What does a home lily flower look like? How to properly grow and care for indoor lilies

Fragrant water lily. Prefers a depth of 40 to 80 cm. The flowers are pink or white and have a bright aroma.

Waterlily Fragrant

White water lily blooms with flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. Despite the name, varieties of the variety can have flowers are creamy, pink or even red. This variety is capable of growing at a depth of half a meter to 2.5 meters.

White water lily

IMPORTANT! Snow-white water lily is another variety. It has the longest flowering time - throughout the summer. The flowers are snowy white and up to 10 cm in diameter.

Tetrahedral water lily has small flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. They are painted white or pink, sometimes the bottom of the white petals is pink. The base of the cup has a quadrangular shape, the corners are bent down.

Tetrahedral water lily


The name slightly exaggerates the darkness of the color. The colors indeed cover dark tones of various colors, but a truly black variety has not yet been developed.

Large funnels and bells reach 30 cm in diameter and have petals that are slightly bent at the top. The color can be dark burgundy, lilac, dark purple, brown.

Among the particularly popular are the following varieties:

Black Beauty- turban-shaped flowers with impressively long stamens, inclined downwards. They have a dark cherry color with a lilac tint. A white border stretches along the edge of the petals. The average height is up to 1 meter. Variety extremely stable and odorless, for which it is valued by many gardeners.

Black Beauty

Landini- dark burgundy lily with upward-pointing flowers and bent petals. On a cloudy day it may appear almost black, but in the sun a red tint appears clearly on the petals. It can reach a height of 1.3 meters, with up to 7 flowers in an inflorescence. Blooms towards mid-summer.

black Jack- Asian hybrid with large (up to 15 cm in diameter) dark burgundy flowers. Towards the center they turn into a bluish-dark shade. The flowers are glossy, grow sideways, and bloom at the end of June.

Black Jack


The flowers look like miniature gramophones: elongated, with a narrow bell and a small turn of the petals at the ends. They are large, very dense and waxy to the touch.

They have many varieties:

Pink Perfection- Flowers 15 cm in diameter. They are purple on the outside, and soft lilac with a pink tint on the inside. The flowers are directed upward and are located on stems up to 140 cm high. Pyramidal inflorescences include up to 7 “gramophones”; they bloom in early July or a little earlier.

Pink Perfection

African Queen- downward-pointing flowers are orange and reach 15 cm in diameter. There are from 3 to 5 of them in an inflorescence. The height of the stem is usually limited to 90 cm. The lily blooms in early August.

Regale(aka Royal, Regal Lily) - funnel flowers reach a size of 15 cm. The petals are white on the inside, yellow at the base, and pink with a purple tint on the outside. The stem grows up to 2 meters in height, the inflorescence collects up to 15 flowers maximum. It begins to bloom in the second half of July.

Lily Regale


In addition to garden lilies, there are also indoor varieties of this flower. They take pride of place among house flowers due to their lush greenery and magnificent flowers with a delicate aroma. Moreover, very often they not only serve as objects of cultivation, but also become collectibles.

Indoor lilies are classified as follows::

The latter variety is not distinguished by a wide variety of varieties; it is small in size both of the plant itself and its flowers.

Each variety of lilies is beautiful in its own way, and the best way to decorate your garden plot is to plant your flower beds with a variety of species. This way you will not only achieve a rich palette of colors, but also, with the right approach, ensure continuous lily flowering throughout the summer.

In their beauty, they resemble mysterious and enigmatic orchids, but are not so capricious and demanding of the conditions in which they grow. So, as you guessed, we will talk about lilies, but not about those that grow in the garden, but about indoor flowers, delicate and accustomed to comfort.

The indoor lily, or house lily, as it is also called, is a flower with bright green leaves, delightful flowers and a delicate, pleasant aroma. The plant differs from its counterparts, which grow up to a meter or more and are adapted to the garden or flower bed. Potted lilies are compact flowers, but there are so many of them that their descriptions can bore even the most curious gardener. In what conditions will house flowers feel comfortable, what kind of care do they like and how to grow them correctly - these are questions that interest many today.

Variety of colors and colors

Golden, white, dwarf, purple, red - flowers of different types and colors amaze with their beauty and originality, there are more than three hundred of them in total. House lilies also include hippeastrum and amaryllis, which are so similar to real lilies. They serve as a magnificent decoration for a window sill, winter garden, balcony and loggia, delighting their owner with flowering for a long time. Some species cannot tolerate cold; there are those that are not afraid of frost, so caring for a flower depends on what species it belongs to.

The Apollo lily (white lily) is especially beautiful; the diameter of its flowers, reminiscent of snow-white bells, is up to 12 centimeters, they are united in lush clusters. The white lily is interesting because in addition to its beauty, symbolizing purity and purity, it also has healing properties. White lily is used to prepare tinctures that have an analgesic effect, medicines for the treatment of hematomas, cosmetics and wound healing preparations.

Almost all types of plants grow well indoors.


Growing lilies from a bulb.

A lily growing in a pot blooms, as in natural conditions, throughout the summer. Its cultivation begins with planting a plant bulb in a pot in the first days of spring.

At home, the flower can be grown from seeds or from a bulb, but the white lily reproduces only from bulbs.

When choosing planting material in the store, carefully look to see if there is any rot or damage on the bulbs. Sometimes several bulbs are planted in one pot; the resulting composition will be an unusual decoration for your home, and it will be very easy to care for. The lily will grow well if the pot is filled with light, fertile soil and river sand. Place drainage on the bottom of the pot, then nutrient soil mixture, straightening the roots, install the bulb, then fill it with soil mixture. The bulb is only half filled with soil; the pot should also be filled with soil only half its size. When the stems rise above the pot, add more soil.

The pot is taken out to a cool, dark place, and when the sprouts appear, it is placed on a light and warm windowsill. Lilies love fresh air, so care will be correct if you take the plant to the veranda or balcony, but make sure that there are no drafts there. In the future, caring for the plant is the same as caring for flowers growing in the garden. She loves moderate soil moisture, air and warm, but not hot air. They do not need frequent transplants.

Lilies can be grown from seeds.

Planting a plant from seeds.

For planting, you can collect the seeds yourself, or you can buy them in the store. This growing method is considered to be the safest, since they are not afraid of diseases.

There are up to 200 seeds in a seed pod, therefore, flower growers usually do not have problems with planting material. Their length is half a centimeter, thickness is a centimeter. The seeds can be sown in the same year that they were collected, but still, there is no need to rush, let them lie on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for some time.

The best time to sow seeds is the end of March. They will hatch soon, and when planted in February they will need an additional light source. To sow seeds, it is better to use soil mixture from a flower shop and seedling boxes. Take a handful of seeds and scatter them on the ground no closer to each other than a centimeter; they are sprinkled with sand on top. After planting, water and cover the boxes with glass or film. In a warm and dark place, the seeds germinate for about twenty days at a temperature of about 20 - 22C. Remember that watering should be moderate.

Having noticed the sprouts, expose the boxes to the light, provide the sprouts with light 12 hours a day. Having placed them on the windowsill, watch to see if the sprouts are exposed to direct sunlight. The bulbs with two leaves are very tender and fragile; they are carefully picked and transplanted into large pots for growth.

A lily grown from seeds will bloom only in the second year.

What kind of care do flowers like?

To care for a lily correctly, you need to know:

  • water the flowers often, but a little at a time, each time before watering you need to check the earthen lump with your finger, this way you can avoid excessive moisture in the soil;
  • lilies love spraying. This not only humidifies the air, but also cleanses the leaf plate of the flower;
  • the soil needs to be loosened by adding humus or a little peat;
  • The flowers are heavy, so the stems of the lilies are tied up.

In addition, you need to remember that space and coolness are prerequisites for the beauty and health of indoor beauties.

The soil should be fertilized. The first feeding is after planting the bulb, the last one is when flowering ends. Wood ash poured into the pot will strengthen the flower’s immunity and its defenses. A lily growing in a pot will delight you with its flowering only after a year.

Homemade hippeastrum and amaryllis lilies, cultivation and care

Although these flowers are similar in appearance, they have many differences.

External signs do not always allow one to unmistakably determine whether a flower belongs to a particular variety, so be guided as follows. In summer and autumn it blooms, and in winter the amaryllis “sleeps”. on the contrary, it blooms in winter and spring, and summer for it is a period of rest.

Amaryllis need mineral supplements, they are applied twice a week, and hippeastrums are also supplemented with organic matter.


Remember that during flowering the flowers are not replanted; at this time they need abundant watering; with the end of flowering, watering is reduced.

The flowers listed above need warmth and light, but overheating, drafts and direct sunlight are dangerous for them.

What to watch out for

Diseases and pests are the main enemies of indoor flowers. The most dangerous thing for lilies is fungal diseases. With proper care, your flowers will not be at risk, but if you often water them, then do not be surprised by uninvited guests. Loosening is useful to increase soil breathability. If you still make a mistake and the plant is damaged, go to the flower shop for fungicides and use them strictly according to the instructions.

The soil you used for planting may contain aphids, thrips and other insects; insecticides are effective against them.

Information for beginners!

  1. In the first year, all the buds of a young lily are cut off.
  2. If the lily looks drooping and weakened, its buds are removed, regardless of age.
  3. When taking a lily out into the air in the summer, place it under a canopy so that precipitation does not fall on it.

Caring for a home lily is not difficult, but it is interesting, try yourself in this matter. If planting and care are correct, the plant will thank you by giving you the opportunity to admire its flowering. Diseases and pests will not destroy a strong plant. In conditions of lack of moisture or in excess of it, the plant's leaves will wither and turn pale; in cold conditions, the flowers will be dark and quickly fall off; you can see how the plant will turn pale from too much sun. Therefore, by observing a flower, you can guess what exactly it doesn’t like under growing conditions and adjust its care. And then you can admire the abundant and colorful flowering of the lily for a very long time.

Many varieties of lilies can be grown at home. These include the royal lily, golden, dwarf, Asian and oriental groups, long-flowered and beautiful, as well as hippeastrum and amaryllis.

Bright, elegant flowers will help create an atmosphere of continuous celebration in your home.

Planting and caring for home lilies in a pot

One onion is enough to get pot with a diameter of 16-18 cm, you can plant several lilies at once in a large container. If you place the bulb in a wide pot, instead of flowering, it will begin to actively develop the space, releasing many daughter bulbs. In addition, the pot must be tall.

Before planting, the bulbs should remain in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3-6° for at least 16-19 days.

Then they are treated with potassium permanganate for about 1.5-2 hours, keeping them in a medium pink solution. And at the last stage, the bulbs are immersed in a solution of growth stimulants, for example, Zircon, Succinic acid, Epin with the addition of trace elements.

At the same time, prepare good soil. It should be fertile and loose; you can buy ready-made for lilies or mix garden soil with compost, sand and humus.

For every liter of soil add 40-60 g of mineral fertilizers.

They contain magnesium, iron, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If desired, the soil is disinfected by thoroughly sprinkling it with fungicidal solutions and boiling water.

Drainage from pebbles is laid out at the bottom of the container, a layer of soil of about 8-10 cm is poured, bulbs are placed on it and covered with an earthen layer of about 17-19 cm. It is advisable to leave sides 6-8 cm high on top so that soil can be added as needed. as additional roots appear.

Before shoots form, the pot with the house lily should be placed in a cool, shaded room. Then the container is moved towards the light, providing a constant flow of clean, cool air.

Caring for indoor lilies during active growth and flowering

How to care for lilies in a pot at home? A lily that is properly planted in a pot begins to develop intensively. At this time, she needs to be provided with good nutrition and access to moisture.

Feeding is carried out regularly at intervals of 7-9 days with complexes of microelements. They can be alternated with organic fertilizers.

Before flowering, young plants are sprayed with cool water twice a month, diluting growth stimulants in it. This procedure facilitates the formation of flower buds and subsequent flowering.

It is very important to regularly loosen the soil in the container so that air access to the roots is continuous. You can loosen the top layer about 4-6 cm thick, but not deeper, so as not to damage the root system.

When the stems grow 9-12 cm in height, the house lily can be taken outside or onto the balcony. But first it needs to be hardened, accustoming it gradually. Start off recommended from 25-35 minutes, increasing the time spent by half an hour every day. If the night temperature drops below 12°, you should not leave the flower outside, so as not to prolong the period of bud formation.

The development of leaves and flowers will go faster if you regularly spray the ground parts with soft water from a spray bottle. This can be done every day, putting the plant in the shade. Otherwise, you can get leaves burned under the influence of aggressive rays of the sun. Water should not get on the opened inflorescences and buds, as it greatly reduces their lifespan.

If there are a large number of flowers, it is necessary to install a support to support the stems.


Almost all types of lilies require a fairly large amount of moisture when growing at home.

When the soil clod dries out, growth slows down and the plants begin to wither. Therefore, you need to water abundantly and often - with an interval of no more than 3-4 days.

Only soft water is used - boiled and cooled or settled. You can also use rain or melt. Watering with hard water forms a whitish coating on the surface of the soil in the pot, which does not allow air to pass through. In addition, salts settle on the roots of plants.

Care after flowering

In nature and when grown outdoors, the ground parts of lilies gradually turn yellow and dry out, and the bulbs go into a dormant state. Houseplants do the same. In order to bloom next year, they must rest. Our task is to provide complete rest for several months.

The house lily's inflorescences first dry out and fall off, then the stems begin to turn yellow. No need to trim them! At this stage, the moisture supply to the plant is reduced, increasing the interval between watering to 6-8 days, and spraying is stopped. This activates the transfer of all useful substances accumulated by the ground part into the bulb. This is where the foundation is laid for next season's growth.

After waiting for the stems and leaves to dry naturally, stop watering completely.

The bulbs should be dug up and placed in a plastic bag filled with slightly damp sawdust or moss.

The package is put in a cold place where the temperature remains between 3-6°. This could be a basement, cellar or refrigerator.


How to replant indoor lilies? Replanting should be done every year with a complete replacement of the soil. During the flowering period of the lily, the soil manages to be depleted and loses most of its nutrients, so you may not be able to wait for the full development of the bulb and high-quality flowering.

The most important thing is the correct preparation of the bulbs for the dormant period and subsequent transplantation. After the above-ground parts die, the bulbs are dug up and washed, clearing them of soil. Small bulbs - children are immediately selected and planted in seedling boxes. They will actively grow all winter, gaining strength.

Large bulbs are inspected, rot spots are cut out, treating the sections with crushed charcoal (charcoal or activated). If the stem has not yet fallen off, it needs to be cut off, leaving a stump 4-6 cm long. The bulbs are disinfected by immersing them in a solution of fungicides or potassium permanganate for 25-40 minutes. Then they are dried on paper or soft material and stored in the cold.

At the end of February - March, the bulbs are taken out of the bag and planted in a pot with soil.

Why doesn't my indoor lily bloom?

There may be several reasons, and they all relate to errors in maintenance and care. The plant does not receive enough nutrients, and it simply does not have enough strength to form buds.

Lily suffers from a lack of moisture in the soil and air. The reasons are lack of fresh air and light when the flower is placed in a poorly ventilated room away from the window.

The bulb is planted in a pot that is too wide. She is busy developing the territory, intensively raising children.

Incorrect maintenance in winter without a pronounced rest period - in warmth or light. This is especially true for hippeastrum.

Why do the leaves of indoor lilies turn yellow?

This problem is the most common, because the yellowing of the leaf blades of the lily signals improper care. What could a change in color indicate?

1. Autumn has arrived and the yellowing process is absolutely normal.

2.Direct rays of the sun fall on wet leaves, causing burns. Most often, in this case, only one side turns yellow - the one facing the sun. The plant must be moved to another place and sprayed in the evening.

3. Excessive dry air. To increase the moisture level, you can place an open container of water next to the lily or place the pot on a tray filled with moistened stones (such as expanded clay or pebbles). Purchasing a humidifier will also help.

4. Inadequate nutrition. During the active growing season, the plant consumes a large amount of microelements from the soil, especially potassium and iron. If you do not apply fertilizers on time, the leaves will turn yellow due to disruption of the photosynthesis process, and chlorophyll will simply stop being produced. Urgently feed the lily using mineral complexes or a mixture of iron sulfate and citric acid (stir 2 tsp of acid and 7-9 g of vitriol in 3 liters of cool water).


In order to get a beautiful plant that is constantly blooming, it is enough to follow the simple rules described in our article. And live lilies will decorate not only the front garden, but also the interior of the house.

Lilies are familiar to all lovers of decorative flowers. The most popular of them are snow-white, symbolizing purity and purity. These representatives of the large lily family, originating from China, have been cultivated throughout the world for centuries. But there are still many varieties of flowers similar to lilies. First of all, these are their family relatives: goose onion, kandyk, tricyrtis, daylilies. Similar flowers are found in other families.

Lilies are one of the most beautiful flowers

List of plants similar to lilies: a brief description of the species and photographs of flowers

Another name for the lily is the Greek hipperastrum, which means “cavalry star”. This beautiful perennial has earned its name for the resemblance of its large funnel-shaped flowers to a star. On each peduncle, from 2 to 6 elegant flowers of various colors and sizes appear. Brindle and spotted varieties are known. Most of them have a strong smell. And not everything can be kept in residential premises.

The main distinctive features of hipperastrum are also found in many other bulbous plants belonging to different families. . Some of them are even confused with lilies. The word “lily” is often present in the second names of the plant. In addition to the already mentioned flowers of the same family, this also applies to perennials from the Amaryllis family - amaryllis, eucharis, wallote and others, which will be discussed.

Goose onion is a herbaceous honey plant from the lily family, native to northern Africa. More than a hundred of its species are known. Goose onion is one of the first to bloom, which is why it has earned the name “yellow snowdrop.” Up to 10 delicate, yellow flowers appear on the inflorescence. They also look like stars, only small, but just as bright as their enlarged counterparts. The outside of the flowers are green, they sit on low stems with elongated leaves, and grow from small, scaly bulbs. These perennials love the sun and fertile, loose soil without stagnant moisture.


Translated from ancient Greek, kandyk means red, and because of its bulbous shape it is also called “dog fang.” The plants originate from the subtropics and belong to the lily family. Their stems are low, oblong bulbs sit deep in the soil. And the drooping, delicate flowers that appear in early spring are colored pink, purple, white, and more often yellow. By summer, the above-ground part of the perennials dies off. They are rare in our country; they mainly grow in the mountains.

Another representative of the lilies is Cardiocritus, which is called the “heart-shaped lily” for the shape of its leaves. Over the course of a season they change color from bronze to olive red and then dark green. Rising almost 2 meters upward in the form of a palm-like rosette of leaves, the hollow stems of Cardiocritus produce racemose inflorescences by mid-summer. They may bear 5-30 fragrant, large green-white flowers that resemble lilies. They are called “giant lilies”. After flowering, the plants die off and are reborn in the spring with the help of daughter bulbs and seeds.


Tricyrtis is a herbaceous perennial from the lily family, native to the East Asian region. In the Philippines it is called “toad lily” because the smell of its juice attracts edible frogs. In Europe, due to the shape of the flower, it is also called a garden orchid. Large flowers grow singly, or are collected in bunches on the tops of half-meter stems, or can be hidden in the leaves. They are colored white, yellow or cream. Or they can be, like lilies, spotted with delicate pubescence of the petals.

This African perennial is a close relative of amaryllis from the same family. It differs from it in having a smaller bulb and narrower and longer leaves. This indoor flower is similar to a lily, with red, white or pink flowers appearing in its second year.

This is an extremely prolific plant, with a large number of children, abundant flowering, which is not hampered by a cramped pot and uncomfortable growing conditions.

Eucharis is a bulbous perennial plant from the Amaryllis family, native to the foothills of the Andes and Amazon. Therefore, it is mistakenly called the “Amazon lily.” The inaccuracy is that the snow-white large flower looks more like a daffodil. Inside the gracefully inclined corolla is a green and yellow crown. It is not for nothing that the name of the fragrant flower translated from Greek means “full of charm.” It has been known in gardening and indoor floriculture for more than a century and a half.

Each inflorescence of a dozen flowers (when they open one by one) lives up to 3 weeks. Flowering occurs in August-September, and under favorable conditions can be observed twice a season - in spring and autumn.

All amaryllis are poisonous. They can cause vomiting, dyspepsia and kidney problems.

We invite you to read the full review


Alstroemeria is part of the family of the same name and is considered a close relative of the lily. It is also known as the Peruvian lily. This flower really resembles a miniature lily and comes from the cold regions of the Andes. Exquisite flowers of various colors inside are covered with the same specks as real lilies. There are pink, white, purple, yellow and burgundy flowers. They can also be two-colored and are often used in cut flower arrangements.

Although the plant does not resemble an orchid, it is often marketed as an orchid. This species in the Caucasian subtropics can winter without shelter.


The genus Amaryllis includes only one species - Amaryllis belladonna. The plant is not common in Russia and is little known to gardeners. A native of South Africa, it grows up to 70 cm at home. It has narrow half-meter leaves, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The pear-shaped bulb, not completely immersed in the soil, shoots out several multi-flowered arrows. Large flowers are composed of six red or pink petals.

The bulbs of amaryllis and similar hippeastrums are extremely sensitive even to short-term temperature passes through zero.

Get to know the rules and subtleties of care

We have not looked at all the flowers that look like a lily, but only the most famous ones.

Eucharis is the name of a genus of bulbous crops in the Amaryllis family. The plant is widespread in South and Central America. The tropical crop is often called the Amazon lily. There are about twenty species of plants. The flower "eucharis" means "most lovely" and also "graceful". Decorative leaves of rich shade are especially valued. Delightful delicate inflorescences fill the entire room with an amazing subtle aroma. The round bulb of the Amazon lily reaches more than five centimeters in diameter. On top is a modified plant root, densely covered with golden scales. Eucharis blooms in mid-autumn. Under favorable conditions, the plant is capable of shooting arrows twice a year.

The Amazon lily must be protected from direct sunlight.

Correct lighting

Amazon lily prefers even, diffused lighting. The plant is also capable of maintaining bright colors in partial shade. To grow eucharis, you should prepare window sills on the west or south side of the building. The indoor lily does not tolerate exposure to sunlight.


Eucharis needs to create comfortable warm conditions. In summer, the optimal air temperature for a flower is from + 23 to + 30 degrees.

In winter, a cool room should be prepared. The thermometer mark should be at +15-+18 degrees.

The plant does not tolerate drafts and gusts of wind. Open windows in winter can harm the Amazon lily. Just a few hours of cool air causes leaves to fall.

How to water a plant

Amazon lily prefers uniform substrate moisture during the active growing season and flowering. In waterlogged soil, the root system begins to rot. In a few days the plant will die.

After the inflorescences wither, the Amazon lily enters a dormant period. During the entire rest period (about forty-five days), you can water the plant no more than twice.


The indoor lily responds well to high indoor humidity. A plant without inflorescences can be regularly sprayed with settled water at room temperature.

It is important to monitor the condition of the leaves. It is not advisable to allow water to stagnate at the base of the vegetative organs.

At the stage of budding and abundant flowering, spraying should be stopped. Inflorescences can die from drops of water.

Eucharia should be wiped periodically. Dust often accumulates on the leaves. It is recommended to use a dry sponge first. After removing the dirt, you can treat the areas with a damp cloth. Failure to follow the recommendations may clog the stomata. The leaves of the crop will not be able to continue gas exchange with the environment.

How to perform a transplant

The indoor lily can actively develop in one container for about four years. It is recommended to replant the grown plant after the first flowering as the bulbs grow. Young Eucharis should be replanted annually. If the colonies of modified roots do not fit in the pot, you should change the container.

To grow eucharis you need to use large, wide pots. It is advisable to lay a thick layer of drainage at the bottom of the container.

The procedure must be carried out using the transshipment method at the end of March. Eucharis reacts heavily to loss of moisture and damage to the root system. For transplantation you need:

  1. Gently loosen the substrate using a small garden spatula.
  2. Spread out the massive roots.
  3. To avoid damaging tangled areas, you can rinse the root system with running water.
  4. Separated bulbs should be planted at a depth of about three centimeters.
  5. If you are replanting an acquired bulb without leaves, you need to place the eucharis in a container with the crown part up. The top should remain on the surface of the earth.
  6. It is necessary to compact the substrate thoroughly.
  7. The plant should be constantly inspected for three weeks. Successful rooting can be seen due to the bare area.
  8. You should rarely water your indoor lily. You can determine the need to moisten the substrate by touch.
  9. If the planting material has leaves, it is necessary to spray the plant regularly.
  10. In conditions of high humidity, new leaves will appear on the bulb within 45 days.

Rest period

The Amazon lily differs from other representatives of amaryllis in the absence of a pronounced dormant period. The plant does not shed its leaves in winter. The loss of vegetative organs indicates damage to the crop. Eucharis may die.

The plant does not have a pronounced rest period.

After flowering, it is advisable to reduce watering for sixty days. The plant will be able to regain its strength.

Need for pruning

Eucharis does not need constant pruning. It is enough to clear the crop of fading flower stalks as it wilts.

Additional information about planting and replanting a flower can be found in the video:

Amazon lily in an open area

In tropical countries, eucharis is grown as a garden crop. The plant can maintain freshness for a long time. Therefore, the lily is often cultivated for cutting.

In the northern regions, the flower is grown in greenhouses and winter gardens. The indoor flower lily is especially popular.

Flower growers often experiment with eucharis. The container plant can withstand the outdoor conditions of a temperate continental climate in the warm season. It is advisable to prepare a protected place in the gazebo or on the balcony. The flower will be able to maintain its decorative properties provided there are no sharp temperature fluctuations and sudden night cold snaps.

Eucharis can only be kept outdoors in a closed container.

Indoor lily - secrets of growing

soil mixture

To plant eucharis, you need to prepare a substrate from humus, leaf soil, aerated softened peat, and clean river sand. It is also recommended to use Nitrophoska and wood ash.

Top dressing

The growth of green mass of eucharis depends on the quality and timeliness of fertilizing. How to apply fertilizer correctly? For the Amazon lily, you should prepare a mineral mixture for flowering indoor plants or “Nitrophoska”. Half a teaspoon of the product should be poured into one liter of water. It is recommended to use the solution no more than three times a month.

Before applying the drug, it is necessary to moisten the soil. Fertilizer in combination with a dry substrate can cause burns to the stems and leaves.

How to choose a flower pot

Eucharis grandiflora should be planted in shallow, wide containers. The container must be stable. Several large holes need to be made in the bottom to drain excess water.

What affects Eucharis grandiflora?

The Amazon lily differs from other members of the family in its unpretentiousness. The plant easily forms buds every year. With proper care, you can get a profusely flowering crop.

To create a spectacular bush, you can plant several bulbs in a large container. Regular feeding stimulates the formation of numerous leaves. Eucharis is not recommended to be planted in a group with other plants. The indoor lily needs to create enough space.

Despite the significant benefits, complete non-compliance with the rules of care can cause plant damage and pests.

The main danger among insects for Eucharis are scale insects. The appearance of brown plaques on leaf blades and stems indicates damage to the flower.

The cleaned plant must be treated with a soap solution. It is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge dipped in soapy water. All areas should be sprayed with Actellica solution. You will need 0.15% drug. For one procedure, it is recommended to use two milliliters of the product and one liter of settled water.

Dry air combined with high environmental temperatures contributes to the settlement of thrips on lilies. Insect colonies primarily settle on the lower parts of the leaves. On the top of the plate you can see characteristic light marks.

An ornamental plant can cause significant harm to the body. It is not recommended to grow the plant indoors with children.

The entire amaryllis family contains high concentrations of the alkaloid lycorine. The component stimulates vomiting and causes severe poisoning. Accidental consumption of parts of the plant can lead to tragic consequences. Eucharius is included in the category of the most dangerous plants.

How to propagate lilies at home

A large cluster of daughter bulbs on the mother plant creates a lush form of eucharis. A cramped space at the initial stage reduces the development of indoor lilies. Insufficient nutrients and tangled root systems can cause the death of all plants in one container. Therefore, as the lily grows, you should transplant the separated bulbs into new containers. A sufficient volume of the pot stimulates the flowering of the crop. Annual separation of small lilies is allowed.

It is advisable to perform disconnection during transplantation. Only mature children are suitable for spreading eucharis. It is important to carry out the procedure carefully. Fragile roots can be easily damaged.

Reproduction of Eucharis by bulbs.

Separated bulbs should be planted in pre-prepared wide containers with several holes. At the bottom of the container you need to line a drainage layer of crockery shards, expanded clay or pebbles. On top you will need two handfuls of clean, medium-grain sand. About five children can be planted in one pot. The planting depth should not exceed five centimeters.

Why plant Eucharis in a group? Several representatives in a tight container guarantee lush flowering. Single plantings of lilies will not be able to form inflorescences until the bulbs need to grow.

For children you will need to mix a special substrate. You should prepare:

  1. compost;
  2. leaf soil;
  3. loam;
  4. coarse sand.

Modified roots also respond well to heather, deciduous and turf soil. Heather substrate can be replaced with peat.

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom?

For eucharis to bloom, it is necessary to ensure proper rest. Excessive soil moisture reduces the likelihood of buds forming.

The main sign that a young plant is ready to produce buds is the formation of daughter bulbs. If inflorescences have not appeared this season, it is necessary to give the plant two months of rest.

Flowering can be stimulated using stratification.

If eucharis does not bloom for a long time, you can use the little secret of experienced flower growers. The effect of low temperature stimulates the production of buds. It is necessary to move the flowerpot to a cool room. The ambient temperature should not exceed + 15 degrees. The substrate should be completely dry.

After 30 days, it is necessary to return the plant to its permanent growing location and create the hottest conditions possible. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the lily. The plant should not form new leaves. It is not advisable to allow old vegetative organs to be shed.

Planting material

Eucharis can be purchased in its grown form. A container culture with a height of 15 cm is sold in a container with a diameter of 15 cm at a price of 2,600 rubles.

Rooted lily shoots can be purchased on gardening forums for 100 rubles.