How to make your own boiler for water heating. Do-it-yourself stove with water heating boiler, instructions

When designing a heating system for a private home, many owners, in order to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment, prefer homemade heating boilers to factory ones. Indeed, factory units are quite expensive, but they can be made if you have competent drawings and skills in handling tools for mechanical processing of materials, as well as a welding machine.

The operation scheme of water heating boilers is, as a rule, universal - the thermal energy that is released during fuel combustion is transferred to a heat exchanger, from where it goes to heating devices for heating the house. The design of the units can be very different, such as the fuel used and materials for manufacturing.

Long-burning pyrolysis boilers

The operation scheme of a long-burning pyrolysis device is based on the process of pyrolysis (dry distillation). During the smoldering process of firewood, wood gas is released, which burns at a very high temperature. In this case, a large amount of heat is released - it is used to heat the water heat exchanger, from where it is supplied through the main line to the heating devices to heat the house.

Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers are quite expensive, so many owners prefer to make a homemade heating boiler for their home.

The design of such a unit is quite simple. Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers consist of the following elements:

  • Firewood loading chamber.
  • Grate.
  • Combustion chamber for volatile gases.
  • A smoke exhauster is a means of providing forced draft.
  • Water type heat exchanger.

Firewood is placed in the loading chamber, set on fire and the damper is closed. In a sealed space, smoldering wood produces nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen. They enter a special compartment where they burn, releasing a large amount of heat. It is used to heat the water circuit, from where, together with the heated coolant, it is used to heat the house.

The fuel combustion time of such a water heating device is about 12 hours - this is quite convenient, since there is no need to visit it often to load a new portion of firewood. For this reason, solid fuel pyrolysis boilers are very highly valued among private sector home owners.

The drawing in the diagram clearly demonstrates all the design features of pyrolysis hot water boilers.

In order to make such a device yourself, you will need a grinder, a welding machine and the following consumables:

  • Sheet of metal 4 mm thick.
  • Metal pipe with a diameter of 300 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm.
  • Metal pipes with a diameter of 60 mm.
  • Metal pipes with a diameter of 100 mm.

The step-by-step manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  • We cut a section 1 m long from a pipe with a diameter of 300 mm.
  • Next, you need to attach a bottom made of sheet metal - to do this, you need to cut out a section of the required size and weld it with the pipe. The stands can be welded from channel bars.
  • Next we make a means for air intake. We cut out a circle with a diameter of 28 cm from sheet metal. In the middle we drill a hole measuring 20 mm.
  • We place the fan on one side - the blades should be 5 cm in width.
  • Next, we install a tube with a diameter of 60 mm and a length of more than 1 m. We attach a hatch on the top side so that it is possible to adjust the air flow.
  • A hole for fuel is required at the bottom of the boiler. Next, you need to weld and attach the hatch for a hermetically sealed closure.
  • We place the chimney on top. It is placed vertically at a distance of 40 cm, after which it is passed through a heat exchanger.

Solid fuel pyrolysis devices of the hot water type very effectively provide heating for a private home. Making them yourself helps save a very significant amount of money.

How to make a steam boiler with your own hands

The operation scheme of steam heating systems is based on the use of thermal energy of hot steam. When fuel burns, a certain amount of heat is generated, which enters the water heating section of the system. There, the water turns into steam, which flows under high pressure from the hot water section into the heating main.

Such devices can be single-circuit or double-circuit. A single-circuit device is used only for heating. Double-circuit also ensures the presence of hot water supply.

The steam heating system consists of the following elements:

  • Water heating steam device.
  • Stoyakov.
  • Highways.
  • Heating radiators.

The drawing in the figure clearly demonstrates all the nuances of the design of a steam boiler.

You can weld such a unit with your own hands if you have some skills in handling a welding machine and tools for mechanical processing of materials. The most important part of the system is the drum. We connect the water circuit pipes and instruments for control and measurement to it.

Water is pumped into the upper part of the unit using a pump. Pipes are directed downwards, through which water enters the collectors and the lifting pipeline. It passes through the fuel combustion zone and water is heated there. Essentially, the principle of communicating vessels is involved here.

First you need to think through the system well and study all its elements. Then you need to purchase all the necessary consumables and tools:

  • Stainless steel pipes with a diameter of 10-12 cm.
  • Stainless steel sheet 1 mm thick.
  • Pipes with a diameter of 10 mm and 30 mm.
  • Safety valve.
  • Asbestos.
  • Tools for machining.
  • Welding machine.
  • Instruments for control and measurement.

  • We make the body from a pipe 11 cm long with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm.
  • We make 12 smoke pipes 10 cm long.
  • We make a flame tube 11 cm.
  • We make partitions from stainless steel sheets. We make holes in them for the smoke tubes - we attach them to the base by welding.
  • We weld the safety valve and manifold to the body.
  • Thermal insulation is carried out using asbestos.
  • We equip the unit with monitoring and adjustment devices.


As practice shows, the manufacture of boilers for heating systems in private houses is quite common. If all thermal engineering calculations are carried out correctly, and if there is a well-drawn drawing and wiring diagram for the main line, such devices cope with their task quite effectively and allow you to save a significant amount of money, since such factory-made devices are quite expensive.

Making heating devices on your own is a scrupulous, complex and time-consuming task. In order to cope with it, you need to be able to use a welding machine and have skills in using tools for mechanical processing of materials. If you don’t have such skills, this will be a good opportunity to learn - and you will be able to provide your home with warmth and comfort with your own hands.

Every home should be cozy and comfortable, but what is comfort without warmth? To do this, houses are equipped with a heating system, which looks like a complex pipe layout and a boiler.

It is in the boiler that the coolant is located, which heats up and, with the help of pumping equipment, passes through pipes through radiators, giving off some of the heat, and returns cooled back to the boiler. And the action is repeated again.

Nowadays, companies that produce equipment for heating systems offer a wide selection of options for heating devices. From expensive models to affordable ones for the common man.

But a low price, as a rule, does not mean quality and long service life. In this regard, some consumers became interested in the question: how to make a heating boiler with your own hands?

We will try to help you with practical advice and recommendations and provide photos of different shapes of boilers.


First, you should decide on the boiler model that will suit your home. It depends on the type of fuel you are going to use.

Types of models are divided into:


These are the most complex models in design and very similar to each other. To install a gas boiler, you must obtain permission from the gas service, which can easily oppose its installation, citing the fact that the boiler needs to be pressure tested in their laboratory.

But having a laboratory inspection report, you will be given permission.


The easiest to make with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to take a tank and equip it with a heating element, two pipes that connect to the supply and return circuits. There is no need for a chimney or combustion chamber.

But there are still two negative points: electricity is expensive and when voltage drops, the boiler power and coolant temperature drop.

Solid fuel

The most popular and optimal type of self-made boilers for country houses. And firewood is the cheapest fuel.

Liquid fuel

This option is very labor intensive. It will be necessary to build a separate warehouse near the house to store fuel resources in accordance with fire safety standards.

From it to the boiler room it is necessary to lay a pipeline with mandatory insulation. Install a specific burner in the boiler, which requires difficult settings.

Construction of a solid fuel boiler on your own

To make a boiler yourself in a private home, you need to have the skills and knowledge of a welder.

To begin with, you will need to equip yourself with the following tools: a welding unit, an autogen, a grinder, a measuring device in the form of a tape measure, a chalk or marking agent, and a hammer.

And purchase the necessary materials: pipes dia. 425, 100 and 25 mm, metal 4 mm, connection for connection dia. 25 mm – 2 pcs., medium canopies, steel corners 25 mm, fittings dia. 8 mm.


You also can’t do without design sketches. The necessary boiler drawings can be found on certain World Wide Web sites or in technical publications, but most importantly with suitable dimensions.

Preparing for the construction of the building

The first step is to prepare the necessary details. A box 100-120 cm high is made from a larger diameter pipe. We cut it to the specified sizes and sand the edges.

Then you need to cut square windows for the firebox (20x10 cm) and the blower measuring 20x3 cm, placing them on top of each other, but with the firebox on top.

There should be 5 or 7 cm from the vent to the bottom of the body, and 5 cm to the top of the firebox. The edges should also be processed. Use the cut part of the pipe as a firebox door, cleaning the edges.

Now you need to cut holes for installing pipes dia. 25 mm: one for supply, the other for return, located opposite each other. The return is made on the side 0.15 m above the firebox. A hole for heat supply is cut at a level of 0.05 m from the top of the box, and the bends are welded.


The next step is to cut out three circles of metal: two dia. 425 mm and one dia. 412 mm. A circle of smaller diameter will be located inside the body. A hole with a diameter of slightly more than 10 cm is made in the center of all circles.

The chimney part is made from a pipe dia. 10 cm long 120-130 mm. And a pipe of dia. is used as legs. 25 mm in the amount of 4 pieces of 5 cm each. A sieve is made from the fittings for the ash collector, dia. 412 mm.

Assembling the boiler structure

To circle dia. 412 mm, the chimney is attached by welding. After this, in the inner part of the body, up 30-35 cm from the firebox opening, reinforcement stops are temporarily welded. A circle with a chimney is installed on top of them.

The next point is very important - welding the circle to the body. The seam must be made double-sided and of high quality, since it connects the firebox and the water tank.

A reinforcement grid is installed on the back inner side of the chimney. Stops are made from corners that need to be welded between the firebox and the ash pan, and a grate placed on them.


Finally, by welding we attach a circle of dia. 425 mm to the bottom of the boiler, weld the legs and hinges to install the firebox door.

Checking the boiler's performance

When your creation is completely ready, you need to pass testing. Close one squeegee and pour water into the other. If the welding seams do not allow water to pass through, then the welding work was done efficiently.

There is no need to be afraid that a leak will appear during operation. Connect the boiler to the heating structure of the country house by connecting the flow pipes to the coolant pipes. The chimney pipe should be positioned vertically upward. Within the attic it must be insulated.

Now it's time for the first fire. To do this, do not use too much firewood to heat the boiler itself and the chimney. When the temperature jumps, condensation may appear, which can become tar and narrow the diameter, which will lead to a decrease in traction.

During combustion, you need to adjust the gap in the ash pan, ensuring the required size for air passage.

The top of the bookmark is usually located 20 cm from the inner circle for optimal burning of firewood and coal. And smoke and fumes will come out through the chimney.

Operating principle

We think you already understand that a boiler is the same as a wood-burning stove. The energy from the combustion of wood warms up the coolant above the combustion chamber itself.

The coolant is heated from the inner circle and the chimney passing through the water tank. The housing heats up and accumulates cooling when the boiler is turned off.

The hot coolant moves upward and moves through the upper compartment into the heating system circuit. And it returns, cooled, through the pipe from below into the boiler.

Installing a wood-burning boiler can be made in a cubic shape from 4 mm metal, but this is a more labor-intensive process, especially the separate assembly of the firebox.

A combustion chamber is placed in the housing, and the coolant can circulate between the walls. This option is effective, but difficult to construct due to the large number of welds.

Now, if necessary, you can build a boiler for your country house yourself!

DIY boiler photo

Homemade heating boiler

In addition to purchasing heating boilers presented on the market by well-known and not so global or domestic manufacturers, there is always the opportunity to make a heating boiler with your own hands. And at the same time save on a whole list of options that your heating system can easily do without. All you need for this is knowledge of the structure and operating principle of the type of boiler you have chosen, materials, tools and equipment, as well as practical skills in working with them.

Main types of heating boilers

If desired, you can build almost any type of heating boiler. The main thing is to make the right choice, and for this you need to know the main advantages and disadvantages of the most popular types of heating equipment. AND So, heating boilers are:

  1. Gas

It is not recommended to manufacture boilers of this type on your own: gas equipment has technical requirements that you are unlikely to be able to satisfy in a makeshift environment.

  1. Electrical

The fairly high popularity of this category of heating boilers is explained by the simplicity of the design and relatively low safety requirements during installation and operation.

The classic scheme of a pyrolysis boiler includes:

  • combustion chamber with nozzle;
  • gasification chamber;
  • air supply system;
  • chimney system;
  • loading chamber;
  • water heat exchanger;
  • coolant circulation system;
  • temperature and pressure sensors;
  • control valve.

Pellet boilers were invented at the end of the 20th century. They operate on pressed sawdust, and their main operating principle is to transfer heat from the gas released during combustion of the latter, which heats the coolant in the heat exchanger.

The design of the pellet boiler includes:

  • frame;
  • combustion chamber with air window and cleaning door;
  • heat exchanger with water circuit;
  • smoke extractor;
  • thermal insulation gasket;
  • automatic control and management.

In pellet boilers, it is best to use cast iron heat exchangers: they have a higher heat transfer rate and are not subject to corrosion.

How to make an electric boiler?

The main element of an electric heating unit is a thermoelectric heater (TEH) - it is necessary to convert electricity into heat. The body of the electric boiler can be made of any material, and the components necessary for its operation - regulators, sensors, etc. - can be purchased at any specialized store.

Structurally, the electric boiler consists of: Operating principle of an electric heating boiler

The coolant in the system can circulate either naturally, for which it is necessary to provide a height difference between the radiators and the boiler tank, or forcedly using a pump. The simplest option for an electric boiler is to install a heating element directly into the heating system. If this design is not suitable, you can design an electric boiler with a removable pipe - this will make it possible to quickly get to the heating element if repair or replacement is necessary.

The optimal solution for heating, say, a small cottage is a small, separately located electric boiler. The pipe of such a boiler will have a diameter of about 220 mm, and the body length will be no more than half a meter, which allows it to be installed almost anywhere, of course, taking into account safety rules.

The body of the electric boiler must be sealed. It is equipped with a hole for the heated coolant to enter the heating system, as well as a pipe for the return supply of cooled water.

Alternative options for DIY

In addition to solid fuel and electric boilers, a number of alternative heating units are suitable for self-production:

  1. Induction boilers

They are transformers consisting of a primary and secondary winding. In such a boiler, the electricity on the external winding is converted into an eddy current, and the created magnetic field is transferred to the internal winding, which transfers energy to the coolant.

  1. Condensing boilers

They retain the thermal energy of condensate, therefore they are considered more efficient than gas and even solid fuel ones. Steam condensation occurs in a heat exchanger with a special design - it is this that provides such boilers with a 15-20% efficiency advantage over traditional gas equipment.

  1. Liquid fuel boilers

Such units evaporate waste and then burn its vapors. The energy thus obtained is transferred to a heat exchanger, which heats the heating agent of the heating system. Equipment of this type has two significant disadvantages - low efficiency and a large amount of emissions into the atmosphere.

  1. Combination boilers

This equipment is universal in use, but to manufacture it yourself will require remarkable skill and excellent knowledge of the operating principles of various types of heating equipment. The individual components of such units can be quite expensive, but in general, combined boilers can pay for themselves in no more than 5-6 seasons.

When manufacturing a boiler of any type, you must be guided by the requirements of safety regulations and standards in force for the category of heating equipment you have chosen.

Making a long-burning solid fuel boiler with your own hands, video

The main part, the heart of any heating system is the boiler. The variety of their types and designs can amaze every imagination. And, to our credit, many modern boilers are both economical and efficient devices. They have fine adjustments, are equipped with automation and can work without human intervention. Some models can even send an SMS to the owner and “report” on the thermal situation in the house, and the owner can order the desired temperature for his arrival using a mobile phone or via an Internet connection. But there are times when it is beneficial to make a heating boiler with your own hands. For example, for heating a country house or.

The Internet is literally overloaded with various information on making heating boilers yourself. Completely unexpected components are used that were never intended to be part of the boiler; some technical solutions can compete with the inventions of design bureaus; The efficiency of some boilers is not inferior to the best boilers from famous manufacturers. But unfortunately, there is a lot of “junk” information on the Internet that cannot help in any way, and in some cases can even do harm. The authors of some reviews boastfully claim that nothing is easier than making a heating boiler yourself, although in reality this is not an easy task. The purpose of this article is to understand which heating boilers are worthy of making them yourself and what are the features of the technological process of their manufacture.

Types of heating boilers and the possibility of making them yourself

The task of a heating boiler is to heat the coolant using some fuel and transfer it to the heating system, which already distributes heat to consumers. It is based on the type of fuel used that boilers are divided into several large classes. Let's look at these classes and immediately determine the feasibility of making them yourself.

  • – is currently the most cost-effective type of fuel. Modern gas boilers have high efficiency, are easy to control, and operate without human intervention. Making gas boilers yourself is possible, but is strictly not recommended. Firstly, due to the fact that gas is a dangerous type of fuel and any unauthorized intervention can lead to dire consequences, and secondly, no gas supply organization will give permission to operate a homemade gas boiler. And he will do the right thing.

  • used where there is no gasification or other types of fuel. These boilers have very high efficiency, they are easy to automate, but their use is associated with certain difficulties in storing large quantities of fuel: diesel fuel or fuel oil. Self-production of liquid fuel boilers is prohibited; no fire inspector will sign when putting a house into operation if it is equipped with uncertified equipment. And, probably, few people would want to live on a powder keg.

  • have a clear advantage over all others in the simplicity of their design, small overall dimensions, and ease of control. These boilers are relatively easy to make yourself. But all these advantages are offset by high electricity prices. Unfortunately, heating with electricity is not economically viable. This is understandable, because a significant part of electricity is obtained by burning hydrocarbon fuels. Another significant limitation is that power supply organizations will not always give permission to allocate large power.

The only obstacle to the widespread adoption of electric boilers is high electricity prices

  • , despite the assurances of skeptics about their imminent fade into the background, they continue to work successfully to this day. Moreover, they experience a real rebirth. They use firewood, coal, peat briquettes, oil shale and other types of solid fuel as fuel. Very interesting are boilers that use a special type of fuel - pellets made from wood waste. These boilers can be automated and have high efficiency, but the production and logistics of pellets is still at an embryonic level. For self-production, solid fuel boilers are most suitable, so we will consider them. But one of the representatives of solid fuel boilers - pyrolysis - deserves special attention.

It’s too early for solid fuel boilers to go “to the dustbin of history”

Solid fuel pyrolysis heating boilers

Classic solid fuel boiler is a container of a certain volume made of metal: steel or cast iron. Solid fuel is burned in it, and thermal energy is released, transferred to the coolant using heat exchangers. At the same time, outside air is constantly supplied to the combustion chamber to maintain fuel combustion. If you cover the air supply, the combustion process will slow down, and if you open it, it will go faster - this is how the power of classic solid fuel boilers is regulated.

There are boilers suitable only for a certain type of fuel: wood, coal, pellets, but there are models that operate on any fuel. Solid fuel boilers can be either natural draft or forced draft. The efficiency of a well-designed and executed classic solid fuel boiler can reach 71-79%. The advantages of such boilers are:

  • Availability and low price of fuel.
  • Possibility to use several types of fuel.
  • Ability to burn waste from wood processing and agricultural processing.
  • Full autonomy of operation, independence from electricity.

However, classic solid fuel boilers also have a number of disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  • On one load of fuel, boilers operate for no more than 4-6 hours.
  • The need to store large reserves of fuel requires additional space.
  • Loading is mostly done manually.
  • Classic solid fuel boilers require constant cleaning from combustion products.
  • The combustion process has inertia and is difficult to control.

In the category of solid fuel boilers, it is worth highlighting the so-called ones in a separate group, the operation of which occurs due to the separate combustion of fuel and the decay products coming out of it - pyrolysis gases. Let's look at the operation of such a boiler using an example.

Fuel (most often firewood) is loaded into the gasification chamber through the upper loading door. The chimney throttle is fully opened and the wood is set on fire. At the same time, a fan is turned on, which supplies air to the chamber. Naturally, the wood begins to burn as in a regular solid fuel boiler.

After the firewood has flared up, close the top door and block the chimney choke. Air continues to flow to the fuel, but in limited quantities, so the firewood begins to melt at temperatures from 200 to 800 °C. Under these conditions, a pyrolysis reaction occurs: the decomposition of wood into a solid part in the form of coal and a light part - pyrolysis gases, which are fed through a nozzle into the combustion chamber. The heated mixture is also supplied there through the secondary air supply channel. At high temperatures, pyrolysis gases ignite and are oxidized by the supplied air. Their combustion temperature is about 1100 °C.

Hot gases pass through multiple smoke channels, which are located in the heating system coolant medium - water. Thermal energy is transferred. The high temperature in the combustion chamber supports the pyrolysis process in the gasification chamber. If it is necessary to add firewood to the gasifying chamber, then completely open the chimney throttle, wait a few minutes so that the chamber is ventilated from pyrolysis gases and the normal combustion process begins. After this, open the door, add firewood, close the door and the chimney damper (throttle). The process of pyrolysis and afterburning of gases in the lower chamber resumes.

Attention: In boilers with forced primary and secondary air, the loading door can only be opened after opening the chimney damper and pausing. Otherwise, when the door is opened, the pyrolysis gases accumulated in the gasification chamber may ignite. Pyrolysis boilers do not have this disadvantage, not with air injection, but with a smoke exhauster, where a vacuum is created in the chambers.

Pyrolysis heating boilers have the following advantages:

  • In pyrolysis boilers, complete combustion of fuel occurs, which makes it possible to clean the ash pan and high-temperature gas ducts much less frequently.

  • The combustion of pyrolysis gases can be easily controlled, which allows automated boiler control.
  • The combustion process in a gasified chamber is controlled by the supply of primary air. The combustion is slow, and this allows you to work from 5-7 hours to several days on one stack of firewood (for top-burning boilers).
  • Large uncut wood can be burned in pyrolysis boilers.
  • Wood waste, plywood scraps, chipboard, fibreboard, MDF can be used as fuel.
  • Pyrolysis boilers emit 3 times less harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers:

  • Electricity is required to operate a fan or smoke exhauster, so care should be taken to equip the boiler with a powerful uninterruptible power supply.
  • When the fuel moisture content is more than 20%, the boiler efficiency drops sharply.
  • In the case of low loads, changes in the operation of the boiler are possible, which affects the deposition of tar in the flue channels. For a constant boiler load, a heat accumulator may be required to store thermal energy.

  • To prevent condensation from forming in the boiler flues, it is necessary to maintain a return temperature of at least 60 °C. Condensation leads to accelerated low-temperature corrosion of the boiler.
  • Impossibility of organizing automatic fuel supply.
  • Pyrolysis boilers are very material-intensive, so they cost 1.5-2 times higher than classic solid fuel boilers.

Since high-temperature combustion occurs in pyrolysis boilers (1100-1200 °C), the lower part of the gasification chamber and the entire combustion chamber, including the door, must be specially protected using a lining - a special heat-resistant lining. Given the high temperatures, the lining is made either with fireclay bricks or with special heat-resistant mullite-corundum concrete. What functions does the lining perform:

  • Protection of the metal surfaces of the boiler chambers from exposure to high temperatures, which prevents the metal from burning out.
  • For the successful reaction of gas release and combustion of pyrolysis gases, a certain temperature regime is required. When a flame comes into contact with a cooled metal, copious amounts of condensation may occur, and the lining allows the reaction temperature to be kept constant.

DIY heating boiler

Before you start manufacturing a pyrolysis boiler, you need to accurately determine its dimensions, which largely depend on the required power. Insufficient boiler power will not allow you to compensate for all heat losses, and excess power will require dumping the excess into heat accumulator.

Usually, in calculations it is assumed that heating 10 m 2 of housing area requires 1 kilowatt of boiler power. Let's say you need to heat 250 m2 of a country house. It turns out that the boiler must have a power of at least 25 kW. The following figures show the boiler drawing and the correspondence table sizes - power boiler

Necessary tools and materials for making a boiler

To make a pyrolysis boiler you will need the following tool:

  • Electric drill with a set of metal drills of different diameters.
  • Angle grinder (grinder) for a wheel with a diameter of 230 mm.
  • Angle grinder for 125 mm wheel.
  • To make large-diameter holes, a gas cutter or (ideally) a plasma cutter is desirable. If they are not there, then with a certain skill this can be done with a grinder.

  • Standard set of plumbing tools: hammer, chisels, files, clamps and more.

Materials for making the boiler:

  • For the manufacture of the gasification chamber and combustion chamber, it is better to use 5 mm sheet steel, and 4 mm for the outer cladding. In total, you will need approximately 7-10 m2 of sheet, depending on the specific model. In extreme cases, you can get by with a 4 mm sheet for the entire boiler.
  • Pipe with a diameter of 57 mm, a wall thickness of 3.5 mm for heat exchangers - 8-10 m.
  • Pipe with a diameter of 159 mm with a wall thickness of 4.5 mm for the hog (horizontal outlet from the boiler) - 0.5 m.
  • Fireclay refractory brick SHA -8 – 15-25 pcs.

  • Pipe with a diameter of 32 mm with a wall thickness of 4.5 mm - 2 m.
  • Profile pipe 60*30*2 mm – 2 m.
  • Profile pipe 80*40*2 mm – 2 m.
  • Steel strip 30*4 mm – 2 m.
  • Electrodes – 5-6 packs.
  • Cutting wheels 230 mm – 10 pcs.
  • Cutting wheels 125 mm – 10 pcs.
  • Grinding wheels 125 mm – 5 pcs.
  • Centrifugal blower fan.

  • Temperature sensor.

The above list is very approximate and is not an exact instruction for execution. Everything must be purchased on the basis of individual calculations. You will probably have to buy something in addition, and something will remain in surplus.

Manufacturing of a pyrolysis boiler

It is best to draw up an optimal plan for cutting a steel sheet into blanks in advance, according to existing drawings, and cut it into rectangular blanks immediately when purchasing from a metal warehouse. This service, of course, costs money, but provides advantages in time and quality. It is almost impossible to make such an even cut with a grinder as when chopping. The standard dimensions of hot-rolled steel sheet with a thickness of 3-5 mm are 1.5 * 6 m.

Let us note the main stages of manufacturing a pyrolysis boiler:

  • After cutting the blanks, you can begin to manufacture the interior of the boiler, namely welding the chambers: gasification and combustion. It is better to do the installation in two halves.

  • After the frame of the chambers is welded, the back wall and air ducts in the gasification chamber can be welded. In the photo they are made from a channel, but this is completely optional; a profile pipe 60*30*2 mm is sufficient, in which holes with a diameter of 10 mm are pre-drilled. Pay attention to the cutout in the back wall for the chimney duct.

  • A secondary air supply tube is led into the combustion chamber, which is connected to the boiler facade using a 20*20 mm profile pipe.

  • It's time to prepare the heat exchanger. To do this, in the prepared plate, according to the markings, holes are burned with a gas cutter for gas pipes with a diameter of 57 cm. In the absence of a cutter, you can burn with a high current using an electrode, but this method is worse.

  • The heat exchanger pipes are cut and placed on the support plates. After checking the dimensions, all joints are scalded. The heat exchanger is ready.

  • The heat exchanger is welded into its regular place. At the same stage, the chimney throttle valve is manufactured and installed.

  • The front wall of the boiler chambers is welded; holes are first made in it for the primary and secondary air supply tubes.

  • The back cover and bur are welded at the place of the throttle valve and the gas duct outlet.

  • The interior of the boiler has been assembled. Now you need to carefully clean the welds with a grinding disc and check their quality.
  • 4 mm sheet steel is used as the external casing of the boiler. To attach it, pieces of angle No. 25 are welded onto the boiler body.

  • On a pre-marked and cut sheet of sheathing, through holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm are made at the location of the corners.

  • All holes are scalded so that the sheathing sheet is securely fastened to the base.

  • All sides of the boiler except the top cover are sheathed in a similar way. All joints are thoroughly boiled and cleaned.

  • Now is the time to check the tightness of all welds. To do this, all inlet, outlet and coolant drain openings are plugged and the boiler is filled with water through the top cover. Check for leaks. If a leak is found, the area is marked with chalk for further correction.

  • To inspect the chimneys, a tunnel is made for the top cover, isolated from the water jacket of the boiler, and only then the top part of the boiler is welded.

  • The air dampers are adjusted using threaded rods.

  • All air holes are covered with a common casing, from which a common air duct is removed from the profile pipe.

  • Doors for the boiler chambers are made and hung. Either cast iron plates or fireclay bricks can be used as door lining. The seal is made with ceramic cord.

  • The lining of the lower part of the gasification chamber up to the air ducts is made of fireclay bricks. To do this, the brick is sawed using a grinder with a stone-cutting disc. The brick is brought to the required size manually using a grinding stone.

  • The generated power of the pyrolysis boiler depends on the geometric dimensions of the gap in the lower part of the gasification chamber. Therefore, when making lining stones, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions given in the table so that the boiler capacity corresponds to the design one.

  • A flange is welded onto the profile pipe of the main air duct, and then a centrifugal fan is attached.

  • Fireclay bricks are used to line the combustion chamber.

  • To improve the heat transfer of the boiler, it is recommended to place so-called swirlers (turbulators) in the heat exchanger flue channels, which, firstly, slow down the movement of hot gases and thereby improve heat transfer, and, secondly, serve to clean the flue pipes of deposits.

  • For cleaning, the swirlers are attached to a rocker arm, which is connected to a lever extended outward. By rocking the lever you can quickly clean the channels.

  • Before starting the boiler, check its tightness and pressurize it with a pressure of 4 bar. To do this, all openings in the boiler are plugged, except for the supply and return of the heating system. The boiler is completely filled with water and a pressure tester is connected to it.

  • The pressure tester brings the pressure up to 3 bar. If the pressure immediately drops, it means there is a leak somewhere that needs to be detected and eliminated. If the pressure does not change within half an hour, then we can assume that the boiler is sealed and can be integrated into the heating system.
  • To ensure trouble-free operation of the boiler, a boiler safety group is mounted on the supply pipe to the heating system through a threaded fitting, which includes an emergency valve, automatic air vent and a pressure gauge. If emergency situations occur, the valve, set to a pressure of 3 bar, will release excess pressure.

  • It is advisable to equip the pyrolysis boiler with an automation unit, which, using temperature sensors, will monitor the operating mode of the boiler and, if necessary, stop and start it. How automatic control is implemented in boilers is shown in the video.
Video: Automation for a pyrolysis boiler

Putting the pyrolysis boiler into operation

Before making the first start to the otla, it is necessary to connect it with and fill it with water. It is strictly forbidden to start an empty boiler - this will lead to overheating. In addition, each boiler must have a thermometer that monitors the temperature of the coolant, which is screwed into a specially designated place. All boiler designs must have holes for a thermometer, as well as temperature sensors.

  • The fan is connected to the power supply through a switch, and its operation is checked. All air dampers are placed in the middle position.
  • Paper is placed at the bottom of the gasification chamber so that it looks out from under the nozzle into the combustion chamber, and firewood is already placed on it. The first load of firewood should not be large, a few small logs are enough. The gasification chamber door closes tightly.
  • The throttle valve of the gasification chamber chimney opens completely, the fan turns on and the paper is set on fire.
  • When the wood burning becomes confident, after a few minutes, the chimney throttle valve closes. Firewood should go into slow burning (smoldering) mode, which is accompanied by the release of pyrolysis gases. Through the lower door of the combustion chamber, the ignition of the combustion torch of pyrolysis gases is controlled. If it does not ignite, you should try to reduce the air supply to the gasification chamber and increase it to the combustion chamber.
  • After the flame ignites, the dampers regulate its intensity and color. The white-yellow color of the flame indicates the correct setting of the boiler.
  • The combustion compartment door is closed and the time required for the boiler to bring the water to a boil is noted. The temperature rise is monitored using a thermometer. As soon as the water reaches 100 °C, the fan is turned off. The torch in the combustion chamber should go out. The water temperature should then decrease.
  • When the chimney throttle valve is opened, the flame in the combustion chamber should also go out.


  • Long-burning pyrolysis boilers are complex devices, so their independent production should be carried out only according to the drawings of those that have already proven themselves in operation.
  • Self-production requires strict adherence to technology with verification of each stage.
  • Pyrolysis boilers are very material-intensive; even making them yourself requires a lot of expensive metal. They will pay off only when they are in constant use for several seasons.
Video: Making a pyrolysis boiler for heating a house

It is not always possible to organize gas heating in a private home, and the cost of electric heating does not allow its use. In addition, homeowners often want to have a backup heating system to reduce their dependence on energy supplies. In such cases, homeowners turn to the old-fashioned heating method, proven over the years, using solid fuel. This raises the question of which solid fuel heating device will make it possible to effectively heat a home.

Solid fuel equipment

Comparative analysis of heating devices: boiler or stove

Basic definitions


A heating unit, the operation of which is based on the combustion of solid fuel, resulting in the release of thermal energy and its subsequent transfer to the atmosphere of the room, is called a furnace. The design of modern furnaces makes it possible to achieve the highest possible efficiency for devices of this kind. Their efficiency can be up to 90%, which to a certain extent depends on the skills of the stoker.


It is generally accepted that the furnace power is sufficient only for houses with a small area, no more than 70 square meters. m. Their improved designs, related to Kuznetsov’s systems, can heat large areas, the size of which is more than 150 sq.m. Despite the simplicity of Buleryan's design, it has significant power and an attractive appearance. Buleryan is a type that has certain design features in the form of the presence of pipes mounted in a metal casing. By moving air through these pipes, the room is heated by convection.

The Kuznetsov furnace is characterized by the use of a specific mechanism for the movement of flue gases due to its own mass. This device creates increased pressure and turbulence, which allows for increased heat transfer through its walls. This increases efficiency and reduces energy consumption. The design fits harmoniously into the interior of the room.


The main difference between boilers and furnaces is the method of heat transfer. In this case, the coolant is heated, which in turn transfers thermal energy to the heated rooms. Thus, the heat generator does not directly participate in heating the premises. A solid fuel boiler has the technical ability to heat large areas. In most cases, water is used as a coolant; antifreeze or oil can be used, which is less common. In houses with a large number of rooms and large number of floors, the use of boilers is preferable. Sometimes the use of boilers is the only possible way to organize heating for private housing construction.


Installation of heating devices


Laying a stove is possible during the construction of a house, but its construction in an already completed building is very problematic. The exception is metal structures of furnaces. The process of their installation is associated with the need to create a chimney. Laying a traditional brick oven requires a creative approach that deviates from standard designs. There is also a need to adapt the design of the device, performed according to the Kuznetsov system. The layout must be made in such a way that the premises are connected to the stove. Also, when constructing a stove, it is necessary to provide a foundation and a passage for the chimney.

Furnace construction stage


The design of the boilers does not have any special requirements for the layout of the house, which means that they can be installed in a house that has already been put into operation. If a solid fuel boiler is used as an alternative to a gas boiler, then it is possible to connect them into one common system. To switch from one type of fuel to another, it is enough to switch the coolant supply.

Installation of boiler equipment involves organizing a separate room for it. The boiler must be equipped with a chimney, and the room must be equipped with a ventilation system.

Boiler installation

Thus, the organization of stove heating is associated with certain difficulties, which include a shortage of qualified stove specialists.

Operation of heating units

Warmth in the house is an important task

Any design of a device operating on solid fuel requires maintenance during operation and periodic loading of the energy carrier. Fuel supply can be realized automatically when using boilers, which in any case requires maintenance.

Independence from other energy sources has its price, which is expressed in the need for human participation in the operation of boiler equipment. Fuel should be added several times a day, depending on the design features of the heating device and the heated areas. Classically designed stoves require more fuel compared to boilers. In addition, solid fuel boilers have a longer interval between loadings.

Such operation of these devices is ensured by the increased size of the firebox and more complete combustion of fuel using original technical solutions. Reducing the number of bookmarks from an interval of 2-3 hours to 2-3 times a day is an acceptable indicator.

Boiler equipment

Modern boiler equipment includes automation, which greatly simplifies its operation. In this case, the element of energy independence is lost, since automatic control of the boiler operation requires the availability of electricity.

Solid fuel boilers have certain specifics regarding the use of different types of fuel. It is not advisable to load coal into a wood-burning boiler and vice versa. Universal boilers have a cost that is 30-50% higher compared to specialized devices.

When heating with wood, stoves and boilers consume it in approximately equal quantities. The Kuznetsov furnace is more economical.

When comparing boilers and furnaces, the latter are not clear leaders in performance characteristics. The cost of heating boilers, ease of installation, the ability to heat a larger area, as well as a more comfortable maintenance process and significant durability speak in favor of using them for heating private houses.

Classification of boilers according to the method of fuel combustion

Depending on the nature of the processes occurring during fuel combustion in the boiler, they can be:

  • direct combustion;
  • pyrolysis;
  • long burning;
  • pellet

There are also design solutions with the possibility of using a combination of different types of fuel.

Choosing a boiler

Traditional boiler

Traditional boiler

The cheapest option for a heating boiler is a device whose fuel is wood or coal. The simplest of them are non-volatile, since they do not require electricity to operate the automation, which is essential for the natural circulation of the coolant. Loading the device with firewood occurs quite often; normal operation requires cleaning the combustion chamber and ash pan. When burning coal, the interval between loadings increases compared to firewood. It should be understood that for stable operation of such a heat generator, the construction of a warehouse for storing coolant reserves is required.

Pyrolysis boiler

The cost of a pyrolysis boiler is significantly higher than that of a classic design. This is due to the presence of an additional chamber necessary to implement the process of afterburning the fuel during its smoldering. The efficiency of such units can reach 85%, and the loading frequency is about 8 hours. Such indicators are clear advantages of pyrolysis boilers.

When operating these devices, it is important that the moisture content of the wood does not exceed 25%. Otherwise, the boiler loses all its advantages at a higher equipment cost.

Pyrolysis boiler

Long burning boiler

A characteristic feature of boilers with a long burning period is the direction of fuel combustion. It can occur either from the bottom up or in the opposite direction. Combustion can occur for 12 hours when using wood, and up to two days when using coal. This circumstance greatly simplifies the operation of the device. Its efficiency is quite high, efficiency is at the level of 75%.

Long burning boiler

It became possible to achieve such a long burning time by increasing the size of the firebox and specially organized air supply into its space. The advantage of this boiler is at the same time its disadvantage, since it is not possible to load fuel during the combustion process until the previous load is completely burned out.

Pellet boilers

In terms of cost, these heating devices are the most expensive. At the same time, the level of automation is maximum for such units. Equipment maintenance does not require constant human supervision. It is important that there is a sufficient number of pellets in the bunker, then for a period of one to six days the combustion will be carried out automatically. The advantage of a pellet boiler is its efficiency and high efficiency, which is at the level of 80-85%.

Pellet boiler

Boiler piping

Boiler piping

Do-it-yourself piping of a solid fuel boiler is a set of equipment and parts necessary to create a heating system. In addition to the boiler, it includes pipes, heating and control instruments, an expansion tank and other elements.
Strapping is required to achieve the following goals:

  • ensuring circulation of the coolant and uniform distribution of heat in the premises;
  • safety and continuity of operation;
  • lack of air in the system;
  • creating conditions for organizing several circuits.

Coolant circulation schemes

The boiler piping can be done using various systems. One of them involves the use of a gravity circuit and is used to organize heating in small houses. The coolant moves through the pipes naturally. In this case, the boiler is located at a point below the radiators. An expansion tank is used to prevent water hammer. To stabilize the pressure in the system, a pump can be used.

Coolant circulation diagram

Another option for piping a boiler with your own hands uses the natural circulation of liquid in the heating system. The main condition for the implementation of this scheme is the addition of coolant from the supply circuit into the return line. This is possible when installing a three-way valve.

Heat exchange register

A do-it-yourself heat exchanger for a boiler is one of its main parts; the power of the entire system depends on it. Boilers installed in private homes can be equipped with heat exchangers in the form of a water jacket, made tubular, horizontally or vertically.

Chimneys for boilers

The requirements for the chimney of a solid fuel boiler with your own hands are subject to general requirements. It should not be made with a small cross-section so that the thrust is at a sufficient level. An excessively wide chimney will create a risk of cold air entering the firebox and cooling the system.

The chimney for the boiler is as important as for the stove