Model of the planet of the solar system with your own. DIY solar system model for school

To make it easier for a child to learn school material, there are visual aids. And in order to learn to think on a “universal scale,” the universe must fit on his desk. And this is a great opportunity to show your creativity and, together with your child, make a model of the solar system with your own hands.

Joint creativity between parents and children always has a beneficial effect on friendly and trusting relationships between them. And in this case, it also has a cognitive purpose that will broaden the horizons of not only the child, but also the adult. Our solar system includes the Sun and nine planets with their satellites.

These are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. They have different sizes, colors and at different distances from the Sun. This must be taken into account when making a model of the solar system.

In the model we simulate only planets, but if desired, we can also designate their satellites. To maintain the sizes of the planets in relation to each other, you can use the photo as a guide:

An endless universe of crafts

So how can you make a solar system model for kids at minimal cost? There are several ways.

The most primitive model of the solar system can be made from plasticine or salt dough, painted in the desired colors. It is suitable for the smallest babies.

This model will give the child an idea that all planets revolve around the sun and their number.

  • let's blind the orange sun;
  • brown-orange Mercury;
  • in the same color we sculpt Venus;
  • the Earth will be blue and green;
  • black-red Mars;
  • Jupiter will be brown;
  • Saturn is blinded with rings;
  • Uranium will be made of blue + gray mass;
  • We make Neptune out of blue;
  • gray Pluto.

We string all the “planets” onto wooden skewers and attach them to the “Sun”. For greater clarity, skewers can be made of different lengths. Ready.

A plasticine model can be made on a plane:

As a gift for a little schoolchild, you can make a model of the solar system from papier-mâché.

Papier-mâché (translated from French as “chewed paper”) is a plastic mass made from paper with the addition of binders and adhesives (starch, gypsum, glue).

A paper layout is the simplest and most affordable to make. A detailed master class with photos will help you make it.

Materials for work:

  • newspaper;
  • gray toilet paper;
  • office glue;
  • plywood sheet;
  • colored gouache paints;
  • quick-drying blue paint;
  • some silver beads.

Make a ball of newspaper soaked in water.

We wrap it with toilet paper and roll this lump into a bun. Lubricate the paper bun with glue, spreading it evenly over the surface.

Leave the balls to dry at room temperature or on a radiator.

While the parts are drying, let’s prepare the basis of the layout: we cut out a circle of the required size from plywood, taking into account the size of the prepared planets. We paint it with blue paint.

We make scatterings of stars from silver-colored beads, evenly distributing them on a circle, according to the picture of the starry sky.

We paint the dried koloboks, imitating the color of the planets.

We will make the rings of Saturn from silver paper.

It is imperative to accurately position the planets in relation to the Sun.

We screw screws into the bottom of the plywood, according to the location of the planets.

We screw our “planets” on top of them.

Our model of the solar system is ready.

During the manufacturing process, you can tell your child about the structure of the solar system, about the planets and everything that will be interesting to him. And such a gift will take on special meaning for him.

A wonderful idea to create a model of the solar system as an element of the interior of a children's room.

First, we decorate part of the ceiling as a starry sky.

We make planets from papier-mâché as described above.

We paint them with acrylic paints. It is more effective to use glossy ones.

We pay a little more attention to the sun. We color and make rays from a strip of faux fur.

We attach a fishing line to the “planets” and secure them with paper clips or a stapler to the ceiling, observing the order of their location from the “Sun”.

Simple memos

Sometimes it is difficult for children to remember the names of objects that they do not often encounter in everyday life. To make it easier for them to memorize, adults come up with special rhymes in which the first letter of the word coincides with the first letter of the name of the object that needs to be remembered. Such poems are called mnemonic.

Probably, many in childhood learned the names and order of the colors of the rainbow from the phrase “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.”

Children's poems and funny phrases have also been invented to remember the names and order of the planets of the solar system. You can learn a poem by Arkady Khait with your child:

  • Any of us can name all the planets in order: one - Mercury, two - Venus, three - Earth,

Four - Mars, five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, seven - Uranus, followed by Neptune.

Marina Stolyarova

“Humanity will not remain on earth forever, but,

in pursuit of light and space,

at first it will timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere,

and then he will conquer everything for himself circumsolar space"

K. Tsiolkovsky

Since ancient times, people's eyes have been directed to the sky. From the first steps on earth, man felt his dependence on the sky; his life and activities largely depended on it. Our ancestors knew and understood well "habits" sky. For them, the sky was alive, full, and manifesting itself in many ways. This love and knowledge of the sky must be cultivated in older preschoolers.

Target: create solar system layout and using his example to show that The solar system is a system of planets, in the center of which there is a bright star, a source of energy, heat and light - Sun. Nine major planets revolve around it in orbit.

Material: stationery glue, scissors, sewing threads of different colors, balloons, foil, hoop, waste material (paper, plastic boxes).

1. Prepare the necessary material. Inflate balloons of different sizes according to the required size solar system(planets, Sun) .

2. Thread a needle and pass it through the glue.

3. Wrap each ball with thread and let the glue dry.

4. After the glue has dried, remove the balloon from the threads by first untying it or bursting it.

5. For the planet Saturn, cut out a ring from foil or paper and glue it to the future planet.

6. Wrap threads around the hoop.

7. Cut out stars and comets from foil.

8. Make a ship from waste material.

9. Hang all planets, stars and comets in accordance with the location of the planets solar system. Sign the names.

10. The model of the solar system is ready.

Publications on the topic:

"Planets of the solar system" for group design for the thematic week "Space". Master Class. As in many other gardens, we had it.

Hello dear colleagues! I want to show you my model of "Planets of the Solar System". After all, soon April 12 is Cosmonautics Day, and the topic is...

On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, I prepared an informative visual aid to supplement educational environment materials in kindergarten.

I would like to present to your attention a model of the “Planets of the Solar System” with my own hands. Space is very big. Besides our Earth, there are others.

Any of us can name all the planets in order. One - Mercury, two - Venus, three - Earth, four - Mars. Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, seven.

I would like to present to you a model of the “Planets of the Solar System” with my own hands. So, for outer space we will need: Frame 30*50.

On the eve of the anniversary of Cosmonautics Day, I offer you a master class on making a model of the “Planets of the Solar System”. Do it together.

Natalia Bubnova

I want to introduce you layout« Planets of the Solar System» with your own hands.

So, for outer space we will be needed:

Frame 30*50

Cardboard 30*50

We paint the cardboard black (if you have large-format black cardboard, you can use it, let it dry. Then we apply orbits with white gouache, draw stars with colored glitter or paints, you can draw constellations, meteorites, etc.

For creating we will need planets:

Foam balls 10 pcs. different sizes;

Cardboard for Saturn's ring.

PVA glue for fastening planets to cardboard;

We paint the balls with gouache, after coloring we give them ready planets dry up.

Our planets and outer space dried up. Can be glued sun and planets.

Arrangement order planets from the Sun next: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, you can add the Earth's satellite Moon.

Model making solar system is a great way to explore space.

So that children remember the sequence planets of the solar system, you can use A. Haight’s poem

" 8 planets"

Everything in order planets

Any one of us will call:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

Publications on the topic:

We continue to add visual aids to our Nature Center. To make the “Sea” model we will need: - A sheet of thick cardboard.

A SPACE ROOM was created in our kindergarten. Each group presented material on a space theme. The guys and I decided.

To make a model we will need: 1. A sheet of cardboard or fiberboard. 2. Foam plastic. 3. Newspaper. 4. Napkins. 5. Colored sand. 6. Gouache or watercolor.

Take a medium-sized hoop and wrap it with insulating tape. Cover it with fabric of the appropriate color. Make balls out of paper.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

Space beckons with its mysteries and mystery. Let's try to understand the complex structure of the Universe using simple examples. Let's make a model of the solar system with the children and go on a journey to distant stars.

There are a lot of stars and planets in our Universe. They are far from each other, but we can see some even with the naked eye. All planets are different, and only on Earth there is life. Our Earth revolves around the Sun, and with it seven other planets. Some planets have satellites. The Earth, for example, has the Moon.

A simple rhyme will help you remember all the planets of our solar system:

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.

In order for this short story to resonate with a child’s soul, we suggest making a visual model of the Solar System, guided by one of the proposed ideas.

The universe is limitless, but for convenience, let's put part of it in a shoebox. Space in a box is not difficult to make, the materials are very simple.

Remove the lid from the shoe box. Invite your child to paint the bottom and sides with the “color of space” - dark blue, black. Make stars from plasticine or colored cardboard and glue them to the walls of the space box. The most important part of the work is to sculpt all the planets of the solar system and the Sun itself. Help your child attach space objects to strings and secure them to the top wall of an upside-down box.

While they were crafting, we remembered the names of the planets, tried to approximately maintain their sizes relative to each other and fix their location relative to the Sun and their neighbors.

If your child is one of those who likes to study the issue thoroughly, in all the small details, be puzzled by the appearance of the planets. Discuss why this or that planet is the color it is and what this is connected with.

Mercury grey . The surface is rocky with large craters.

Venus yellow-white. It has this color due to a dense layer of sulfuric acid clouds.

Earth light blue. The oceans and atmosphere give it this color when viewed from a distance. When you get closer, you can see the colors brown, yellow and green.

Mars red-orange. It is rich in iron oxides, due to which the soil has a characteristic color.

Jupiter orange with white splashes. Orange is due to ammonium hydrosulfide clouds, white is due to ammonia clouds. There is no solid surface on Jupiter.

Saturn light yellow. The red clouds are covered with a thin haze of white ammonia clouds, creating the illusion of a light yellow color. There is no hard surface.

Uranus pale blue due to methane clouds. There is no hard surface.

Neptune pale blue. Covered with methane clouds (like Uranus), but due to its distance from the Sun it appears darker. There is no hard surface.

Pluto light brown. The rocky surface and dirty icy methane crust give it such a hue. Sometimes it is referred to as the 9th planet of the solar system, but it is worth knowing that not so long ago it was excluded from the list of planets and classified as dwarfs. Astronomers have substantiated the reasons for this.

The planets revolve around the Sun along a certain trajectory. To explain this to your child, make a layout on a horizontal plane. Draw circles and place each planet on its own “treadmill.”

You can show the approximate distance from the planets to the Sun on a model with wooden skewers.

You can visually depict the size of the planets and the distance to the Sun in this way. The planets are wool balls. The sun is the top of the tree. Each planet is on its own “branch”.

Here is an example of a visual aid that not only explains how everything works in the Universe, but also serves as a decoration for the room, an excellent decoration for.

You can also find worthwhile manuals on sale that will clearly demonstrate the “relationships” between the planets of the solar system.

Tell us what layouts you came up with. We are waiting for stories and photos in the comments.

Good afternoon or evening everyone!

Soon we will have Cosmonautics Day. The space theme always attracts children with its mystery and mystery.

Parents can tell interesting stories about astronauts, guess riddles about space, learn the names of the planets, and make a model of the solar system with their children with their own hands. The layout can be made large or small, depending on the material. place it in the children's room. The child will be interested in playing, learning the names of the planets or simply making up space fairy tales.

Recently, my granddaughter Yulia and I made a model of the solar system from foam balls. And today I will show you a master class.

A little information about the solar system

Children, studying space, realize that all planets revolve around the Sun.

Our Earth rotates around the Sun in one year. All planets revolve around the center of the Universe in a certain time.

For example, Mercury revolves around the Sun in 88 Earth days, Uranus - in 84 Earth years. There are 8 planets in the solar system. Pluto was recognized as the smallest planet. Let's remember the names of all the planets.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Planets that are close to the Sun are very hard due to constantly high temperatures. As planets move away from the Sun, temperatures drop.

Features of some planets

The smallest planet is Mercury. It is closest to the Sun.

Therefore, the planet's atmosphere is scorched. On the light side the temperature is + 430 degrees, on the dark side - -170.

Saturn is interesting for its structure. It has a ring that is made of rocks and ice. The temperature on the planet is -150 degrees.

DIY solar system model with children. Master Class

Let's prepare everything we need. For the model of the Solar System, we took a piece of thin foam plastic that we found from our grandfather.

What else do we need:

  • foam balls of different sizes;
  • acrylic paints;
  • toothpicks or skewers;
  • brush.

We make planets from foam balls.

Tell children about space and astronauts. Play games, read poetry.

Styrofoam balls can be purchased at any craft store. All planets are different sizes. We didn't have enough different balls, so we made small planets - Mercury and Mars - from newspaper. To do this, crumple a piece of newspaper into a ball. We wet it with water, squeeze it out, and make a ball. We wrap the ball several times with toilet paper, moisten it with water again, and form a ball of the desired size. Take a little glue in your hand and spread it over the surface of the ball. Irregularities will create the relief of the planet.

We send the finished balls to dry. By the way, if there are no foam balls, all the planets can be made this way, dried, then painted.

We place the sun in the center, and all the planets around it.

We take the largest ball - it will be the Sun. We paint it yellow.

Then we paint all the other planets, matching the paint by color. The smallest planets are Mercury and Mars, then we take slightly larger balls for Venus and Earth. Giants - Jupiter, Saturn. About the same, but Saturn has a ring.

We place foam balls on skewers to make it convenient to paint them. We do not pierce the ball completely.

The following colors were used: Mercury had to be made gray, and Yulia painted it orange. Venus is blue and green, Earth is blue and green. You can also add yellow. Mars is red.

Jupiter is orange and has white stripes, as well as a large red spot.

Saturn was made yellow and the ring was orange. Uranus is blue and Neptune is blue.

Julia painted the balls and left them on skewers to dry.

Saturn needs to make a ring. We made it out of cardboard. We cut out two circles, inserted toothpicks between them, sealed them and placed the other end of the toothpick into a ball.

Our planets are ready!

The solar system model is made from foam plastic. We have it all in holes. We painted the polystyrene foam black and drew circles representing the orbits of the planets with acrylic paint.

Everything was dried well. Then they placed the Sun and all the other planets in the center: Mercury, Venus, our Earth in third place, Mars, then the giants - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

The balls were attached to the foam using toothpicks. Everything is holding up well.

This model of the solar system will help the child get to know the planets better and learn their names.

The layout can be made smaller, in the form of a circle, simply by placing the planets around the Sun on sticks or skewers.

Our Julia immediately sculpted Luntik and his friends out of plasticine and began playing with them and sending them into outer space.

It's so easy to do with a child model of the solar system.

Write comments and share information with friends.

Best regards, Olga.