Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Supply ventilation automation Ventilation and air conditioning automation system description

Ventilation (V) and air conditioning (AC) contains two contradictory conditions: the first is simplicity and reliability of operation, the second is high quality functioning.

The main principle in the technical organization of automatic control of VS and SCW is the functional design of the hierarchical structure of the protection, regulation and control tasks to be performed.

Any industrial SCR must be equipped with elements and devices for automatic start and stop, as well as emergency protection devices. This is the first level of VCS automation.

The second level of SCR automation is the level of stabilization of equipment operation modes.

The solution of problems of the third level of control is associated with the processing of information and the formation of control actions by solving discrete logic functions or performing a number of specific calculations.

The three-level structure of the technical implementation of the control and regulation of the operation of the SCR allows the organization of the operation of systems depending on the specifics of the enterprise and its maintenance services. Regulation of air conditioning systems is based on the analysis of stationary and non-stationary thermal processes. The next task is to automate the adopted technological scheme for controlling the SCR, which will automatically provide the specified mode of operation and regulation of individual elements and the system as a whole in the optimal mode.

The actual or cumulative maintenance of the specified operating modes of the SCR is carried out by automation devices and devices that form both simple local control loops and complex multi-loop automatic control systems (ACS). The quality of ACS operation is determined mainly by the compliance of the microclimate parameters created in the premises of a building or structure with their required values ​​and depends on the correct choice of both the technological scheme and its equipment, and the elements of the automatic control system of this scheme.

Automation of the supply ventilation system

When regulating the heat output of supply systems, the most common method is to change the flow rate of the coolant. A method of automatic control of the air temperature at the outlet of the supply chamber is also used by changing the air flow. However, when these methods are used separately, the maximum allowable use of the heat carrier energy is not ensured.

In order to increase the efficiency and speed of the control process, it is possible to apply a cumulative method for changing the heat output of the unit's air heaters. In this case, the supply chamber automatic control system provides for: selection of the supply chamber control method (local, local buttons, automatic from the automation panel), as well as winter and summer modes work; regulation of the supply air temperature by acting on the actuator of the valve on the heat carrier; automatic change in the ratio of air flow through the air heaters and the bypass channel; protection of air heaters from freezing in the supply chamber operation mode and in the backup parking mode; automatic shutdown fans when the frost protection is activated during operation; automatic connection control loop and opening of the outside air inlet valve when the fan is turned on; air heater freezing danger alarm; alarm normal operation supply chamber in automatic mode and preparation for launch.

The automatic control system of the supply chamber (Fig. 1) works as follows. The choice of control method is made by turning the switch SA 1 to the "manual" or "automatic" position, and the choice of the operating mode - by the switch SA 2 by turning it to the "winter" or "summer" position,

Manual local control of the supply fan motor M1 produced by buttons SB 1 "Stop" andSB 2 "Start" through a magnetic starter KM ; executive mechanism M2 outside air intake damper with buttons SB 5 "Opening" and SB 6 "Closing" through intermediate relays and own limit switches; executive mechanism MOH valves on the heating medium with buttons SB 7 "Opening" and SB 8 "Closing" via intermediate relay K5 and own limit switches and actuator M4 front bypass valve with buttons SB9 , SB 10.

Switching on - switching off the electric motor M 1 fan is signaled by a lamp H L 1 "Fan on" installed on the automation board.

Fig 1. Functional diagram supply chamber control

Switching the supply chamber on and off in the automatic mode of operation is done using the buttons SB 3 "Stop" and SB 4 "Start", located on the automation board, through intermediate relays K1 and. K2 . In this case, before turning on the fan, intermediate relays K1 , KZ and K6 provide forced opening of the valve on the coolant, and after turning on the fan, an intermediate relay K2 connects the supply air temperature control circuit and frost protection, and opens the fresh air intake damper.

Supply air temperature is maintained by a temperature controller R2 with thermistor sensor VK1 , installed in the supply air duct; control signal via relay-pulse interrupter P1 applied to the actuator MOH coolant valve.

The change in the ratio of air flow through the heaters and the bypass channel is carried out according to the signals of the temperature controller P4 with sensor VK2 , installed in the heat carrier pipeline. Control signals via relay-pulse interrupter RZ fed to the actuator M4 front bypass valve.

Protection of the air-heating installation against freezing is provided by a sensor - a coolant temperature switch P5 , the sensitive element of which is installed in the coolant pipeline immediately after the first heating section along the air flow, and the air temperature sensor-relay R6 the sensitive element of which is installed in the air duct between the outside air inlet damper and the air heater. In the event of a risk of freezing via an intermediate relay K6 motor is switched off M 1 supply fan, opening the damper on the heating medium and activating the alarm, as well as closing the outside air inlet damper. The occurrence of a risk of freezing is signaled by a lamp HL 3 "Danger of freezing" and an audible signal ON .

Preparing to start the fan after pressing the button SB 4 signaled by a lamp HL 2 (only for winter mode).

Automation of the operation of a group of supply systems

In industrial ventilation systems, the use of a group of supply systems operating in the mode of maintaining the same supply air temperature is widespread. To do this, the automation scheme provides for automatic control of the heating capacity of air heaters by changing the temperature of the supplied coolant at a constant flow rate of air and coolant through them by mixing part of the coolant from the return line into the supply line. A simplified functional diagram of the control system for a group of supply ventilation chambers is shown in fig. 2. In this scheme, a group of air-heating units of supply chambers PC1-PC P ,

Fig. 2 Functional diagram for controlling a group of supply chambers

connected in parallel along the coolant, connected to the coolant preparation unit, consisting of pumps H 1 and H2 (one spare) check valve K1 control valve K2 and pressure regulator RD . A coolant flow switch is installed on the return pipeline in front of the preparation unit RPT .

Valve actuator K2 electrically connected to the regulator RT1 , to the inputs of which sensors are connected DT temperature of the heat carrier in the supply line at the outlet of the preparation unit and the sensor Days in. outside air temperature. The diagram also shows elements of signaling equipment: supply air temperature alarm RT2 with sensors D1 -DP and air flow switch RPV , installed in each supply chamber. signaling device RT2 structurally made in the form of a regulating multi-point bridge KSM , the output contacts of which, as well as the contacts RPV , close the circuits of light and sound alarms.

The developed system provides control of a group of supply chambers in manual and automatic modes.

AT manual mode control system allows you to start and stop the fan motor of any supply chamber PC1-PKP; run in the appropriate direction and stop the control valve actuator K2 ; run in the appropriate direction and stop the actuators of any air valve.

In the automatic control mode, the system allows you to programmatically start and turn off the supply chambers PC1-PKP , automatic maintenance of the set air temperature at the outlet of the supply chambers; control of the coolant temperature at the outlet of the air heater, temperature and air velocity at the outlet of the supply chambers with emergency mode alarm.

The system is turned on and the "Manual-automatic" mode is selected from a remote panel.

In manual control mode, when the pump selection switch is moved to the "O" position, the pump motors are controlled by locally installed "Start" and "Stop" buttons. Buttons for manual control of fan motors, valve actuators are also installed there. K2 and air intake valves.

In the automatic control mode, when the operation mode switches are set to the “automatic” position and the pump is selected to the position 1 and 2 button located on the remote board, the group of supply chambers is programmatically launched. At the same time, the signal lamp lights up, indicating that the automatic control is switched on. The selected one is turned on first. circulation pump and the control valve opens. K2 . After a 5-minute warm-up of the heaters, the electric motors of the fans are automatically switched on and the air intake valves open. After the air valves are fully opened, the limit microswitches are activated, connecting the alarm and control circuits of the supply chambers to the operation. In the absence or decrease in the flow rate of the coolant, the relay is activated RPT and de-energizes the intermediate relay, which, in turn, opens the contacts for powering the magnetic starters of the fan motors.

The automatic control system is also switched off from a remote panel. At the same time, the magnetic starters of the pump and fan motors are de-energized, the air intake valves and the valve are closed K2 on the heat carrier.

The schematic diagram of the ventilation automation system is usually developed at the design stage of the engineering complexes of the building, at the same time the issue of the preferred control mode (semi-automatic or automatic) is being decided. Control cabinets should be mounted in the most accessible place in order to easily control the equipment if necessary and perform its regular maintenance.

Automatic control allows:

  • Regulate the intensity of the fans;
  • Timely prevent freezing of the water heater;
  • Support optimum temperature air and other indicators affecting life.

The concept of automation

Ventilation automation is provided by special cabinets installed in the building, which are responsible for the automatic control of all available ventilation and climate control equipment. Automation can be carried out at any objects, the ventilation systems of which are complicated schemes or complexes of medium complexity. Modern automation elements perform several functions simultaneously, and due to this, the owner is protected from inevitable (in the case when there is no single control) system failures.

Reasons for the demand for automated ventilation systems

Ventilation systems, in most cases, are complex combinations engineering equipment designed to provide efficient air exchange. Manual control here is not rational, since the pressure, humidity and temperature indicators are constantly changing depending on the time of year, climatic conditions, the amount of removed and incoming air changes. The ideal solution would be full automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Necessary equipment

The main elements that ensure ventilation automation:

  • Regulators- key components, it is they who coordinate the activities of the actuators based on the indicators of the available sensors;
  • Sensors- the components on the basis of which the automation system is formed, they provide information about current state controlled object. Sensors provide feedback on each individual parameter - humidity, temperature, pressure, etc. The criteria for choosing sensors are operating conditions, the required measurement accuracy, and the range of indicators.
  • Executive mechanisms– electrical, hydraulic, mechanical actuators.

Benefits of using automated ventilation systems:

  • Noticeable saving electricity (costs are reduced by about 20%);
  • Remote control and adjustment of the system elements;
  • Indication necessary parameters of the system functioning;
  • Opportunity regulation of climatic characteristics indoor air;
  • Pollution Intensity Tracking filters, providing timely service;
  • Efficiency control equipment, protection against hypothermia, overheating of system elements.

To date, automation of ventilation is carried out not only at industrial facilities, it is also relevant for most residential, public buildings. Its main task is to provide the most comfortable air space in the room.

Among the directions of development of technological progress, automation stands out in particular. It saves a person from performing routine, and often dangerous processes, significantly reduces the complexity of operations in production or at home, and allows you to optimize all areas of life.

You can automate almost any function of technology and area - including ventilation. This is relevant mainly for large complexes - industrial, industrial, warehouse, trade - but today it is increasingly used in the organization of life support systems in homes. Ventilation is a complex system that uses many types of sensitive engineering equipment, and its automation is a non-trivial and responsible task. However, it has many advantages, and they should be used.

Properly organized automation of ventilation systems is a complex high degree rationality, relieving users from manual control of indicators in the environment and their change. In business spaces, crowded places, sports, industrial complexes, full automation is relevant, including ventilation systems:

  • modular;
  • firefighters.

Quality components and skillful organization automatic systems will keep people in the building safe, as well as:

  • ensure work in accordance with established algorithms;
  • to achieve compliance of indicators with the established values;
  • stop systems in emergency situations;
  • control the condition and performance of all elements;
  • visualize parameters, implement remote control ventilation and so on.

Advantages of organizing automated ventilation systems

It is impossible to consider that automation is an extra and costly option. It allows you to significantly "unload" a person at work and at home, improve the quality of life and work, and ensure a much higher level of safety than with manual control. Among the main advantages that distinguish automatic ventilation equipment, it is worth mentioning:

  • reduction of costs for electricity, energy carriers, operation of engineering, personnel - practice shows that with automation (turning on / off groups of equipment, for example), 10-20% savings in heat and cold consumption can be achieved;
  • efficient organization of air exchange in the premises - with the help of automation, you can set the necessary cleaning parameters, temperatures, flow rates, while ensuring a simple and quick achievement of a favorable microclimate;
  • reliable protection in emergency situations - an integrated system, including warning devices, fire extinguishing, smoke neutralization, will allow you to quickly respond to an emergency;
  • full control (including remote control) and controllability of the system - with the help of automated installations, you can regulate the operation of fans, monitor how dirty the filters are, whether there is overheating or overcooling of the elements, and so on.

Automation will allow you to determine if the set fan speeds have been violated. It maintains the set parameters, climate conditions and controls all devices. How safe, reliable and durable the system depends on the quality of its assembly and components.

Design features of automated ventilation complexes

Automation for ventilation systems is regulated by existing regulations - these are TU, SNiPs and others. It is a set of elements and algorithms that ensure functional compliance with the set parameters.

What to pay attention to when designing

  • Schematic diagrams of automation in engineering models are laid at the design stage. Then they choose the principle of operation and the level of "replacement" of a person by electronics.
  • Automation control is organized using special cabinets into which regulators and control elements are inserted. They must be located in a convenient and accessible location so that maintenance can be carried out without interference.
  • It is recommended to install in any automated scheme control devices- in supply and exhaust ventilation complexes, air conditioning system. The choice of model depends on the purpose of the object and economic and technical feasibility.

What equipment is required

The basic set of equipment that is included in automated ventilation systems usually includes:

  • Sensors are elements that take readings from a controlled object and provide the user and the control system with information about its state. They support feedback, providing information on the level of pressure and humidity, temperatures, and are selected depending on the desired accuracy, requirements and range.
  • Regulators / controllers are elements that coordinate the work of executing devices and control them based on the data provided by the sensors.
  • Executing devices are equipment of mechanical, electronic, hydraulic types that perform direct functions. These are electric drives of fire-air valve parts and heat exchangers, relays that monitor pressure drops, pumps.

Characteristics of the components of an automated installation

All parts and mechanisms that make up automation ventilation units, have their own characteristics and are divided into types.

So, for example, sensors can be related to indoor or outdoor devices, they are mounted with an overlay on pipelines, in channels. Among them stand out:

  • temperature - can functionally set limits, installed in rooms or outside;
  • humidity - indoor and outdoor, connected to devices for measuring relative parameters, installed at points where the temperature and air velocity are unchanged, far from heating structures and direct sunlight;
  • pressure - relay and analog types, can measure absolute values ​​or differences (two points);
  • flow - to find out at what speed the gas / liquid moves in pipes or air ducts.

Control devices are placed on automation boards, where a set of control and execution elements is combined. They are produced using sophisticated equipment, without fail with certification, global and famous brands: Phoenix Contact, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Legrand, General Electric and many others. When creating them, it is important that the devices ensure safety, as well as convenient and ergonomic operation.

Full information about the automation of the ventilation system in each specific case can be obtained from EcoEnergoVent specialists.

Air conditioning systems (ACS) are designed to create and automatically maintain the necessary air parameters in the premises (temperature, relative humidity, cleanliness, speed, etc.). Depending on the purpose, ACS are divided into technological ones that ensure the state of the air environment that meets the requirements of a particular technological process, and comfortable, creating favorable conditions for a person. Depending on the design, air conditioners are divided into sectional and modular, and according to the equipment for generating heat and cold, they are divided into autonomous and non-autonomous. Autonomous air conditioners are supplied from the outside only with electricity. For the operation of non-autonomous air conditioners, it is necessary to supply heat and coolant from the outside, as well as electricity to drive the motors of fans and pumps.

Let us first consider the basic principles of automating a comfort air conditioning unit designed to maintain a given temperature and humidity in a room (Fig. 8.5).

For winter conditions air is processed according to the following scheme. Outside air is first heated in the heat exchanger U from the point H 3 to the point U 3 , and then in the air heater of the first stage from the point U 3 to the value / k. As a result of adiabatic humidification at a constant enthalpy, the air acquires parameters corresponding to the point K g In the air heater of the second stage, the air is heated up to point R 3 and is supplied to the room.

As the enthalpy of the outside air increases, its heating in the first stage air heater decreases, and when the enthalpy is reached 1 TO heating must be turned off. A transitional regime begins, which is characterized by a constant internal temperature / 3 and varies depending on the enthalpy of the outdoor air and the relative humidity inside the room.

Based on the conditions of comfort, fluctuations in relative humidity within 40-60% are permissible. When the enthalpy of outdoor air is higher than / n in the manned room, it is advisable

Rice. 8.5.

a - technological scheme of SKKV; b - air treatment processes

in /-b diagram

maintain the maximum relative humidity (up to 60%) under comfortable conditions, while allowing significant fluctuations in the internal temperature. Since fluctuations in indoor temperature are associated with changes in the enthalpy of outdoor air, in warm time a certain “dynamic” climate is created, characterized by the best conditions for human well-being than static at constant temperature. At the same time, some savings in cold consumption are provided. With an enthalpy of outside air / n, only adiabatic humidification is provided. At this time, the air heater of the second stage is affected by a relative humidity sensor cp installed in the room, with the help of which, when the humidity deviates upwards, the flow of heat carrier into the air heater increases. The dotted line in fig. 8.5 (from Hp to /l) indicates that the sensor must be set to 57-58% in order to avoid an increase in the value of f above 60%. This is due to the inadmissibility of a higher relative humidity and the desire to maintain the set operating temperature difference between the indoor and supply air.

The summer mode of operation of the air conditioning system begins when the outside air reaches enthalpy / l. At this time, cold water supply to the irrigation chamber is required to maintain air parameters. K l. For this purpose, a temperature sensor is installed behind the irrigation chamber, with the help of which, as the temperature rises, the supply of cold water to the chamber increases. Since the air temperature behind the nozzle chamber is not the same, moisture droplets can be carried out and get on the temperature meter. In addition, taking into account the negative effect of radiant heat from the second heating air heater, it is advisable to carry out regulation according to the signals of the temperature sensor installed in the room. The advantages of this method include the fact that it also takes into account the heat storage capacity of the room. The temperature meter installed in the room is adjusted to the temperature value determined by the point t l, and affects the supply of cold water to the irrigation chamber.

The automation system built on the basis of the scheme of such air treatment is shown in fig. 8.6. AT winter period for irrigation

Rice. 8.6.

air conditioning

body camera using proportional controller the set temperature is maintained (pos. 1). The meter, set to the temperature / p 3 , acts on the actuator of the regulating body on the coolant return pipeline to the air heater of the first heating gearbox. The irrigation chamber provides adiabatic humidification of the outside air up to 90-95%. As the enthalpy of the outside air increases, its heating decreases, and at enthalpy / k, the first heating is turned off.

The indoor air temperature is controlled by a two-position regulator (pos. 2). Temperature sensor installed in the room and configured to maintain the temperature (3 , acts through a prohibition-allowing device (pos. 3) to the air heater of the gearbox of the second heating. A disable device is included in the circuit to switch indoor temperature control to relative humidity control. This switchover takes place when the relative humidity in the room approaches 60%. At this moment, the air temperature behind the irrigation chamber will rise to the value / p p. The signal from this sensor is sent to the prohibition-permissive device, which switches the indoor temperature sensor to the relative humidity sensor.

In warm weather indoors, using a proportional regulator (pos. 6) constant relative humidity is maintained at varying temperatures. The humidity sensor, as in winter, through an intermediate relay RP and a prohibition-permit device acts on the air heater of the second stage. When the relative humidity rises above 60%, the second heater is switched on and the temperature reaches a value at which the relative humidity becomes less than 60% and corresponds to a certain enthalpy of the outside air.

Summer mode, which requires the use of cold water, occurs at an indoor temperature corresponding to the average summer comfort. At this moment, the second temperature sensor, set to 1 L. The temperature regulator (pos. 5) affects the supply of cold water to the irrigation chamber. In the room, two parameters are stabilized at once: temperature and relative humidity. Two regulators act on different regulatory bodies at once, which allows maintaining relative humidity with an accuracy of ± 5% and consuming a minimum of cold. Improving the accuracy of stabilization of microclimate parameters can also be achieved by synthesis of stabilization with correction for deviations from the specified temperature and relative humidity in the room. This is ensured by the transition from single-circuit to double-circuit cascade stabilization systems, which, in essence, should be the main systems for controlling temperature and air humidity.

The operation of cascade systems is based on the regulation of not one, but two regulators, and the regulator that controls the deviation of the main regulated variable from the set value does not act on the regulatory body of the object, but on the auxiliary regulator setpoint. This controller maintains at a given level some auxiliary value of the intermediate point of the regulated object. Since the inertia of the controlled section of the first control loop is small, relatively high speed can be achieved in this loop. The first circuit is called stabilizing, the second - corrective. The functional diagram of the cascade system for direct-flow SCR is shown in fig. 8.7.

The first system ensures stabilization of the air temperature after the air heater of the second heating with correction

Rice. 8.7.

air conditioning process

according to the air temperature in the control object (room) by changing the coolant flow in the air heater (TC 2 controller). The corrective action is carried out using the corrective controller TS 2 . Thus, the air temperature control system after the second heating air heater includes an air temperature control circuit by changing the coolant flow rate and a correction circuit that changes the TS 2 controller setting depending on the change in the air temperature in the room.

The second stabilization system includes a dew point temperature sensing element installed after the spray chamber, and a TS controller that sequentially controls the actuators of the spray chamber valves, the first heating air heater, and the mixing and regulating air valves for outdoor and recirculation air.

The corrective action on the TC controller is carried out with the help of the MS humidity controller, the sensor of which is installed in the room.

AT last years in the implementation of the considered principles of automation of air conditioning systems, microprocessor controllers are increasingly used.

The World of Climate magazine continues to publish fragments of the new curriculum of the APE of the Educational and Consulting Center "CLIMATE UNIVERSITY" entitled "Automation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems."

Earlier, we described in detail how to work with applications of the modern CAREL c.Suite development environment. Now let's talk about the development of dispatching user interfaces in the c.Web environment.

Custom development dispatching interfaces in c.Web environment

Dispatch tools

The CAREL product range includes various dispatching tools, both local and global.

Freely programmable c.pCO family controllers

The c.pCO family controllers, equipped with a built-in Ethernet port, provide direct supervisory capability over the Internet through the built-in web server.

The user interface of the server can be either standard, provided by CAREL free of charge, or custom-designed.

The standard user interface is enough to monitor the operation of the installation, manage it and analyze the behavior of the equipment over time due to the built-in logging function (log) of the values ​​of the selected parameters, followed by viewing them in the form of graphs.

This solution is optimal for facilities with a small amount of equipment, where the budget does not allow installing a dedicated dispatch system server.

BOSS Object Level Dispatch Server

All controllers of the c.pCO family, regardless of modification, have at least one built-in RS485 port, which can be used to integrate the controller into a supervisory bus using the ModBus or BACnet protocols.

Collection, storage, display of information from field controllers and notification of facility personnel about situations requiring attention should be carried out by the BOSS dispatch system server.

The features and advantages of the BOSS dispatch system server are:

  • access via any web browser with PC, tablet or smartphone;
  • built-in dot WiFi access allows you to work remotely BOSS how to mobile device so personal computer;
  • if necessary, it is possible to connect a monitor via Display Port or VGA connectors, and also keyboards and mice via USB ports;
  • automatic scaling of server pages to the screen resolution of the device, with which is being accessed;
  • integrated support for Modbus (Master and Slave) and BACnet (Client and Server) protocols via MS/TP (RS485) and TCP/IP buses;
  • the most simplified procedure for deploying a dispatching system based on BOSS for data visualization account with using template pages.

The solution using BOSS is focused on objects where integration into a single dispatching interface of tens - hundreds of controllers, both manufactured by CAREL and third-party, supporting the currently most common communication protocols ModBus and BACnet, is required.

tERA Cloud Dispatch Service

tERA's cloud-based dispatching service, which uses the power of the Internet to interact with field controllers located in various locations - one-stop solution for objects of any scale, as well as for networks of objects.

Advantages of tERA:

  • no need to place any server equipment in the field;
  • Access to Internet portal tERA is possible with any device connected to global network;
  • not requires special configuration of network equipment on the facility where the automation systems that are supposed to be controlled are installed;
  • detailed information on equipment and control options depend on user type set by the local administrator;
  • automatic generation of reports schedule, and when certain events occur that require the intervention of maintenance personnel;
  • support for updating the software of field controllers;
  • built-in toolkit for analyzing the behavior of equipment by comparing parameters over time and between different objects;
  • the user interface can be either minimalistic, consisting only of tables and graphs, or designed with taking into account the wishes of a particular customer.

The use of the tERA service is especially relevant for networks of small and medium-sized facilities, where it is impractical to use physical dispatch servers due to the small amount of equipment at each of the facilities, and the number of facilities themselves is large, which makes it difficult to directly connect to each of them.

Also, the tERA service is the optimal platform for service organizations that offer their customers services of periodic after-sales service and equipment repair.

User Interface Development Tools

All dispatching tools assume the possibility of creating a user interface designed in accordance with the requirements of the customer.

An important component of the operator's user interface is graphic design, on the convenience, visibility and ergonomics of which the dispatcher's work efficiency depends.

In addition, to modern means visualization of information in BMS systems, there are requirements for ensuring cross-platform and support for mobile devices.

All of the above requirements are met by the CAREL c.Web user interface development environment, which has the following main characteristics:

support for modern cross-platform visualization technologies - standard HTML code and SVG graphics are used, supported by all modern platforms - unlike FLASH and a number of other technologies;

the development process is maximally optimized to use library elements with the minimum amount of programming required. At the same time, an experienced developer is provided with wide opportunities settings;

support for mobile devices is provided in terms of convenience for the operator when working with small screens;

protection of intellectual property - the interests of developers are taken into account - the compiled HTML code is loaded into the target device, while the original project remains with the author;

c.Web is a single unified tool for developing user interfaces for dispatching tools of various levels of CAREL production, up to the possibility of transferring projects from one system to another while maintaining functionality and minimal modifications.


Launching c.Web and creating a project

To launch c.Web, select the appropriate shortcut in the taskbar and run it as an administrator:

The menu will then look like this:

You should select the Project Console, which will lead to the appearance of the corresponding window:

If you intend to work with an already selected project, then you should click the Builder button. If you want to change the current project, you should press the red button to stop the server.

In the window that opens, specify the name of the new project and the folder in which it will be located:

It should be noted that if files of a previously created project are found in the specified folder, then when the editor is launched, they will be opened as new project. In this way, new projects can be developed based on previously created ones.

and then the Builder button to launch the actual c.Web editor.

If the server has not been previously configured, a parameter window will appear in which you need to assign a server name, address, and type.

In our case, the type should be Carel, and we specify the name and IP address of the target controller based on our own preferences.

On the Advanced tab, you must specify the paths to folders containing tables of controller parameters available for dispatching, and to folders where the editor will place finished project.

If there is a connection with the controller via local network it is convenient to upload the finished project directly to the controller using the built-in FTP server, so we specify the corresponding folders in the controller as target folders.

To populate the Config Source field, you must create a controller variable configuration file, which can only be done if you have a source project.

To do this, return to the controller application project and open it in the c.Suite development environment, in the program.

Set the Enable c.Web checkbox - this is necessary for the correct operation of the user interface project after loading into the controller:

Export the project variables in the format corresponding to the c.Web editor:

A window will open in which you should specify the folder where we intend to save the configuration file.

After completing these steps, a message like this will appear:

Since we have made changes to the controller application project, it needs to be reloaded:

Now we can return to setting up the c.Web editor by specifying the path to the folder where the variable configuration file from was saved in the Config Source field:

As a result, the specified window will take the form:

Checking the Cleanup dataroot checkbox will clean the folder where the project files will be loaded into the controller, so if any additional files that are not included in the c.Web project are placed there during operation, they will be deleted. In some cases, this is undesirable, so it is better not to check this box.

On the Layout tab, we will select the appropriate page format, taking into account the screen resolution, on which, most likely, the created user interface will be displayed:

After clicking OK, the main editor window will open:

Getting Data Points and Binding to Objects

The first thing to do is to upload information about the data points that we plan to use in our project. To do this, right-click on the project name and select Acquire Datapoints:

Upon successful completion of the procedure, the following window will appear:

The read variables can be seen in the OBJECTS section of the project tree:

Let's start creating the actual user interface on the Main page. Let's move the Circular Meter object from the library to the project page:

The properties of the selected object are displayed in the corresponding editor window. To bind a variable to an object, you must use the Base property to display the value of the variable.

Let's bind a variable containing the value of the current temperature to the existing object:

And change a number of other parameters that determine appearance and object behavior:

Download to controller

To make sure that the variable import mechanism worked correctly, let's load the resulting project with one object into the target controller.

To do this, right-click on the project name and select Distribute:

Upon completion, by opening a browser and specifying the IP address of the controller, we can verify that the download was successful and the data is displayed correctly in the controller web interface:

To change the titles of the web interface pages, modify the corresponding line in the code of the index.htm object located in the Library - ATVISE - Resources section:

Let's add an object to our page that allows not only viewing, but also changing the values ​​of variables in the controller.

Such an object can be, for example, Read/Write Variable - it is especially convenient for use on touch screens, as it contains large buttons for decreasing and increasing the value, as well as a slider.

Let's place the specified object on the page, bind the temperature settings to the variable and modify the object's appearance in accordance with our preferences:

After uploading the updated project to the controller, it will be possible to change the setpoint via the web interface:

Let's add a switch to change the state of a discrete variable and bind it to turn the unit on and off:

Dynamic alarm indication

Let's add an alarm indication. To do this, draw a circle using the Add circle tool.

For a number of graphic objects, c.Web has a set of ready-made templates, in particular for circles: by selecting a circle and choosing Templates from the menu, you can apply the template format to the selected object.

Let's make the circle red with a gradient fill.

To change the state of the alarm indicator depending on the situation, we will use the Add Simple Dynamic mechanism built into c.Web.

In the EVENT item, we specify the value of the alarm state variable, and in the ACTION item, let's compare the alarm presence state - the blinking of the selected object and the state of its invisibility in the absence of an alarm.

In fact, the Simple Dynamics mechanism is a wizard that, using simple visual means, allows you to create certain sequences of actions that require programming. Simple Dynamics allows you to simplify this process, but the output is a script that can be used as a basis and further manually modified by the developer.

To display and edit the script, click the Script button on the c.Web panel:

The resulting script can be analyzed and supplemented.

For a more detailed notification of the operator about the presence of an alarm, it is advisable to add an acoustic signal to the visual notification - a flashing red indicator.

To do this, add a file containing an alarm to the Resources folder:

In addition, let's add one more indicator - green, which should glow when there is no alarm:

Let's set the dimensions of the green indicator to be the same as the red one, and for the exact location of both indicators one above the other, we will use the alignment tools:

Let's modify the script as follows:

More information about available commands and script syntax is available in the built-in help.

Let's add one more controller, which we will bind to a variable that determines the threshold for triggering an alarm.

And add labels to the display and control elements:

To improve the aesthetics of the created web interface, let's add a gradient background using the Add Rectangle tool in the c.Web control panel.

Let's set the parameters of the rectangle and place it under the existing objects:

After loading into the controller, the web interface will look like this:

Embedding Ready Pages

Further expansion of the functionality of the web interface is possible using ready-made templates available for download from the c.Web section of the portal:

In particular, ready-made pages are available showing the built-in display of the WebpGD controller, log and alarm graphs.

To apply these templates, the corresponding files must be uploaded to the controller's file system via FTP. To do this, you can use the FileZilla program:

The previously downloaded folders should be prepared for copying to the controller's HTTP folder.

If the web interface has already been loaded into the controller up to this point, this folder will not be empty, and the template folders should be added to the existing files:

Upon completion of the data transfer process, the HTTP controller folder will look like this:

To use the templates, it is proposed to add a menu with three items to the main page of the user interface: WebpGD, Trends and Alarms.

Let's also add a new page, naming it WebpGD.

In the File menu, select the Settings item to configure the settings new page:

Set the page dimensions to 900 by 500 pixels, then use the Add Foreign Object tool:

Let's draw a 460 x 800 px rectangle - this is the area where the controller screen and control buttons will be displayed.

By clicking on this zone, we get the window for editing the script of the object, where we add the command for accessing the previously loaded template page: