Gas boiler dani instruction. The way to light a floor gas boiler: how to turn on the gas

It may be necessary to adjust the main burner, how should this be done, can it be adjusted while the boiler is operating? Answer: Perhaps the knock is due to the thermal expansion of the metal of the heat exchanger. Crackling is the result of scale and deposits that have formed. Question: Ross double-circuit boiler 26ntd - E8 pops up. What does it mean, I can not decrypt the error? Answer: The DHW sensor does not work. Question: Tell me, please, about the Ross boiler. There is Eurosit 630 automation. The problem is the following: when the main burner is turned off, it does not completely go out, it burns itself slowly. Please tell me is this normal? Answer: Quite normal. The main burner goes out when the set temperature is exceeded. Before this, the bellows covers the burner in order to save money and maintain the setpoint. Question: Dani AOGV boiler.

How to light a dani cauldron

This can be done as follows: - Remove the bulb from the boiler sleeve.


Take two jars of water, an electric boiler for a glass, a thermometer with a maximum temperature of more than 100 C.

Place the electric boiler for the glass, the thermometer and the thermal bulb in one jar of water.
By turning on the boiler and heating the bulb to a certain temperature and then by cooling it (for example, by pulling it out of a jar of heated water and lowering it into a jar of cold water check (repeatedly) how the gas valve will operate.

If it works normally, then you need to check how the contact of the bulb wall with the wall of the glass (where it is inserted) in the boiler is ensured.

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The wick burns, and does not ignite the main burners, and when it boils, it goes out completely.


Tell me what to do? Answer: The main burners turn off when the specified temperature is reached.

Causes: contamination of the impulse (connecting) tubes between the membrane valve and the thermostat, jamming of the remote sleeve of the thermostat.

When the water temperature reaches 50-90 C, the boiler turns off completely (all): adjust the sensor from boiling, there is no draft in the chimney.

Question: As soon as I fully tighten the sleeve on the diaphragm valve, the boiler does not ignite, but as soon as I loosen it a little, it works and poisons the gas a little.

What to do? Answer: Unscrew the screw and remove the handle. Loosen the screws and remove the scale.


Unscrew the screws and remove the thermostat cover. Remove the membrane assembly without damaging the membranes.

Remove the assembly by the screw securing the valve. Remove the spacer.

Adjustment of automation in the gas boiler aogv-18 dani comfort

Press the control knob all the way and without releasing it, press the piezo ignition button until it clicks.
keep the control knob pressed for 5-10 seconds. four.

Release the control knob and check the presence of a flame on the pilot (pilot) burner 5.

If there is no flame, repeat the steps, increasing the time the control knob is pressed.

6. The temperature of the heat carrier in the apparatus (boiler) is regulated by turning the control knob to position 1-7.
Position 7 roughly corresponds to – temperature 90°С.

The sequence of switching on the apparatus (boiler) with the gas valve "CJSC Mashzavod" ATTENTION! Before igniting the apparatus (boiler), check that the main burner tap 1 is closed.

Open the door of the apparatus (boiler) and, after making sure that valve 3 in front of the burner is closed, open the valve on the gas pipeline in front of the apparatus (boiler).

Gas boiler dani akgv 12 s

Question: Boiler Ross AOGV-11, on the street -10, while the gas consumption is about 20 cubic meters / day.
A private house 80 sq.m. The boiler is at 2, the temperature in the house is about 23 degrees.

I thought that the consumption should be less. Or I'm wrong? Answer: Gas consumption can be checked as follows: set the maximum on automatic, that is, record the costs per minute on the gas meter, then multiply the costs per minute by 60.

Check with technical specifications on the boiler and look - fit in or not.

Depending on the costs, we either regulate the pressure on the gas valve or not.

Question: I have a 16 kW floor-standing Ross boiler. During heating and cooling, a loud knock (click) is heard with a frequency of about 3 seconds, inside at the bottom left, all fasteners are tightened.

Dani boiler instruction manual

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