How to make drip irrigation from a bottle. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation: "reclamation" from a plastic bottle

Not every one of us can take care of plants at their summer cottage during the whole season. Most of the townspeople go to their dachas only on weekends. Throughout the week, the garden stands without watering, which can lead to the loss of the entire crop. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation systems from plastic bottles allow you to be absent from your site for several days. With the help of these devices, you do not have to put off all your affairs in the middle of the week and go to the country.

  • no need to spend money on the purchase of material - containers from soft drinks can be found in almost every summer cottage;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • saving time and effort;
  • you can not pay attention to the garden for several days;
  • moisture enters the roots, drops of water do not settle on the leaves;
  • liquid flows through plastic bottles gradually and dosed;
  • an ideal choice for a greenhouse - the earth is not moistened, remains loose, weed seeds hardly germinate;
  • saves water, which is good for areas with central water supply and for those to which water needs to be delivered;
  • the liquid heats up quickly, which is good for plants;
  • repairs and installation are carried out very quickly.

These devices, simple on the principle of manufacturing, allow you to get rid of excess vapors in greenhouses and greenhouses. Excessive moisture can cause mold and mildew to grow on your plants. It will be more comfortable to be in a greenhouse with drier air.

Disadvantages of drip devices

Drip irrigation with bottles in most cases is recognized as a useful invention. Especially for summer residents who have their main place of work. Before installing such an irrigation system on your site, you should familiarize yourself with several of its disadvantages:

  • such watering is not suitable for large areas;
  • it is not always advisable to install containers in open ground;
  • the system cannot replace high-quality plant care;
  • if there is a lot of clay in the soil, the holes will clog up very quickly.

We recommend installing bottles in the beds temporarily. Do not use drip irrigation all the time, as the plants may not have enough moisture, especially on hot days. Watering in this way is suitable for open ground and greenhouses, it can be used for indoor plants and seedlings.

Dripping the bottle upside down

For tomato bushes planted in open ground or a greenhouse, an irrigation system with a buried bottle is excellent. With it, you do not need to remove the container from the soil every time. Using a funnel, you can add water, because the neck will rise above the ground.

Everything is ingenious - each container is prepared in a matter of minutes. First, you need to find a container that fits freely between two plants. Moreover, its volume should be sufficient to deliver moisture to the roots for several days. Most often, it is recommended to select containers that can hold more than a liter of liquid.

Step back 3 centimeters from the bottom and make several holes around the entire circumference. Use a thin carnation for this, which is heated over a flame. You will need to make 10 staggered holes on each side. Along the edges of the greenhouse, bottles can be placed with holes on one side only. They will only moisturize the extreme plants.

Use a small scoop to scoop holes between the plants. Their depth should be such that the container stands up to its full height, and only the throat part protrudes above the surface. Bury the resulting device. Instead of a cork, pull a net or a rag from nylon tights over the bottles so that no debris gets into the water. The mesh should sag slightly as it sinks into the throat. The irrigation system is filled with a funnel. Each container is enough for watering 2-4 tomato bushes.

If after an hour you find that the soil is too wet, then you will have to replace the bottles with new ones with fewer holes. If the moisture is not enough, then it is worth making holes of a larger diameter or increasing their number. We recommend that you install irrigation devices a few hours before you leave the site.

Suspended structures

A more complex system is a suspension system. It can be used for greenhouses and greenhouses. At the same time, drip irrigation from plastic bottles will be easy to maintain. Advantages of the design: the liquid can be topped up without a funnel, the soil at the roots will not erode, the water heats up perfectly, and the system will work regardless of the type of soil.

First of all, you need to make a crossbar on which the bottles will be hung. You will need to cut off the bottom of each bottle. Use a wire and two holes to make hangers. After that, you just have to make the holes for watering. To do this, you can make several holes in and around the lid. The second option is to simply unscrew the plug to start watering.

To avoid sunburn on plant foliage, hang containers as close to the ground as possible. Otherwise, water will get on the leaves and, after evaporation, damage them.

Watering with harnesses

If you are leaving for the whole week, then you can place the simplest devices made from five-liter canisters on the beds. To do this, a window is cut in the side of each container, and the cork is tightly twisted. You can pour liquid using a watering can with the diffuser removed.

You can cut an old cotton T-shirt into the harness. Wet them and lay them so that one end of the tourniquet is in the liquid, and the other goes down to the plant. This watering method is used for indoor flowers. In this case, a basin of water is placed on a stool, and pots with plants are placed under it. Bundles can be made from a piece of gauze, bandage or foam seals for windows.

If you don't want to waste time making rope or want to irrigate beets, onions or carrots, you can simply make a few holes in the bottle. Place the container between vegetable bushes or rows. The disadvantage of this method is that the hydration can be too intense.

Driving the bottle upside down

Prepare containers in the same way as for hanging: cut off the bottom and make several holes around the neck. The only difference is that you don't have to make hooks from the wire. After the preparatory work, it will be enough for you to just dig the neck of the bottle into the ground so that the water begins to seep to the roots.

For dense soils and loams, you can slightly improve the design. Do not make holes at the neck. Instead, remove the plug and plug the neck tightly with foam rubber, water will seep evenly through it. This type of device will not work if the soil is loose or sandy - the liquid will pour out almost instantly.

To protect against moisture ingress, the bottom does not need to be cut - leave a small portion of the plastic uncut. In this case, water supplies for irrigation can be replenished by slightly bending the bottom. An alternative option is to pull a nylon slick or sock over each bottle.

In gardening stores or in one-stop supermarkets, you can find special devices for plastic bottles. They are put on in place of the cork and help turn the container into an irrigation system. From the side, such nozzles look like elongated cones. They can easily pierce the soil to set up a watering container. Using ready-made nozzles is a kind of neck-down installation method for those who are too lazy to make holes on their own.

The disadvantage of ready-made elements is the limitation on the volume of the bottle. Most often they are made for standard containers with a volume of up to 2.5 liters. For large versions, for example, for canisters of 5 liters, it is almost impossible to find attachments. They can be used everywhere - at home, in a greenhouse or in the open field.

Installation of drip irrigation systems is quite simple. Here are some tips to help you use these devices more efficiently:

Drip irrigation can be used for different types of plants: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. Some gardeners install such systems between shrubs and flower beds. To prevent the water from evaporating on a hot day, it is worth installing translucent bottles or shading them. Everything is ingenious and simple! Thanks to irrigation devices, you can pay less attention to your garden. They are popular with busy people and those who want to relax in the summer, and not just cultivate the beds.

There are ways subsoil dosed irrigation, allowing with a minimum amount of water to deliver precious water directly to the roots, providing a continuous supply of moisture to a wide variety of plants - flowers, bushes and trees.
In-soil irrigation is also preferred in greenhouses - it allows you to keep the surface of the ridge dry, weeds do not grow, the earth does not bake, especially if it is covered with mulch, it does not need to be loosened, since the earth breathes. Less fumes and less disease.
Especially love root watering tomatoes.

In a plastic bottle (2.5 liters), the bottom is cut off by one third so that it can be used as a lid (the lid is needed so that the water evaporates less). The cork is tightly twisted, and in it drilled two holes with a diameter of 2 mm or burned hot nail (100-120) hole.
In general, the number of holes must be selected empirically, given that watering one vegetable plant requires an average of 0.25 liters of water per day.

The next step is to place the bottle directly next to the root of the tomato or pepper. The best installation time is right at the time of planting. But do not despair, you can install it in a few weeks.
We retreat from the tomato stem 15-20 cm, carefully dig a hole 10-15 cm, so as not to damage the roots of the tomato plant. Next, insert the bottle with the lid down at an angle of 30-45 ° and carefully bury it.
To prevent the irrigation hole in the cork from clogging (which often happens especially on heavy clay soils), put dry grass, burlap or fiberglass at the bottom of the hole under the bottle neck, or fix it all directly on the neck by pulling a nylon stocking over the bottle.

Watering is as follows: we go through the beds and fill the bottles with water, when watering from plastic bottles, water will slowly flow directly to the roots of the tomato. You can also feed the plant, while saving fertilizer.
You can also use these bottles to water cucumber, pepper, eggplant, pumpkin, and many other plants in your garden.
The method of watering from plastic bottles is suitable for those who cannot visit the garden, or the dacha every day.

If you use a commercially available long plastic nozzle, you do not need to bury the bottles. But in this case, there is a danger that the bottles will be blown away by the wind.

When spring comes and the earth warms up, the time for the garden and garden begins. Summer residents and villagers take up the planting of various fruit crops. But for a good harvest, it is not enough just to plant and weed the plants, they need constant watering, especially when the weather is sunny and dry. One of the best watering options when there is not a lot of water or time each day is drip irrigation. This method has many advantages over traditional methods, but only a few disadvantages. So what is the essence of drip irrigation from a plastic bottle?

DIY drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Drip irrigation is when water flows in even small portions directly to the roots of the plant if the irrigation device is in the ground, or next to the plant in a hole when it is on the surface. Water is received only by the cultivated plant itself, and not by the nearby growing weeds. There is no need to buy a drip irrigation device, you can make it yourself without any special costs. It is best to use a plastic bottle for this, such a device will last for several years with careful treatment.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Pros and cons of drip irrigation

  1. With this type of watering the plant, significant water savings occur when compared with conventional watering from a hose or watering can. In addition, you do not have to loosen the ground, as after abundant watering, since a drip does not create a dried crust that interferes with the growth of the plant. There is no spreading of water in different directions.
  2. Possibility of autonomous irrigation of plants with water. This is very convenient for summer residents who are not on the site every day. The construction will work independently, without endangering the site and the country house.
  3. The ability to apply fertilizer with ease in the required proportions, and only the plant itself will receive it.
  4. Also, a significant plus will be the fact that you can use drip irrigation both in greenhouse conditions and in the open field. If this is a place open to the sun, then the water in the bottle will heat up during the day and irrigation with sufficiently warm water continues at night.

Drip irrigation principle

Although this method is very convenient, it cannot be called perfect. Its disadvantages are that:

  1. Irrigation of large areas is almost impossible. To do this, you will need a lot of drip irrigation devices, and this will be inconvenient and no longer rational.
  2. If the soil is heavy and contains a lot of clay, then when the irrigation attachment is in the soil, it can become clogged and must be cleaned.
  3. Such watering cannot completely replace the full-fledged traditional moistening of the earth, especially in hot summers. With the help of irrigation, you can only maintain humidity, but you still have to water the beds abundantly from time to time.

Drip irrigation cannot completely replace traditional soil moisture

What is needed to make a drip irrigation device?

The set of tools and materials is small and can be found at any owner of the house. The design will differ from the expensive purchased one in materials, but not in efficiency. So, we need:

  1. Plastic bottle. Its size depends on what kind of plant and how long it should irrigate it, small ones are not recommended, with a volume of 0.5 liters, it is better to take a container ranging from 1 to 5 liters. Such containers usually remain from purchases made in the grocery store, and you will not have to purchase them separately.

The approximate ratio of the size of the bottle and the time of consumption with low watering:

The ratio of hole size and amount of watering

The accuracy of the data depends on the number of holes in the bottle and the variation in the irrigation method.

  1. Hole punching tool. For this, a thin carnation or a thick needle is suitable, depending on the size of the future holes in the bottle.
  2. Textile. It should be either a piece of thin cotton or nylon tights, and in the second version, longer use is possible, since nylon is stronger.

Option number 1. A bottle dug in the bottom of the ground

A bottle dug in the bottom of the ground

We take a prepared bottle, in size it should be such that it fits well in a garden bed between several plants. If it is necessary to water only one bush, then the bottle can be small, and the holes in it are only on one side, close to the plant.

Holes in the bottle

Next, we take a carnation, retreat a few centimeters from the bottom and make small holes. If the diameter of the holes is too large, then the water will flow out quickly. It is necessary to make about 10 holes, they should be located in the middle of the bottle, do not touch the neck part.

Injecting the bottle

Then we dig a hole in the diameter of the bottle and dig it in there, leaving the upper part outside. It is better to put a capronk on the neck to prevent debris from entering. Pour water into a bottle with a watering can and leave. Water will gradually evenly flow to the roots of the bushes and irrigate them.

Option number 2. Bottle, hanging with the neck down

For this method of irrigation, you first need to make a structure above the crops, which will hold a bottle of water. It can be two rooted sticks and a crossbar between them, on which you can hang a bottle on the hook, if there is a metal mount that looks like a small horizontal bar, you can hang it on it. The maximum height is 45 - 50 cm, and the minimum is 35 cm (we take into account the size of the bottle).

Homemade drip irrigation system

We make holes in the lid; for this, a carnation is again suitable. The more holes in the lid, the more water droplets will fall on the plant. We cut off the bottom of the bottle with a knife or scissors, water will be poured into it. We hang, fill in water and stretch the fabric from debris.

Suspended drip irrigation system

Option number 3. A bottle buried with a neck in the ground

We take a bottle, we select the sizes in the same way as in the previous case. This method is inferior to the first only in that water will flow more to the very bottom of the roots of the bushes, and in the first option, it will spread along their entire length. We remove the lid and make several holes in it, it is not recommended to make more than 4 holes, the water will quickly leave and it will have to be poured often. If it is a 5-liter bottle, then the lid in it is large and the holes need to be made larger, if it is a liter or one and a half liter, then less. We cut off the bottom completely, we will pour water into it.

A bottle buried with its neck in the ground

We make a not very deep hole next to the bush, such a depth is needed so that the bottle cap is not much lower than the roots, it is advisable to place it a little higher - then all the moisture will be used up as intended.

Option number 4. A simple way with a purchased attachment

Drip irrigation nozzle

Such a device can no longer be called completely do-it-yourself. In specialized shops for gardeners, you can find a special oblong nozzle with holes, which is screwed onto a bottle instead of a cap. Next, you just need to stick it into the ground along with the bottle you put on. The bottom can be cut off, or you don't have to work, because when the water runs out, you can twist it, easily draw water and wind it back, and then return it to the ground. This method practically does not differ from a buried bottle with the neck down, just a little easier.

The disadvantage is that such nozzles are most often standard and the maximum volume of a bottle can be 2.5 liters, for 5 liters it is already more difficult to find such a nozzle in width. The advantage of such a nozzle is that it can irrigate not only plants in a greenhouse or open ground in a garden, but also flowers in pots at home; a small 0.5 liter bottle is also suitable here.

Video - Do-it-yourself drip irrigation for giving at no cost

How to apply fertilizers using a plastic bottle irrigation attachment?

Those fertilizers that are to be dissolved in water or diluted with the finished liquid must be poured in already diluted form into a bottle.

How to properly make a solution in the ratio of water and feeding - read the instructions and strictly follow it. They will spread evenly around the root, allowing the plant to consume them. This does not apply to those after which abundant watering is necessary.

It is impossible to grow cucumbers without watering. Saturation of plants with moisture is a daily hard work. A homemade design made of plastic bottles for drip irrigation of cucumbers, which can be made by hand, will help to facilitate care when growing healthy vegetables.

System Description

Drip irrigation - organization of timely watering of plants using storage tanks and water. A simple, efficient way to deliver moisture directly to each sprout... Water easily passes the top layer of soil, filling the roots with life-giving moisture.

Experienced gardeners know firsthand that a good harvest depends on the quantity and quality of timely irrigation. Cucumbers require large amounts of warm water. Drip irrigation will be an excellent helper throughout the entire ripening season of vegetables.

Water consumption for growing cucumbers is on average 5 liters per 1 m2.

Drip irrigation from bottles is much cheaper than a ready-made system

Overfilling threatens the development of fungal diseases. The drip system is an alternative solution. Specialist shops sell a variety of prefabricated irrigation systems. They take time to install. Not everyone likes the pricing policy.

Install drip irrigation with your own hands using plastic bottles - solution that does not require financial costs... Using the materials at hand, it is easy to make such a system within the power of everyone.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Bottle Water Irrigation System

Make sure of the need for such an installation on your site, all the pros and cons collected by the gardeners will help.

First, about the advantages of the bottle system:

  • tangible saving water(use a watering can or a hose more);
  • autonomous work systems (you can safely leave the garden for several days unattended);
  • versatility: the possibility of application does not depend on the type of soil, the method of growing vegetables (greenhouse, vegetable garden);
  • material availability;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • targeted point ingress of moisture;
  • lack of hardened earth crust around the plant;
  • reducing the need to loosen the soil around the bush;
  • slow evaporation of moisture (only on hot days you will have to monitor the condition of the plants: do they need additional watering);
  • saving money;
  • facilitation of human labor;
  • the top layer of the soil is not washed out;
  • roots get warm liquid(manages to warm up under the rays of the sun);
  • simplification of feeding (only for seedlings).

Drip irrigation saves the amount of liquid and allows it to flow directly to the roots

Weeds rarely germinate in such an area.

A homemade drain system often gets clogged. To prevent such a situation, old nylon tights are the best option for creating drainage. The material does not rot in the ground and has excellent carrying capacity.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages:

  • frequent clogged holes;
  • the inability to apply such a system on a large area: a lot of containers will be required, the garden does not look aesthetically pleasing;
  • limited volume liquids;
  • difficult to use on heavy soils (bottles, clogging, often become unusable);
  • on hot days, plants get little moisture from such a feed.

For cucumbers and tomatoes, drip irrigation using bottles will not replace a full-fledged: depending on the weather, the sprouts will need additional moisture.

Description of drip irrigation for cucumbers and tomatoes

Such a life-support system for vegetables is entirely justified. With its help, it is easier to achieve a good harvest of cucumbers or tomatoes. There are many ways to install such a structure. Let's take a look at some of them.

Lid up

A universal option. Common among summer residents. Suitable for greenhouses and outdoor areas.

Bottle system with cap up

Craft scheme:

  1. Measure from the bottom 3 cm.Alom, a gypsy needle (which can be found in the house) pierce holes along to the point where the narrowing begins... The number of holes depends on the type of soil, the volume of the container. On average, 10.
  2. Make a hole near the bush so that the dishes fit along the neck (the tapered tapering part should protrude above the ground).
  3. Wrap the bottle with a cloth, place it in the hole, fill it with water, close it with your own lid.

Plastic containers, as they are emptied, may shrink under the pressure of the soil. This can be avoided by simply piercing the lid, timely replenishment of the liquid.

Lid down

Cut off the bottom completely. Screw the lid on until it stops, pierce in a circle. Bury the dishes near the stem without damaging the roots... Wrap with gauze to keep out debris.

Root watering

Pick up small flasks - 1.5 liters... Pierce the lid with a hot needle. Place a nylon cloth between the lid and the neck, screw tightly. If this system is planned in advance, first, the bottle is driven in half into the ground with the cut bottom up. The seeds are poured, the container is filled.

Special nozzles for root irrigation

Seedlings are planted - it doesn't matter. The flask can be placed at a slight angle by pushing the neck closer to the roots. Make a cut of the bottom as well, maintaining a certain angle (more liquid to fit).

A more costly option is to screw instead of caps special attachments(sold in garden centers). It is convenient to stick them near the root. Minus - a strong wind is able to turn over such a structure.

Another method of root hydration requires cocktail tubes, juice. Container is placed between two stems. The desired length to the root is measured from it. One end of the tube goes inside the container. A plug is placed on the other. From the bottom of the seedlings, they pierce the tube so that the liquid flows to the right place.


For a small garden of cucumbers, a hanging option is suitable. Along the row, make a frame of timber and wire. Pierce the bottles with a through hole on both sides. Thread the twine. Screw to the wire above the seedlings. Pierce the bottom.

In the spring, many gardeners itch their hands to plant as many crops as possible: they want to eat fresh vegetables, eat berries, and decorate their favorite summer cottage with flowers. It is not difficult to plant all this, but you will need regular care, one of the essential elements of which is watering. It is especially relevant in spring, in the initial growing season, and in summer, in hot weather. However, not all gardeners can often come to the site, and there are a lot of things to be redone over the weekend, and they cannot wait for planting. In this case, drip irrigation will be a good solution. It is not at all necessary to buy ready-made expensive systems - you can use plastic bottles.

What is drip irrigation

This is a system for delivering moisture to the roots, in which water is supplied in small portions, literally drop by drop (hence the name of the method). The advantages of such watering over the usual are obvious:

  • only the plant itself receives moisture, and not the weeds;
  • water is saved, since it does not spread over the entire garden;
  • no crust forms on the surface of the earth;
  • the system works even when there are no people on the site;
  • can be used in greenhouses and in unprotected ground.

Many methods of drip irrigation from bottles have been invented, each gardener can choose the one that suits him

However, the method also has disadvantages:

  • difficult to use in large areas;
  • not suitable for heavy clay soils - holes will be clogged;
  • in extreme heat, such watering is not enough, you still have to water it manually with a hose.

How to make a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles: different ways

Gardeners are resourceful people. In order not to waste money, they came up with several options for making drip irrigation from plastic bottles. The containers will not need small ones - from 1 to 5 liters (depending on how much soil needs to be moistened). Many gardeners recommend mulching the soil in the beds with drip irrigation - this way the moisture flowing out of the bottles will stay in the soil longer.

Drip irrigation from two bottles

This method requires one one and a half liter and one five liter bottle. They make the system in this way:

Water will evaporate from a small bottle, forming condensation on the walls of a five-liter bottle, which, flowing down, will provide the plants with the necessary moisture. Using this method, you can not only water, but also feed the plantings with liquid fertilizers.

Video: two-bottle drip irrigation device

Drip irrigation from a bottle dug into the ground

There are two options for digging in: with the bottom and with the neck into the ground. For watering, you can use a bottle cap or a special nozzle.

Upside down

This option will give the best effect when combined with mulching. Procedure:

  1. Take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1-5 liters (depending on the size of the roots of the watered plant and what is its need for water).
  2. In the middle of the bottle, 2 holes are pierced with a hot sewing needle (up to 4 holes can be made in a five-liter one) on both sides.
  3. A bottle is dug in near the plantings (at a distance of 15–20 cm) so that the neck sticks out.
  4. Pour water into the container and twist it tightly to avoid water evaporation. For the convenience of pouring, you can use a funnel.

A five-liter bottle dug into the ground with the bottom can provide water for several tomato bushes.

Water through the holes will flow in small portions to the roots.

Video: some tricks to improve the efficiency of watering from a plastic bottle

To prevent water from dripping very quickly, they use the following technique: only two holes are pierced in the bottle. One of them is loosely plugged with a toothpick. Then from the second, the outflow of water will slow down due to the reduction in the flow of air into the bottle.

Neck into the ground

This method is more convenient for pouring - the bottom located on top is wider than the neck. However, in this case, water will only flow into the lower layers of the soil, while in the above case - from top to bottom. They act in this way:

  1. In the cap of a bottle with a volume of 1–5 liters, 3-4 holes are made with a heated sewing needle.
  2. The bottom is cut off.
  3. Bury the bottle at a distance of 15–20 cm from the plants at a shallow depth (depending on how deep the roots are located).
  4. Pour in water.

In the greenhouse, drip irrigation from bottles is especially relevant: the sun beats through the transparent walls and the soil dries out very quickly

It is important to correctly determine the depth of instillation: if it is too deep, the water will moisten only the lower part of the roots, and if it is too shallow, the bottle may fall.

When I tried to make drip irrigation from a bottle, I was unsuccessful: small holes were clogged with earth all the time. On the Internet, I read the advice to pull on the old nylon tights on the bottle. The measure helped: the earth stopped falling into the holes and the water flowed out well.

Using a nozzle

If it is possible to purchase an elongated plastic nozzle with holes in the store, drip irrigation will be easier to organize. Such a nozzle is screwed onto a bottle with a volume of 0.5 to 1.5 liters instead of a cap and stuck into the ground. The bottom can be cut off, or when the water runs out, take out the bottle, unscrew the nozzle, pour water and stick it into the ground again.

Plastic drip tips are suitable for bottles up to 1.5L

A variation of the above methods would be to lay the bottle on the ground rather than burying it. This method is only suitable for mulched plantings, as dripping water will stay in the mulched soil longer. At the same time, holes are made on both sides for better water flow: from the top - 1, from the bottom - up to 4 pieces.

It is better to cover the bottle for drip irrigation with a cloth or put it so that it is in the shade, then the water will evaporate more slowly through the holes

Drip irrigation from a bottle suspended on a frame

This method is good for low plants, but more time consuming, because a frame will be needed to hang the bottles. Procedure:

  1. A frame is made of wooden racks or thick metal rods in the shape of the letter G or P. Its height should be such that the suspended bottle is about 10 cm lower than the plants.
  2. The frame is installed along the garden bed.
  3. In prepared bottles with a capacity of 1–1.5 liters (according to the number of bushes), 2–4 holes are made in the lids with a thin needle. You can also hang five-liter bottles, but then the frame and fasteners must be made more solid.
  4. The bottom of the bottles is cut off, and wider holes are pierced along the edges - for wire or strong rope (twine).
  5. The bottles are placed on the frame so that the water does not flow directly onto the bushes, but near them.

Bottles can be hung with strong wire so that water drips near the plants

Bottles can be hung up with the neck up, for this you will need to make 2 holes in the bottom.

One of the drawbacks of drip irrigation from plastic bottles on the frame is that the water flows out too quickly. Inventive gardeners have figured out how to solve this problem - with the help of a conventional medical drip. It attaches to the neck of the bottle and makes it possible to regulate watering.

Video: watering from a bottle suspended from a fence using a dropper

Drip irrigation using a "wick"

Such a structure is more difficult to make, and is usually made for watering houseplants or seedlings in cases where the owners leave home for more than two days. Manufacturing procedure:

  1. A 1.5 liter plastic bottle is cut in half.
  2. A hole is made in the lid so wide that a woolen thread can be threaded - a kind of "wick".
  3. A thread 3-4 cm long, folded in half, is threaded into the lid and tied with a knot from the inside of it.
  4. The upper part of a plastic bottle with a twisted cap and a thread sticking out in it is inserted into the lower part with the neck down.
  5. Water is poured into the lower half of the bottle so that it completely covers the "wick".
  6. Earth is poured into the top of the bottle, well spilled and seeds are planted.

The liquid rises through the "wick" and provides the soil with moisture.

When the water runs out, add it only to the bottom half of the bottle.

Photo gallery: drip irrigation with woolen thread

A woolen thread is suitable for the wick, since it absorbs water well
For greater stability, it is better to make the top of the bottle shorter than the bottom.
A device made of a plastic bottle and woolen thread retains moisture for a long time

Comparison of different types of drip irrigation from plastic bottles

You can do drip irrigation in your garden in different ways, everyone will have their own way. To better navigate which one to choose, consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Table: comparison of methods of drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Way Dignity disadvantages
Of two bottles
  • Easy to manufacture;
  • no additional devices are needed;
  • water will evaporate for a long time, you do not need to add often
Too little water will enter the ground with condensation
From a bottle buried in the ground
  • Easy to manufacture;
  • can be used for plants with any root depth
  • The holes are clogged, it is necessary to periodically clean it;
  • water leaks quickly
From a bottle dug with its neck into the groundConvenient to add waterNot suitable for plants with shallow root systems
Using a nozzleMake quickly
  • You have to buy a nozzle;
  • not suitable for all bottle sizes
From a bottle suspended from a frame
  • Small plants can be watered;
  • holes in the bottle do not clog
Harder to do compared to other methods
Using the "wick"
  • Suitable for seedlings;
  • lasts a long time
  • Harder to do compared to other methods;
  • can only be used at home

Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that delivers water to the roots of plants. This method of irrigation is used in order to achieve the best results of irrigation of plants with minimal consumption of liquid. Having made drip irrigation with his own hands, the gardener increases the rate of ripening of the crop and improves its quality, but at the same time, money is saved.

Experienced gardeners know how important it is to fertilize the root system of vegetation. A more economical option is the manufacture of drip irrigation from plastic bottles and do it yourself for the garden and greenhouse.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation in the greenhouse

Greenhouse drip irrigation is ideal for vegetables. For this reason, most gardeners organize drip irrigation in the greenhouse with their own hands and thus save money. It can be automatic or manual.

The composition of drip irrigation includes a central water supply, which is connected to a splitter, and drip tubes are already connected to it, providing plants with moisture.


You will need some tools to install.

  • Electric drill;
  • Punch or hole punch;
  • Pliers;
  • Puncher;
  • Pipe cutter or scissors for pipes made of plastic;
  • Open-end wrench set;
  • Shovel.

Features of designs.

Now you can choose the type of construction, but for this you need to find out what they are. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation systems in greenhouses have different pros and cons.

Suitable species for greenhouses:

  • Working in automatic mode. This type is equipped with separate droppers, which are suitable for each plant, by branching from the central node. The processing radius is small. The main components are small tubes through which water enters the root system of the plant. To set up such irrigation, you need to use special valves, splitters and stands for fixing micropipes.
  • Drip tape system. A similar type is used for processing garden vegetation. This system assumes the parallel placement of drip tubes. But such systems have a shorter service life compared to automatic devices. In order for the drip tapes to work in automatic mode, each must have connectors through which liquid flows. Thus, one edge is located near the tank, and plugs are installed on the other. Thanks to the ribbons, each plant is watered.

Advantages of drip irrigation

An organized drip system in a greenhouse has its advantages:

  • Improvement of indicators of quality and productivity of crops;
  • Since water is distributed at a certain rate, fluid consumption is considered economical;
  • Possibility of designing an automatic drip irrigation system;
  • The soil layer is practically not washed out;
  • In plants, the index of resistance to various natural influences increases;
  • The ability to irrigate a large area, even in the case of low pressure in the system;
  • Ease of system management.

These are not all the advantages of the system.

System assembly and installation

To design do-it-yourself drip irrigation, you will need to purchase an automatic controller. It can be placed on the system and programmed to water at specific times of the day when needed.

Install this device immediately after the filter. When designing, you need to choose the right filter; for open areas, systems with a gravel-sand base, which are designed for coarse cleaning, are more relevant.

If you take a filter with a disc base, then it is more suitable for fine cleaning. If you have water for irrigation in a well, then it is better to take a mesh one. And so there are all the necessary tools, now you can start designing drip irrigation.

The manufacturing process is carried out in this order:

  • Drawing up a diagram. To draw up a diagram correctly, you need to measure the length of the beds with vegetation using a tape measure, and, observing the scale, transfer all the data to paper. The diagram should indicate the location of the main source of water.
  • Determination of the number of pipes. After that, you need to buy the material. It is recommended to purchase PVC pipes with a diameter of at least 3.2 cm for installing the system in a greenhouse.
  • Next, the main pipe is connected to the storage tank. You can use a regular garden hose for this. A filter is connected to it, but it is important not to confuse the direction, it shows the direction in the form of a drawn arrow. And after that, mark the location of the drip tape on the pipeline with a marker.
  • Next, an electric drill is drilled holes that fit in diameter with sealing rubber bands. But it will be better if they enter the hole with effort. And we set the connector to the start position.
  • We muffle one end of the tape, and connect the opposite to the water supply. And we start the system.

Properly made do-it-yourself drip irrigation will last several seasons. At the end of the season, it can be removed, but first you need to clean it well. If it is no longer needed, then it is better to throw it away or send it for recycling.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles is ideal for suburban areas. Such a system does not need to be connected to water and is much cheaper compared to commercial models. To make do-it-yourself drip irrigation, people use old plastic containers. Of course, the installation, not automatic and periodically, will need to be filled with liquid.


Manufacturing does not require a large list of tools, and every summer resident has all of them. The difference between this system lies only in the low cost, and the efficiency is the same with the purchased options.

The design process requires the following tools:

  • Plastic containers. the volume depends entirely on the size of the plant and on the period of filling the root system with moisture. But experts do not recommend taking half-liter bottles, better liter or 2 liter. It is this container that remains after the drinks, so there is no need to purchase new ones.
  • Device for creating connectors. As such a tool, you can use a small nail or a thin needle.
  • Fabric material. It will be better if there is a piece of cotton material, you can use nylon tights. But we note that the wear resistance of nylon fabric is much higher, and it is stronger.


Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles has many advantages. Such a system is needed to provide plant roots with nutrient fluid. This saves finances, effort and time. This design is quite interesting to most summer residents. After all, it can be left unattended, as it works offline. Due to this, the summer resident does not need to stand with a hose and water the plants for half the evening to harvest more crops or even carry heavy buckets of water.

By installing this watering, you will not waste time caring for the site. At this time, the gardener may well be doing other things.

Main advantages:

Such a design for irrigation is ideal for owners of suburban areas who come to the site according to their capabilities, for example, once a week. Arriving on the weekend, it is enough to fill the bottles with water in front of the county. The collected containers are quite enough to feed the root system for a week.

Manufacturing methods

There are many ways to make a drip irrigation system from a plastic container. To determine the options, you need to choose the appropriate and optimal option, taking into account your capabilities and conditions on the site. It is equally important to find a suitable place for installing watering cans and the intensity of water spreading.

Using different design schemes, it must be borne in mind that they are suitable for a specific variety of plants and their location. The most optimal and easiest option, it is considered to puncture the holes in the bottle with a needle or a thin stud. Using this method, there is no need to have any special skills and tools.

But you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • All holes should be small in diameter, only in this way can water be regularly and slowly spent, compared to large holes through which it will quickly leave;
  • If the holes are slightly larger, then in this way it turns out to create a more moisturized soil;
  • The location of the container should be at a minimum distance from the stem, thus, water will directly enter the root system of the plant, and not humidify the environment;
  • It is recommended to deepen the water bottles a little in the ground, due to which the water will not go in vain;
  • The container can be placed above the seedlings, unless, of course, this irrigation technology does not harm the plant;
  • If a container with a large displacement is used as a container, then it will last for a whole week and the plant will be provided with constant moisture.

The irrigation process itself occurs according to the most common scheme, that is, due to the direct contact of the liquid with the ground. Having installed the container, the liquid will begin to slowly flow out through the holes made, and when the soil gains moisture, it closes the holes and the liquid does not flow. After drying, it begins the percolation process again, since dry earth does not cover the holes. In this way, the drip irrigation system is considered autonomous and fluid is saved. When the bottle becomes empty, water is added to it, and the process of providing liquid to the root system is established.

Note that this system is not suitable for watering whimsical plants that have a thin root system.

Like other models, the system is made on the basis of plastic containers, has its drawbacks and positive aspects.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • Ease of manufacture. Even an inexperienced gardener is able to build a drip type of soil irrigation from a plastic bottle. Indeed, to design it is not necessary to have special skills and abilities.
  • Economy. The creation of such irrigation does not need large expenses. This is justified by the fact that for this type of material is used that is in almost every home, bottles often remain after buying and drinking drinks.
  • Use of technology. By installing such a design, excessive water consumption is practically excluded. This factor is especially important for summer cottages where there is no central water supply system, and water has to be stored.
  • Uniformity of distribution. Since such a system equips only the root system with water, water evenly enters the plant and is less consumed.
  • Rapid heating of water. The upper part is located on the surface almost always in open areas. Thus, the sun constantly falls on it and quickly warms up a small volume of liquid. And warm water is considered necessary for some plants.
  • Easy replacement. If some container has become unsuitable for further use, it can be replaced and it will take about 5 minutes.

Drip irrigation is often used during the cultivation of tomatoes, cucumbers, but grapes, strawberries and fruit trees are no exception.

This technology has disadvantages, which include:

  • For large areas, drip irrigation, which is made from a plastic bottle, is not suitable, it is not able to provide a sufficient amount of moisture to the plant;
  • The system is not able to replace the standard version of hose irrigation, because it is used only to maintain moisture for a certain period;
  • If this technology is applied on soils of heavy and loamy type, it will clog up very quickly and cease to perform its function.

According to experts, a drip irrigation system made from plastic containers is mainly an alternative, but in some cases it can completely replace the standard irrigation option. It is very easy to organize such watering for your garden or greenhouse, since almost any person has material and tools for this. At the same time, you can save money, time and effort that you would have spent on watering with a hose or buckets.