Beautiful bedroom renovation. How to renovate your bedroom: useful techniques and tips for arranging your personal room

Each of us, even when doing the most, wants to get a photo that will reflect a beautiful room, but with minimal financial investment and basic work. And I am no exception. I don't have much time to surprise my wife (I sent them and my daughter to Sochi for 2 weeks) to start new design and decor in the bedroom.

I’ve saved up a little money, I have a lot of ideas, my hands are in place – I can get started!

Give new life to the old lady of the bed

The need for austerity opened up unprecedented creativity in me. Our marital bed, although not new, has retained its structural strength (we check it regularly!). Now we need to bring him into a “Divine” form.

To begin with, we remove the mattress, wipe off the dust and tighten the loose fasteners (I also added metal corners). Now comes the main work:

1. Remove polish

To do this, apply with a brush special composition to remove the polish for the time specified in the instructions (for me it’s half an hour), and remove the main part with steel wool, and the remainder with a spatula. Then quickly wipe the surface paper towels and sand it down. Next, I invited my welder friend to make new patterns.

2. Paint and varnish

I sealed all the cracks and scratches with putty in advance, and the bed sat for two days. Bought latex paint(oil enamel will also work). And then I painted the surface and varnished it - and the bed acquired beautiful view and shine.

Budget art addition

I chose plain wallpaper (it turned out cheaper). But believe me, their somewhat boring appearance is easy to fix good decor. One wall in my bedroom is completely empty - and I decided to decorate it with framed family photos. I chose something that would make an inexpensive bedroom renovation original. Photo funny, touching, in general - the most lively and plot-driven. Select those that are most expensive for the owners of the bedroom you are decorating. I looked at the style and design on the Internet.

Photos are enlarged, click!

Local light sources

An overhead light is, of course, practical and versatile, but if you don’t yet have a spot bedside light in your bedroom interior, be sure to take care of it. I added a couple of stylish lamps, which, as time has shown, come in handy for reading books before bed and for creating a pleasant, intimate twilight at night.


In my opinion, the most important part of the repair (albeit the most expensive) was the replacement flooring. I threw it away old linoleum and installed (thanks to my friend for helping!) laminate. You can choose a different floor design to make beautiful renovation in the bedroom (photos of different floor coverings can be found on the Internet):

  • solid wood board,
  • original carpeting,
  • tiles (although, as for me, it’s too cold for a bedroom),
  • cork floor, etc.

It all depends on your budget. Inexpensive repairs in the bedroom (there are endless photos of such options) is quite possible (and I was personally convinced of this).

As a result, all my work was built according to the following plan:

  1. think over the design of the bedroom and remove all the furniture;
  2. clean the walls, floor and ceiling;
  3. connect electrical points to new lighting sources (if your wiring is not in order, then take care of that too);
  4. finish the floor, walls and ceiling (I laid laminate on the floor, chose plain colors for the walls vinyl wallpapers, and decorated the ceiling with white PVC panels– for the price, this simple renovation in the bedroom, photos on the walls and new accessories cost me 28,000 rubles);
  5. arrange furniture and complement the style with accessories and textiles (I bought beautiful curtains on the window, a new bedspread and a couple of nice pillows).

What did I save on?

A beautiful renovation in the bedroom (my wife showed our photos of the interior to her relatives and friends - and they also appreciated it!) is quite possible at minimal cost. If you are counting funds, I advise you.

How to renovate your bedroom to maintain harmony between aesthetics and practicality? Believe me, this question is really difficult. After all, a bedroom is a special, intimate room, reflecting something personal. Where, if not here, can we free ourselves not only from clothes, but also from the various masks and roles that we have to wear in life.

The easiest way, of course, to realize your design ideas is to use the services of a professional team. All you have to do is choose the project you like and wait for it to come to life. But it’s not hard to guess how much this will ultimately cost. And there are no guarantees that in a month or two you won’t see similarly decorated apartments at your neighbors’. Therefore, it is best to do renovations in the bedroom yourself - this way you will be able to create a unique atmosphere in it, plus save quite a decent amount of money.

Where to begin?

You should start by drawing up a plan on which you can clearly and in detail display all the desired elements and structures, figure out how and where it is best to place the furniture, lighting, etc.

If you do not know the area of ​​the room and the dimensions of the walls, and also have no idea how wide the doorway is, first of all, you should make the necessary measurements. After all, how can you make a plan at random?

Having made thoughtful calculations based on a detailed plan, you can go for necessary materials- high-quality, environmentally friendly, safe for health. Still we're talking about about the bedroom.

Dismantling old coatings

And now is the time to start removing old wallpaper, paint, whitewash, flooring - if any. Your faithful “friends” at this stage will be: a basin, water, a spatula, a roller, etc. The procedure for “dismantling” outdated finishing is the most lengthy and complex, but the future aesthetics of the bedroom largely depends on the quality of its implementation.

Working with wiring

It is very important to determine in a timely manner the places for lamps in the room. Where do you think they should be? Do you need sconces? Do you prefer spot or diffuse lighting? All these questions require very specific answers. It is necessary to install wiring for each planned device, and also, if necessary, install outputs for switches and sockets.


It is always scary for an inexperienced master to start puttingtying the ceiling, because this operation is quite complex and labor-intensive. The resulting ceiling should be smooth and perfectly level - so do not forget to use a level during the work process.

You can experiment with plasterboard structures, you can use suspended ceilings - it all depends on your aesthetic “inclinations” and imagination.


Working with walls is no less simple than working with the ceiling. They should also turn out to be exemplary even - any error will subsequently be evident.

Walls are a real field for the creativity of the enthusiast owner.

If wallpapering or surface painting is expected, plastering may be necessary. But it is better and easier to eliminate unevenness using gypsum plasterboard.

Installing drywall is a “not dusty” job, relatively fast, the walls turn out just right in the blink of an eye. Wallpaper and paint fit perfectly on it. The only disadvantage of this solution is that the usable area of ​​the bedroom is somewhat reduced.


Almost any material can be used as bedroom flooring. Within reason, of course. Linoleum, parquet, laminate, cork - if carefully selected, they will become a real decoration of the interior.

If the stumbling block for you is ignorance of the technology for installing the flooring you like, and you doubt whether you should renovate your bedroom yourself, videos from professional craftsmen will come to your aid. Detailed visual instructions will instill confidence in your own abilities and an understanding that in fact everything is not so difficult - you just need to want to.

So, we "walked" around the bedroom in general outline and formed a row useful recommendations. But it would be stupid, when undertaking a major renovation in this room, not to add a little “zest” to it, an individual vision of the ideal space for sleeping.

Functional zoning of space

Traditionally, the bedroom is arranged in one of the farthest and quiet corners of the apartment, mostly in isolation. But if desired (and necessary), you can “introduce” here workplace, and living room elements.

If the house has high ceilings, you can construct a mezzanine and place a bed for sleeping on the second level. Thus, additional space will be freed up, which can be used usefully - for example, to arrange a wardrobe.

Worth knowing! A place to store clothes is, in principle, one of the key elements of a bedroom. And even if the square footage of your home allows you to allocate a separate room for the wardrobe without any doubt, it is advisable that it be located adjacent to the bedroom.

For lovers of non-standard, but practical solutions, we can recommend a podium-pencil case or a transforming bed hiding in a special closet.

All kinds of decorative partitions help to divide a room into zones elegantly and tastefully.

Architectural structures such as niches, pedestals, canopies, arches in the bedroom do not look alien at all - they often become important and necessary “accents” in the interior.

But remember, creativity and high-tech are good in moderation - do not overload the bedroom with unnecessary elements, especially if its area is not particularly outstanding.

Bedroom Renovation Ideas: Popular Design Styles


This is the so-called “rustic” style. There are many of its directions - English, French, Russian, Scandinavian. But they have one thing in common - rustic furniture, bedspreads and rugs made from shreds, dry flower arrangements, still lifes in unpretentious wooden frames, wicker chairs. Country style is characterized by the use of exclusively natural materials.


Such the interior will suit people with conservative views who prefer a calm, measured rhythm of life, who do not want to change their interior to suit changing fashion. Look at examples of “classic” bedroom renovations in pictures - and you will immediately understand whether it is “yours” or not.

As a rule, a room decorated in classic style- this is a bright room correct form, radiating sustainable family peace and comfort. This bedroom is not overloaded with details.

The most typical colors are white or natural wood furniture, pastel colors for upholstery and walls; gilding and bronze finishing of interior items and furniture are possible; blue-green “blocs” also look harmonious.

It is very important to learn certain rules for creating classic interior, especially if you are going to renovate the bedroom yourself - you can easily find videos and photos on the topic on the Internet.


This style is characterized by warm tones, natural materials. Only natural colors. A bedroom designed in this style is always comfortable and cozy.

High tech

The interior of the bedroom is based on the harmony of space and light. Its base is black, white and grey colour. Their combinations with other “pure” colors - blue, yellow, red - are harmonious.

Clean shiny surfaces ceilings, floors, walls undoubtedly distinguish this style from others.

“Elegant simplicity” - this is how high-tech can be described in a nutshell.


Ethnic style is the flavor of a certain nation (culture), conveyed in interior details. The most popular “trends” are rightfully considered to be Eastern, African and Japanese ethnicity.


Are you tired of the abundance of impressions and rich colors? This means renovating your bedroom in a minimal style with your own hands is your goal. The number of interior items in this case, which is quite obvious, is at the “minimal” level - only things that are vital for comfortable living are placed in the room.


Practicality, quality, durability are the most characteristic features of the Biedermeier style. In such a bedroom, matte fabrics, satin, and velvet look harmonious. Luxurious furniture, overly expensive textiles and decor are inappropriate here.

Availability is welcome indoor plants and the “fruits” of handicrafts.


Such a bedroom must have an impressive area. Pretentiousness, unacceptable in other styles, is absolutely natural for Baroque. Large paintings with plant motifs, large, flashy jewelry with gilding, a bed like that of kings - all these are his characteristic features.

Art Deco

The bedroom design, implemented in the art deco style, is light and elegant. Perhaps a little theatrical, but optimistic. The predominant colors are orange, lilac, blue, soft green. The bed in such a bedroom is chosen to be wide and comfortable.

Art Deco is “distinguished” by its mixed lines, the interweaving of ethno-motifs, elements of antiquity and modern masterpieces of art.


A bedroom in the Art Nouveau style is characterized by plastic forms, sophistication, and smoothness. Sharp corners and they try to avoid lines. Color solutions Any are acceptable - the main thing is to feel the “unity” of the space. The most popular finishing materials are wood, glass, plastic, and natural stone.


A vintage style bedroom is a harmony of bright colors, interesting patterns and unusual accessories. It is a successful combination of modern pieces and antique pieces.

Main materials - wood, forged metal, antique textiles.


A bedroom in the Provence style can be recognized by its pastel colors with a number of bright color accents and some “roughness” of the design.

Furniture, as a rule, is mundane, rectangular in shape - chests of drawers, cabinets. The legs and headboard of the bed must be carved. Fabrics usually used are cambric, chintz, and satin.

Contrast is not typical for such an interior.

See how many styles and ideas can be implemented! Do-it-yourself bedroom renovation - photo selection “living proof of this” - should not be dull and primitive. Break stereotypes!

Typical mistakes when decorating a bedroom

When talking about the bedroom interior, it is impossible not to mention the most typical mistakes, which are allowed by owners who are inexperienced in matters of repair.

  1. Using a mirrored ceiling and walls. This is not the most good decision for the sleep area.
  2. Overcrowded with furniture. Try to surround yourself only useful items interior “Beauty” - in moderation.
  3. Oversaturation of the interior with frills, shuttlecocks, and openwork napkins.
  4. Too colorful wallpaper/wall coloring. You shouldn’t “torment” your eyes, at least in the bedroom.
  5. Installation of bulky, spreading chandeliers. You should not follow the relics of the past - the lighting should be even, not very bright. For the bedroom, sconces, LED light bulbs around the perimeter of the ceiling, floor lamps, etc. are optimal.

Try to make your rooms as comfortable as possible, setting you up for relaxation and healthy sleep. Do not change your taste, but always remember common sense. A bedroom is a bedroom.

The ideal bedroom is one that harmoniously combines practicality with aesthetics. An intimate atmosphere reigns in the bedroom; this room reflects the personality of the owners more than others. When undertaking a renovation, it is better to abandon excessive pretentiousness and extravagance. The ceiling, walls and floor in the bedroom should not create a oppressive environment.

The peculiarity of the renovation and furnishing of the bedroom is in maintaining an ideal balance, in which each piece of furniture would be significant in itself, but would not be an aggressive center of pressure. In such a room, good rest and sound, healthy sleep are guaranteed.

Don't think that simplicity of decoration will reduce the cost general form premises. Modern construction and Decoration Materials capable of working miracles, creating real masterpieces of design. However, you don’t have to choose expensive ones. Leading manufacturing companies, along with expensive goods, today offer materials for repairing and decorating bedrooms at very affordable prices.

You can renovate your bedroom with your own hands, turn your own ideas into reality, or look for some ideas in thematic magazines and online resources. Detailed instructions will allow even beginners to clean up their apartment.

The main thing in renovating a bedroom is proper zoning, lighting, and the most environmentally friendly materials for ceilings, walls, and flooring. Draw up a room design project, create a room of maximum comfort.

Where to start: bedroom renovation step by step

Perhaps everything was fine in your old bedroom setup. In this case, the renovation (unless it is major) will update and refresh the room. You can re-stick the wallpaper and tidy up the ceiling with your own hands. Even the floor during cosmetic repairs is sometimes left unchanged if the previous coating has not lost its freshness and attractiveness (if necessary, laying linoleum, carpet or laminate yourself is also not difficult).

If a major overhaul with redevelopment, replacement of wiring, heating equipment, updating and leveling the floor, changing the shape of door openings, then you will probably need specialist advice (or you will generally decide to entrust the entire scope of work to builders).

In any case, you will have to control the progress of work. The first thing you need to do is draw up a design project, the basis of your renovation. Be sure to note your vision for the bedroom after the renovation. There are special computer programs for this, but even a plan drawn up on plain paper will be of great benefit.

  • At the design stage, you should take into account the area of ​​the room (this will help to properly zone the space), the possible arrangement of a workplace or dressing room (if the bedroom is initially isolated from other rooms in the house or there is no other way to make the room isolated).
  • What follows budgeting, turn to compile a list of necessary construction and finishing materials. Here, too, you can rely on your own experience and strength or discuss this with experts in the matter - builders, designers. Place the main emphasis on the ratio of fairly high quality - reasonable, affordable price.
  • Before starting renovation work, empty the bedroom of all furniture, remove switches, sockets, and remove the chandelier. If you are not going to change them, cover windows and doors with cloth or film to protect them from damage and scratches.

  • Get rid of old coverings (clean up the whitewash, remove tiles, paint, wallpaper, remove the floor covering if you are repairing the floor, remove thresholds, baseboards). Dismantling can take a lot of time; skill and attention are required (the better all surfaces are cleaned of previous materials, the smoother and better quality the new cladding will lie on it).
  • The most difficult stage is redevelopment rooms, replacement of structures or individual elements. Renovation in the bedroom will begin precisely from this point, if you are thinking of changing anything in the redevelopment (demolish, erect partitions, for example, install new radiators, install a ventilation system, air conditioning, carry out a full range of electrical work, replace doors, windows).
  • Alignment surfaces may not always be needed. If the walls and ceiling were smooth before or have already undergone a similar procedure, then there is no need to repeat it. Minor damage is eliminated using putty, leveled using putty compounds, a spatula, the surfaces are primed, and allowed to dry thoroughly (a day or two). Floors are leveled using cement screed or self-release mixtures.

  • The most long-awaited and creative process - cladding surfaces and furnishings. This is the final piece of this bedroom renovation.

When you start renovating your bedroom, help yourself: draw up a design project and follow the steps outlined in it exactly. Once your budget has been created, start preparatory stage- empty the room of furniture, remove old coverings. Putty and primer will eliminate the defects, after which you can begin tiling and furnishing the bedroom.

What do you need to know about materials?

You should try to choose high-quality finishing materials for any room. However, if your financial resources are limited, make sure that the safest, most environmentally friendly materials are used for your bedroom renovation.

Choosing window, please note that plastic structures do not allow air to pass through and can cause allergic reactions, for allergy sufferers the most suitable option- wooden “breathing” windows. But the best sound and heat insulation, the simplest operation and maintenance are provided by plastic windows.

Don't give up doors in the bedroom (today rooms without interior doors), because the door in this case not only serves as a barrier for strangers, but also prevents sounds and odors (kitchen, sewer) from entering. So choose as responsibly as possible. door block to the bedroom, install it correctly.

Bedroom - special place In an apartment, a person spends an average of about 8 hours sleeping there. Such a long stay in one room requires a special approach to the choice of finishing materials: maximum environmental friendliness and health safety.

Ceiling in the bedroom

There are several ways to repair ceilings:

  • puttying;
  • cover with plasterboard;
  • install tension structures.

Puttying is serious, hard work. If you have no one to help, there is no way to entrust the work to a specialist, and the ceiling defects are too obvious and obvious, then use the training video (these lessons give good skills), or immediately install a plasterboard ceiling. Working with this material is not difficult; you can quickly gain the necessary skills and make a beautiful, even ceiling in the bedroom with your own hands.

This is advisable for several other reasons:

  • plasterboard structures level out surface differences;
  • on their basis you can create any multi-level ceilings;
  • it is immediately possible to hide communications and wiring;
  • Any type of lighting can be arranged.

Modern stretch ceilings, varied in texture and color, also hide imperfections well. They are also arranged in several levels, and the lighting is decorated differently. An additional advantage of such a ceiling is its resistance to moisture (you don’t have to be afraid of flooding by your neighbors).

The color of the ceiling in the bedroom depends on the taste of the owners, but the classic approach is this: you should focus on the size of the room and the chosen interior design style. Please note that a dark ceiling will visually make the room smaller, while a light ceiling will add space. Choose not too saturated, calm colors that maximize relaxation. Refuse the multi-colored ceiling; it will look appropriate to look small color accent in the center.

It is difficult to make a putty ceiling in a bedroom yourself. It is much easier to install a plasterboard or suspended ceiling. In any case, avoid bright color shades of the ceiling surface; opt for soft, calm colors.

Bedroom wall renovation

Rough repairs to the wall surface in the bedroom can be done using plastering or drywall. As with the ceiling, plastering the walls is not an easy procedure that requires skill. If the walls have too large depressions, then plaster will not help; the surface, even if a thick layer of material is applied, will still not become perfectly flat. With relatively flat walls, you can achieve excellent results without losing the usable area of ​​the room.

Drywall will come to the rescue here too, because it is economical and simple, walls with any flaw will turn out perfectly smooth. However, such wall covering hides the space and makes the room area smaller. To decorate bedroom walls, wallpaper (non-woven, paper, textile) in soothing colors or decorative plaster is most often used.

Level the walls in the bedroom with plaster or plasterboard sheets. For finishing Walls are suitable for decorative plaster or wallpaper.

Which the finish will suit for the bedroom floor?

A cold floor in the bedroom is unacceptable; if it is not possible to install a “warm floor” system, then choose the most suitable materials- environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch, easy to care for:

  • laminate;
  • cork;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • carpet;
  • bulk

In a small bedroom, lay laminate or parquet diagonally, this will visually expand the space. Any of the materials today is presented in construction stores in a wide range to suit every taste.

The completion of the bedroom renovation is the furnishing of the room. Try not to clutter the room, limit yourself to necessary set pieces of furniture. Taking into account all the tips listed above, your bedroom will always be spacious and comfortable.

Video: Bedroom interior design - tips and tricks

Living room renovation: how to create a cozy corner?

Bedroom renovations are carried out when you want to update the interior that has become familiar to the eye. People spend a considerable part of their lives in rooms, so everyone wants to make it cozy. That is why, before starting the planned work, it is necessary to choose the optimal design, from a human point of view. Photos of finished options or consultation with a designer will help with this. Regardless of the chosen method, you must first think through everything carefully, otherwise unforeseen expenses cannot be avoided.

It is recommended to consider in advance various options registrations. For this you will need furniture or thematic catalogs. It wouldn’t hurt to make a sketch that will help you see in advance how exactly this or that detail fits into the interior. It is advisable to consider at this stage the size of the room, the degree of illumination and the prevailing color range.

Increased attention is paid to the issue of zoning of available areas. For example, when it comes to bedroom design, it is done in isolation from other rooms. On the one hand, every centimeter of space must be used rationally, without overloading the interior. On the other hand, if there is sufficient space in the room, a wardrobe or workplace is equipped.

The further stages of work are as follows:

  1. Drawing up an estimate for the work - the more accurately the materials needed for repairs are taken into account, the easier it is to decide on the financial issue. Beginners can use specialized computer programs. We do this to simplify the entire process, because they allow you to see an approximate estimate based on the entered parameters;
  2. Preparing the future place of work - in order to make it convenient to carry out the necessary manipulations in the room, all furniture and equipment should be removed from it. In cases where the project does not provide for the replacement of windows and doors in the room, they should first be protected from accidental damage, dust and possible paint. For this purpose it is used special film, which you can buy at a building materials store;
  3. Removing old structures and coatings - in most cases we are talking about unnecessary wallpaper, whitewash, tiles or paint. This stage takes a lot of time and requires increased caution. The real difficulties begin at the stage of removing the baseboard and threshold.

Bedroom renovation options: finishing walls and ceilings

In order for the bedroom to be transformed, you need to pay close attention to the walls and ceiling. When it comes to the ceiling, then change it appearance can be done using: puttying, installing a tension or plasterboard option. The first way is to wisely use sufficient construction experience for people, otherwise many mistakes cannot be avoided. It's easier to work with drywall.

Firstly, they level out almost all surface unevenness, and, secondly, they allow you to hide unsightly communications with your own hands. Among other advantages, versatility stands out - the ability to be used in the interior, regardless of its characteristics. If the design of the room includes the use multi-level ceiling, then it is recommended to use plasterboard or suspended ceilings.

No less attention should be paid to the issue of transforming walls:

  • Drywall is an inexpensive and simple ways hide all surface irregularities;
  • If there is no desire to visually reduce the space in the room, the choice must be made in favor of plaster;
  • Finishing is carried out using wallpaper and decorative plaster;
  • Various types of finishes will help you study the photographs in the thematic press.

Where to start renovating the bedroom: you also need to look under your feet

A beautiful floor in a room should not have cold tones. A similar requirement applies to its temperature. The “warm floor” system will help you fully experience the benefits of a well-insulated floor option. If you don’t have the financial means to install it, then several common types of materials will help you create a comfortable option. The list opens with laminate flooring that can be easily installed even by not very experienced people.

After installation special care it does not require - in addition, a good designer will offer a number of other options:

  1. Linoleuma budget option floor covering. For decades, furniture was placed on it that could not harm the linoleum. If from a functional point of view the material confidently outperformed its competitors, then from an aesthetic point of view it left much to be desired;
  2. Bulk floor– creates a perfectly flat surface when minimum cost time. Other advantages include the ability to create a floor in 3D images;
  3. Suberic floor– environmentally friendly and pleasant to the touch coating. Its only drawback is the ban on the use of aggressive chemicals cleaning;
  4. Parquet– requires increased attention in terms of care. At the same time, it allows you to create a designer floor. A significant disadvantage of the material is its high cost.

It is more correct to start with redevelopment, which involves dismantling individual elements. The same should be done when it comes to zoning space using partitions. In addition, at the redevelopment stage, heating radiators are replaced, air conditioning is installed, installation or configuration changes are carried out electrical wiring, installation of new double-glazed windows.

Finishing material is selected taking into account aesthetic and environmental factors. The phased work plan must take this aspect into account. The absence of dangerous dyes and other not always safe elements will have a positive effect on the health of the occupants of the premises. If we talk about the window system, then wood must be abandoned due to its inability to pass air flow in the required volume. Incorrect microclimate in the best possible way will affect indoor air quality.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that the apartment requires high-quality sound insulation. Only plastic windows can cope with this task. However, you need to remember one point. If people with allergies live in the house, then plastic windows worth refusing. A similar requirement applies to doors. They are mistakenly perceived as a monolithic obstacle designed to protect the inhabitants of the room from military invasion.

  • The bet is placed on functional furniture With big amount retractable elements;
  • Visually expands a small bedroom corner cupboard with glass sliding panels;
  • In rooms with unusual geometry, it is better to use 2-3 noticeable visual accents. This will be a designer cabinet or a painting;
  • Whatever finishing option is chosen, it is necessary to avoid excessive cluttering of the space with furniture.

Carrying out renovations indoors is not an easy task and requires good preparation. When making a sketch, take into account architectural features premises where it is planned to change the situation. Furniture, windows and doors are selected taking into account the preferred style of the interior. After approval of the estimate, the transformation of the premises begins. The main thing is to maintain a balance between the degree of congestion of the available space and the desired result.

Examples of bedroom renovations (photos of interiors)

A bedroom is a place intended for rest and sleep. The interior planning and choice of finishing materials must be approached very seriously, since bright, intense and eye-catching shades are completely unsuitable here, as is the abundance of plastic and metal in the decor.

The bedroom is a place where we spend a lot of time. Therefore, for its design you should not choose too bright and aggressive colors.

How to renovate a bedroom and what is better to choose? Experts advise using only natural materials; among shades, preference is given to calm, pastel colors. This rule is especially important for apartments that do not have a large amount of free space. The renovation itself can be a major one, with a complete replacement of all materials, including furniture, or partial, cosmetic. The second option is more economical.

Major bedroom renovation

Almost every man can renovate his bedroom with his own hands. This process is complex and can take up to a month. The duration depends on what kind of work needs to be done. The rules for performing the work are as follows:

If you are planning a major renovation, you should start with replacing windows.

  1. It is necessary to start a major overhaul with a complete replacement window frames and doors. It’s not always possible to do it yourself, so it’s better to call a specialist who will take preliminary measurements and then install the frames and doors. In the latter case, the doorway is first prepared, and only then the frame and panel are installed.
  2. After this, a series of works is carried out to replace communications. Not only the electrical wiring is changed, but also ventilation system, television cable and other communications are being laid. After installation, all completed channels must be carefully decorated.
  3. At the next stage, preparations are made for replacing the sockets; the wall surface must be cleaned of the old coating. Usually all old finishing materials from the walls, ceiling and floor are removed immediately.
  4. Directly renovation work in the bedroom you need to start from the floor. Various options are possible, from installing heated floors to laying solid board or parquet. The complexity of the work depends on which flooring option was chosen.
  5. Next you need to start finishing the walls. First, they are leveled by puttying and installing plasterboard structures. If windows and doors are being replaced, you must first install them, and then wallpaper or use another type of finish, including the use of decorative plaster or painting.
  6. The ceiling is finished last, since the work requires cleanliness of other surfaces. For the bedroom, you can use various decorating options, including simple painting. But if the room allows, then it is best to make suspended or suspended ceilings, which amaze with their diversity and attractiveness. Imitations of starry skies with illumination and multi-tiered plasterboard structures are excellent. The color scheme should be calm. It all depends on the chosen style and the rest of the bedroom design.

Bedroom renovation

Do-it-yourself bedroom renovations are much easier to organize.

A special feature of the work is that finishing must be done from top to bottom.

This means that work is done near the ceiling first, and the floor is finished last. Furniture is placed only after the work is completed.
Cosmetic repairs are performed in the following sequence:

Use pastel shades to paint the ceiling.

  1. You need to start work from the ceiling. First, the baseboards under the ceiling are glued using liquid nails. You can choose special plastic lightweight edges. They will give the ceiling a presentable appearance. Imitation is also used gypsum stucco. It is not necessary to take massive ones decorative elements, thin strips that act as a separator are suitable. Their selection depends on the style of the room. For modern style imitation stucco is not suitable, but for classic, baroque it is an excellent option. After the edging is glued and completely dry, you can start painting the ceiling. For a bedroom it is advisable to use pastel shades; for a small room a soft, pleasant shade of color is ideal Ivory. The number of layers depends on the result you want to get.
  2. Next, the DIY bedroom renovation continues, the turn is now behind the walls. Most often, wallpaper is used for this; today they can be purchased in any texture and color. Paper, vinyl, non-woven wallpapers are best suited for bedrooms; there are numerous options for photo wallpapers that allow you to create an unusual, attractive design. The rules for choosing colors are also observed here. Soft, soft, pastel shades are used; the absence of bright and too intense colors, small unobtrusive patterns is encouraged. But very light, white wallpaper is not suitable for bedrooms. The best options are pale gold, pink, blue, sand. As a design, you can choose smooth patterns and geometric patterns.
  3. If possible, you can use decorative wallpaper instead of wallpaper. textured paints and plaster. There are many more finishing options here; you can use elegant Venetian plaster, imitation of natural fabrics, wood. The process of decorating the walls depends on the chosen technology, but work should begin only after the surface is prepared, at least leveled.
  4. The flooring is installed after the ceiling and walls are ready. The simplest option for a bedroom is linoleum, which can be laid in just a couple of hours. For the bedroom you can use soft, calm shades, for example, honey, light brown, gray. It will be a little more difficult to lay laminate flooring, since the material requires more complex preparation and the use of a substrate. Rarely, but still, ceramic tiles are used; the only option that is suitable is the simultaneous installation of a heated floor system, but this is a major overhaul that requires more time.

How to renovate a small bedroom?

Doing renovations in the bedroom yourself is more difficult if it concerns a small room.

It’s not just about choosing materials for work, but also how to choose and arrange furniture to make the room cozy and suitable for proper rest.
The following conditions for the selection of materials are observed:

Brown shades work well for painting the bedroom floor.

  1. For the floor, it is best to choose honey and light brown shades, light gray works well, milky color. The covering material is laminate or linoleum of excellent quality; carpet can be used for a small room, but not dark shades, although many experts do not entirely recommend using it for rooms whose area is less than 9 m².
  2. For walls, you should also choose coatings in light, pastel shades. It is best if they are plain or with a vertical pattern, but not very small and intrusive. For small bedrooms, it is better not to choose coverings with small and intricate patterns, even if they are stains or geometric patterns. The best option is wallpaper, but you can also use decorative plaster, for example, Venetian. The bedroom can be decorated in soft pink, light lilac, honey, light green, and blue shades. Panels made of natural wood, complex plasterboard structures that will take up a lot of space. MDF panels or plastic panels are not the best option for finishing. After application, the plaster can be coated with matte varnish or varnish with glitter. It is recommended to use paper or non-woven wallpaper; its design should be calm and not distract attention.
  3. The ceilings are pitched in White color, it is better to take paint with a slight pearlescent sheen to visually make the room a little lighter and taller. But there is one more trick that helps to formalize small rooms, is the use stretch ceiling, the fabric of which imitates the night or day sky.

Whatever bedroom design you choose, the selection of materials must be taken responsibly. Only natural products are welcome. If you want global changes, you will have to be prepared for major renovation. If you are not ready for long-term work and your budget is limited, then a simple one will do. redecorating DIY bedrooms.