How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint with a roller

The most common way to decorate a ceiling is to whitewash or paint it. And the most used paint for this is water-based paint. At first glance, painting the ceiling with water-based paint seems to be a simple matter, but there are many subtleties, ignorance of which leads to the appearance of spots or streaks. We will tell you how to avoid such a nuisance further.

Preparation for painting

In order for self-painting of the ceiling with water-based paint to be of high quality and uniform, it is necessary preliminary preparation ceiling. It is possible to achieve uniform staining only on a flat putty surface. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to clean the ceiling from any previous coating (with the exception of water emulsion, which holds very well).

How to remove whitewash

If you have whitewash on the ceiling - chalk or lime - you need to moisten the ceiling with water and remove the coating with a spatula. Brush everything down to concrete. Even the smallest fragments must be removed. Sometimes scrape with a spatula small areas very inconvenient, it is easier to do it with a wet cloth.

In any case, after removing the whitewash, the ceiling must be rinsed with water and detergent. After complete drying - prime and putty with gypsum or cement (preferably white) putty until smooth, which is also called "under the egg".

How to remove old water emulsion

If the ceiling has already been painted with water-based emulsion, it will simply not be possible to remove it. The procedure depends on how the paint adheres to the ceiling. If it just changed color and you need to update the ceiling, there are no bulges, cracks and other similar problems, you can do with a little blood. First, remove dust (with a cloth and water), dry, then prime. After the primer has dried, it can be painted. But once again we draw your attention - this procedure is used only if the water emulsion holds up well and there are no defects.

Cleaning waterproof emulsion from the ceiling is a pleasure.

If there are cracks, swellings on the surface of the water emulsion, it must be cleaned off. There are two ways - dry and wet. Dry is to peel off sandpaper(manually or using angle grinders), wet - rinse. This method has to be used for paint that is not afraid of water. But it is very difficult to peel off such paint. If the water-based paint holds well, no tricks help, but there are surface defects and putty is necessary, take coarse-grained sandpaper and make the surface rough. After that, you can putty. Further - according to the technology: we prime and then paint.

The water-based ceiling is washed off twice abundantly wetting hot water... The water should be almost boiling water - about 70 ° C. After wetting a part of the ceiling, wait 10 minutes, then wet the same area again with hot water. After about five minutes you can remove the paint with a spatula.

Removing old paint is a lengthy process

You can repeat this procedure several times, gradually removing the lagging paint from the ceiling. Small residues can be sanded off, and then rinsed, dried and primed on the ceiling. On the primer, it is already possible to putty, sand, leveling the flaws.

Types of water-based paint

Water-based paint is a water-based emulsion containing polymer particles undissolved in water. It also contains pigments and various additives that change the characteristics of the final product. After applying the paint, water actively evaporates and a thin polymer film remains on the surface.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint begins with the choice of the composition. They use four types of polymers:

  • Acrylic. An aqueous emulsion based on acrylic resins allows you to obtain a smooth surface, has good hiding power, hides small defects surfaces, up to slots up to 1 mm wide. Its disadvantage is its high price, but it is easier to work with it. In their pure form, acrylic compounds are hygroscopic and can only be used for dry rooms, but they do not interfere with the passage of steam. To create a waterproof film, latex is added to the acrylic water emulsion. The same additive increases the elasticity of the dried film. Such formulations can be used in damp rooms.

    Water emulsion for acrylic base- a smart choice

  • Silicates. This type of water-based paints is based on liquid glass. The coating turns out to be resistant to atmospheric precipitation and at the same time does not interfere with the removal of vapors, has a long service life (10 years or more), and can be used for outdoor work.

    Silicate paints are vapor-proof

  • Minerals are lime or cement. Mineral water emulsions have good adhesion to any surface, but are quickly washed off. In this connection, they are gradually losing popularity.

  • Silicone. Silicone-based aqueous emulsions are the latest in the industry. These compositions are good because they "tighten" cracks up to 2 mm thick. As a result, the surface painted by them, even without excellent preparation, turns out to be even and smooth. The film is dense, but vapor-permeable. Silicone water-based emulsion can be used to paint the ceiling in bathrooms and other wet areas. The disadvantage of this type of paint is the high price.

Latex can be added to any of the formulations. Latex water-based paint is water-repellent. It is not afraid of moisture and can be used in humid rooms.

Based on the main characteristics of these compositions, you can choose for yourself best type water-based paint. Each case requires its own properties and the "best water emulsion" - different each time.

What primer to use

A primer is necessary for better adhesion (adhesion) of the paint to the painted surface. It avoids the appearance of cracks and blisters after the paint has dried. If there is no primer, this can happen. We'll have to clean everything up and putty again. Therefore, in order for the ceiling painting with water-based paint to be of high quality, it is necessary to prime the surface well.

The base of the primer must match the base paint. Under the acrylic paint, the same primer is required, under the silicone paint, based on silicones, etc. Moreover, it is advisable not to save money: the quality of this composition depends on how smoothly the water emulsion will lie on the ceiling.

There is economical way primers: the base paint is diluted with water (1 to 2) and the surface is painted over with this composition a couple of times. It's definitely better than nothing, but the primer gives a more secure grip.

How to paint the ceiling with a water emulsion with your own hands

Each of the water-based paints on the can has instructions for use. The order of work is described there. Some formulations just need to be mixed well before work: undissolved polymers can settle at the bottom of the can. Some formulations require dilution. The amount of added water is also prescribed in the instructions and depends on the method of application. They dilute more under spray guns; when using a roller, thicker compositions are required.

When diluting a water emulsion with water, add it in small portions. Stir thoroughly and taste on the surface. If the paint lays down evenly, almost completely covers the base, you can paint it.

It is more convenient to pour the paint into a special container with a bath and a ribbed platform. You can use a regular bowl and a clean piece of oilcloth spread out next to it. It is not so convenient, but less expensive.

Which roller to choose

A roller for painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion is needed with a dense short nap. You need to examine it thoroughly. The pile should “sit” firmly and in no case should it “climb out”, even if you pull on it. Then inspect how the seam was made. In no case should he stand out. It must be hard to find. It is best if it is made obliquely.

Devote maximum attention to the choice of roller: the quality of the painting - the absence of stripes on the ceiling - largely depends on how good you have chosen the tool. It is more convenient to whitewash the ceiling with a water emulsion not from a stepladder, but from the floor. To do this, the roller is placed on a long handle and fixed well.

How to paint without streaks

So that there are no stripes on the ceiling, painting the ceiling with water-based paint should end no later than 20 minutes. Water immediately after application begins to actively absorb / evaporate and stripes appear at the junction of the dried and "fresh" color. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare the room. It is necessary to turn off (wrap up) the heating batteries, to prevent the appearance of a draft. It is also advisable to clean the floor immediately before whitewashing, even if you work during the day, turn on the lights, this will allow you to better control the quality of the painting. Then you can get to work.

Ready-to-use water-based paint is poured into a container, a roller is dipped into it, then well rolled around the site, achieving uniform distribution over the entire surface. When the roller has a solid color, they begin to paint.

The corners are painted over with the first brush. After applying a little paint, take a small roller and roll it out well. Then they begin to paint the main surface. The first layer is applied parallel to the window, the second - perpendicularly.

You need to stand so as to look at the painted place at an angle. This will give you a good chance to see how evenly the paint is distributed, as well as the place where you have already painted and where not. Move systematically, without jumping from one piece to another.

The width of the strip to be painted at a time is slightly larger than the width of the roller. After wetting the roller, place it approximately in the middle of the strip. Quickly roll the paint in both directions from one wall to the other. Don't waste a lot of time: you don't have much of it. On average, the water emulsion dries up in 10-20 seconds. Do not have time to apply a strip nearby - the border will be clearly visible, from which you will not get rid of. Having distributed the paint more or less evenly over the strip, dip the roller in the paint, and again roll it out from the middle of the ceiling. At the same time, enter the not already painted strip by about 10 cm. All this at a good pace without stopping and smoke breaks. The edges of the colored strip must not dry out. In general, these are all rules.

After applying the first coat of paint, some areas may be less stained. It is necessary to wait for complete drying, and paint a second time. This should already be enough to get a flat surface. If after the third layer of water-based paint you still have streaks and streaks on the ceiling, you will have to redo it. It is necessary to level the surface with sandpaper, prime and paint again.

What color

The easiest way to achieve perfect color evenness is to use "snow white" paint. All pigments clearly highlight even slight irregularities, therefore, the process must be given maximum attention or use an acrylic or silicone-based water emulsion.

In this article, we will show you how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks. Today this finishing method is more popular than traditional whitewashing. There are several reasons for this. First, the painted surface is loyal to wet cleaning... Secondly, decorating the ceiling with paint looks much more original.

How to choose the right paint - trust the experts

Before talking about how to paint the ceiling without streaks, let's carefully study the types of paints, their properties, advantages and disadvantages. The most popular among buyers are considered to be water-based paints. The reason for the popularity is quite simple: such compositions are diluted with ordinary water, which significantly saves money. In addition, during painting, drying and during operation, toxic fumes hazardous to health will not leak into the air in the room. Such paints dry an order of magnitude faster than analogues with a different composition.

Water-based paints are divided into several types:

  • silicate;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone.

In paints of the first type, silicate components are taken as a basis. These compounds are notable for their low cost, reliably adhere to damp walls, but they are not resistant to abrasion. It is not recommended to wash surfaces painted with these paints with water. The second type of paints is more resistant to abrasion, however, these compositions are "afraid" of cleaning with water. The surface treated with such compounds is not resistant to moisture, high humidity air and leaks. Even small splashes of water can leave visible marks on the ceiling.

Mineral paints contain cement or hydrated lime. These materials are ideal for processing brick and concrete surfaces... However, they are not durable. Because of this, property owners are forced to regularly update appearance ceiling.

Acrylic paints are made from acrylic resins. They are characterized by resistance to abrasion, temperature extremes and moisture. The moisture resistance can be improved by adding latex. After that, acrylic paint can be easily used to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom. At the same time, the cost of such compositions is quite high. They give surfaces both matt and glossy surface... By the index on the container of the material, you can determine its type. The higher the index marked on the package, the more shiny the surface will be. At the time of buying acrylic paint remember that these compounds are more resistant to abrasion than others. However, they are able to highlight the smallest surface defect.

Silicone paints are composed of silicone resins. They are characterized by resistance and durability. In addition, they successfully mask small surface cracks. The prices for silicone paints are the highest among all the listed formulations.

Instrument preparation - what should be at hand?

High-quality painting means a perfectly painted shiny or matte surface. It should not have any defects, missing areas or streaks. For best results, prepare your equipment before proceeding. The main tool will be wide cloth. It should have a long enough handle so you can paint at height without any problems. Do not use tools with very long nap, as parts of the latter may remain on the ceiling.

Use a narrow roller or brush set to perfectly paint corners and areas around walls. A special pallet with ribbed edges is useful for mixing paint. The latter are needed in order to squeeze out coloring material from the roller. Use a piece of old wallpaper to distribute the paint evenly on the tool. On it you will roll your working tool.

Surface painting - how to apply layers?

Studying the question of how to paint the ceiling without streaks, remember that before the procedure you need to carry out a row preparatory activities... You must remove absolutely all furniture from the room, leaving only the products installed in the floor. What is left, be sure to cover it with a dense plastic wrap... After that, thoroughly clean the ceiling and wipe off all the old paint from its surface. After cleaning, you need to pay attention to the condition of the ceiling. If it has areas with bends or ridges, flatten it before painting.

If there are few problem areas, then priming the surface is quite enough. For this, the same composition will work as for. If the ceiling is literally a curve, then to prepare it, you will have to plaster the surface, close up wide gaps and grind it. Once you are done with the preparation, and the ceiling is completely dry, proceed directly to painting. To avoid streaking, apply the first coat liquid paint... It will provide better adhesion of subsequent layers to the surface. After that, dampen the roller, roll over the edge of the old wallpaper and start applying the base paint. If you do not roll the instrument, then excess composition will begin to drain from it, which will lead to the appearance of streaks.

It is best to start applying paint from a corner, continuing to roll along the wall. Use a small roller or paintbrush to get started. The main part of the surface should be painted with a wide tool. Apply layers of paint in parallel stripes, overlapping no more than 5 cm. Follow the original direction for each subsequent strip. After applying the first coat, look at the ceiling from a different angle. If you find unpainted areas, immediately apply paint on them before the previous layer has time to dry. If the paint is already dry, mark the remaining areas so that you can properly treat them during the reapplication process.

Apply the next layer perpendicular to the previous one. Don't do this before the first coat is dry. Otherwise, streaks will appear on your ceiling. In practice, imported paints need to be applied no more than two times. Domestic formulations require three applications. You can find out how long the painted surface will dry on the paint package.

Applying the composition with a spray gun - repairing a pleasure

Many experts advise not to "suffer" with rollers and brushes, because some people get very tired of this tool. The surface can be processed much easier and faster with a spray gun. The main thing when performing this event is to try to achieve uniform layers. Before starting the application, the nozzle of the tool must be moved away from the ceiling. This way, you do not spray the surface even before you start painting it. Once the tool starts to spray paint evenly, start applying the material to the ceiling. When doing this, hold the equipment so that the distance from the nozzle to the ceiling is approximately 40 cm.

No need to rush to work. The approximate speed should be 1 meter of surface in 10 seconds. The jet should be strictly perpendicular to the surface. To simplify the work, we advise you to divide the ceiling into conditional squares. Color each of them in turn, moving the tool across and then along. We do not recommend staying at one site for a long time. As a result, the paint layer will be much thicker than in other areas. In addition, paint will drip down from it. Using a spray gun, apply the composition to the surface at least 3 times. As with the roller, wait until the previous coat is completely dry before applying the next coat.

For several years, most people have chosen painting as a ceiling decoration. It should be noted that this is a laborious, one might say, "jewelry" stage of work. Indeed, as a result, it is necessary to obtain a flat surface, without streaks, streaks and bubbles. Among the coloring materials, preference is often given to the "budget" option, that is, water-based paint. It is non-toxic and can be easily applied to the ceiling surface. At the same time, most people have a question: how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks?

In order for the painted surface to please with an impeccable look and color, you should follow the instructions for preparing the ceiling for painting. Get the tools you need to get the job done. When choosing a color scheme, pay attention to the properties and composition of the coloring material.

We proceed to surface preparation. At this seemingly simplest stage, there are subtleties. It all depends on the state of the ceiling: whitewashed, painted or leveled with plasterboard. So that no flaws remain during painting, you should remember the basic rules for surface preparation:

  • If there is whitewash on the ceiling, it must be removed. To remove the whitewashed layer, take a wet cloth and detergent, it must be washed off. This will keep dust off the ceiling. When the surface is dry, use a trowel to apply the filler to cracks and small dents. Use sandpaper to smooth out any unevenness. Now you need to apply a primer to the ceiling. If the surface requires complete leveling, apply a coat of finishing filler and allow to dry. The final stage will be the priming of the ceiling.

  • Do not paint the ceiling if it has old paint on it. After painting the ceiling, flaws remain: the old layer swells or the paint falls in pieces from the ceiling. You can remove the finish from the surface with a sharp spatula or a special solvent. After that, it is necessary to treat the surface with putty and primer, as described in the first option.

  • If the ceiling was leveled with plasterboard, first it is necessary to process the seams and attachment points with a putty, prime it, and let it dry. Then apply two more layers of putty on the entire surface, sand with sandpaper. Do not forget that the last layer a primer is applied. It will help the paint to adhere tightly and evenly to the surface.

Selection of paint for the ceiling

Before buying a water-based paint, you should familiarize yourself with its composition, read the instructions for use, compare color range with the general style of the room in which the painting will take place. All the information you need is on the can label. Here it is indicated: for what work the paint is intended, how long it will dry, at what temperature it is necessary to apply the material, durability, etc.

You can also paint the ceiling with silicone or acrylic paint.

Of course, such dyes are much more expensive. But with their help it is easier to achieve a flat surface that will delight you and those around you for many years.

Required materials and tools

If you know how to paint the ceiling without streaks, have prepared the surface, then proceed with the purchase of materials and tools that are needed in the process. In order not to forget anything, make yourself two lists. In one, you write down what tools you have available, and in the second, what you need to buy.

So, you will need:

  • sponges, rags;
  • water, detergent;
  • paint remover;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • water-based paint;
  • tray for paint;
  • garbage bags;
  • paint pussies different thickness and forms;
  • rollers of different widths;
  • masking tape;
  • ladder;
  • construction gloves, respirator, goggles, headwear, overalls.

Painting technology

If you are a beginner master of repair work, then do not hesitate to seek professional advice. Learn how to paint your ceiling with water-based paint without streaks. Draw up a step-by-step action plan for yourself, so you do the staining correctly and get the desired result.

Let's get to work. Stir the paint with a long wooden stick before application so that the consistency is uniform. It is not advisable to use a plastic or metal object for stirring, so that the paint does not enter into an oxidation reaction with these materials. Add color pigment if necessary to achieve the desired shade.

How to paint the surface correctly? It is more convenient to do this with a roller. In corners or near ceiling plinth can be carefully painted over with a thin brush. Pour a small amount of the coloring composition into the tray, if you dip a brush or roller directly into the jar, the paint will change color.

How to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks? So that during the staining process, small strokes from the pile of the roller do not remain on the ceiling, soak it completely in water-based paint, so there should be no streaks.

Painting the ceiling starts from the corners with a thin brush, and do not forget about the places near the baseboards. After the perimeter of the ceiling is painted, proceed with the general painting. The strokes should be applied in one direction, evenly, from the corner farthest from the window. The strips should be adjacent to each other so that there are no gaps and streaks on the ceiling after painting. If there are no windows in the room (bath, toilet, corridor), painting should be started from the corner opposite the front door.

Before starting work, rinse the fur rollers with hot water, then the pile will not fall out. If the paint is from a foreign manufacturer, you need to paint the ceiling in two layers so that the color is more saturated. Domestic dye should be applied in three layers. Each painting must be done in one step.

Ask, for example, why can't you divide a large area in the living room into several areas? The answer is very simple: if one part dries up, and you start painting the other, there will be no overall integrity of the ceiling, there will be joints and transitions. Outwardly, it will seem that the surface is painted inaccurately and unevenly. Make a small overlap between the stripes, about 5 cm. This will avoid streaking.

Wait until the first coat is completely dry before painting the ceiling a second time. It is best to reapply the paint on the second day to avoid bubbles. Optionally, you can apply a third coat of paint, while it must be diluted with water. As a result, the surface will be flat, and the paint will not be picked up by a thick ball or stripes.

It is better to start the third stage of staining two days after the second layer has completely dried. To remove excess water-based paint from the ceiling, roll over the surface with a dry roller. Its soft texture will absorb excess paint.

Video: painting the ceiling.

When carrying out repairs on your own, it is not enough to know how to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks, you should also take into account one important step, how to properly dry the coloring material on the surface. To do this, it is necessary to close the windows and the door in the room, preferably for 12 hours, in order to avoid drafts. This will allow the surface to remain smooth and free from bubbles. Drying technology should be followed after each layer of staining.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, all that is necessary is to observe the above stages of work and then you will not have the question "how to paint the ceiling without streaks." Invite friends to your assistants and work will "boil" faster. Go for it, and you will succeed.

Correct painting of the ceiling (1 video)

Among all the variety of finishing materials for the ceiling, in the first place is the well-known water-based emulsion - affordable at a price that does not require special skills in work and is elegantly strict in design.

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint has its pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • lack of an unpleasant stench;
  • the smell of dampness disappears after airing;
  • whitewash components are non-toxic;
  • technological in work (just dilute, stir, tint and apply);
  • the ability to get any color after adding a color scheme;
  • easily washed off from the body, clothing, floor;
  • can be performed by non-professionals - it is possible to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint with your own hands;
  • low cost of finishing;
  • combination with different kinds and types of interior.

The disadvantage is:

  • inability to bear low temperatures- under the influence of frost, the surface of the paint may crack;
  • large labor costs of preparing the ceiling for whitewashing;
  • the painted surface quickly becomes dirty and loses its original appearance.

Preparation for painting

Whitewashing the ceiling old paint or wallpaper is possible, which is why many do so. However, the result of such a decision will be visible literally the next day: the snow-white surface of the ceiling with a different structure of the applied paint immediately catches the eye and negates the entire effect of the repair.

To matte or glossy ceiling looked aesthetically pleasing, it must first be prepared for painting. Step by step the whole process preparatory work as follows:

  • walls, floors, windows and doors are protected from dust with plastic wrap;
  • the previous Decoration Materials(paint, wallpaper, tiles);
  • the surface of the ceiling is repaired and, if necessary, reinforced with fiberglass;
  • the ceiling is primed and then putty.

The entire preparation process is described in detail in the article ""

Tools and materials

Before starting work, you must buy in advance:

  • primer for painting ("Knauf", "Prospectors", "Optimist" or "Ceresit");
  • white water-based whitewashing (taken from one batch - nuances in color tones are possible);
  • masking tape (crepp);
  • cuvette;
  • construction tape;
  • brush 5–8 cm wide for painting hard-to-reach places;
  • a small brush (with its help, the paint is corrected in the corners and near the heating pipes);
  • a set of paint rollers.

For large volumes of painting work, you can use a spray gun with a compressor or a spray gun with a paint sprayer. In addition, you will need:

  • polyethylene film to protect walls, floors and furniture from paint splashes;
  • construction tape;
  • ladder;
  • mixer based on an electric drill or screwdriver;
  • container for stirring paint;
  • old clothes with a headdress and glasses.

Selection and preparation of water-based paint

The external perception and service life of the whitewash depends on the type of water emulsion. Only 20-30 years ago, the choice was limited only to the tone of the paint. Today it can be bought for any operating conditions.

Water-based ceiling paints are a dispersed water-based emulsion made of water, coloring pigments and insoluble fine particles. polymer materials suspended, forming a thin polymer film on the painted surface after evaporation of the solvent (drying of the paint layer). Various impurities can also be added to the composition that change the characteristics of the paint.

Depending on the additives, the water emulsion can be.

1. By the level of hygroscopicity:

  • for dry rooms (bedroom, hall, children's room);
  • wet (corridor, hallway);
  • with a high level of humidity (bathroom, kitchen, toilet).

2. Gloss levels:

  • matte (the room visually seems to be of greater volume, but the smallest paint defects are visible on it, it is difficult to wash);
  • semi-matte;
  • glossy (all flaws are visible, but it washes well);
  • semi-glossy.

The best option is a semi-gloss or semi-gloss surface.

3. Care options:

  • unsuitable for wet cleaning (cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth);
  • indelible (can be washed without the use of special products);
  • washable (withstand treatment with detergents).

Depending on the insoluble particles, the water emulsion is:

  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.

Mineral whitewashing is the cheapest type of paints and varnishes. It is made on the basis of cement or lime. It has good adhesion with concrete, brick, drywall, wood and other materials.

At the same time, it also has a number of disadvantages - hygroscopicity, which does not allow painting in wet rooms, the impossibility of cleaning wet way and a short lifespan - which led to a sharp drop in its popularity.

Water based emulsion acrylic- the most demanded paint on the building materials market. Here the most optimal combination of price and quality - it has a long service life, low consumption per 1 m 2 of the painted surface (good hiding power), the ability to tighten microcracks up to 1 mm wide, and can be washed with a damp cloth.

When applied in 3 coats, larger flaws are also hidden, for example, gaps up to 2 mm wide. The presence of acrylic resins in the composition of the paint allows the painted surface to withstand significant mechanical stress and a large drop in temperature and humidity.

The disadvantage is the formation of a vapor-impermeable layer, which does not allow painting a poorly dried surface.

At the heart of silicate paint liquid glass. Its low popularity at a low price and a long service life (20 years or more) is due to the low moisture resistance of painted surfaces (you cannot paint bathrooms, kitchens, corridors).

Silicone colorant is composed of water, color pigments and silicone resins. This is the latest achievement of the construction industry. It is characterized by waterproofness, elasticity, resistance to mechanical and natural influences, long service life, high aesthetic properties, etc.

At the same time, the highest price among similar paints corresponds to the high quality of the product.

The main characteristics of water-based whitewashing are summarized in the table.

Properties / Types of paintsAcrylicSilicateSiliconeMineral
Vapor permeability++ +++++ +++ +++++
CO2 permeability++ +++++ +++ +++++
Film strength+++++ ++++ ++++ ++++
Color fastness+++ ++++ +++++ +++
Fire resistance+ +++ ++ +++++
Elasticity+++++ ++++ ++++ +++
Resistance to washout+++++ ++++ +++++ ++
Mold resistant+++ +++++ +++ +++
Manufacturability+++++ ++++ +++++ +++
Color palette+++++ ++++ +++++ +++
Hygroscopicity+++++ + + +++

Property level:

  • +++++ - high.
  • ++++ is good.
  • +++ - average.
  • ++ - bad.
  • + - practically absent.

Which roller to paint

Self-painting is performed mostly with paint rollers - the purchase of a spray gun or compressor for small areas to be painted is inexpedient from an economic point of view.

On the shelves of hardware stores you can find a variety of rollers:

  • from faux fur with short, medium and long pile;
  • foam rubber;
  • velor.

Many inexperienced repairmen do not attach importance to which roller to paint the ceiling with water-based paint, and buy the cheapest kits. But there are secrets here:

  • the velor roller does not absorb water-based paint well - Finishing work will be delayed in time due to slow staining;
  • foam leaves small bubbles on the ceiling;
  • short-haired faux fur splashes heavily with very fine paint particles.

Therefore, the ceiling should be painted with a medium and long pile roller made of faux fur. In this case, the villi should sit well (not crawl out of the base when twitching), the seam should go obliquely and not stand out.


Painting the ceiling with a water-based emulsion requires preliminary treatment with a primer. Most apartment owners who perform these works on their own skip this stage and apply a paint and varnish layer directly on the putty or the base of the floor, by analogy with the wall.

Having received a slightly different quality, they cannot understand what is on the wall and ceiling physical strength manifest themselves in completely different ways. If the wall is not primed under the paint, then its adhesion to the painted surface will still be sufficient for a long service. On the ceiling, the paint tends to fall down under the influence of its weight, forming bubbles, streaks and cracks during drying.

Primer application allows:

  • improve the adhesion between the ceiling and the paintwork;
  • reduce paint consumption;
  • strengthen the floor surface;
  • protect the ceiling from various fungi and mold;
  • to increase the reliability and durability of the treated surface.

The primer must be chosen for the base white: acrylic primer is suitable for acrylic, silicate primer for silicate, etc. On the ceiling without putty, the primer is applied with a brush in 2-3 layers, while the solution should be rubbed into the floor surface. The putty can be primed with a roller - 2 passes are enough here.

You can also prime the ceiling with paint diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio. This is much worse than a special primer, but much better than no primer at all.

Staining instructions

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? There is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to adhere to a few simple rules.

  • Painting begins after the primer has completely dried. If the rule is violated, the paint simply will not adhere to the ceiling.
  • With 2 passes 1st layer paintwork applied across the luminous flux from the window. The second is parallel to the light (see diagram).

If you plan to resort to 3 layers of whitewash, then the 1st layer of paint is laid from the window, perpendicular to its plane, the 2nd - across the first layer, the 3rd - as well as the first, parallel to the light, but work begins at the far wall and are conducted towards the window, which is clearly visible in the diagram.

  • Each subsequent layer is applied on a completely dry surface - at least 12 hours.
  • It is better to work in the evenings - the sun's rays (ultraviolet light) are left on the wet paint dark spots... When working during the day, the windows should be covered with foil or cloth.
  • Drafts cause streaks due to uneven drying of the paint layer. The same thing happens when drying the ceiling with electric heaters.
  • The paint layer should be applied within 15-20 minutes. Therefore, breaks and smoke breaks are not allowed.
  • Each coat of paint must be applied with a new roller. Attempts to wash it under the tap cold water will not be allowed to receive high quality whitewashing (zealous owners do not throw out the washed roller - it can be useful for working with oil types of paints).

Roller whitewashing

You can whitewash the ceiling with a roller, spray gun and brush. Each technology has its own characteristics. How to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks using a roller? You just need to adhere to the technology developed over the years:

  • Tape the ceiling-to-wall joint along the entire perimeter with masking tape.
  • Protect wallpaper, furniture and floor from paint splashes with plastic wrap.
  • Prepare paint for work. This can be simple stirring or diluting with water to the desired consistency. How to correctly perform this stage of work (dilute or just stir), you can read in the instructions printed on the package.

For reference: experienced painters advise to dilute the water emulsion for the 1st layer a little stronger than it is written in the instructions.

Stirring is best done with a mixer. If small grains appear on the surface of the paint during its operation, the water emulsion must be cleaned. To do this, strain it through cheesecloth folded in 3 layers.

  • With a wide brush, paint over the border of the junction of the ceiling to the wall, as well as places inaccessible to the roller (near the heating pipes). The width of the passage is 8-10 cm. In order for the emulsion to lay in an even layer, the brush is dipped into it by 1/3, after which it is squeezed against the edge of the can to remove excess. If this is not done, then the paint will begin to drip down and flow down the brush handle. At the same time, it is difficult to rub a large amount of paint in a thin layer over the surface of the ceiling.
  • Pour white into a cuvette (you can use a bowl with a clean piece of oilcloth, hardboard or linoleum, spread next to it) and wet the roller around the entire circumference. To do this, it is dipped in paint and rolled over the ribbed surface of the cuvette (oilcloth, linoleum, etc.) until the entire surface is uniformly saturated with water emulsion. If you skip this operation, weakly stained spots are formed on the ceiling, which are invisible in a wet state (professionals call them "unpainted").
  • Wet a part of the roller and gently pressing it against the edges of the tub, distribute the paint over the entire surface of the pile. You need to start painting from the corner according to the scheme. The width of the strip is no more than 50 cm. The painting should go in the direction of the roller. The stripes are applied with an overlap of 5-10 cm. The roller handle should make an angle to the ceiling surface of 45 degrees - when the roller is overhead, the control over the tight adhesion of the pile to the painted surface along the entire length of the roller disappears.
  • Quality control must be carried out either by a beam of light from a flashlight or by changing the angle of view of the painter, for which he needs to look at the painted area from the side. Paint build-ups are removed with a used roller - the pile will absorb excess water-based emulsion. Traces from the roller when working with an overlap are removed with a dry (exhausted) roller using W-shaped movements along the painting process.

During operation, as the dye is consumed, the pressure on the roller should increase. You can start to the second layer no earlier than 12 hours, until the paint is completely dry.

Spray painting

Working with a spray gun gives not only an excellent painting result, but also brings satisfaction from the process itself - it is easy and pleasant. For high-quality painting you need:

  1. Dilute the water emulsion. What is acceptable for a roller and a brush is not suitable for a spray gun - the mixture should be more rare;
  2. Strain paint - small particles often clog the nozzle. During the repair, the painted places dry out. The continuation of the work is impossible without fresh paint getting on the already dried one, as a result of which the boundaries will be clearly visible. To remove them, you will have to wait until the applied layer is completely dry and wipe visible defects with fine sandpaper. The second layer will hide mistakes in work;
  3. Adjust the paint supply, for which to paint an unnecessary object for 20-30 seconds - at first the spray gun emits a lot of dye;
  4. Painting is started after the ink flow has stabilized. The nozzle is held at a distance of about half a meter from the ceiling. Move at a speed of 1 m in 5 seconds. The inclination of the nozzle should be constant, preferably perpendicular to the surface to be painted;
  5. You need to paint in sections: first, with movements in one direction, then across them, and then move on to the next square. The pace is even. A slight delay will lead to a thick layer of paint that will take a long time to tinker with. It is better to underpaint than to overpaint - subsequent layers will cover the "underpainting";
  6. The best result is obtained with 3 coats of whitewash.

Painting with a brush

Nostalgic for the old days paint the ceiling with a brush. Here, no matter how hard you try, the finishing result will be much worse: smears and streaks are visible. This increases the consumption of paint: something will drip onto the floor, something will remain in a thicker layer of paint.

The technology is applicable in utility rooms, garages, workshops. When agreeing to a brush, it is necessary to take into account the working time - it will be 3-4 times longer.

How to avoid streaks

The headache of any painter is the appearance of stains. This problem is especially acute for newcomers to the painting business. How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks? First, strictly follow technological process painting. Secondly, adhere to the following tips:

  • remove all heating devices(this especially applies to lighting on the ceiling), disconnect or wrap up the batteries during work;
  • prevent drafts;
  • maintain constant control over the quality of painting either with the help of light or step aside, changing the angle of view;
  • do not interrupt work for smoke breaks and breaks;
  • do not paint directly over your head;
  • do not jump from place to place.

Compliance with the technology allows even a beginner to get a perfectly painted ceiling surface.

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Ceiling decoration is the first step in cosmetic repair apartment or private house. The process is quite laborious and requires more experience and skill than wall cladding. Most often, paints are used for surface finishing. The use of this material does not require special experience or special tools, in addition, paints and varnishes are inexpensive in comparison with plasters or tension structures... Next, we will consider how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks.

This stage is considered the most important. From correct selection tools and Supplies the quality and service life of the future surface depends. It is important to make purchases in large chain hypermarkets or in company stores; there are a lot of fakes on the markets.

Required tool

How to choose paint

For painting ceilings with water-based paint with your own hands, you can use the following types of material:

  1. Polyvinyl acetate compounds. The cheapest type of paintwork materials. Surfaces covered with such paint must not be wetted with water.
  2. Latex. They are considered to be of the highest quality. With their help, you can get strong and durable coatings. The price of materials is also quite high.
  3. Acrylic. The most common type. Differ a good combination prices and quality.
  4. Silicate. Formulations with added liquid glass most often used for painting stone or plastered surfaces. They can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  5. Silicone. They have good hiding power, vapor permeability and long service life, but their too high cost makes them less popular than acrylic paints.

Acrylic compounds are considered the strongest, the cheapest PVA, for new buildings you need to take latex, universal acrylate are suitable everywhere, but they are expensive

When choosing a material for coloring, you need to listen to the advice of the seller, but it is also recommended to carefully read the label. The manufacturer indicates the following information on it:

  1. Type of work. It can be indoor or outdoor work on bases of various materials.
  2. Paint consumption. Based on this indicator, you can roughly calculate the total amount of material, but it is better to add 10%.
  3. Opacity. The number of layers that will be required to completely cover the old color depends on this indicator.
  4. Resistant to abrasion or moisture. The material can only be suitable for dry operating conditions without mechanical stress. Slightly more expensive are paints that can withstand mechanical stress. They are followed by materials that, after drying, do not dissolve with water, and the most expensive are dirt-repellent paints.

All water-based paints are white, color is added later, but the entire volume must be tinted, otherwise there will be stains

It is also important to consider the type of finished coating:

  • Matt. They do not lend themselves well to washing, but visually increase the height of the ceilings and mask minor defects.
  • Glossy. More abrasion resistant and easy to clean, but does not hide defects.
  • Semi-matte. A compromise between the above two types.

We also suggest watching this video:

Preparatory work

Before painting the ceiling with your own hands, you must remove the old coating from it. The easiest way is to get rid of the whitewash. To do this, moisten the ceiling with water from a spray bottle, leave for half an hour and repeat the procedure. Then take a spatula and scrape off the whitewash. At the end, you just need to wash the ceiling with a sponge and let it dry.

Removing a layer of paint

The situation with paint is more complicated. To do this, you must first treat the surface with a spatula or emery paper to remove the exfoliated fragments, then moisten the ceiling abundantly with water and leave it for a while. As a result, the paint will swell and swell, after which it will be easy to remove it with an ordinary spatula. Most often, you need to repeat the procedure several times.

The old coating is washed off or scraped off with a spatula

To remove smudges and rust, use a 5% solution copper sulfate... To do this, apply the liquid to a rag and wipe the surface. If there are traces left, you need to use one of the following options:

  • two percent hydrochloric acid solution (when working with this product, it is important to use personal protective equipment);
  • a solution of 1 part of drying oil and 20 parts of lime;
  • thick lime-based product with the addition of water and denatured alcohol.

These compounds must be applied to the ceiling and left for 15 minutes, then rinsed with water. In most cases, it is sufficient to repeat the procedure twice.

Not all stains are washed off the first time, so the attempt should be repeated at least a couple of times

After removing all the stains, sandpaper the ceiling again to remove any irregularities and then dust it off. After that, you need to wait 1–2 days for the surface to dry completely. This is to check if the stains will show up again. If the coating is ready, you can start puttingtying.

Ceiling putty without experience - enough difficult task, therefore, for such work, it is advisable to invite professionals

Usually use the standard finishing putty for internal works... The material is sold in finished form, so you just need to unpack the container and collect some material on the spatula. Use the tool to stretch the composition over the surface so that the layer is uniform. Thus, you need to finish the entire ceiling and let it dry again (the drying time is indicated by the manufacturer on the package).

A little less often, an oil and glue-based material is used for leveling. This putty is applied with a roller or brush. Before working with it, it is important to close up all large defects with a cement-sand mortar.


This procedure is necessary in order for the paint to be absorbed better into the ceiling. The material is applied with a roller or brush. During work, it is important to ensure that the primer covers the entire surface. The first layer is left to dry, then the second is applied.

When choosing a primer, the type of paint should be taken into account, as rejection may occur

Ceiling painting

Do-it-yourself ceiling painting is carried out using two tools: a roller and a spray gun. You may need additional tools, for example, brushes, but most of the work is done with these products.

Painting with a roller and brush

To paint ceilings with water-based paint, you must do the following:

On a note! It is better to carry out work in the morning and in the afternoon, then the rays will fall optimally.

Any paint is applied to the ceiling in a cross way, at least 2 times

Painting with a spray gun

Painting the ceiling with water-based paint with a spray gun requires less time and effort. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Pour the paint into the container of the device and connect it.
  2. Aim the nozzle sideways at a plywood sheet or any other unnecessary surface. Press the button and wait 2-3 seconds. This is necessary in order for the spraying to become even.
  3. Direct the nozzle perpendicular to the ceiling, keeping it at a distance of 30-50 cm, then press the trigger and draw the strip. You need to move at a speed of 5 seconds per 1 meter.
  4. After painting the entire surface, repeat the procedure by moving the nozzle across the applied stripes.
  5. Wait for the paint to dry and apply the second and then the third coat in the same way.

It is much faster and easier to work with a spray gun, but here it is important to apply the paint correctly

Common mistakes when working with a spray gun

If the nozzle is moved too slowly, paint drops will form on the ceiling. To fix the problem, you need to remove the drops with a sponge and apply a new layer of material. If the layer is too thick, the coating may flake off in some places. This area needs to be putty, primed and then painted again. When using dirty paint, small bumps may appear on the surface. In this case, sand the ceiling with sandpaper and then paint it again.

Now about how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint, according to experts:

Painting ceilings water-based compositions can be done independently, even if there is no experience in painting works... It's important to follow the guidelines above and take your time. Better to let the finishing work take longer, but the result will be of high quality. Also, do not forget about the recommendations of the material manufacturers.

Additionally, we suggest watching a video where beginners can learn a lot of useful information for themselves.