Immortelle yellow medicinal properties and contraindications. Sandy immortelle plant: medicinal properties, indications, contraindications, reviews

Immortelle is a type of aster, which the ancient Greeks called the "golden flower". It grows on sandy soils, for which it received its second name - sandy. The main name is a tribute to the resistance of culture to external conditions. The flowers retain their golden outer scales even when cut long ago. Because of this, it seems that they never wither. The medicinal properties and contraindications of immortelle herb are well studied.

Features of immortelle sandy

Sandy immortelle. Botanical illustration from O. V. Tome's book "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz", 1885.

Perennial grass grows on poor soils. To retain moisture in the stem, it uses numerous needle villi scattered throughout all organs of the plant. Therefore, when examining it, it seems that it is covered with soft whitish felt. It reaches a height of forty centimeters, the leaves are scattered throughout the stem. In the basal part they are large, obovate, in the upper part of the stem they are linear, elongated.

From the first days of summer, the plant blooms. Its flowers are rich yellow, bright lemon, it is extremely difficult to confuse them with other plants. They look like compact round-shaped baskets in which golden scallops are enclosed. Flowering continues until the very end of summer, after which seeds form in the baskets. They have "flyers" of microscopic hairs, due to which they are easily transported through the air and quickly spread to neighboring territories.

Growing region

Sandy immortelle grows on appropriate soils in a wide geographical area. It is found from south to middle lane Russia, in the Caucasus. Sometimes immortelle populations are found even in Western Siberia, which indicates its extreme unpretentiousness.

Favorite places for the distribution of immortelle flower are dry forests, forests, young pine forests. He gladly settles in open meadows and burnt areas, until they have settled in other cultures. You can meet him in the foothills, and in the steppes, on stony soils.

The intensity of the growth of the immortelle plant depends on the access of sunlight. In young pine forests, it receives a sufficient amount of light, so it actively spreads and blooms profusely. As pine plantations grow and their crowns close, immortelle plantations wither away. In forests that are more than fifteen years old, culture is not found.

Collection and preparation

Medicinal raw materials are immortelle sandy flowers. They are harvested before the blooming period, since valuable raw materials crumble during drying, leaving only empty baskets.

Flowers are plucked one at a time with a small piece of the stem. When harvesting, it is important to hold the stem so as not to uproot the plant, or use scissors, pruners. During the season, one array can provide the opportunity to collect raw materials up to four times, since the plants do not bloom at the same time. But with active harvesting without preserving live flowers for propagation, plantings die. To prevent this, selective collection of flowers allows.

In an area of ​​twenty square meters it is enough to leave up to ten intact flower baskets for the population to fully recover within two years. In view of this, harvesting in the same areas is carried out not annually, but once every two years. If immortelle arrays are found in pine forests with a plentiful, almost closing crown, flowers can be collected without exception, since in the near future the planting will die without access to sunlight.

After harvesting, the raw materials are dried using attic space for this. The temperature in them should be forty-fifty degrees. Baskets are scattered in a thin layer on paper, newspapers. Periodically during drying they are stirred. AT ready-made Medicinal raw materials have a pleasant pronounced smell, bitter taste.

Immortelle, according to herbalists, is easy to confuse with another plant - a dioecious cat's foot. Outwardly, the cultures are remotely similar, but the cat's paw has no useful properties. In fact, it's very easy to tell them apart. The bright yellow immortelle flowers contrast sharply with the white and pink paw buds.

Composition and properties

AT chemical composition plants isolated substances flavanoids, which determine the properties of immortelle. They are represented by glycosides and aglycones, including salipurposide, naringenin, kaempferol. Steroid compounds, essential oils and phenols have also been found. The healing properties of immortelle are determined by the resins and bitterness contained in it.

The actions of medicinal raw materials include antibacterial activity, effectiveness against the inhibition of colonies of staphylococci and streptococci. The use of immortelle has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles digestive system. Bitterness stimulates the dilution of bile, facilitating its passage through the ducts. In patients suffering from diseases of the liver, biliary tract, the severity of pain reactions, feelings of heaviness "in the pit of the stomach" decrease.

Pharmaceutical forms of the drug are produced from natural raw materials. "Flamin" - a remedy for chronic inflammatory processes in the liver and biliary system, in the form of a powder containing plant flavanoids. In granules, a dry extract of the herb is produced, in the form of tea - a collection of flowers, which is supplemented with mint leaves and coriander fruits.

The use of immortelle

Questions of benefits, effectiveness of the use of medicinal raw materials, how to drink immortelle, are resolved by approved scientific methods. The composition of the culture was studied by the staff of the Institute of Medicinal Plants of the USSR. Experiments on the basis of the scientific laboratory of the research institute showed that the infusion enhances the production of bile, pancreatic juice. At the same time, there is an increase in the tone of the gallbladder. noted qualitative change composition of bile, in which cholesterol-cholate elements begin to predominate.

According to researchers Ya.I. Khadzhay and V.A. Vartazaryan, the traceable effect when using immortelle is associated with the presence of a complex of flavonoids in it. They activate the formation of bile, which, in turn, increases the level of bilirubin. At the same time, there is a slowdown in intestinal motility.

The use of immortelle herb is relatively safe. The plant has a low toxicity threshold, but its long-term use for therapeutic purposes is not recommended. Researches of scientists G.V. Tutaeva and Z.A. Makarov showed that with long-term treatment, the drug causes congestion in the liver.

Decoction of flowers for liver diseases

For the treatment of liver diseases, as a choleretic agent, the following technique is offered, how to brew immortelle.


  1. Use a tablespoon of dry raw materials.
  2. Pour boiling water in a volume of two hundred and fifty milliliters.
  3. Leave to brew for thirty minutes, strain.

It should be taken on an empty stomach, half a glass before meals. Reception frequency - three times a day. It is recommended to take the course for ten days, then take a break for ten days and you can repeat it again. During treatment, there is a decrease in pain, intestinal disorders. The liver is reduced in size.

Medicine for chronic gastritis

Immortelle is often included in the composition of medicines for disorders of the digestive system. In chronic gastritis, it is recommended to use it in combination with corn stigmas, mint, nettle, chamomile.


  1. Use dried immortelle, corn silk, nettle, psyllium, and mint in equal parts. Mix with two parts of chamomile and St. John's wort.
  2. Brew one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Cool, strain.

The medicine replaces tea for exacerbations of chronic gastritis. Take it half an hour before meals in a warm form three times a day.

Decoction for hypertension

Immortelle increases blood pressure, but it can be used with caution as a means of maintaining the liver in hypertension. In this case, it is combined with a three-leaf watch.


  1. Mix three tablespoons of dry immortelle raw materials and a watch sheet.
  2. Pour two liters of boiling water.
  3. Bring to a boil, leave to simmer over low heat until the liquid has evaporated to one liter.

Infusion for cystitis


  1. Use three teaspoons of dry raw materials.
  2. Pour cold water four hundred milliliters.
  3. Leave for eight hours in a dark place.

Drink the resulting infusion should be within a day. Repeat the course is allowed within three days.

Immortelle herb contraindications - hypertension in the second and third degree. In this case, the medicinal infusion should be used with caution, in short courses, or its use should be abandoned. Immortelle is not used during pregnancy. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form for cholelithiasis, only as a component of the collection due to the risk of gallstones.

AT traditional medicine The beneficial properties of immortelle are well known. The plant has a healing effect on the liver, gallbladder, liquefies bile, simplifies its movement. With cholecystitis, liver damage, it is a relatively safe and highly effective means of normalizing the patient's condition. The effectiveness of immortelle is also recognized by official medicine. Based on natural raw materials, medicines have been created in the form of tablets, granules, herbal preparations.

Nature has given mankind many medicinal herbs helping to maintain normal health and fight physical ailments. One of the oldest plants brought from Australia to Europe in the 18th century is immortelle (flower). From Latin, its name is translated as "golden sun". Small bright yellow inflorescences absorbed the healing energy and warmth of the luminary.

Among the people, the plant has several names: sandy cumin, dried flowers, cat's paws, sandy cudweed. For a long time this sunny flower deservedly popular in many countries. Its benefits were highly appreciated by the ancient Tibetan peoples several centuries ago. Healing tea was prepared from it, decoctions were made with the addition of birch buds, chamomile and St. John's wort. Drink recipes date back to the sixth century BC.

Medicinal properties are officially confirmed by scientists in the 21st century. Sandy immortelle flowers have been proven to help maintain youthful and healthy skin. For this reason, the herb is valued in scientific and folk medicine. Read more about the benefits, indications and application later in the article.

What does the immortelle flower look like and where is it found?

The plant is widespread in the Caucasus, in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. In all regions and countries, industrial procurement of raw materials is carried out. The plant prefers sandy loose soils, dry mountainous and rocky hills, as well as pine forests and forest glades. AT natural conditions reproduces well and often forms huge thickets.

it perennial growing up to 50 cm in height. Its stems are strongly pubescent and leafy. Leaves with pointed tips. The flowers resemble small baskets of a lemon-yellow hue, which are located in the hundreds at the end of the stem. Active flowering begins in the summer.

For decoration summer cottages planted flower immortelle garden. It is also used as home plant. In order for the dried flower to develop quickly and be good quality, it must be regularly fed, watered in a timely manner, especially in hot weather.


Inflorescences are considered to be healing raw materials, which begin to be cut at the very beginning of flowering, until the moment when the baskets fluff. The collected buds are subjected to thorough drying. The prepared raw materials should be transferred to glass containers or fabric bags. Properly harvested immortelle (flower) can be stored without losing valuable qualities, within three years.

Biochemical composition

A unique list of medicinal substances is contained in the plant. The presence of valuable essential oil provides a pronounced aroma and a bitter aftertaste. Especially a lot of it in inflorescences. In addition, immortelle flowers are enriched with steroid compounds, coloring and tannins, useful flavonic acids.

Useful properties are due to the presence of a number of vitamins and trace elements. Specialists have identified the following components: cresol, fatty acids, ascorbic acid, aglycone, glucose and many other medicinal substances.

Pharmacological properties

Perennial immortelle (flower) was especially fond of herbalists and folk healers. Cumin has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, due to which it is used for many diseases. Practice has proven its choleretic, antispasmodic, wound healing and diuretic properties.

Even scientific medicine has officially recognized its value. Grass is added to various herbal preparations, which are indicated for inflammatory processes of the gallbladder. The presence of useful components in the composition determines the benefits of yellow inflorescences. The complex intake of the drug favorably affects the tone of the gallbladder and helps to better outflow of secretions.

Sandy immortelle flowers are part of diuretic drinks. Infusions and decoctions have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa without causing irritation. They stimulate appetite, promote better digestion of food and activate the secretion of the gland. The herb helps to remove bad cholesterol and increase blood pressure in case of hypotension.

The substance arenarin contained in the plant has an antibacterial effect, so it can be used as disinfectant. BUT essential oil cumin is actively used in cosmetology, it is added to baths, used during massage, and also added to aroma lamps and creams.


Herbal preparations based on dried flowers are successfully used in urology. They relieve pain, eliminate spasms and exhibit disinfecting properties. Immortelle flowers are indispensable for gastrointestinal pathologies. The use of decoctions helps to restore peristalsis and get rid of chronic constipation.

The plant cleanses the blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and helps increase the absorption of beneficial elements. immortelle flowers, medicinal properties which include hemostatic qualities, help with skin lesions, hematomas and promote rapid healing of wounds. Cmin is credited with antihistamine properties. It is used for the treatment and prevention different types helminths. It prevents their further occurrence.

Immortelle flowers: contraindications and harm

Special precautions should be taken when consuming it. Active substances, which are part of the plant, tend to accumulate in the body, especially if the course of administration is long enough. Due to this, the implementation of liver functions is difficult.

For this reason, the duration of therapy should not exceed three months. After that, there is a short break. It is advisable to talk with a specialist who will prescribe an individual dosage and course. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of a herbal preparation for patients with a diagnosis of obstructive jaundice.

Immortelle (flower) can cause a strong allergic reaction, so people with hypersensitivity should not use it. The plant is definitely contraindicated during childbearing and breastfeeding. To avoid a negative reaction, you should strictly adhere to the technology of preparation and proportions.

Forms of application

All the described recipes have been tested by time and practice, but before using them, we strongly advise you to identify the existing contraindications.

  1. A tincture will help to cure skin pathologies, which is prepared as follows: take two large spoons of flowers and a glass of 20% alcohol, leave in a dark place for a week. Drink 15 ml of a solution diluted with water (50 g), half an hour before meals, three times a day.
  2. With cholecystitis: 10 g of dried inflorescences will require five hundred grams cold water. Leave the mixture for eight hours. Consume throughout the day.
  3. A decoction of worms and dermatosis: stir two large spoons of flowers in a glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour in a water bath. Dilute the filtered liquid with 200 ml of water, take ½ cup before meals, three times a day.

Sandy cumin tea

The drink has a choleretic effect, it contains the following medicinal plants: a dessert spoon of coriander and mint fruits, a pinch of trefoil and immortelle. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with 500 ml of water and leave for half an hour. You can do this in a teapot or thermos. It is recommended to drink the drink before meals, 2-3 cups per day.

Immortelle or sandy cumin (lat. Helichrysum arenarium) is used for diseases of the liver, gallbladder. The medicinal properties of the plant dilute bile, help restore fat metabolism, and have an antimicrobial effect.

Harvesting grass and flowers

There are about 500 species in total. medicinal plant, grows in Russia 15. Prefers sandy soils, dry lawns, hills, copses, mountain slopes.

A perennial plant 15-40 cm high, blooms from June to August. Yellow or orange flowers collected in baskets.

Cmin tolerates drought well. Practically unchanged, it can stand in a vase for a long time.

AT medicinal purposes apply not fully bloomed yellow flowers at the beginning of flowering, before the opening of the lateral baskets. Cut flowers with scissors every 5-7 days. Stems and leaves are also used.

In immortelle harvested later, there are few medicinal properties. When dried, such flowers crumble into dust.

Dry vegetable raw materials necessarily in the shade for a long time, spreading out a layer of 1-2 cm. Finished flowers and the grass is kept in the dark cool place up to 3-5 years.


The healing properties of immortelle are provided by the constituents yellow flowers essential oils, bitterness, tannins, as well as phytohormones similar to female sex hormones, resins, flavonoids, glycosides, coumarins.

In flowers and grass, vitamins are represented by ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin K, carotene ().

Macro and microelements are represented by potassium, selenium, copper, sodium.


The healing properties of immortelle flowers are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, tea, dry and bitter Flamin concentrate, which is sold in tablets, taken 0.05 g three times a day.

Immortelle is used to treat bruises. If you immediately apply a diluted essential oil, it quickly reduces the size, the place becomes less inflamed. With severe pain, the composition is applied again.

Cmin is used to treat psoriasis, urticaria, boils, blisters, wounds. The most useful property is to reduce acne and acne scars.

St. John's wort may cause constipation when taken in combination.

You should not be treated with immortelle with increased acidity of gastric juice and hyperacid gastritis.

The plant is contraindicated in case of an attack of acute pancreatitis.

7 sources
  1. Akhmedov R.B. Plants are your friends and foes. - Ufa: Kitap, 2006. - 127p. - ISBN 5-295-03886-6.
  2. Akhmedov R.B. Overcome-grass. - Ufa: Kitap, 1999. - 309 p. - ISBN 5-295-02614-0.
  3. Gopachenko A.N. Orthodox healer. - Folio, 2013. - 153p. – ISBN: 978-966-03-5595-8.
  4. Gogulan M.F. How to be healthy. - Soviet sport, 2005. - 464 p. – ISBN: 978-5-85009-981-7.
  5. Zheludova T. Ideal skin. How to make a dream come true: Home Encyclopedia. - Vector, 2007. - 208s. – ISBN 978-5-9684-0528-9.
  6. Ivanov A.V. and other natural healers. - Ripol-Classic, 2009. - 576s. – ISBN 978-5-7905-3233-7.
  7. Maznev N.I. Male diseases. Prevention and treatment. - ASS-Center, 2005. - 160s. –ISBN 978-5-9731-0018-6.
Modified: 03/03/2019

Grass immortelle- perennial shrub, representative of the Astrov family. The plant is a straight stem with green leaves and bright flower buds (see photo). The hallmark of this plant has always been considered its beautiful yellow flowers.

The immortelle got its name due to its vitality: even in a plucked plant, the inflorescences do not fade and retain their beauty. Among the people, the plant is also known under the names dried flower, golden, cumin. And its Latin name sounds like "helichrysum arenarium", which translates as "golden sun". Immortelle owes such a beautiful name to its bright yellow or orange petals, which make the plant surprisingly attractive.

Most often, immortelle is found on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. The plant prefers sandy and stony soils, willingly grows in meadows and edges.

There are several legends about the origin of this plant. One of them is related to the invasion Tatar-Mongol horde to the Russian land. Once a woman came to Khan Batu and began to pray to him that he would allow her to redeem her brother. Batu, in response to her prayer, plucked the first flower that fell and ordered the woman to walk along the Horde camp until the flower withered. Those of the relatives whom she managed to find during this time, the khan allowed her to take away without ransom. plucked flower from great love and the sorrow of the woman was filled with such strength that not only did not wither, but over time became even more beautiful. So the woman wandered around the Horde and saved the lives of those she met on her way.

These beautiful yellow flowers still grow on mass graves and burial mounds. People believe that they guard the eternal sleep of the dead and do not let them forget about their feat.

Immortelle has long been used to decorate homes. The shrub was dried and beautiful fragrant bunches were formed from individual branches. Sometimes other dried plants were added to these bouquets. Such flower arrangements hung in the rooms along with silk ribbons and bird feathers. This custom comes from ancient Rome. According to Pliny, in winter, the Roman women prepared garlands of immortelle flowers, since there were simply no others. Such compositions were expensive, since these flowers were imported from Egypt or Greece. Decorating themselves with dry garlands, the girls scented them with perfume to give them a resemblance to fresh flowers.

Collection and storage

Immortelle flower baskets are collected, cut off with whole panicles. best time for this, the period when they have not fully blossomed is considered. The quality of raw materials largely depends on the correct collection and harvesting of the plant. Picked flowers are dried in a cool place or in special dryers. Dried raw materials have a weak aroma and a spicy-bitter taste. It is better to store flowers in paper bags.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of immortelle, as well as the value of the components that make up its composition, make this herb an important ingredient in herbal medicine and traditional medicine.

Despite the active development of pharmacology, many habitually turn to folk recipes for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Immortelle contains flavonoids, fatty acid, carotenes, vitamins C, K, tannins, glycosides, mineral salts. Also, the plant is rich in essential oil, which gives it a characteristic smell. This oil is widely used in aromatherapy. The essential oil has a complex aroma, usually described as floral-balsamic with notes of honey and rose. It is used to correct emotional state . This oil remarkably tones up, is an antidepressant, prevents nervous strain. Essential oil will be useful for people who are prone to stress, helps with depression, fatigue, depression.

In cosmetology immortelle oil use for problematic skin. It perfectly relieves inflammation, treats acne, wounds, burns, promotes skin regeneration. it oil will do for people suffering from eczema and psoriasis, in addition, it reduces scars and skin depigmentation. Depigmentation, or partial loss of skin pigmentation, is manifested in the fact that as a result of the loss of melanin, white spots appear in some areas, which may increase in size over time. This disease affects a small percentage of the population. Every year, doctors and scientists try to find a cure for depigmentation. To date, there are methods that can slow down the process of stain growth. One of the effective natural remedies to combat this ailment is immortelle essential oil. Recent studies (Roberto Wilson) have proven that the oil of this plant is also has sun protection properties. For this purpose, it is added to skin care cream at a concentration of 3-6%.

Immortelle - effective natural remedy with antispasmodic action. A large number of microelements that are part of it, as well as vitamins, make it possible to create effective preparations for many diseases on its basis. As medicinal product use decoctions from the flowers of the plant. They are helping with gastrointestinal diseases, stop vomiting, are considered an effective antispasmodic. Pharmacists produce preparations based on this plant for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis and hepatocholecystitis (inflammation of the liver caused by viruses). With these diseases, it is important to cleanse the body of toxic substances, increase defenses to fight viruses, restore liver function. With all these tasks, preparations based on immortelle do an excellent job.

Application in cooking

In cooking, immortelle has found use as a condiment. In the process of cooking, both dried raw materials and essential oil are used.

The plant goes well with meat and fish dishes. For example, it gives a light taste and aroma to beef and pork dishes. Immortelle is often used to make fish stew. The spice is also added to sweet and sour sauce for meat. The leaves of the plant have a spicy-bitter taste. Their addition to salads gives the dish a spicy taste. Often the leaves are put in a vegetable stew. They give the flavor of curry to cooked dishes.

Immortelle benefits and treatment

The benefits of this plant are invaluable in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It has received its main application in urology as drugs for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract.

Many immortelle-based medicines can be prepared at home. For example, a decoction of flowers helps a lot: a few tablespoons of dried flowers are poured with boiling water and simmered in a water bath for half an hour. Drink a decoction 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The decoction is considered effective cholagogue. Immortelle reduces the enlarged liver, regulates the formation of bile, improves metabolic processes. Decoctions increase intestinal motility and the tone of the gallbladder. The plant has antibacterial properties, actively removes sand and stones from the bile ducts. It has been scientifically proven that immortelle improves the viscosity and composition of bile, increases the content of cholates, and also reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Oddly enough, immortelle is good helps with hypertension. For this purpose, take a decoction of 25 grams of flowers and the same number of leaves of a three-leaf watch. Take a decoction of 50 ml. The leaves of the watch also have choleretic properties. It can often be found in herbal preparations designed to improve appetite. Immortelle, on the other hand, cleanses the vessels of bad cholesterol, increases the overall tone.

Immortelle harm and contraindications

The plant can bring harm to the body with individual intolerance, as well as with an overdose.

It is not recommended to take immortelle decoctions for a long time., since it has the ability to accumulate in the body, which negatively affects the liver. Before using the decoctions of this plant, you should consult with your doctor. Also long-term use will negatively affect the health of people suffering from hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Immortelle is contraindicated in obstructive jaundice, a disease that is caused by a mechanical obstruction to the outflow of bile through the biliary tract.

Also, the plant can not be used with increased acidity of gastric juice.


Herbal therapy occupies an important place in folk medicine, which from time immemorial allows mankind to get rid of many diseases and ailments. Plants have great power, treatment with their use is part of alternative medicine. It cannot be said that the use of herbs can completely replace synthetic drugs, but they have a milder effect, are not toxic, and rarely cause allergic reactions.

Despite the advances in modern medicine and pharmacology, many people prefer to turn to folk methods treatment with plants that have healing properties. Many of them have been studied and successfully used as a medicinal or prophylactic agent for a number of diseases.

One of the few, but actively used herbs, is sandy immortelle, which has several names: sand cudweed, cumin, dried flowers, yellow cat's paws.

Immortelle is one of the ancient medicinal plants with a wide range of useful properties. Only its inflorescences are endowed with pronounced healing qualities, which are collected and dried for further use.

It got its name from the fact that even after collecting and drying, it retains its beauty, does not crumble and does not lose its colors. The sandy species is often confused with the annual, but the latter has weak medicinal characteristics and is distinguished by bluish-lilac flowers.

Collection time and habitat

Immortelle is a perennial plant that grows in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and the Baltic countries. The sandy species is located in pine forests, glades and edges, stony and sandy soils. Its height reaches 30 cm and above. It blooms from June to September with medium-sized yellow or bright orange flowers.

The grass is fragrant throughout the summer, and its fruits ripen closer to autumn. For medicinal purposes, only flower baskets are used, which must be harvested at the very beginning of blooming. In the process of harvesting raw materials, only opened buds are used, which are cut with scissors, leaving 1-2 cm of the stem.

The drying process should take place in a well-ventilated place. Raw materials can be laid out on paper in a thin layer and left in a darkened but dry room. The finished preparation retains its medicinal properties for 3 years.

Chemical composition

Flowers have a characteristic scent. Essential oils are obtained from them. The plant also contains stearins, flavonoids, coloring and tannins, resins and bitterness, vitamins and minerals. It contains carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, as well as trace elements and mineral salts of sodium, potassium and magnesium.

The advantage is that the herb contains arenarins (a natural antibiotic) in its composition, which helps to cope with many diseases of an infectious origin.

Beneficial features

Due to the rich composition of immortelle, it has pronounced and useful properties in the fight against many ailments.

The flowers of the plant have: choleretic, antibacterial, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, immunostimulating, antimicrobial, regenerating effect.

In addition to herbal medicine, cudweed is often used in cosmetology for the preparation of creams, hair masks, acne, weight loss and other body defects.

In folk medicine, a decoction, infusions, immortelle oil and extract are prepared.. Given medicinal plant is part of some drugs used in the treatment of the liver and gallbladder.

Buds are successfully used in the following diseases:

  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder: cholecystitis, nephrolithiasis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and others;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, dropsy, gout;
  • diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract: cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: colitis, enterocolitis, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, duodenitis and other disorders in indigestion.

In addition to the above diseases, the herb soothes nervous system, effective for insomnia, helps to cope with depression, nervous tension relieve chronic fatigue syndrome. In such cases, it is recommended to use essential oil, which is also used in cosmetology.

Immortelle allows you to improve metabolic processes, cleanse the intestines of toxins, normalize digestion, therefore it is often used by women for weight loss. The decoction helps to cope with inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. It is used to treat bronchial asthma, whooping cough, allergies.

In cosmetology for skin and hair care, an extract or essential oil is more often used. These funds can improve microcirculation, stimulate the production of collagen, improve cell regeneration.

Application in medicine

At home, immortelle flowers can be used as infusions, decoctions for steam inhalation, or taken with you to the bath. A concentrated decoction is diluted in a bath or taken orally to prevent any disease.

Consider several recipes widely used in traditional medicine and cosmetology:

  • Infusion. For cooking, you need 3 tsp. dry raw materials, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Wrap well and leave overnight. Then strain, divide into 3 parts and drink 100 grams. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The remedy is taken for chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, digestive disorders and for weight loss. The course of treatment is 40-45 days.
  • Herbal ointment. Mix 900 g pork fat and 300 g immortelle. Mix well and put on water bath for 2 - 3 hours. Then remove from heat and leave overnight. On the second day, heat the mixture well again, strain and pour into a container. The finished product is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cuts, wounds, boils.
  • Decoction. You will need 1 tablespoon of herbs, 2 cups of water. Boil the composition for 10 minutes and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
  • Collection of herbs. For cooking, you will need 4 parts immortelle, 3 parts clover, 2 parts mint, 1 part coriander fruit. Mix everything, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil and take 50 grams 3 times a day.
  • Essential oil. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialized stores. It is added to the bath, used for aromatherapy, enriched with creams.

In addition to the above recipes, there are others that also have high and lasting effectiveness. It should be noted that immortelle should not be taken for more than 3 months.

Contraindications for use

Despite the safety of treatment, the herb has contraindications for use:

  1. hypertension;
  2. individual intolerance;
  3. long-term use;
  4. hyperacid gastritis, hyperacidity;
  5. iterative jaundice;
  6. pregnancy, lactation;
  7. children's age up to 10 years.

Immortelle is effective in the fight against many ailments, but you do not need to self-medicate without consulting a doctor. This plant can only act as an adjuvant therapy in combination with traditional methods.