How to cover the floor in the bath from decay. How to treat the floor in the bath from decay

The quality of wood allows you to create an optimal microclimate for a steam room and effectively retain heat, making it the most common material for the construction of bath structures. But such shortcomings as easy flammability, high susceptibility to moisture, susceptibility to damage by microorganisms and insects (fungi, rotting and, dictate the need for processing boards, timber, logs with special protective compounds.

Types and characteristics of various compositions

All the compositions used are a special chemical liquid that has a disinfecting effect on the treated surface, eliminating mold and dirt.

  • Acrylic-based, water-based formulations give the wood dirt-repellent qualities, moisture resistance and reduce the likelihood of biological damage. These funds are preferable to use in the rest room and dressing room.
  • Organic impregnations are characterized by high moisture resistance and strength of the protective film they form.
  • Compositions based on natural wax and urethane oils are absorbed to a considerable depth, perfectly protect against the destructive effects of water, and give the surface a pleasant velvety. The disadvantage is the need to ventilate the room from a strong smell for 2 days.
  • Combined products increase not only the moisture resistance of the material, but also its fire safety.

Important! Impregnations used for bath floors should be odorless and emit toxic substances.

Supporters of the use of absolutely natural materials can use waste products from the production of sunflower oil for wood processing. They are impregnated twice, with a three-day break. This is a fairly effective tool, but somewhat inferior in quality to synthetic compounds, but significantly superior to them in terms of environmental safety.

The use of impregnations at the stages of construction and operation of the bath

The use of antiseptics during construction allows you to extend the life of the building by 5-7 years. They pre-process all wooden elements - boards, logs, timber.

Attention! The only way to refuse the use of impregnations is to use a more expensive material that has undergone heat treatment.

During the operation of the bath, the need for antiseptics remains. To wash surfaces, you can use products that are harmless to humans with them.

Bath floor processing technology

Depending on the tasks, you can choose compositions with a tinting effect. The main thing when carrying out internal works- the absence of harmful components in the composition of the product that can be released into the atmosphere. Impregnation for floors of saunas and baths should not give the surface a slip effect. Before starting work, you must carefully study the instructions, in their process, for safety reasons, use protective gloves and goggles.

Wood processing procedure:

  • Cleaning the floor surface from dirt and dust;
  • Sanding wood if it has darkened;
  • The optimum temperature for work is above + 5 ° С;
  • Application of impregnation in at least 2 layers with a roller, brush or spray gun in the direction along the fibers;

Advice! Slots and end faces require especially careful processing - here moisture is absorbed most actively.

  • After finishing work, the bath must be heated and well ventilated.

The acquisition of unknown products due to their low price in the future may result in harm to health due to the release of toxins by wood when heated - dubious quality may be hidden behind cheapness.

When buying impregnation for a bath floor, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Material condition:
    • Fresh lumber;
    • Wood without lesions;
    • Partially damaged material;
    • Surfaces with significant lesions.
  • Purpose for internal work;
  • Availability of a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on harmlessness to people;
  • Suitability for the treatment of the bath floor - when the skin comes into contact with it in conditions of high temperature and humidity, there should be no discomfort.

The compositions of Finnish production, in particular, Tikkurila, are considered the most effective. High-quality impregnation can increase the service life floor covering in the sauna for 10 years.

How to process the floors in the bath? This worries many. The problem is complicated by the fact that the most common material for finishing these structures is wood, which has low moisture resistance. Accelerated destruction at high humidity and temperature are exposed to many building materials. Even concrete requires special protection.

Problem Features

The floor in the bath during constant operation is in rather difficult conditions, especially for the coating in the steam room. Here, the material is exposed to water, saturated water vapor, which condenses on the walls and floor, and the temperature rises sharply to 60-70°C in a Russian bath and almost 100°C in a sauna.

The floor in the bath during constant operation is in rather difficult conditions

In the sink, the temperature is lower and there is no steam, but a chemical effect is added detergents. In addition, the soil also has a rather serious effect: water, especially during the flood period, is able to penetrate from below and flood the floor. It should also be mentioned that there is a huge difference in temperatures inside the room and under the floor. Under such conditions, various microorganisms, fungi and mold actively develop, which causes the process of decay of the material.

The need for special protective measures is not in doubt. The problem is not whether it is necessary to protect the material, but how to treat the floors in the bath from decay. This task is complicated by the same specific bath conditions. The products used should not decompose when exposed to temperature and hot water, releasing substances harmful to humans. Many fillers become dangerous in the steam room: you can not use chipboard, plywood, polystyrene, many paints and varnishes.

The products used must not decompose when exposed to temperature and hot water.

How can you solve the question of how to process the floor in the steam room of the bath? The most popular material is wood, and it is it that undergoes active decay in wet conditions.

On a note! To protect the material, the most effective impregnation with maximum penetration of the antiseptic composition deep into the wood.

It is also possible to use external protective coatings, which give good results in other bath rooms except for the steam room.

It should not be assumed that other floor materials do not require protection. Concrete in a bath is able to collapse quickly enough, so the task of how to process a concrete floor in a bath is no less relevant than protecting wood. When strengthening the concrete screed, the necessary additives are introduced at the stage of preparing the mixture. They increase the water resistance of concrete, and exclude the destruction of metal reinforcement.

Principles of protection of wooden floors

When deciding how to process a wooden floor in a bath, the following goals are set:

  1. Ensuring moisture resistance. All impregnating compositions provide a different level of such protection, but all are based on blocking internal channels, which prevents water from penetrating deep. An important indicator is the depth of penetration of the substance into the wood.
  2. Antiseptic, antibacterial effect. Rotting wood is caused by the vital activity of fungi and wood-destroying microorganisms. The introduction of an antiseptic into the material does not allow these pests to develop.
  3. Fire protection. Wood is considered a flammable material, and given the presence of a sauna stove and a firebox, an increase in resistance to fire becomes necessary condition bathroom flooring.
  4. Aesthetic properties. A side, but very important task of the impregnating composition is often the change color tone wood. It can emphasize the beautiful structure of the tree, darken or, conversely, whiten the material. Decorating abilities are invested in most modern protective mixtures for processing wooden products. Of course, when considering how to process the logs of the bath floor, this property does not play any role, which means that you can choose a more economical option. But when choosing how to process the floor boards in the bath, the components top coat, it is advisable to take this possibility into account.

A side, but very important task of the impregnating composition is often the change in the color tone of the wood.

The choice of compositions for a wooden floor

To protect the wooden elements of the floor bath covering, the following means can be used:

  1. Lacquer products. In bathing conditions, they can be used in all rooms, except for the steam room. Antiseptic ingredients are introduced into their composition to prevent decay.
  2. Impregnation agents. Their protective properties are based on the presence of phytoicides in the composition. With their help, logs and boards are processed.
  3. Antiseptics. These products are available in the form of solutions based on fungicides. Some compounds have increased toxicity, and therefore they must be coated with special varnishes or paint.

To protect the wooden elements of the bath floor covering, various means can be used.

In construction, impregnating compounds are widely used, with which it is necessary to process all wooden elements without exception at the stage of bath construction. These funds are available in 4 categories:

  • oil;
  • water soluble;
  • based on organic solvents and with a combined base.

On a note! Often, drying oil is used as an impregnation, which penetrates well into the wood, and after drying and polymerization forms a protective film.

Among branded compositions, such means are popular:

  • Tikkurila;
  • Texturol;
  • Drevotex;
  • BioZ;
  • Pinotex;
  • Senezh Ognebio;
  • Neomid;
  • Aquatex.

Film-forming composition Natura (Teknos)

The following compositions designed to protect wooden elements in the bath are distinguished by high environmental cleanliness:

  1. Water-soluble Sauna, made on an acrylic basis. With its help, a water-repellent polymer layer with heat-resistant properties is formed. At the same time, the film is able to pass air through itself. The composition has antimicrobial properties, destroying pathogens of infectious diseases.
  2. Waterproofing impregnation Schwartz prevents the development of fungi and the formation of mold.
  3. Natura (Teknos) film-forming compound creates a translucent coating that can reliably protect wooden surfaces.
  4. The Supi Arctic (Tikkurila) protective agent has high water-repellent characteristics. At the same time, the composition provides an attractive appearance, spectacular shine.

Protective agent Supi Arctic (Tikkurila)

A large group of protective agents are oil-based formulations. The following mixtures stand out: Supi Laudesuoja (Tikkurila), Sauna Natura (Teknos) and Rogneda. They are applied to dry and cleaned wooden surfaces with a brush or sponge. Drying time is 23-25 ​​hours, after which you can heat the bath.

Impregnation Aquatex

Features of concrete floor processing

The concrete floor screed in the bath is subject to serious damage under the influence of humidity and temperature. To strengthen concrete, special additives and impregnating compounds are used. The following groups of such funds are distinguished:

  1. Strengthening compounds. By impregnating the surface layer of the material, such agents increase its strength. The principle of their operation is based on the filling of pores and microcracks, which ensures the solidity of concrete.
  2. Elimination of dust formation on the surface. The formation of cement dust on the concrete floor is considered their major drawback. This effect is enhanced after exposure to bath conditions. Special means form protective layer preventing dust formation.
  3. Moisture-repellent additives. Such impregnation significantly increases the water resistance of concrete. At the same time, resistance to various chemical influences of detergents and cleaners increases.

What compounds are used to protect the concrete floor in the bath? There are 2 main types: organic and inorganic impregnating compounds. Organic type products have an epoxy, acrylic or polyurethane base. Such substances have universal properties, ensuring the simultaneous implementation of all the above tasks. The most common polyurethane impregnation of concrete.

On a note! Inorganic-based products work on the principle of turning soluble components into insoluble substances, which makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate and wash out the concrete ingredients.

The concrete floor screed in the bath is subject to serious damage under the influence of humidity and temperature.

It is this type of impregnation that provides resistance to aggressive substances. When using these products, it should be remembered that when they are used, a chemical reaction occurs on the concrete surface, which can change the appearance of the floor. When assessing the degree of such changes, you should first test the acquired composition in a small area. A complete floor treatment is carried out if whitish spots and stains do not appear.

The floor in the bath is in extreme conditions. As a result of the influence of high humidity and temperature, both wood and concrete are destroyed. Modern impregnating compositions make it possible to effectively deal with the destructive process, primarily with rotting. It is important to choose the right product and carefully treat the floor. This procedure is carried out during the construction of the bath or during its operation.

Floor in the steam room: choice of materials, device. Finishing the steam room

The floor in the steam room performs several important functions. First of all, it ensures the safe movement of people. The steam room is always humid. Therefore, the floor must be non-slip so that visitors do not get injured. Also under the base of the premises are sewer communications. The floor should be equipped so that the water is discharged as efficiently as possible. In this case, coverage and all Decoration Materials inside the steam room will last much longer.

To equip the floor in the bath room correctly, you need to read the recommendations experienced builders. In this case, you will be able to do all the work yourself.


Considering how to make a floor in a steam room, you should start with the choice of material. There are two main options. In the first case, the floor is created from wood, and in the second from concrete. Everyone chooses for himself best type material.

The concrete floor will require more time and effort. It is also a more expensive type of material. However, the service life of a concrete floor is more than 50 years. It is believed that it is easier to equip a floor made of wood. Such material is cheaper. In this case, the work is done faster and easier.

Wooden flooring is used for 7-8 years. Despite such a short duration of operation of the material, in most cases, masters prefer this particular option. It is quite possible to mount a wooden coating yourself.

Choice of wood

The quality finish of the steam room depends on the right choice of wood. This material must be well dried. Boards should not have defects, cracks or chips. Also, the presence of traces of decay is not allowed.

Deciduous wood species are preferable for a steam room. It is believed that such material has a different effect on the human body. For example, birch is able to energize bath visitors, and aspen, on the contrary, removes negative emotions.

Birch is considered one of the best materials for finishing a steam room. It is well treated with protective compounds. Larch is also considered one of the best options for a bath. This is a durable material. It tolerates temperature extremes, high humidity.

With proper processing, linden can also be used for decoration. Shelves in the steam room are also made from the listed materials, they create decoration for the ceiling and walls.

Leaking floor

The bath, the steam room of which is finished with wood, can be of two types. The first option involves the presence of gaps between the boards. The accumulated moisture will simply flow down. The second version of the floor in the steam room is called non-leaking. It is a bit more complicated to set up.

A leaky floor is the simplest finish option. There are gaps in the flooring through which water seeps into the soil. Sewerage in this case is not equipped. Only in the underground space is a drainage pit created. Sometimes it is replaced by a special container that communicates with sewer communications. Floor insulation in the steam room is also not done.

The presented version of the floor is suitable only for the southern regions and buildings that are operated exclusively in the summer. Boards in this case are not nailed to the lags. They are periodically removed and taken out into the street. Here they are dried and returned to their original place.

Leak-proof floor

Bath, the steam room of which is created in accordance with all building codes, must be impermeable. When creating its floor, the boards are laid in two rows. First, a rough flooring is installed on the logs. On top of it spread hardwood sheet piled wood.

There are no gaps between the boards in this case. A layer of insulation is laid under the floor. The finish coating should have a slight slope to the place of drainage. A hole with a siphon is equipped here to divert water into the sewer.

To prevent the appearance of deflections in the wooden covering over time, supports are installed in the middle of the lag system. They can be brick, concrete. It is also allowed to use wood for similar purposes.

Arrangement of the underground

The floor in the steam room needs proper arrangement of the space under it. If a leaky floor is created, the filtration properties of the soil are evaluated first. If there is sand under the base of the bath, it will be enough to fill it with gravel. The layer should be about 25 cm. The gravel will clean up the drains before they enter directly into the ground. There must be a distance of at least 10 cm between the backfill and the lags.

If there are loamy soils and clay under the leaking bath, you will need to install a tray to drain the water into the sewer. To do this, a clay castle is created under the floor. It should have a slope towards the sewer.

If the bath is not leaking, the base is covered with expanded clay. There should be a distance of at least 15 cm between it and the lags. This is necessary to create proper ventilation.

Beginning of work

The device of the floor in the steam room involves the installation of a log. They rest on a foundation. This design is typical for almost all modern baths. The creation of a foundation and a sewerage system under the floor allows you to meet the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards. Otherwise, an unpleasant smell will appear in the room over time, and wood flooring is destroyed.

After arranging the foundation, it is necessary to install logs on it. If the area of ​​​​the steam room is large, you will need to build additional bedside tables. They will help reduce the gaps between the lags.

For the arrangement of the subfloor, hardwood is chosen. It is also allowed to use slabs or thick boards for these purposes. With the help of self-tapping screws or by grooving, the rough flooring is attached to the beams. Next, a heat-insulating layer is necessarily equipped.

Insulation installation

The wooden floor in the steam room requires the presence of thermal insulation. In this case, the heating of the room will occur faster. Heat loss is significantly reduced. This allows you to save on energy resources.

The modern market for heaters offers many varieties of materials. They differ in price and technical specifications. Mineral wool is best suited for arranging the floor in the bath. This is an environmentally friendly material. It is able to reliably isolate the room, not letting heat out.

In order for the thermal insulation and the entire structure of the wooden floor to last for a long time, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing on top of the insulation. To do this, you can purchase glassine, roofing material or a polymer membrane.

Finished floor laying

The floor in the steam room is equipped immediately after the installation of the rough base, mineral wool and waterproofing. To do this, prepare grooved boards. Their thickness should not be less than 3 cm.

The boards must not be laid too tightly. If moisture gets on them, the material will swell. If there is not enough room for linear expansion, the wood will lead. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to leave small gaps between the boards on the finish surface.

It is also important to consider the direction of annual rings. At adjacent boards, they should look in different directions. With this installation technique, it is possible to achieve a high level of evenness of the coating.

All trim elements must be installed with the convex side up. In this case, the floor will be strong and reliable.

Final stage

At the final stage, wood is treated with special solutions. There are many such options available for sale. How to process the floors in the steam room, the master decides on his own. It should be an antiseptic that will prevent the appearance of fungus and decay on the floor surface. This solution is also treated with two side and bottom side of the boards.

When laying a finishing coating, it is important to make a slope towards the drain hole. After that, you can carry out scraping and installation of skirting boards. You can remove irregularities on the surface of the coating manually. However, it is more expedient to use an electric planer for these purposes. Before starting such work, it is necessary to check whether nails stick out on the surface of the floor.

Wall and ceiling decoration

After arranging the floor, Finishing work walls, ceiling, a door to the steam room and shelves are installed. In this case, it is also allowed to use wood, lining. She finishes the ceiling and walls. A layer of insulation and waterproofing is also installed under the front cover. You should not purchase polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam for such purposes. In a steam room, such heaters will release substances that are unsafe for the human body.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to finish the ceiling and walls in the steam room with plastic, wood paneling, chipboard, plywood, etc. Also, coniferous wood species are not suitable for these purposes. They will release resin when heated. This will cause burns.

Cover the lining in the bath by special means Not recommended. Lacquer, stain or other similar coatings, when heated, will emit harmful substances, an unpleasant odor will appear. Being in such a room would be simply unbearable.

Interior arrangement

After finishing the ceiling and walls, it is necessary to install the door to the steam room. It can be made of special heat-resistant glass or wood. The first option is preferable. Glass allows you to create a stylish look inside the steam room.

Shelves in the steam room should be arranged in several rows. To create them, hardwoods are used. The surface of the material must be well polished. It should not have defects, chips. It is also unacceptable that metal caps of carnations protrude on the surface of the shelves. At elevated temperatures, this may cause burns.

An important element of the interior of the bath is the stove. There are many for sale various models. The stove can be wood-burning or have an electric heating element. Each owner chooses for himself the best way. Some owners prefer to build it from bricks right on the spot. It is easier for others to purchase ready-made furnaces made of steel or cast iron. An electric heating element does not imply the possibility of dousing hot stones with water. If the owners like a bath with high humidity, they should give preference to a traditional stone oven.

Room finishing options

Experts recommend not to use too much wood when decorating the interior of the bath. The steam room looks original, in which the lining is combined with tiles, plexiglass, natural stone. If you wish, you can seek the help of a professional designer. He will develop original project interior. It will be pleasant for all visitors to be in such a room.

Finishing the steam room should be tasteful. You should also pay attention to the choice of fixtures. There should be enough light in the steam room. Plafonds can be from natural wood or other heat-resistant materials.

It is very important to provide inside the bath air vent. Airing will avoid the appearance of dampness, pathogens. However, making a ventilation window inside the steam room is useless. It is best to arrange it in a dressing room or washing room. The steam room is ventilated when the door is opened.

After considering the technology, how the floor in the steam room is arranged, the interior decoration and decoration takes place, each owner country house will be able to independently equip the bath correctly.

We decide how to cover the shelves in the bath

Bath shelves must be protected from high temperatures and moisture.

After finishing the interior decoration, the question arises: how to cover the shelves in the bath, walls and other wooden elements. Use natural formulations or cheap ones with chemical additives? Is it necessary, in general, to treat the shelves with something, or can the wood be left unprotected? Readers will learn all this in this article.

Why it is necessary to protect all elements of the steam room

In a properly constructed bath, hydro and vapor barriers are of high quality. wooden elements: a bench for a bath, shelves, a table, etc. must also be protected from external harmful effects. This is especially true of the steam room, where it should be safe and durable.

The bath shelves are sanded and covered with Tikkurila antiseptic.

The steam room is the main room in any bath, the shelves need to be strong, safe. Exposure to hot steam and water makes the tree vulnerable, and without special processing the canopy will last no more than 1 year. It is not customary to make a canopy not from wood in a steam room, and this material does not like water. If you take quality wood and hold correct handling, then the wooden structure will last a long time.

Initially, it is necessary to take into account the type of wood from which the structure is made. Shelves are made of aspen, which hardens from interaction with water, linden with a pleasant soft texture, it does not heat up at high temperatures, or alder. The latter is difficult to find in the construction markets, so it is used less frequently.

Any of the types is not afraid of hot steam, it is easily processed. The price of the material is higher than that of pine or spruce, but it is better to overpay once. There are several types of wood that are not very common in Russia, but are imported to us from southern countries. These include: abash saddles, ofram, miranti. They have a pleasant texture, are not afraid of moisture and steam. Their price is high. They are used mainly in expensive decoration.

Any shelf, made of expensive abash or our linden, must be treated with special compositions for the steam room after installation.
You can often hear user reviews that it is better not to process shelves at all. The fact is that improperly selected compositions can negatively interact with human skin at high temperatures. The shelves are simply sanded to a completely smooth polished surface. Specialists all the time argue to process or not shelves. It is impossible to give a definite answer. It is not good to process wood, because in baths with poor ventilation, the shelves quickly darken and become covered with mold, and it is also not worth processing with a low-quality composition. Everyone chooses for himself, but if you decide to leave the shelves unprocessed, then high-quality ventilation is necessary.

Means for processing elements of the steam room

All compositions for processing the shelf according to their color can be divided into:

  1. Colorless.
  2. Colored.

Colorless include various impregnations, waxes, varnishes, bleaching compounds. The latter belong to a separate group, as they are used in some cases when the shelves have darkened. It is not necessary to cover the entire surface, but only the affected areas.

According to the type of coating, they are divided into: impregnations, coating compositions.

Varnishes for the shelf

The shelves in the bath are covered with water-based varnish.

Coatings include varnishes. But it is not recommended to use any varnish for processing the shelf. At high temperature, it will release poisonous fumes, and high temperature will quickly destroy the surface. To process elements of the steam room, special acrylics are used, for example, from Tikkurila, Supi Saunasoja, Belinka. Lacquer for the steam room has a natural base, resistant to temperature extremes and has many shades.

The main advantages of varnish coatings include:

  1. The composition contains antiseptic substances, so there is no need to additionally process the shelves before coating.
  2. At temperatures above 100°C, they do not lose their quality characteristics.
  3. They create a film on the surface of the shelf that reliably protects the surface from water.

You can choose the color you want or use transparent.
Lacquer is applied protective film in the following way:

The surface of the shelf is sanded starting from a large nozzle and ending with the smallest one - polishing. With a damp cloth, the structure is cleaned of dust and dirt, after which it is completely tapped. The varnish can be applied with a brush or roller. It is important to lubricate all parts, therefore, in hard-to-reach places, use a thin brush or sponge. It is necessary to cover in two layers.

The first layer is applied to the product, slightly diluting it with water, so the color will be evener. If the varnish is colorless (glazing) it can be applied undiluted. The composition dries quickly exact time indicated on the bank of each manufacturer. Apply the second layer after the first has dried.

During operation, the bath room should be at least + 5 ° C and humidity from 75%.

If a varnish with coloring is chosen, then before coating it is recommended to process a small board with it in 2 layers. So you can make sure that the color completely triples.

Tools for processing are taken without rust, clean. If rust gets under the varnish, it will be difficult to remove it from there.

Impregnations and bleaches for the shelf

Impregnation Senezh for regiments.

Among various impregnations and bleaches, Belinka sauna from a Slovenian manufacturer, our complex compositions Pirilax, Prime Thermo, Neomid 200, which protect shelves from moisture, fungi, mold and fire, are especially popular. Bleach is also used only for saunas and baths. It is often believed that as a bleach, you can use the usual composition based on bleach, such as Whiteness. But you should not do this, since bleach vapors are dangerous for humans, and contact with skin in a hot room can generally cause a 2nd degree burn.

Impregnations and antiseptics have a number of advantages:

  1. Do not change the appearance of wood.
  2. Easy to apply.
  3. Dry quickly.
  4. Create comprehensive protection.
  5. It is inexpensive.

More information about the impregnation of Neomid 200 is told in the video:

Impregnation must be applied in the following steps:

  1. The shelf is cleaned and polished.
  2. The surface is cleaned of dust after grinding.
  3. The impregnating composition is applied in 2-3 layers.

Each subsequent layer of impregnating compositions must be applied at intervals of 40–50 minutes.

If the shelves are not new and have already begun to rot or become moldy, you can use the Nortex composition, which is able to stop the destruction. To whiten the blue, bleach is used, for example, from Belinka "Doctor for Wood". Apply bleach with a sponge in one layer only on the darkened area. Complete whitening occurs in 1-2 hours. If one treatment is not enough, the product is applied a second time.

Features of applying protective compounds

It is necessary to apply antiseptics and other complex means observing some subtleties:

  1. It is easier to process the elements before assembly, so the most inaccessible elements will be protected, especially for shelves with complex closed structures.
  2. If you are afraid to process the surface of the shelf, then only the internal structure is covered with protective equipment during assembly. The surface is simply sanded and polished.
  3. All work is carried out in the summer, when the air is dry and it will be easier to dry the steam room.
  4. You can use the treated shelf after 3-4 days, after complete drying.
  5. It is not recommended to use various stains, drying oil and other chemical compounds.
  6. You should not buy little-known formulations at a low price, the result can be hazardous to health.

If you use proven compositions, and do the work efficiently, then the shelves in the bath will last long time. And its strength and beautiful appearance will be an adornment of any steam room in the bath.

How to make floors in a steam bath

When a private bath is being built or overhauled, the floors in the steam room require special attention.
Floors must be durable, heat-resistant and slightly susceptible to moisture. Otherwise, they will quickly become unusable and will have to be completely replaced.

Necessary properties of the floor in the steam room

An independent floor device in a steam bath requires compliance with basic rules. According to standard technological characteristics, the floors in the bath in the steam room and sink should have the following properties:

  • trouble-free disposal of used water;
  • the ability to maintain temperature for a long time;
  • cleaning without special efforts and the use of expensive household chemicals.

On a note! It is very important that the floors in the steam room do not create discomfort for vacationers.

Cold and slippery surfaces that are walked on with bare feet will spoil all the pleasure of bath procedures. In addition, it is unsafe for health. Therefore, you need to carefully select the material and properly equip the floors in the steam bath; which materials are better to use, how to conduct everything necessary work how to care for the finished floor in order to increase its service life - these and some other important issues will be covered in the proposed material.

What materials are needed

If you are going to make the floors in the bath in the steam room with your own hands, you need to carefully study the laying technology and prepare everything you need. Regardless of the design of the floor and the planned finish coating, you will first need to carry out preparatory work. To carry them out, you will need the following materials:

  • concrete screed components - cement, sand, gravel;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • roll waterproofing - roofing material and / or polyethylene;
  • insulation;
  • wooden beam with a section of 30 by 50 mm, 70 by 100 mm and / or 50 by 80 mm, depending on the design of the floor and the planned finishing coating;
  • a board with a tongue and groove with a tongue-and-groove lock - for non-leaking floors;
  • flat board - for leaking floors;
  • outlet pipes for waste water;
  • siphon and grate for arranging a drain;
  • antiseptic and other solutions for pre-treatment of wood;
  • brick;
  • asbestos-concrete pipes.

For work, you need to prepare the following tools and devices:

  • tank for mixing the solution;
  • construction mixer;
  • scales and/or measuring container;
  • wire cutters;
  • tape measure, plumb line, level;
  • hammer;
  • technical knife;
  • plane;
  • grinder;
  • sledgehammer;
  • puncher or electric drill;
  • hard brush.

Preparing the base for the floor in the steam room

When a decision is made which floor in the steam bath is planned to be made, the installation of the base for it begins. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is necessary to correctly calculate the angle of inclination of the surface for the flow of water falling onto the floor. On the Internet you can find ready-made tables and other calculation materials for correct manufacture floor structures.

After designing and manufacturing the base, it is necessary to install a pipe for draining waste water and select the location of the drain hole. It can be arranged in the center of the room or against the wall. When placing a drain hole in the corner of the steam room, a special groove is mounted to it along the wall.

The most popular materials for arranging floors are concrete or board. They can be used individually or in combined version. If a light frame bath is being designed, the floor in the steam room can be made of tongue-and-groove boards or beams.

On a note! It is easier to equip a combined floor made of wood and concrete, it turns out to be especially strong, comfortable and durable.

How to make a concrete floor in a steam room

At the stage of arranging the foundation, it is necessary to install a drain pipe for waste water under a slope. A pit is set up for the first end. The second end is passed through the side wall and brought to the septic tank, cesspool or sewer system.

Pit for drain pipe lined with bricks or poured with concrete. For the latter option, you must first mount the formwork. It is built from improvised material. You can use used, but still quite strong old boards or boards.

When the installation is completed, the pit is covered with soil from the outside to about 2/3 of the height. The pipe must be filled completely. The soil needs to be leveled and compacted.

Further, under the slope, a gravel cushion is laid out from the pit to the wall. Here the layer of bulk material must be made 2 times thicker. The pillow needs to be leveled and put on top of it. reinforcing mesh to maintain the slope.

Now you need to make the floor insulation in the bath in the steam room. To do this, a hard insulation flooring is laid on top of the mesh. You can use sheets of extruded polystyrene foam. Before pouring a finishing concrete layer, a reinforcing mesh is placed on the sheets and a rolled waterproofing agent is spread.

In another option, a rough concrete screed with insulating additives is poured. For example, a crumb of polystyrene foam. The required thickness of the screed is from 3 to 5 cm. After the technological drying of the concrete, a reinforcing mesh is laid on it.

The final screed is poured strictly along the beacons to a thickness of at least 3 cm. It is advisable to use ready solution or building mixture with the addition of microfiber. This will increase the moisture resistance and strength of the material.

The finished screed to protect against moisture can be covered with liquid glass or liquid rubber. Another variant - ceramic tile. In this case, all seams must be treated with special compounds for tightness.

The drain hole is protected by a removable filter grid. This will protect against the ingress of debris and random objects. Subsequently, the filter will need to be periodically removed for thorough cleaning.

The finished floor is made from boards pre-treated with special compounds. They are laid, leaving technological gaps for the free flow of used water.

On a note! It is better to make the plank covering removable. This will allow you to freely remove it and lay it again after drying, cleaning and minor repairs.

Accidentally damaged elements will be easy to replace.

The floor in the steam room, insulated from the outside

To make an insulated floor in a steam bath, you first need to lay a pillow of compacted soil. This will keep the foundation intact. The drainage layer over the clay is poured from a mixture of sand and fine-grained bulk material - gravel, crushed stone, pebbles.

A drainage pit for waste water is formed in the center. It must be deepened and covered with a drainage mixture.

Logs for a wooden floor are made of asbestos concrete pipes. With their help, free air circulation in the underground space is also ensured. The final coating is made from boards laid in increments of 5 to 7 mm for the free removal of used water.

Floor without rough concrete screed

The floor of this design is laid directly on the tape or columnar foundation. The free space between the elements of the base of the building is filled with a solution of rough concrete. Instead, you can use a compacted soil cushion.

In the center of the steam room, it is necessary to build a tray by connecting it to sewer pipe. This will make it easier to drain the waste water. For the manufacture of the tray, you can use boards or plastic. The basis for it is one of supporting elements foundation. A waterproofing layer must be laid under the tray.

The floor covering is made of densely laid boards. The slope created in the process of arranging the floor ensures that the waste water flows directly into the tray and then into the sewer pipe.

Horizontal floor in the steam room

In this option, the finishing floor in the steam room in wooden bath laid horizontally. The drain structure is arranged in the free space between the rough screed and the finishing coating.

This design allows you to free the floors from the used water in the bath in the steam room and in the sink. To do this, the drain hole is arranged under the floor in the washing room.

The formation of the floor pie begins with the laying of the subfloor from the board. Then the lags are laid. A pillow of bulk material is poured into the free space between them. In this case, it is necessary to form a funnel for the passage of water. It is located under the future drain hole. A drain pipe is connected to the funnel from below.

Instead of a pillow, you can make a rough concrete screed, in which insulation is added. At the same time, the logs must be treated with an antiseptic and waterproofed.

How to insulate a wooden floor in a steam room

The arrangement of an insulated floor without a rough concrete screed begins during the construction of the foundation. For a non-leaking floor, sewer pipes must be installed at this stage.

The upper level of the subfloor must be raised above the soil level by 40-60 cm. This is ensured by the installation of brick columns and / or walls. Logs (floor beams) are laid on them.

The next step is waterproofing. These works are carried out after the walls are fully erected. First you need to firmly compact the soil in the free space of the foundation. After that, a roll waterproofer is laid. It is best to use ruberoid.

Now you can lay the logs and transverse bars for the subfloor. They have a rough boardwalk. A rolled vapor barrier is spread over it.

Next, mats or slabs of insulating material are laid - mineral wool, polystyrene foam, etc. On top of the insulation - a sheet of waterproofing. If the material is laid in pieces, it is necessary to make an overlap of 20 cm wide. All technological seams are protected with moisture-resistant tape.

The drain pipe is carefully guided through all layers of the floor cake and rises above the top edge of the insulation. Around it, a crate is made of a board with a thickness of at least 15 cm.

When laying plank flooring, its level along the walls must be raised. For this, a beam with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm is used. This will form the necessary slope in the form of a funnel. So the water will be discharged to the drain hole. It is better to place it in the center of the steam room.

Instead of a drain hole, you can use a special tray installed along the wall or in the center of the steam room. In the first case, the floor is raised against the opposite wall so that water flows freely to the tray. In the second case, the floorboards are lifted along two walls parallel to the tray.

Finished floor laying

On the finished base can be laid finish coating. Pre-boards are treated with special compounds to protect against microorganisms and mold.

The cover is applied tightly. It is better to use tongue-and-groove boards with a tongue-and-groove lock. As a result, a smooth, even surface is formed without gaps, cracks, etc. A plinth is installed along the walls. Over the drain hole - a removable crate. Important! All technological gaps around the drain must be filled with sealant and additionally treated with a compound to increase moisture resistance.

Disposal of used water

In the absence of a sewer line to drain waste water, it is necessary to equip a drainage well, gutter or pit. For a drainage well, you need to dig a hole. Its depth should be twice the level of soil freezing in the coldest season. For a small family bath, a drainage well measuring 90 by 90 or 100 by 100 cm will suffice.

At the bottom of the well, you need to fill up a pillow of loose material with a thickness of about 0.5 meters. You can use expanded clay, crushed stone, broken brick or fine gravel. Input for drainage pipe settles down 20-30 cm below ground level.

The device of the floor in the steam room frame bath or a bath of a different design requires special attention, accuracy and careful observance of all technologies. Read more about how to make floors in a steam bath, which ones are better - in the video offered for viewing.

In the process of building a bath, it is desirable to avoid a high content of chemistry for surface treatment. But on the other hand, untreated floors, benches, walls and ceilings are destroyed very quickly under the influence of moisture. The lining of the bath is exposed to the harmful effects of high humidity and temperature. As a result, deformation, darkening of the boards and the formation of fungus and mold occur very quickly. It is very important to choose environmentally friendly products for surface treatment in such premises.

The floor is the most problematic area in the bath. It must be done only from heat-treated wood. For the manufacture of the floor, it is better to take boards or thick bars. The floor is laid on wooden logs, can be done wooden crate. The lags are held on specially folded brick pillars or made of rubble stone. IN Lately asbestos-cement pipes began to be used as posts for logs.

Do I need to treat the floors in the bath?

Lots of construction experts wooden baths do not recommend processing wooden surfaces. They believe that the finish with the painting
allowed only in the locker room. The washing compartment is recommended to be tiled, and wood paneling do only in a steam room from certain types of wood. This is argued by the fact that there should be healthy air in the steam room. It is best to make a hardwood floor, such as aspen, linden, alder. This wood has a low density and low thermal conductivity. When the room temperature rises, such surfaces will not burn the skin. Boards must be taken dry and tightly adjusted.

Disputes about whether it is worth treating with special solutions in the bath are ongoing. Each side puts forward reasonable arguments. But why not protect wooden surfaces with a coating that, under the influence of high temperatures, will not pollute the air with fumes harmful to the human body? There are such tools on the market.

Environmentally friendly wood finishes

Before purchasing and treating a bath with any means, it is necessary to carefully study its properties.

  • Water-borne antiseptic "Sauna" has an acrylic base. It creates a water-repellent, heat-resistant polymer coating on a wooden surface, which has the ability to pass air and repel dirt. Plus, this coating has an antimicrobial effect, destroys pathogens that can cause disease in humans.
  • Penetrating waterproofing "Schwarz" also very effectively protects wooden surfaces from harmful effects steam and moisture. Prevents the appearance of fungus and deformation of surfaces.
  • Natura (Teknos). This translucent coating does not change the tone and pattern of wood, but reliably protects it from destructive factors.
    Protective compound Supi Arctic (Tikkurila). This coating has dirt and water repellent properties. Gives surfaces a very effective and aesthetic sheen.

All these products must be applied to the surface in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer.

Oil based wood flooring products

For these areas, special compounds that will be absorbed into the boards, but will not cause burns on the skin. This moment is very important. After all, coatings for other surfaces with which a person does not directly come into contact do not possess such properties. We can recommend the following compounds that can be used to treat the floors in the bath: Supi Laudesuoja (Tikkurila), Sauna Natura (Teknos) and Eurotex "Sauna" ("Rogneda"). All these products are oily, they must be applied to dry and clean surfaces with a brush or sponge. The coating dries for about 24 hours, after which the bath must be heated. If there is excess product on the shelves, it must be removed with a clean cloth.

The floors can not be treated with anything, but heat-treated wood can be used for their construction. This material significantly reduces the sensitivity to hot air and humidity. This wood also has some resistance to insects, bacteria and fungi.

Antiseptics for impregnation of wooden floors in the bath

There are not so many special materials that can be used to process floors in a bath on the building materials market. The Unica-Super varnish, which is diluted by 50% with white spirit 1050, has proven itself very well. This varnish should be used as an impregnation. Too thick a layer will crack very quickly. You can use Supi Lattiadljy (Tikkurila) floor oil. This
coating is relatively new to the market. building materials and is very effective tool. The oil is made on a vegetable basis, penetrates deep into the pores of any tree and is an environmentally friendly product.

Antiseptics can also be used for processing. These products prevent the appearance of insects in the wood that feed on it. They protect the floors in the bath from premature decay, the formation of fungus, mold and darkening. The most popular antiseptics include Neomid, Aquatex, Texturol, Drevotex, BIO Z and Belinka.

In extreme cases, you can use folk way protect the wooden floor in the bath from moisture. Previously, sunflower oil production waste was used for this purpose. It is necessary to process the floor with this product twice. The first layer should be absorbed for at least three days. After that, you can soak a second time.

What to do if the coating starts to rot?

Regardless of whether the surfaces are impregnated with protective agents or not, the bath must be dried regularly. If rotting areas appear, the floor or other surfaces must be removed and dried well. After that, the damaged areas must be cleaned with sandpaper or a grinder. At the end of these works, the boards must be treated with an antiseptic and dried again. After that, it will not be superfluous to polish with wax and cover the boards with a protective coating.

Impregnation of wooden floors in the bath and sauna. Water-soluble, oily and combined means of protection of organic and chemical origin. Video about processing with liquid glassine.

The wooden structure of a functioning bath is a priori vulnerable to the negative effects of mold, fungi, putrefactive bacteria and other microorganisms that live in damp conditions. The most sensitive to the manifestation of negative impact factors is, of course, the wooden bath floor in.

About processing

First of all, the entire structure of the lower floor and its constituent elements are subject to antiseptic treatment. Along with the need for processing, there is an opinion that the impact on structural elements, which make up the bath complex, are very harmful to human health. Allegedly, evaporating, they harm human body products of their decay, which are formed in the damp hot atmosphere of the bath.

The next common opinion is that any impregnations destroy the microclimate of the bath, regardless of whether they emit odors or not. Let me ask, then, if the “aroma” of dampness, moldy and decaying wood surfaces, the musty spirit of rancid human sweat, is not destructive? All these smells are rapidly absorbed by wood, which has not been touched by processing with special means.

Do you like a floor that is dark with dirt, which does not even take cycling, because it has been eaten by a coloring mold fungus? Unprotected wood absorbs more than just smells. Wood, like a sponge, absorbs microparticles of dirt and soot in combination with soapy alkaline water, which gives a persistent specific smell in the bath. Among other things, the service life of untreated floors is significantly reduced. And for the second, at best - for the third season, it must be replaced in full.

About impregnations

Modern impregnations have not only antiseptic properties. Along with protection against the effects of microorganisms and pests, they are endowed with fire-fighting and water-repellent qualities.

And saunas, as a rule, are made of wood of the corresponding species, which create a special microclimate in the premises. The tree independently regulates humidity, due to which in wooden buildings warm in winter period and cool in summer heat. But like any organic material, wood is subject to destruction by microorganisms, insects and fungal life forms. Moreover, dry wood ignites easily, and ignition is facilitated by the presence of a direct source of fire in the bath or sauna rooms.

The modern building materials market has a large selection of impregnations that contain all the necessary components that can save the wooden architecture of our era. It is possible to slow down the destruction processes with the help of special formulations if the structural elements are processed immediately after their manufacture. processed fresh batten retains its original qualities for a long time, and for a long time is not affected by insects and other wood pests.

Impregnations are produced for wooden surfaces in four categories:

  • oil based;
  • water based;
  • based on organic solvents;
  • combined composition.

As a rule, almost all impregnations are intended for the treatment of all wooden surfaces in the bath, both inside and outside. The exception is hydro-based, or water-soluble products, intended for treating wooden floors only in the dressing room and relaxation zone, where there is no water supply and, since they do not provide protection from moisture. Impregnations of the combined composition are endowed with fire-fighting properties and reliably protect against spontaneous combustion.

Physical properties

Specialized protective equipment for the treatment of wooden surfaces, as a rule, they have neither color nor smell. An exception may be only some antiseptics made on the basis of natural products– urethane oil or natural wax. But their light aroma favorably affects the general atmosphere of the bath complex and the person.

Video about processing with liquid glassine lower rims and log beams:

The most popular antiseptics:
  • Tikkurila;
  • Texturol;
  • Drevotex;
  • BioZ;
  • Pinotex;
  • Senezh Ognebio;
  • Neomid;
  • Aquatex.

Before buying a drug, you should pay attention to its purpose, since impregnation intended for walls and ceilings is not suitable for processing. To date, the impregnation from Finnish manufacturers Tikkurila Supi Laudesuoya, created exclusively for floors in a bath or sauna, has received universal European recognition.

Before use, you must read the instructions and fully follow its instructions. Almost all instructions for use state that the parts to be machined wooden structure must be unfrozen, clean and dry.

The operation with organic preparations is carried out in the open air, at a temperature not lower than 10 degrees, in calm weather. The tool is a soft brush, hand sprayer or roller. Treat the surface with two or three layers.

If the wood is eaten away by insects, then penetrating impregnations based on alcohol are used. The moves are filled with the composition using a syringe or pipette, and the surface around them is carefully treated.

If there are pets, it is necessary to make sure that there is a conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological services on the safety of the product intended for use for a person and the pets around him.

Some preparations may contain natural coloring pigment! Therefore, special attention should be paid to this item if there is no desire to change the color of the laid floor.

In the construction of baths, wood is most often used - it is an environmentally friendly material with good thermal insulation characteristics. But at high humidity the tree begins to actively rot, mold and fungus start on it. To wood flooring served as long as possible, it is important for the owner to know how to process and what impregnations are best suited for this.

Why does rot appear

A damp tree is an excellent breeding ground for fungi and the spread of their spores. The process of decay is significantly accelerated by stagnation of air, and in fact, thermal insulation is often made in baths, which makes it difficult for air exchange and reduces the gas permeability coefficient of wood. If you lay out a wood floor without any treatment, then it rots in just 6-10 months.

If you have cracks in the wood, we advise you to read the article

When the floor rots in the bath, there will always be a smell of dampness

How to treat the floor in the bath from decay

  1. Treatment with an antiseptic primer. Solutions in the form of a ready-made antiseptic or concentrate are sold in hardware stores. It should be applied in 2-3 layers.
  2. Impregnation with drying oil or linseed oil. The wood is completely immersed in a dish with oil and kept for several hours. Impregnation will help "close" the pores in the wood and prevent moisture from getting inside.

Before applying the antiseptic, the wood is dried under ultraviolet light.

Step-by-step instruction

Walk carefully on all the boards with a hammer - the wood affected by rot will give a dull sound.

Floor processing is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Boards or beams are cleaned with an electric planer, also removing the top rotten layer (if any).
  2. The tree is dried in the sun or simply in the open air (it is also possible at sub-zero temperatures outside).
  3. Carry out the treatment with an antiseptic on wood in 2-3 layers.
  4. impregnated with drying oil or linseed oil, after which the wood must be rubbed with a dry cloth to remove excess impregnation.

If there are completely damaged areas of the floor in the bath, they should be replaced with fresh boards.

If you fully comply with the above instructions, then such a floor, even laid on the ground (as they do in summer baths), will last at least 5–10 years. And if you also provide good ventilation indoors, then all 20-30 years.