in the rain;

Mobile swing option with metal base

  • family - products with a massive and weighty design. By their structure, they resemble those without legs with a large and high back. Thanks to the large dimensions, the whole family can fit in the seat. To exploit such swing was safe, they are securely fixed to the U-shaped frame. Strong cables or thick chains are used as locks. If you organize a roof or an awning over the swing, they can be used even in the rain;

  • children's - a special category of products, usually in the form of boats or hanging chairs... Special requirements are put forward for structures in relation to the frame, which must comply with all safety standards. Very young children can use swing only in the presence of adults and when using special belts. With their help, the baby is fixed on the seat and therefore cannot fall out.

With a metal frame, painted in bright colors

Varieties and photos of a swing in the country with their own hands

Swing can be classified according to other criteria. Distinguish the following swing types by construction type:

  • hammocks - suspended on a metal bar. A tree with a thick and straight bottom branch can serve as a substitute for a crossbar. When using such a structure, a person has the impression that he is hovering above the ground. Similar swing are in great demand among those who are fond of reading books;

Swing hammock- a great option for relaxation and admiring nature

Note! Hammock products, subject to the manufacturing technology, are capable of withstanding a weight load of up to 200 kg.

  • single - products with different kinds structures that do not require the installation of additional crossbars. These swing characterized by a quick installation system, while they can be installed anywhere. A variety of materials are used for manufacturing;

Beautiful hanging swing in the garden private house

  • suspended - swing are a seat suspended by several ropes or chains. The ropes are attached to the sides. Through the use various materials, which allow you to make the product durable, comfortable and lightweight, the suspended type swing can have different shape and sizes;

Cozy hanging swing made of fabric created by do it yourself

  • sun loungers - products can accommodate a family consisting of two adults and one child. Swing have a special design that involves fixing at a single attachment point, which allows them to be installed in a room. The material for the manufacture is a special alloy of metals. Despite the seeming airiness, these products are very durable.

Large family swing with metal frame

Before getting down to business, you should prepare the necessary materials, as well as tools.

Take care of the availability in advance:

Metal swing are distinguished by their elegance and seeming lightness of design

  • ingredients for solution preparation (crushed stone, water, cement, sand);
  • fasteners (nuts, bolts);
  • metal pipes;
  • wrenches and shovels;
  • grinders and a set of discs for metal.

Modern design metal swing for garden

Making a swing with your own hands: drawings and photos

The first thing to do is prepare the pipes. Cutting the material is carried out as follows:

  • side stand - 2 pcs., length - 2 m;
  • base element - 2 pcs. on each side, the length is at the discretion;
  • crossbar - 1 pc., length - 1.5-2 m.

Mounting dimensions swing metal and wood

Helpful advice! Burrs can form on metal pipes after cutting. Use a file or sandpaper to remove them.

The elements intended for the base must be secured by welding at an angle of 45 °. Next, a crossbar is welded to the posts at an angle of 90 °.

To install the structure, two trenches should be dug. The width of these recesses should correspond to the tripod obtained as a result of the assembly, and the depth should not be less than 0.8 m. The width of the crossbar should fit between the trenches.

Hanging swing unusual shape with metal frame

The supporting parts of the swing will be installed in the recesses. Previously, a sand cushion should be formed at the bottom. The layer thickness is 0.1-0.2 m. After that, the embankment is carefully compacted. The base of the structure is installed on top, the recesses are poured concrete mortar.

To prepare the mixture, mix sand, cement and crushed stone into following proportions: 2: 1: 1 (respectively). Add liquid to the resulting mixture and mix the solution. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass. Make sure it is not too runny.

Drawing of the device of a garden swing: 1 - screws for fastening the backrest and seat strips; 2 - strips; 3 - corners of the rocking seat frame; 4 - bar of the base of the swing farm; 5 - rivets; 6 - connecting strip of seat stiffness and seat suspension; 7 - side rods of the swing farm; 8 - connection of the ends of the support frame of the awning; 9 - cord for suspension of the rocking chair; 10 - carbine; 11 - ring; 12 - gusset-brace; 13 - the upper bar of the swing farm; 14 - connecting bolts with washers and nuts; 15 - insert fixing bolt; 16 - insert with a hole and internal thread under the connecting bolt; 17 - wide spacer washer; 18 - support frame for the awning; 19 - washer; 20 - a bolt connecting the upper bar with the side ones; 21 - crossbar - 2 pcs. (steel strip with bolts)

It takes about a week for the concrete to harden. Until this moment, it is not recommended to attach a seat to the crossbar, which can be supported by cables or metal beams. After making sure that the mortar has hardened, attach the hooks by welding and place the seat on the cables. If used metal beams, weld the seat to them. When the structure is completely ready and installed, it can be painted over to give the swing a beautiful appearance and protect the metal from corrosion.

Metal swing for the garden with awning and soft pillows

How to make a swing in the garden with your own hands from wood

This technology is considered, which are capable of simultaneously accommodating several babies at once. The dimensions of the swing can be changed at your discretion.

Helpful advice! Use the following wood species as a material: birch, pine, spruce.

Baby street swing built of wood

Preparatory stage: tools and materials

The list of materials required to create a timber structure includes:

  • board - 15 pcs., length - 2.5 m, section - 2.5x10 cm;
  • board - 1 piece, length - 2 m, section - 5x15 cm;
  • carbine - 6 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws - 250 pcs., size - 3.5x52 mm;
  • welded chain, the length of which is selected taking into account the height of the swing, the thickness of the links is 0.5 cm;
  • zinc-plated screws - 2 pcs. size 1.2x10 cm + 2 pcs. size 1.2x8 cm.

DIY drawing-children's swing: 1 - side outer part of the seat frame - 2 pcs. (90x35x375); 2 - side inner part of the seat frame - 2 pcs. (70x35x375); 3 - seat frame cross member - 2 pcs. (90x35x375); 4 - vertical armrest detail - 2 pcs. (45x35x275); 5 - vertical backrest detail - 2 pcs. (90x35x650); 6 - horizontal armrest detail - 4 pcs. (45x35x530); 7 - upper armrest part - 2 pcs. (145x20x585); 8 - upper chain holder - 2 pcs. (45x35x300); 9 - lower chain holder - 2 pcs. (70x35x150); 10 - front and rear parts of the seat frame - 2 pcs. (90x35x1300); 11 - backrest cross member - 1 pc. (90x35x1400); 12 - seat board - 1 pc. (90x20x1170); 13 - seat board - 3 pcs. (90x20x1230); 14 - back board - 12 pcs. (90x20x850)

The market assortment offers self-tapping screws in various colors. The shade of the fasteners can be effectively beaten in swing design, so you should pay attention to the color of the screws. By picking up fasteners to match the wood, you can hide the joints of the structural parts. Self-tapping screws in a contrasting color will allow you to achieve an interesting effect.

Hanging wooden swing painted white

Don't forget to prepare your instrument:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • a square to measure the size of the corners;
  • circular saw for cutting wood;
  • a drill and a set of drills for it;
  • a plane and a hacksaw;
  • hammer.

Schematic drawing wooden swing devices with dimensions

Technology for creating a children's swing: how to make a structure with your own hands

If you take on making a swing with your own hands, you can make your work easier with one in a simple way- make a plan and try to stick to it. It is recommended to prepare a project in advance, draw up blueprints and outline on them all the dimensional parameters, places of fasteners, analyze the future product for reliability.

If you are inexperienced in composing drawings, use finished projects... , which you can find on the Internet, will help you decide on the choice of a suitable design. Remember, there is a big difference between a swing designed for adults and a swing for children.

Suspension swing option from used car tire

On previously prepared parts (each 1.5 m long), a cut should be made strictly at a right angle. The boards, which are 2 cm thick, are intended for seating. For the manufacture of the back, it is better to start up boards with a thickness of 1.2-1.3 cm.For the seat, 32 slats are required, 15 of which should be 0.45 m long, the remaining 17 - 0.5 m.

Helpful advice! To prevent wood cracking during the installation of self-tapping screws, drill small holes in the structural elements to be fastened.

Mounting swing dimensions with metal frame

Working with the back and seat of the swing

If you want a more comfortable and comfortable backrest structure, it should be shaped. To achieve the desired result, use a board with a large thickness (section - 5x15 cm). You need to make 6 parts. Use a marker or pencil to mark the blanks accordingly.

After that, you need to determine the angle at which the back will be fixed. The planks are fixed with the same pitch. Make sure the planks are level. To do this, first perform the fixation at the sides, and then in the middle.

Baby swing suspended from the frame on chains

Increase the comfort of use swing will allow the installation of armrests. It is recommended to use a timber for these purposes. In this case, the width does not really matter and is selected taking into account your own wishes. On the one hand, the armrests are screwed to the frame part of the backrest, on the other, they are attached to the seat.

In the next step, you can attach the welded chain to the frame. The best place is in the lower area of ​​the armrest, that is, where it connects to the seat. Take a special connector that has a ring on one side and a thread on the other. It attaches to the crossbar and seat frame. Subsequently, a chain will pass through these rings.

Drawing of a chair with a back and sides for a swing(cm): 1 - horizontal sidewall element - 4 pcs. (5x5x70); 2 - connecting rod - 3 pcs. (d = 2.5 cm, 80 cm long); 3 - reinforcing square - 4 pcs. (2.5x10x10); 4, 11 - vertical sidewall elements - 4 pcs. (5x5x37.5); 5 - backrest frame element - 2 pcs. (5x5x37.5); 6 - element of the backrest and seat lattice - 13 pcs. (d = 2.5 cm, 58 cm long); 7 - seat frame element - 2 pcs. (5x5x67.5); 8 - suspension cord guide - 2 pcs. (d = 2.5 cm, 10 cm long); 9 - pin - 4 pcs. (d = 1 cm, 7 cm long); 10 - seat clamp (d = 2.5 cm, length 68 cm)

To secure swing it is better to use an A-shaped post. As support elements you need to take strong logs. Anyone who knows how to handle a welding machine can take up the manufacture of a metal frame.

Bright baby swing with original design

DIY construction of a supporting part for a swing

Many masters engaged in making a swing for summer cottages, give preference to the A-shaped struts, as they provide high level reliability, durable and can withstand heavy loads. At this point, you will need the same set of tools as for the seat. Of course, if we are talking about a rack made of wood. Otherwise, you will need a welding machine.

The A-Shaped Support Pillars are reliable, durable and can withstand heavy loads

The first thing you need to do is make the racks. They must be the same and the same size. Subsequently, you can install them at the distance that you need. This figure depends on the width of the seating position. A crossbar should be used to connect the supports.

Important! Make accurate calculations of the angle at which the vertically positioned stud members will join. The top of the posts needs to be securely fastened. Otherwise, they may be led.

Reliable fastening of the upper part of the posts will provide a high level of strength of the entire structure

To mount the crossbar, mark out 1/3 of the support legs. It is at this level that the installation will take place. Self-tapping screws and corners made of metal can be used as fixing elements. Make sure that the crossbar is set at the same height. Usually the swing has one bar, but if you want to increase the strength of the structure, you can install two.

Dig holes in the ground to mount the base. The maximum depth is 0.8 m. The structure is installed on a crushed stone cushion with a thickness of about 0.2 m. After the racks have been placed inside, they are poured with concrete.

Hanging type swing for children with timber frame

Considering that wood is highly susceptible to decay, the lower part of the uprights should be treated with an antiseptic and insulated before concreting the base. For these purposes, it is worth stocking up waterproofing material... Roofing material will do.

Since in the future the structure will be operated by children, you need to secure it. Sharp corners should be rounded, irregularities and burrs are removed by grinding.

Process construction of children's swing made of wood

Photo of a swing with your own hands and features of their manufacture

Even if you are absolutely not on friendly terms with the plane and the welding machine, this does not mean at all that the swing at the summer cottage will remain a luxury for you. There are many simple designs that you can handle. Moreover, most of them do not require the purchase of any expensive materials. You can always arm yourself with the means at hand.

Simple baby swing for the garden hanging by ropes from a tree branch

Swing made of scrap materials: pallets

Pallets are a very popular type of material from which home and garden furniture is made. Due to their versatility, they can also be used for organizing a swing in a suburban area. To do this, you should have at hand one pallet, a rope and a tree, where the structure will be suspended.

Helpful advice! As a substitute for wood, you can install strong support pillars.

Pallets are an excellent material for creating original garden furniture

Even a product based on one pallet can have several modifications. The one-piece element can be fixed in suspension at the four corners with ropes. This is enough for the swing to perform its function. To create comfort, just put a small mattress on top of the pallet and cover it with a blanket or sheet. Several pillows on top will be a kind of solution to the problem of the lack of a back.

Cozy baby swing from pallets with soft mattress and pillows

Structures of this type can be used not only for reading books in the open air, but also for an elementary rest from the midday heat in the shade. They can even be used for sleeping.

For creating a swing with a full back with your own hands two pallets are required. As with wooden structures from boards and beams, here you should also sand the surface to get rid of burrs. The product must be well cleaned and dyed with a dye intended for wood and outdoor conditions exploitation. It is enough to use a moisture-resistant varnish, which will not spoil the beauty of the tree.

Hanging swing for summer cottages made of pallets

Other types of do-it-yourself swing

The most simple option a swing is a board-like seat suspended with ropes. To prevent quick chafing of the rope, two more pieces can be nailed on the sides of the board. After that, 4 holes are made through which the ropes are threaded. Strong and tight knots are tied at the ends to fix it. The structure itself can be mounted both on a tree and on a U-shaped support base.

Beautiful hanging swing will become a decoration of the personal plot

Swing hanging on ropes can be made in another way. Instead of holes in the board, grooves are formed: a pair in the end part and a pair along the edges in the corner zone. The seat (board) can be shaped like a semicircle or left straight. Due to the pulling force, the rope will not jump out of the grooves, despite the fact that they are open.

Safe baby swing you can do it yourself from textiles and wood

Helpful advice! If you have an unusable skateboard or snowboard, you can use it in place of a seat, giving the swing a unique look.

For making a swing with your own hands a large number of different materials can be used on the site up to car tires... It is enough to hang the tire from a tree branch with a rope. If you care about nature, you should not use a chain - it injures the bark too much.

Hanging swing from a wicker chair decorated with bright ribbons

Some craftsmen give the tire swing intricate carved shapes. To receive original design enough to get spicy cutting tool and ready-made schemes. Cutting the tires can be done with a construction knife. Pre-mark the surface of the cuts using chalk or a dark marker. Ready product can be painted in bright colors or covered with drawings.

Swing from two logs not big size, tied together with a rope, are very popular among summer residents. The main thing is that the wood is cleaned, leveled and tightly bound.

Swing creation drawing in the form of a horse from an old tire

Beautiful designs and methods of their fastening

There are several types of fastening systems that can be used for a swing. These options are the most common:

  • carabiners - in this case, the bar is clasped by an element that has a circular cross-section (used for rounded bars) or rectangular (square shape of a carabiner for beams);
  • anchors - in fact, they are the same carabiners with a through type of fastening.

Reliability and safety of the structure are the main properties of a good children's swing

Swing with four attachment points(2 on the seat and 2 on the back) can be suspended in two ways. In the first case, you bring the chains or ropes into a common ring, which is a connecting carabiner. Then one of the ropes or chains is attached to the crossbar with the main carabiner. This gives you two anchor points on the bar.

Another option involves the installation of a fastening system, which is based on the use of 4 carabiners, fixing each of the ropes or chains leading from the structure.

Device options swing seats, as well as the method of attaching anchors to the crossbar

Swing in the form of benches can be mounted on hooks that are mounted in the side walls of the support pillars.

DIY materials for creating beautiful swing for children in the country

If you do not want to be limited to the use of materials at hand, but want to create an original and beautiful design, you can use interesting types of wood and metals.

Helpful advice! Enhance your product by adding a comfortable back or front bar to your design. Thanks to this limiter, you can increase the level of operational safety of the swing.

For outdoor hanging swing it is better to choose boards from hardwoods

To create a beautiful swing you will need:

  • carabiners made of durable metal;
  • deciduous tree boards;
  • hanging chain;
  • self-tapping screws with various dimensional parameters;
  • screws complete with rings, which are also used for hanging children's swing in the room.

Comfortable swing for children hammock type made of thick colored fabric

The set of tools for work is limited to:

  • a drill and a set of drills;
  • saw and hacksaw;
  • jigsaw and plane;
  • hammer;
  • measuring and marking devices (square, tape measure, chalk, pencil / marker).

Plain old tires can be turned into original swing for children

For installation of a swing you need to select a shady place, for example, an area under a tree or under the roof of a canopy, terrace. You can even equip the structure itself with a roof or a canopy, otherwise you will have to cover the product with a tarp or film in bad weather.

The initial stage of product manufacturing

Any stable swing design begins with digging in the support pillars to a depth of 0.8 m. The remaining space in the recess is filled with concrete. Then the crossbar is connected to the posts.

Wooden swing device: 1 - upper bundle (length 115 cm, width and thickness of the board 10x5 cm); 2 - visor board covering the bolt heads and protecting the screed from bad weather (length 145 cm, width and thickness 22.5x5 cm); 3 - two posts (height 275 cm, width and thickness 22.5x5 cm), the distance between the posts is 105 cm, the ends of the posts are concreted into the ground to a depth of 60 cm; 4 - galvanized chain, attached from the top and bottom to the eyebolts on the turnbuckles; 5 - seat (length 60 cm, width and thickness 15x5 cm)

Further actions depend on what type of material is used to manufacture the product. If swing are created on the basis of metal pipes, the connection of all elements is carried out only using a welding machine. Wood supports will require pretreatment with an antiseptic and nuts and bolts as fasteners.

The seat is created from two frames. One of them will be the backrest, the second will be the seat. Set and secure pieces of plywood or wood to them. After that, you will need to fix the frames at an angle of strictly 120 °.

Process construction of a children's complex with a swing made of wood

In order to attach a rope or chain to the seat, brackets or special hooks are installed. This will allow the structure to be suspended from the bar.

Note! The swing is suspended in such a way that the feet of the person sitting on it can touch the ground.

The design of the structure can be improved by decorating it or installing an unusual item as a seat.

Baby swing suspended from a tree by a rope

Do-it-yourself installation of the fastening mechanism on a swing

Hanging the swing seat to the crossbar is carried out by means of staples or special hooks. If the structure is held by cables, you will also need to purchase clamps that will function as latches. Other materials such as chains or ropes may be used.

It is recommended to use a chain with large links. This will increase the service life of the product due to the fact that the metal from which they are made is not afraid of the negative effects of weather conditions and temperature extremes. Moreover, the chain is often used for landscape decoration. It will complement the design of the courtyard on the suburban area.

Installation of fasteners for hanging swings

The suspension mounting area requires careful reinforcement. V decorative purposes on the wooden seat, you can put pillows, a mattress or stretch over an awning. These elements can not only decorate the product, but also increase the comfort of use, make it pleasant to relax.

Since the design is made for children, it is better to equip the swing seat with a comfortable back. As for the suspension, it is less important in this case.

Schematic drawing suspension swing devices from a car tire on metal frame: 1 - racks; 2 - tire; 3 - welded calibrated chain; 4 - M12 bolt with an eyelet; 5 - section of channel No. 14, the length of which is 200 mm; 6 - steel plate 140x200 mm; 7 - bolt М12

How to make a swing safe with your own hands

The area where children rest and have fun must be safe. Following simple rules, this can be easily achieved:

  • use the safest and most reliable nodes;
  • nylon rope is less harmful to the tree than others;
  • the best option for a tree is oak;

Children's swing made of wood handmade in the form of a mouse and a beetle

  • having figured out how to make a swing in the country, before fixing them on a tree, carefully examine the branch on which they will be hung. Make sure there are no cracks, excessive dryness, signs of illness;
  • If a chain is used to hang the swing, it is recommended to place it inside the plastic tubes. Otherwise, the child's fingers can get caught in the links;
  • a branch with a swing should be checked for reliability, since in the course of using the structure, the wood gradually frays and collapses. This should be done every week;

Before use swing children, be sure to check the structure for strength

  • test the product for durability before allowing children to use it. For this, the largest family member is suitable. If the swing can withstand its weight, then it can be put into operation;
  • use only reliable carabiner options.

We should not forget about the aesthetic side of the issue. Make the sides of the swing curly to keep the kids interested. The sides can be made in the form of dinosaurs or cars, ships.