When and how should peaches be processed in spring. Spring spraying of peach: processing scheme

The productivity of peach plantations largely depends on the quality and timeliness of tree care. An obligatory measure in the cultivation of fruit crops is the treatment of plants with special preparations against diseases and pests. Spraying is carried out several times a year, not only in spring, but also in autumn, and each procedure is designed to solve a certain range of problems.

Planting processing in early spring carried out repeatedly. It is necessary to spray peach trees during this period not only with insecticidal preparations, but also with fungicidal agents or tank mixtures, which include a complex solution against the most common and harmful damaging factors.

Depending on the stage of plant development, experts recommend using different drugs and means:

  • during the first treatment, it is advisable to spray the garden plantings with copper-based fungicides or diesel fuel, which covers the plants with a thin, oily-type film;
  • before the budding phase on the plant, it is undesirable to use urea and other agents, which include urea, which provokes the premature awakening of vegetative processes;
  • at the beginning of the growing season, plants are often affected by curly leaves, and the fight against this disease should be carried out even before the budding stage, and it is also necessary to spray the plants on a green cone;
  • spraying of peaches on a pink bud is carried out using the drug "Topsin" or Bordeaux liquid with the addition of agents against infestation by ticks, weevils and hatching caterpillars;
  • spraying after flowering plants is the final stage in the spring processing of garden plantings. It is allowed to use ordinary urea, which has a detrimental effect on pathogens and insect pests, and in addition, saturates plants with nitrogen.

How to spray a peach in spring (video)

When carrying out protective measures, it is necessary to adhere to the processing time and follow the instructions attached by the manufacturers of insecticidal fungicides.

Standard processing times

Early spring spraying in accordance with the requirements of the technology for growing stone fruit crops is performed several times:

Mass processing of plants in spring should be accompanied by sanitary crown pruning.

Effective purchased products

At present, the chemical industry has developed and produced modern and effective drugs to protect garden plants. However, when using them, it is necessary to focus not only on the purpose, but also on the timing and technology of application.

Drug name and manufacturer Action Pest Number of sprays The timing of the last treatment before harvesting the fruit
Zolon from Keminova A / S, Denmark Contact-intestinal Eastern moth 1−2 One and a half months
Decis from Bayer Crop-Saenz, Germany Contact-intestinal Eastern moth Two 20 days
"Dnok" from JSC "Krasitel", Ukraine Contact Wintering stages of scale insects, ticks, aphids, leafworms, moths and beetles One Before bud break
Fungicide "Hom" Active ingredient: copper oxychloride Leaf curl, clusterosporosis, coccomycosis, moniliosis Repeatedly, with the consumption of the working solution: 2-5 liters per one fruit tree Spraying during the growing season
"Guapsin-plus" Universal microbiological preparation of fungicidal, bacterial, insecticidal action with amino acids Active protection and prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases, reduces pest infestation Repeatedly Carry out processing in the evening or in cloudy weather
"Trichophyte-plus" Biofungicide Rot, scab, powdery mildew, late blight Repeatedly Spraying of plants at the rate of 6 l of the preparation per hectare

Effective folk remedies

Folk ways used for the treatment of fruit plantations are characterized by minimal toxicity indicators for the future harvest with sufficient high efficiency against the main damaging factors.

In addition, not all gardeners know how to process plants in spring time it is necessary in several stages, using various drugs and means. Standard action of stock treatment solutions fruit trees lasts about ten days or two weeks. Therefore, it is this break that should be followed when spraying.

Types of spring spraying (video)

It is very important to carry out a number of preparatory measures before spraying. All old branches should be cut and burned. A few days before the first treatment, you need to dig in fruit trees and whitewash. In addition, in order to adjust the garden plantings for the approaching period of active vegetation, it is necessary to carry out moisture-charging irrigation in a dry spring, which will qualitatively nourish root system plants.

We continue to publish materials on the protection of garden and garden plants from diseases and pests. Treatment schemes are proposed by specialists of the plant protection station. Has already been considered processing of quince, apple and pear, as well as tomato processing... It was the turn of another capricious culture - the peach. But if it is properly processed and treated on time, it grows and bears fruit safely.

We always have peaches at home different varieties... And the great taste of homemade peaches, as a rule, surpasses the taste of those fruits that are brought from afar and sold in the market or in stores. In addition, the prices for peaches are very high.

So you can safely try to grow a peach in your garden. It should be noted that the peach loves a sunny place and is very afraid severe frosts(here you need to look for zoned varieties). The peach has a short lifespan - about 12 years.

Particular attention should be paid to the fight against curly peach leaves. Better even spray before it appears dangerous disease for prevention. Otherwise, the lifespan of your peach will be significantly reduced.

The processing times are given for the Northern zone of the Krasnodar Territory and the south of the Rostov region. So, make adjustments for your geographic location.

So, with what (what fungicides) and in what time frame to spray the peach:

March - before bud break:
pruning, processing with 1% copper sulfate

April - over the green cone of trees:
when the first curly leaves(curl) cut them off and work the tree with Delan or Horus

May - by buds:
spraying with Topsin M (for powdery mildew, scab, moniliosis)
After flowering: Delan or Horus (alternating)

June - fruit growth:
Abiga Peak, Delan or Skor

July - fruit growth:
we do not process anything

August - growth and ripening of fruits:
processing by Abiga Peak. Watering with top dressing

September - fruit ripening:
Removal of carrion and leaves. Loosening of near-trunk circles

You can use another peach processing scheme, which was successfully used by the famous gardener Nikolai Kulish (Bataysk)

Protection of peaches from diseases and pests - 2nd processing scheme

1. In the spring, in February windows, at a temperature of +4, in order to prevent the development of fungal diseases, two sprays are carried out with an interval of 3-4 days on dormant buds with 1% solution copper sulfate... After that, the eradicating treatment of plants with preparation No. 30 or an emulsion of diesel fuel (1.5-2 kg of ordinary clay, 600-700 g of diesel fuel, 2 tablespoons of domestic-made washing powder per 10 liters of water) is applied.

2. On the swelling buds, spraying is carried out against aphids and other pests with a solution of karbofos, Sherpa, Arrivo, Sumi-Alpha are effective.

3. In the "green cone" phase, deep blue spraying with 3% Bordeaux liquid (300 g of copper sulfate + 400-500 g of slaked lime per 10 liters of water) against fungal diseases is carried out.

4. In the pink bud phase, re-treatment is carried out against pests and diseases (primarily against leaf curl pathogens) with one of the drugs recommended for use in personal (summer cottage) plots.

5. After flowering, peach treatments are effective with the same preparations that were used during the "rosebud" phase.

6. Urea solution (500-700 g per 10 l of water) is used against curly leaves and other fungal diseases during the period of leaf fall.

7. Combined solution (consumption rate in accordance with instructions) helps against curly leaves and pests during the growing season: Saprol (against diseases) plus INTA-VIR (against pests) plus colloidal sulfur (against mites).

8. During the growing season, a combined solution of karbofos (or another preparation of similar action) plus urea 30-40 g per 10 liters of water is used against aphids.

9. In the autumn, during the period of leaf fall, with a strong defeat of peach trees by curl or powdery mildew, treatment with a suspension of diesel fuel is carried out.

Peach, alas, cannot boast of being unpretentious. But for the sake of sunny fruits, what gardeners do not forgive this tree. You need to prepare for caring for it in advance, feeding the peach in the spring is carried out, oddly enough, in the fall! It is during this season that you prepare the hole by filling it in half with manure. By the spring, it will grind, the soil will absorb too hot for delicate roots nutrients and will give them to the seedling as needed. Nothing else can be thrown into the hole when planting, but planting a peach in the spring should be accompanied by abundant watering, even if the soil is wet.

In February, as gardeners say, "on the swelling buds", it is just time to carry out the first spraying, which will destroy most of the diseases and pests - aphids, moths, weevils. For this purpose, a solution of karbofos is used, according to the instructions on the package. When the buds have passed into the green cone phase, it is necessary to carry out the so-called blue spraying of the peach in spring with Bordeaux liquid or antifungal drugs. When you notice pink buds, it's time to get started. A separate article on our website is devoted to this issue.

Peach processing in spring for diseases and pests

The earliest and dangerous disease peach tree is the curl of the leaves. It manifests itself immediately after bud break, thereby greatly weakening it and reducing future productivity. As soon as you notice the signs of this disease, hurry up with spraying with drugs such as Cuproxat or Topaz... Under no circumstances should be treated with compositions based on copper sulfate or other copper-containing components during this period, as this will cause leaf discharge.

In addition to the regular processing of peaches in the spring, it is important to carry out timely operations to remove excess ovaries, fragments of unnecessary growth that did not have time to lignify. Peach has a high growth rate, which makes it possible to accelerate the formation of the crown of the tree. Having cut off a semi-lignified branch in the right place, by autumn you will also get mature shoots of the second order, which will easily survive the winter.

Thinning of ovaries is carried out not so often in our area, although in other countries, for example, in Turkey, this technique is used along with spraying. Its essence is simple - fruits should be located no more than 20 cm apart... Of course, it's a pity to remove them, but from the rest you will get large and beautiful fruits, much sweeter and tastier. Think for yourself how many fruits the tree frees itself from, because it cannot feed such an amount, no matter how beautiful the ovaries are.

In addition, thinning has a health-improving effect. For example, single fruits are less likely to be affected by the moth and fruit rot. Even if one fruit dies, it will not drag the rest with it. This means that less chemicals are needed for processing! And do not forget about periodic watering - such a seemingly simple event can strengthen the tree's own protection from the armada of aphids and other insects that have passed spraying.

Peach grafting in spring - saving dead trees

Alas, not all peaches are destined to survive cold winter... In such cases, a few surviving branches are enough to save the variety. As a stock, trees are suitable, which are at least 1.5 cm in diameter. Best of all, a peach is grafted onto cherry plum, plum, apricot. By choosing the right tree, cut it to the desired height trying to do as much as possible even cut without damaging the bark.

Choose a scion among the branches of last year's growth. It should be free of flower buds and should fit into the cut you make in the bark of the rootstock.

Use the knife or the knife you have to cut the scion. The blade must be perfectly clean and free from grease. It is impossible to hesitate in the process so that the cut does not have time to weather... We pry the bark on the stock and insert the stalk into it, then wrap the stalk tightly around the cut with electrical tape or adhesive plaster.

You can also tie a plastic bag over the graft to protect it from rain or heat. You will see the result already in the first few days - if the leaves have not dried up, then the scion receives nutrients and will grow together with the stock in speed. Within a month or two, it will be possible to remove the electrical tape.

Peach (from the Latin Prúnus pérsica), or "Persian plum", belongs to plants from the Pink family, subgenus Almond. It differs from the almond tree appearance and the palatability of the fruit. Peach cultivation is popular in southern regions and areas with a steadily warm climate. However, new and promising varieties are zoned in more northern regions our country.

Features and terms of spring processing

Spring processing of fruit plantations is a mandatory agricultural technique. In early spring, peach trees need preventive spraying and effective crown pruning. The peach should be processed several times a year, and each processing involves the completion of specific tasks. Such events are held not only in spring and summer, but also in autumn.

It is very important to strictly adhere to the terms and scheme of spring processing, which will allow you to perform activities with minimal cost time and effort, while receiving the most effective protection against most damaging factors, which can not only reduce the quality indicators of the fruit, but also often cause total loss harvest.

In the spraying process, the following rules and recommendations of experienced gardeners should be adhered to:

  • early spraying (before the budding phase) does not imply the use of carbamide or urea-based preparations that promote too rapid activation of growth processes and stimulate the premature awakening of plants;

  • it is obligatory to spray the garden plantings from curly hair to the budding phase, and then along the green cone;
  • processing on a rosebud allows you to increase the immunity of fruit trees and serves as an excellent prevention of damage to a number of diseases, including powdery mildew, scab and moniliosis;
  • immediately after flowering, the final spring processing garden plantings, contributing to protection from diseases and pests, as well as saturating with nitrogen-containing complexes.

It should be remembered that the most efficient processing peach trees - timely, with the use of the most effective drugs against each specific damaging factor.

How to trim a peach in spring (video)

As a rule, garden peach plantations are affected by: oriental moth, aphids, scale insect, miner moth, plum moth.

The main diseases that peach trees are susceptible to in home gardening conditions include:

  • clasterosporium disease;
  • curliness of leaves;
  • powdery mildew;
  • moniliosis.

Regular inspections of fruit plantations and adherence to the terms of preventive treatments minimizes the risk of damage to peaches. If necessary, you should use the table of the most effective and modern insectofungicidal agents recommended for use in home gardening conditions.

Effective chemicals

Undoubtedly, chemical agents cannot be classified as harmless, therefore, their use must necessarily be carried out in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer and in accordance with the standard terms for carrying out preventive measures.

Means Terms of application Striking factor
"Delan" or "Chorus" according to the instructions Before the budding phase Curly peach plantings
"Aktara" 1.4 g or "Engio" 3.6 ml with the addition of "Horus" 3 g, diluted in 10 liters of water Swelling stage fruit buds or by rosebud Bud weevils, aphids, monilial plant burns, powdery mildew
"Horus" 3 g with the addition of 2 ml of "Skor" diluted in 10 liters of water End of flowering and foliage opening Monilial burn of fruit trees, peach leaf curl, powdery mildew

The use of modern and quite toxic chemicals involves the mandatory use of protective equipment, as well as strict adherence to the dosage. Spraying of fruit plantations should be carried out in dry and calm weather, preferably in the evening hours.

The best folk remedies

Supporters organic farming and gardeners who want to get the most environmentally friendly products quite often replace chemical insectofungicidal preparations with less effective, but absolutely harmless folk remedies.

Trapping belts and special traps are very good and quite effective remedies for garden pests, which allow you to effectively deal with the most common plant parasites.

12.03.2016 55 805

Peach leaf curl - control measures

Peach leaf curl is a common disease in which the tree can lose most of its fruits, shed leaves, grow poorly, develop. Peach trees demand special attention and proper care, improper processing leads to a deterioration in the condition and inhibition in development, especially if the trees are young.

Prevention and protection of peach from curly

Timely measures will save peach trees from a malignant disease, which is better to prevent than to cure. Danger of illness in rapid development, the defeat of young leaves, shoots and branches, without prevention and treatment, leading to the complete destruction of the tree.

Protective measures begin to be taken in early spring, before bud break. IN different regions In Russia, the time frame is adjusted for local climatic conditions, in the southern latitudes, events begin to be held in early March, in the north, the date shifts closer to April. The last final processing is carried out in the fall.

Treatment of peach from curl involves pruning of diseased, dry branches in which the pathogen fungus is located and hibernates "Taphrina deformans T" spraying. It is imperative to cut off damaged peach branches before the buds swell, if the removal was not done in the fall. Good preparations for spraying are fungicides containing copper-containing substances, Skor, Hom, Raek, Oxyhom, Folpan, the well-known Bordeaux liquid (3% solution), etc.

in the photo - treatment of peach trees from curl

Prepare a solution of copper sulfate (1%), dilute 50 grams of the substance in 10 liters warm water, spray the trees. Depending on the age of the peach, consumption rates vary, from two to ten liters per tree. The prepared solution is not stored, it is prepared immediately before use. The treatment should be repeated after five days to consolidate the result, as a rule, a single sanitization is ineffective.

Methods of dealing with peach curl

It is necessary to fight a difficult disease, especially in the phase of intensive development and exacerbation, faster in order to save the plant and the future harvest. Many novice gardeners are wondering how to spray a peach from curl when the disease is already developing rapidly? The main and best drugs for the fight are copper-containing agents that effectively destroy the fungus and various harmful insects that can spread the disease.

in the photo - twisted leaves (curl) of a peach

Wide use received drugs of biological origin Guapsin, Planriz, Trichodermin, which do not provide harmful effects on green spaces and not accumulating inside plants. Such means can be used to combat curliness before and after peach flowering, even during fruiting, the preparations do not affect the taste and color of the fruit. Action bacterial preparations begins to manifest itself in two, three days. There is no time frame between treatments and harvest.

Treatment of curly peach trees can be carried out with folk remedies that give a positive result with regular spraying. One of the remedies is clay mortar with lime, which has fungicidal properties, increases protective functions peach from curl. To prepare the emulsion, 10 liters of water, 350 grams of softened clay, 90 grams of slaked lime are taken. Water is combined with clay, stirred thoroughly, then poured out in a small stream lime milk... The solution is homogeneous, without the formation of a precipitate. You need to prepare the emulsion on the day of spraying.

Peach tree processing rules

A positive result can be achieved with the right approach, ignoring the processing technology, efforts will be useless, the solution will be used up, pests and fungi will remain. A few simple, easy tips will help to avoid unnecessary actions:

  • In the fall, before processing the peach orchard, cut off bad, infected branches and shoots. Branch cuts are processed with garden varnish. Garbage, mulch, remnants of affected leaves around the tree trunk are carefully raked up and burned;
  • In the autumn and spring months, spraying is carried out in good calm weather, there must be no rainfall. The rain in the first two days after the treatment of trees washes away the solutions, spraying becomes ineffective. In such cases, the procedure is repeated;

  • The best hours of work are considered to be the morning, after the dew has melted, and the evening, when the sun is not so scorching;
  • The first spring spraying is carried out through a large sprayer, giving the solution the opportunity to get into the most secluded places of the bark, cracks, where pests and various pathogens of fungi and infections can be located;
  • You can achieve the most positive result by applying different kinds fungicidal and insecticidal preparations in combination, alternating treatments;
  • When spraying with various products, check the reaction of the peach tree so as not to aggravate the growth and development of the plant. Spray a small twig with leaves with the prepared preparation, if after 24 hours the leaves do not turn yellow, fall off, turn pale, then you can process the tree completely.