Houses made of clay, earthen, soil blocks, adobe. Ecological and cheap house

House of mud and straw? What is this nonsense! Most likely, every second person who will read this article will say so. However, do not rush to conclusions. Houses made of clay and straw, or in other words still adobe houses, as well as houses made of adobe - this is the very environmentally friendly housing, mixed with ancient traditions. The construction of adobe houses was the easiest and fastest construction that did not require any complex mechanisms, a large number of people and any material processing.

Everything necessary for the construction of housing was taken directly from the ground: clay was mixed with straw, stuffed with this mixture special shapes and then dried in the sun. Clay was responsible for the shape, straw served as an armoframe, giving the blocks additional strength and strengthening them. thermal insulation properties. In houses built in this way, a comfortable temperature was maintained around the clock - during the day, under the scorching sun, it was not hot, and at night - not cold.

Houses made of clay and straw cannot be denied durability. The seized clay did not get wet in the rain, did not crumble, did not crack. Thanks to all these wonderful qualities, clay-straw houses did not sink into the abyss of history, but are quite often found in modern world, even in such a climatically difficult country as Russia.

Old adobe buildings are found in the south - in Krasnodar Territory, Rostov region and in the North Caucasian republics. They build from adobe even now. If you want the same house, we are happy to share the "secret" ingredients.

To build a clay house, you will need:

  1. rye straw
  2. Clay without impurities of the earth
  3. Wooden panels 400-500 mm high for formwork

From the tool - hands and two tanks, if desired - a construction mixer and a shovel. In one you will knead the clay. In the other - soak the straw.

Clay is first soaked in an ordinary pit with an area of ​​​​about 2.5 square meters. m and a depth of 30 cm. Leave to stand for a day and then knead with feet, shovels or powerful construction mixer. In the tank we mix clay with straw. The degree of concentration of the slurry is determined as follows: we lower our hand into it and immediately pull it out; if the slurry evenly lies on the hand and does not immediately drain, then the concentration is sufficient. We soak the straw for just a few minutes. Then we recline the straw on the tray and let the liquid drain. Thus, the straw is covered with a thin layer of clay. We bring the straw to the formwork and hammer the wall with mallets, feet, etc. Attach the formwork to the frame not with nails, but with self-tapping screws.

Photo of houses made of clay and straw

Clay house: construction features

The ancient construction technology has received a new breath among country developers. Natural material differs in mass positive characteristics. Clay perfectly accumulates heat, so in such houses it is warm in winter and cool in summer. The article will focus on the technology of building a house from clay and straw.

General characteristics of clay for building a house

This rock in its pure form is rare (kaolin). Depending on the amount of impurities contained (sand, limestone, etc.), clay is divided into oily, medium and lean. The main properties of this material are:

  • plastic;
  • water resistance;
  • soundproofing;
  • incombustibility;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • the possibility of firing.

Clay houses photo

Clay houses maintain an optimal microclimate. The humidity in the room is about 50%. Such walls do not accumulate charges of static electricity.

It is worth noting another advantage of the material - the transfer of thermal energy. Coefficient given parameter equal to 0.5, this indicator is equal to the thermal conductivity of mineral wool.

Clay building benefits

Of the main advantages of building a house from clay can be noted:

  • material availability. Deposits are present almost throughout the territory of Russia and the former countries of the USSR. From this fact follows another undeniable advantage- low cost;
  • thanks to natural origin and the absence of harmful impurities, clay is classified as an environmentally friendly material. In comparison, you can bring the same brick, gas, foam concrete blocks which, under certain conditions, can emit harmful substances;

  • a house made of clay "breathes", is able to absorb odors, dust and even stains. Due to this quality, clay buildings are indicated for people suffering from allergic diseases;
  • clay and wooden elements interact well with each other. The tree seems to be preserved in kaolin. Due to this property, lumber can not be processed protective equipment, which contain almost one chemistry;
  • the durability of the material is beyond praise. As evidence for this statement, we can cite buildings that scientists date back more than 1000 years;
  • ready-made blocks can be soaked and the resulting mass can be reused. Thus, the material does not form construction waste;
  • in a sense, clay carries a divine component. In several religions, this material was used to create man, in particular Adam.
  • Such surfaces can only be whitewashed, unfortunately, wallpaper and paint will not “stick” to clay. Although the premises can be sheathed drywall sheets, then it will be possible to decorate the interior with any materials.

  • But this applies only to residential buildings; for outbuildings, issues related to the interior or exterior are not relevant.

Clay in construction

Clay is used as the main material for making bricks, adobe, roof tiles and other ceramic products. It is also used in its raw form for stuffing walls, lubricating (insulating) ceilings, arranging roofs and plastering wooden walls.

From unbaked bricks, mainly one-story buildings, utility blocks, and garages are erected. This building material has several subspecies:

  • raw brick - mainly used for masonry internal walls and partitions, because it has a weak resistance to dampness and moisture;
  • adobe, in turn, is divided into light and heavy. It depends on how many parts of the straw are in the mass. As a rule, light blocks are used as insulation, and heavy blocks are used for laying walls.

Making adobe bricks

  • The standard dimensions of self-made adobe bricks are 40x20x20 cm, the dimensions of factory-made bricks are 33x16x12 or 33x17x13 cm. It is better to prepare the main raw materials in the fall, repeated freezing / thawing of clay only improves its characteristics.
  • Chopped straw (15-20 cm) acts as reinforcement, as long stems make work difficult. Straw and clay must be soaked in advance.
  • Clay is taken of medium fat content, this will avoid large cracks during drying. Before kneading, the clay is freed from large impurities: branches, stones, etc. All components are thoroughly mixed with a concrete mixer or, according to the old method, with feet.
  • Bricks are formed by hand, placing the clay mass in prepared molds without a bottom. Considering shrinkage, the dimensions of the matrix should be 1 cm larger finished block. Forms are made of lumber, moisture-resistant plywood or metal sheets.
  • Matrices are laid out in advance on a flat surface. When laying the mixture Special attention given to corners. It is important to monitor the dense filling of the form with mass at the edges and corners.

  • The site must have good stock, then light rain for the blocks is not terrible. Otherwise, it is better to hide the blanks under a canopy, cover them with boards or foil.
  • In this form, the bricks will dry for 3 days, then they are taken out and placed on the edge, after 2-3 days the blocks are placed on another edge or on the end. The quality of finished blocks can be determined as follows:
    • throw a brick from a 2-meter height, if it remains unharmed, it means that the manufacture went well;
    • the product should not get wet, lose shape during prolonged (1-2 days) contact with water;
    • on the break of the block should not appear dark spots moisture.
  • If we take about 13 thousand kg of clay, 70-75 kg of straw and 4 thousand liters of water, then approximately 1,000 bricks can be obtained from the resulting mass. In terms of thermal insulation, an adobe block with a thickness of 30 cm corresponds to a brickwork of 50-60 cm.

How to build a clay house

Walls can be built in four ways.

  • First way. The construction of buildings using ready-made blocks. Clay-sand mixture acts as a binder solution. The construction technology is no different from laying walls using gas, foam concrete blocks and similar materials.
  • The second way. This technology requires certain skills. Installed first vertical racks from timber or logs. Rods (shingles) are intertwined between them. An adobe mixture is thrown onto the frame in thin layers on one side, and after it dries, on the other. Then the surface is leveled with the same solution.

  • Third way. It assumes the presence of a large amount of lumber. A formwork is being constructed, the free space is filled with adobe mass and carefully crushed (rammed). In the process, the formwork is built up until the walls reach the required height.
  • Fourth way. This is a firewood and clay house in which the wood acts as blocks and the clay is the binding solution.

DIY clay house

  • Adobe buildings do not like moisture, so the foundation and basement are made of moisture. sustainable materials. For this, brick, rubble stone, concrete blocks are used. The optimal foundation for the house will be a tape or pile-stuffed foundation.
  • The height of the lower part of the wall must be at least 50 cm. waterproofing materials(roofing felt, roofing felt). The thickness of the plinth must exceed the thickness of the walls, both from the inside and outside about 30 cm.
  • Eaves overhangs, which should protrude by 50 cm, will help protect the walls from rainwater. It is also necessary to equip blind areas so that snow and rain do not fall on the wall surfaces.
  • When building walls in the summer, a clay-sand mixture is used as a binder solution with the addition of sawdust or finely chopped straw (wheat, rye, etc.). If construction takes place in spring or autumn, it is better to use lime-cement mortar.

clay house

  • A thin layer of binder mixture in horizontal seams (up to 1 cm) will help minimize the shrinkage of a clay block house.
  • Window and door openings are reinforced with thick reed stalks or thin boards. The same material is laid in the corner joints. Openings should not be located too close to the corners of the house, the minimum distance is 1.5 m.
  • For adobe walls use only wooden floors. The roof should be simple forms, and roofing materials- light. For these purposes, a profile sheet, slate, ondulin is suitable. To make the exterior of the building look modern, the outer walls can be sheathed with siding or bricked.
  • Plastering is carried out a year after construction. During this period, the house will completely sit down.

Clay wall plastering

  • Plastering is carried out in 2 layers - roughing and finishing. For the 1st layer you will need:
    • clay;
    • clean sand of medium fraction;
    • sawdust, which must be dried and free from fungal diseases.
  • First, sawdust is mixed with sand, then clay and water are added. The presence of sawdust in the solution allows you to apply the mixture without the use of a special plaster mesh.
  • The proportion of components is made experimentally. In a small container, 3 parts of sand and 1 part of clay and sawdust are mixed, water is gradually added. Since clay can be of different fat content, the elasticity of the mass depends on this component.
  • From ready mix it is necessary to twist the flagellum with a diameter of approximately 20 mm. The presence of cracks during bending of the bundle indicates the poor quality of the resulting mass. If there are no cracks, then in such proportions a solution of large volumes is mixed.
  • The adobe mass is thrown onto the walls in small portions and smoothed out with a spatula. If the mixture is slightly dry, water is added to it. The thickness of the plaster layer, depending on the irregularities, can be up to 2-3 cm.
  • For finishing a solution of sand, cement, clay and water is mixed (3: 1: 1). The mixture should be slightly liquid, which will greatly facilitate the leveling of surfaces.

  • It is worth noting that the drying of the layers should take place in natural conditions, and this process can take up to 2-3 weeks. It is strictly forbidden to use building hair dryers to speed up drying. Such manipulations will lead to cracking of the layers, then it will be necessary to repair all cracks and re-finish alignment.

In conclusion

The ecological and economic component of a clay residential building is obvious. Subject to all the rules for the manufacture of blocks and the construction of walls, the structure will last for decades.

As an option, you can consider a rather interesting idea proposed by Italian developers - to make clay houses on a 3D printer for low-income citizens. You can bring the equipment to working condition in just a couple of hours. Only 2 people are needed to operate the printer.

Of course, the operation of such housing is quite short - about 5 years, but according to the "builders" by this time it is possible to print and new house.

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Of all the variety construction technologies, this method building houses is the most unusual and interesting. If we add to this the minimum cost, absolute environmental friendliness and impressive durability, then you will probably want to get to know him in more detail.

In Russian, this technology was given the not too euphonious name "clay pot".

In English, it is called cordwood, which translates as "woodpile". Both terms quite accurately define the essence of the technique, since its basis is ordinary firewood.

It is from this material, which is more familiar to us as heating oil, that original and solid houses are built in America, Europe and Russia.

The history of clay and wood-burning houses has more than one century. And today, across the ocean, you can see buildings erected using this technology by the first settlers. In Russia, houses made of firewood have been preserved in the former possessions of Count Leo Tolstoy. They were built by his peasants in the 19th century and still look quite presentable.

Clay pot technology is applicable to any type of building, ranging from chicken coops, sheds, garages, baths and ending with two-story country-style cottages. Load bearing capacity woodpile, fastened with clay, is not inferior to a brick wall. Firewood is a fairly light and plastic material. Therefore, the walls built of them are not afraid of shrinkage and heaving of the soil.

The main advantage of this technology is the ease of implementation. Even without special building skills, any "average" man will be able to build strong and even walls. To do this, you only need to periodically control the verticality and horizontality of the masonry, carefully and tightly laying the logs on the solution.

Building examples

Houses made of firewood and clay captivate with their unusual view and unique masonry aesthetics. Even an ordinary do-it-yourself smokehouse is guaranteed close interest from friends and neighbors.

If you want to build something more monumental out of firewood, then excursions will very soon begin to lead excursions to your house and be photographed against its background.

Even the most modest cottage with wood-burning walls turns into a real work of wooden architecture.

A small bathhouse with an earthen roof, built using cordwood technology, keeps heat very well. The cost of its construction is mere pennies.

A two-story cottage with wood-burning walls and an open gallery is a cozy nest for a family out-of-town vacation.

If you show a little imagination, using multi-colored walls in the masonry glass bottles, then you can create a unique beauty design not only outside, but also inside the building.

Features and secrets of technology

Building a house out of wood and clay is reminiscent of brickwork. Only instead of bricks they use logs here, and instead of cement mortar(although sometimes it is also used) - a mixture of clay with sand and chopped hay.

Wooden chocks are laid not along, but across the walls (just like a woodpile is made of firewood). Firmly linking wooden bricks”, clay provides the wall with exceptionally high strength and fire resistance.

To increase energy saving, the construction technology of clay pots offers a special technique: the clay is spread not with a continuous tape, but with two parallel beds, 5-10 cm wide. Sawdust, perlite, ecowool or any other loose insulation are poured into the empty space formed between the clay and the logs.

The cross section of firewood used in masonry can be anything, but their length is strictly the same. The ends of the firewood can be slightly let out beyond the plane of the wall (by 3-4 cm) to give the wall an expressive embossed texture.

It is better to split firewood before laying, because solid logs crack over time and open access to moisture deep into the walls. The bark should be disposed of by clearing the logs of it before construction begins.

Humidity of freshly cut building material"should be minimal, since firewood absorbs a lot of moisture from the clay solution. Before starting work, they must be dried under a canopy for at least 2 months.

In addition to firewood, a clay pot house requires a lot of clay (20-30% of the volume of wood).

Builders arbitrarily vary the number masonry mortar in the wall. Someone puts chocks on a very thick layer of mortar.

And someone prefers dense stacking of chopped firewood on relatively thin seams.

Pay attention to the bandaging of wood walls at the corners, as well as near window and doorways. Here, the extreme logs are laid so that they go all the way into the adjoining wall. This necessary condition strong bond corner connections and junctions to openings.

The configurations of clay-wood walls also differ significantly from each other. The easiest way is to build a building that is round in plan, since in this case there are no problems with bandaging the logs at the corners. Yes and appearance such a house is more expressive and original than that of a rectangular residential "box".

Wood masonry can be used not only as the main load-bearing structure, but also for filling gaps in a wooden frame.

Mortar and firewood

Sand is needed to prepare the solution. It reduces the fat content of clay and thereby reduces its cracking. It is put into the solution in a ratio of 2 to 1 (two parts of sand one part of clay).

Hay plays the role of an organic “reinforcement”, reducing the intensity of crack formation during the drying of the solution. It will have to be cut on a straw chopping machine or manually chopped with an ax (fibers 3-5 cm long). The amount of dry grass cuttings added to the solution is 10-15% of its volume.

The volume of water is determined by eye, ensuring that the solution is sufficiently plastic, but not fluid.

Firewood of any kind of wood (pine, oak, aspen, poplar, birch) is suitable for masonry. But to combine in the wall logs sawn from different types trees is impossible due to the unequal expansion coefficient.

The length of firewood is chosen based on the climatic conditions of the region. In the southern regions, 30 cm will be enough. For middle lane you need to cut chocks at least half a meter long. AT northern regions Russia optimal length logs is 60–70 cm.

Foundation, roofing and finishing

Since a clay-wood wall is much lighter than a brick wall, the foundation for it is not made too deep (60-70 cm is enough). But it is desirable to make the base higher in order to reduce the impact on the walls of melting snow and precipitation.

One more important pointeaves overhang roofs. For such buildings, it should be at least 80 cm wide. You can cover a wood-burning house with anything, but wooden shingles, straw, ceramic or shingles. Such a structure does not need finishing, but if desired, it can be plastered from the inside. clay mortar on wooden shingles.

While the walls are being built, they need to be protected from rain by a temporary canopy. After the masonry is completed and before the installation of the beams and roof begins, the walls must be given 1-2 months to dry and gain strength.

Estimated cost and profitability of construction

The price of building such a house is the lowest possible, since you do not need to look for materials for construction in stores. Clay and sand can be dug up right on the site or brought from the nearest quarry, and firewood can be purchased at the forestry or at the sawmill. Hay will be gladly sold to you by local farmers.

Let's calculate how much it will cost us to build 1m2 of a wall using cordwood technology (log thickness 50 cm) with our own hands. About 0.32 m3 of firewood, 0.12 m3 of clay, 0.04 m3 of sand and 2-3 kg of chopped hay are placed in one "square" of clay-wood masonry. The cost of all the listed materials today does not exceed 600 rubles.

For comparison, you can take the cost of purchasing the materials necessary for the construction of 1m2 brick wall 51 cm thick, insulated with mineral wool (10 cm). They will amount to about 1800 rubles.

In addition to the symbolic price, the reviews of the owners of buildings built using the clay pot technology contain high marks for the quality of the microclimate and energy saving. This is not surprising. Clay and wood are not only optimally combined in the wall, but also perfectly regulate the humidity in the premises. In a wood-burning house it is never too damp or dry, and in winter, even with a frost of -40C, you do not have to wear warm clothes.

Dwellings in Jericho, which were built in 9000 BC of mud brick, still stand as a testament to the longevity of earthen houses. Adobe and clay, as a building material, has been popular throughout Europe from Great Britain to the Kuban, wherever the soil has a high content of clay. Thousands of old mud dwellings are still in use as residences in the UK. AND adobe houses and clay huts are still standing in villages throughout the country.

The formula is simple: Mix 2 buckets of clay, 3 buckets of coarse sand, add some water and straw, tread a little barefoot, form blocks for easy transport, and then start building. The foundation can also be built from local stone.

If the quality of the clay is good, it will stand from 50 years. And if you use a wheelbarrow or cart to transport the material, then you will not leave a transport trail with exhaust gases. Such a house will certainly not pollute environment when building, plus you can tear it down and use the clay over and over again. We practiced it and it's great.

When building clay houses, it is very important to put shoes on ( right foundation) and cover ( good roof with wide plumb lines), since such a house is afraid of excessive moisture and dampness.

Let's take a look at an interesting collection. beautiful houses from clay and adobe for inspiration.

Mud houses with thatched roofs in Devon, UK. Adobe was the most popular material here until 1940 when brick replaced it.

This is a brand new washed limestone and mud house on the River Dart in Dittisham, Devon. Architects: Bedford & Jobson. Builder: Kevin McCabe.

The restored clay cottage is covered with lime plaster. Finishing plaster must breathe, in order to avoid damp walls. A few decades ago, old mud houses in the UK began to be covered cement plaster. But over time, it was compromised, as the water began to slowly eat away at the clay inside the house.

Mud house in East Devon, UK.
Built in 2001 by master clay builder Kevin McCabe.
This clay was taken on the spot and this house literally grew out of the ground.

A new clay building in Dyssekilde, a car-free ecovillage in Denmark.

Clay and stone house

Clay house (275 sqm) by Harry Zucker in Austin Texas. Harry spent on Consumables only 2520$:
- 250 bales of straw, $375
- 6 cubic meters of blue clay, $ 25
– 60 tons of limestone, $120
- 50 planed pine logs, $2000

In fact, the house is more of clay than adobe. Harry used the pyramidal shape of the walls to make it more stable. The base of the building is intentionally wider than the top of the wall. Instead of adding sand, he only used clay and straw in his mix.
cob home.

Harry used pattern theory in the construction. Read about it at

This green roofed house was built to host a wetland mammal exhibition. It was made of clay and wood, lime plaster. A timber frame supports a heavy earthen roof.

Meditation house in Canada.

round house Charlie and Meg in Pembrokeshire. The house was built without a permit and the couple is currently fighting to protect it from demolition.

Clay cottage in Vail.

on the Orel River, Ukraine.
Dome rooms were built using traditional methods Ukrainian construction, where wooden frame was covered first with a mixture of clay and straw, and then with clay mixed with sawdust.

Clay house in Ireland
Colin Ritchie and Phil Butler. They give seminars.
80% of the materials have been salvaged and reused. Total construction cost: €114,000 includes €45,000 for windows and heating and €5,000 for a rainwater harvesting system. Heating costs last year amounted to € 115 (very cheap by European standards).

Heidla Mud House, built in 1999 during a 3-week workshop led by renowned clay builder Ianto Evans and Elke Cole. The roof was put up in the fall and next spring interior decoration completed by Tracy, Elke and Patrick. The Heidle Project was the first fully authorized mud house in Canada. Roof is complete bearing walls from clay. House 182 sq.m. on 2 floors with sewerage and electricity. Costs were approximately $56,000.

Clay house by renowned builder Ianto Evans

Clay house in Victoria, British Columbia.
A feature of this house is an earthen floor with water heating, green roof with solar panels connected to the wind turbine, solar water collectors, composting toilet, system drip irrigation, a hybrid system for the use of rain and drinking water for home and irrigation use, frame made from a mix of recycled and sustainably cut lumber.

Unique Cob buggeri clay house created by Danish craftsman Fleming Abrahamsson with his friend Ianto Evans.

Mikkel House (10 years later). Built by son and father.
Eco-builder, Bjarne Grube Wickstrøm,

Clay house (918 sqm) in California.
The thickness of the walls at the bottom is 55-66 cm, narrowing to 48 cm at the top. Tractors transported adobe bricks along the perimeter of the construction.

Sota Corporation Headquarters, LEED Platinum Certified Building, 2012, showing clay walls, native meadow plants, and natural light. daylighting.

Iowa mud and straw house built for $7,000.
Half of that cost went to the roof and windows.
The house was later covered with white lime plaster.

Mud House, People's Co-op, Portland, Oregon.

Hobbit house made of clay and wood, built for $3,000.
Simon Dale,

Clay house in Oxfordshire, England.

Clay houses are nothing new. Exists different descriptions construction and certain terms, but they all describe the processes of building from a mixture used for thousands of years as a reliable building material. You may find a definition of "clay" building material that uses words like fibers or aggregates, but it's actually a simple mixture of clay, sand and straw mixed with plain water.

Environmentally friendly clay.

So what is a clay house? It is a structure built from this material of mud and straw, and the main idea is that all materials are local and available to everyone. The cottage is cheap, sustainable and environmentally friendly. Nowadays, it is advantageous to use local materials for construction, especially for fancy structures. Companies offer modern materials, which are easy and fast to work, as well as provide many benefits such as appearance, durability, but these materials are sold for profit, right? In terms of the use of sustainable materials and the growing trend towards eco-friendly living, these homes are becoming increasingly popular as they only use natural materials available in the area.

Adobe house ideas - the benefits of natural building materials.

These homes are unique as they offer many benefits that conventional homes lack. What are the benefits of living in such a house? In the first place, the cottage is very durable. Straw, which is part of the building mixture, plays a very important role. This helps the structural stability of the home and makes it exceptionally strong, stable, durable and earthquake resistant. Clay houses are fire resistant. The fire retardant properties of the material are very high, but you must choose your roof carefully, as other elements of your home may not be as fire resistant as clay. Termites or insects may be big problem for ordinary houses, while clay houses do not have such problems.

Traditional materials, green architecture.

The living environment in such houses is very energy efficient as it absorbs sunlight. Clay is one of the best materials for solar heating, which provides heating of the house in winter period and coolness in summer. In addition, the price of such houses is much lower than the price of a conventional one. Materials for a mixture of clay, sand and straw are cheap and readily available. Even if you need to restore some elements of the house, the materials will also be available, and you will not have to take out a huge mortgage when you do this kind of construction. Another great advantage, which is also a major budget saving factor, is that the owner can build such a house on his own. Many people attend building workshops that help them understand the technique of building such a house.

Clay houses offer many health benefits as they are not made from harmful industrial materials but natural and pure. In such a house, the air is always fresh, and they are called "breathing houses", which eliminate allergy problems and improve the quality of life. The walls are soundproofed and have exceptional sound-absorbing properties. The clay house is a quiet place as it absorbs outside noises as well as noises from within.

Clay house ideas - the concept of eco-friendly houses.

As you can see, mud houses combine sustainability, energy efficiency and offer many benefits for the occupants. The concept of a clay house is to live in a simple way and enjoy life in a house built according to your needs. When you build a house with your own hands, you plan the living space to reflect your lifestyle, and very often clay houses are small in size. Size also helps energy efficiency features as small house does not suffer from energy losses such as large size.

Many are attracted creative design and artistic appearance of such structures. You can break everything building regulations and build a place without right angle or line. There is beautiful ideas houses that have original shapes and design options are numerous. There is no limit to creativity and inspiration when you want to turn your mud house into a work of art.

When it comes to mud house interior design, homeowners prefer simple projects in relation to environmentally friendly living and architecture. The fact that the structure is made of clay does not mean that homeowners will not have a comfortable lifestyle and all the equipment of a modern home that a person is used to. Often the interiors are decorated in rustic style with wooden floors and solid wood furniture. The main living area has a concept open plan and accommodates the fireplace that brings the family together, functional kitchen and dining area. Plastered walls, curved lines and beautiful accents create a feeling of warmth and cosiness. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting ideas clay house designs on our website