Natural herbal antidepressants. Products - antidepressants Products antidepressants the best

In the fall, most of us are subject to frequent mood swings that are by no means for the better. Increased fatigue, decreased performance. Cold and cloudy skies are annoying, monotonous rain brings melancholy. We often try to seize our bad mood. On the one hand, food really does very much even affect not only our weight and state of the body, but also our mood, on the other hand, you need to know what to eat in order to be charged with positive. These are the products.

(15 photos total)

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Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to which fish became a remedy for bad mood. Only in lightly salted fish are polyunsaturated fatty acids formed most of all. However, the amino acid tryptophan (actually, from which serotonin is formed - the "hormone of happiness") remains in fish of any preparation. That is why fish dishes should certainly be on your table.

In addition to the above, oily fish is high in vitamin B6, which improves mood and strengthens the immune system. It is advisable to eat fish at least three to four times a week for 100-150 g. And if every day, then for 50-70 g.

2. Bright vegetables and fruits

Vegetables with a bright color: beets, eggplants, carrots, bell peppers, persimmons, tangerines, oranges and other colorful vegetables also have the ability to raise your mood. It has long been known that bright saturated colors can drive away melancholy and charge with a positive attitude.

However, this is not the only point. Fruits and vegetables of saturated colors contain bioflavonoid substances that improve blood circulation in the brain. As a result of their use, the brain receives more oxygen, you begin to feel noticeably better, and from this, naturally, your mood rises.

3. Chicken broth

Chicken broth has a calming property. With a little nervous stress, this is an excellent remedy for depression. Chicken meat contains proteins consisting of the amino acid tryptophan. Once in the body, it is processed into serotonin - the "hormone of happiness", which affects our mood.

4. Sea cabbage

Seaweed is extremely enriched with B vitamins, which regulate the work of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the hormone adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue, as a result of which mood worsens.

It is recommended to buy sea kale not canned (such cabbage often contains harmful flavoring additives), but freshly prepared salads that can be found on the market or in culinary departments. And after that, independently fill it with spices and other ingredients (carrots, mushrooms, sesame seeds, etc.).

In addition to serotonin, bananas contain vitamin B6, which, as already mentioned, is necessary for raising mood. In addition, bananas are enriched with the alkaloid harman, which can cause a feeling of euphoria, that is, they are biogenic amines, in which, as you know, serotonin is produced. It is also useful to eat these fruits for chronic fatigue and blues.

All nuts, like fatty fish, are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep brain cells working properly and help relieve symptoms of depression. In addition, nuts contain the already known amino acid tryptophan and the mood-lifting vitamin B6. In addition, nuts contain a mineral called selenium, which is essential for good mood.

It is worth knowing that as the body ages, the level of selenium in the blood decreases by 7% after 60 years and by 25% after 75. Therefore, doctors advise the elderly to eat more nuts. You can eat up to 30 g of this product per day.

7. Bitter chocolate

The cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain a substance called phenylethylamine, which promotes the production of happiness hormones in the body - endorphins, which are produced in increased quantities in lovers. And people in love, as a rule, are as happy as children. In addition, the cocoa beans contain magnesium, which can relieve stress. However, it is worth knowing that only dark chocolate has all of the above qualities. Dairy will do much less good.

Cheese contains amino acids that contribute to a good mood: tyramine, tryptamine and phenylethylamine. Cheese of any kind can cheer you up.

10. Oatmeal and buckwheat

Like chicken, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the amino acid tryptophan. When processed in the body, it forms the "happiness hormone" serotonin. These foods also contain carbohydrates, which, when slowly absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels, preventing it from going beyond the limits.

Enemies of good mood:

11. Alcohol and tonic drinks

Alcohol and caffeine, which is contained in tonic and energy drinks (for example, in "cola"), amuse and energize only for a small amount of time. In fact, they only make the adrenal glands work harder and increase blood sugar levels.

12. Excessive consumption of coffee and tea

Repeated drinking of coffee and tea usually leads to insomnia and mood swings.

13. Sweet

Various types of sweets, including sugary drinks, also lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar, which contributes to chronic fatigue syndrome.

14. Low fat foods

Frequent consumption of low-fat foods also leads to depression.

15. Cigarettes

Smoking, like alcohol and strong coffee, can lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to function properly. And their lack fully affects the mood.

Antidepressant products relieve symptoms of depression such as anxiety, stress, anxiety, and bad mood.

Signs of depression

If you are reading this material, most likely, you have accumulated fatigue, which has turned into chronic, all the time you want to sleep, eat, your mood jumps, because of any trifle you want to throw a tantrum. This is true? Let's talk about foods that can help lift your mood, relieve stress, depression, and internal discomfort.

Only those who have had this disease can assess the severity of a disease such as depression and describe a detailed clinic. Therefore, antidepressants - drugs against depression, are always selected individually, only a doctor can prescribe them. Although today people often prescribe their own treatment, based on advertising, they begin to take sedatives and amusement drugs uncontrollably, buying them in pharmacies, on the Internet, believing that they are safe.

I would like to warn you that you cannot experiment with antidepressants, as complications are possible. Such as - dizziness, heart palpitations, loss of sex drive, increased or decreased appetite. Your condition can only get worse.

To find inner balance, it is much better to do sports, yoga, quit smoking, alcohol, find an exciting hobby to escape from boredom and gloomy thoughts. But for most women, the best cure for depression is a love story, insanely romantic.

Top 9 foods for depression

1. Dates

They affect the production of serotonin in our body, therefore they are an excellent antidepressant. It has a beneficial effect on the cells of the brain and the circulatory system.

2. Bananas

You probably also noticed that it is enough to eat just one banana to improve your mood. They also improve mental alertness, digestion, and lower blood pressure due to their potassium content. Plus, they reduce the symptoms of PMS, as they calm the nervous system.

3. Nuts

4. Meat, grain bread, seaweed

They are rich in tryptophan, from which the "joy hormone" serotonin is formed in the body.

5. Milk

Promotes an increase in the production of serotonin in the body. A piece of cheese eaten before bed will help you fall asleep quickly.

6. Eggs

They are rich in beneficial substances, in particular tryptophan. This amino acid is a serotonin-forming substance. To set yourself in a good mood in the morning - eat an omelet or a boiled egg for breakfast. By the way, check out the unusual recipe for making an omelet in an egg.

7. Bright fruits

Tangerines, lemons, oranges are guaranteed to cheer you up and fill the deficiency of vitamin C in the body, which in itself lowers the level of anxiety.

8. Green smoothies

Here is an example of a green smoothie made by the famous Dr. Oz, who claims to drink this wonderful drink himself every morning.

To prepare it you will need:

  • spinach - 100 grams;
  • half a cucumber;
  • celery root - 1/4 part;
  • half a bunch of parsley, mint;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • half an orange;
  • a quarter of a lemon and a slice of pineapple.

Mix all ingredients in a blender and drink.

9. Chocolate

This is our favorite treat that actively fights attacks of depression. The only thing that is important to remember, who wants to always be in shape, should not seize sadness with chocolate.

Our mood depends not only on external circumstances and health, but also on the function of the endocrine glands: the hypothalamus and pineal gland. The hormones that are produced by them regulate our sleep, the state of the immune system, emotional mood and the degree of protection of the body in stressful situations. A special place is occupied by neurotransmitters - chemicals in the brain that transmit information from one neuron to another. They are synthesized by amino acids, and their formation requires a constant supply of certain nutrients as part of our diet. The most famous neurotransmitters that affect the neuropsychic state of a person are serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine (dopamine), acetylcholine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

What substances regulate our mood?

Of all these substances, dopamine (dopamine) and serotonin are the most influential in our mood.

Dopamine creates a sense of pleasure when we do what we enjoy (for example, eating, listening to music, playing sports). Thanks to it, we can be active, motivated and feel satisfied. By the way, drugs such as cocaine, nicotine, opiates, heroin and alcohol increase dopamine levels. For this reason, many researchers believe that dopamine deficiency in the brain is behind some people's addiction to smoking, drug and alcohol use, gambling, and overeating. A decrease in dopamine levels leads to a deterioration in memory and concentration, a decrease in vital energy (the so-called "vital activity"), a person ceases to enjoy life and becomes susceptible to bad habits and obsessive states. Lack of dopamine in the corresponding parts of the brain leads to a loss of initiative (to "sitting and dreaming"), a more serious deficiency - to the complete inability to take active action. However, it must be remembered that an excess of this substance promotes behavior associated with "seeking pleasure" (hedonistic behavior).

Serotonin in our body it is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, which comes from food. It is involved in the regulation of mood, suppresses feelings of anxiety, affects libido and appetite. With its deficiency, social disorders, phobias, sleep and memory disorders, as well as disorders of the cardiovascular and endocrine functions can be observed. Low serotonin levels can lead to depressed mood, anxiety, decreased energy, migraines, sleep disorders, obsessive or manic states, feelings of tension and irritation, cravings for sweets or, conversely, loss of appetite, memory and concentration impairment, angry and aggressive behavior , slowed muscle movements and slowed down speech.

By the way, serotonin deficiency contributes to alcoholism (alcohol temporarily raises serotonin levels, but lowers it in the long term). An excessive amount of serotonin causes calming, a decrease in sexual arousal, a sense of well-being, and bliss. Extremely high levels of serotonin can be toxic, but these levels cannot be reached through food. This condition can only occur with the abuse of antidepressants.

How can foods regulate mood?

A diet rich in tryptophan, vitamins, zinc and poor in "empty" carbohydrates provides a natural increase in serotonin levels. And, of course, it is a misconception that ready-made serotonin is already found in foods. Serotonin is produced in the brain from the essential amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is found in meat, eggs, cheese, bananas, milk, yogurt. However, without enough vitamins B3, B6, omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan can be processed according to a different chemical formula and turn into a substance that does not affect mood. Therefore, it is important to consume sourced foods and these essential substances.

To increase the amount of dopamine in the body, which affects mood and motivation, the content of the precursor amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine should be increased in the diet. These amino acids are converted to dopamine by vitamin cofactors such as vitamin B6 and folic acid. Dopamine precursors are high in beets, soybeans, meats, almonds, grains, and eggs. Folic acid and iron are also important in the production of mood-regulating substances. A study at King's College Hospital in London, for example, found that 33 percent of patients with mental disorders, including depression, were deficient in folate and iron.

The amount of serotonin in our body is influenced by the level of female sex hormones (estrogens). In this regard, some women have mood problems during the premenstrual period, as well as during menopause. Also, remember that stress reduces the amount of serotonin because the body uses its stores to calm down.

Exercise and good lighting help stimulate and increase serotonin synthesis. Antidepressants also help the brain replenish serotonin stores.

Mood Improving Products

It is worth noting that the recommended antidepressant products do not contain these neurotransmitters. Both serotonin and dopamine are produced only by the human body when eating food rich in precursor substances already known to you (carbohydrates, tryptophan, tyrosine, etc.), from which they are synthesized.


Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that regulate serotonin levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to fish, include nuts, seeds, avocados, and unrefined vegetable oil. By including at least 200 grams of fatty fish in your diet twice a week (per week), you will provide your body with the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Chicken, turkey, lean pork and beef, egg white, low-fat dairy products

They are the leading sources of the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan and the B vitamins necessary for the synthesis of "pleasure hormones". In particular, meat contains pantothenic acid, which is involved in the production of the amino acid phenylalanine, which is a precursor to dopamine, a hormone that improves mood and prevents the development of depression.

Seaweed is rich in B vitamins, which regulate the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the production of the hormone adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue. It is also a leading source of organic iodine and other trace elements that normalize the thyroid gland, on the activity of which our mood depends. It is better to buy sea kale not pickled, but dried, and then cook it yourself at home, or grind it on a coffee grinder and use it as a seasoning and as a substitute for table salt.

Fruits, especially bananas

In addition to tryptophan, bananas contain vitamin B6, which, as already mentioned, is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, the main mood regulator. In addition, bananas are rich in the alkaloid harman, which is based on the "happiness drug" - mescaline, which can cause feelings of euphoria. To maintain strength, it is recommended to eat 1 banana, mashed and drenched in boiling water (in the form of mashed potatoes).

The cocoa beans from which chocolate is made contain phenylethylamine, which helps the body produce endorphins, which are mood-enhancing substances. In addition, cocoa beans contain magnesium, which can relieve stress.

Oatmeal and buckwheat dishes

Like meat, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the precursor of serotonin, the amino acid tryptophan. These foods also contain complex carbohydrates, which, when absorbed slowly, normalize blood sugar levels, therefore, regulate insulin concentration. And insulin, in turn, performs the function of transporting tryptophan to the brain, where it is already processed into serotonin.

Especially green leaves, tomatoes, chili peppers, beets, garlic, broccoli, celery and cauliflower are sources of essential substances (vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B9, PP, minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, boron), which are necessary for the formation of basic neurotransmitters. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that regulates metabolic processes in the brain, which helps to cope with depression. In addition, tomatoes contain other "mood enhancers" such as folic acid and magnesium, as well as iron and vitamin B6, which are important for the brain's production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

Beets contain another active substance - betaine - a vitamin-like compound that affects the hormonal status of a woman, thereby helping to normalize mood in the premenstrual and climacteric periods. Thanks to the capsaicin of chili peppers, dishes become not only spicy, but also curative for our mood. The fact is that in response to the use of this irritating substance, our brain produces endorphins - natural compounds that have a calming effect. As for garlic, it is high in chromium, which affects the regulation of the production of serotonin, a "lucky" chemical.

Unlike useless refined sugar, honey contains B vitamins, folic acid, iron, manganese, chromium plus about 180 bioactive compounds such as quercetin and caffeic acid that increase the production of "mood hormones" and energy in the brain.

Anti-stress diet menu

Breakfast: 2 tsp sprouted and washed grains with sprouts 1.5-3 mm long, oat muesli with dried apricots, raisins and nuts, a cup of cocoa, 2 slices of toasted rye bread, banana.

Lunch: orange, 2-3 cubes of dark chocolate and a cup of green tea, rye or oat bread.

Dinner: vegetable soup, a side dish of brown rice or buckwheat, a slice of chicken or fish, a salad of tomatoes and bell peppers with vegetable oil and chili, rye bread, green tea or mineral water.

Afternoon snack: yogurt and chocolate chip cookies, raisins, dates, nuts.

Dinner: vegetable stew (stewed asparagus, pepper, kohlrabi, celery root and greens, tomatoes), cheese or feta cheese. Juice or biokefir. Before going to bed - hot milk or a cup of cocoa with milk and honey or an infusion of phyto-gathering-mood regulator + a tablet of brewer's yeast.

Herbs that regulate mood

Of the medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect, the root and leaves of valerian, oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops will help reduce emotional stress during stress.

In case of stress, depression, apathy, it is useful to brew tea from St. John's wort, rose hips, raspberry or strawberry leaves, oregano and mint. Better to use a thermos: a handful of rose hips, 1 tablespoon each. herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours. You can not filter, but add boiling water during the day. Prepare a new infusion in the morning. This soothing tea can be drunk during the day, 5-7 days.

An infusion of St. John's wort and valerian root will also be effective: 1 tbsp. St. John's wort, 1 tsp. valerian root. Prepare and take in the same way as the previous collection.

Try brewing such a soothing herbal tea instead of regular or green tea for a week - you will feel a noticeable improvement in your emotional state.

The infusion of hops and mint cones acts similarly to synthetic tranquilizers, but has no side effects and is safe for health. The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. hop cones and mint steamed with a glass of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes, strain and drink in 2 doses, adding a slice of lemon and tsp. honey.

In order to normalize sleep and ease the neuropsychic stress of the body, you can prepare a sachet from a collection of herbs: hop cones, lavender, oregano, lemon balm. With this collection it is necessary to fill a small pillow made of cotton or linen and put it under the pillow at the head of the bed.

In addition, aromatic essential oils will help improve your mood: lavender will soothe, ylang-ylang will relax and relieve stress, cedar will help to cope with anxiety and fears.

During the day, other aromatic oils will help: orange oil - tones up, reduces mental fatigue, spruce and pine oil also tones and stimulates physical and mental performance.

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Natural antidepressants for depression, stress, anxiety, irritability and anxiety can be used in addition to methods such as psychotherapy, acupuncture, or, for example, light therapy. Recurrent anxiety attacks are also controlled with the help of available means - usually antidepressants of natural origin, cheap and available in any pharmacy and even in a supermarket.

Natural stress antidepressants naturally help deal with psychological problems. Below is a list of natural antidepressants (natural products) that can help you not only treat depression, but also prevent it from occurring.

Natural antidepressants for depression

Rhodiola rosea (golden root) - natural antidepressants

Rhodiola rosea relieves both physical and mental fatigue. It is a common stimulant that is taken not only for fatigue, but also for seasonal affective disorder and depression. Rhodiola rosea is beneficial because:

  • promotes active recovery: golden root is effective for asthenia and fights stress
  • regulates the level of adrenaline (a neurotransmitter that is released under stress): Rhodiola Rosea is a natural alternative to tranquilizers
  • Used during strenuous physical activity to increase endurance and promote heart recovery; Rhodiola rosea has also been used successfully in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that helps fight depression by increasing stress resistance and reducing mental and physical fatigue. Thus, Rhodiola restores the natural "dynamism" of the body. An adaptogenic plant adapts to the needs of the body.

In the case of seasonal depression, Rhodiola can have a positive effect on:

  • eating disorder (reduces symptoms of bulimia)
  • sleep disorders (relieves increased drowsiness)
  • emotional state (increases the desire to act).

St. John's wort for depression

John's wort has been used for centuries as a treatment for mild to moderate depression. For example, in Germany, even official medicine officials prescribe St. John's wort as a natural antidepressant.

John's wort is probably the most famous natural antidepressant! Recognized by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and the World Health Organization, St. John's wort is effective against depression, anxiety, mood swings, agitation and digestive problems.

St. John's wort is not addictive or withdrawal. However, it has been proven that the use of St. John's wort along with certain medications is associated with side effects - that is, St. John's wort affects the action of other drugs. Thus, it is strongly advised not to associate St. John's wort with antidepressants, cyclosporine drugs, birth control pills, some antiviral drugs, and anti-cancer drugs. It is imperative that you get permission from your healthcare professional to use St. John's wort as a natural antidepressant.

Saffron is a natural natural antidepressant

Saffron, also called "red gold", is a very powerful natural remedy for depression, stress, bad mood and anxiety. Crocin pigment and saffronal essential oil contained in saffron have antidepressant, anti-stress and anxiolytic properties. According to research, the effects of saffron are equivalent to those of synthetic antidepressants, but without any side effects. Saffron may be a better choice than St. John's wort if you are already taking your regular antidepressant, as it has less effect on other medications.

Depression is a complex disease that can take many forms and affect all of us. It manifests itself in a sad mood, a loss of interest in activities, a decrease in energy. These emotional disturbances affect family life, professional and social activities. You can fight depression with effective natural antidepressants, which avoids many of the side effects of synthetic drugs.

Griffonia prostate with depression

Griffonia is an African herb with a high content of 5-Hydroxytryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Griffonia prostrata acts as an effective antidepressant, but naturally without the significant side effects of synthetic drugs. Griffonia is useful in combating depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders. Unlike synthetic antidepressants, Griffonia prostrata acts on the brain, and on the entire body.

Valerian is a natural antidepressant

The Valerian plant has long been proven beneficial for treating depression and anxiety. Valerian effectively acts on the body and effectively reduces nervous excitement, anxiety, stress and insomnia. The body as a whole feels renewed, later fatigue sets in.

Turmeric is a natural antidepressant in your kitchen

Turmeric is a powerful spice that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. In addition to its many medicinal properties, turmeric is effective against depression and stress. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful antidepressant that makes turmeric an ally in the fight against depression. According to various sources, turmeric is just as effective as conventional depression medications, but without the side effects! It activates serotonin, the mood hormone.

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Omega-3 natural antidepressant

Omega-3 is an excellent natural antidepressant, although the general public is much more aware of its effects on cardiovascular disease, dietary balance, pain, and inflammation. But, adequate intake of omega-3s also helps in the treatment of depression. The only problem is that it is difficult to obtain the necessary amount of Omega-3 from food to effectively fight depression, so you can turn to certified natural food supplements, without pesticides or heavy metals.

Hops - a natural antidepressant

Hops relieve symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. It has very interesting relaxing and soothing properties. The European Medicines Commission has approved the use of hops to combat agitation, anxiety and sleep disturbances.

Ginseng is a life-giving natural antidepressant adaptogen

Ginseng effectively regulates the immune response and hormonal changes due to stress, thereby maintaining homeostasis. In addition to suppressing the occurrence of psychological illnesses such as anxiety and depression, ginseng also prevents stress-associated physiological illnesses. ( Bibliography:

Ginseng is traditionally used as a medicinal herb in the Far East, Korea, Japan, China. The reason for this is because ginseng contains natural antioxidant compounds. These ginsenosides, which are extracted from ginseng roots, leaves, stems, fruits, have several pharmacological effects. They fall into about 100 different categories. In many studies, ginsenosides have been identified as effective treatments for organ damage and cell death, as well as immunological and metabolic diseases.

Ginseng is used as an adaptogen for the treatment of various diseases, as a tonic and anti-aging agent. Ginseng is excellent at regulating stress, compared to other shown adaptogens. This efficacy as an anti-stress agent has been demonstrated using a variety of behavioral conditioned stress tests. In vivo research has also shown that ginseng has excellent anti-stress effects.

Reishi - have you tried mushrooms for depression?

Reishi has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is especially useful for regulating the immune system - strengthening it when it is weakened, or lowering it when the immune system is overly active. The mushroom contains more than 400 different biological active compounds; Numerous studies have confirmed that in addition to modifying the immune system, Reishi has anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, antidiabetic, antioxidant effects, calms the nervous system, reduces anxiety, improves mood and improves sleep ( Bibliography:

Schisandra to improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression

Schisandra berry is a classic example of an adaptogenic herbal remedy, which means that it is safe, non-toxic and, in particular, reduces both mental and physical stress. Schisandra has been shown to improve coordination, concentration, and even endurance.

The Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products has concluded that regular consumption of Schisandra extract reduces stress-related anxiety and improves cognitive function. According to researchers, there is pretty strong evidence that lemongrass is a fairly potent natural antidepressant due to its ability to stimulate mood by reducing stress levels and increasing performance in many aspects of life ( Bibliography:,

Melissa is a natural aromatic antidepressant

The plant regulates mood, improves sleep quality, reduces anxiety, nervousness and irritability and anxiety. Melissa helps the body find peace and tranquility without causing harm ( Bibliography:

Melissa officinalis is a perennial shrub from the labiate family. Back in the Middle Ages, this fragrant herb was widespread in Europe, now it is widely cultivated all over the world. In the course of various studies, a variety of biologically active substances from lemon balm have been isolated. HPLC analyzes (high performance liquid chromatography) showed that the pharmacological effects of lemon balm extract were mediated by rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid ester and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid.

Studies in healthy volunteers have shown that lemon balm extract is capable of modulating mood and can be considered a tranquilizer and antidepressant of limited use. However, there is no exact data on the gender factor and the duration of the effect, so be sure to check the lemon balm intake with your doctor.

Eleutherococcus, like many herbal remedies, came to us from traditional Chinese medicine, where it has been used for more than 2000 years - oriental healers are sure that Eleutherococcus is able to restore the lack of vital qi energy.

Eleutherococcus is also considered a natural adaptogen, which means that it naturally enhances the body's resistance to various stress factors, helps to normalize and balance the body's immune and endocrine systems.

Official pharmacology recognized Eleutherococcus an adaptogen in the 40s of the last century, when Soviet scientists began to actively study its medicinal properties. In the USSR, eleutherococcus was actively used to solve many health problems - from increasing the strength and endurance of athletes to combating radiation exposure after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

The plant improves adrenal function, which is associated with fighting fatigue - chemicals in Eleutherococcus inhibit the binding of stress hormones to their receptors. This means that the better your adrenal glands work, the less hormones are produced that trigger stress and anxiety.
The consumption of Eleutherococcus also produces mild sedative effects, which can help relieve symptoms of depression.

However, for all the benefits of Eleutherococcus as a natural antidepressant, do not take it without consulting your doctor - Eleutherococcus is contraindicated in people with high blood pressure and low blood sugar.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article on natural antidepressants is intended to inform the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a healthcare professional.

Not only your health, but also your mood directly depends on what you eat. Below is a list of anti-stress foods that contain substances that help the body produce the "happiness hormone"!

1. Fish

Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to which fish became a remedy for bad mood. In addition, oily fish contains a large amount of vitamin B6, which improves mood and strengthens the immune system. It is advisable to eat fish at least three to four times a week at least 100-150 g. And if every day, then 50-70 g. Try not to fry it in a large amount of flour and oil, but to stew, salt, bake.

2. Vegetables and fruits of bright colors

Brightly colored vegetables (beets, eggplants, carrots, bell peppers, persimmons, tangerines, oranges and other colorful vegetables) will also help to cheer you up. Vibrant colors alone are able to drive away melancholy and energize with a psychological effect.

But in the case of fruits and vegetables, this is not all. Fruits and vegetables of rich colors contain special substances that improve blood circulation in the brain. As a result, the brain receives more oxygen, and you start to feel noticeably better, and informs us of this with a good mood.

3. Chicken broth

Chicken broth has a calming effect on us, it is an excellent remedy for grief. Once in the body, chicken meat is processed into serotonin - the very "hormone of happiness" that affects our mood.

Also, do not forget that chicken broth is an excellent remedy for colds and flu. To get the most out of it, you should add onions, celery and parsley to the broth, but it is better to exclude salt.

4. Seaweed

Seaweed is very rich in B vitamins, which contributes to the production of adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue, as a result of which a deterioration in mood.

It is better to buy seaweed not canned. And after that, independently fill it with spices and other ingredients (carrots, mushrooms, sesame seeds, etc.). For the most non-lazy, there are a lot of recipes on how you can cook seaweed yourself at home.

5. Bananas

Bananas, in addition to serotonin, contain vitamin B6, which, as we already know, is essential for raising mood. In addition, bananas are enriched with the alkaloid harman, which can induce feelings of euphoria, that is, this is another stimulus to the production of serotonin. It is also useful to eat these fruits for chronic fatigue and blues. And remember about the positive yellow!

This fruit, which improves the mood, is also very convenient and useful to use as a snack at work or on the road - after all, it does not need to be washed or cooked, and it can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator.

6. Nuts

All nuts, like fatty fish, are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep brain cells working properly and help relieve symptoms of depression. Nuts are also rich in an important mineral, selenium, which is also essential for a good mood.

You can eat up to 30 g of this anti-stress product per day. But do not forget that nuts are very high in calories, and a handful of nuts can contain your entire daily calorie intake, so you need to eat them quite carefully, with an eye to your diet, so as not to spoil your mood even more.

7. Chocolate

The fact that chocolate helps to raise the mood is not an invention of a sweet tooth. Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain a substance that promotes the production of happiness hormones in the body - endorphins. It is they who are produced in an increased amount by lovers. And people in love, as a rule, are as happy as children. Cocoa beans also contain magnesium, which helps reduce stress.

But it's worth knowing that only dark chocolate has all of the above qualities.

8. Cheese

Cheese contains amino acids that help to maintain a good mood: tyramine, tricamine and phenylethylamine. Cheese of any kind can cheer you up.

Hard cheeses are excellent caries prevention; eating hard cheese, even in small quantities, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body: it relieves stress and soothes, has a positive effect on sleep, and normalizes blood pressure. Mozzarella helps fight insomnia. Soft cheeses "with mold" contribute to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And gouda, epuas and emmental are useful with a high calcium content.

9. Eggs

The egg contains many nutrients and contains a complete set of easily digestible proteins. It is a source of beneficial folate, biotin, and choline. Eggs contain essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D, as well as tryptophan, carotenes and B vitamins, the lack of which can lead to depression. So even ordinary scrambled eggs can improve your mood.

10. Oatmeal and buckwheat

Like chicken, oatmeal and buckwheat contain the amino acid tryptophan. These foods also contain carbohydrates, which, when slowly absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels, preventing it from going beyond the normal range.

Oatmeal helps to normalize the nervous system, soothes, balances it, oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the health of hair and nails, on the skin and metabolic processes in our body, gives a feeling of fullness for the whole day, due to the large amount of complex carbohydrates.

Remember that the key to health is a balanced diet that helps us look beautiful, feel great and be on top! In addition to antidepressant products, bad mood and stress can be overcome with massage.