We destroy bed bugs with folk and traditional methods. How to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment How to get rid of bed bugs at home

Among all insects that temporarily or permanently settle in human housing, bedbugs are the most resistant to various insecticides and methods of control. In cases where cockroaches completely leave the apartment, and ants die out in a few days, bedbugs may not even reduce their activity. That is why today on the market of home and professional insecticides there are many products aimed specifically at the destruction of bedbugs.

However, despite such a weak vulnerability, it is relatively easy to destroy bedbugs in a single apartment. It is only important to use the right ways to deal with them and start it as early as possible.

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment: all methods

There are four main groups of ways to deal with bed bugs, which give different results and are used depending on the specific circumstances.

1. Use of chemical insecticides

This is the most common, versatile and effective way. Allows you to cope with insects at any level of infestation of the apartment, in any season and with different family composition.

Effective drugs for the destruction of bedbugs are quite expensive, but their main advantage is the need for only a one-time use: if the necessary conditions are met, after one treatment of the room, bedbugs are unlikely to appear in it again.

Synthetic insecticides such as Karbofos, Dichlorvos, Hangman, Fufanon and others have low toxicity to humans, but still can lead to trouble. Therefore, the destruction of bedbugs at home with their help requires strict adherence to the instructions and compliance with safety measures.

2. Temperature treatment

The main advantage of temperature control of bedbugs is its harmlessness to other inhabitants of the house. After processing the room, you can return to it immediately, as soon as a comfortable thermal regime for a person is established.

But the disadvantages of this method is the complexity in its implementation, and sometimes its fundamental impossibility.

3. Mechanical methods of struggle

Due to the small size of insects and the inaccessibility of their nests, such a fight in most cases is ineffective. However, if it is combined with general repairs and furniture renovation, it can give very good results.

Bed bugs in the process of evolution managed to protect themselves to a certain extent from mechanical stress. It is very difficult to crush a hungry bug - it is almost flat. The absence of wings allows these insects to penetrate almost any cracks, and the segmented abdomen can change quite a lot in size during saturation and starvation.

The most effective methods for the destruction of bedbugs using modern insecticides can be done independently, and they are also used by special professional services for disinfestation of premises. As a rule, specialists in the destruction of bedbugs carry out all the work faster, more completely and more efficiently than an ordinary person who has encountered a problem for the first time.

But their services cost more than the total cost of bed bugs and do-it-yourself pest control.

Rules for choosing the optimal method

Before you destroy bedbugs in an apartment, it is necessary to approach the choice of a method of struggle with responsibility. There is no need to invent and guess anything - a clear instruction has already been developed:

  1. You should first figure out how the bugs entered the apartment. If from neighbors, it is necessary to find out from which ones, and either carry out independent pest control with chemicals, or call the sanitary and epidemiological service. If at least one of the apartments is particularly heavily infected, you need to use the services of professionals.
  2. Only if at the time of detection of bedbugs it is possible to freeze the apartment (outside temperature is minus 22 ° C or lower), you can independently carry out temperature treatment of housing. In other cases, it is better to entrust the matter to specialists (this applies to the heat treatment of housing). If the insect control service has the ability to carry out such treatment, the manager will clarify the conditions when ordering and decide for himself which pest control products should be used.
  3. If the bugs in the apartment are found only in some piece of furniture - a sofa, armchair, mattress - then only this item can be processed. It can be taken out in the cold for several days, treated on the street with any insecticide, boiling water or steam. If the processing will be carried out indoors, it is extremely important to ensure that bedbugs from such furniture do not scatter to different corners of the apartment.
  4. Mechanical methods of struggle are permissible only in cases where one bug is accidentally found in the apartment, or when a carpet brought into the house is infected. With careful vacuuming, insects are likely to be collected and neutralized.

However, in most cases, apartment owners discover bedbugs and start sounding the alarm only when there are already too many of these insects in the apartment and a complete treatment of the room is required.

Professional extermination of bedbugs: sanitary services

Professional extermination of bedbugs is a service, although quite expensive, but quite affordable. Processing a one-room apartment usually costs from 1,600 rubles, depending on the region and the service itself, and a two-room apartment - from 2,000 rubles.

A huge plus of the sanitary services is the range of their services: the destruction of bedbugs in change houses, administrative and industrial premises, the complete disinsection of any object, providing fleas, ants and other insects. Specialists in most cases destroy bedbugs with gas, which is an aerosol that is poisonous to insects.

The room must be prepared for the work of exterminators. Before you destroy bedbugs, you must:

  • remove carpets from walls
  • arrange furniture - sofas, beds, armchairs
  • take things out of the cabinets and pack them in vacuum bags for the purpose of further washing
  • Ensure that no people or pets are present during work.

There can be quite a lot of such nuances, but in services with good service, managers without fail introduce them to clients and give clear instructions on how to prepare the premises for processing.

All services for the destruction of bedbugs must be provided under a special contract.

Moreover, professional sanitary services must take into account the composition of the apartment residents, and when newborn children, pregnant women or allergy sufferers live in it, the composition of the products used is adjusted accordingly.

Most of the drugs used by professionals are slightly toxic to humans. In addition, these same agents are rather unstable in air and quickly decompose, losing all their properties. Therefore, in general, disinfestation of the premises is a relatively safe measure.

However, due to the large amounts of funds used, they can still affect the human condition. Service specialists should advise the customer on the timing of the return to the apartment and further actions - washing things, wiping glasses and others.

Destruction of bedbugs with cold, steam and high temperature

The fight against bedbugs with the help of temperatures implies almost complete safety for humans, but at the same time it is technologically more complex than the use of insecticides.

  • The destruction of bedbugs by steam is usually carried out independently by the owners of the apartment. For this, a kettle with boiling water is used, which is used to treat a sofa or mattress. Sometimes it makes sense to pour boiling water under the baseboards in small quantities. Steaming clothes that cannot be boiled in water is also effective. This is done in a large saucepan, in which clothes are placed over boiling water in a special colander. In general, the question of whether it is possible to destroy bedbugs with steam is ambiguous: insects die in a couple, but steaming the entire apartment and not damaging the furniture and wallpaper is very problematic.
  • The destruction of bedbugs with the help of low temperatures is carried out either by taking the furniture out into the cold, or by freezing the entire apartment in winter. Here it is necessary to understand that both adult bugs and larvae with eggs are guaranteed to die only at temperatures below minus 22 ° C. If such temperatures are not observed in a particular area, it makes no sense to freeze out bedbugs.

Important to remember! When an apartment freezes, heating and water supply systems can be damaged, wallpaper can peel off. Therefore, this method is not suitable for urban apartments.

  • The destruction of bedbugs by heat is the most effective, safe and reliable way. When it is implemented in the apartment with the help of industrial fan heaters, the temperature rises to + 50 ° C and is maintained for several hours. With this, both adult bugs and their larvae and eggs die.

Within a few hours after the restoration of the initial temperature in the room, residents can return to it.

The main advantage of all temperature control methods is the ability to destroy odorless bedbugs in the apartment. After all, many chemicals for insect control have a smell, sometimes very unpleasant, and freezing or warming up the apartment ensures the absence of such unpleasant consequences.

Five effective ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment

Special means against bedbugs, their effectiveness and nuances of use

The most commonly used are those means that lead to the earliest possible death of the insect. Some of the most popular and effective drugs are listed below.

Karbofos, one of the most famous drugs, is losing its popularity today due to bedbugs getting used to it and the disadvantages associated with smell and toxicity. However, it continues to be the best selling bed bug remedy.

Hangman, a very effective novelty based on Cypermethrin. The executioner is much less toxic than many other drugs. Produced in Germany, in Russia it is produced under a license and is quite expensive: to process one apartment, you need to buy a drug for 1200-1500 rubles.

Harmful insects can get into the house along with people: on clothes, in a bag. They can be brought by guests, builders, any craftsmen, as well as the home owners themselves. Bed bugs can enter a home with old or new furniture, where they hide in upholstery or crevices. After buying household appliances, you need to carefully inspect the packaging and foam in which they like to hide. Sometimes, they are even found in the devices themselves.

Usually, insects are active at night, when everyone in the house is sleeping. By the smell and warmth emanating from a person or a pet, they find a victim. The bug bites through the skin, releases an anesthetic liquid and begins to suck blood. In the daytime, when it is light, harmful insects hide in secluded places.

With the help of modern tools, which today there are a large number on sale, you can quickly get rid of bed bugs forever. There are several forms of such drugs:

  • Spray can;
  • Solution;
  • Powder.

The hardware store can tell you how to get rid of bed bugs fast with other chemicals. So, no less popular drugs for combating domestic insects include Karbofos, Raptor, Delta Zone, Kombat, Tetrix. All of them are quite effective in the fight against bed bugs. However, any insecticide has a negative effect on the human body.
Unlike Gektor, which is harmless to humans and animals and is easy to use.

Watch the video! How to get rid of bed bugs with Gektor

Watch the video! Remedies for bedbugs in the apartment

Folk remedies

Some owners of houses and apartments do not want to use chemicals to kill bed bugs. Then you can use folk remedies that have been used for a long time. You need to know that such methods are best carried out if there are not a large number of insects in the room.


To combat harmful insects, you can use 9% vinegar, which can scare them away. To do this, treat the cracks, corners of the plinth and other places where there may be bedbugs with a liquid. Such 2-3 procedures per day should be carried out for 3-4 days. At the same time, it is necessary to wipe all furniture, doors, window sills with this solution: vinegar - 50 g, water - 50 g.


Turpentine in combination with other substances has a good poisoning effect on harmful insects, in particular bed bugs. Turpentine is made from coniferous trees. This liquid has a strong smell, which the bugs really do not like. For surface treatment, concentrated solutions are prepared, which include:

  1. boiling water (150 ml), turpentine (15 ml), kerosene (20 ml), laundry soap shavings (50 g);
  2. turpentine (20 ml), kerosene (20 ml), water (70 ml), PS paste (30 g);
  3. carbolic acid (60 ml), turpentine (60 ml), salicylic acid (5 ml);
  4. ethyl alcohol (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), camphor (15 g);
  5. kerosene (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), naphthalene (60 g);
  6. turpentine (250 ml), kerosene (250 ml), alcohol (50 ml), water (50 ml), naphthalene (25 g).

The required set of components is combined and mixed well. The treatment can be carried out either by spraying or by spreading with a brush. After applying the product, the room should be closed for a day. Then ventilate the apartment well and do a wet cleaning.

The note! Treatment of premises with the help of such an aggressive element as turpentine is also harmful to the human body and animals.

Heat treatment

In residential areas, the air temperature, almost all year round, is kept within 21 - 28 ° C. This environment is ideal for domestic insects. However, mature bugs and larvae are quite sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

To protect their home from bedbugs, owners often use plants such as:

  • Valerian;
  • Tea tree;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Chamomile.

The flowers and stems of these plants can be spread throughout the rooms. You can dry the plants and grind into a powder, which fill problem areas. They also prepare decoctions that wipe surfaces.

Watch the video! Get rid of bed bugs with vinegar

Security rules and processing steps

When using chemicals to control bedbugs, it is important to follow certain safety precautions. You also need to carefully use such aggressive substances that are part of folk recipes:

  • In any case, release the house to be processed from the tenants;
  • Carefully study the recommendations for using the tool;
  • Wear special clothing and protective equipment: goggles, gloves. After the procedure, wash everything well or throw it away;
  • Before processing, take out toys, dishes, clothes, linen. Everything must be bagged. Textiles, preferably, immediately rewash;
  • Put things that cannot be washed in plastic bags and leave them in the cold or in a hot place;
  • Move furniture to the middle of the room, remove paintings, carpets. Apply the agent to surfaces cleaned of dirt. Carefully treat the places where bedbugs nest, as well as cracks in furniture, walls, doors and window sills;
  • Walls should be treated 30-50 cm above and below;
  • After finishing work, it is necessary to close all windows and leave the room for a period of 1 to 3 days;
  • Then ventilate the entire apartment, and wipe the surfaces well with a soda solution. To prepare it, take 1 cup of the substance and dilute it in 1 liter of water.

Bed and sofa cleaning

To clean a sleeping sofa or bed from bedbugs, you first need to disassemble the furniture if possible. Place all parts in an upright position and carefully inspect them. Remove covers and wash. Treat all parts of the furniture with a special remedy for bedbugs, especially the bottom and backs.

Wash bedding at high temperature water. Clean and dry duvets, mattress and pillows. All folds of the mattress are well viewed and sprayed with insecticide. If possible, it is better to replace the mattress with bedbugs with a new one.


As experts advise, it is better to take all preventive measures than to engage in the removal of harmful insects. Be sure to inspect all things that are brought into the house: furniture, appliances, a suitcase with things after the hotel.

During repairs, it is necessary to close up all the holes and cracks that exist in the floor, walls, along the threshold and window sill. If bedbugs live in the apartment of neighbors, you can use folk remedies to scare away.


It is difficult to remove bedbugs, but you can get a positive result. Today, quite effective preparations for insect control are produced. If bedbug colonies attacked the entire apartment building, then a specialized service can help get rid of them.

Watch the video! Destruction of bedbugs, processing of a sofa before disinfection of an apartment

The presence of bed bugs gives residents, apartments and houses, the inconvenience associated with the appearance of bites and redness on the body, the loss of sound sleep and knowledge about the existence of unwanted neighbors.

Before you directly remove and quickly get rid of bed bugs at home, you need to learn everything about them and their lifestyle.

The appearance of bedbugs

Places of residence

At the initial stage, it is necessary to conduct an examination of bedding. This applies to linens, pillows and blankets and mattresses.

Advice! If there are small tears or cuts on the bedding, they can be examined by making a larger incision. These places are most suitable for bedbugs, as they provide quick access to a source of food.

To ensure their safety, bedbugs, like fleas, hide in those places that allow them to touch their backs and belly. In addition, the house has an optimal temperature for living. Bedbugs feel comfortable at air temperatures from + 15 ° С to + 40 ° С.

The next mandatory step that will help you quickly get rid of insects is the complete disassembly of the bed or sofa frame. Checking the corners of the wooden frame of the bed, as well as the recesses in the tree, will help to quickly identify the source of bed bugs and destroy it effectively.

In the seams of the sofa, the bugs have the ability to create entire families, since their soft base does not have good ventilation and the same temperature is constantly maintained.
But sofas and beds are not considered the only places where bed bugs live. Also in the apartment you need to examine such places as baseboards, under linoleum, in books, honey shelves, in bedside tables and household appliances.

Particular attention should be paid to closets with clothes. Many of those who tried to get bedbugs out of the apartment did not attach importance to cabinets and after a certain time they re-carried out an already effective and complete fight against the remaining and newborn bedbugs. Usually bedbugs and fleas do not live on things that are hung on hangers. It is a different matter with things stacked in piles, since the same conditions are created there as in the sofa. If you do not remove all the bedbugs from your clothes and leave at least a couple, then after a while, the number of bedbugs in the house will recover and become the same.

Advice!To carry out an effective fight against bedbugs at home, it is necessary to process absolutely all things and clothes.

What are the terrible bites of bedbugs

These insects are active only at night. This behavior is manifested due to the fact that bedbugs, like fleas, wait for the appearance of their prey. Since they cannot bite through clothing, they sneak through it and bide their time to bite. The most suitable place for a bite are tender areas of the skin. To get the necessary supply of food, bugs, like fleas, make several bites at a time, while drinking up to 1 ml of blood. Each insect emerges from its habitat about once a week.

Each person tolerates the bites of these insects in his own way and therefore each has its own signs:

  • In people with high skin sensitivity, bites appear in the form of swelling, rashes and red saturated spots.
  • With moderate skin sensitivity, it manifests itself as a flea or mosquito bite.
  • In insensitive people, such bites can be seen in the form of black small dots, with signs of blood formation.

Reasons for the danger of bites

Most people experience an allergic reaction, accompanied by redness and itching of the affected areas of the skin. And for those people who have a weakened body, an allergic attack can occur.

After a one-day bite, a person may experience a slight psychological breakdown, which will affect his sleep.

After a bite, the affected area begins to itch and the person involuntarily begins to scratch it. As a result, it is scratched and subsequently an infection can be introduced.

Bedbugs, like fleas, are considered very dangerous for young children. As a result of numerous bites, a child may develop a disease associated with a constant lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

To completely get rid of harmful insects, you need to choose the right breeding method.

Funding criteria:

  • The effectiveness of the remedy at home.
  • Safety for the body and pets that live in an apartment or house.
  • Easy to use.
  • Is it possible to get rid of bed bugs without damaging the interior.
  • The financial side of the chosen method.

In order to get rid of and completely remove unnecessary neighbors from the house, there are many different ways. But ignoring an integrated approach to solving this problem may not bring the expected results.

How to quickly get rid of bedbugs: folk ways

temperature shock

This method is most suitable for residents of private houses, but it can also be used by those living in an apartment.

In order to remove bedbugs in the winter, it is necessary to remove all living organisms from the house. Then, if possible, turn off the heating and open all the windows. Since the bugs cannot live at low temperatures, they will die under the influence of frost.

If the place of accumulation of insects is a sofa, bed or other separate object, then it must be taken out into the street. At the same time, all things or objects that were in the sofa cannot be pulled out. Since there is a risk of leaving some individuals in the apartment.

It is enough for interior items to stand in the cold for about 3 hours. This method will help get rid of bedbugs in a short period of time and without financial losses. You can do the same in the summer.

In order to get rid of bedbugs on things, you can carry out a general wash. The minimum temperature at which things should be washed is 60 degrees.
In the summer, a good effect is achieved in the process of roasting the sofa, mattress and other bedding under the scorching sun.

To destroy these insects in wooden openings, baseboards, floors, you can scald with a copious amount of boiling water. This option will permanently destroy the adults and eggs in that area of ​​the apartment.

Using a hand torch

Very well helps to get rid of harmful insects, a miniature burner. With its help, you can remove milestones of unwanted neighbors, including fleas and bedbugs. Due to the fact that its fire pressure does not have a large radius of action, it can be used at home, but only on non-combustible surfaces and with short-term exposure.

Killer Blends

To use this method at home, you need to mix kerosene and turpentine, in equal proportions, 10 ml each and add 100 ml of water. Then pour the resulting mixture into a room sprayer, carefully apply to the desired parts of the apartment.


You can get rid of unwanted neighbors in this way on any surface and material. To do this, it is necessary to treat all possible places with vinegar. The only negative side of this method is the presence of an unpleasant smell, which will be present in the apartment for a very long time.

Valerian tincture

It is necessary to use this method at the very beginning of the fight against bedbugs, since adults do not tolerate this smell. Apply this solution to the most likely places where insects live, and they will crawl out of their hiding places. The use of this method is not advisable in the fight against eggs. It is best to combine valerian tincture with the scalding method, since valerian will show the places where the bugs live, and boiling water will destroy their offspring.

It is also worth knowing that bedbugs can live for several years in a dwelling and not give out their presence, hiding in those buildings where people do not live for a long time, and go outside with their appearance. Therefore, having bought an apartment, you can get such an unpleasant “inheritance” from previous tenants, like bedbugs. Moreover, the owners could not even guess that they had such unsafe neighbors.

Important! If you have suspicions that you could bring harmful animals with you from your trip, then after the trip you need to send things that cannot be washed to a dry cleaner. Immediately upon arrival, they must be packed in sealed plastic bags.

Features of reproduction and habitat

Bed bugs are nocturnal. During the day, they peacefully sit in the cracks, and at night they go out in search of food. Bedbugs can settle anywhere - in books, in household appliances, in clothes, furniture, under wallpaper, baseboards. Anywhere warm and dark.

These insects do not build nests, but most often they prefer to live in clusters. Usually in such places you can find dark spots of their feces, eggs and skins of larvae.

Unlike other domestic insects, bedbugs are very tenacious. In the absence of a food source, they can fall into semianabiosis for a long time. And in this state to live without food and even at low temperatures. The life span of one individual is about a year.

Bed bugs reproduce very quickly, especially if comfortable living conditions are created for them in the form of a warm temperature - +18 ... + 25 degrees and a dark place.

The male needs to fertilize the female only once, so that she breeds for the rest of her life. Fertilization of the female occurs by piercing the male of her abdomen and injecting seminal fluid.

The development of these insects is carried out according to an incomplete transformation cycle: egg - larva - adult. In 24 hours, one female is able to lay up to 15 eggs. Under favorable conditions (temperature +25 ... +27 degrees), larvae are born in three to four days. If the temperature is lower, about +20 degrees, then the hatching process is delayed, it can last about three months. At a fairly low temperature (+15 degrees and below), the development of the larva stops, it falls into suspended animation and waits for the time when the temperature becomes normal for it.

Egg laying is usually located no further than two to three meters from a person's sleeping place. Most often, it is located in the corners of the sofa, in the upholstery of furniture, in the folds of fabric, under baseboards, in sockets, that is, in places where it is difficult for a person to reach.

What is the danger to people

Bed bugs feed on human blood. The insect pierces human skin with its proboscis and sucks blood. After bites, red spots remain on the body. As a rule, there are several of them. They can be located at a great distance from each other or at a very small distance - within 0.5 cm. If the room is heavily infected, then about 500 bites can be found on the body in one night.

Bites are painful to humans and cause discomfort in the form of itching, burning, especially for children. They interfere with sleep, do not give a normal rest, irritate, and this negatively affects the state of the nervous system and performance. Numerous bites can provoke the appearance of skin rashes, allergic reactions, Quincke's edema, in children - the development of anemia. Also, when combing bites, a person can introduce an additional bacterial infection, which will cause purulent rashes.

Did you know? With the appearance of bedbugs in the house, many folk signs are associated, which mainly promise trouble and hardship. For example, in Germany in the 15th-16th centuries, people believed that when these insects appeared, family happiness leaves the house, and quarrels come in its place. Therefore, the Germans tried to get rid of the misfortune as quickly as possible, reading special conspiracies, using boiling water and steam for processing.

Along with your saliva the bug can bring pathogens of such diseases into the human body, like hepatitis B, plague, tularemia and other infections. It is also possible that they carry tuberculosis, typhoid, smallpox. However, we hasten to reassure you that in the medical literature, cases of human diseases after a bug bite are described very rarely.

And only one type of bug is considered especially dangerous for humans. It's triatomic. It is the carrier of American trypanosomiasis. Fortunately, this species is rare.

Signs of the presence of bedbugs

  • bites on the body of those living in an apartment or house - small red spots located along the path;
  • blood stains on the sheet that show up in the morning;
  • the presence of excrement in the form of poppy seeds shed by shell larvae;
  • the presence of a characteristic stink odor - it is similar to the aroma of cheap cognac.

Important! Even if you accidentally find one bug in the house, you must immediately take measures for processing. Insects multiply rapidly, and the larger their population, the longer and more serious the fight against them will be.

Step 1: Destroy Adult Bedbugs

To destroy bedbugs, you can call a disinfecting team (although specially trained people, alas, are not always a guarantee of success) or try to remove the insects yourself. Below we present several ways to fight.


Today, the market offers a wide range of preparations for the fight against bedbugs in different forms:

  • in the form of a powder - "Neopin", "Riapan";
  • in aerosols - "Dichlorvos", "Raptor", "Karbozol", "Reid", "Prima-U";
  • in liquid - "Forssayt", "Lacterin", "GET", "Foksid".

Preparations with karbofos in the composition promise quick deliverance, but their active substance is very strong and dangerous to humans.

Important! When using any chemical agent, it is necessary to take care of personal safety measures, as well as the protection of all those living in the house, including pets. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug.

To treat the apartment with chemicals you will need:

  • rubber gloves;
  • mask to protect the nose and mouth;
  • special goggles for eye protection;
  • spray gun for spraying the product;
  • measuring capacity.
The advantages of the chemical method are its efficiency and speed of action. Among the cons- There are many drugs that, if mishandled, can harm humans and animals. We also want to warn that bedbugs tend to develop immunity against chemicals.

It is rare when it is possible to defeat bedbugs the first time. More often you have to resort to repeated or multiple treatments. To increase the chances of achieving an effect, you need to combine several methods, for example, chemicals with folk remedies or with mechanical action.

Before you buy this or that remedy for bedbugs, it is advisable to read the reviews about it on the Web, as well as ask around the sellers.

Temperature effects

These insects are known to die at temperatures of -20 °C and below and +50 °C and above. Therefore, all items that can be treated with boiling water or steam using a steam generator. If it is a frosty winter outside, then furniture or other household items can be taken out into the yard, onto the balcony. If the summer is hot, then they should be exposed to the sun.

The advantage of this method is that in this way you can get rid of not only adults, but also eggs. Of the minuses - not all fabrics and materials can be exposed to high or low temperatures without harm to them.

Did you know? The fact that bedbugs have plagued man since ancient times is reliably known from ancient Greek sources dating back to 400 BC. e., and the works of Aristotle. Until the 18th century, it was believed that bedbugs were beneficial - they could treat snake bites and ear infections.

Folk remedies

Places of accumulation of bedbugs are treated:

  • boiling water;
  • ferry;
  • a solution of kerosene (15 ml), turpentine (10 ml), green soap (30 g), water (100 ml);
  • a solution of kerosene (100 ml), turpentine (100 ml), naphthalene (20 g);

  • a solution of phenol (20 g), turpentine (40 ml), salicylic acid (3 g);
  • a solution of ethyl alcohol (100 ml), turpentine (100 ml), camphor (5 g);
  • a solution of denatured alcohol (150 ml) with naphthalene (5 g);
  • valerian;
  • wormwood - its branches are laid out in a sleeping place;
  • salt water;
  • alcohol;
If none of these methods helped, you need to use the chemical method.

Mechanical impact

Many people who are faced with bedbug infestation are advised not only to treat the room with chemical and folk remedies, but also to produce a mechanical effect. It is important to find all clutches of eggs and clusters of insects and destroy them by crushing. Sometimes for such searches it is necessary to disassemble furniture and other structures. Since the bug is a nocturnal insect, hunting for adults will have to be done at night.

Call for special services

If all of the above methods did not help, or if you simply do not have the time or desire to fight on your own, then you need to call special services(state sanitary and epidemiological station or a private company) with appropriate equipment and effective drugs. It is advisable to first read the reviews about the specialists of a particular private company.

Today, the treatment of premises from bedbugs is carried out by a ULV generator, with which the insecticide is sprayed in the form of a mist. Thus, it is possible to reduce the amount of the substance used, and therefore achieve greater safety.

It is important to make sure that your home is treated with drugs, which are certified by state services and belong to substances that are of little danger to humans, i.e., to the fourth group.

Step 2: Destroy bed bug eggs

Often, the owners of infected housing carry out a successful fight with adults, however, after some time, bedbugs are again found in their beds. The fact is that killing adult bedbugs is only half the battle. It is also important to destroy their eggs.

There are three ways to get rid of eggs:

  1. Thermal.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Chemical.
Despite the fact that bedbug eggs are much smaller than the bedbugs themselves - their size is 0.5-1 mm, due to the fact that the female lays them in large quantities in one place, it is not difficult to find them. It is enough to know where to look. We have already described the characteristic places for laying eggs in the section "Features of Reproduction and Habitat".

Heat treatment involves dousing the places of accumulation with boiling water or scalding with steam.

mechanical way consists in the manual impact on the eggs: wearing rubber gloves, a person crushes them.

In chemical processing, preference should be given to means which are valid for one to two months. Thus, they will not only kill adults, but also have an effect on already hatched larvae.

Step 3: Prevention

  • inspection of a sleeping place on a trip or business trip;
  • storage of bags and suitcases on high shelves in a closet or hallway;
  • treatment of things and bags that are taken on a trip with vegetable essential oils, the smell of which can repel insects;
  • if you suspect infection after a trip, wash things at a temperature of 50 degrees or take them to a dry cleaner;

  • do not purchase used furniture, or carefully inspect it before purchasing it, or even better, treat it with insecticides;
  • do not allow pets that live on the street to bed;
  • in case of infection of neighboring apartments, protect your home with the smell of chamomile, essential oils, harsh perfumes;
  • careful isolation from neighboring apartments;
  • periodic steam treatment of furniture;
  • preventive spraying of ventilation shafts with insecticidal agents.

Safety regulations

If you decide to fight insects on your own, then when using chemicals personal safety rules must be observed: work, protecting the face with a mask and goggles, the body with a bathrobe or old clothes that protect against accidental contact with a chemical agent. All protective equipment can be purchased at a hardware store.

Also, during the procedure, it is desirable to treat the body with a special agent that repels bedbugs.

If the bug did bite, then the bite site must be treated with an alcohol disinfectant. If an allergic reaction develops, an antihistamine should be taken. Itching will help to remove such ointments as "Fenistil", "Bora-plus", "Rescuer". If you have a severe allergic reaction or severe discomfort, you should seek medical attention.

When disinsection of a home from bedbugs, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

  • remove to another place or hide food and utensils in sealed bags to prevent chemicals from getting on them;

  • remove children's clothes and toys, after carefully examining them for the presence of insects and their eggs;
  • during disinsection, only the person who conducts it should be in the room, all people and animals should be outside the home;
  • bed linen does not need to be processed, it should be washed at high temperatures and ironed on both sides;
  • treatment with chemicals should be carried out along the upper and lower perimeter: 30-50 cm below the ceiling and 30-50 cm above the plinth;
  • it is necessary to process cracks in windows, doorways, furniture, mattresses, common areas, ventilation pipes;
  • some time after treatment, it is necessary to make a long ventilation of the room - for 1.5-2 hours, while leaving the house.

Thus, bedbug infestation of an apartment or house is a fairly common problem, the solution of which should be started as early as possible. To get rid of bedbugs, several methods are used, the most effective of which is chemical. When using it yourself, you need to take care of security measures. If no methods help, then calling a specialized service is indispensable. If the infection is severe, several treatments will be required.

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435 times already

As soon as bed bugs appear in an apartment or house, household members immediately call a pest control service to clean it up. This solution is certainly effective, but also expensive. It is not uncommon for home bugs to disappear for a while after the apartment cleaning procedure, but after a few weeks or months the problem returns to its place. The bugs again begin to drink the blood of the household, giving them a lot of trouble and health problems.

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment

In addition to calling special teams, bedbugs can be fought with more adequate methods. In addition, such methods are ten times cheaper, and in terms of efficiency they rather depend on the correctness of the disinfestation work. Each person, thanks to the variety of methods and options for dealing with bedbugs, can choose the most optimal for himself. Now the question of how to destroy bedbugs in an apartment is solved much easier, and also cheaper.

Having visited a specialized store, you can simply get confused by the variety of types and methods of dealing with these nocturnal bloodsuckers. Naturally, to find out which insecticide is the most effective, you can ask the seller. But sometimes sellers do not always know about the effectiveness of a particular product, since they themselves have not encountered the aforementioned problem. Therefore, the most reliable option is to familiarize yourself with all possible methods of means and insecticides that allow you to overcome night bloodsuckers in the face of bed bugs.

How to check for the presence of insects in the apartment

Households may not even be aware of the presence of bedbugs in the apartment, and for a long time. In order to make sure that there are nocturnal bloodsuckers in the apartment, there are certain recommendations. The main habitat of domestic bugs are:

  • bed;
  • armchairs and sofas;
  • bed linen and towels.

The main place of localization of colonies of quiet insects are baseboards, heating systems and other hard-to-reach places where the air temperature does not drop to +15 degrees. If the temperature is below +15 degrees, then the bugs leave such a room or die out.

Bed bugs come out to hunt at night, so a person does not react to insect attacks. In addition, the saliva of bedbugs contains an anesthetic substance.

Most of the bites are caused by females, and males are less active in this regard, but they do no less harm than females.

Known ways to deal with bedbugs

The disadvantage of all types of aerosols is the possibility of poisoning a person with these insecticides. Poison is dangerous not only for humans, but also for animals. In order to properly destroy bedbugs with an aerosol at home, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Remove all food in the kitchen, as the poison may settle on them during spraying. Dishes and personal items should also be hidden, which will increase safety.
  • All family members and animals should be removed from the premises where disinfection will be carried out. It is necessary to close all doors and windows, as well as ventilation ducts.
  • The person who will perform the aerosol spraying procedure must wear goggles, a respirator, gloves and a gown. Clothes after disinfection should be washed.

To completely destroy bedbugs, it is necessary to carefully treat with insecticides all places where bedbugs can arrange their nests.

Now we will find out what aerosols exist for fighting insects at home.

  • Raid. This aerosol is intended for the treatment of upholstered furniture, for example, if you need to destroy bedbugs in a sofa or bed. The raid is due not only to the effectiveness of the impact, but also the absence of an unpleasant odor, which quickly disappears. The cost of such a tool does not exceed 200 rubles.

  • Microphone +. If the first two preparations are practically odorless, then Microphos + has a powerful aroma. Such an aroma gives high performance indicators, but it’s quite difficult to find Microphos Plus. The cost of a canister of Microfos will cost 1,500 rubles.

Bedbugs live in the cracks of walls, in parquet, near heating systems, therefore, when using an aerosol, be sure to spray poison in these places.

With the help of aerosols, you can also destroy bedbug eggs by spraying any of the above drugs on them. In addition to aerosol preparations for the destruction of bedbugs, there are also powder types.

A selection of the best 5 means to combat bedbugs (video):

Powder insecticides

This applies only to powders that are based on an intestinal poison. Such powders are cheap and practically ineffective. But here is another matter powder, in which the main destroying substance is a poison of contact action. The use of such funds increases the likelihood of the destruction of bedbugs, but only this process is stretched over time.

In the store you can find the following types of effective insecticidal powders:

  • Chlorophos. It is presented as an organophosphorus insecticide, which should be prepared before use. For preparation, it is necessary to dilute 15 grams of powder in 10 liters of water. The drug is toxic and dangerous to humans, therefore, when using, follow all safety rules. The result when using Chlorophos is almost 100%.

On the market you can also find liquid means for the destruction of bedbugs, but there are very few of them. To use liquid insecticides, you will need to acquire special equipment, which is quite expensive. Moreover, liquid products are practically similar in efficiency to aerosols and powder preparations.

Temperature treatment

Using this method, do not forget about the heating system, which can freeze, and this threatens to develop big troubles with the housing office and neighbors.

If you need to remove bedbugs in a sofa or chair, then in winter it is recommended to take this piece of furniture outside, leaving it for several hours.

Folk methods

Effective folk remedies against bedbugs include:

  • vinegar;
  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • ammonia.

Wormwood and tansy can cause allergies if one of the family members has an individual intolerance to one of these herbs. Before using this method, you should make sure that there are no allergies in the rest of the family.

  • Cleaning carpets with a vacuum cleaner. To do this, you need to set the vacuum cleaner to full power and carefully walk it over the entire surface of the coating.

  • White vinegar. Using a brush, rub white vinegar into the carpet. The procedure is recommended to be repeated after a while, which will increase the effectiveness of this method.


Knowing the main measures for the destruction of bedbugs in an apartment, we can draw the appropriate conclusions about the effectiveness of each of them. You can answer the question of how to destroy domestic bugs on your own after you complete the task.

To choose the right effective remedy, first explain the complexity of the problem. Is it necessary to destroy single individuals or an entire colony? In any case, you should start with aerosols or powder products, which are due to complex effects. If the methods and methods you have tried do not bring the desired result, then there is only one way out - contact the pest control service.