How to make plaster moldings. How to make a beautiful plaster stucco molding yourself - step by step instructions with video

How to make a beautiful plaster stucco molding yourself - step by step instructions with video

Interiors in antique, classic, baroque styles require delicate details such as plaster moldings. Made by the hands of professional sculptors, it is incredibly beautiful, but making it is very expensive. With the help of simple devices, materials and a little artistic experience, you can make this decorative element with your own hands.

Gypsum has many advantages - it is a natural, environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful substances and is resistant to fungi, so that products from it can be used in children's rooms and bedrooms. Of the shortcomings, only the large weight of the stucco molding and some fragility can be noted.

Materials and tools

Before creating stucco, you need to stock up on some equipment and supplies.

  1. To work, you need a table with an absolutely flat surface, since the decor will freeze on it, and even a slight bias will cause a marriage
  2. A dense film to protect the table and adjacent objects, as dry plaster is very dusty, and silicone sticks to surfaces
  3. A set of spatulas and tools for sculpting (stacks, knives), narrow brush, stationery knife
  4. Ruler or tape measure, measuring cup
  5. Plasticine, better for building, or clay
  6. Plaster of paris, PVA glue, cement for large elements
  7. Silicone and silicone oil, release agent (found in construction and art stores, as well as places where everything for needlework, jewelry and soap making is sold), you can use a silicone "gun"
  8. Cement

If you have no experience with modeling, shapes and plaster, then first you need to practice creating small elements of plaster molding: small diameter rosettes, monograms, flowers, etc.


Before proceeding with the creation of stucco molding, you need to decide on its design and dimensions. To find a source of inspiration, you can turn to the Internet, design books, or history. The design and size of the stucco elements must harmoniously fit into the interior and correspond to the general style. The size should be chosen so that the decor does not look bulky and does not overlap outlets and other structures.

The selected sketch must be printed in full size and, using it, from plasticine or clay, mold a model of the future element of a slightly larger size than the decor itself is supposed to be. Those who are confident in their abilities or have an art education can make a sketch of the stucco molding entirely on their own. If experience is not enough, you can use polyurethane stucco molding as a model, a wide selection of which is available in hardware stores. Using just one element, you can create any number of your own plaster parts, and besides, the polyurethane sample can be easily modified by cutting off excess or adding parts using plasticine.

The form

When the model is ready, you can start creating a mold for casting future stucco moldings. At home, it is optimal to make molds from silicone, they will cost a little more, but it is easier to work with them. The model is pretreated with a release agent so that the future form can easily move away from it.

For the mold, silicone and silicone oil are mixed to increase elasticity (for simple molds, this can be omitted). Then the silicone is applied with a brush to the model, avoiding gaps, smearing all the depressions and pores. The strokes should be smooth and soft so that no air bubbles remain under the silicone. Bubbles will lead to the fact that indentations remain on the form, which in the future will ruin all the stucco molding. After the first layer of silicone has been applied, you need to strengthen the form, for example, with gauze. It should fit snugly, but not taut, it should, as it were, be imprinted into a layer of silicone.

After drying, apply a few more layers, letting each dry for 2-3 hours. The total thickness of the silicone layers should be about 3 mm. Where a large mass of gypsum is expected, the layers of silicone should be made thicker. In places where a seal is required, it is convenient to apply the silicone with a “gun”.

Large, complex and volumetric elements need a plaster base so that the form retains its intended appearance and does not "walk". To do this, a frame is constructed from boards or plywood according to the size of the shape or a suitable box is selected, in which the shape is attached to the silicone. Then PVA glue is mixed with water, adding gypsum and a little cement for strength, the mixture is slowly poured into the formwork, leveling with an improvised tool, leveling the surface and allowing to harden. After drying, the finished mold with the base can be easily removed from the model.

If you want to decorate a room with small decorative elements made of plaster, you should pay attention to ready-made silicone molds in stores offering handicraft goods. Among the molds for making soap, candles and even culinary products, you can find many options for rosettes, flowers, bows and borders.

Stucco making

The finished form is thoroughly coated with a release agent, since in uncovered places, gypsum can adhere to silicone so that it will damage the form.

After that, the gypsum itself is prepared. It must be remembered that it solidifies very quickly, literally in 2-3 minutes losing its fluidity, and in 7-8 minutes - plasticity, therefore it must be dissolved and poured into the mold quickly. If you dilute the gypsum with hot water, it will harden even faster. To prepare gypsum, 10 parts by volume of dry material are poured into 7 parts of water in small portions and mixed quickly, preferably with a drill with a mixer attachment. A small amount of PVA glue, previously dissolved in water, will make the mixture more plastic, and the finished stucco will not crack. The consistency of the mixture should be close to liquid sour cream.

The prepared solution is poured into the prepared form, evenly distributing gypsum over it with vibrating movements. This is done in order to release trapped air bubbles, which become the causes of "shells" on the surface of the stucco molding. The surface of the filled mold is carefully leveled with a wide spatula. A medium-sized product dries for 15-20 minutes.

The dried gypsum element is easily removed from the mold if it has been well smeared with a release agent. The gypsum stucco molding must be left for final drying at room temperature for 24 hours.

Finishing of stucco elements

When the gypsum stucco molding began to turn white, you can assess the quality of the work and start fine-tuning and correction. At this stage, you can correct minor flaws, sand the unevenness and roughness with fine sandpaper, fill in small shells.

A mesh is applied to the back of the element for better adhesion to the wall, completely primed. You can paint the gypsum stucco molding with water-based paint in 2-4 layers after the primer has completely dried.

Installation of stucco

It is better to install plaster moldings 2-3 days after casting. Ceiling or walls must be prepared before installation. To do this, first, the places for installing the decor are outlined, then the surface is moistened with water and coated with PVA. Stucco details are also moistened and coated with glue, and then, with rubbing movements, are connected to the wall or ceiling. Excess glue is removed with a cloth. Large stucco moldings are fixed with self-tapping screws. The joints between various stucco elements and surfaces are puttyed with plaster. Finally, the plaster stucco is covered with another coat of paint, preferably of the same brand as the ceiling or walls.

Making plaster moldings is not only a way to decorate your home, but also a great way to creatively express yourself.

For several centuries, such decor as stucco molding has not gone out of fashion. Only patterns and methods of installation of finishes are transformed. The article will focus on how to make a decorative element with your own hands using plaster.

Brief description of the decor

Stucco molding fits well into many interior styles. Original decoration patterns give the room pomp and respectability. A curly border on the ceiling and a screen by the fireplace look interesting in combination with stylish wallpaper or painted walls.

The decor is ideal for rooms with high ceilings and good lighting. It not only decorates the room, but is also used for the purpose of zoning space, masking communications and technical objects (hood, riser, chimney). They decorate the zones along the stairs, cornices along the borders of the panel.

The classic decor is made from a plaster mix. Modern products are lightweight due to the properties of the polyurethane from which they are made.

Types of stucco molding

All decorative products belonging to the "stucco" group are subdivided into several varieties. The classification is based on functionality.

Cornice - is located at the junction of the ceiling plane and the wall. The decor performs the following tasks: masking the edges of the wallpaper, visually increasing / decreasing the space in the room, hiding small flaws in the upper part of the wall. Models are in the form of a strip and patterned, made in different parameters.

Molding - decorative strips used to decorate walls, paintings, panels, inserts in decoration. Visually, stucco molding can increase the space with a certain arrangement of elements. Plank parameters are also available in assortment.

Due to the physical properties of the material, the stucco molding turns out to be light, it will not be difficult to fix it at the selected level. Possesses polyurethane and increased moisture resistance, this makes it possible to use the decor in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Mechanical influences, temperature drops are not terrible for this type of product. The material does not absorb odors, and maintenance is also easy. Significant disadvantages are: the synthetic origin of the stucco molding, surface graininess and flammability.

The process of creating a stucco with your own hands

The process of creating stucco molding at home is quite fun, you can attract other family members as helpers. Before starting work, you need to prepare tools and materials.

A knife with a thin blade.

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Gypsum (for construction purposes).

Capacity for mixing the solution.

Capacity for water.

The mixing container should not be large, the gypsum hardens quickly, a large portion will not have time to be produced. The procedure for preparing the mixture is simple, first, a dry component is introduced into the container, after which water is added in portions with continuous stirring. The degree of density is determined by the parameters of the future design. The larger the form, the thicker the solution should be. Stucco molding of complex shape provides for laying into a mold before casting the wire twisted into a frame. Such products are distinguished by their durability and increased strength.

The prepared form is filled with a mixture and allowed to harden. After 2-6 hours, the product will be ready. It is not recommended to use it immediately to fix it. The stucco molding should completely dry out for 1-2 days. The room in which the workpieces are stored is selected dry with good air circulation.

How to fix stucco

Before installing the stucco molding, it is worth checking the similarity of the pattern lines when joining the elements. If everything is in order with the quality of the products, you can proceed with the installation.

Stages of the workflow:

Clean the surface on which it is planned to fix the stucco molding from old finishes or whitewash;

With a pencil, mark the outline of the decor;

Make notches with a chisel on the surface of the wall (or ceiling) and on the back of the stucco;

It is worth starting the installation from the corner, for this the decor needs to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees;

Add a little glue for carpentry work (3% composition) to the gypsum working solution;

The article discusses one of the most original and time-consuming ways to decorate the walls of an apartment: artistic modeling. It is believed that this phenomenon belongs to bygone eras, but reality shows that molding is also used in modern interiors.

Modeling in the interior

Modeling on the wall is considered an original, albeit not a popular option for decorating a home. Despite the large number of alternative and artificial products, classical art modeling has not yet lost its relevance.

What is stucco on the walls

Stucco moldings and bas-reliefs on the walls are a way to decorate a room in an original way and add some charm to the overall look.

Contrary to numerous misconceptions that stucco molding is not only an expensive, but also a complex technological process, in fact, it is an affordable way of decorating that any patient and imaginative master can handle.

Stucco moldings on the walls are patterned, figured and, in general, artistic decorations that can be made from various materials.

Stucco molding on the walls in the apartment: where you can use

Stucco moldings on the walls in a modern apartment can be used in a variety of ways. First of all, these are, of course, living quarters, where such decoration takes up vast space on the wall. If desired, it is possible to vary the size and volume of the decoration, however you like. Stucco molding is less common in rooms for other purposes, such as, for example, a kitchen or a bathroom, because in such places practicality plays a more important role, rather than aesthetic qualities.

How to make stucco molding with your own hands at home

It is quite possible to make stucco molding on the wall with your own hands, even without having construction skills or art education.

However, before starting this process, you will need to make preparations. This implies, first of all, the preparation of the surface of the wall, which it is desirable to level, and without fail priming and dusting.

Material selection

To create three-dimensional images on the walls, designed to serve as an original interior decoration, you will need to use any plastic material. Possible options include:

  • Gypsum.
  • Plaster.
  • Clay.
  • Alabaster.

The choice of material is carried out, first of all, starting from the cost of the material, as well as its characteristics.

Forming a sketch or wireframe

After the wall has been properly processed, and the material for sculpting has been prepared, you need to worry about the formation of the sketch. It should be noted that the sketch will be one of the most important moments in the process under consideration, and it also affects the success of the entire decorating operation.

  • To create a sketch and future stencil, you can use thick paper or cardboard.
  • The required image is drawn, copied or printed on a sheet, and then cut along the contour.
  • After that, it must be placed under a film, cellophane or other similar coating. The resulting product will serve as a stencil for future modeling.
  • Attach the cut fragment with the necessary contours in the right place to the wall and, using, for example, a pencil or other similar tool, push the contours of the image into the putty layer.

Plaster molding on the wall

Gypsum is a ductile and flexible material that can be shaped into any shape; it hardens quickly. Before applying, the gypsum is poured with water and mixed thoroughly, after which, armed with a scalpel with a knife and a wire with shapes, you can start making gypsum modeling on the wall with your own hands.


Gypsum is prone to accelerated hardening, so it is not recommended to carry out complex parts that require lengthy production. The duration and peculiarity of the drying process also depend on the thickness of the solution.

Opening with varnish

Final finishing will require a protective coating. This is necessary not only to preserve the aesthetic qualities, but also to protect the molding from shedding and destruction. Opening with acrylic varnish is considered one of the best options in this case.

Examples of stucco molding in the interior of the room

Stucco moldings on the walls in modern apartments can be absolutely varied. It depends not only on the imagination of the owners or the master, but also on:

  • area allotted for decoration;
  • selected materials;
  • characteristics of the room and some other factors.


Flowers, vines and plant images often become images used in stucco on walls. As a rule, they are simple to execute due to the symmetry of the shapes and the simplicity of the lines.


The fauna is a less common motif in images created by stucco molding, since it does not fit into every room, and the involvement of a master will be required to create high-quality works.


Geometric lines, shapes, intricate patterns are an original way to decorate the wall of almost any room. These patterns are neutral and fit into most interiors, besides, they are simple to create.

Antique figures

They are among the most complex images. To create them, you will need not only an experienced craftsman, but also high-quality materials, good tools and a competent preparatory process.

What do-it-yourself stucco molding on the walls is the fastest

As already mentioned, gypsum is one of the most "fast" materials, despite the fact that it requires a certain skill. It is easy and quick to apply, requires a minimum of effort and tools, and also quickly hardens.

What to consider

Depending on the specifics of the planned work, a list of advantages and disadvantages is determined, with which you should first familiarize yourself and make a decision.


Decorative sculpting requires regular maintenance, but it is not an easy process. It must be washed with mild detergents that do not contain abrasives or acids.


The restoration of stucco molding is carried out using the same materials that were used to create the pattern, in case of major damage. For smaller and minor defects, you can use gypsum or putty. Individual elements, if necessary, are cast separately or are formed after applying the mixture.

Stucco molding on the walls is one of the most original and exotic ways to add solidity and originality to the interior.

Useful video

For a long time, stucco molding on the walls has been used as a decoration for the interior of a room. There were times when soft stone was used to make three-dimensional figures. Currently, materials such as gypsum and polyurethane are popular.

Elements are made from them at the factory, which are placed as a decor for walls. Such samples are also used to decorate ceilings, fireplaces, arches and windows.

Product Styles

Previously, professional craftsmen performed all the stucco elements on their own. The first composition was developed in the baroque style, then classicism began to enjoy popularity. Many styles are currently in use, including ultramodern and modern.

Classic style interior

Self-made product

The stucco molding on the wall will have a special effect, which is easy to make for interior decoration with your own hands. You just need to fantasize a little, purchase the necessary materials and tools, make a layout and translate your plans into reality. It is best to use plaster for these purposes for the following reasons:

  • it is environmentally friendly;
  • is resistant to damage;
  • harmful microorganisms will not start in it.

However, one must not forget that the product can turn out to be quite heavy, therefore additional fastening methods will be needed.

What you need to work

Before making the stucco molding, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools. This will require:

  • cement;
  • PVA glue;
  • silicone oil and silicone;
  • roulette;
  • beaker;
  • knives, stacks, spatulas; brush.

The surface for work must be properly prepared, it is protected with a thick film from silicone and gypsum dust.

Without experience, you should not start an activity, it is better to practice on trial copies, and then do the work cleanly.

Manufacturing process

Independent execution of plaster molding on the wall can be done in several stages. First, a sketch is created, then the shapes are prepared and stucco molding is performed, then the finished product is mounted.

Sketch formation

Sculpt a model of stucco molding from plasticine or clay

You can create a ready-made sketch for interior decoration in an apartment, either by developing your own imagination or by finding the necessary information on the Internet and in architectural books.

According to the printed version, using clay or plasticine, a model is sculpted that is larger than the stucco molding itself.

The plasticine version can be modified. If it is impossible to complete the work, you can buy a ready-made polyurethane model in hardware stores.

Form preparation

Coat the mold with a mixture of silicone and oil

Silicone is used to create the mold. A model made of plasticine must be treated with a special lubricant and the form must be separated from it. Next, the silicone is mixed with oil to increase elasticity and cover the model, scrupulously smearing all the cracks.

The strokes must be made evenly, avoiding the ingress of air, so as not to spoil the product. Applying the first layer, the mold is strengthened with gauze and allowed to dry for 2-3 hours. The sample thickness must be at least 3 mm. A thick layer of silicone is applied to the resulting powerful product. Then the mold must be poured into the plaster base:

This structure can help to firmly anchor the shape to avoid deformation when filling with plaster.

Stucco molding

The finished form must be well coated with a release agent so that the gypsum does not stick to it. The next step is the preparation of a gypsum solution: 7 parts of cold water are combined with 10 parts of gypsum, mix well with a mixer with a nozzle, preferably quickly, because gypsum hardens rapidly.

Part of PVA glue is added to the solution to achieve plasticity and strength, the mixture is obtained like sour cream. The solution must be poured into the mold, distributing it with vibration movements. Small parts are treated with a brush or small spatula.

Now you need to let the product dry for about 20 minutes. The stucco molding can be quickly removed from the mold if it has been well treated with a separating liquid.

The manufactured copy is left to dry completely for another day.

How to mount the finished product

Mount stucco with PVA or wood glue

You can make stucco molding on the wall to revitalize the interior yourself. The installation process might look like this:

  1. The wall is cleaned of the previous finish, the lines are determined where the product will be located using notches on the wall.
  2. On the stucco molding, you can also outline notches on the inside so that the product adheres better to the wall.
  3. The wall and the back of the stucco molding are moistened with water and PVA glue or gypsum mixed with wood glue is applied.
  4. The part is attached to the wall with movements similar to lapping. The excess mixture is removed with a spatula.
  5. Large parts can be fixed with self-tapping screws, and plaster can be placed on top of the caps.
  6. The formed joints are masked with plaster. For a detailed description of the process of making gypsum stucco moldings, see this video:

The finished decor is cleaned of dust, then it is painted with a water-soluble emulsion paint. In a room with high humidity, the stucco molding should still be covered with a water-repellent solution.

Features of finishing molding

The made plaster molding on the walls in the interior of the apartment must be correctly completed. As a rule, its clean white surface is decorated with paint. Before applying it, the element must be primed. The paint is used the same as for the walls - acrylic or water-based. The brush should be long bristled.

Allowing a flight of imagination, various decorating techniques are used: aging the product, applying gilding or other effects. Imitation is used for various textures: marble, natural stone. It's even possible to create whole pictures on the walls.

Stucco molding, made by hand to decorate the interior of the room, will be able to give it an interesting and finished look. In addition, this option will only exist in a single copy.

Many people dream of decorating their home, making it unusual and original. For unusual finishes or interior items, we sometimes give unreasonably large sums, not suspecting that the desired effect can be achieved at a much lower cost. One of such budgetary ways to decorate the interior is do-it-yourself stucco molding on the wall, a master class in which we present to your attention.

Today I will show you how to make such a graceful branch of the vine.

For work we need:

  1. Building gypsum or alabaster
  2. Plasticine
  3. Plastic bag
  4. Grape leaf picture
  5. Construction Silicone Sealant
  6. Satengips type putty (KNAUF)
  7. Palette knife set
  8. Primer
  9. Disposable syringe
  10. Water-based paint of the desired color

Stucco molding on the wall with your own hands. Preparation

Do-it-yourself stucco molding on the wall, like all construction work, begins from the surface. It is not particularly necessary to level it, but it is necessary to dust and prime it.

I leave the wall to dry, and at this time I prepare the necessary forms and templates. The mold is needed for casting grapes. You can sculpt them in place, but it is much more convenient to glue ready-made ones, by this moment they are already hardened, therefore they do not deform under pressure.

I form an oblong ball out of plasticine - a grape of the required size. Then I make a small plasticine "cup" in which the "grape" is placed with a gap (Read how to make a more complex plaster molding).

I fill the "cup" with sealant, press the plasticine blank into the silicone to the middle. I leave the silicone to harden.

Proceeding to making a leaf template. In your version, it can be other details with a complex shape, which is difficult to reproduce without a template. I printed a carved grape leaf from the Internet, tore the package so that the film was in one layer, and transferred the sheet to it according to the sample.

When the silicone is completely frozen, I remove the template and remove the "cup".

I breed plaster or alabaster. The mortar should not be too plastic. The consistency of "sour cream" is the most suitable one. I fill out the form. The "grape" does not harden for a long time. A couple of minutes is enough. For this stucco molding of grapes, I made 16 pieces.

Stucco molding on the wall with your own hands. Creation

When the primer is dry, it's time to create a surface for our stucco on the wall.

I spread the putty and cover the wall with it. I gave the relief using a roller.

And immediately, while the putty is not frozen, I start creating stucco moldings. I press grapes into the putty, forming brushes.

I outline the leaves. I carefully apply a stencil so as not to spoil the texture of the wall, pushing the outline of the sheet into the putty. I remove the polyethylene. The photo is not very clearly visible, but the print is clearly visible on the wall.

I leave the wall to dry completely, then cover it with a primer again and let it dry.

I put putty inside the contour, creating the thickness of the stucco element.

Then, with an improvised tool (spatulas, palette knives of various shapes) (my palette knives are homemade)
, give jaggedness to the edge of the sheet, form folds and folds. In order to form a clear edge, using a palette knife like a construction trowel, I apply a little thick putty to the edge. I correct it in place and remove the excess.

I add texture to the surface with a semicircular palette knife.

I make streaks on some sheets. To do this, I fill a disposable syringe with a putty of sour cream consistency.

It remains to make the actual vine. I thicken the joints of the leaves, form the branches. I give it "naturalness" with thin longitudinal lines.

Well, actually, the stucco molding on the wall was made by hand.

After drying, I cover it again with a primer. Then I paint, and immediately remove the excess paint with a damp sponge. In general, the coloring is optional, you can leave it white.

Here's what happened.

Another master class on creating a volumetric decor on the wall, see.

And a master class on creating a bas-relief panel for your interior.