A simple gazebo for giving with your own hands. Beautiful do-it-yourself gazebos: the choice of design and design style Original summer gazebos

Shelter from the scorching sun under beautiful canopy in the company of loved ones and observe the tranquility of nature from there - isn't it perfect option pastime, be it summer, spring or fall? And thanks to the huge number of ideas for garden pavilions, these structures can become a real decoration on any site. Let's take a closer look at them!

Wooden gazebos

Probably the most traditional option, which provides a wide variety of designs: from minimalism to classic, from simple canopy to a closed gazebo. But before talking about the appearance, let's touch on the technical characteristics.

Wood is a natural material that is easy and pleasant to work with. Choosing such a design, you can be sure: it is as safe as possible for all family members, and also subject to disposal, which is important in today's environmental situation.

Unlike more modern materials, which can look quite alien in the garden, the tree will merge with it, giving a sense of harmony and unity with nature. If you are not a particularly romantic person or this aspect is not so important to you, pay attention to the practicality and durability of wood - after varnishing, any structure will last more than 25 years, having slightly changed.

With its help, you can bring to life many design solutions. The skill of wood carving will help to fit the garden gazebo into the classic or even Russian style. For those who prefer modern aesthetics, laconic buildings with clean geometric shapes will do.

Whichever design you choose, the structure includes a standard set of elements: a foundation (mostly concrete), support beams, support and transverse roof joists. Starting from this basis, you can add others, more complex elements that diversify the typical look of wooden arbors.

Stone gazebos

On a site with a monumental house, a stone gazebo will look more appropriate. Some models resemble small palaces, others - antique buildings. A more subdued effect can be achieved by avoiding the use of decorative materials... In any case, stone is a great option that will serve you for centuries while maintaining its majestic appearance.

Stone gazebos have increased durability, so they are not afraid of any weather conditions, even natural disasters. You can safely come to the dacha every few months and not waste time caring for the building, only filling it.

Of course, not everyone can afford such material, and even in construction works you cannot do without the help of specialists. But unique appearance a stone gazebo, hidden in the thickets of the garden, is worth the effort. In addition, you can choose a more affordable type of finish, since there is plenty to choose from.

The stone does not have to be applied to everyone component parts structures. It is often combined with wood, metal, glass, creating original modern buildings.

"Live" gazebos

There are never many plants: even a gazebo surrounded by a garden can itself become one. Once this type of architectural buildings was popular in noble estates, but fashion has a tendency to return.

Living structures are fully or partially composed of plants, which can serve as roofing or supporting structures. Of course, to grow such "material" from scratch, it will take a lot of effort and several years - depending on the growth time of the selected plant, as well as the weather conditions of the area.

For a full-fledged gazebo, you need to choose those types of shrubs and trees that do not rise much in height. Buy seedlings that are not overgrown so that you can form crowns in the future.

It is necessary to use a metal frame in the first steps. However, for climbing plants, you can take the structure as a permanent base, braiding it with girlish grapes or even roses. In a similar way, you can approach the decor of stone, wooden gazebos in order to combine their strength with the aesthetics of living buildings.

Romantic options

If you think about it, the garden gazebo is a very romantic place where, in a peaceful state, you can forget for a second about everyday affairs, enjoying nature with your soul mate. Some designs seem to be created exclusively for this and do an excellent job of their work.

Perhaps the most aesthetically pleasing are forged metal models small in size with minimal filling - a table and two chairs in the same style. They will not shelter you from rain and bad weather, but it is worth sitting down in such a cozy place, as the mood immediately changes. Such gazebos look appropriate in a blooming garden, surrounded by roses that entwine the structure.

However, flowers by themselves can create a romantic atmosphere: for example, hanging chrysanthemums in neat baskets.

Airy white curtains will help to transform any garden gazebo, which, on the one hand, give lightness, weightlessness, and on the other hand, they hide from the sun and prying eyes, without creating the feeling of a closed space.

In the evening, when you need a source of artificial lighting, you can decorate the gazebo with a garland, candles, or install muted lamps.

Japanese style gazebos

As it turns out, you don't have to be Japanese to see the beauty in Japanese culture, admire it and want to organize your space in accordance with its principles. This nation pays close attention to every detail in all walks of life, turning them into art. Therefore, in order to design a gazebo for a garden, based on their philosophy, several points must be taken into account.

For a garden building, according to the rules, they allocate the most picturesque place on the site, often on a hill, from which the territory and the house are clearly visible. In our reality, it is enough to follow the last conditions.

Is it worth mentioning that the garden should be completed in oriental style with landed Japanese plants and includes other architectural details, such as a pond with a bridge? These requirements can reduce the desire to build a gazebo. Or vice versa - "squeeze" it into the conditions of your site. Which seems to be a perfectly acceptable option, only the design itself in this case should be a little simplified.

The gazebo goes well with minimalism and other modern, laconic styles, because minimalism itself came to us from Japan.

As materials, it is worth choosing between hard wood and stone, since traditional bamboo does not take root in the Russian climate.

Classic roofs are of three types: gable, gable, gable roof. It is from this part that the Japanese origin of the building can be determined. Unfortunately, even a simplified version is difficult to build on your own.

Bungalow style gazebos

The bungalow is a lightweight construction originally from tropical countries. Although it is not large in size, all the elements necessary for life can fit inside, turning the structure into an ideal country house for the summer. Of course, garden gazebos are not intended for living, but to create their original design, you can glean some stylistic features from the bungalow.

First, you need to choose the most picturesque area on the site. Tropical plants in our country do not take root for obvious reasons, but a densely planted garden can be a substitute for them.

The bungalow features a straight, often thatched roof that is slightly more massive than the base. For construction, a tree is used, acting as support beams. It is advisable to make the building as simple as possible, decorating with curtains and placing comfortable sun loungers inside.

Gazebos with a stove or barbecue

Everyone loves to cook food on fire - this is perhaps the most favorite pastime in the country. Take the barbecue outside, arrange chairs, tables, bring family and friends together. But bad luck - it started to rain, blew out strong wind or maybe annoying insects prevent you from concentrating on what you love. You can, of course, take care of a temporary shed, but why put in so much effort? Having equipped a garden gazebo with everything you need, you can always enjoy cooking outdoors in good company.

To begin with, we note that the gazebo should be open or floor closed type... It is recommended to use reliable materials that are not heavily smoked from smoke. Brick is ideal for this, not only in terms of characteristics, but also in appearance.

Choose the hearth for the gazebo yourself: brazier, grill or barbecue. In any case, you need to take care of safety by covering the fire from the wind and installing a hood.

It is not enough to build a gazebo or a terrace in the country - it is important to decorate it beautifully. From successful design a garden gazebo or terrace largely depends on the attractiveness of this structure and how it will fit into the overall design of your site. When decorating a terrace country house, as well as when decorating a summer cottage, you can show all your imagination and boldly embody the most creative ideas.

What is summer vacation associated with in the country? With a swim in the river, pond or in the outdoor pool, with relaxation in the shade of trees or in a gazebo entwined with greenery, with morning tea on the terrace, with an evening spent with friends in the fresh air. And there is silence around Fresh air with the smell of flowers and greenery, pleasant partial shade during the day or the crimson rays of the setting sun, or the joyful freshness of the early morning, the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects, the spaciousness and beauty of summer.

In order to fully experience all this, you need to have on your site a terrace, a gazebo, or at least a shed, any summer facility that will provide you with some comfort or allow you to relax in seclusion. Such a structure, not necessarily large, will bring you many pleasant minutes and decorate your site.

The choice of a summer building depends on the size of the site and the house, on the needs and capabilities of the owners. The most important thing is that any structure must organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Before decorating the gazebo with your own hands, decide on the style in which summer constructions can be built and decorated.

Styles of design of an open terrace and a gazebo in the country (with photo)

As you can see in the photo, the design of the gazebo in classic style characterized by the proportionality of the building as a whole, the severity of the lines, simplicity and restraint in design.

Country style, or rustic style, involves the use of natural materials, such as semi-finished wood, that is, the use of various log cabins, logs, wicker shields and hedges.

In the design of plants, not only can be used, but also garden crops.

The oriental style is also common in the design of the terrace in the country house - it is quite interesting and suggests the lightness, grace of the summer structure, the visual absence of sharp corners or their minimum, the smoothness of the lines. Before decorating a gazebo in the country in an oriental style, remember that such a design implies splendor and sophistication. Often, gazebos and terraces in the oriental style are partially glazed with frosted glass.

Look at the photo how to decorate a terrace in the most common, modern style, which includes minimalism, modernism, futurism, etc. The use of modern artificial materials, glass, concrete and metal gives ample opportunities for implementation various projects satisfying all needs and tastes.

But if you do not know how to decorate a gazebo in a strictly defined style, you cannot observe all of its canons, do not be upset. Lack of a specific style or mixing of elements different styles- also a style called "fuji". The main thing is that you like the design of an open terrace or gazebo, and that the external and internal decoration meets its purpose. If you do not know how to decorate a terrace or gazebo in compliance with all the canons - just do as your imagination tells you, and then your family and friends will feel comfortable here.

Materials for decorating a summer gazebo in the country (with photo)

The whole process of creating a summer building can be divided into two parts: the actual construction and decoration with plants and flowers. Building takes very little time compared to landscaping, which takes years and is certainly creativity. The beautiful design of the gazebo in the country house is no less important, since without rebuilding the structure, it allows you to change its appearance and give it novelty and freshness, and also, if necessary, help to hide the flaws of the buildings, decorate your site and make it original.

Pay attention to the photo: in addition to plants, other materials can be used to decorate the terrace: fabrics, colored glass, various artificial materials... They can be used during the construction of a structure. For example, the roof of the canopy can be made of polycarbonate, and in the gazebo, some openings can be closed with colored glass, making beautiful stained-glass windows.

You can use some materials, such as fabric, when you need to renovate or redesign an existing building.

For example, when decorating a gazebo in the garden, you can make original curtains that will also play the role of wind protection. Or, while the plants have not grown, throw an awning over the pergola made of a piece of bright cloth. It all depends on your taste and desires.

Making a summer cottage or garden gazebo with your own hands (with photo)

When decorating a gazebo with your own hands, you need to adhere to some simple rules. Plants decorating a building outside must blend in with the surrounding landscape and match the style of the building. Flowers and plants inside the building should be in harmony with the interior decoration of the room.

For example, if a small pergola is made in a rustic style, then inside it the abundance of bright colorful flowering plants will not look entirely appropriate. But, entwined with garden grapes, with bunches hanging inward, such a pergola looks very cozy.

You have already noticed in the photo that decorating the gazebo with your own hands should not be excessive - moderation must be observed in everything. A completely overgrown gazebo looks shapeless and loses its architectural style and attractiveness. Therefore, the plants should be planted so that only part of the structure is hidden by them. The same applies to the interior decoration: you should not overload it with an abundance of objects. Even a very small room should be spacious in order to feel comfortable in it. Simplicity and moderation are concepts that can characterize almost any style.

As you can see in the photo of the design of the gazebo in the country, the plants must be healthy, strong, well-groomed. Avoid planting a wide variety of plants and then not providing them with proper care. Stunted, diseased, or withered flowers give the unpleasant impression of abandonment and decay. It is better to have very few ornamental plants, but fresh and beautiful.

When decorating a summer gazebo, be guided by your taste and desires, do not be afraid to experiment and combine seemingly incongruous. The garden, arranged according to all the rules, looks boring, it has no feeling, no life, it can delight, but not please. Your home and garden is where your rules and your tastes reign.

How to decorate a gazebo and a terrace in the country with your own hands

Most often, before decorating a gazebo in the country or an open terrace, a pergola with a bench is installed. On one side (usually from the south or south-west) set wooden boxes with the ground where the flowers are planted. Since they are located on the terrace, it is better to take for planting annual fast-growing climbing plants, such as sweet peas or morning glories, which should be planted along the trellis fixed on the pergola, closer to the edge of the box that faces it.

In the second row, closer to the outer edge of the box, that is, in the foreground, they plant low, border plants, for example, alyssum. This is a rather unpretentious culture up to 15 cm tall, has a long flowering and a pleasant honey smell of flowers. There are many varieties of this plant and, therefore, the ability to choose the one that suits you.

In order to arrange a gazebo with your own hands, the plant boxes need to be made wide enough. And a small flower garden on the terrace can be made three-row, adding, for example, a row of asters between climbing and curb plants. On top of the pergola, you can stretch an awning made of fabric in the same color as the border flowers. Such a pergola will decorate the terrace and create a cozy and shady corner for relaxing during the day.

An alternative to the pergola is a small canopy installed on the terrace and covered with mats. Such a canopy is convenient in that it allows you to easily remove part or all of the roof, regulating the flow of sunlight. It will be possible to quickly change the roof by replacing one or all of the mats.

Such a structure is usually covered with two or three mats, depending on its size. Attaching the mats makes it easy to change the roof. They are attached to the longitudinal rails using pins made of steel wire... Moreover, one end of each mat is fastened with brackets to the side beam, and this fastening is non-removable, and the sides of the mats and the other end are fastened with long studs that are inserted into the drilled holes the desired diameter. It is important that the studs are easy to remove, but not "dangling" in their holes.

If your terrace is covered, perennials such as hops or girlish grapes, which are planted - usually from one of the sides of the terrace - from the one from where the winds mainly blow. On the terrace itself, you can install a flowerpot or hang a basket.

Design ideas: how to decorate a gazebo and a terrace in the country

Partial glazing of the terrace or windscreens can also be used as wind protection. Stained-glass windows are a great idea for decorating a gazebo and a terrace. The use of colored glass also provides protection from the sun, creating a light multi-colored shade. Before decorating a terrace or gazebo with stained-glass windows, you should choose the colors in which the stained-glass drawing will be solved, make a sketch, taking into account the fact that under different lighting conditions, depending on the time of day, the stained-glass window will look different. You should also take into account that different colors can have a significant impact on emotional condition person, his mood.

There are several ways to create stained glass windows. One of them assumes that a pattern of colored glass is laid out on a whole sheet of ordinary glass, and another ordinary sheet is superimposed on top.

Also, colored glass can be fixed on ordinary glass using a special synthetic film. Before decorating a terrace in the country with stained-glass windows, decide on the color of the glass.

The white color prevailing in the stained-glass window creates a sense of celebration and visually enlarges the space, sets off other colors very well, gives the entire stained-glass window pattern austerity and completeness.

The red color has an exciting effect, with short-term exposure increases efficiency, but its more prolonged action first causes irritation, and then fatigue. Red is traditionally present in stained-glass windows, but it should be applied in moderation and its darker shades are better.

Orange color evokes a feeling of cheerfulness and improves mood, increases efficiency and has a positive effect on a person. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in stained glass windows for children.

Yellow pleasing to the eyes, calms the nervous system, improves mood, improves appetite and human well-being. Yellow color must be present in stained-glass windows.

Green color, even with prolonged exposure, has a positive effect on the psyche, normalizes the emotional state, raises mood, and increases efficiency. Green combined with yellow and brown flowers has a beneficial effect on a person.

The color blue is very beautiful in stained glass, creates magical lighting and has a calming effect. It creates a feeling of coolness and freshness, disposes to dreaminess, stimulates the imagination.

Blue also causes a feeling of coolness, reduces emotional stress, but can reduce performance and cause feelings of sadness.

Purple color with prolonged exposure reduces performance, depressing, can cause a decrease in mood, but not large quantities stimulates the imagination and promotes the expression of creativity.

The brown color has a calming effect and normalizes the mood, but it is poorly tolerated in large quantities by cheerful and active people. Traditionally used in stained glass windows.

After the pattern and colors are determined, it is necessary to calculate the amount necessary materials and determine the location of the windscreen in relation to the cardinal points and the local wind rose.

Windscreens can be of a wide variety, the most common are wood, with cloth or paper reinforced on them. Their size, shape and design depend on general style buildings and its interior, as well as on the purpose, taste and wishes of the owner.

If the terrace is located on a high foundation, then outside around its perimeter, you can plant a decorative shrub and cut it at such a height that it covers the foundation, creating a beautiful green frame.

Terrace decoration: how to decorate a terrace with your own hands

A great idea of ​​how to decorate a terrace with your own hands is to make a beautiful covered walkway connecting the free-standing terrace with the house. A covered walkway can be a canopy in the same style as the house and the terrace. Moreover, wood, metal and plastic can be used for its construction.

Modern materials make it possible to implement almost any project. When decorating a terrace, a roof for a canopy can be made of homemade plastic, which is obtained by impregnating a dense fabric with light floor varnish. For this, special additives are used that accelerate the polymerization of the varnish. The impregnated fabric is dried on supports made of metal bar or pipes. The shape of the canopy, its size (of course, in reasonable aisles), the color and texture are determined by the fabric and the pattern from it, as well as the chosen finish.

The covered walkway can be decorated in a classic style - with arches or a pergola entwined with roses or clematis.

Making a gazebo in the garden with your own hands

Open gazebos in a classic or rustic style are best decorated on the outside with curly ornamental plants and flowers. Since the gazebos are almost always open, that is, they do not have walls, but only a small fence, the plants planted around the gazebo are also an element of it. interior design... Since the space inside the gazebo is usually not very large, and often it is not enough, it is better to use it rationally. With a similar arrangement of benches and such a table shape, even in a very small gazebo, there will be some free space, which is necessary for a comfortable stay in the room.

Interior decoration open arbors made of wood are usually not carried out, since the tree itself is very decorative. As protection of wood from unfavorable external influences painting or coating with two or three layers of varnish is performed. Open, small in area and low arbors are often installed in playgrounds, which are arranged in the courtyard or in the garden of a country house.

Such playgrounds are mostly small, they are often very small, so it is important to place various structures on them so as to make the best use of the space, leaving enough space for the free movement of children. You can paint the gazebo on the site with bright colors or paint with cheerful drawings.

Gazebos with a fireplace or hearth are very interesting. They can also be used in cold enough weather, especially if they are glazed.

It's nice to sit by the fire on a cool evening, admiring the flames. The fireplace makes the room very cozy.

We decorate the gazebo: tips and photos on how to decorate the gazebo with your own hands

In gazebos with walls and glazed frames, the shape and size of the latter can also play an important role in the design of the entire structure. Together with glass or other materials that can be used in this quality, they will give the summer structure a certain style and originality.

Pay attention above to the photo "We decorate the gazebo with our own hands": - there are many opportunities here, it all depends on the chosen project and the tastes of the owner.

Glass for decoration is used ordinary or frosted, colored or printed, and there may be several types of glass. Frosted glass with a pattern applied to it imitates paper well and is used as such to give a summer building an oriental flavor. The interior decoration of such gazebos is made using the same materials that are used for the decoration of residential premises. There are also many possibilities here to create a stylish atmosphere and sufficient comfort to suit the purpose of the room.

Openwork metal gazebos, especially if they are decorated with forged drawings, should not be closed climbing plants, they are beautiful and smart on their own.

A gazebo is a light free-standing structure that can shelter from rain and direct sunlight, designed for relaxation and companionship. There are certain rules for the design of this building, which allow you to visually adjust and embellish the space. Decorating is directly related to architecture, building type, materials and location. Design tips on how to decorate a gazebo and succinctly fit the structure into the landscape will help you quickly transform the site.

Architectural features and stylistic aspects of decorating gazebos of various types

The main criteria for decoration are the preferences of the owners, the stylistic features of the main building and the exterior of the territory being developed. The task at hand is to create a single holistic composition in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

Design principles for open structures

It is not difficult to figure out how to arrange an open gazebo inside, for this you just need to decide what exactly you want to get from the area being developed. Through the lattice sidewalls of the structure, raindrops, foliage, dust will not only fall on the floor, but also clog between the floorboards. Therefore, the material for the floor, including paint and protective agents, should be chosen not only with increased wear resistance, but also of the appropriate color, so as not to violate the aesthetics of the interior.

Design open type with wooden benches and table

When forming the interior decoration in an open area, it is best not to clutter it up, but to use objects that have a simple and convenient configuration. So, the benches placed around the perimeter will allow you to place maximum amount people in a small area. And garden furniture made of wood or rattan will create a feeling of lightness and comfort. One of the best options for how to decorate a gazebo in the country is shown in the photo.

Roller blinds- a win-win option for decorating outdoor recreation areas. They are attached to ceiling beams and fixed on the support pillars. The curtains can be connected with each other using Velcro, hooks or, directly, attached to the support of the structure with strings.

Roller blinds made of dense water-repellent material will protect you from rain and save you from the scorching sun

Create a small working area perhaps by adding decorative window sills to the structure, which can be used as additional space, for example, to place tea or serving accessories. Introduce bright and juicy colors help in the composition flowering plants, which are attached from the bottom of the makeshift window sills.

Wedding design

Transformation of the space of a closed pavilion

A closed building is “ cozy house", Which can be supplied with electricity and, if desired, water supply. V small room it will look good round table, because in a limited area sharp corners bring a certain inconvenience. The table is not only a place where people gather, but also important element interior. A vase with wildflowers, standing on a table covered with a tablecloth, will undoubtedly adorn the room being equipped.

Furniture can be more comfortable as it will be used indoors, so add some comfort with soft pillows by spreading them on a sofa or armchair. It is possible to equip the space with practical and extremely comfortable leather poufs. Interesting example of how to arrange a closed gazebo is shown in the photo. Please note that the color scheme of interior items and accessories is in harmony with color palette the picture that hangs on the wall.

Comfort and coziness at any time of the year

The colors inside the room should overlap, for example, if the tablecloth and pillowcases of several pillows are of the same color, this will only emphasize the integrity of the composition. It is necessary to consider not only the color itself, but also its warmth.

Translucent classic or Roman curtains will isolate the space without limiting it, but dense fabrics, on the contrary, can visually reduce the area closed room... A white or slightly grayish-bluish ceiling can expand and fill the building with light; this is a classic technique used when decorating low-rise structures of this type.

Modern style of gazebo design

Influence of building style on interior design

Each design direction has certain features and colors. It's hard to imagine a country style without a woody texture or a Chinese style without traditional, raised roof corners. Not only the architecture of the building, but also the smallest nuances can tell about the style of the object and reveal its essence.

Decorating wooden buildings

Dachny wooden house from a bar looks great both next to a forest, and against the backdrop of a picturesque garden or rockery. To create a recreation area next to such a house, the best option would be to erect a structure in the direction of country and rustic. Wood is a traditional material for the creation of such structures.

Idea for wooden building

Rustic design is characterized by primitive motives, as a rule, implies the use of rough, almost uncouth beams. In order to arrange a gazebo with your own hands in the country, you will need materials with intact, natural surface, such as tree branches covered with lichens, stones overgrown with moss, trophies from the forest, bundles of mushrooms: all this will perfectly complement the interior, giving naturalness.

Country is considered rustic style... You can bring a rural theme by using boards of different textures, adding a little casually hammered nails. An interesting decor element can be a kerosene lamp on the table or stylized lanterns hanging on the wall. A distinctive feature of the country style is simplicity.

An unusual element of decor for interior decoration in a natural direction

The buildings of the oriental style are bright and talkative. The lightweight structures in the Chinese and Asian style are quite graceful. There are many variations on the theme of their decoration. For example, the Chinese theme is characterized by:

  • black and red colors;
  • traditional paper lanterns are usually red;
  • symbolism with the image of a dragon, which can be used as individual decorative elements, as well as in the form of ornaments to decorate walls, pieces of furniture and accessories;
  • squatness inherent in objects: a low table and the absence of any chairs;
  • small satin pillows with or without golden fringes;
  • an integral part of the composition is a set for a tea ceremony.

Eastern tale on summer cottage

When decorating an Asian-style gazebo, you must adhere to several rules:

  • calm colors;
  • minimum number of items;
  • stylized ethnic furniture;
  • light composition in the form of lily flowers or orchids of light shades, will become a delicate decoration inherent in this style.

Neighborhood with rocky garden is a great location for oriental buildings.

The bar counter will not be left without attention

Expanding the horizons of modernity

Modern is a flight of fantasy. You can experiment with various forms and textures, do not be afraid to bring bright colors to the composition. You can even modernize a traditional building, for example, organizing an impromptu bar will become an interesting solution to how to decorate a gazebo inside. To do this, one edge of the gazebo can be used under the bar counter, thereby saving usable space inside the structure. In order to arrange with your own hands such a recreation area as in the photo, you will need a board 30–40 cm wide. It must be securely fixed with self-tapping screws, and the tabletop for the bar is ready.

Filling the interior of a recreation area is a creative process aimed at creating a special atmosphere. Don't be afraid to turn ideas into reality: fantasize and experiment with colors, shapes, textures and materials. And if you have any questions, contact the designers who know how to design a gazebo in the country according to all the rules.

There are many types of such courtyard recreation facilities. The gazebo on the site can be both light summer and capital winter. Of course, the first type - as very inexpensive - is most often erected in summer cottages. However, solid courtyard buildings are quite popular.

What material could be

Most often, garden gazebos are erected from timber and boards. Such options are not too expensive and are considered very convenient. Their only drawback is the need for periodic varnishing of all structural elements.

Gazebos for giving. Photo of a simple neat frame construction

Note: The openings of the panel cottage "houses" are very often closed with PVC film curtains on the eyelets. With this addition, the building will be comfortable in any weather.

Chopped and cobbled country "houses" look solid, but they are more expensive than frame ones.

Photo of gazebos for giving from a bar and a log

Another popular type is metal summer cottage gazebos. Their main advantages are ease of assembly and portability. Often, iron or aluminum structures are portable. Such light structures are usually installed in the shade of trees, since the profile frame very quickly heats up in the sun.

Metal gazebos for summer cottages are sometimes installed even on lawns

Brick is most often erected glazed gazebos for summer cottages, intended for use also in winter. This is the most durable and solid option. Usually, a brazier or a whole barbecue complex is installed inside such a street structure.

Country gazebos with barbecue. Photo of a solid brick building

Variety of shapes

In terms of form, the projects of gazebos for summer cottages can also be very different. Most often, rectangular are installed in the courtyards of country houses simple constructions... This is the easiest and most practical option to build.

Tip: For gazebos of a simple form, you should choose a fairly catchy and original external design.

Summer cottages. Photo of a simple and practical rectangular building

Hexagonal or octagonal suburban buildings are also quite popular. Their main advantages are considered to be structural stability and spaciousness at a small size.

Multifaceted buildings are very spacious

Sometimes, in the courtyard of a country house, they also build original structures of a very unusual shape- spherical, in the form of a barrel, gazebo, tents, etc.

Country gazebos can have the most unusual shape.

What are the sizes

Erected on personal plot both tiny street "houses" for recreation and large multifunctional buildings. In the latter case, summer gazebos for summer cottages are often combined with summer kitchens. At the same time, a brazier and a stove are installed inside. Small structures are equipped only with a table and benches and are usually used exclusively for families. In large summer cottages with barbecue grills, you can receive guests, arrange all kinds of celebrations, etc.

The sizes of country street "houses" can have very different

How to draw up a project

So, with what are the gazebos for the garden, we figured it out. Now let's see how the projects of such structures are correctly drawn up. When developing drawings, you need to try to make the finished building, first of all, convenient. The maximum attention should be paid to the design.

Choosing a place

Before you start building a gazebo in the country with your own hands, you should decide on exactly where it will be located. Countryside street "houses" are being built both near the main building and in the depths of the garden. The first option is usually chosen if they plan to receive guests in the gazebo. The building, located in the garden, is more suitable for a romantic getaway in the bosom of nature.

In the depths of the courtyard of the cottage, you can install a small cozy gazebo

What to build from

If you need a lightweight mobile structure, assemble a summer cottage from a metal corner. A panel building made of wood will probably turn out to be more solid and comfortable. A very solid and neat structure can be assembled from a bar. If your yard is decorated in some folk style, it is better to choose a material such as a log. Those with bricklaying skills may consider building a brick building.

Country arbors made of wood. Photo of a simple roomy design

What should be the shape

Rectangular arbors are assembled very quickly and are quite comfortable. For a summer residence, this option can be considered just ideal. If you want to see a more original building in the courtyard, check out the technology for building multifaceted structures.

Photo metal arbors for giving. The easiest way to assemble multifaceted designs is from this material.

Idea: If you have a desire to show your Creative skills to the maximum, you can try, for example, to build a barrel gazebo, a spectacular spherical version of polycarbonate, or something like that.

For rectangular structures, they usually choose a single-slope or hip roof... Multifaceted summer cottages always covered with hipped roof.

A hip roof is often installed on rectangular street country "houses"

How to choose sizes

When deciding how to make a gazebo in the country, you should also decide on its dimensions. So, a building intended for receiving guests should be quite large (6x4m). For family evenings a medium-sized structure (3x3m) is quite suitable, and a small structure of 2x2m will be enough for individual recreation.

Country gazebos designed for family vacations are usually not too large.

Important: When choosing the dimensions of the gazebo, the area of ​​the site itself should be taken into account.

Before building a gazebo, you should draw up a detailed drawing of it.

Some construction rules

A gazebo is assembled in the country with its own hands, like any other structure, on a solid foundation... The latter can be either tape (for heavy structures) or columnar (for shield structures). A stationary base is not used only for some types of metal arbors.

A strip foundation is poured under massive country arbors

After the foundation has been erected, racks are installed (for frame structures) or lay out support pillars (for brick). Then a parapet is built. When constructing pavement and log structures, the procedure is reversed. In this case, the material is immediately laid around the perimeter. Having raised the frame to the height of the parapet, the assembly is continued only in the corners.

When erecting a brick summer cottage, first of all, they lay out the pillars

When assembling a hipped roof, first set the rack in the center. The main corner rafters are attached to it and to the upper harness. Then intermediate ones are installed. In the hip roof, first of all, a ridge is mounted, to which the rafters are attached.

Note: The ceiling in summer cottages is often not arranged at all. This gives the building a special "rustic" charm.

Scheme of the hipped roof of a multifaceted summer cottage building

Gazebos for summer cottages with barbecue or barbecue are built using a slightly different technology. In this case, it is the furnace complex that is erected first. The walls of the main building are already gathering around it.

When sheathing the floor, boards in open buildings are often installed at some distance from each other. With this method, the gazebo will not linger rainwater that got inside through the openings.

Small gaps should be left between the boards in the floor for water drainage.

How to choose a design

So, how to build a gazebo in the country, you are now in general outline you know. Next, we will consider what methods of design of these structures exist. To summer cottage turned out beautiful, it should be decorated in the same style.

Most popular on this moment design directions are:

  • Country. Thus, most often they make out wooden gazebos for giving from logs.
  • Provence. Such a design solution is very well suited for a panel building.
  • Oriental. The Chinese or Japanese style is usually chosen for multifaceted summer cottages.
  • Classical. This style is most often used when decorating brick and cobbled buildings.

Photos of summer cottages made by hand. The style of a street suburban building can be absolutely anything

Country style gazebo

Such buildings are usually massive and have a rough design. In this case, it is worth using an uncouth log for the construction of walls. Inside, oversized furniture made of thick boards is most often installed.

Note: Buildings in the style of Russian country can look very interesting. In this case, either carving or driftwood and dry branches are often used for decoration.

Original building in the style of Russian country

Provence style buildings

Small French pavilions are usually graceful and very beautiful structures, painted in pastel shades... In this case, lattices are often used to decorate the walls. The parapet can be a plank or also a lattice.

Tip: It is advisable to arrange a Provence-style building around the perimeter with flower beds with luxurious bright flowers that stand out against the background of the walls - roses, mallow, dahlias.

Easy country building in provence style

Japanese and Chinese gazebos

Fans of everything original should choose an oriental design for a street house. Gazebos in the country, decorated in this style, look very impressive. In this case, the edges of the slopes of hip roofs are usually made raised, and a weather vane of the corresponding shape is installed at the top. Such structures are most often erected on a cobbled frame, since wood is a traditional material for Asian countries. Sometimes Japanese or Chinese arbors are also welded from metal.

Spacious suburban gazebo in Japanese style

Classic style buildings

In the style of classicism, solid, solid structures are usually made out - cobbled or brick. Distinctive feature such arbors are simplicity and severity of forms. Inside, rattan or wooden furniture is most often installed. In the classic style, wrought-iron gazebos for summer cottages are also often decorated.

Building from a bar in a classic style

As you can see, garden gazebos can be very different in shape, size or design. Show your maximum imagination when choosing a design, follow the construction technology, and you will receive a convenient, practical and effective recreation facility on your suburban area.

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There are many stereotypes associated with gazebos, and the most familiar ones are usually used. standard forms... But the option "like everyone else" is not the most the best way. Unusual design, original finish in accordance with the decor used on the site - and the gazebo fits perfectly into your garden.

There are many ideas for decorating gazebos:


Vegetable decoration

Idea 1. Vegetable decoration

Since the gazebo is an element of unity with nature, the best decoration for it is living plants: shrubs, trees, flowers, vertical gardening... Will very decorate the building clematis, honeysuckle, honeysuckle, morning glory, sweet peas along with a border of bright annuals and framed by ornamental shrubs - mock orange, lilac, weigela, three-lobed almond. The base of the gazebo can be decorated natural stone, and planting plants additionally "set off" with decorative gravel. You can decorate the foot conifers and raised flower beds, compositions of stones and plot combinations of plants and garden accessories.


Tiered roof

Idea 2. Multilevel roof

If you are just starting to build a gazebo, make it a multi-level roof. The difference in roof levels can be accentuated by different roofing materials or a different "pattern" of styling. An existing pavilion can also be changed, for this add an additional canopy or a whole system of canopies to it, these canopies can also be positioned unconventionally - at an angle.


Styling the gazebo

Idea 3. Styling

Style your garden pavilion under the "fairy house", a hut with a reed roof, a hunting lodge or a small "villa"

Idea 4. Unusual architecture

Arrange the support posts for the gazebo in an unusual way: make them not vertical, but inclined. This gives extraordinary lightness and dynamics to the perception of the structure. Or the building may have a shape that is unusual for gazebos. There is a chance to get a unique design.


Hanging gazebo

Idea 5. Tension arbor

There is an economical and original design - a tension arbor. It can be stationary, and then the frame of the gazebo is installed on the foundation or concreted on the site, and the walls and roof made of fabric are stretched over summer season, and cleaned for the winter. It can also be collapsible, and then it is simply placed on a prepared site. Such a gazebo has its advantages: in addition to being economical, you can change the "decoration" by pulling on different fabrics.


Live gazebo

Idea 6. "Live" gazebo

If you want something special, then you can make a gazebo of rare beauty - "alive". But it takes time and patience. Such a gazebo is made small and is woven from young and flexible willow branches, the structure itself is simple, in shape it resembles a hut or a seashell. The trick is that work should be started immediately after cutting off the branches, the ends of the branches should be left free from below, and then they should be rooted in the ground with the help of root formation stimulants. After a while, when the branches take root and begin to grow, the "gazebo" will gradually be covered with greenery.


Tiered roof

Idea 7. Hanging planters

Decorate the facade of the gazebo hanging containers and pots... There should be a lot of them, and you will get a whole container garden, suspended only. In this case, vertical gardening should also be present, however, do not obstruct the entire structure with plants. Leave in some places the most beautiful structural elements in sight, and use vertical landscaping and flowerpots in places.


Hanging accessories

Idea 8. Hanging accessories

Decorate a simple gazebo structure with hanging decorations: plywood figures, wicker products made of straw and rattan, ceramic products.

Idea 9. Gazebo around the well.

A garden pavilion can be built around a well, especially if your well is beautiful. At the same time, a roof will appear at the well.


Transparent roof

Idea 10. Transparent roof

Use a tinted polycarbonate sheer roof for your gazebo. It is very simple and quite inexpensive, and the view is extraordinary. This design is especially suitable for small plots, since it looks like the lightest, most airy structure, without cluttering the garden at all. Tinted polycarbonate is not glass, it does not allow bright sunlight to pass through, so it will be comfortable in such a gazebo even in the heat.



Idea 11. Arbor from arches

If we put several lattice arches next to each other parallel to each other (to make a small arched "tunnel"), then this structure forms a small and very original gazebo. Of course, it will not protect from the rain, but from the sun - please. Its main advantage is beauty, especially if the arches are entwined clematis or climbing roses ... A variation on this idea is a gazebo with a green roof. The walls of such a structure are ordinary, classic for pergolas, but the roof is not solid, instead there is a lattice structure for vertical gardening.


Decoration Materials

Idea 12. Decoration Materials

It is not always necessary to leave the gazebo as it is - wooden or brick. For example, a brick gazebo can be plastered and then overlaid with pebbles or gravel. It will look non-trivial and fabulous.