Bananas turn black quickly. All the tricks of long-term storage of bananas

Fortunately, there are no interruptions in the supply of fresh bananas to supermarkets today. On any day, at any time of the year, you can go to the store and choose a bunch of ripe overseas fruits. And yet, situations sometimes arise when the question of how to store bananas so that they do not turn black becomes relevant.

For example, for those who are used to buying food in bulk or if bananas were purchased in advance on the eve of a special event, a big family holiday, etc. So the options for long-term storage of bananas at home offered below will never be superfluous.

The "correct" banana turns black more slowly!

To begin with, we will touch on the equally important topic of choosing bananas. It is clear that ripe fruits with a yellow skin are more attractive to the buyer. However, it is far from always necessary to give preference to just such a product. Sometimes it is better to opt for greenish, unripe fruits. Especially when their immediate use is not planned.

For storing bananas for up to several days

Criterias of choice:

  • ponytails without dark spots, traces of decay;
  • the peel is clean, even yellow, without cracks, scratches, dents;
  • from the fruits comes a strong aroma of ripe fruit.

For storing bananas from several days to several weeks

Quality assessment criteria:

  • the tails are intact, without damage;
  • the peel is green, without cracks, scratches;
  • when pressed, the elastic hardness of the pulp is felt;
  • the smell is noticeable, but not as bright as that of ripe fruits.

How long unripe fruit does not spoil and turn black on the outside depends on the conditions in which they are placed.

Storage conditions for green bananas

Ideally, bananas should be stored at a temperature of + 13-14 degrees, in a room with a humidity of 85-90%. The given conditions are easy to provide in the basement or cellar, but, alas, not in a city apartment. In this case, other methods work to extend the shelf life of bananas up to 2-3 weeks.

For storing bananas up to 2-3 weeks

Down with polyethylene and cellophane! In packages that do not allow air to pass through, fruits suffocate and spoil much earlier than possible, even in the refrigerator. To keep green bananas longer, it is impossible to pack them in plastic bags.

  1. So that unripe fruits do not deteriorate and at the same time gradually ripen, it is recommended to store them at room temperature, packaged in thick paper bags. If you need to speed up the ripening process, ripe fruits are placed in the bag. Or they leave green bananas on a dish with other fruits (pears, plums, apples) on the table, in the buffet.
  2. Good and relatively long green bananas are stored in limbo. With whole tassels, planted on a string, they are placed in a convenient place in the kitchen, balcony, and living rooms. A prerequisite is shade and relative coolness.

The refrigerator is not the best place for green bananas.

At a low positive temperature, the structure of the fruit pulp changes. After that, the fruit will no longer reach the desired condition. However, as soon as spots start to appear on the peel of bananas stored at room temperature, they are immediately transferred to the refrigerator to prevent overripe.

Rules for storing ripe unpeeled bananas

Simple methods help to extend the suitability for consumption of fully ripened bananas. And it's not cold. In the refrigerator, banana peels and ponytails quickly turn black. Ethylene is released more strongly, accelerating the overripe of the pulp.

As is the case with green fruits, it is better to store ripe bananas at room temperature, wrapped in thick paper. It is undesirable to pack soft fruits in plastic bags. Without access to air, with high humidity and a high content of ethylene released by bananas inside the package, ripe fruits will quickly deteriorate, blacken and rot.

Unpeeled ripe bananas will not turn black for as long as possible if you wrap the tails with cling film. To do this, the brush must be divided into separate fruits, wrap each leg and, for reliability, secure the film with tape. In this form, at room temperature, the banana peel will not turn black for 5-7 days, the fruits will remain fresh, suitable for consumption.

How to Store Unpeeled Bananas in the Refrigerator

Bananas that have begun to darken on the outside are best eaten as soon as possible. Or put in the refrigerator. This will not save the top from blackening, but the flesh will not deteriorate for another 4-7 days.

Unpeeled yellow bananas are placed in the warmest place of the refrigerator - in the compartments on the door or in containers for vegetables and fruits. At the same time, it is advisable to separate the ripe fruits from the unripe ones and wrap them in wrapping paper.

It is impossible to store bananas in polyethylene or cellophane bags even in the refrigerator.

In order for bananas to last as long as possible, it is recommended to place unripe fruits with hard pulp in a paper bag with them. For example, avocados, apples, pears.

How to keep peeled bananas from blackening

Banana flesh darkens quickly as it oxidizes. However, this moment can be delayed by blocking the access of air to the fruits. In particular, you can store peeled bananas in a hermetically sealed plastic container or tighten a dish with pieces of fruit with cling film. Naturally, peeled bananas should be stored in a cool place - on the balcony, in the refrigerator, etc.

So that peeled bananas do not darken for as long as possible at a temperature of 18–23 degrees, you need to dip them in an acidic environment. For example, sprinkle pieces of citrus (lemon, orange), pineapple, apple juice. Or put the fruits for 3 minutes in vinegar, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4.

How to store bananas in the freezer

Freezing is the longest way to store fruit. Bananas can be kept in the freezer for up to six months. True, the pulp of the fruit after defrosting turns into a sweet porridge. But for the preparation of ice cream, fruit cocktails, fillings for pies, sweets, it fits perfectly.

What is the best way to freeze bananas?

  1. Remove peel.
  2. Place whole or sliced ​​fruits in layers in a plastic container.
  3. Close with airtight lid.
  4. Put in the freezer.

How to defrost bananas:

After their ripening, special conditions are created in supermarkets so that ripe fruits do not turn black.

When buying bananas for future use, you need to store them properly at home.

How to keep bananas fresh: 4 rules for fruit preservation

To extend the shelf life of a perishable product, use methods proven by experienced housewives:

  1. When buying bananas, whole bunches are chosen, the fruit torn off at the base begins to turn black. Fruits with a darkened skin, black spots, dried legs will quickly become unusable, it is better not to buy them. In exceptional cases, you can buy 1-2 yellow bananas and eat on the same day.
  2. The refrigerator is an unacceptable option for preserving this product, in it the skin will quickly darken, become covered with spots. Room temperature is also not suitable, so they are placed in the basement, on the balcony during the cold season.
  3. Increase the shelf life to two weeks, choosing unripe, slightly greenish specimens.
  4. Drying of the peel leads to darkening of the fruit. By wrapping each fruit with cling film, you can slow down this process. But bananas cannot be wrapped in a plastic bag.

Optimal storage conditions

In order for fruits to remain fresh, not to lose their taste and useful properties, it is necessary to maintain certain conditions:

  • Optimal temperature. The main reason for the loss of the presentation of the product is an unacceptable temperature regime. Long storage time provides a temperature of +12 to +14 degrees. Standard + 22 ... + 25 degrees in the room are detrimental to fruits. And under the influence of cold in the refrigerator, they will quickly become covered with black spots.
  • Required level of humidity. When the liquid from the banana skin evaporates, the flesh dries out and loses its shape. To prevent excessive evaporation of air, to save moisture, the legs of the fruit are wrapped with cling film, foil.
  • Lack of direct sunlight. Under the influence of the sun, fruits quickly turn black and deteriorate.

How to store ripe bananas at home so that they do not turn black?

To slow down the process of darkening of the fruit, you need to separate all the fruits from the bunch, wrap the leg in food foil. So the stalk will not dry out, the fruits will retain their presentation for a long time.

Where is the best place to store?

When supercooled, the product turns black, when the temperature exceeds +22 degrees, the same thing happens.

Ideal storage location - a cool pantry, or the bottom shelf of a kitchen cabinet.

It is not recommended to leave bananas in the refrigerator for a long time. Exceptions are cases:

  • If the fruits are already cut into circles, they are covered with a plate on top, eaten in the next 2-3 hours after being left in the refrigerator.
  • If it is a hot summer, there is no cool corner in the apartment, there is no air conditioning.

They are placed on the refrigerator door, previously wrapped in soft paper.

At what temperature?

Ripe fruit storage conditions:

Can I freeze for the winter and how to do it?

When there are a lot of ripe bananas, it is impossible to eat them in the near future, the only way out is freezing.

Ripe, overripe fruits are suitable for freezing, green fruits are not used.

How to freeze bananas at home in the freezer:

  1. Pre-peeled fruits are washed with running water to wash off ethylene and microbes. Excess moisture is blotted with a paper towel.
  2. It is better to use a separate freezer container so that it does not contain other products.
  3. The fruits are separated from the bundle, each is packaged in individual bags. The shelf life of frozen fruit is 8 weeks.
  4. Bananas taken out of the freezer will turn brown, but this is only a peel. Under it, the fruit will retain its benefits, taste.

Where to keep green bananas so that they ripen?

Unripe fruits taste like grass. Therefore, housewives prefer to leave them to keep up. To speed up ripening, a bunch of fruit is hung on a hook in a place protected from daylight.

The temperature should not exceed +17 degrees, it is preferable to place the fruits in a pantry.

Important! To increase the shelf life of green fruits, you need to wrap the stalks in food foil. They should not be placed next to ripe bananas: the release of ethylene from them will significantly speed up the ripening process.

banana ripeness levels

The ability to determine its degree of maturity will help you choose a quality fruit.

There are 8 degrees of maturation:

  1. The skin is green. The entire fruit from stem to tip does not have yellow spots.
  2. A barely noticeable yellowness appears on the fruit, the stem and tail remain green.
  3. Looking at the fruit in the hands, it is impossible to understand whether it is yellow or green.
  4. The whole banana takes on a rich yellow hue, but the tail remains green.
  5. The fruit is completely yellow, without darkening and admixture of greenery.
  6. Dark spots appear on the sides.
  7. The leg of the fruit is dry, and the whole skin is black.
  8. When pressed, the peel cracks, the dark pulp is squeezed out. This is absolutely rotten fruit.

Features of storing yellow fruits in a peel

Keep bananas in the peel in limbo, it is better to choose whole bunches in advance. Bundles should not be placed near other fruits, they will begin to deteriorate under the influence of ethylene released by them.

Where to store ripe bananas?

TOP 4 places at home where ripe bananas are better preserved:

  1. Cellar.
  2. A kitchen cabinet with no other fruit.
  3. Closed box on the balcony (suitable for the cold season).
  4. Food container in the pantry.

Features of storing peeled bananas

If peeled bananas are whole, they can be frozen. The shelf life of the product will be about 12 weeks.

So that the fruits do not stick together, they are laid out on a cutting board at a distance from each other, left in the freezer for an hour. Then they are placed in resealable bags, write the day of freezing with a marker.

Freezing banana slices

If there is not enough space in the freezer, you can save it by cutting fruit into circles:

  1. The fruits in the peel are washed with running water, peeled, cut into neat pieces.
  2. Put the product on a cutting board so that the mugs do not touch each other. Sent for an hour in the freezer.
  3. After an hour, the pieces are poured into a common bag, the date of freezing is written before being sent to the freezer.

Another proven way to save space in the freezer is to freeze banana mass.

It is better to grind the fruits in a puree not with a blender, but in a wooden mortar (the fruit will not come into contact with the metal, the food will darken less).

After grinding, the pulp is sprinkled with lemon juice, placed in a plastic container, and sent to the freezer. Just in case, it is better to indicate the date of freezing on the container.

Norms, terms of storage of bananas, with which it is impossible to store together

From the moment of harvesting the fruits (they are harvested in green form), bananas are stored for 40 days. On the shelves of stores where ideal conditions are created, fruits can lie for up to 30 days.

Ripe fruits are stored in the apartment for 2 to 4 days, depending on the conditions created. Greens will lie for 2-3 weeks.

In the freezer, whole specimens with peel are stored for no longer than 8 weeks, peeled - 2-3 months.

Bananas should not be stored with other fruits: apples, pears, plums. The exception is fruits with a dense crust, for example, watermelons.

Is it possible to eat overripe bananas

In its raw form, it is permissible to eat a fruit with a slight darkening of the peel, a small amount of black spots.

Fruits blackened by more than 40% can only be used for baking after heat treatment. There are many ways to prepare overripe bananas.

Conclusion. What are the benefits of bananas

Bananas provide the body with useful substances (potassium, zinc, calcium) necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, organs of vision, and digestion.

Banana is one of the most common tropical fruits on the store counter. It can replace a full snack and restore wasted energy. The tender pulp is very tasty and fragrant, adults and children like it. Connoisseurs of tropical yummy would be happy to stock up, but they don’t always know how to store bananas. A capricious fruit strives to turn black, overripe, or even deteriorate. The article describes a few tricks that will help prolong banana enjoyment at home.

Finding the perfect bunch of bananas in the store is pretty easy. The main thing is to know for what purposes you are acquiring fruits:

  • Uniformly yellow fruit with a greenish stalk inside contains sweet tender pulp without any traces of darkening, has a round cross section. It is better to eat such a fruit within the first days after purchase. But in the article we will tell you how to save bananas so that they do not turn black, and we will help prolong the pleasure of eating this valuable product.
  • The fruit with a green skin and ribbed edges has a sweetish grassy taste. If properly transported and stored prior to sale, it should be able to mature naturally in your home within a few days. This is convenient for preparing a holiday or creating a small stock.
  • If the banana peel is covered with a small amount of dark spots, the inside will be incredibly sweet, honey-colored flesh with a rich aroma. But only after a few hours under room conditions, it will begin to darken and turn into gruel. Such fruits should be eaten immediately or used for cooking various dishes.

Tip of the day

If the greenish or yellow peel has a dull gray tint, don't buy it. Such a fruit was stored in violation of the temperature regime and will not be able to ripen, and inside there will be a tasteless pulp.

How to avoid blackening of ripe fruits

If you are concerned not only with the taste of the pulp, but also with the aesthetic appearance, it is important to know how to store bananas so that they do not turn black at home. But first, let's figure out what causes the darkening of the peel.

Cause of blackening of the skin

The delicate skin of a tropical fruit performs a protective function. The blackening is caused by the breakdown of the polyphenol oxidase enzyme. This process occurs as a result of a decrease in the temperature background below 10 ° C. Cell membranes are destroyed faster, which leads to an acceleration of the reaction.

If you take such a fruit out of the refrigerator, the destruction process will accelerate. That is why you can not store bananas in the refrigerator, but the pulp will not suffer at all with this method.

Conditions and shelf life of the fruit

Optimal storage conditions for bananas at home:

  • temperature 15-18 °C;
  • humidity 60-80%.

According to GOST, tropical fruits should be stored in a warehouse at a temperature background of 13-14 ° C and air humidity of at least 85%. An exotic crop is first treated with a nitrogen-ethylene mixture containing 5% ethylene. Gas accelerates the process of turning starch into sugars, spurs maturation. After that, fruit boxes are delivered to retail outlets.

For better preservation, the fruits can be treated with phenol, which is harmful to health, so store-bought bananas should be thoroughly washed before consumption.

Do you know that…

If the fruit bought in the store in the morning looked like coal, it was “frozen” in the warehouse, that is, it was stored in violation of the temperature regime.

Where to store ripe bananas?

The answer to the question of where to store ripe bananas depends on the goals pursued by the hostess. To speed up the ripening process of fruits, room temperature is acceptable. If you plan to delay this process as much as possible, use a cool dark place - a pantry, a basement. A few simple tips will help you maintain the beautiful appearance and taste of the pulp:

  • When you arrive home, remove the purchased fruits from the plastic bag. This material contributes to the accumulation of condensate, which will lead to rapid spoilage and rotting of fruits.
  • Place the fruit in a wooden bowl, paper bag, or use a grape stand.
  • Store specimens with a greenish stem away from heat sources and direct sunlight.
  • To avoid rapid skin blackening, hang the bunch in a cool, well-ventilated basement or close it in a dark closet where the temperature does not rise above 15°C.
  • Ripe fruits release ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of the "neighbors". Unripe fruits, on the contrary, intensively absorb the released gas. If ripe bananas and unripe or avocados are placed in a paper bag, you can delay the appearance of dark spots by 1-1.5 days. This will make the apples ripen faster.
  • You can limit the intake of ethylene with a simple trick. Wrap the leg of each banana or the entire bunch with cling film, foil, and secure with tape on top. When picking fruits from the brush, do not forget to rewind the common stem again.

Tip of the day

When purchasing a tropical fruit, pay attention to the integrity of the peel. Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate inside the damaged skin, which will affect your health.

Refrigerator - friend or foe?

Can bananas be stored in the refrigerator? Of course, if their skin has already begun to become covered with dark spots. The refrigerator compartment will slow down the circulation of ethylene, which will preserve the density and sweet taste of the pulp. When the beautiful appearance of an exotic fruit can no longer be saved, it is advisable to move it to the refrigerator. This will keep the fruit from overripening too quickly.

  • Put it in a paper bag, but don't put it on the shelf next to ripe fruit.
  • To save space, it is best to separate each banana from the common base and wrap the stem as described above.

In this form, the density of the pulp will remain for another 7-10 days.

Bananas can be dried in the oven by cutting them into pieces. Dried, they will keep for up to a year.

Freezer storage

You can freeze bananas, which will extend the shelf life up to 2-3 months. After defrosting, the pulp will certainly turn into gruel, but will not lose its taste and useful qualities. Useful for making cocktails, pastries, sweet sauces, additives to cheese masses and cereals.

Freeze bananas like this:

  • Pre-wash the fruit, free from the skin and adjacent fibers.
  • For storage, lay whole fruits or chop them with a knife, turn them into puree with a blender.
  • Place the prepared product in plastic food containers, a plastic bag with a zipper.
  • The packaging must be sealed.
  • The optimum temperature is not higher than minus 18 °C.
  • Defrost at room temperature.

Note to the owner

You can not defrost the fragrant pulp, but eat it as a healthy banana ice cream.

Ripening green fruits at home

How to make green bananas ripen at home? Easy peasy:

  • Leave them on the kitchen table for 3-5 days.
  • Already ripe fruits placed in one paper bag with green bananas will help speed up the process.
  • It is best to use a special hanger or stand, then the fruit will ripen evenly.

How to store peeled bananas

Don't know where to put banana slices after the holiday?

For a short time, lemon or lemon will help to prolong its freshness, which should be sprinkled with slices. The acid will slow down the browning, but it will not protect against quick spoilage. Therefore, freezing is the best way to store fruit slices.

What to cook with overripe fruit

Overripe bananas have loose sweet pulp and are not suitable for cutting, fruit salads. Throwing away such a product is a waste. Even overripe fruits are suitable for culinary purposes.

In countries where bananas are the basis of nutrition, they are baked, fried, canned, served as a side dish for fish, sauces and honey are made from them.

The hostesses offer to cook the following delicious dishes:

  • Banana or cupcakes. Add 2-3 banana puree to cupcake batter.
  • Milk shake. Half a liter, a couple of bananas and 200 g of vanilla ice cream should be whipped with a blender. Favorite drink for kids.
  • Fruit smoothie. A little experimentation with useful ingredients will help enrich the taste of the drink.
  • Fragrant pancakes. Add to mashed 2 fruits for a delicious breakfast.
  • Sauces and gravies. Kill the bananas with a blender and pour the resulting mass over sour-milk, or oatmeal, semolina porridge. Such dishes will appeal to both adults and children.

Just 2-3 bananas will transform the taste of your favorite dishes. Smoothies and cocktails are better to drink immediately, and pastries can lie for several days, although your favorite sweet tooth will eat them faster.

Knowing how to properly store bananas at home, you can make small stocks of healthy fragrant fruits. Even excess of this product can be properly preserved by freezing or processing.

Store properly and be healthy!

Bananas are usually brought to us unripe, because. their ripening period is very short, they are transported in specially equipped refrigerated containers. The bananas are then dosed (gassed) before they are sold for uniform ripening.

In stores and supermarkets, the banana is stored under certain conditions to prevent its early ripening. We cannot create such conditions at home, so in this article we will look at how to keep bananas in an apartment.

How to store bananas at home

Bananas are a perishable product, so you need to remember a few simple rules where to store bananas at home and how to store bananas so that they do not turn black.

  • Do not store bananas in the refrigerator, their skin will turn black;
  • Avoid plastic bags, it is better to leave the fruits open;
  • If you buy bananas for the future, take slightly unripe fruits;
  • Do not take bananas with visible defects - black dots or dents.

How to keep bananas longer at home

The ideal temperature for storing bananas is 13-14 degrees and the humidity is 85-90%. You can try putting the fruits in a cool basement or cellar, then their shelf life can be extended. You also need to avoid direct sunlight, otherwise the bananas will quickly turn black.

How to store green bananas

If you took unripe bananas, then their shelf life depends on the degree of maturity and storage conditions. As it was written above, the ideal temperature is 13-14 degrees. But you can resort to other methods.

But where to store unripe bananas is a difficult question, ideally, of course, a damp basement with a temperature not lower than 13 degrees and not higher than 17 degrees. But you can save it in an apartment by putting it in a well-ventilated and cool room, however, the shelf life will then decrease.

How to save bananas so they don't turn black

Bananas usually turn black from hypothermia, if their storage temperature is below 13.3 degrees, they will definitely turn black. An overripe banana can also turn black, so you should try to store them properly and eat them as they ripen.

How to store bananas in the refrigerator

As we wrote above, it is not recommended to store bananas in the refrigerator, however, if it happens that you have a lot of bananas and there is no way to use them, then placing them in the refrigerator will only spoil the appearance, storage in refrigerators will not affect the taste. Try to find the warmest place in the refrigerator, such as in the door or on the middle shelf. Also, do not put them in a plastic bag, preferably in a paper bag.

How to store a banana smoothie

We've looked at how to keep bananas fresh, but you can keep the bananas fresh by making them a smoothie. Since bananas begin to disappear from the skin, by making a banana smoothie you will avoid rotting, and you can use a fresh banana in the form of a drink. If the cocktail is made on the basis of fruits and berries, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for a longer time in a tightly closed container.

The shelf life of such a cocktail is 2-3 days. Cocktails with the addition of milk are best consumed during the day.

Banana leaf: storage conditions

Banana leaves are gradually entering our lives as table decorations and for cooking. For themed parties, they are used as plates. The use of leaves instead of foil, for cooking in the oven or on the grill, allows you to make dishes unusually juicy, because. banana leaf does not allow moisture to evaporate.

It is better to store banana leaves at a temperature of 0 degrees and a humidity of 95-100%.

Banana is an exotic fruit, or rather a herb, which has not only an amazing taste, but also a number of useful properties. Despite the year-round availability, sometimes it becomes necessary to store bananas. For many housewives, this task causes a number of difficulties, since at home they quickly darken, lose their presentable appearance and taste. A similar problem arises when it is necessary to keep the fruits in the store. To figure out how, where and how much it is better to store bananas so that they do not turn black, the tips below will help.

How to choose the right bananas

Banana, in addition to a pleasant taste, has a rich composition and has a positive effect on well-being. It supports the health of the heart muscle, strengthens bones, normalizes the digestion process, enriches the body with useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, eating one fruit a day will prevent the development of depression and provide support for a stable psycho-emotional state.

Before buying bananas in a store, it is important to understand for what purposes they are needed. For baking, purchase ripe yellow fruits. Their flesh has a rich aroma and taste. However, such fruits should be used immediately - they cannot be stored.

Buy greenish fruits if you need to keep them fresh for several days. Experts say that the shelf life of fruits can be up to 2 weeks. During this time, they will have time to ripen without losing their appetizing appearance.

Don't buy bananas with damaged skins. Not only can they not be kept at home, but they also pose a health hazard. Don't buy rotten fruit either. The presence of gray spots indicates improper storage of the product. Such fruits quickly deteriorate, and it will not work to keep them at home.

With a yellow skin and a greenish tail, the fruits are ideal for enjoying immediately or saving them for a few days before the celebration.

How to store bananas at home

Bananas are quite capricious in terms of storage. They react negatively to sudden changes in temperature, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and extreme cold. Improper storage conditions lead to darkening of the fruit and their deterioration. To preserve the look and taste of exotic fruits for a long time, consider their degree of maturity and follow simple recommendations.

In order to ensure the delivery of exotic fruits from warm countries to store shelves around the world, the fruits are plucked green. This allows them to be preserved for the 40 days required for transportation. During transportation, the fruits are placed in the holds of ships, where the optimum temperature and humidity are maintained.

Upon arrival, the bunches are treated with ethylene. This accelerates their maturation and allows the product to be put into sale. That is why it is rare to find green fruits in our stores. However, if there is a need to preserve fruit for a long time, try to find and buy unripe bananas. To preserve their taste and appearance, as well as wait for natural ripening, store bananas at a temperature of + 12 ... 14 ℃ and air humidity of 85-90%. Such conditions can be found on the glazed balcony (in winter) in the apartment or on the steps in the cellar. For storage, place the bananas in a brown paper bag, or wrap each banana individually in baking parchment.

To keep ripe fruits, use little tricks. First of all, take them out of the polyethylene and separate them. store bananas separate from other fruits. This will reduce the concentration of ethylene and slow down the ripening process.

At what temperature should fruits be stored? The best option is 13-17 degrees above zero. Cooler storage will result in blackheads, and higher temperatures will speed up banana ripening.

Many are interested in the question of why it is impossible to keep the fruit in conditions of high humidity. The answer is simple - this will lead to rapid rotting and deterioration of the product. Can bananas be stored in the refrigerator? Opinions differ on this matter, but it has been scientifically proven that low temperatures slow down the circulation of ethylene. This allows you to keep the appearance and taste of the fruit pulp longer. However, leaving the banana in the refrigerator will cause the skin to darken and develop black spots.

Storing unpeeled bananas

If a peeled banana remains after the holiday, do not rush to send it to the bin. The peeled fruit can also be saved. Perfect option - freezing. Put the fruit in an airtight container and send it to the freezer. A frozen banana has a shelf life of several months. Such a product is suitable for baking, making milkshake or sauce.

Soaking will help keep peeled fruits for several days. Dip the fruit in a mixture of vinegar and water (1:4 ratio) for a few minutes, and then place in a container. Store the banana container in a cool place for up to 3 days.

Do not freeze whole fruits in their skins. After defrosting and removing the skin, the pulp will turn into a tasteless mushy mass.

To keep peeled fruits overnight and not turn black, sprinkle them with apple, lime or lemon juice. The acid will slow down the browning of the fruit.

Simple and affordable tricks will help extend the shelf life of exotic fruits at home. Be sure to remove the bananas from the plastic bag and separate each other, select the optimal temperature and humidity.


To understand how to properly store bananas, watch the video:

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Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.