Polycarbonate roof. How to cover the roof with polycarbonate? How to make a polycarbonate roof? Polycarbonate roof

Having studied the properties and characteristics of the material, the question arises - is it possible to use polycarbonate as a roofing material? Its structure has good qualities transmission, has admissible values ​​of strength qualities. However, the selection should take into account negative sides. For a complete analysis, you should familiarize yourself with the operational and technical features of the use of polycarbonate roofing.

Material Features

At the first stage it is necessary to find out - what is this material? For its manufacture, polymer granules are used, which go through the stages of heating, the formation of a plastic mass and giving it the desired shape using extrusion. The result is a cellular or monolithic structure.

To use it as a roofing material, you need to familiarize yourself with the positive qualities.

  • Small specific gravity. Depending on the thickness and structure, it can range from 1.7 to 3.5 kg/m2. This helps to reduce the total weight of the structure and, as a result, to reduce the dimensions of the racks and logs.
  • Easy processing. Unlike glass, polycarbonate is easy to cut and does not leave chips at the edges. In some cases, the technology involves grinding them, which can be done using fine-mesh abrasives.
  • Possibility of bending. The flexibility of polycarbonate has become a major application factor for the manufacture of arched structures of complex shape.
  • Affordable cost.

However, along with this, it is necessary to take into account the negative aspects of the use of this polymeric material. The first is thermal expansion. When the heating level rises above 40 degrees, an increase overall dimensions sheet. Taking this fact into account, one can only use special types fasteners to compensate for this phenomenon.

Also, many experts note the low resistance of polycarbonate to the appearance of small scratches on the surface.

To avoid this, it is recommended to apply a protective film to the outer part of the roof. It will prevent the deterioration of the appearance, as well as protect the structure from exposure to sunlight.

UV radiation may cause discoloration.

Roof structure

It is important to first determine the appearance of the roof. Depending on this, a certain scheme of its arrangement is selected. Currently, two types of construction are used - arched and pitched. They perform the same functions of protecting against weather factors, but differ in shape.


This is the traditional external form of the roof. It is one or more planes located at an angle relative to the bearing elements and each other. In this case, polycarbonate does not need to be bent, which reduces labor costs.

Such a design has the following advantages.

  • Simple installation of both sheet polycarbonate and the main components.
  • Optimum material consumption.
  • Uniform distribution snow cap loads.

For gable roof it is important to properly equip the skate - the junction of two planes. Therefore, it is best to use special aluminum profiles.


This type of polycarbonate roofing is more popular than pitched roofing. This is due to the possibility of bending the sheet. Making a frame takes more time and money. The roofing polymer coating should fit snugly against the arched trusses. The exception is with a small area. It doesn't have to have a crate.

Consider the main components of the framework.

  • Racks

A carrier sublattice is installed on them, on top of which are placed polymer sheets. Bottom part racks are attached to the foundation (canopy) or on the wall of the building. Depending on this, various types of fasteners are used - bolted connection or dowels. Load bearing capacity each rack must be at least three times the maximum weight load. To calculate this parameter, you can use the online calculator.

  • Farm

It is intended for connection of racks among themselves. Serves as a reinforcing element, improving the rigidity of the structure. Since the main purpose of the trusses is the formation of a single frame, metal profile pipes or wooden bars smaller size. To improve the aesthetic properties of a polycarbonate roof, it is possible to install figured elements - forged (steel) or carved (wooden).

  • crate

This is a frame on top of which polycarbonate sheets are installed. When calculating, it is important to determine the distance between the rails. Because polymer material flexible enough - increased wind load or a large layer of snow can lead to its deformation. The grid in this case serves supporting element, which evenly distributes the weight over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure.

Manufacturing steps

First you need to calculate the roof. The best option- use the services of specialists. If the design is initially small, then this can be done independently. Using the functions of any online calculator, the calculation of the number of racks, the step of the crate and the total consumption of materials is performed. Purchasing is based on this information.

The procedure for performing work on the arrangement of a polycarbonate roof is as follows.

  1. Preparatory stage

It includes the manufacture of the base for fastening the racks. When designing canopies, they make columnar foundation in the ground. If the roof will be mounted on the building, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of using dowels or similar mounting elements in the wall.

  1. Frame manufacturing

If it is planned to be metal, then it is best to use for racks profile pipe 40*40 or 50*50 mm, with a thickness of 1 mm. To form one bearing wall it is necessary to connect a number of racks using trusses. Then they are attached to each other, and a crate is installed on top. Such a technological scheme is only suitable if the dimensions of the structure are small. Recommended for large areas phased installation each side on a foundation or wall.

  1. Cutting polycarbonate

Before cutting the sheets, it is necessary to draw up a cutting sheet. It should include the required dimensions of the sheets for installation on the roof. Depending on the geometric parameters of the workpieces, is selected. After the manufacture of all components, there should be a minimum of non-business waste.

As a tool, you can use a regular clerical knife.

After all the blanks have been made, you can proceed with the installation.

Cottage construction is so popular that more and more people are leaving apartments in bustling cities and moving to Fresh air. Here you can relax and rejuvenate, escape from the hustle and bustle and admire the beauty of nature. But the more fans a country dwelling has, the more diverse buildings are being built in their habitats, and this is great, because often new items in the construction industry simply amaze with their functionality and decorative properties.

It is these characteristics that polycarbonate roofs for houses and adjoining utility structures have. They are installed above the porch or pool, built in the form of a canopy in the parking lot and above the barbecue area. So why does this material, which is quite new for our country, attract modern developers?

Material Specifications

Polycarbonate is characterized by excellent durability. This polymer is durable and has an attractive appearance, although it is the kind of plastic we have long known. Its transparent structure allows the sun's rays to pass through, and also provides a panoramic view, which only increases its decorative value. Terraces near the house, verandas and bright spacious greenhouses are built from such material.

The service life of a polycarbonate roof is directly affected by the quality of the material and the correct installation. The polymer can be divided into several categories, each of which has its own service life:

  1. Premium - withstands at least 20 years of operation.
  2. Elite - serves at least 12 years.
  3. Optimal - an average of 10 years.
  4. Economy - up to 8 years.

Before choosing such a material for your home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages, which will make it possible to better understand the properties and features of the new generation roof.


To the advantages of cellular polymer coating can be attributed:

  • excellent light transmission. About 80% of sunlight passes through the transparent coating;
  • good flexibility parameters, which makes it possible to make structures of a curved shape without the risk of deforming the structure and violating the integrity of the material;
  • worthy general characteristics, thanks to which it can be successfully combined with building materials of different textures;
  • high thermal stability, which allows polycarbonate to be used in the temperature range from -40 to +120 C;
  • strength against mechanical impact, withstands a layer of snow more than one meter;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties. The canopy keeps warm in the cold season and keeps cool on hot summer days;
  • light weight, only 2.5 kg/1m2;
  • resistance to fire;
  • full compliance with safety requirements, in case of damage it does not break into small or even sharper fragments;
  • has good soundproofing parameters;
  • easy to install, no special skills are required for its installation;
  • affordable cost, in comparison with the same glass;
  • makes it possible to build a structure of any, even the most bizarre forms that will decorate the house;
  • a wide range of colors, so there will be no problems with choosing the desired option.


Polycarbonate does not have many disadvantages and they are rather conditional. For example, the material will not be able to shelter you from the bright sun, but the same property can also be considered as a virtue, because you do not need to resort to additional lighting fixtures during the daytime, thereby saving electricity costs.

And, of course, the really minus of the polymer is brittleness, which can manifest itself with improper installation, which can lead to cracks on the treated surface.

Types of polycarbonate

Two types of polycarbonate are used in construction:

  1. Solid, produced in the form of sheets, the thickness of which can be from 2 mm to 1 cm. Most often it is installed where heavy rainfall is observed and gusty winds blow. At visual inspection, you can hardly distinguish it from glass. This type of material is the most expensive.
  2. Structured, with sheet thickness up to 3 cm, and an impressive weight, which sometimes exceeds that of a monolithic product. This type of polymer has increased strength due to the cellular structure. They can cover arched ceilings and round roofs of the house. Before purchasing such a building material, ask the seller about which option better fit for your conditions, otherwise you may experience an unplanned replacement of the material because it does not meet your requirements.

An example of mounting a polycarbonate roof

On the example of installing a cover for a gazebo, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with step by step instructions, which will help to make a high-quality design with your own hands. Here we will use cellular polycarbonate, the thickness of which is 8 mm. The shape of the canopy can be anything - hipped, with several slopes, domed or any other, but we will talk about the direct configuration of the roof.

As in any building process, here the beginning of the work lies in drawing up a project with drawings that must be prepared in advance.

truss system

Before installation, wooden elements for the truss system must be treated with antiseptics that will not natural material rot, thereby its operational period will increase significantly. Also, if desired, you can make the wood tinted with a special varnish. Dry boards must be installed vertically in increments equal to the width of the polycarbonate sheet. A crate is stuffed from the bars, which is mounted across the truss elements.

Fixing sheets

To fix sheets of reinforced plastic on the crate, you need to use self-tapping screws equipped with sealing washers as fasteners. To avoid deformation of the skin, you can first mark the places for self-tapping screws, and then drill holes in their place with a diameter exceeding that of the fasteners.

Between themselves, the sheets of material are connected using special profiles, which can be either solid or detachable. Self-tapping screws are not recommended to be screwed all the way, otherwise, with a sharp change in temperature, the linear expansion will remain in a static position and the roof may burst from stress in the plastic structure.


In order for the roof of the gazebo near the house to serve its owners for many years, it is necessary to properly seal the honeycomb sheets, for which a tape is glued on the ends of the polycarbonate elements or a profile is installed, thereby eliminating the appearance of condensate. It is also recommended to lubricate an additional layer of sealant at the joints of the plates, then you will get a guaranteed impermeability.

To make the work easier, and the result of the installation turned out to be positive, use the advice of professionals:

  • do not mount a completely transparent roof, as you will not be able to hide under it from the scorching sun;
  • do not remove the protective film from the material, because it protects it from damage;
  • don't forget to equip ventilation system in the event that the roof of the house made of polycarbonate is mounted above the dwelling;
  • avoid building a completely flat roof, as snow and water will constantly accumulate on its surface, corroding the structure at the joints of the elements;
  • during operation and operation, do not step on polycarbonate sheets, because they are fragile and may not support your weight.

If you strictly follow the instructions and listen to our advice, then you will get an excellent do-it-yourself polycarbonate roof.

Polycarbonate - modern material, often used in construction for the construction of partitions, walls, hinged and decorative elements. Polycarbonate is also widely used as roofing. Roofs of houses, arbors are erected from it, open terraces, awnings and canopies over the entrance. A polycarbonate roof allows you to embody the most daring ideas thanks to the features of this material.

The advantages of polycarbonate include:

  • Light weight with high mechanical strength;
  • The ability to transmit light;
  • A wide range of shades and colors;
  • Original and elegant appearance;
  • Ease of installation and processing;
  • Polycarbonate does not rust, does not collapse under the influence of chemistry and microorganisms, is resistant to temperature extremes, provided that it is properly installed.

Polycarbonate also has disadvantages. One of them is the instability to UV radiation when the protective layer is damaged, therefore, during installation, it is necessary to monitor the integrity protective film and remove it only after the completion of all work. Another feature of polycarbonate, which should be considered carefully, is a high coefficient of thermal expansion. It is necessary to mount polycarbonate using special self-tapping screws through pre-drilled holes of a larger diameter. Otherwise, when the temperature changes, the material may deform.

Polycarbonate is divided into monolithic and cellular. Monolithic polycarbonate has high strength and has a standard thickness of 2 to 12 mm. The dimensions of a monolithic polycarbonate sheet are 2.05x3.05 meters. Its scope is roofs of various configurations, experiencing a large snow and wind load. Monolithic polycarbonate with a thickness of 12 mm is considered anti-vandal and is able to withstand a hammer blow without the slightest damage.

Cellular polycarbonate has a significantly lower weight due to the cellular structure: the sheet consists of two or more thin sheets of polycarbonate connected by stiffeners along the entire length of the sheet. This structure of the material allows to obtain high mechanical strength at low weight. Arched structures, domed roofs and others are made from cellular polycarbonate complex elements. Cellular polycarbonate can be both transparent and matte, has a wide range of shades. Standard Thickness- from 4 to 32 mm, sheet dimensions 2.1x6.1 or 2.1x12.1 meters.

Frame materials

Polycarbonate roof frame can be made from various materials. The decisive factor in the choice is the basic style of the building and the expected weight of the structure, taking into account the snow load. In wooden buildings, when making a straight roof, a truss system of wooden bars or boards is used, on which a transverse crate and polycarbonate sheets are laid. This design fits perfectly into the overall style and gives the structure lightness, volume and light.

Arched structures of canopies, verandas, as well as domed roofs are usually made on a frame made of a profile, aluminum or steel. Steel is used for bulky structures and high snow loads. For light buildings, a light aluminum profile is sufficient. For arches of large radius, additional supports and struts, transverse stiffeners from the profile are also used.

Polycarbonate is fastened to the profile using special self-tapping screws with a sealing washer. The joints of the sheets are connected using an H-shaped profile for polycarbonate.

Straight polycarbonate roof: execution technology

A straight polycarbonate roof is usually used for outdoor terraces, gazebos, small garden houses. The choice of polycarbonate as a roofing allows you to get natural light, create a feeling of lightness and open space. At the same time, such a roof cannot be properly insulated without losing its transparency, therefore, it is of little use for buildings used in the winter.

Arched roofs are most often performed in the construction of canopies, visors, summer arbors. They are extremely simple in design, and most challenging task is the execution of arcs from a profile or a square pipe. Actually, the difficulty lies in bending it evenly around the entire circumference, and for this it is better to use a template.

  1. The basis of the design of the arched roof are arcs. In order to make an arc from a metal profile, you need to cut it at regular intervals with metal scissors on both sides. The more such notches, the smaller the arc radius can be made, however, it should be remembered that polycarbonate has a minimum allowable bend radius, which is not recommended to be reduced. When folding, the sides should remain inside the arc.
  2. Having bent one arc from the profile, it is tried on at the installation site, leveled if necessary, and stiffeners are attached to it. After that, the arc is used as a template for making the remaining arcs.
  3. Polycarbonate is attached to a metal profile in the same way as to a tree, using self-tapping screws with a thermal sealing washer. Joints and ends are processed using the same technology.

Currently, new materials are appearing on the construction market, which immediately become popular due to their unique properties. This is exactly what polycarbonate is - a material made of polymers that has the highest degree resistance to mechanical stress and temperature extremes, which contributes to its widespread use, in particular in the construction industry.

Almost everything can be made from polycarbonate: fences, windows, gazebos, awnings, verandas, dropped ceilings. Moreover, today you can even build a polycarbonate roof, and most importantly, you can do it yourself, since installation is not very difficult, but the result will please you. You can arrange a transparent polycarbonate roof over any structure, including over a residential building, a cold attic, over a balcony area, a terrace, a veranda - wherever natural light is useful.

Properties of polycarbonate

Since any roof must meet certain requirements, the material for its device must have relevant characteristics. Polycarbonate is just one of those materials that have the desired properties:

  • the transparency of the material, thanks to which it is possible to provide natural light through the roof, approximately as shown in the photo, for a longer time every day than through windows;
  • excellent impact resistance, which can withstand even large hail and other falling objects;
  • impact resistance and the absence of possible damage to chips and fragments;
  • low degree of flammability and resistance to combustion. In addition, even near an open flame, when the material melts, it does not emit harmful compounds;
  • good performance in terms of sound and thermal insulation properties;
  • low weight of the material, thanks to which polycarbonate panels are easy to deliver to the construction site, it is also easy to process, do all the installation work, create fairly light polycarbonate roofs with your own hands, expanding the possibilities of design desires and all this at a not so high cost;
  • the unique flexibility of the material, allowing you to create various architectural forms of any level of complexity. Moreover, polycarbonate bends perfectly in one direction, and in the opposite direction it is quite rigid. This allows him to withstand any serious load;
  • high bearing capacity;
  • retains all its properties in the temperature range from +125 to -45 degrees, therefore, in the summer heat and at the most low temperatures in winter it will serve equally;
  • lends itself to any type of processing: gluing, bending, drilling, cutting, so that the structure will be reliable and durable, the main thing is that the angle of inclination of the flat roof is so sufficient that snow cannot linger on the surface;
  • relatively low cost;
  • long service life, which, depending on the quality and thickness of the material, ranges from 7-8 to 25 years.

Design features

Polycarbonate structures can be built by yourself different shapes: flat, but angled so that rainwater can run off freely. In addition, you can make the upper part of the house in the form of a pyramid, prism, dome, hemisphere - here there are simply no restrictions on the imagination of the owners of the house.

It's important to know: To give the roof the desired shape, you must first make a base-frame, on which the roof surface will then be mounted.

You can create the basis for the construction of a polycarbonate roof with your own hands from profiles made of aluminum or steel material. If you want to create a completely transparent surface of the building, you can purchase ready-made polycarbonate profiles and then the roof will not have any visible joints. This option allows you to make the original roof, as if hovering over the building.

Necessary tools and materials

Before thinking about the construction of any structure, you need to take care of the purchase the right materials. In this case - polycarbonate plates. They, depending on the quality, are divided into several types:

  1. The most affordable economical option, but it will serve from 5 to 8 years.
  2. For a couple of years, the optimal polycarbonate will last longer. If you cover the roof with this type of material, you can not think about its repair and other types of maintenance for more than ten years, as happens on roofs made of other materials.
  3. The service life of elite polycarbonate is slightly longer - 12-15 years.
  4. The longest service life has a premium canvas, it will retain its appearance and properties for more than two decades.

The pricing of each type of polycarbonate material depends on the amount of recyclable materials added at the manufacturing stage, as well as on the dimensions of the sheets and their thermal resistance.

Tools needed for the job:

  • planer, hammer;
  • level or bar;
  • sealant for filling voids and gaps;
  • material for the manufacture of the frame and the subsequent laying of a polycarbonate roof with your own hands;
  • tape for processing ends;
  • jigsaw, screwdriver, hacksaw;
  • fixture. Usually these are self-tapping screws with thermal washers.

Do-it-yourself installation

The construction of a roof, like any other structure, begins with the preparation of a project or drawing, according to which the calculations of the amount of material necessary for work are carried out.

Rafter installation

When installing the base for polycarbonate, you need to take only high-quality material, since the reliability of the operation of polycarbonate sheets and the appearance of the building depend on the strength of the rafters. Therefore, it is best to take a bar with a section of 40-60 cm, or a metal profile, for the frame. Enhance roof structure it is possible by mounting additional bars, placing them in the transverse and longitudinal directions between the beams.

When installing the rafters, in order not to cut the panels once again, you will have to take into account that the width of the polycarbonate sheets is 210 cm plus 5 millimeters of the temperature gap on each side. Knowing these subtleties will help you correctly calculate the length with an arched or flat roof.

Profile fixing

When installing connectors and fasteners, you need to ensure that the profiles are selected for work, those that are intended for use at this stage, there are models of profile products for sale for connecting operations, ridge, end, external and internal connections. In addition, the dimensions of profiles of any kind must match the thickness of the sheet. If the work will be performed on profiles made of metal or aluminum, then the end parts of the sheets must be sealed with adhesive tape.

The collapsible profile is attached in several stages - first the lower element, and then the panels are installed, and after them - the upper profile element.

On a note: To install a non-separable profile, additional preparations are not carried out: polycarbonate lies on the finished frame and is fastened with a dot technique, or with fixing profiles.

When building a roof made of polycarbonate, the material should be placed only vertically, if placed across, moisture will accumulate inside and the material will darken. If a rounded roof is made, the honeycomb ribs are directed along the radius.

Cutting polycarbonate

When cutting off excess material, you should work cutting tool, and it can be a jigsaw and a circular saw, with sharp fine teeth. The speed will have to be selected experimentally, since too high a speed leads to overheating of the polymer and its melting, and if it is too low, chips form on the material. It is impossible to allow the polycarbonate to vibrate during operation, this may form microcracks.

Drilling polycarbonate

While doing installation work with the help of self-tapping screws, just before screwing them in, you need to make holes, the diameter of which should be 2-3 mm larger than the diameter of the fastener.

Good to know: For work, it is best to use a drill designed for non-ferrous metal.

But knowing how to make a polycarbonate roof is not enough, you need to know how to fix it, in no case should you screw the screws all the way, you need to leave room for the temperature play of the polycarbonate material.

And most importantly, for all types of work it is allowed to use only sharply sharpened tools and perform them only on a flat surface, while trying not to damage the protective film on polycarbonate sheets. If it is removed earlier, debris or even very small plastic particles can get inside the hollow channels, which then will need to be removed, either with compressed air or shake out the sheets themselves, which, given their size, is quite problematic.

To make a polycarbonate roof with your own hands, you need ... If you put polycarbonate on the roof across the honeycomb, then inside it will be ...

We build a shed polycarbonate roof: analysis of the nuances and subtleties of construction technology

Modern roofing polycarbonate in many of its qualities is not only not inferior to traditional shed roof coverings, but also surpasses them! Lightweight, eco-friendly, easy to install and light-diffusing. The fashion for the sky, which is visible through the roof, is already all over the world. Have you dreamed of such a ceiling in your own house, your favorite workshop or a new veranda? Are you inspired by new architectural quirks? Then you just have to figure out how a shed roof for polycarbonate is arranged - and everything will work out! And you will be surprised how strong and aesthetic the roof will turn out, which will be just as good as glossy samples from suburban construction magazines.

Pros and cons of polycarbonate as a roofing material

It will be interesting for you to know that such a popular and familiar polycarbonate for us was born quite by accident! Once a German scientist mixed the ingredients necessary for the experiment in a new way, and a dense transparent precipitate settled on the bottom of the flask. It was from him that they began to make new translucent structures. They differed in that they weighed 6 times less than glass, but at the same time they were stronger.

And modern roofing polycarbonate is valuable for such qualities:

  • Does not emit toxic substances.
  • Does not support combustion, hardly flammable.
  • Has a low weight.
  • Simply cut and processed.
  • Easily bends into desired shape.
  • Flexible and easily carries the weight of the snow.
  • It is heat-resistant and does not change its properties in the heat and in severe frost.
  • Available in a wide variety of colors.

And as a material for a shed roof, it also has such additional advantages:

  • Excellent sound absorption. That is why it is actively used today as an acoustic screen along busy highways - to reduce harmful noise for residential buildings. Those. under such a roof it will be not only warm, but also quiet.
  • One side has a protective layer against ultraviolet radiation, and the other - with reflective particles. Moreover, the material reflects up to 60% of sunlight, which significantly reduces the heat load of the entire building in the heat. And that means you don't have to buy air conditioners.
  • Virtually indestructible: extreme impact resistance ranges from 900 to 1100 kJ/m2, while the strongest polystyrene has only 10 kJ/m2.

And in order to give the roofing polycarbonate the necessary qualities, modern manufacturers cover the sheets with special films:

  • Anti-condensation film. With such a coating, a shed roof under polycarbonate will not collect moisture on the inner surface.
  • UV film. This UV-protective type of coating protects the sheet from haze and yellowing.

UV protection is applied to polycarbonate by co-extrusion in the factory. A new stage of technical progress in this area is polycarbonate roofing sheets with double UV protection. They have the highest wear resistance - only 4 delta yellowing index units, compared to 10 ordinary sheets.

Of course, roofing polycarbonate has its drawbacks, some of which are quite serious:

  • Collects static electricity.
  • It is not always designed for the point pressure of the weight of the person who makes the repair.
  • In a fire, it melts and drips hot drops onto everything in the room.

But as for the last point, we note that during a fire, very little remains unscathed. Therefore, it is not worth abandoning a fashionable polycarbonate roof because of this.

And we note that the quality and properties of roofing polycarbonate are getting better day by day. New shades of toning appear and new additives are introduced that block the amount of glare, and as a result, the sunlight that passes through the sheet turns out to be cleaner. And what is yet to come!

Types of modern roofing polycarbonate

But let's first figure out what kind of polycarbonate you can use for the roof.

Monolithic polycarbonate

Monolithic polycarbonate is a solid plate with a thickness of 2 to 12 mm. It is much stronger than glass, but at the same time it is many times lighter, which is why it tops the rating of modern anti-vandal plastics.

Monolithic polycarbonate for the roof is produced in cast or corrugated form.

Profiled monolithic polycarbonate

A corrugation is a profile that we see as a wave-like shape or a square contour. It's not only beautiful! A carefully selected profile allows you to make such material 2-3 times stronger, plus rainwater rolls off it much easier. But fixing one on the roof, of course, is more difficult - you will have to use additional silicone coasters.

Modern roofing polycarbonate sheets are produced mainly in the following three types of sections:

Moreover, it is no more difficult to work with corrugated polycarbonate than with cellular or monolithic ones.

Profiled monolithic polycarbonate has many more advantages than sheet:

  • Higher strength, like a metal profile.
  • Service life up to 30 years.
  • High wear resistance.
  • Transparency level up to 92%.
  • Ease of installation and handling.
  • High plasticity.
  • Light weight - only 1.7 kg per square meter.
  • Wide range of colors.
  • Resistance to temperature changes, fading and adverse precipitation.

And finally, the aesthetic appeal!

Separate corrugated sheets are produced in shades of gray, bronze, milky white and opal: these perfectly protect against harmful effects ultraviolet rays. And this means that under such a roof different materials will burn out and collapse less.

Cellular polycarbonate

Cellular polycarbonate is also valuable as a roof covering, which is slightly less transparent than monolithic. But it has an important function - the scattering of rays. You will choose just such a roof covering if, for example, you will build winter Garden or a greenhouse: direct rays burn the delicate leaves of plants. The same applies to utility and storage facilities - not a single item will be durable under the scorching sun.

Scattered light is considered more valuable also due to the fact that it penetrates more into the dark corners of the room and does not give such muck as fungi and mold a chance to live there. But how does it happen? The fact is that a monolithic polycarbonate structure is integral and transparent, and therefore the light beam that passes through it only slightly changes its angle, and that's it. And the cell phone is made not only of horizontal planes - it has a lot of vertical partitions. As a result, the passing beam is divided into thousands of smaller ones, where each one has its own angle. This is what scattered light is.

Cellular polycarbonate for the roof is produced today of the following types according to the type of internal structure:

  • Single-chamber standard, with a thickness of 4 to 10 mm.
  • Two-chamber standard, with a sheet thickness of 16 mm.
  • Reinforced reinforced, but with a thickness of 4-6 mm.
  • Four-chamber, with a sheet thickness of 25 mm.

Cellular polycarbonate consists of two panels, which are interconnected by stiffening ribs. Therefore, in fact, most of the cellular polycarbonate is air.

Internal stiffening ribs give polycarbonate special strength, thanks to which it easily withstands severe wind and snow loads. The range of extreme temperatures is from -20° to +80°С. What other roof covering boasts similar parameters?

Cellular polycarbonate, the cells of which are filled with airgel - the new kind products. It has high impact resistance and thermal insulation, which has surpassed triple-glazed windows with argon.

Choice of thickness of roofing sheets

Any polycarbonate is not suitable for you. The fact is that the construction market today offers PC sheets of various thicknesses - both for greenhouses and for glazing with increased load. Therefore, when choosing polycarbonate for a roof, proceed from what exactly you want to cover.

Sheets 4-6 mm thick are the most fragile. They are used for greenhouses and greenhouses, advertising stands and small translucent inserts in the roof:

Sheets 6-8 mm thick can already be safely used for the roof of the gazebo and a small utility block, sheds and glazing of the ends of a shed roof. It's easy to work with:

Polycarbonate 10 mm thick usually goes already on vertical glazing in order to create a noise-absorbing barrier. This polycarbonate will be an excellent transparent wall in the attic under a pitched roof.

PC sheets with a thickness of 16 to 32 mm are used where there will be an increased load: for roofs of private houses, industrial premises and winter gardens. And for the roof of the house, of course, you will need polycarbonate with a thickness of 16 mm or more. But just don’t think that it’s better for them to finish everything at once: both the ends and the complex parts. The fact is that the thicker the PC sheet, the denser and stiffer it is, and the greater the load it can withstand, but its flexibility has already been reduced significantly.

We do not particularly take into account wind loads, because shed roof has low windage.

What truss system is needed?

As rafters for a shed polycarbonate roof, we advise you to use both wooden bars, as well as square and rectangular pipes. Here is a detailed master class of such construction:

But at the same time, remember that the minimum slope of a pitched polycarbonate roof is 10%.

Which fasteners and profiles to choose

Unlike the usual, more traditional types of roofing, where everything is prosaic and the mounting method is indicated by the manufacturer, you will have to tinker with polycarbonate. And first of all, you need to decide how exactly it will be more profitable to connect the sheets to each other.

Profiling systems

These are made of polycarbonate or aluminum. The profiling systems are two structural connecting elements that close the ends of the plates with the help of bolts and sealants. And for polycarbonate roofs, special profiles are sold today:

  • UP - end. Naturally, the ends of the roofing sheets are sealed with such a profile.
  • PSK or PSB - connecting. They connect the panels in the same horizontal plane.
  • RP - ridge. They connect panels in a gable roof.
  • HP is a one-piece profile that is used for mounting small planes and arches. Those. you will make such a mount only once, and later you will not be able to remove it.
  • SP and HCP are split profiles that are used for the installation of pitched roofs and their vertical parts.
  • PT - end profile for polycarbonate, which has an improved design. There is already a drip and a drainage channel, thanks to which the outflow of water is improved.

And all these profiles differ in the material from which they are made.

Polycarbonate profiles

Take polycarbonate if the maximum transparency of the roof is vital for you and in no case should there be any shadows. Quite a life situation, by the way. IN modern world design and architecture, for example, it has become fashionable to make the attic absolutely transparent, from where you can see everything - both the sky and the city. And equip inside Personal Area, a small gym for all family members or a mini-bar for frequent gatherings with friends.

Aluminum profiles in this case will look terrible - like prison bars, and, of course, spoil the whole aesthetics. It is for such design whims that transparent polycarbonate profiles were developed, which are almost invisible. And at the same time, we note that they are quite durable:

Such profiles, of course, are not load-bearing, but they are bent as easily as polycarbonate itself. Plus, they heat up under the sun much less than aluminum, while having additional ultraviolet protection.

aluminum profiles

Aluminum profiles are indispensable if you are planning to build an unusual or architecturally complex roof. Such profiles remarkably provide tightness and meet all requirements of reliability. Therefore, if snow and wind loads are above average in your area, it is better to use such a mount.

The advantages of an aluminum profile include its length - more than 6 meters. This suggests that you can easily use this profile for large structures, without any joints.

The aluminum profile "facade system" is also suitable for the roof. It has a special decorative cover that closes the profile and thus masks the self-tapping screws. Even at the factory, the cover itself is painted in the color according to the RAL table, and therefore you can use both white and color for the roof device by adding bright accent whole house design.

But for aluminum profiles, you will already have to use special EPDM seals, which will protect the roofing polycarbonate from heat transfer to aluminum parts and protect it from moisture getting inside. Such seals are installed using a rubber hammer and a roller shutter.

Special thermal washers

Polycarbonate cannot be fixed with simple roofing screws - there are special thermal washers for this. What is their difference? The fact is that polycarbonate is a mobile material, subject to thermal expansion and contraction. And under ordinary self-tapping screws the attachment points will eventually become covered with cracks, which will gradually increase:

All those rubber spacers and neoprene discs are needed to keep the cellular polycarbonate from squeezing. If this happens, then rain or melt moisture will easily get inside the panel, and this is already a round of new problems.

Note that the lion's share of the special seals that are used are made of elastomer. This material behaves well in terms of thermal expansion and ensures complete tightness of the joints. For the roof, these parameters are especially important, agree:

Another important task that thermal washers for polycarbonate are designed to solve is getting rid of the so-called cold bridges. We are talking about places through which cold penetrates into the structure and where, due to temperature differences, condensate forms directly on the surface of the sheet. And thermal washers allow you to give the entire structure a finished and aesthetic look. A special snap-on cover hides the screws, and the color of the washers does not stand out against the background of the entire sheet.

Moreover, such washers are sold in two types:

  1. polycarbonate washers. Frost-resistant, serve 10 years or more, perfectly match the color of polycarbonate. Of the additional advantages - they are equipped with a special four-loop sealing ring made of elastomer.
  2. Polypropylene washers. They serve for about 2 years, they are afraid of ultraviolet radiation, from which they become brittle. The color of the washers does not always match the shade of the tinted polycarbonate roof. But more affordable, if that's important to you.

Of course, polycarbonate washers are more suitable for building a roof of the same material. But it is also important to fix them correctly:

  • Step 1. Choose a mounting location. This should be done slowly, carefully, because the “random” hole will also have to be closed with the same washers. At least aesthetically, you're missing out.
  • Step 2. We calculate the distance between the washers - for this we have presented a detailed table for you below.
  • Step 3. We select the diameter of the hole.
  • Step 4. Fasten the washer. This must be done exactly, not too weak and not too hard, so as not to press the puck. Just make sure that the sealing material does not stick to the sheets.

A screwdriver will help to fix such a washer:

Sealed Tapes

All lower edges of the installed roofing sheets must be covered with aluminum tape and UP-profile. And not with a simple aluminum tape, but with a perforated one, which is capable of releasing condensate that has accidentally accumulated in the honeycombs. Why are holes pre-drilled in the UP-profile too?

In places where the next panel overlaps along the wave of the sheet, use sealing tape, as well as along the fixing lines of the lower and upper overlaps.

So, step by step:

  • Step 1. In the upper part of the wave, drill holes for screws - 10 mm each.
  • Step 2. Now fasten the screws into the drilled holes - on the left side.
  • Step 3. Screw the screws into every second wave, starting from the bottom beam.
  • STEP 4. Now fasten the screws in every third wave.
  • Step 5. The last, topmost sheet, begin to fasten on the left side.
  • Step 6 Fix side overlaps of sheets every 30 cm.

Here are more details:

Roof sealant

For polycarbonate roofing, be sure to use a special roofing sealant. Moreover, you need to purchase one that is designed specifically for this material, because. those are produced on a neutral basis and do not destroy the polycarbonate itself. Sealant is also needed to seal all joints and fasteners of a transparent roof.

Secrets and subtleties of technology from the pros

So, with the crate, we sorted it out a bit. Now let's move on to working with sheets. It is impossible to step on the polycarbonate itself during its installation, and therefore make special platforms.

At the same time, it is necessary to work only at positive temperatures, not lower than -5 ° C, so that cracks from fastening do not go. The fact is that the roofing polycarbonate itself calmly withstands cold down to -20 ° C, but unless holes are drilled in it at this moment.

Otherwise, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

How to work with polycarbonate roofing sheets?

It is possible to cut roofing polycarbonate both with conventional cutting and with a laser. But these are already machine operations, where the laser power and cutting speed are factory-adjusted. But the edges of the cut with this method will no longer be transparent - either white or brown, depending on the cutting speed.

To drill into polycarbonate sheet, you will need high-speed drill bits, either designed for metal or with a carbide cutting insert. Only in this way can you keep the sharpness of the cut edges of the sheets.

And one more thing: during drilling, any tool heats polycarbonate. Therefore, if you want the drilled holes to be clean and not melted, then work with the sheets not in the hot sun, but in a cool workshop - at least. Ideally, if you can cool the polycarbonate a little in advance - but not below zero temperature, so that there are no cracks. In general, do your best to reduce the amount of heat generated while working on the roof.

All this is really important. After all, incorrectly made holes in polycarbonate for the roof are a whole problem. It only doesn’t interfere much in the greenhouse if water flows through the mounts on the plants in the rain, but for a residential building, as you understand, this does not bode well.

How to properly fix the sheets on the roof?

Try to use not too long panels for the roof - only up to 7 meters. At the same time, always lay polycarbonate sheets with UV protection towards the top. And cutting polycarbonate is easiest with a hacksaw with fine teeth and a circular saw.

Always make the overlap length 200 mm, 100 mm for each sheet from the fixation line on the support. Place the last line of fixation within 50-100 mm. If you are making a monolithic polycarbonate roof, be sure to leave gaps in the frames to compensate for thermal expansion.

There are also special silicone linings for fastening with thermal washers for profiled polycarbonate. For wavy, these are:

And for trapezoidal polycarbonate are:

Are connection profiles required?

But few people know that roofing polycarbonate sheets can also be glued together, and not only connected with special profiles. So, it is only important to follow a few rules:

  1. Clean the ends of the sheets from any contamination, especially subtle dust.
  2. All surfaces of future glued ends must be smooth and even.
  3. The varnish or thinner that is applied must not thicken or change appearance.
  4. In the room where you turn all this, the humidity should be as low as possible.
  5. Use inactive varnishes - this is the only way to avoid whitening.
  6. The surfaces to be bonded must lie under pressure until the final curing.
  7. Be sure to wear funds personal protection respiratory organs.

And it is easiest to clean polycarbonate sheets with isopropyl or methyl alcohol, or mild soap solutions.

If you decide to make a rather complicated polycarbonate shed roof, in the process you will also need welding. With it you will process finished parts. So, welding with a hot overlay (300 ° C) will help to achieve strength of the joints of the sheets, and hot air welding with a welding rod (120 ° C) will preliminarily dry these welded areas. Ultrasonic welding is also used, with processing of 20 kHz in the range of 25-40 microns.

And finally, all unaesthetic details you will need to sand. The easiest way to do this is to use a silicon sandpaper with a grit of 400 or 600.

And what about the ventilation of such a roof?

So, you have chosen polycarbonate, made up the roof project, and now it's time to think about ventilation of the under-roof space. The fact is that in the case of a shed roof, ventilation is not often thought at all, even dormer windows are not always installed. And this, when using polycarbonate as a roofing material, will lead to its overheating, from which, in the heat, some parts can even change shape a little.

Moreover, you should not refuse partial insulation of a shed polycarbonate roof:

As you can see, everything is simple! Got new ideas? Dare!

Do-it-yourself shed roof for polycarbonate: instructions, diagrams, drawings

Everything about the types and work with roofing polycarbonate: fasteners, insulation, profile selection and even insulation. How to build a shed roof for polycarbonate -

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate roof

Polycarbonate is a modern material often used in construction for the construction of partitions, walls, hinged and decorative elements. Polycarbonate is also widely used as a roofing material. Roofs of houses, arbors, open terraces, canopies and visors above the entrance are erected from it. A polycarbonate roof allows you to embody the most daring ideas thanks to the features of this material.

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate roof

The advantages of polycarbonate include:

  • Light weight with high mechanical strength;
  • The ability to transmit light;
  • A wide range of shades and colors;
  • Original and elegant appearance;
  • Ease of installation and processing;
  • Polycarbonate does not rust, does not collapse under the influence of chemistry and microorganisms, is resistant to temperature extremes, provided that it is properly installed.

Polycarbonate also has disadvantages. One of them is the instability to UV radiation when the protective layer is damaged, therefore, during installation, it is necessary to monitor the integrity of the protective film and remove it only after all work is completed. Another feature of polycarbonate, which should be considered carefully, is a high coefficient of thermal expansion. It is necessary to mount polycarbonate using special self-tapping screws through pre-drilled holes of a larger diameter. Otherwise, when the temperature changes, the material may deform.

Types of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is divided into monolithic and cellular. Monolithic polycarbonate has high strength and has a standard thickness of 2 to 12 mm. The dimensions of a monolithic polycarbonate sheet are 2.05x3.05 meters. Its scope is roofs of various configurations, experiencing a large snow and wind load. Monolithic polycarbonate with a thickness of 12 mm is considered anti-vandal and is able to withstand a hammer blow without the slightest damage.

Cellular polycarbonate has a significantly lower weight due to the cellular structure: the sheet consists of two or more thin sheets of polycarbonate connected by stiffeners along the entire length of the sheet. This structure of the material allows to obtain high mechanical strength at low weight. Arched structures, domed roofs and other complex elements are made from cellular polycarbonate. Cellular polycarbonate can be both transparent and matte, has a wide range of shades. Standard thickness - from 4 to 32 mm, sheet dimensions 2.1x6.1 or 2.1x12.1 meters.

Frame materials

The polycarbonate roof frame can be made from a variety of materials. The decisive factor in the choice is the basic style of the building and the expected weight of the structure, taking into account the snow load. In wooden buildings, when making a straight roof, a truss system of wooden bars or boards is used, on which a transverse crate and polycarbonate sheets are laid. This design fits perfectly into the overall style and gives the structure lightness, volume and light.

Arched structures of canopies, verandas, as well as domed roofs are usually made on a frame made of a profile, aluminum or steel. Steel is used for bulky structures and high snow loads. For light buildings, a light aluminum profile is sufficient. For arches of large radius, additional supports and struts, transverse stiffeners from the profile are also used.

Polycarbonate is fastened to the profile using special self-tapping screws with a sealing washer. The joints of the sheets are connected using an H-shaped profile for polycarbonate.

Straight polycarbonate roof: execution technology

A straight polycarbonate roof is usually used for outdoor terraces, gazebos, small garden houses. The choice of polycarbonate as a roofing allows you to get natural light, create a feeling of lightness and open space. At the same time, such a roof cannot be properly insulated without losing its transparency, therefore, it is of little use for buildings used in the winter.

  1. A straight polycarbonate roof can be of any design: single-pitched, gable or hip. The rafter system depends on the type of roof. Rafters for this light material how polycarbonate can be made from a board 40 mm thick. The wood is treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant solutions, if desired, you can give it a certain shade.
  2. The step between the rafters must be chosen based on the standard width of the sheet, so that the distance between the bars is the same, and the joints of the sheets fall on the rafters. The transverse crate is made of 50x20 mm bars, cutting them into a rafter board laid on the end.

Straight polycarbonate roof

Arched polycarbonate roof

Arched roofs are most often performed in the construction of canopies, canopies, summer arbors. They are extremely simple in design, and the most difficult task is to make arcs from a profile or square tube. Actually, the difficulty lies in bending it evenly around the entire circumference, and for this it is better to use a template.

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate roof - a step-by-step technique!

Learn more about what a polycarbonate roof is and how to make it yourself. A detailed technique and video will help you figure it out.

Polycarbonate - relatively new material. It was recently used for roof construction. Strength, transparency, sustainability and the possibility quick installation contributed to the emergence of new architectural forms. The presence of unique characteristics and relatively low cost make this material affordable for roofs, gazebos, greenhouses, etc. A do-it-yourself polycarbonate roof for a small building, in fact, is an ordinary greenhouse mounted on the top floor.

Build big house with such a roof with your own hands is quite problematic, it is better to invite professionals. But, for example, a greenhouse, a bathhouse or a garage is quite possible.

Features of the unique sheet polymer

Monolithic polycarbonate is in many ways superior to other translucent structures; its strength is 200 times higher than ordinary glass and 8 times higher than plexiglass.

In addition, the following characteristics are also attractive:

  • ease;
  • flexibility and plasticity;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • fire resistance;
  • impact resistance;
  • chemical resistance to aggressive environments;
  • durability.

Cellular polycarbonate - a fashionable solution for the roof

Sheet polycarbonate is used in construction, and polycarbonate roofs provide additional opportunities to arrange pavilions, greenhouses and greenhouses on the top of the houses, an excellent example of the rational use of space. As a rule, the roof has a rounded shape, and moisture from rain or snow does not linger on it.

A material made in the form of a multi-chamber cellular structure formed from several layers with numerous stiffeners is called cellular polycarbonate. Simply put, it looks like a honeycomb.

Cellular polycarbonate - solid colorless polymer plastic with a cellular structure

Light transmission quality

Light-transmitting polycarbonate panels scatter up to 80% of the sun's rays. No other material can compete in this property, not even glass. The useful property of dispersion of sheets of a honeycomb structure allows the rays of the sun to pass under different angles. This is very important if green plants are grown under the roof. Reflected from walls or other surfaces, the rays fall on the plants in a diffuse form and cannot damage or cause rapid wilting.

It is cellular polycarbonate that can be considered as good decision for suburban construction.

It's important to know!

Already at the planning stage, it is important to note the only drawback of such roofs - there are practically no side roof overhangs. To save wooden walls structures from the negative effects of natural precipitation, it will be necessary to equip the roof with additional and effective drainage systems.

Installation of polycarbonate: preparation for work

Polycarbonate profiles are detachable and one-piece, as well as transparent or colored. The length of the sheets of material can reach 12 meters. The thickness of the profiles and grooves must correspond to the linear dimensions. In rectilinear structures, the sheet thickness is determined depending on the slope of the roof and the length of the space between the cross members.

For example, with a slope of 30 degrees and a length of 40 cm, a thickness of 4 mm is suitable, with a smaller slope, it is better to use materials with a thickness of at least 6 mm. The same sheets are chosen if the distance between the crossbars increases. For areas adjacent to the wall, a wall-mounted polycarbonate profile is used. The ridge uses a ridge profile with wings up to 40 mm.

The material must be stored in a flat state, without bending. If it is not possible to leave them indoors, you need to cover them with polyethylene.

A small polycarbonate roof can be easily assembled by hand

Sheet cutting principles

Cellular polycarbonate panels are easy to prepare for work. Prepare a sharp construction knife; they can easily cut sheets from 4 to 10 mm. Marking is carried out on the protective film, it is removed at the end of the work together with the film. For professional cutting, a special high-speed saw with an emphasis is used, the cutting device is a blade with small undiluted teeth made of hard reinforced alloys. It is also convenient to cut with a regular jigsaw. The sheets are tightly stacked and supported to eliminate vibration. Professionals remove shavings with compressed air.

Preparation for work of cellular polycarbonate - cutting sheets

Drilling rules

Standard metal drills (conical and stepped) work best. It is necessary to drill between the stiffeners, keeping a distance of at least 40 mm from the edge of the panel, at an angle of 110° - 130°.

Panel edge sealing

In order to properly cover the ends of the panels, prepare a solid aluminum self-adhesive tape for the top ends and a perforated tape to protect against dust and condensation. Polycarbonate or aluminum profiles for sealing the ends are selected by color. The profile design itself is designed in such a way that additional fasteners are not required - the fixation will be quite tight anyway. For arched structures, only perforated tape is used.


If you leave open the ends of cellular polycarbonate, over time, the translucency decreases. But it is also impossible to hermetically close the ends of the panels, even with ordinary adhesive tape. To ensure the drainage of condensate, it is necessary to drill several small holes in the profile.

Proper use of sealing and perforated tape and u-profile

How to orient and pinpoint panels

So that the roof surface does not turn into noodles over time when frozen moisture breaks, the structural panels should be oriented in such a way that there is a place for the resulting condensate to be removed to the outside. For this, internal channels of the panels are provided, therefore, the stiffening ribs should be placed vertically with vertical glazing and along the slope in pitched structures. In arched structures, the location of the stiffeners is arcuate. A special marking of a protective UV-stabilizing layer is applied on the outer surface of the sheets. Panels are mounted in a film, which is removed after completion of work.

One more nuance:

Manufacturers indicate the permissible bending radius of the panel depending on the thickness and structure. It is not recommended to exceed these parameters.

It is also necessary to follow the rules for the orientation of the panels - without fail protective layer must be outside, otherwise the roof surface may suffer from ultraviolet radiation, which will negatively affect the strength and durability of the structure. It is easy to determine where the protective layer is located by the inscriptions and pictograms. Plates are mounted only vertically, they should be bent in a cold state, the direction should be chosen only transverse, parallel to the stiffeners.

Orientation of polycarbonate sheets

How to fix polycarbonate to metal

In arched structures, an aluminum base is most often used, while the joint rigid profile allows the use of a minimum of load-bearing structures, which means that its weight is significantly reduced. Do-it-yourself installation of cellular polycarbonate is carried out pointwise.

You need to know:

Profiles are used for lightweight structures only when the slabs are selected with a width of more than 500 mm. The distance between load-bearing structures will be 6-8 m, for different types of plates. In such cases, the construction of rafters is not required, and transverse girders are used as load-bearing longitudinal elements.

How to properly attach polycarbonate to the frame

Do not use ordinary nails, rivets or other unsuitable materials. Polycarbonate sheets are attached to the frame in a dotted way using thermal washers and self-tapping screws. On a plastic washer with a leg (corresponding to the thickness of the panel in height), there is a snap-on cover. The kit also includes a sealing washer - without it, the roof can easily be blown away by a gust strong wind. Sealing washers contain a layer of rubber or silicone to provide secure fastening. Diameter 3, 3 mm.

Interesting: this design of the thermal washer prevents the panels from collapsing when fastened to the frame of the structure, and also does not allow the formation of “cold bridges” that can occur from self-tapping screws.

Holes in the panel should be made a few mm larger than the leg diameter. This will compensate for the possible expansion of the material with increasing temperature.

This is important: the pitch of the point fastening of the panels is 300-400 mm. Make sure that the screws are well tightened, but do not overtighten them!

So, do-it-yourself installation of cellular polycarbonate includes the following sequential operations:

  1. Holes are drilled in the base, the diameter is selected 2-3 mm larger than the size of the self-tapping screw. Pitch 300 mm.
  2. The surface of the base is coated with sealant.
  3. The "base" is fastened with self-tapping screws to the longitudinal supports of the frame, the panels are laid with a thermal gap of 3-5 mm.
  4. The profile cover is latched with a wooden mallet along the entire length. A special plug is installed at the end of the profile.

Docking profile systems

To fasten the elements to the crate, additional fasteners are used to one-piece docking profiles (4, 6, 8, 10 mm), otherwise the sealing of the joints will not be reliable. Without additional fasteners it is only possible to connect the joints of the edges of the slabs in vertical structures, if there are no high loads.

Reliable sealing of joints is obtained with the help of docking detachable profiles (8, 10 and 16 mm), at the same time the clamping of polycarbonate plates is strengthened.

Accounting for thermal expansion when installing cellular polycarbonate

The continental Russian climate contributes to the expansion of cellular polycarbonate in the summer heat and its narrowing in winter. This should be taken into account when installing in hot weather, the plates should be installed more tightly, the necessary clearance for condensate removal will be obtained when the temperature drops. In winter, on the contrary, you should retreat more.

It is important to remember that the thermal expansion value for transparent boards is 2.5 mm/m and for colored boards it is 4.5 mm/m. Such materials are operated at temperatures from -40 to +120 degrees Celsius.

Polycarbonate is one of the most promising building materials

Thus, a reliable guarantor of the durability and strength of the structure is compliance with the technology of mounting cellular polycarbonate. And in no case should you save on components, because no one has yet canceled the saying “the miser pays twice”. If you are dreaming of a cozy house with a beautiful stable roof, a greenhouse, a garage or a carport, it is better to turn to professionals, at least for a consultation. Then all the positive qualities of the material will be revealed in full, and you will only have to enjoy the beauty and comfort.