How to drill a reinforced concrete wall with a conventional drill. How to drill a hole in a wall with different building materials

During repairs, communications or redevelopment, it becomes necessary to produce a different number of holes in the walls. The tool and drilling technique will differ depending on the material of the walls. Before drilling a brick wall, it is recommended to use some practical advice, since such a durable material as brick sometimes requires a special approach.

The wrong choice of tool and type of drill will not only not allow you to get the desired result, but can also ruin the equipment. For drilling bricks, two types of equipment are used - this is a hammer drill or impact drill. Right choice drill, first of all, lies in its power. The minimum power of this tool should be at least 600 watts, and the minimum number of revolutions should be from 2500 rpm. It is better if the mechanism has a reverse rotation of the drill and the ability to smoothly adjust the power. Drilling holes in brick should be done with an impact drill, since walls made of this material are very strong for static loads, and are only subject to impact with a dynamic load. If you drill with a conventional drill, the process will be lengthy and inefficient, since the edge of the drill will not be able to catch on the internal structure of the brick. This can overheat the tool and break the drill.

In addition to the application electrical equipment, it is possible to use hand tool, - the so-called jumper. It is a pipe with teeth at the end, through which a hole is punched by the application of human physical strength.

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • Drills or drills

To drill holes in brick wall was effective, it is necessary to use drills with a certain diameter, made of carbide material. Their difference from the usual ones is the presence of a diamond or victorious cutting edge. With a hole depth of up to 15 cm, drills with a diameter of 0.6 or 0.8 cm can be used. The maximum diameter of the hole that a drilled brick can have with drills is 1.5 cm.

Pobeditovy drill bit for brick walls

If you need to drill through hole much larger diameter, it is better to use a drill that is mounted on a puncher and impact drill. The size of the drill depends on the depth of the hole. If it is necessary to drill a hole in the wall with a width of 60 cm or more, to speed up the process and its efficiency, it is recommended to use drills of the same diameter, but of different lengths at different stages of drilling, for example, start with a drill 15 cm long, and at the final stage - 50 cm long .

The maximum diameter of the drilling hole can reach 2.8cm.

  • Drill bits

To mount boxes for sockets, switches, you need to create a niche. In this case, drill bits are used, which are made of durable steel and allow you to get holes of large diameter. Drilling with crowns is carried out without the use of an impact function, and their choice depends on the diameter and number of teeth.

Crown on a perforator
  • Dowels for fasteners
  • Screwdriver for dowels
  • Protective glasses
  • Cooling water tank
  • Core for making marks when drilling with a drill.
  • A hammer
  • Pobedite glass
  • metal detector

Drilling technology

There are three ways to drill a hole in a brick wall: manual, electromechanical and automatic.

However, before starting work, it is necessary to study the location of the electrical wiring, since accidentally falling into the wiring line will not only damage it, but can also shock a person. Most often, electrical wiring is located vertically or diagonally relative to sockets and switches. If in doubt, you should use a special device to detect wires concealed wiring. A portable metal detector will help you find aluminum wire or copper, located no deeper than 1 cm.

A portable metal detector will help you find hidden communications

Manual drilling technology

In the absence of an electric tool, drilling holes can be done using a bolt. For this, places are preliminarily marked by drilling with a punch. After that, the bolt, which is applied to the wall at an angle of 90 degrees, is hit with a hammer. Every three strokes, the bolt is rotated, and the remains of the brick are removed from the pipe. Thus, the hole is knocked out until it reaches the required depth.

Electromechanical process

Mechanical drilling is done with an impact drill or hammer drill, the process is the same.

First you need to decide on the type (through, blind), depth and diameter of the hole. This is necessary for a properly selected drill or drill. If you have difficulty maintaining the same distance between the holes, you can use a template. The stencil is made of plywood, chipboard, plastic and other improvised materials. To use it, you need to fix the sandpaper on one side with double-sided tape or glue, then lean it against the wall and drill.

After the type and diameter of the future hole is determined, marking should be done with a core. The drilling process will be facilitated if it is done in the seam between the bricks. Core notches are made in order to fix the drill and facilitate its entry. When drilling with a drill, the tool must be held perpendicular to the wall, gently pressing on it so as not to break the drill or drill. Periodically, the drill must be taken out for cooling in a container with cold water.

If necessary, drill a hole with a diameter greater than 18cm, using a perforator with diamond crowns. If these are not available, you can use pobedit drills of the usual diameter. For this:

  1. The place of the future hole is outlined, its outline is outlined with a pencil.
  2. By outside line is drilled, the number of holes depends on the diameter of the contour. The diameter of the drill itself should be 0.8-1.0 cm, the pitch of the holes along the contour should be 1.0 cm. To do the job more accurately, you can use even smaller diameter drills, but then the process will take longer.
  3. A chisel and a hammer make a selection from the drilled contour.

If it is necessary to drill through a thick wall, this can be done in two stages: first, the drilling process is performed, as described above, on one side of the wall. Then, the center of the resulting hole is drilled through. After that, on the other side of the wall around the intended through center, the required diameter is marked, the process is repeated.

Automatic process

With the help of professional, expensive equipment, diamond drilling. In this case, it is desirable to have special skills and qualifications. With the help of such a tool, the drilling process is fast, accurate, almost silent, it can be performed at different angles to a depth of up to 40 cm, and an even hole is formed, without chips or cracks. This method does not create a lot of dust and dirt, as the tool is equipped with a nozzle for cooling the drill and washing off the dust.


How to drill concrete? This question often arises among craftsmen during the construction and repair of dwellings with. Drilling into concrete is required to install electrical sockets and switches, lay pipes, wires and other communications.

When drilling concrete, a beginner faces a lot of problems, such as a broken drill, or even a drill.

Concrete is a very durable material. It lends itself very poorly to drilling in the usual ways. And if it is reinforced (reinforced concrete), this task becomes almost impossible with a conventional drill. How to drill concrete? The problem of making holes in this material is becoming more and more popular.

How to drill concrete?

The main tools for drilling such structures today are a drill equipped with an impact mechanism and a hammer drill. Correctly drill concrete with a hammer drill. It's designed for just that. Holes made by a perforator can be quite large both in their depth and in diameter. It is possible to drill a wall using special working tools with carbide coating or victorious inserts. The most common ways to use this tool are:

The most powerful drilling tool concrete structures is a perforator.

  • use of a conventional tool with the additional use of a punch;
  • the use of a hammer drill or impact drill, equipped with special tools;
  • drilling with diamond tools.

It is very difficult to make a hole in the wall in the usual way, and it takes a lot of time. The tool quickly becomes blunt and fails. How to drill a wall? The drilling point must constantly receive rotational and impact action. The rotational movement is achieved with a drill, and the impact movement is achieved with a punch and a hammer. An old drill can be used as a punch. Hammer strikes on its butt. In this case, the concrete layer is partially destroyed. Destroyed particles are removed with a drill. The hole is slowly deepening. The most common method is to make holes with a puncher and a special cutting tool. The work is going pretty fast and well. A small amount of work can be done with an impact drill with a carbide tool.

Diamond drilling is used for sufficiently large volumes of work. This method allows you to deal with the case very quickly and without a lot of dust. How to get large diameter holes? This is done using diamond-coated bits or carbide inserts. In some cases, special installations with a water vacuum cleaner are used. But usually a perforator copes with such a task quite well. It is recommended to periodically remove the drill from the hole and moisten it with water.

Tools inserted into the drill chuck are usually produced with a diameter of 4 mm or more. The largest diameter is 1.2 cm. Their length can be 40 cm. A plastic dowel is inserted into the finished hole, and a self-tapping screw is screwed into it. The diameter of the dowel must match the diameter of the hole. For hanging cabinets and other pieces of furniture, it is recommended to drill holes and use dowels with a diameter of 8 mm.

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Drills for puncher

The drills used in the puncher are commonly called drills. Drills can have a diameter of 4 mm to 28 mm. Moreover, they have different lengths (diameter and length in millimeters):

  • 4 — 50;
  • 5 — 100;
  • 6 — 150;
  • 8 — 250;
  • 10 — 540;
  • 12 - more than 1000.

The drill for the perforator has an SDS-plus shank. Other shanks may be used in industrial installations. Making holes with a diameter of 35 mm or more is carried out with tools that are popularly called crowns. Their maximum diameter is 12 cm. Along the perimeter of the crown there are solderings made of pobedit or diamond coating. Crowns work without switching on the percussion mechanism. The hole is drilled in several steps to cutting tool and the engine is cold. Core bits drill well in tiles, so tiled concrete walls can be drilled without changing tools.

You can buy special drills and crowns in numerous tool and construction equipment stores.

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A few tips:

  1. Before fixing the tool in the chuck of a puncher or drill, it must be cleaned of dirt.
  2. The shank of the drill must enter into the cartridge until it stops.
  3. For household drills and rotary hammers, every 15 minutes of work, you need to take a break for 10-15 minutes.
  4. The drill is recommended to be moistened periodically with water.
  5. Before making holes in the wall, make sure that there are no pipes and electrical wiring in it.
  6. You can use a metal detector to find pipes and wires in the wall.
  7. Work should begin with the shock mechanism turned off and at low speeds.
  8. The depth of the hole should be slightly greater than the length of the dowel that will be inserted into it.
  9. The depth of drilling can be noted by screwing a coil of electrical tape onto the drill.
  10. When working, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment.
  11. Better buy drills well-known manufacturers. An excellent choice is Bosch products.
  12. A diamond tool will help you quickly and accurately drill many identical holes.
  13. Drills and drills for concrete cannot be used when drilling metal and wood.

Drilling concrete walls is not a very simple task, but it is quite doable even at home.

Concrete, as you know, is a hard and durable material, which is why it is very popular in construction. However, due to these properties, it mechanical restoration causes certain difficulties. In particular, home craftsmen often face the task of how to punch a hole in concrete?

Concrete drilling methods

The choice of method for obtaining holes in concrete depends on the tasks:

  • If you need to get a hole of small diameter, for example, for, then use a puncher with a special drill with a carbide tip.
  • If it is necessary to obtain a large diameter, for example, for laying pipes, installing sockets, etc., diamond drilling of holes in concrete is used using special crowns.

Now let's take a closer look at both technologies.

Making holes with drills

Drills or, as they are also called, a screw-shaped rod and, as mentioned above, a carbide tip. The shank can be smooth and cylindrical, designed for impact drills, or made according to the SDS standard, for rotary hammers.

With their help, you can make holes of small and medium diameter.

The instructions for performing this procedure are as follows:

  • Before you punch a hole in concrete, you need to outline the place to be drilled.
  • Then the tip is inserted into the chuck of a puncher or drill. This sets the depth gauge to the desired position.

In the photo - drilling with a perforator

  • Next, the drill should rest on the intended point and turn on the tool. In this case, you need to perform a certain emphasis on the nozzle. Periodically, the drill must be removed from the hole and moistened with water, preventing it from overheating.
  • After the required depth is reached, work is stopped.

I must say that you can make a hole with a conventional drill without impact. However, this will require a punch with a hammer. In such a situation, the drill must be periodically removed from the hole and the concrete should be broken with a punch.

Drilling with diamond crowns

Often there is a need to make a large diameter hole in concrete, for example, to start a sewer or water pipe. Today, there are many companies that provide such services. However, before inviting specialists, you should find out the cost of punching holes in concrete.

It is possible that you decide to perform this operation yourself. To do this, you need the same puncher. The only thing is that you will have to purchase a diamond nozzle-crown.

With this tool, you can make holes with a diameter of 100 mm and even more. Moreover, a properly selected crown will allow you to successfully drill even reinforced concrete structures and concrete of any hardness, with any filler.

Gear crowns, when meeting with reinforcement, can jam, while their teeth, as a rule, break.

Thanks to this, you can get a hole in any concrete structure. For example, when arranging various wells, people are often interested in how to punch a hole in a concrete ring? A diamond tool can also easily cope with this task.

In addition, there are some other advantages of this method:

  • Ability to get a hole required size completely round.
  • There are no shock effects and strong vibrations, so this technology can be used in houses that are under repair or reconstruction.
  • There is no loud noise.
  • The ability to use when installing air conditioning systems, where sometimes jewelry accuracy is required.
  • Ability to drill at an angle, close to walls, floors or ceilings.

The price of crowns is usually quite high.
However, if you follow the rules of operation, then the used nozzle can be restored.
There are specialized companies that provide such services.

The principle of drilling is the same as when drilling with auger drills. Including, it is necessary to periodically moisten the crown with water.

If you need to get a hole with a diameter of, for example, 20-50 cm or even more, then the punch, of course, is not suitable for these purposes. In this case, you can drill a hole in concrete using a professional tool.

Powerful equipment is not held in the hands like a hammer drill. Usually it is fixed on the wall with anchors. the lower part rests on the floor, and the upper part rests on the ceiling.

Professional equipment is usually equipped with additional functions, such as water supply to working area, a dust collector that allows you to perform the procedure without dusting environment etc.

Diamond nozzles may be needed not only when drilling concrete.
Also effective method is the cutting of reinforced concrete diamond circles and grinding with diamond cups.

Of course, such equipment is very expensive, therefore, it makes no sense to purchase it for domestic purposes. Therefore, to perform such an operation, it is more advisable to seek help from specialists.


As we found out, in some cases it is quite possible to make a hole in concrete on your own. In order for this operation to take place efficiently and without special efforts, you should use a suitable tool for this and follow the drilling technology.

See the video in this article for more information on this topic.

Concrete structures, walls and ceilings are not uncommon in our houses and apartments. In multi-storey construction, they are generally used with particular frequency, since houses with concrete walls are the most reliable. The reliability of concrete is determined by the good strength of such a material, which is achieved by using the right components. concrete mix and quality work done on its construction.

And here we are proud of our strong walls. But usually it becomes necessary to drill a hole in this very wall. And this may be needed quite often, for example:

  • when finishing walls and ceilings;
  • during the installation of air conditioners;
  • when installing plumbing;
  • when embedding furniture;
  • when working with electrical wiring, its installation;
  • the need for holes for mounting a picture or other interior items.

As you can see, there are many reasons to drill a wall. The main thing is not only to do the job well, but also to make your life easier using the right good tool. Which one can I choose to drill concrete?

It would seem that there is such a thing here: just take yourself a regular drill and drill. But no, in fact, in the process of performing this task, many difficulties can arise. Firstly, concrete walls are very strong and hard to take, and secondly, their structure is heterogeneous, and you can easily run the risk of falling on gravel or a piece of reinforcement. stuck with the usual concrete wall you can do it for a long time and end up with nothing.

How to drill a hole?

The answer to this question will not be too difficult. The fact is that drilling a wall of concrete, as mentioned above, is an extremely difficult process. To solve this issue, it is worth using one of two types of tools: either a puncher or a drill.

Both will be good in certain conditions. I'll explain why. It is best, of course, to use a hammer drill: it is intended specifically for concrete walls and it is common practice to use it. After all, the puncher easily breaks through both stone and concrete surfaces. Another of its advantages is the ability to drill holes of large diameter, which a drill cannot do.

But, if you have a foam concrete wall in front of you, or if you need to drill a few small holes, a drill is quite suitable. In this case, the puncher can split the surface of the wall, which is not very successful. But, as already mentioned, on big holes do not count, only with a diameter of not more than 12-15 cm. In addition, drilling concrete wall has its own nuances, which we will consider below.

How to drill a concrete wall with a conventional drill?

Let's talk a little about drilling with a conventional drill. So, let's start with the fact that the usual one is unlikely to fit here. Those. theoretically it is, of course, possible. But in practice it is extremely difficult. In this case, it is imperative to use a special pobedit drill bit for working on concrete with a tip coated with a hard alloy compound.

The best way is to use a special impact drill. How is it different from the usual one? The fact that in such a drill the movements of the drill are carried out due to special ratchets with teeth interacting with each other. Such a drill is not difficult to use to carry out high-quality work. To do this, simply transfer the drill from the normal mode, rotational, to the shock rotation mode.

But no matter what type of drill you use, how relevant is the use of specialized nozzles. Nozzles (crowns) are sold in two configurations: for impact or non-impact drilling.

The classification of nozzles is as follows:

Crowns gear for drilling with impact function. A concrete wall can be drilled with these hole saws with a cutting edge made of separately soldered hard alloy teeth. For keyless chucks, drills are available for such drills with SDS tails. Their strength is so high that it is possible to cut the metal, only the impact mode contributes to their destruction, creating unacceptable loads. That is why such drills are used to drill a hole between the reinforcement of reinforced concrete slabs or brick walls.

Diamond core bit for unstressed drilling. These are more modern nozzles that simplify the task several times better than usual ones. Abrasive edges with cutouts on them are created by diamond spraying or corundum sand spraying. As you know, diamond is distinguished by its unprecedented strength. That is why it easily copes with the reinforcement of a concrete wall. Such a nozzle can make a hole at least 1.5 meters deep and more than half a meter in diameter. This type of nozzle is already used by professionals, but nozzles with a diameter of up to 100 mm may well be used in domestic conditions.

KS standard crowns. Crowns with diamond crystals embedded in cutting edge. They can be used for slabs, rocky soils, monolithic concrete structures made of high-strength grades. It can easily replace carbide serrated bits.

Based on your conditions, you can safely choose the necessary drill for the drill and drill a hole. But there are also a number of recommendations for working with a conventional drill that is not equipped with an impact function.

To do this, you start drilling the wall, but are periodically interrupted. AT concrete surface you need to drive a pointed drill with your hands and destroy the concrete with metal punches. We take our drill or a chisel, other metal devices of the appropriate and necessary diameter for us and hit them with a hammer / sledgehammer. Rotate the punch periodically. Then take the drill again.

Please note that when drilling a hole in a concrete wall with a conventional drill, you risk breaking the tool. Be sure to give a low-power drill a rest. Drills also tend to heat up, so you need to cool them with water. At the same time, take a break every 10-15 minutes of work, leaving the same amount of time for the tool to take a break.

How to drill a hole in concrete without a hammer drill, see the video:

When making repairs in an apartment or house, the question always arises of drilling a wall. Can be used different instruments depending on the purpose of the hole and the material from which the surface is made.

When working with each tool there are nuances, especially when drilling a wall. How to make the right hole, and what recommendations to follow?

Drilling holes in the wall correctly: general rules and recommendations for drilling

In order to properly drill a wall, you need to take into account the material from which it is made, based on this, you need to choose a tool.

  • when working, hold the tool correctly. For example, a drill in the hands should be straight, and enter the surface in a vertical direction;
  • for convenience, use an additional handle;
  • Depending on the material of the surface, select the necessary drills.

The material of the tool used to work must be harder than the surface to be drilled.

Tools for different surfaces:
  • concrete, stone, brick wall - use carbide drill, more often victorious;
  • metal - drill for metal;
  • tiled, ceramic tile- special drills for these materials, sometimes it can be replaced with a drill for concrete with surfacing will win;
  • Chipboard, wood - for holes smaller than 10–12 mm, a drill for metal is suitable, for larger ones, special drills for wood are used.

Work Tools

For work, they use different tools, the main ones: a drill, a puncher, a screwdriver. When using each, there are nuances.


The tool is suitable when you need to make several holes. You can use a regular drill. When plunging a drill bit into the body of the wall, sometimes it is necessary to break concrete with a punch that matches the diameter of the hole. This is necessary when the drill starts to get stuck in the surface, bumping into too dense areas. The process is quite labor intensive.

For greater efficiency, you can use universal drills that have a diamond coating. They are installed only on a conventional drill or on a tool where the vibration function is disabled.

For large-scale work, an impact drill and drills with victorious tips are used. They are designed for holes up to 12 mm. The drill is suitable for work with metal, concrete.

To prevent the tool from overheating, periodically moisten the drill with cold water.


Perforator - universal tool. With it, you can make a hole in the wall of wood, tiles and concrete.

The tool has several functions - drilling, drilling with impact and impact mode. To make a hole, you need to select the desired drill depending on the surface and work by selecting the mode.


A screwdriver is one of the most popular tools for repair and construction work. With it, you can twist and unscrew self-tapping screws, drill wood, metal, chipboard, plywood, tiles, plywood, lightweight concrete.

What nozzles to choose

For each material, a specific nozzle is used:

  • concrete, brick, stone - drill with carbide plate or victorious;
  • tiles, glass - conical drills with diamond coating;
  • metal - a spiral drill with a cylindrical cone;
  • wood, drywall - for holes of different diameters, drills are used: feather, ballerina, screw, saw bits for wood;
  • foam concrete - victorious drills.

Is it possible to do without a drill and puncher

Make a hole without a drill and puncher, but not in a concrete wall. To do this, you need a bolt or punch.

A bolt is a pipe with teeth at the end. The punch has an end in the form of a bison or a tetrahedron.

The working end of the tool is applied to the place where the hole will be. On the opposite side of it, you need to strike hard, rotating the tool after each turn.

How to drill without dust: options, the better

Construction work is always accompanied by dust and debris, but with some recommendations and tips, it can be significantly reduced:

  • perforator during operation leaves a slight dust, so that it does not scatter around the room at the same time use construction vacuum cleaner. Some brands of tool have a built-in vacuum cleaner, which makes the task easier;
  • using a drill, it is best to either make a jig at the end or a bag, or make an envelope under the hole so that debris falls into it.

How to drill holes in a brick wall: the choice of tools and nozzles

To make a hole in a brick wall, a puncher with a drill or an impact drill is suitable, most often the latter is used. Its power should be at least 600 watts, the minimum number of revolutions should be from 2500 per minute. It is best to use a drill with smooth power adjustment and quick clamping function.

Using the hammer drilling function, the drill becomes identical to a hammer drill. Increased speed and ease of operation. To make a hole in a brick wall, you need to use the punch method of a dynamic nature. Without this, the drill will not be able to catch on the inside of the brick.

Drills must be victorious. If through drilling is necessary, then a drill is used.

How to drill a load-bearing wall in a panel house with a puncher

Most panel houses the walls are made of concrete, to make a hole with a perforator, you need to use pobedit drills.

In addition to them, you can use special crowns. They have soldering around the circumference. Applying them, you need to turn off the percussion function of the perforator.

Specialists use diamond drilling, this requires powerful equipment and skills.

How to drill reinforced concrete under a pipe with an impact drill

Using an impact drill for reinforced concrete, you need to use the "perforator" mode and the drill bits. First, the hole is made smaller, then larger. The drill needs to be cooled down periodically.

Important! When working with concrete, you must not get into the reinforcement, otherwise the drill will break. With the help of a special device, you can check where it is located.

How to make a hole in a concrete wall with a drill

It is difficult to drill a concrete wall with a conventional drill. It is necessary to install victorious drills and select low speeds. A dowel is inserted in the right place to help the tool break through the surface. Further, drilling must be alternated with blows on the dowel.

The drill must be constantly cooled, otherwise it will burn out.

If the drill does not have speed control, then it will not be possible to make a hole.

How to make a hole in a concrete wall in an apartment with a drill

For a small hole, you can use a punch. It will make, most conveniently, from a drill, diameter 8 mm. The end is sharpened sharply. The drill is placed in the right place, rotated, while hitting it with a hammer. Periodically moisten the drill so that it works longer.

When working with tools, you must follow the safety rules and general recommendations:

How to fix a large drilled wall

You can close up unnecessary holes in the wall using a special building mix. It provides strength and durability. The composition should be selected depending on the area and type of defect.

With the help of putty, you can level the surface, including concrete. There are several types of putty:

  • cement - used in outdoor and interior decoration suitable for concrete. Durable and moisture resistant. Dries for a long time and often with a mesh, which requires re-application;
  • gypsum - used in dry rooms, not resistant to water and afraid of temperature changes. It does not crack when applied, so it can be applied immediately in a thick layer;
  • acrylic - finishing. You need to apply a thin layer, so it is suitable for small defects.

None of the mixtures are used for sealing through holes.

Polyurethane foam is a versatile material. It happens one-component (used without preparation) and two-component (when used, a construction gun or mixer is used).

When applied, the foam expands in volume and fills the desired space. Hardens and gives high-quality density. Deep holes can be sealed.

Suitable for removing large defects. It has good adhesion, frost-resistant, strong and durable.

Having decided to make a hole, carefully read the rules and recommendations. Choose a tool, depending on the composition of the surface, and a drill. If you are not confident in your own skills, then entrust the work to specialists.

Useful video