What types of onion seeds are best to plant to force feathers onto greens. How to plant onions on greens in the spring in open ground and in a greenhouse Onions on a feather

Growing onions for feathers is not a difficult process at all if you approach it wisely. After all, the methods of growing this plant to obtain large heads and green feathers are somewhat different from each other. You need to know these differences in order to enjoy juicy onion greens all year round.

First, let's take a closer look at what type of onion is best to grow to get good greens. Today there are several such varieties, each of which has its own characteristics. Absolutely all varieties of onions can grow successfully both in open ground and in a greenhouse or at home.

Oddly enough, the green feathers of this plant are characterized by a faint taste of garlic, which gives the onion a special piquancy. At the same time, the greens do not have a pronounced garlic smell. It is this onion that contains the most iron and vitamin C. The variety is characterized by wide green feathers.

You can grow slime onions all year round at home or in a greenhouse. But when planted in open ground, the onion will grow until the first frost, and then stop developing. To extend the life of the bulbs, many summer residents simply replant them in pots and continue to grow onions at home.

They are grown exclusively for their greens. Leeks, moreover, are more valued for their white stem, which contains much more vitamins than green leaves. The taste of this stem is practically no different from greens. On the contrary, it has a pleasant sweetish taste that many gourmets like. Spring onions usually produce a harvest of greenery only once per season. But the leaves grow very long and wide.

It can be grown in any conditions. Such onions do not freeze even in the cold and continue to produce thick greens. The harvest can be harvested all year round, since with proper care the feathers grow very quickly.

Shallots and chives- the most suitable varieties for gardeners who want to regularly receive a large harvest of greenery. The greens of chives are very tender and fragrant; the feathers can reach a length of up to 1.5 m. Both varieties are completely unpretentious to environmental conditions.

All of the listed types of onions can be grown on feathers and there is no doubt that juicy, thick greens will grow. If you wish, you can also try to grow greens from regular onions, but just keep in mind that you won’t be able to get a large, stable harvest. Therefore, it is best to give preference to one of the listed varieties.

Growing in greenhouse conditions

It is in greenhouse conditions that onions will most actively produce juicy greens. In this case, you will not need to monitor the beds every day. It will be enough to initially create a favorable microclimate in the greenhouse.

Planting onions in a greenhouse in winter will be successful if you follow some rules. Pay special attention to the soil, since the quantity and quality of the green mass obtained during the growth process will depend on its quality. First, make sure that there are no broken glass shards or large stones in the ground.

Then start loosening. To grow onions, it is important that the soil is as airy as possible, without large lumps of earth. Once this is done, you can begin adding nutrients. The ideal option is to add equal amounts of manure and compost to the soil. It is also recommended to add some potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

And now, as for the landing itself.

  • If the speech goes For seeds, they should first be soaked in damp gauze for 1-2 days.
  • Then you need to make shallow grooves in the greenhouse (the depth should be no more than 1 cm). You need to sow onion seeds in these grooves.
  • In order for seedlings to appear as quickly as possible, you should spill the holes with hot water, which will help destroy the dense shell of the seeds.
  • Sprinkle the grooves with soil and cover with plastic wrap. After sprouting, open everything and as the onion grows, it becomes slightly smaller sprinkle with earth.

The technology for growing green onions from ready-made bulbs in a greenhouse is slightly different.

  • First, experts advise soaking the bulbs in warm water for several hours. It is believed that if moisture gets under the outer shell, the first green feathers will appear much faster.
  • Bulbs should be planted in a greenhouse in small holes at a distance of approximately 4-5 cm from each other.
  • Try to plant the heads so that they are only half or ¾ of the way into the ground. Then it will be possible to avoid the possible process of rotting.

Please note that onions may grow unevenly in a greenhouse, so you can cut off the greens either gradually, or you will have to wait until all the green leaves have fully ripened.

Depending on the specific variety, you can remove only the greens, leaving the bulb for some time in the greenhouse for further gardening, or completely dig up the bulb, clearing it of the upper layers and leaving only the white center from which the green feathers grow. Both options for growing onions in a greenhouse are welcome. But if you plan to sell onions, then the second option would be preferable.

Growing green onions (video)

Growing in open ground

If you plan to grow onions in open ground, you should carefully prepare the soil in the fall.

  • The soil must be well loosened and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers added. Then walk through the soil with a rake and leave until spring.
  • Bulbs should be planted in the first half of October.Don't worry about them freezing in winter. On the contrary, the cold will help harden them, and as a result, in the spring you will be able to eat fresh, juicy greens. The bulbs are planted in the ground at a distance of approximately 10-15 cm from each other. It is not worth planting more densely, as due to the active growth of the root system, the heads may become crowded.
  • It is imperative to cover the onion with a layer of humus on top so that it does not freeze. When it starts to get warmer in the spring and the night frosts are not so strong, it will be possible to remove the layer of humus and replace it with a mini-greenhouse. Instead of a greenhouse, you can simply cover the onion heads with film for a while until the first green shoots begin to appear.
  • Onions should be watered as the soil dries out, but the soil should not become too waterlogged, so as not to provoke rotting of the heads. With this growing method, the first greens can be harvested within 15-20 days after the humus layer has been removed.

If you plant onions in open ground not in the fall, but in the spring, you will have to wait a little longer for the first feather to appear.

Onion on a feather at home

How to grow onions at home? There's nothing complicated about it. First you need to prepare a small wooden box, which should be filled with universal soil. You can use the mixture for indoor plants. The main thing is that it is enriched with useful components. The soil layer should be approximately 10-13 cm.

Before planting, the bulbs need to be sorted by size and the tops cut off a little. This will promote faster germination of green mass from the heads. Plant the bulbs in soil that has been previously moistened with a spray bottle. This will allow the heads to establish themselves normally in the ground and immediately provide nutrition for the roots.

The bulbs should be planted at a distance of approximately 2-3 cm from each other. They should be buried no more than halfway into the soil. When all this is done, it is recommended to place the box in a well-lit place where there is no direct sunlight.

Onion greens grow best at temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees. In this case, it is desirable to ensure a constant flow of fresh warm air. In order for the green feathers to grow large and tender, you should additionally feed the onion with any fertilizer when the length of the first green leaf reaches 4 cm.

As soon as the greens become uniformly tall, you can safely cut them and use them for food. The bulbs will continue to produce green feathers until they begin to soften and rot in the soil. Experienced gardeners can harvest greens up to 10 times from one bulb!

So, how to grow onions for feathers has now become clear.

This process is very interesting and exciting, especially in winter. It’s so nice to see bright, healthy greenery appear in the house at a time when it’s gray and cold outside. Just remember that when growing onions at home, a characteristic smell may be observed in the apartment. Therefore, it is preferable to place the boxes either on the balcony or on the windowsill in the kitchen.

Green onions: growing in boxes (video)

Gallery: bow on feather (15 photos)

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When planting a bulb, getting a useful, delicate feather is quite problematic. The plant suffers because we deprive it of leaves, and the future harvest also suffers, since with partially torn feathers the bulb gains weight worse. In addition, after some time the feather becomes rough, and then completely lies down. It is best to grow crops of this family for greens from seeds. How to get onion seeds for juicy greens and what varieties are suitable for these purposes?

Breeders have ensured that hard-working gardeners are supplied with onion greens (Allium) throughout the summer and have developed species and varieties that are fit for purpose. Their names are familiar to many lovers of fresh greens: Parade, Totem, Slizun, Skoroda, Leek, Batun and others. Each of them is distinguished by its own characteristics and has features that you need to know when growing.


Onion Parade is designed to produce high-quality feathers from seeds, and Dutch breeders created this green miracle. Allium has a number of advantages:

  • does not form an onion;
  • characterized by rapid growth;
  • greens remain tender and juicy for a long time;
  • does not have a strong taste;
  • not afraid of frost;
  • the feather is large, grows up to 60 cm in height.

The Parade onion is ready for the pen in 70-80 days (growing season). You can cut off tender leaves as they grow, and more than once: up to 4 times. Cut feathers grow and produce juicy greens. They are maximally saturated with nutrients, vitamins, and essential oils when they reach 25-50 cm in height.

In the second year of life, Parade produces a flower arrow and produces seeds. They manage to fully ripen only in the southern regions, where they can be collected and planted for the next season. In the middle zone, you won’t be able to get seeds yourself.

Productivity is 4 kg/sq.m. m. Moreover, during the season you can plant onions in 2-3 steps with an interval of 2-3 weeks. This will create a “green conveyor” and fresh herbs will be on the table throughout the summer.

If winters have little snow, then it is important for Parade to preserve the root system. The soil is covered with sawdust, peat, and straw so that the perennial crop forms a powerful clump for the next year.


This variety of onion for greens also works as a “green conveyor belt”, allowing you to get a full harvest of greens from spring to autumn. It has improved characteristics of the traditional and beloved variety Batun.

Sourced in Japan, Totem has excellent recommendations:

  • quickly gains green mass;
  • has a pleasant taste with a slight spiciness;
  • forms long feathers.

It is used by farmers, receiving almost year-round harvest for sale. Suitable for growing in greenhouses, it can be planted before winter. Many options for obtaining allow you to enjoy greens from early spring to late autumn.

Onion Totem is distinguished by powerful leaves of a rich dark green color, covered with a waxy coating. It grows up to 0.5 m in height and forms large bushes. The tips of its leaves practically do not turn yellow. It is cultivated in a continental climate because it is resistant to temperature changes. It is also resistant to most diseases.

Hybrid seeds were obtained from crossing Totem with local varieties of Batun. This is a good option, since the hybrid is adapted to the local climate and has slight bolting.


In the fields of Eastern and Western Siberia, Slizun grows freely in the wild. But it is not so common and is loved by gardeners, so it is a “rare guest” in personal plots. This is a shame, since the species is healing, capable of removing toxins and lowering cholesterol levels.

The onion is mild, with an onion-garlic aroma, so it is not only healthy, but also has an excellent taste. Slime has a salad purpose because it is devoid of bitterness. If a feather is cut, mucus flows out of it. This is where the onion got its name.

Grown from nigella seeds, Slizun grows as a perennial crop. Up to 6 years, it grows in one place, forming a large number of feathers. It also has other advantages:

  • unusual shape of feathers in the form of a spiral;
  • from one turnip grows 8-10 feathers up to 50 cm;
  • has a wide leaf, up to 2 cm;
  • has a powerful root system, so the greens do not fall to the ground.

If you separate a piece of rhizome in the fall and plant it as a potted crop on a windowsill, then in winter you can provide yourself with salads with the addition of fresh, vitamin-rich greens.

This is a type of chives that was developed in Germany and is translated as “cut green plant.” Green onions Skoroda are unpretentious and therefore our gardeners took note of them.

Its features include:

  • ability to withstand cold winters without shelter;
  • the ability to cultivate in partial shade;
  • desire for rapid growth;
  • excellent taste and aroma.

Two varieties of Skoroda have been developed: Central Russian and Siberian. The Central Russian bushes quickly, produces a harvest of delicate feathers, which then become coarser. Siberian forms a rosette of leaves later and is distinguished by large leaves that remain juicy for a long time, giving off a larger amount of greenery.

When planted by seed, it forms 2-4 bulbs, from which 5-6 narrow, awl-shaped leaves grow. A perennial crop is grown in one place for up to 4 years, after which replanting is necessary. Blooms in the 2nd year of life.

Onions gradually moved from the category of food crops to the category of ornamental crops. It has moved into flower beds as it forms beautiful spherical inflorescences in shades of pink and purple.

This type of Allium is not particularly popular. And they don’t grow it for its greenery, they use the “white leg” or false stem, which turns into a bulb. This is a delicate and delicious part of the plant, which has a more delicate taste compared to onions. It is an addition to various dishes, giving them a fragrant “zest”.

The remaining parts of the plant are simply thrown away, but the composition of the substances is more useful than the feather, which has medicinal properties. The leaves are practically not used for food: they are harsh, flat and have a sharp taste.

If you read the description, it is a large, one and a half meter plant with a light, flattened leaf blade and a false stem that turns into a bulb. The growing season is 6 months, so the seedling method of cultivation is preferable.

To prevent the false stem from losing its taste, it must be constantly hilled, pouring a mound of earth up to the leaf blades. Harvesting is carried out in September and for better preservation they are left buried in the sand.

Planting onions by month

In order for the tender, juicy greens of Allium to please you almost all year round, you need to think about planting onions on the greens throughout the season, calculate the timing of plant growth and sowing dates. It is also necessary to have information about which varieties are ideal for feather forcing.

It is problematic to list all the good, best varieties, since their list is quite large. Each owner will choose a variety to suit his taste, taking into account the characteristics of care. Recently, the Totem and Parade bows have been used most often.

Winter landing

Planting before winter is convenient because green shoots will appear immediately after the snow melts, and the first harvest will “ripen” in the spring. The main point is to look at the packaging for the frost resistance of this variety, because the seeds and first seedlings will have a hard time in the cold soil.

How to plant correctly? For example, when growing Parade onions, the following steps are carried out:

  1. Prepare the area, level it, removing all excess. Fertilize the soil with organic matter.
  2. The seed is placed in the grooves every 3-5 cm and to a depth of 2 cm.
  3. Water, bury and, if necessary, cover with film at night if the first frosts are possible.
  4. After a few days, re-water and mulch to prevent the top layer of soil from freezing.

For pre-winter sowing, the best areas will be light and fertile areas where the snow melts faster. After spring frosts, the mulch is removed, the plants are fed with nitrogen, and the soil is slightly loosened.

In the spring, it is most convenient to force the feathers from the sets. This method of growing allows you to get juicy greens within 2-3 weeks, when you are just planting herbs in your dacha. The seeds will not be able to grow at such a rate: in cool soil they will not grow soon. If it is preferable to use seeds, then the seedling method is suitable, which requires a special approach.

The sets must first be prepared by keeping them in water for a day, and then trimming the area from the neck side. Planting seedlings is not a cheap option, since high-quality planting material will require investment.

July landing

In July, perennial onion varieties with a good immune system and frost resistance grow well and tolerate heat. By planting in July, you can get vitamin and mineral products for your greens already in early September.

The problem of July planting is not so much in choosing a variety, but in preserving the plant until next year. It is necessary to ensure that the ground does not freeze. To do this, the onion feathers are completely cut off. The beds need to be covered with mulch to obtain a harvest of green mass for the next season.

Planting onions in August

Only early varieties with rapid germination and enviable yields are capable of quickly throwing out thin shoots and producing such a late harvest. Planting seeds is a risky undertaking since the air temperature is already quite low, especially at night. Sowing material for this time of year, even in the southern regions, does not guarantee a harvest.

To get feathers, bulbs are planted, which can delight you with fresh, tender greens in September. One option is to obtain green onions in a greenhouse, where the soil has not yet cooled and there are no strong temperature changes.

Onion greens are a very healthy addition to any dish, because they are extremely rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. The culture is unpretentious, so it is found everywhere in garden plots. But you can provide yourself with greens not only during the gardening season, if you learn how to grow green onions in a greenhouse or on a windowsill.

The best varieties of onions for greens

There are special varieties of onions for harvesting. But even regular onion is quite suitable.


It is necessary to choose multi-germ varieties. If you cut such an onion, inside you will see not one, but 3-5 green embryos of future feathers.

Multi-bud onions are easy to identify if you cut the bulb

Suitable options:

  • Arzamas local. A variety from the mid-season category with 3–4 rudiments. In addition to greenery, it also produces small, very dense bulbs. The feather is not damaged at low temperatures. Significant disadvantages are the tendency to be affected by downy mildew and the special love of the onion fly.
  • Bessonovsky local. Onions of early ripening, medium bud (2–3 pieces). It has very good immunity, the only exception being peronosporosis. Requires minimal care.
  • Rostov local improved. One of the earliest ripening varieties, each bulb has 3-4 rudiments. The feather rarely suffers from disease and is cold-resistant.
  • Spassky local improved. One of the best medium-ripening varieties for forcing into greens. Each bulb contains 7–10 rudiments. It is resistant to cold, but can suffer greatly from downy mildew and neck rot if conditions for the development of these diseases are suitable during the season.
  • Chernigovsky-4. A variety from the mid-late category. Each bulb contains 3–5 rudiments. It is often affected by downy mildew, almost never by neck rot.
  • Amber-29. There are 1–3 rudiments in the bulb. In terms of ripening time, the variety is mid-season. Characterized by cold resistance and good immunity.

Onions are quite suitable for forcing onto greens, but this is still not its main purpose.

Also found under the names “Tatar”, “sandy”, “winter”. If you choose a perennial variety, the feathers can be cut 2-3 times during the season; for an annual baton, only once. In this variety, it is imperative to cut off the emerging stems with seed pods, they take away the necessary nutrition from the feathers, and their taste deteriorates sharply.

If you plant onions on greens, choose perennial varieties

The best varieties:

Video: spring onions for greens

He is also a rezanets or skoroda. The leaf length rarely exceeds 50 cm. They are very narrow, similar to needles. The greens are extremely juicy, tender and aromatic. This variety does not form large bulbs, but it blooms very nicely, attracting pollinating insects to the area. Chives are well suited for growing at home.

Chives are planted not only for the sake of greenery and bulbs, but also to decorate the area

Common varieties:

Also called pearl. In appearance, the feathers are almost indistinguishable from garlic feathers. The taste is very delicate, delicate. Average yield is 2–3 kg/m². Plants are usually tall and powerful; this variety is not very suitable for cultivation on a windowsill.

The main part of the beneficial substances in leeks is concentrated at the base of the stem

The best varieties:

It is distinguished by its general unpretentiousness. The quality of greens and yield is noticeably superior to onions.

Shallots are loved by gardeners for their general unpretentiousness and great productivity.

Varieties popular among gardeners:

This variety can be identified by its wide, flat leaves that exude a noticeable garlic aroma. Valued for its early ripening, cold resistance, and consistently high yield. In closed ground it grows all year round; in the garden, the growing season ends only with the onset of frost.

Slime onions have a long growing season, which ensures high yields

Popular varieties:

He is Egyptian or Canadian. It received its first name due to the fact that it forms small airy bulbs. It is superior to other varieties of crops in terms of ease of care and productivity. Most varieties are early ripening and multi-sprouting. The leaves are medium-sized (40–45 cm long), pipe-shaped. Most often, such onions are planted in the fall.

Multi-tiered onions form small bulbs in place of inflorescences

Popular varieties:

Planting bulbs in the ground

Onions are very low maintenance. This also applies to growing conditions. But it should be remembered that the quality of planting material is the key to a future abundant harvest.

Optimal timing

On average, the greens of most varieties of onions ripen in 15–20 days. This is what we need to proceed from when determining the timing of its disembarkation.

At home, time doesn’t really matter; new bulbs are planted year-round, as needed. In greenhouses, planting is practiced in the cold season (October-April); in winter, the demand for fresh herbs is much higher.

In open ground, the specific period depends on the growing region. The soil at a depth of 4–5 cm should warm up to at least 6–8ºС. In temperate climates this is usually the first half of May. During the summer, the bulbs can be replanted 2-3 more times, timing the time so that you have time to cut the greens before the first frost.

If the crop is grown from seeds, as a biennial plant, they are sown in the garden bed in mid-summer. Fresh greens will appear literally from under the snow; they can be cut in April or early May.

Preparing the bed

Choose a place for the culture that is well lit by the sun and protected from the wind. In the shade, the feathers stretch out, thin out, and become unaesthetically pale. The substrate must be loose, well permeable to air and water. Good predecessors for onions are any Pumpkin and Nightshade, all types of cabbage.

During the digging process, the onion bed is cleared of weeds and all necessary fertilizers are applied.

In the fall, the soil is dug up, 3–4 liters of humus or rotted compost, 20–25 g of simple superphosphate or potassium sulfate and 10–15 g of any mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizer are added per 1 m².

Humus is a natural remedy for increasing soil fertility

2–3 days before planting, it is loosened shallowly, leveled and carefully compacted. The latter is necessary so that after planting the onions, the substrate does not sag excessively.

Preparation of planting material

The best choice in this case is bulbs about 3–4 cm in diameter and weighing 10–15 g. They need to be cleaned of dried scales and sorted, rejecting all specimens with the slightest suspicious traces, reminiscent of mold or rot, dents, cracks. Approximately the same size is especially important when onions are planted on greens on an industrial scale - this subsequently ensures simultaneous cutting of the feather.

Bulbs for planting are selected very carefully - the future harvest depends on this

An obligatory stage is disinfection. To disinfect, selected bulbs are immersed in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for several hours. Another option is salt water (a tablespoon per liter). You can add a few drops of any biostimulant to the solution (Epin, Heteroauxin, Kornevin, Immunocytophyte).

Potassium permanganate solution is one of the most common disinfectants

A common disease that can almost completely destroy a feather is peronosporosis. For prevention, planting material must be heated at a temperature of 40ºC for 7–8 hours.

To stimulate the bulbs to more actively form greenery, the top quarter is cut off, ensuring a greater supply of oxygen to the leaf embryos. To enhance the effect, they also make 2–3 longitudinal cuts up to 1.5–2 mm deep.

Cutting off the top of the onion will help you get greens faster.

For the same purpose, the onions are poured into a pile and watered with warm (30–35ºС) water. Then it is covered for 4–6 days with burlap or other material that allows air to pass through, but not light. The room temperature is maintained at a level not lower than 25ºС.

The described preparation methods shift the timing of cutting greenery back by 4–7 days and increase the yield of feathers by at least 60%.

Video: preparing bulbs and planting them in the ground

Different landing methods

There are two ways to plant onions:

Onion seeds for greens are planted in furrows at intervals of 30–40 cm. They are sown very abundantly. Because of this, the seedlings are extremely dense. When the first leaves appear, they will need to be thinned out, creating intervals of 2-3 cm.

When growing feathers, planting seeds is extremely rare. Its only advantage is the low cost of planting material. You will have to wait a very long time for the harvest.

Obtaining greens from onion seeds is a fairly lengthy procedure.

Video: growing onions from seeds

The nuances of caring for crops during the season

To get a good harvest of greens, the gardener is required to:

  • Regular loosening of the bed. This ensures normal air exchange. It must be carried out 1-2 days after each watering.

    Loosening the bed breaks up the hard crust on the soil surface

  • Weeding. The root system of onions is underdeveloped; weeds simply “choke” it, robbing it of the necessary nutrition.

    If you don’t weed the onion bed, you may not expect a bountiful harvest.

  • Watering. It is necessary when the soil dries out at a depth of 3–4 cm. On average, until the greens first ripen, you need to carry out 4-6 waterings (twice a week). Excess moisture is harmful to the crop - the bulbs begin to rot. Water the bed along the furrows.

    Onions are watered along the furrows between the rows

  • Fertilizer application. It is advisable to use natural fertilizers. 3-4 times during the growing season are enough. Most often they are combined with watering. You can use infusions of fresh cow manure, bird droppings, nettle and dandelion leaves, and wood ash. All this provides plants with nitrogen, stimulating them to actively increase green mass. It is useful to fertilize after the first cutting of the feather to give the plants strength.

    Nettle infusion is a natural source of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus

  • Disease and pest control. Here, too, it is advisable to avoid chemicals. The best prevention is competent agricultural technology. To protect against fungal diseases, it is useful to spray the plants once every 7-10 days and spill the soil with solutions of soda ash, wood ash, dust with chalk or colloidal sulfur. Pests are effectively repelled by mustard powder, tobacco crumbs, and ground pepper scattered over the garden bed.

    Downy mildew on onion is one of the most dangerous diseases for the crop.

  • Frost protection. When planting before winter in the fall, the bed is covered with a layer of humus at least 5 cm thick. It is removed in the spring. When return frosts are expected, it is covered with plastic film or any covering material. If seeds were planted, by autumn there are already quite long feathers. In this case, the onions are covered with straw or a mixture of peat chips and sawdust.

    Many varieties of onions are positioned as frost-resistant, but you still shouldn’t neglect mulching the beds for the winter

Harvest and storage

Green onions are ready for cutting when the length of the feather reaches approximately 30 cm. You cannot delay harvesting - the feathers greatly lose their presentability (they shrivel, turn yellow), and their taste also suffers. As soon as they began to bend toward the ground, it was definitely time.

In order for the feathers to continue to grow, existing ones must be cut off above the shoot growth point. Use sharp scissors or a small pruner for this. Such tools cause minimal damage to the plant. At home, you can simply carefully pinch off individual feathers as needed, gradually moving from the periphery to the center.

If you leave the harvest of green onions in the garden too long, its quality will deteriorate sharply.

  • In glass jars. Place small dry feathers in a jar and close it tightly with a lid. If they are not broken or bent in the process, the greens will remain fresh for about a month. The container should be placed in a cool, dark place. By filling the onions with vegetable oil, you will extend the shelf life by another 4-6 weeks, but in this form it is not suitable for all dishes.
  • In a plastic bag. Unwashed feathers are placed in a bag of a suitable size, tied, and several holes are made with a knife or fork for ventilation. Keep the package in the cellar or basement.
  • In thick paper or linen napkin. It is strictly forbidden to use newspapers - printing ink contains lead. The feather is washed, the water is allowed to drain, wrapped in paper or cloth, and lightly sprayed on top with a spray bottle. The package is wrapped in cellophane and put away in a cellar or pantry.

In the refrigerator, onions are stored in a special compartment for vegetables and fruits.

Dried and frozen onions are stored the longest without losing their beneficial properties (two years and a year, respectively). You can dry it either naturally or in an oven or a special dryer. To freeze the feathers, you must first finely chop them. The onions are also salted and fermented.

Before freezing, chop the green onions - this way they take up less space

Methods for growing onions

Cultivation in open ground is not the only method of growing onions. Professional farmers plant it in greenhouses. There is nothing difficult about getting fresh herbs at home.

In the greenhouse

The main criterion for choosing a variety in this case is productivity. To obtain a large mass of greenery in a greenhouse, you need fertile soil. Its surface sprinkle with dolomite flour or slaked lime - this will prevent mold from developing.

In greenhouses without heating, the bulbs are planted using the bridge method at the very end of autumn, sprinkled with a mixture of humus and peat chips (a layer at least 5–6 cm thick). The mulch is removed in the last ten days of February. The onions are watered with warm water, the beds are covered with plastic film until shoots appear.

In heated greenhouses, it is easier to maintain optimal conditions for forcing feathers - onions need a temperature of 17–20ºC during the day and 13–15ºC at night with a 12-hour daylight hours. When the first shoots appear, the daytime temperature is raised to 21–23ºС, but no more. A feather grows faster in warmth, but stretches greatly.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse is economically justified only on an industrial scale

Ventilation is added to the usual measures for caring for crops in a greenhouse. Special mineral complexes for onions are used as fertilizing. Watering is completely stopped 4-5 days before the planned cutting of greenery.

Video: onions for greens in a greenhouse

On hydroponics

The method is very popular among those who grow herbs for sale; hydroponics allows you to get feathers all year round and save space. The slabs are placed on racks in 3–4 tiers.

The bulbs are planted in special mineral wool slabs or mats, pre-moistened and spilled with a fertilizer solution. The interval between them is about 2 cm, the width of the rows is 3 cm. They are covered with a layer of perlite or vermiculite 2–3 cm thick on top.

When growing green onions hydroponically, it is necessary to provide them with optimal or close to optimal conditions.

Over the next week, the plantings need shade and coolness. As soon as developed roots appear, daylight hours are increased to 12–14 hours, and the temperature is raised to 23–25ºС. Feathers reach a length of 25–30 cm after 12–15 days. Always make sure that the “substrate” remains slightly moist at all times, water it with a fertilizer solution.

Video: green onions in hydroponics

At home

The technology is more or less familiar to everyone. The bulb is placed upside down in a glass of water or planted in a container with a diameter of 7–10 cm. Any universal substrate for seedlings will do. You can also use a deep tray to increase the yield. Before emergence, the bulbs are provided with heat (25–30ºС). As soon as the feathers grow to 1.5–2 cm in length, the temperature will need to be lowered to 20–23ºС.

Growing onions in one container is more convenient than in several separate jars

The water in the container is changed every 2-3 days, the substrate is watered twice a week. It is not necessary to apply fertilizing. All the necessary feathers will be obtained from the bulb itself; after cutting off the greens, they simply throw it away. The wait for the harvest is not long - the first feathers appear in a week or even earlier, they reach the required length in 8–12 days. Containers should be kept away from radiators and other heating devices. Otherwise, the soil quickly overheats and feathers grow poorly.

If onions are grown in water at home, make sure that the bottom does not touch its surface, otherwise rot will quickly develop.

You can save space by growing green onions in bottles with the neck cut off. Several 5–8 holes are cut out in the walls of a 5-liter container, matching the diameter of the bulbs. They are inserted inside, soil is poured into the bottle, compacting well. Water the plantings by dipping the container into water.

Onions grow well at home and in sawdust; they retain moisture for a long time, allowing you to get by with 1-2 waterings. Just before planting, they must be doused with boiling water or soaked for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. Sawdust is used only once: after harvesting, the substrate is completely changed.

Video: growing onions on a windowsill

Problems during cultivation

Onions are a difficult crop to care for, but it is not always possible to harvest a bountiful harvest of greenery. It happens that diseases and pests destroy it, but most often the problem lies in the wrong choice of place for planting or in illiterate care.

The crop categorically does not tolerate high acidity of the soil and proximity to weeds. It also requires the presence of sulfur in the substrate. Otherwise, the pen turns out thin and deformed. When preparing the beds, dolomite flour, potassium sulfate, and ammonium sulfate are added to the soil.

At the early stage, adequate watering is very important. Sprinkling is strictly excluded - this often provokes the development of peronosporosis. And general waterlogging of the soil promotes the development of rot.

Yellowing onion feathers may indicate both a moisture deficiency and a lack of potassium

An unnatural color of feathers indicates a deficiency of certain nutrients:

  • Nitrogen. Pale green or light green hue, thin feathers.
  • Phosphorus. Withering and drooping gradually blackening tips of feathers.
  • Potassium. The feathers are lime-colored or yellowish, as if corrugated.
  • Magnesium. Feathers covered with whitish spots and break very easily.
  • Copper. Straw-yellow feathers lying on the bed.

There is nothing difficult about growing onions. Even a novice gardener can cope with this. The main thing is to choose the right variety. The culture is distinguished by its ease of care; preparation for planting also does not require anything supernatural. Green onions can be cultivated not only in the garden, but also at home. It is also successfully grown in greenhouses. Each method has some nuances that you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.

Green onions are on sale all year round, but if you have a summer cottage, it is worth sowing some onion seeds on the greens. Feathers picked from your garden are much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones. Growing this vegetable crop is easy and requires little space.

During the season, you can sow onions in the ground several times, then there will be fresh feathers on the table throughout the spring-autumn season. If there is a heated greenhouse, then in winter there will be greens for cutting. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of variety. To obtain a green feather, there are different types. Let's look at just some of its varieties with original names:

  • Parade.
  • Totem.
  • Slime.
  • Soon.
  • Leek.


Onion Parade was bred in Holland and is intended for producing greens. The variety propagates only by seeds. The head is not formed. Instead, a stem and long leaves up to 60 cm grow quite quickly. The color of the feathers is dark green with a slight blue tint.

When growing onions Parade for feathers, summer residents get juicy greens with a pleasant taste. There is no sharp bitterness in the leaves; they retain their presentation for a long time and do not turn yellow. To ensure that greens are supplied to the table regularly, the Parade variety is sown 3 to 4 times per season with an interval between plantings of 2 to 3 weeks.

The feathers are cut at intervals of 38 to 50 days, the productive period of the variety lasts 80 days. Characteristics of the Parade variety suitable for cutting:

  • feather length from 50 to 70 cm;
  • white stem thickness 10 mm;
  • green stem diameter 15 mm.

If all the rules for planting and caring for the Dutch variety are followed, the yield of Parade is 8 kg/m².


Totem is an excellent Japanese mid-season onion variety grown for greens. It is grown as an annual crop by sowing seeds in open or closed ground. Sowing is recommended to be carried out from February to July in greenhouses, and in open ground they are sown in late autumn and early production is obtained in early summer.

The plant forms a powerful rosette consisting of long, erect leaves, the length of which can reach up to 55 cm. The feather is dark green with a slight waxy coating. By hilling the plantings, marketable stems with a long bleached stem are obtained.

The variety does not form bulbs and produces tender, juicy, non-coarse leaves. From one plant you can get up to 60 g of greens, from one square meter - up to 4 kg. The plant tolerates autumn weather well and does not lie down. The feather has an even color throughout the growing season. The taste of the greens is mild, like a turnip feather.


Slizun is a productive, frost-resistant variety of onion. There are varieties of different ripening periods. Slizun reproduces by seeds and vegetatively.

The largest amount of feathers is produced by the frost-resistant Siberian variety Green. This species can grow in one place for about 6 years; it has good immunity to rust and downy mildew. The plant is characterized by juicy, flat leaves (up to 2 cm wide), twisting in a spiral, with a pungent taste and a light garlic aroma.

Useful properties of Slime:

  • increases immunity;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Skoroda's Bow

The birthplace of Skoroda's onion is Germany; it was originally called Schnitt, which translated from German means a cut plant. Summer residents grow this species in their gardens as an annual or biennial crop from seeds, and in gardens as a flowering, ornamental perennial.

Thin tubular leaves containing up to 3% sugars, a rich set of vitamins and phytoncides are used for food. The taste and aroma of the leaves resembles the taste of turnip feathers, but more delicate. The color of the feathers is bright green, maximum length 45 cm, width from 5 to 8 mm.

Skoroda has a powerful underground part: small oblong-shaped bulbs (up to 20 pieces per bush), brownish or violet-red, thread-like roots up to 50 cm long. From the second year, the plant throws out a peduncle from May to June. The colors of the flowers are varied: white, pale purple, lilac. Flowering ends in August.


Descriptions of leeks were found in ancient tomes; they were grown in ancient times. Despite the difficult climatic conditions of our country, varieties of this onion are grown everywhere as an annual crop. Seedlings - in regions with short summers, seeds in the ground - in the south.

The most popular are early ripening varieties that form useful feathers within 4 months:

  • Gulliver.
  • Vesta.
  • Goliath.

In the first year after planting, the plant grows leaves and a white false stem. This is what they use for food. Only young greens are used.

Planting onions by month

Beginning in April, summer residents prepare beds for onions; for forcing the feathers, they use multi-primed varieties of onions:

  • Cipoluccio.
  • Aristocratic.
  • Lilac ringing.
  • Stuttgarten Risen.

You can determine which varieties have multiple buds by cutting the bulb; the best are considered to be those with 4–6 buds. In terms of productivity, Stuttgarten Riesen is a good variety; when planted on a bridge, up to 15 kg of high-quality greenery is obtained from 1 m². For sale, onions are grown in heated greenhouses throughout the year; in unheated buildings, onions are planted on greens from early spring to late autumn.

Winter landing

When propagating onions from seeds for greens, winter planting is practiced; it allows you to get the first harvest in the early stages. It is important to choose the right variety, the main characteristics that you should pay attention to:

  • frost resistance;
  • productivity;
  • immunity.

Parade onions are suitable for growing according to all these parameters. Before sowing, nigella (seeds) are tested by pouring cold water. Empty seeds float, whole ones sink to the bottom. The right time for sowing is days after the first frost on the soil.

The bed is prepared before the onset of cold weather:

  • dig with a shovel on a bayonet;
  • add humus and ash;
  • Mineral fertilizers are applied to depleted soils according to the norm.

Planting nigella on greenery begins after the bed has been properly prepared, furrows 2 to 3 cm deep have been marked. The seeds are laid out in furrows in increments of 3–5 cm, sprinkled with humus or ordinary soil. For the winter, the bed is covered with mulch. In regions where there is little snow in winter, bags filled with sawdust are placed on the ridges.

Spring planting

All summer residents have been planting herbs in their dachas since mid-April. One of the common questions during this period is which onions to plant on greens. The fastest and easiest way to grow onions is to plant spring onions. Heads with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm are suitable for forcing greens.

To speed up feather growth, planting material is prepared for planting:

  • warm up the seedlings for 2 days, the room temperature should be above 25 °C;
  • cut off the top of the onion up to the shoulders;
  • dissolve a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate in water heated to 35 °C (10 l) and soak the heads in it for 12 hours.

To save space, plant using the bridge method, placing the bulbs close to each other. Up to 13 kg of onion sets can be placed per square meter. If greens are needed for home consumption, then the tape method is suitable. Furrows are made at intervals of 10 cm, the distance between the heads is no more than 2 cm. The bulbs are sprinkled with a thin layer of earth and watered.

July landing

In July, the beds are cleared of early greens and radishes. On empty land you can sow perennial varieties of onions for greens. So, having planted onion in July, you will receive a full-fledged feather for cutting next spring.

You need to choose a sunny place for onion beds, where the snow melts faster in the spring. Add humus and ash to the soil. Sow densely in rows; after emergence, thin out the seedlings. Maintain an interval between shoots of 3.5–5 cm.

In summer the weather is hot, if it rains rarely, then you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. By late autumn, a feather from 20 to 30 cm long will grow in the garden bed. To prevent young plants from freezing in winter, it is better to mulch the bed with peat or fallen leaves.

Planting onions in August

In August we will start planting onions to provide ourselves with greens in the autumn. To quickly obtain feathers, we will plant the bulbs in plastic containers. When the air temperature drops, they can be brought into a warm room or greenhouse.

Composition of soil mixture for planting:

  • peat - 7 parts;
  • humus - 2 parts;
  • garden soil - 1 part.

Suitable varieties for producing green onions during August planting: Shakespeare, Red Baron, Radar, Bessonovsky, Strigunovsky.

For experienced onion lovers, this note will be more informative than instructive, however, I cannot help but touch on it, and it will be useful for beginners. We will talk about choosing a multi-bud onion for forcing a feather.

It is no secret that all onion growers, including me, fight for every free centimeter in their greenhouse, because if you are wasteful about it, then your earnings will be much less than planned. The main task is to collect the maximum number of kilograms of ready-made green onions from one square meter and, as a rule, one of the options is to find and plant multi-bud onions. It would seem that everything could not be simpler, I went to the wholesale store, bought a ton or two of onions and planted them, but that was not the case, it is very difficult to find a multi-germ variety of onions. Personally, I still haven’t found planting material in our region to have more than three rudiments. The turnip-onion is considered ideal for forcing; it contains from 4 to 6 rudiments, I have partially met 8 rudiments, 1 onion for 5 tons

Without a cross-section of the onion, it is impossible to understand how many rudiments it has, which is why you have to walk from one onion retail outlet to another with a knife in your hands and rely on luck. Questions from sellers about their product do not provide any useful information, they usually just “moo” in response, and what’s surprising is that only one trader out of twenty can say what kind of onion he has, the rest don’t even know this, they answer: “Who is he?” knows its type, an onion is like an onion.”

Let's see what these same rudiments look like in the onion:

The bulb, which is shown in the photo, has only two rudiments, I specifically put this photo, some may think that there are three of them, because three green dots are clearly visible. The fact is that rudiments are considered to be nests that are located at some distance from each other, and in this case there are two of them.

If you have little or no experience in forcing feathers, I will give some figures so that you can navigate in the future, if you plant such a two-germ onion, the yield of green feathers will be 10 kg per 1 square meter + - 0.5 kg.

This is only one “trick”, if you can call it that, how you can save as much space as possible, collect the maximum harvest and get maximum earnings, but there are also such: planting onions using the bridge method, a certain feather size for harvesting, etc.

I hope this note was useful to you.


How to plant onions on greens in the spring in open ground and in a greenhouse

Picking a bunch of green onions in early spring is not a pleasure. For the owner of a country house or cottage, getting a feather for greenery is easy. A polycarbonate greenhouse will speed up the process.

Multi-primordial varieties produce dense greenery. Let's consider the most productive varieties - a multi-bud variety that produces a large amount of feathers per season and popular varieties of shallots:


Cipoluccio is an early-ripening, productive shallot variety. After planting, greens can be cut after 2-3 weeks. The feather has an original pungent taste. Bulb weight up to 50 g. Growing season 70 days.


Aristocratic - shallots. From one seed bulb in a nest, 6 to 12 new bulbs are formed, weighing from 50 to 100 g. People call this species family.

The variety is early ripening, full-fledged bulbs ripen in 70 days. Cut greens are ready in 4 weeks.

The Aristocratic variety is used to produce greens on an industrial scale.

From one bulb of the Aristocratic variety, 6-12 new ones are formed

Starorussky (red, yellow) – a variety of shallots. Produces a powerful, bright green feather with a waxy coating. Seed material is stored well and for a long time (2 years). The variety is resistant to many diseases of bulbous crops. Up to 10 pieces are formed in a nest.

Reproduction is only vegetative, since arrows are not formed. Gardeners consider this type to be the most cost-effective for forcing greens. Shallots are ready for cutting 20-30 days after planting.

Lilac ringing

Chives Lilac ringing is 7 kg of greenery per season from 1 sq.m. soil. The variety is early ripening; when grown in open ground, cutting is carried out after 20 days. Several cuttings are carried out over the summer. The variety is frost-resistant.

Chives Lilac ringing

Stuttgarten Risen

Stuttgarten Risen is a multi-primed, productive variety with good immunity to most diseases. The productivity of the variety is high.

If there are 4-6 rudiments in the seed from 1 sq. m. get up to 15 kg of greens.

For home consumption, green turnips can be planted in open ground at the end of April, provided that the ground has warmed up and its temperature at night and in the morning is not lower than 12 degrees.

For commercial purposes, turnips for greens are grown in a greenhouse. If there is heating there, distillation can be done throughout the year.

On an industrial scale, onions for greens are grown in greenhouses

The main thing you need to get a pen:

  • high-quality seed material;
  • fertile substrate;
  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • backlight

A full harvest of green feathers is obtained with 12 hours of light per day. For growing in greenhouses, select varieties with a short dormant period.

With long daylight hours, the optimal air temperature is 18-22 degrees. Productivity drops at lower temperatures. At higher air temperatures, product quality decreases.

There are proven methods for planting turnips on greens. Experienced gardeners successfully use planting methods:

Bridge landing method

In addition to the planting method, it is important to choose the right location and prepare fertile soil (substrate) before sowing any variety.

Choosing a place to grow

When choosing a place for planting greens, take into account the principles of crop rotation.

Plant after crops:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkins;
  • cabbage;
  • tomato;
  • potatoes.

Onions grow poorly in the shade; the feathers are pale and thin. It is better to place the ridges in an open, sunny place. During rains there should be no stagnation of moisture on it.

We prepare the bed for planting in the fall before planting. Determine the acidity of the soil. If the acidity is high, add dolomite flour. Consumption: 50 g/sq. m. Onions love loose soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5.

If the soil is highly acidic, you need to add dolomite flour.

In the fall, add to the digging:

  • Humus ½ bucket;
  • Superphosphate 2 tbsp. l;
  • Potassium chloride 1 tbsp. l.

Consumption is indicated per sq. m. Dig up the soil 20 cm with a shovel or walk-behind tractor. In the spring, dig again and add urea 10 g/m2. m. 7 days before sowing, water the ridge with a solution of copper sulfate. Pour 10 liters of water into a watering can and dissolve 20 g of the drug in it.

Planting onions for forcing on a feather

Good growth of greenery will be ensured by high-quality seed material.

Before planting, the bulbs should be stored in a warm room. Before planting seed sets in the garden, you need to sort them out. Reject damaged specimens. Sort by size. The largest feather yield is produced by bulbs from 2 to 4 cm in diameter, weighing from 15 to 40 g.

For growing onions, it is best to choose bulbs 2-4 cm in diameter
  1. The selected material must be moistened and kept in a warm room at an air temperature of 25 degrees for 48 hours.
  2. Trim the tops of the bulbs to a quarter of the length.
  3. Dissolve 30 g of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of warm water (35 degrees) and immerse the bulbs in it for 16 hours.

The approximate consumption of seedlings using the bridge method is 13 kg per sq.m. The consumption is high because the bulbs are stuck into the ground tightly to each other. Row spacing is not done. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • the landing area is saved;
  • all the plant's forces go into feather formation.

The bridge method is especially beneficial to use for growing onions in greenhouses.

The tape method involves the formation of furrows at intervals of 10 cm. The bulbs are placed in the furrows close to each other or with a small indentation of 1-2 cm. The furrows are covered with a thin layer of earth (2 cm).

Tape method of planting onions

The main care for outdoor crops is proper watering. In its absence, the feather is bitter and thin. If there is an excess, the bulbs rot and the harvest suffers.

To maintain the required humidity, take into account the weather and check the soil moisture at a depth of 3 cm. It is approximately recommended to water 2 times a week in the absence of rain.

Water only in the evening. This will prevent unnecessary heating of the soil. Onions do not like high temperatures.

If the soil is prepared correctly and filled with organic matter and mineral fertilizers, fertilizing may not be necessary. When using the strip planting method, loosen the soil between the rows and remove weeds.

The harvest is harvested based on the length of the feather. Throughout the entire ridge there will be seedlings of the same length if the seeds were calibrated in size before planting and the seedlings of the same variety were planted.

The commercial size of onion feathers is considered to be 24-42 cm

For all varieties, the requirements for feather length are the same. A size from 24 to 42 cm is considered commercial. When this length is reached, the feathers are cut off for sale or personal consumption.

You don't have to spend a lot of time and effort to get your greens penned for home consumption. Before forcing turnips into greens on a large scale, it is worth assessing your capabilities on a small scale. Choose the most productive variety, master the technology for preparing planting material and soil. With the right approach, success is guaranteed.


Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

There is never too much onion - a favorite saying among chefs. Indeed, if in terms of nutritional value it ranks third, then in terms of medicinal properties it is far ahead of other vegetable crops. Onions are especially necessary in the northern regions, where people are constantly lacking fresh natural vitamins. Due to its biological properties (fast distillation, early biosynthesis), onions are an indispensable vegetable for residents of northern regions with short, cold summers. Therefore, the practice of growing onions for greens in a greenhouse is common.

Green onions in a greenhouse

What types of onions can be grown for greens?

The homeland of onions is considered to be regions with a very short optimal period for growth. Genetically, the ability to give birth to offspring in the shortest possible time and retire from the all-burning heat has been fixed in the bulbs. That is why green onions are so early ripening, they manage to expel in 27-30 days the necessary biomass for the establishment of seed reproductive organs. The cultivation of onions for greens is based on this property. Onion varieties are divided into single and multi-bud varieties. The latter produce a lot of greenery and are suitable for home and industrial forcing.

For greenhouse cultivation, it is advisable to use onions with a short dormant period. These include several types, including onions, spring onions, slime onions, multi-tiered onions, and shallots. On an industrial scale, for the purpose of business development, the best option is to force onions from vegetative material (onion sets). During the winter months, by sowing onions using a conveyor belt, you can get 4 harvests of green onion mass. For home consumption, you can also distill it from seeds (nigella).

Multi-bud bow

Varieties and hybrids of onions for forcing in greenhouse conditions

It is best to drive out multi-germ onion varieties and hybrids (early and early ripening), with a short growing season and dormant period. The most common onion for forcing is onions, of which there are more than 70 varieties in the regions of the Russian Federation.

The best varieties and hybrids for distillation are considered to be Strigunovsky local, Spassky local improved, Danilovsky 301, Karatalsky, Bessonovsky local, Mstersky local, etc. Old early varieties with established indicators are multi-germ varieties: Rostovsky onion, Bessonovsky local, Ryazansky, Skopinsky. Of the new varieties that are most suitable for forcing, we can highlight Globus, Stuttgarter Risen, Centurion F1, Supra, Universo F1.

For the family, in addition to onions, you can grow other types of onions for greens: leek (synonym for pearl), shallot, chives, slime, multi-tiered (Egyptian), batun (Tatar, sandy). All of them are distinguished by their delicious taste, light garlic aroma, and high content of microelements and vitamins. The long green feather (leaves) remain tender for a long time; up to three cuttings of greenery can be used as food from perennials. Leeks are called pearl leeks for their whitish, very tasty stem.


If there are no local zoned varieties (they are included in the name of the variety), varieties Arzamassky, Black Prince, Yantarny, Bessonovsky, Troitsky can be offered for distillation in industrial quantities. The Emerald Island and Parade varieties are considered the best for industrial distillation. The Parade variety stands out especially. When forced onto greens, it forms a juicy and sweet feather, is not damaged by pests, and tolerates drought and frost well. Does not require additional nutrition if well supplied with fertilizers for planting seedlings or sowing nigella.

The range of varieties with attractive properties and product quality indicators is updated annually in catalogs of onion seeds with brief characteristics for economic purposes. You can choose the variety or hybrid that you like best based on the description.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse

Onion forcing can be carried out in unheated and heated indoor spaces (greenhouses and greenhouses). In unheated rooms, forcing can be carried out for a limited period in autumn and spring, and in winter greenhouses it is always possible to create a microclimate that best meets the requirements of the crop to the environment.

Parade - bow on a feather

Regardless of the room, forcing onions begins with preparatory work. Soil preparation involves digging up the soil and filling it with fertilizers before planting the seed. If forcing is carried out in small quantities, but is necessary all year round, then it is enough to prepare several wooden or plastic boxes measuring 40x60 cm, which are filled in advance with a specially prepared soil mixture and placed in a tiered or rack manner in the greenhouse.

To fill the containers, make up a soil mixture, where the basis is garden soil from local areas, without the use of herbicides and other pesticides, peat, sand or humus. You can add compost. The soil should be light and airy. Before filling the container, the soil is disinfected using one of the methods used. The easiest way is to treat the soil with a 1-2% solution of potassium permanganate and cover it with an opaque film. After a week, remove the film, add 20 and 15 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride per 1 square meter. m area of ​​stacked boxes. Moisten the soil. You can immediately add Kemira, Crystallon or fill the soil with them before planting the planting material.

Soil preparation for above-ground cultivation in greenhouses and/or greenhouses

In the fall, after harvesting previous crops and debris, the soil is dug up, having previously added 30 and 20 g per square meter. m of superphosphate and potassium chloride, respectively, as well as humus and/or compost. Carefully level, disinfect, moisturize.

Preparation of planting material

Regardless of the type and variety of onions, preparations are carried out for planting planting material, which consists of the following:

  • sorting into groups, if planting is planned with vegetative material - bulbs (onion sets), the optimal diameter of which is 1.5-2.0 cm. To obtain a high-quality standard feather (15-20-25 cm), each group is planted in a separate box or bed ;
  • disinfection and stimulation to accelerate germination. Disinfection can be carried out with potassium permanganate, biological products according to the recommendations (Planriz, Gamair, Alirin), and other methods.

The material selected for forcing is stimulated in different ways:

  • The bulbs are heated for 20-24 hours at +35..+40 °C. After warming up, cut the tails to the “shoulders”;
  • soak in warm (+30 °C) water for up to 10-12 hours. Dry at room temperature and cut off the necks. If it is necessary to prepare planting material in industrial quantities, the selected bulbs are poured into heaps in a warm room (warm floors are required), watered with water heated to +30 ° C and covered with burlap for 3-4 days. Dry and plant.

Agricultural technology for planting planting material

The selection is planted in boxes or prepared racks of heated greenhouses in October-November, repeating multiple plantings with a gap of 2 weeks.

Boxes with planted bulbs are stacked in a utility room, covered with light-proof material and transferred directly to the greenhouse to a permanent place after 2 weeks. During this time, the onion forms a root system and small feathers (leaves) of white, light yellow, sometimes greenish colors. When transferred to light, the feather begins to grow and acquires a green color.

Planting green onions

Bulbs are planted in protected soil only using the bridge method. When planting, the bulbs are placed tightly over the entire area. Compact planting saves space and creates a microclimate that promotes standard, lush greenery. For 1 sq. m of area, 10 to 12 kg of standard planting material is consumed. Other planting schemes are not for everyone, as is sowing with seeds (nigella).

Onion care

Caring for onions in heated and unheated indoor spaces (film greenhouses and hotbeds) is the same. The number of distillations depends on the room temperature. In heated greenhouses, forcing can be carried out year-round, in greenhouses and cold greenhouses only when a suitable external air temperature occurs on prepared warm substrates (the use of manure, humus, peat, compost and other materials). When optimal conditions are created (temperature, humidity, lighting), the plantings turn green in 4-5 days, increasing biomass up to 3-4 cm per day. Thus, the forcing period takes, depending on the variety or hybrid, from 15 to 24 days.


Illumination of onions in the initial phases of development allows temporary breaks, but starting from the age of 12-15 days, the crop requires round-the-clock lighting. Otherwise, the feather becomes stiffer and turns yellow.


The temperature indoors before growth begins during the day is maintained within +22 °C, then it can drop to +18..+20 °C. In order for the forcing crop to develop normally, the soil temperature in the first week of forcing should be +12..+15 °C, and in the remaining period until the end of forcing, about +20 °C. For non-industrial production, night temperatures can be reduced to +12..+13 °C to stop plant growth. A further decrease in night temperatures negatively affects the culture and quality of green feathers.


Watering is carried out once every 7-9 days. At first, the water is heated to +25 °C, and then it can be reduced to +20 °C. An abundance of moisture and a lack of heat causes root rot.


For home use, it is better not to fertilize when forcing onions, but if pale and thinned feathers appear, you can carry out foliar fertilizing with solutions of urea, crystallon or kemira. 10-15 g of fertilizer are diluted per 10 liters of water and the plants are sprayed. Finish fertilizing by watering with clean water to wash off the fertilizer from the green mass of the plants.

During industrial forcing, where it is necessary to obtain a large amount of products in a short time, 2-3 feedings are carried out every 7-10 days, with the last one 10 days before harvesting. The first is a 1% solution of nitrogen fertilizer mixed with potassium chloride, the subsequent ones are better with biofertilizers “Gumisol”, “Baikal EM-1”, “Vermistim” and others.

Protection from diseases and pests

Onions cannot be treated with pesticides, so it is necessary to carefully observe the requirements of the crop for cultivation and care. If pests or root fungal diseases appear, it is necessary to dry the top layer of soil and mulch with sand. You can treat plants and soil with biofungicides and bioinsecticides, which have the shortest waiting period and after 1-3 days the products can be used for food.

When grown in industrial quantities, pay attention to the Parade variety, which does not require protective measures against diseases and pests, and is very unpretentious when forced in large volumes.

Video about growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter as a small business

When growing onions for harvest in heated greenhouses on an industrial scale, (as a business) the products are obtained within 24-25 days with the correct agricultural technology. In winter, you can harvest 4 green crops, organizing a profitable business. Planting of onion sets is repeated every 10-15 days, creating a conveyor of growing products for constant supply to the market.


Onions for feathers in a greenhouse: the best varieties

You can harvest onions for your family’s own needs and for commercial purposes. In any case, it is optimal to choose varieties with the shortest dormancy and growing season. A correctly selected variety will allow you to harvest in 25-35 days.

Onions can be grown year-round in commercial heated greenhouses. To harvest one crop, it is optimal to plant the seedlings in February. You can plant onions in the greenhouse in March with the first rotation if you plan to transplant the seedlings of the main crop no earlier than 40 days later.

The best varieties of onions for greens

The most productive types of onions for forcing are:

  • multi-germ varieties of onions (more than 70 already existing zoned varieties for Russia and new ones are being developed every year);
  • early ripening and early hybrids.

For unheated greenhouses, it is important to choose zoned varieties adapted to local climatic conditions. As a rule, they have the indication “local” in their name: Mstersky local, Spassky local improved, Bessonovsky local, etc.

Among the well-proven varieties of green onions in the greenhouse are Danilovsky 301, Bessonovsky local, Skopinsky, Rostovsky, Karatalsky, Ryazansky. Among the recent developments of breeders, the varieties Supra, Stuttgarten Risen, Globus, Universo F1, Centurion F1 must be recognized as particularly successful.

Varieties for commercial cultivation

To get a high yield of up to 12 kg/m2, it is recommended to select multi-primed bulbs with a diameter of 3-4 mm. In this case, you can plant up to 800 pcs/m2 using the bridge method. The Parade variety can be called a leader in many respects. Its advantages:

  • good results when sowing seeds and planting sets;
  • the feather is sweet and juicy;
  • resistant to frost and drought;
  • resistant to pests;
  • If the soil is sufficiently fertilized, it does not require fertilizing before sowing.

Additional varieties of onions for home use

For home use, you can diversify your plantings by planting onions in a greenhouse with lower yields, but excellent taste and a high content of healthy vitamins and valuable microelements.

These types of onions can be annual or perennial. For some perennials, up to three feather cuts can be made. The greens last a long time, have a light garlic aroma, and are considered a delicacy. You can choose the following types:

  • Leek (pearl). Stem with a whitish tint. Very tasty broad-line leaves, reminiscent of a garlic feather in shape. Productivity more than 2 kg/m2.
  • Multi-tiered (Egyptian, viviparous, Canadian, horned). Unpretentious, expels even at temperatures of 10-12°. Does not freeze in winter. The greens are tasty, the yield is up to 5 kg/m2.
  • Batun (sandy, Tatar, winter, pipe). It can be annual or perennial. It has a lower price of planting material compared to onions. The greenery is even, the yield is 2.5-4 kg/m2.
  • Shallot. Unpretentious, with excellent taste qualities of the pen. Productivity 3-5 kg/m2.
  • Schnitt (chives). The leaves are narrow, up to 50 cm long, fragrant. They retain their delicate structure for a long time without coarsening. Productivity up to 3.5 kg/m2.
  • Slizun (Siberian). Delicate flat wide (up to 2 cm) leaves. Frost-resistant, can be grown in greenhouses all year round. Perennial, gives a good harvest for up to 5 years in one place. Productivity 3-4 kg/m2.

In the main rotation, onions can be planted between rows or planted with other crops (carrots, cucumbers, beets, radishes) to compact the plantings.