Projects of houses from round timber. round log house

Wood, being an environmentally friendly material, not only effectively retains heat, but also gives the air in the room a special aroma.

To build a wooden one, you must first prepare a beam.

Stage 1. Preparation of round timber

Attention! To determine the quality of the logs (you can at any time refuse low-grade sawlogs), you need to know about the ideal harvesting conditions, which we will discuss below.

Round timber must be harvested at sub-zero temperatures, that is, in winter. It is at this time that the amount of moisture in the wood is minimized, therefore, during drying, the material will deform and crack less.

In order to ensure the durability of the log house, certain sections of logs are used during construction (the so-called butt logs). These sections start from the rhizome and end at the crown. Such butt logs are denser (which compares favorably with the tops) and there are practically no knots in them. Also, the selection criteria include the round shape and the degree of curvature of the trunk. In both cases, a marriage is an error exceeding 1 cm per linear meter.

Attention! If the length, for example, is 5 m, and the error exceeds 5 cm, then the log can be safely rejected.

The same applies to the diameter. For example, the diameter of the base of a log is 35 cm, while the tops are 25 cm or less. Such round timber is categorically not recommended for use in construction.

Finally, pay attention to the type of wood. Ideally, coniferous trees (spruce, larch, etc.) should be used for the bath. Larch is characterized by resistance to moisture, although in extreme cases, you can resort to the combination of "pine-spruce", in which the first few crowns are erected from pine. And if only spruce is used in construction, then the material must be treated several times with an antiseptic.

Perform further actions in accordance with the previously drawn up project. This can be done by yourself, found on the Internet or ordered from specialists. It is with the help of this document that you can calculate the required amount of consumables, determine the area and shape of the base.

Stage 2. Processing of timber

Step 1. After the consumables were brought to you (or you cut them down and delivered them yourself), it needs 25-30 days to rest.

Step 3. Then start processing. First, remove the bark from the logs (do this carefully so that they do not crack), leaving it a little on the sides - about a 15-centimeter strip on each side.

Step 4. After processing, store the logs about 25 cm from the ground. You can stack it as you like - in stacks, bundles, etc., the main thing is that the distance between the logs is 7-10 cm.

Video - Preparation of logs

Stage 3. Construction of the foundation

We will immediately make a reservation that massive monolithic ones can be abandoned due to the insignificant weight of the future structure. In order to save money, you can resort to one of two possible lightweight designs, namely:

  • strip foundation;
  • columnar.

Let's consider each of the options.

To build such a foundation around the entire perimeter, as well as under future walls, dig a trench 40 cm wide and 50 cm deep, lay a “pillow” of sand and gravel on the bottom. Next, lay the reinforcement, build a formwork 50 cm high and pour the concrete solution. As a result, the height will be approximately 1 m.

Attention! A more specific height depends on the depth of soil freezing in a particular region.

Video - Foundation pouring

Inside the perimeter, pour strips of sand and gravel. In the future, the strips can be filled with concrete or a wooden floor can be built on them. The choice of one or another option depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Column type foundation

If necessary, erect supports. There are two options here:

  • brick;
  • from asbestos pipes.

Place the supports at the corners of the perimeter, as well as under all walls in 1.5 m increments. Under each support, pre-lay a concrete "cushion". In each support, fix several reinforcement bars so that the latter protrude at least 30 cm above the surface.

Build a formwork 40 cm high, lay the reinforcement in it and tie it with the rods protruding from the supports. Pour concrete mortar. After four to five weeks, when the concrete is completely dry, you can proceed to further work.

Stage 4. Base waterproofing

Treat the surface of the foundation with melted and lay a layer of roofing material on top. After the bitumen has completely dried, repeat the procedure. As a result, you will have a reliable two-layer.

Stage 5. Preparation of tools

To work, you will need the following equipment:

We will pay special attention to the last tool - the "line". For the manufacture will require steel wire with sharply sharpened ends. Bend the wire in half so that it takes the form of a compass, you can additionally fasten the handle. This tool will be required when marking logs.

Stage 6. Construction of a log cabin

There are several assembly technologies:

The first option - Russian felling - is the easiest to perform, even an inexperienced carpenter can handle it. Therefore, we will consider this technology.

Step 1. The construction of the log house should be carried out in stages and begin with the crown crown (in other words, from the first). Logs, which will serve as a crown crown, otteshete on the edge for the most snug fit to the foundation.

Step 2 Lay the first pair of logs on top of the waterproofing layer. Lay the next pair at an angle of 90ᵒ relative to the first and connect everything into a “cup”.

Attention! "Cup" is the simplest connection option in the construction of log buildings. It is carried out quite simply: at the bottom of the log, the boundaries of the future “cup” are measured, then with the help of the “line” a recess is marked. After re-check dimensions, the recess is carefully cut down with an ax.

You can use a chainsaw - it will save a lot of time. Although the final finishing of the “cups” will still have to be done with an ax.

Attention! In the starting crown, the "cups" will not be deep, as a result of which the logs will not come into contact with the base. Therefore, in the gap that appears, lay a lining - a small piece of board of the required thickness, treated with an antiseptic and covered with insulation.

Step 3. Next, lay the second crown, using the thickest possible logs. This is due to the fact that in the future you will cut sexual lags into them. For the purpose of a snug fit, make a longitudinal groove in the upper log, which would be equal to a third of the diameter of the previous log. To draw the boundaries of the groove, lay the upper log on the lower one and mark it with a “line”.

Attention! The longitudinal groove can be semicircular and triangular. If you have a chainsaw available, then you can handle the triangular groove in two to three minutes. But remember: logs with a similar groove will not connect tightly, which will negatively affect the thermal insulation properties of the walls.

Obviously, the best option is a semicircular groove. Do it with a chainsaw, use a chisel to remove residues.

Step 4. Insulate the log joints, preferably with linen jute. Lay one piece of canvas on the lower crown, seal the longitudinal groove with the second (especially if the latter has a triangular shape).

Step 5. Connect the crowns to each other. Here you can use:

  • square dowels;
  • round dowels made of wood.

The second method is preferable, because the dowels can be purchased ready-made and make holes with an electric drill.

Make holes in increments of 1-1.5 m, simultaneously flashing a pair of upper crowns completely and not completely - the third (from below). To avoid distortion, at the end of shrinkage, sink the dowels into the upper crown by at least 6-7 cm.

Step 6. After raising the walls to the desired height, lay the ceiling beams and rafters on top of them. If wet wood was used, then lay sheets of slate instead of rafters and wait for the structure to shrink. Usually, it is enough to spend the winter once, but ideally, shrinkage should last a year and a half.

In the spring, when the shrinkage is completed, proceed to the caulking.

Video - Aspen shingle roof

Stage 7. Door, window openings

We specifically started talking about openings after construction was completed, since there are two options for their arrangement.

Stage 8. Caulking logs

At the end of the shrinkage, the caulking of the log house is performed. To do this, prepare the following equipment:

  • hammer;
  • caulking (wood or metal).

Attention! If you compacted the interventional space with tow or moss, then you can skip this step, since you most likely will not need a caulk. But if you find even the slightest cracks, then the procedure is still better to perform.

Start work only after the insulation has completely dried. First, twist the material (tow or moss) into a bundle, then hammer between the crowns with a hammer and caulk.

You can use tape jute - in this case, the material is simply fixed with nails or a mounting stapler.

Video - Log Caulking

Stage 9. Roof

As soon as the tree shrinks, you can start building. If you do this earlier, then the roof will simply lead.

Step 1. Lay on the wall trim wooden beams(We have already talked about this).

Step 2. Fix the beams and attach the rafter legs to them in 1 m increments. In the ridge part, cut the rafters at an appropriate angle for connection.

Step 3. Nail a solid boardwalk to the rafters (if you plan to use rolled roofing material) or make a crate (if you use slate, tiles, etc.).

Step 4. Install roofing according to the instructions for the specific material.

Step 5. Cover the ridge with galvanized sheet steel to protect it from aggressive environmental influences.

Step 6 Sew up the gables of the roof with siding or clapboard.

An example of a log house with a shingle roof

  1. Sometimes, during assembly, it becomes necessary to join the logs. In this case, do not allow the joints to be located on top of each other. Moreover, in the lower crown, docking is unacceptable.
  2. When laying a log house on a finished foundation, you can collect logs even before drying, laying a sealant between them.
  3. It is advisable to equip windows after shrinkage, because otherwise they may warp.

Now you know how to builddo-it-yourself log cabin.

The technology for building a classic log cabin from round timber has been formed over the centuries, and the ancient builders did it in the same way as today, but with a more primitive tool. Thanks to the use of new devices, a round timber house is built much faster, not inferior to time-tested samples in terms of reliability and environmental friendliness. Round timber is suitable for the quick construction of prefabricated structures for houses, saunas and baths, which are worked out to the smallest detail by the Scandinavians. Stored in the Russian outback age-old traditions- how to build a house from round timber yourself.

Features of buildings from round timber

As a building material for suburban households, dachas, houses, baths and outbuildings built using the log house technology, whole round logs are used - round timber. Natural wood has long been known for its thermal insulation properties, while such walls "breathe", which is not inherent in other materials. A tree, even when cut down, remains environmentally friendly - it naturally reacts to changes in temperature and humidity, ozonizes the air in the room and creates a warm atmosphere.

Building a small log structure on your own is not as difficult as it seems to those who admire perfectly even rows of well-crafted logs. But if you get acquainted in detail with the technology of building a house from round timber with your own hands, you get a neat log house. There are several ways to build wooden buildings, and each involves a specific technology, and each has its own subtleties. Without studying the technology of phased construction of wooden houses, you can make small mistakes that cannot be corrected at the finishing stage.

What is the difference between a frame made of profiled timber

As a building material, round timber is harvested on site, therefore wooden houses from round timber do not involve the use of imported and well-dried raw materials. It was from here that the word “log house” came from - it was cut down and made at the place where the main building material grew. Convenient way assemblies - with the so-called "cold" angle, but logging with laying a "warm" angle involves manual cutting and laying "bowls". But it is they who give the houses a special completed shape and original decorative effect - a house made of round timber.

With any type of masonry, minor defects are inevitable - cracks and curvature of the walls. Some masters advise to make bowls in a serial way using good tool. In order to avoid gaps between the round timber and other masonry parts, it is important to fill the insulation tightly, and after some shrinkage, duplicate this stage of work - identify gaps and fill with sealant. The frame is assembled from different materials, including glued or profiled timber, well-finished round timber, but insulation is required in any case.

Tip: You can purchase a prefabricated structure and build a house yourself - according to the scheme of numbered blanks. But usually this work is quickly and efficiently performed by professionals from the supplier.

What kind of wood to make a log house

Prices for wooden houses made of round timber vary greatly, and it depends on the way the logs are processed, the thickness and properties of the wood, the cladding, insulation and general refinement of the structure. For a good log house you need an even high-quality building material, but they prefer coniferous types of wood. Each variety has its own distinctive features:

  • pine is the most accessible and common material, but when dried, it often forms resin streaks and small cracks;
  • larch - high-quality moisture-resistant building material, which becomes stronger from moisture, it is allowed on the lower crowns and exterior finishes;
  • spruce - excellent finishing material, well suited for internal partitions, enriches the air with healing resinous substances;
  • fir is an excellent wood, but due to the fact that it is not so common and more valuable, it is rarely used to build houses from round timber.

For construction, pine, spruce and larch are used, and round timber from different types of wood is often combined. For example, larch and pine are placed on the lower rows, and spruce logs go above. It is important to treat the pine with an antiseptic.

Tip: When there is enough larch in the region, this type of wood is preferable. It does not rot, and over time, moisture makes it more durable. It is not for nothing that the piles in Venice are made of this type of wood, and in swampy areas it is simply irreplaceable.

Round timber prepared at the construction site is the most economical way to build wooden houses. Although glued laminated timber is a more durable and easy-to-lay material, solid wood is still preferred. Glued laminated timber is a guarantee of the quality of wood, where even knots look quite aesthetically pleasing. It is treated with impregnations to protect against:

  • fungus;
  • ignition;
  • moisture and rot damage;
  • damage by rodents and bugs.

However, all this inevitably affects the cost of houses made of glued laminated timber, so building a house from round timber will be much cheaper, and always add impregnation yourself.

Advantages of log houses

Round timber has been in demand for several centuries for the construction of a house and ancillary buildings. Such structures have many advantages:

  • natural material is indispensable for environmental characteristics;
  • provides "breathing" of the house and complete cleaning of the environment from harmful impurities in a kind of microclimate;
  • has a fairly low thermal conductivity;
  • the log house is able to independently maintain a sufficient temperature balance - it is not cold in winter and not hot in summer;
  • wood gives an unusually warm homely atmosphere;
  • the incomparable aroma of fresh wood is beneficial to health;
  • durability of the structure - the house is resistant to temperature changes, small seismic shocks and mechanical stress.

Features of working with round timber

A house made of solid round timber is a technological process thought out to the smallest detail, in which logs harvested at the installation site are used. That is why "log" and "round timber" remain the most accurate and capacious definitions. Today, this method of building houses remains the most environmentally friendly and quite economical.

Almost all work is done by hand, but with the use of special tools, since it is impossible to cut down pine trees, clean them from bark and knots and build walls otherwise. In addition, finished logs are additionally worked out - special selections and gutters are made, and accurate measurements are needed to select logs of the same section. At the same time, larger logs are placed on the 5 lower rows, and thinner ones above. It is desirable that there is no visual difference in the diameter of the round timber. It is by these signs that it is noticeable whether the log house was made by a professional or a beginner.

Log cabins made of round timber, processed by hand, retain the natural protective layer under the bark. Masonry acquires its individual appearance due to a special way of alternating logs. Well-prepared round timber is quickly placed in finished structure houses or baths, especially when they were brought to readiness on a special woodworking machine. The more precise the processing and fitting of the material, the less it is additionally insulated.

Wooden buildings are built from different type logs, and they have their differences:

1. Rounded log - a round timber with the simplest type of processing, when the top layer is removed, leaving the most dense base. Such wood retains the basic properties of natural material, while producing smooth and even cylindrical logs that are convenient to stack in walls.

2. Skinned log - a slightly processed tree trunk, from which only a layer of bark and knotty irregularities are removed. With this treatment, the protective layer under the bark remains intact. The strength of such a structure is very high, which is why old huts and the towers stood for 150-200 years. The logs retained their natural shape, so there was always a noticeable difference in the diameter of the base and top. During installation, it is very important to alternate them.

3. Log calibrated - these are finished processed trunks sorted exactly by diameter or caliber. The most acceptable method of installation, especially for mass woodworking and building an entire cottage area. In this case, smooth walls are obtained from a proportionate round timber.

With any option, a well-laid log house turns out to be aesthetic and reliable, reminiscent of illustrations for Russian epics - a house made of round timber.

Where to get a project for the construction of a log house from round timber

Pine log cabins are still popular in Russia, especially since the cost of a new house is relatively small, and the fashion for environmentally friendly building materials has revived old technologies that have been proven over the years. Coniferous wood species are common in many regions. The availability of woodworking machines simplifies the preparation of material for the installation of a house and outbuildings.

It is rather difficult to make a well-thought-out project of a round-wood house without experience on your own, but you can make your own adjustments to the finished drawings. There are many ready-made architectural projects - in specialized magazines, books and websites. For individual development of the project, it is better to contact a professional architect.

Building a house from round timber is a project plus an appropriate suitable building material. The specialist is able to prepare it taking into account the characteristics of the soil in the region, summarize all the wishes of the client and even offer several options for the initial sketches.

It is important to decide on the foundation or foundation of a wooden house:

1. In swampy areas, piles will be needed.

2. For a capital two-story building on ordinary soil, a shallow strip foundation is also sufficient.

3. A columnar base is suitable for a light outbuilding.

Prior to the installation of a wooden house, the site is leveled, on which the foundation is marked. According to the dimensions corresponding to the project of the house, stakes are hammered in a rectangle - according to this markup:

  • dig a trench under the strip foundation;
  • clog their own;
  • equip a columnar base (one of the options).

By marking the perimeter, they dig a trench up to 35-40 cm deep and approximately the same width, inside it is imperative to make a base for 2-3 piers - for greater strength.

When the trench is ready, it is leveled along the sides, and a sandy base up to 5 cm thick, compacted with water, is poured onto the bottom. After 2-3 days, you can make a foundation, and at this time it is better to start preparing the laying elements for formwork. The trimmings of the board from which the shields are made are suitable, and it is advisable to prepare the formwork for the weight of the foundation immediately. The pouring of the concrete mixture under the foundation must be done with reinforcement with metal rods.

After a few weeks, the foundation will harden, at this time they are preparing round timber for the log house. The formwork is removed from the finished foundation, and the resulting gap is covered with rubble and clay. Roofing material or bitumen must be laid on the foundation - for waterproofing.

Initial stage of work

Under a small frame made of round timber, the deepening of the foundation will be minimal, but it is still better to raise the house a little above the ground - in case of natural disasters, so that excess water does not soak the wood after shrinkage. The beam for laying the foundation and walls is slightly dried, that is, natural moisture.

The installation of the walls is extremely simple: fitting and laying the beams by means of dowels on top of each other. Nagel is a wooden pin that allows you to assemble wooden houses without nails, ensuring structural reliability and natural shrinkage. It is better to prepare these devices in advance - rounded pins with a cross section of up to 30 mm from the most durable wood species in the area. A hole is drilled in the bars, where the dowels are hammered. They are prepared a little deeper than the length of the dowel - during the shrinkage of the log house, the crowns should not move, forming gaps. The step between the dowels is about 2 m.

It is important to properly dock the laying of a log house from a round beam - an example in the video.

There are 3 ways to join the beam:

1. Horizontal articulation method. Overlaying part of the beam on top of each other, the so-called "cold" joint, which results in a small gap from the outer edge to the inner.

2. Vertical method - the imposition of beams on top of each other, in this case a “warm” joint is obtained, but it is more technologically complicated.

3. The end method of articulation, when docking is made under a flat spike on the inside, and it is also considered “warm”.

Cold corners are additionally fastened with spikes, warm corners - with grooves.

Holes for dowels are drilled between the logs, on which they are strung, forming a wall. The first dowels are fastened near corners, horse and door openings, at least 10 cm from the edge, and at a long interval of about 1.5-2 m. A rolled insulation or natural material is laid between the round timber:

  • tow;
  • jute.

When the frame is formed, the openings for windows and doors are finally formed. To avoid deformations, a bar is inserted in the center of the finished openings.

Under the laying of the first crown of the log house, the most durable and even logs of the largest diameter are selected that can withstand the total load of the structure. The lower base of the round timber must be cut off for stable laying on the foundation. In a round log house, an additional fastening "into the bowl" is formed. To do this, semicircular recesses are formed in the bars, fastening the corners, but the bowls must be neat and even.

When laying subsequent crowns, rolled insulation must be laid in order to reduce the time spent on constantly caulking cracks. The excess can always be removed, and with outer side the insulation between the crowns the insulation is practically invisible.

The length and thickness of the round timber is selected for each crown - the higher the wall, the thinner the beam, and the shorter logs will go to the gaps between the window and doorways. Assembling a log house takes about a week, but due to inexperience, most of the time is spent on fitting round timber. The wood is treated with an antiseptic and allowed to shrink at home for at least six months, then the interior finishing work is completed.

Mauerlat is the last crown of the wall, on which the roof rafters of the gable roof should rest. It is better to make it with a large slope - steep gable roofs do not trap snow. Ceiling beams are also mounted on the last crown.

Log houses are very popular in many countries, as they are environmentally friendly and attractive. Such buildings are most often chosen by people who want to move away from ultra-modern and futuristic design ideas. After reading this article, you will learn how to assemble and install a log house.

What it is?

Going to move on to the consideration of construction technology log house, it is worth understanding what a log house is.

A log house is an environmentally friendly and beautiful structure, consisting of wooden logs. Such structures do not have a floor, roof or crate. Simply put, a log house is a “naked” frame of a house.

Similar buildings are ideal solutions for those people who want to "put" a house or a bath in the shortest possible time. In addition, the log house is popular because it has an acceptable cost. This attracts many consumers.

Features and types

Wooden houses have always been in demand, and this is due not only to their natural appearance, but also to their good performance. In such dwellings at all times it was warm in winter time year, and in summer - cool and as comfortable as possible.

Currently, wooden buildings are still relevant, despite the large selection of building materials that can be used to build reliable and durable houses. Consumers prefer a log house, because its construction takes very little time, and all the necessary stages of work cannot be called too complicated.

It is quite natural that modern log houses are very different from those buildings that were common in the distant past. Today, such dwellings can be decorated in any style. Log buildings look especially harmonious and cozy, in which there is a fireplace and the corresponding decorative elements- for example, fluffy floor carpets.

Our ancestors built wooden houses with their own hands, although working with timber cannot be classified as very simple. Today, you can create a frame building not only on your own, but also by contacting a team of professionals (with special tools and rich work experience).

For the construction of a log house, coniferous wood is most often used. The most popular are pine and spruce. Such materials are not only environmentally friendly and fragrant, but also relatively inexpensive. If the budget allows, you can build a log house from alder, oak or larch. These materials will cost much more than spruce or pine, but their appearance and performance justify the high prices.

A feature of log buildings is that they are often built in the winter season. Some experts say that such construction is more profitable, since, for example, a coniferous tree at low temperatures is not susceptible to fungal attack. In addition, the masters say that in winter the tree becomes more pliable and easier to process.

If you are going to build a log house, you need to take the drafting of its project as seriously as possible. It is necessary to think over absolutely all the details and trifles, taking into account the following distinctive features natural material:

  • do not forget that wooden buildings always shrink over time;
  • such materials can be twisted;
  • wooden blanks must have suitable size(there are certain restrictions);
  • the log house is not designed for too large loads.

If you make a plan for the future home with errors, then in the future the whole structure may turn out to be uneven and skewed. In addition, ugly cracks and other defects may appear on the wood, which will be impossible to get rid of.

Log buildings are also distinguished by the fact that their service life can be extended if proper care is provided for them. If you neglect this rule, the house may not last long, while quickly losing its aesthetic appearance.

Currently, there are several types of log buildings. Their names come from the number of wall slabs present in the structure. Most often in our time there are the following options for log cabins.


This is the name of a four-wall log house, which is otherwise called "four-wall". It is rightfully recognized as the simplest, even uncomplicated, and therefore occurs most often.

The name of such a log house speaks for itself: it has four walls. As a rule, the design of the quadrangle has a square, diamond-shaped or rectangular shape.


As you can see from the name, there are five walls in such a building. Outwardly, this log house is a quadrangular frame with an additional partition - the fifth wall. A five-wall is two 2 four-walls with one common overlap.


The six-wall is a more advanced version of the five-wall. Such a building differs from the above in that it has 2 partitions. Moreover, they are all located on the outer floors. The room is divided into 3 or even 4 rooms.


Not every consumer knows what a log house under that name is. This design is more complex, but also more attractive. The octagon is a luxurious octahedron in which all corners form a single space.


A log house with this memorable name is something like a tower built into the main structure, in which there is a roof.

All of the listed types of log cabins are the most common and frequently encountered. Of course, there are more original unusual designs (non-standard forms and sizes). Before use, the tree is subjected to manual or machine processing. If at the same time residual pieces of bark are not removed from the material, then the bars are called "barked logs".

Log structures can differ from each other not only in the materials used and the number of walls, but also in corner joints. There are several basic options for such "locks" that are used in the production of log frames.

"In the paw"

Otherwise, such a lock structure is called a corner without a trace (refers to Russian felling). In such a structure, the logs are fastened together with the help of special wooden locks, which are cut down to the end of the logs. In this case, the ends do not fall outside the walls of the log house. Such structures have been addressed before, as they have an aesthetic appearance. However, buildings with a corner without a trace have their own weak sides, which should be known before their construction:

  • It should be noted that such a corner will be ventilated and cold enough. It will require better and more efficient insulation.
  • If you do not fasten the logs together with dowels, as a result, the log house may not be as stable and reliable as you planned.

With the remainder

In structures that have corners with a rest, the ends of the logs protrude beyond the walls of the log house by about 20-30 cm. Such an angle is considered more reliable. In addition, it is made easily and quickly, and the result is a windproof and rather warm part.

Today, many craftsmen use the angle with the remainder when building a log house.


With this type of angle, small recesses are selected in the upper and lower logs, into which the products then “get up”. In this case, the hole in the lower log should correspond to the size of the lower one (and vice versa).

Currently, this type of angle is used very rarely, since it can be quite problematic to fit and make it windproof. It is permissible to use the "okhryap" part if it is necessary that the crests of all logs of the crown be in the same horizontal plane.

"Into the bowl"

The most common is rightfully recognized as the "okryap" angle. The main advantages of this option are ease of manufacture and excellent thermal properties.

You can also select a variant called the "upper bowl" - a clapping-reflection of the "lower part" vertically. In this case, the bowl lies on a log.

However, it should be borne in mind that today this ("upper bowl") type of angle is used much more often than the "lower" one, since it is made in a simple way and does not require serious energy costs.

"A bowl in a fat tail"

This is the name of another type of angle, which can be used both in the construction of a house and in the construction of a bath. The main advantage of such an element is that it is not ventilated and has a design that makes it very easy to work with.

Such an angle is distinguished by the fact that in the lower part of its bowl there is always a small protrusion that runs along the log. At the same time, a suitable recess is selected in the log, which is placed on the bowl.

Canadian and Norwegian felling (carriage)

Norwegian cutting is most often found in the Scandinavian countries. With this method, not round, but oval semi-bars are used for the construction of houses (otherwise such a detail is called a "carriage"). Such logs are sawn on a sawmill from 2 sides.

During the Norwegian felling, the ledges on the walls are sawn off, after which a rather dense bowl is made in the corner sections and cuts. This structure has a positive effect on thermal insulation properties designs. However, it is recommended to protect the log house with a gun carriage from blowing. To do this, you need to install special seals - caulks.

Canadian felling is in many ways similar to Norwegian felling and has all its positive qualities.

The main similarity of the two methods is that with them all the connecting elements are self-jamming. In the process of drying, the crowns become more dense, while forming an almost complete monolithic wall.

The Canadian logging method is considered complex and time-consuming. The tree must be as precisely fitted and prepared for work as possible. It is recommended to carry out such work only by experienced craftsmen who have previously encountered similar processes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Log houses are very popular today. Everyone wants to have a home in which he will be as comfortable and cozy as possible, and such buildings do an excellent job with such tasks.

Log cabins have both advantages and disadvantages. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them if you are going to put such a structure on the site.

First, let's look at the advantages of log structures:

  • The main advantage of a log house is its environmental friendliness. Nowadays, safe materials, which do not contain toxic compounds, are becoming less and less common, so natural and safe products so appreciated by today's consumers.
  • Another advantage of log buildings is their appearance. And we are talking not only about an attractive facade, but also about the harmonious interior of the home. Staying in such an environment is a pleasure, allowing you to relax.
  • Some log houses do not require additional insulation, so when building them, you can save a lot cash. It is possible not to insulate buildings erected from logs with a diameter of 25 cm.
  • The microclimate in a log house is ideal for people suffering from certain diseases. Experts say that coniferous materials have a positive effect on human health. That is why in the past many people turned to coniferous treatment.

  • Natural and high quality log house is practical material, which does not require special attention. It does not need to be treated with antiseptic impregnations or antifungal agents. It should be borne in mind that wood (especially coniferous) emits a lot of resin, which plays the role of a natural antiseptic.
  • When erecting a log building, whips of such a length are used at which materials are consumed very economically, and the integrity large areas remains untouched.
  • Houses made of planed material have a long service life. It is believed that for such buildings and 100 years is not the limit.
  • When decorating houses built from natural materials, you can significantly save on decoration.
  • Masters (both experienced and beginners) say that the construction of a log house does not take much time.

Due to the large number of positive qualities, log buildings are very popular today. However, they are not ideal - such houses have their own drawbacks, among which the following features can be noted:

  • To many consumers, such buildings seem quite expensive. A high-quality and reliable log house should not be built from cheap and low-grade material.
  • Some structures are complex in terms of construction. These buildings include houses made of oak. It is not recommended to do such constructions on your own - it is better to entrust this painstaking and time-consuming work to more experienced people.
  • Do not count on the fact that you will be able to celebrate a housewarming party in the very first autumn, summer or winter after the construction of the building, since you first need to wait for it to shrink.
  • It is necessary to pay special attention to the foundation. Even a small log house will have an impressive weight, so do not rely on piles or poles (the bath is an exception). Without a high-quality and reliable foundation, the log structure can tip over - despite the external compactness.
  • The log house must be treated with a fire retardant, which makes the structure more fireproof. It is not recommended to neglect this process.
  • Most modern log houses require regular maintenance. Of course, really high-quality materials do not rot, but today logs are more common, which still need to be treated with antiseptic compounds.

Of course, many of the problems associated with a log house can be avoided if it is properly processed and placed just as correctly. In addition, it is very important to use high-quality natural materials for construction.

wood requirements

For the construction of a log house, you need to carefully select the wood. It must meet certain requirements so that the result is a durable and strong structure.

An important role is played by the diameter of the logs. For the construction of houses, it is recommended to use materials with a diameter of 24-32 cm. Small logs, of course, are much cheaper, but they look less aesthetically pleasing.

For a large building, it is not recommended to use thin trunks - in such conditions they will look ridiculous. A diameter of 28 cm is considered optimal. For building a house, you can purchase logs with a diameter of 30-40 cm, but such materials will be expensive.

On the surface of the logs there should be no serious damage, defects, traces of decay, mold or fungus. There should be no black, blue or any other dark spots on the wood.

Experts do not recommend purchasing a disassembled beam. If the structure has lain disassembled for a certain time, then it may simply fold up incorrectly. This is due to varying degrees of drying of the trunks.

Keep an eye on the moisture content of the wood. It must be well dried. Materials with a natural level of moisture are in many ways inferior to similar specimens.

The choice of building material

If you decide to build a log house with your own hands, then you should seriously consider the choice of building materials.


Pine is an unpretentious material that has a long service life. Experts say that it is easiest to work with such wood, since it is very malleable.

The following types of pines are used for construction:

  • ordinary;
  • flexible;
  • resinous;
  • swamp;
  • Korean.

The best option are considered species of pines that grow in the northern strip: Angara, Karelian, Arkhangelsk.

Most consumers prefer pine because it is not only practical and beautiful, but also inexpensive. However, it also has its weaknesses:

  • pine shrinks like any other species natural wood;
  • this material is prone to cracking;
  • pine is afraid of a high level of dampness and moisture, so it will have to be especially diligently treated with protective agents so that it retains its qualities for many years.


Larch log cabins are also very common. This wood is quite strong and durable. In addition, larch is relatively expensive. It is also worth noting that when dried, this tree is not subject to decay, which is very important for such a material.

Such wood is considered medicinal. As for the strength characteristics, here larch can be compared with a solid and expensive oak. It is not easy to damage or break, but at the same time it is sold at an affordable price.

However, larch is less malleable and softer than pine. For this reason, such wood is difficult to process in any way. This makes it difficult to work with her.


A pleasant light shade has a natural aspen. It is very easy to work with such wood, because it is not capricious. Aspen has the following important advantages:

  • such a tree is not subject to the formation of wormholes;
  • in a dry state construction material is very elastic;
  • aspen beams are characterized by minimal deflection, but at the same time they are light in weight;
  • upon contact with water and its complete drying, the aspen does not collapse and does not deform;
  • even at a temperature of +100 degrees, aspen does not emit resin (unlike conifers).

Such a building material is rightfully recognized as practical and durable. However, it is worth noting that in our time it is not so easy to find really high-quality pine bars. When building a log house, only well-dried wood of this species can be used.


Cedar has a soft wood structure. In many respects, this material is similar to pine - it is just as easy to different types processing. Cedar can be safely used for interior decoration, as it has a rather pleasant texture and no less pleasant natural aroma.

In addition, buildings made of cedar have the following advantages:

  • high strength;
  • relatively small weight;
  • resistance to the harmful effects of moisture and dampness;
  • good sound and heat insulation properties;
  • ease of processing;
  • attractive appearance.

Buildings built from cedar, as a rule, have a slight reddish tint. If knots are found on such wood, then they are less dense and strong than those of pine or spruce. However, it should be borne in mind that without additional finishing, the cedar begins to darken, and much faster than, for example, the same pine.


If you want to build a solid and chic log house, then you should use oak logs. As a rule, such materials are quite expensive, but they look simply amazing and have enviable strength characteristics.

Oak buildings have many advantages for which modern consumers choose them:

  • Oak logs have a dense structure made of wood fibers, thanks to which this material can be used without regular antiseptic treatments.
  • Such wood burns very poorly, as it has a high density.
  • An oak log house is not afraid of insects or mice.
  • This type of wood warms up slowly, but retains heat for a long time, which has a positive effect on the internal microclimate in houses.

Oak log cabins are not without certain disadvantages:

  • High density is both a plus and a minus. Due to this feature, such material has an impressive weight, so it is not always convenient to work with it, and the foundation for it needs to be as strong and reliable as possible.
  • Not every master knows how to work with oak - it is difficult to process.
  • Another serious disadvantage of such wood is its high cost.

Having chosen one or another material for the construction of a log house, it is necessary to inspect it for the presence of the above darkening, destruction and traces of decay. You also need to purchase materials of a suitable diameter.

Construction stages

After acquisition required material you can start building a log house. It is necessary to begin such work with a careful preparation of technical specifications. It is on its basis that the entire list of required works will be formed.

After that, as a rule, a draft design is drawn up. It is developed to determine all the features related both to the circuit itself and to the design as a whole. In addition, on the sketch, the master will be able to notice in which places something needs to be corrected.

Then you can proceed to the preparation of a working draft. To do this, you can contact experienced professionals. The working draft is a draft design with all the details and nuances. Such documentation is used by builders to achieve maximum resemblance to the original preferences of the customer. It is very important to include both text and graphic materials in the working draft.

When the plan is completed, you should proceed to pouring the foundation. The base under the log house should be sufficiently reliable and strong so that over time it does not squint and collapse. Most often, for wooden buildings, a tape version of the foundation is used.

For its construction along the perimeter and under the future wall ceilings, you need to dig a trench. Its width should be about 40 cm, and the depth - 50 cm. Put a "pillow" of sand and gravel on the bottom. Then you should lay the reinforcement and build a formwork 50 cm high. After that, you can proceed to the direct pouring of concrete. As a result, you will get a foundation, the height of which will be about 1 m.

Next, you need to do high-quality waterproofing grounds. To do this, the surface of the foundation can be covered with molten bitumen, and a layer of roofing material can be laid on top. When the bitumen is completely dry, the procedure can be repeated. The result is an effective two-layer waterproofing.

The next step will be the development of a project of engineering networks. Its features will depend only on the desires of the owners. Most often, a simple diagram is drawn up for this, on which there is an arrangement of all the main points. At this stage, the design of the future building should also be developed.

For further work You will need the following tools:

  • chisel;
  • special carpenter's ax;
  • chainsaw (it is advisable to stock up on a tool with medium power);
  • plumb;
  • building level;
  • electric drill;
  • mallet;
  • trait.

Particular attention should be paid to such a tool as a trait.

To make it, you need to take a steel wire with sharp edges. Bend it in half so that it takes on a compass-like shape. It is permissible to additionally fix the handle. This tool will be needed for marking logs.

If you have all the necessary tools in stock, then you can proceed to the assembly of the log house. All varieties of such structures were listed above, but it is the Russian felling that is most often found. It is the easiest to perform, and even a novice carpenter can handle such work.

The construction of the log house itself must be carried out in stages, starting with the crown crown (from the starting one). The logs, which will play the role of a mortgage crown, need to be hewn to the edge - for a tighter connection to the foundation.

However, to begin with, it is worth putting a “padding board” on the foundation. Linden is suitable for this. It can be a beam 50-100 mm thick and at least 150 mm wide. After constructing the mortgage crown, you can proceed directly to the assembly of the log house.

Lay the first pair of logs on the foundation waterproofing. The second pair should be laid at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the starting parts. Combine everything in a "cup".

When constructing such a structure, it is permissible to use a chainsaw. With its help, you can significantly save valuable time. However, the final finishing of the “cups” in any case must be done with an ax.

After the first, a second crown should be laid. For him, it is better to choose thicker logs, since in the future floor logs will be mounted in them. To maximize the fit, it is worth making a longitudinal groove in the upper log. This element should be equal to a third of the diameter of the previous log. To outline the boundaries of the groove, you need to lay the upper log on the lower one and make a markup using the line.

An important milestone is the insulation of logs. For this, a special linen jute cloth is most often used. One of its segments is placed on the lower crown, and the second is insulated with a longitudinal groove.

  • square dowels;
  • round wooden dowels.

Experts advise using wooden dowels, since you can buy them already prepared and simply make the necessary holes with an electric drill.

Holes must be made in increments of 1-1.5 m. In parallel, completely sew some of the upper crowns, and the third crown, located below, is not completely. To avoid the bevel of the structure, after its shrinkage, you need to drown the dowels in the crown, which is 6-7 cm from above.

When you raise the wall ceilings to the height you need, you will need to put ceiling beams and rafters on top of them. If during construction you used wet wood, then instead of rafters, you should use slate sheets. After that, you should wait for the shrinkage of the structure. As a rule, for this you need to winter only once, but according to all the rules, it takes a year and a half to shrink.

With the onset of spring, when the shrinkage is completed (partially or completely), you can start caulking.

As for doors and window openings, then they can be arranged in two ways:

  • In the first version of the arrangement of these parts, all holes are made only after the completion of construction work. At the same time, small gaps must be left in the crowns that are located in the places of future openings (their dimensions depend on the size of the window and door structures). When you install all the logs, the openings will only be cut with a chainsaw.
  • In the second case, all openings must be prepared during the construction of the log house. This arrangement option is considered more complex and energy-intensive, since you will have a bar with cutting at the ends, as well as special grooves in front of you.

When the shrinkage of the entire structure is over, it will be possible to proceed to the next stage. To do this, you will need a hammer and a caulk (wooden or metal).

It is permissible to start work only after the insulation has completely dried out. First you need to twist the materials (moss and tow) into a bundle, and then hammer them into the spaces between the crowns (using a caulk and a hammer).

It is also acceptable to use a tape harness. Such material is installed using nails or a special construction stapler.

After shrinkage of the wood, you can proceed to the construction of the roof. You should not start such work earlier, otherwise the structure may be deformed during the shrinkage of the log house. Stages of work:

  • Lay wooden beams on the wall framing.
  • Fix them in one position and attach the legs of the rafters to them. In this case, a step of 1 m should be maintained.
  • In the ridge part, you need to cut the rafters at the right angle (for connection).
  • It is necessary to nail a solid flooring of boards to the rafter legs, especially if you are going to lay a flexible roof on the roof.
  • Instead of a solid flooring, a crate can also be constructed. Such a base is most suitable for tiles, slate.
  • After that, put the roof on the roof.
  • The ridge should be covered with a sheet of galvanized steel to protect it from negative external factors.
  • Roof gables will need cladding. For this, for example, siding or lining is suitable.

After installing the roof, you can move on to other work: pouring a concrete screed or installing wooden floors. In the second case, it is necessary to cut the logs into the logs of the second crown and fix them securely. Next, you will need to start laying the insulation and complete the interior decoration of the house.

Grinding and processing

When the building material was just delivered to you (or you brought it yourself), it needs about 25-30 days to rest. After that, you need to carefully consider and sort through all the logs that you bought to build a log house. Leave only the highest quality items. A tree with defects and damage must be rejected.

After sorting the material, you can start processing it. To begin with, the logs must be cleaned of bark. However, it is recommended to do this as carefully as possible so as not to harm the wood. Need to leave small areas bark on the sides (about 15 cm on each side).

After removing the bark, the logs should be put aside for storage. In this case, the materials should be about 25 cm from the ground, and not lie on it. At the same time, you can lay the logs as you like, it is only important to leave a distance of 7-10 cm between the individual elements.

In order for the log house to last as long as possible, it is recommended to sand it from the outside, and then treat it with a special coating. However, it should be borne in mind that the process of polishing a log house is complex and time-consuming. For this you will need special tools and a lot of free time.

High-quality grinding and processing are a guarantee of:

It is also worth considering what advantages the polishing of the log house has:

  • Mechanical processing of wood relieves the material of cracks, irregularities and unpleasant roughness. Treated logs look much neater and more attractive.
  • Wood that has been sanded acquires excellent adhesive properties, so its painting becomes faster and easier. The coating lasts a very long time.
  • After polishing is completed, the tree can acquire a pleasant natural texture, which is the main advantage of log structures.
  • By grinding, you can save the tree from premature aging.

Grinding can be done by hand, but for this you need to use special tools. A belt sander is perfect for this kind of work.

If the log house is built from logs of a semicircular shape, then a belt machine will not work for grinding it. Here it is better to use a grinder with special grinding nozzles.

Sanding the log house can only be started after it has completely dried. If you proceed to such work immediately after erection, then excess moisture in the structure of the tree will not allow you to make the material as smooth and even as possible.

After grinding, the log house must be treated with the following means:

  • antiseptic agents that protect the tree from the appearance of mold and fungus;
  • glazing compounds that transform the appearance of wood;
  • fire retardants, which make wood more fire resistant.


With the right insulation, a log house becomes more comfortable. Today, the range of such materials is very wide, so it will be possible to choose the best products for any basis.

To insulate a country house or a log cottage, you can use various materials, each of which has its own characteristics. There are the following main categories of similar products:

  • synthetic, which have artificial components in their composition;
  • natural interventional heaters made from natural materials.

Synthetic heaters include expanded polystyrene, mineral and basalt wool and other similar materials.

One of the most popular insulation for floors, walls and ceilings is mineral wool. It is made from slag, fiberglass and various rocks.

The main advantages of mineral wool are:

  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • water resistance, which is very important for high-quality insulation;
  • resistance to most aggressive chemicals;
  • good air exchange characteristics;
  • soundproof characteristics;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability (the service life of mineral wool is 25-30 years);
  • environmental friendliness.

As for the minuses of mineral wool, these include:

  • enough high level dusting;
  • when wet, this material loses its positive qualities.

However, this insulation does not tolerate contact with the sun's rays - they simply destroy or deform it. In addition, expanded polystyrene cannot boast of good soundproofing characteristics. Many consumers refuse to purchase this insulation because of its flammability.

Some experts do not recommend insulating wooden houses with polystyrene foam, since this material does not pass moisture out very effectively, and this leads to condensation. Because of this wooden bases may darken and begin to rot.

For warming the log house, it is desirable to use materials of natural origin. Of course, you can also purchase synthetic products, but with them you will not be able to achieve the “living house” effect that wood buildings are so good at. So, for example, if you insulate a log house with materials without pores, then it will simply “suffocate” while under a protective film.

Porous insulation materials, which are in great demand today, can adversely affect wood structures. Such coatings, absorbing excess moisture, do not change in size, and this condition is important for natural wood. As a result, gaps and blown parts will necessarily appear in such a design.

If you want to choose a natural material, then you should correctly choose a quality interventional insulation. In this case, wool fiber, sealants or special heat-insulating tapes will not work. To insulate the timber, it is better to choose flax, jute, moss.

Moss has been used to insulate wooden houses in Russia since ancient times. However, it must be borne in mind that not every natural material is used in construction. The best for this is a special red moss, which is otherwise called "cuckoo flax". It grows in marshy northern territories. In nature, red moss is not so common. To warm the log house, it is permissible to use white sphagnum moss.

Moss as a natural interventional insulation has the following positive characteristics:

  • has bactericidal properties, therefore it is not subject to the appearance of rot or mold;
  • is strong and resilient (due to its fibers);
  • allows you to maintain an optimal microclimate in the log structure, as it boasts excellent vapor and gas permeability characteristics;
  • able to absorb excess moisture;
  • is environmentally friendly and safe.

If we compare sphagnum and red moss, it is worth noting that the former is less durable, but at the same time more affordable.

It is possible to close interventional cracks with the help of jute insulation. In this case, it is not at all necessary to use moss.

Jute pads for warming a log house have the following advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • contain lignin fibers that prevent rotting of the material;
  • have excellent thermal insulation properties.

Thanks to special processing, tow, felt and linen-jute are obtained from annual jute.

The main disadvantage of jute is that it can shrink over time and is quite expensive.

Another natural insulation for a log house is flax. It is often used in the construction of houses and baths. At present, such warming materials as flax and tow are made from flax. Both materials are environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for human health. In addition, these materials are quite dense, so they do an excellent job with their main task.

Consider how to properly finish a log house with natural interventional insulation.

  • First, a layer of insulating material is laid on a log - it must be rolled out along its entire length.
  • Next, you need to put the next log on top to securely fix the insulation. At this stage, you can use construction stapler, which will provide the strongest and most durable fastening.
  • Make sure that the insulation does not roll into a thin flagellum. On the contrary - its edges should hang down on the sides by 5 cm when it is sandwiched between wooden parts.
  • Hanging excess will need to be pushed into the depth of the seam. It is most convenient to do this with a chisel.

This process of timber insulation is otherwise called the primary caulk. Only a year later, when the building shrinks, similar work will need to be done again.

Common Mistakes

When building a log house, many masters face a number of common problems. Let's consider them in detail:

  • One of the most common mistakes is the wrong selection of materials for construction. For the purpose of erecting a log house, it is permissible to use round timber of pine, spruce, fir, larch and other similar species. A big mistake would be to purchase materials with rot and tobacco knots.
  • It is very important to purchase dry materials. Raw wood will be very difficult to work with, and it will not last too long.
  • For pins, only dry and straight-grained wood, on which there are no knots, can be used. If you use birch pins, then they must be covered with antiseptics. Many home craftsmen neglect such work, but in fact this should not be done. In addition, it is not recommended to make dowels from coniferous and hardwood.
  • Do not clean the logs from the bast completely. Otherwise, such materials will attract insects and fungi.

  • Do not forget about laying waterproofing between the flashing crown and the foundation. To do this, some use short-lived materials - such as roofing material. Experts recommend purchasing more modern polymer-bitumen coatings for waterproofing.
  • When assembling a house, you need to remember that each log has a certain degree of curvature. Lay these materials with the curvature up. If this principle is not taken into account, the logs can strongly protrude in different directions.
  • Another common mistake is not observing the size of the interventional gap. It should not exceed 1 mm. With manual felling, it is difficult to follow this rule; drying out of the tree leads to an increase in cracks. Avoid connecting logs in crowns along the length, otherwise the structure will not be very strong.

  • Outside, wooden houses cannot be insulated with vapor-permeable materials - for example, polystyrene foam. In this case, the wood stops “breathing” and completely dries out, and a high level of humidity will destroy it over time.
  • Flexible mats should not be used to insulate the log house. Instead, it is recommended to install more rigid materials in the form of plates.
  • Often craftsmen carelessly transport building materials. This error may damage them.

  • In the process of building a log house, all vertical racks can be supplemented with such a detail as a shrinkage compensator, which is a kind of jack.
  • Watch for side cracks on the logs - they should not go deeper than 1/5 of the diameter of the end of the log.
  • Do not leave the log house to dry out without a roof. This can lead to its rapid decay.
  • It is recommended to install special visors in the structure, which will protect the log house from negative external factors - for example, from rain.

  • Log houses should not be compacted with polyurethane foam at window and door openings.
  • Do not proceed with the insulation of the log house without checking the condition of the wood - first discard the damaged parts and areas with defects.

For information on what mistakes can be made when building a wooden frame, see the video below.

Features of manufacturing a log house from round wood

A log house made of round timber is a classic solution used in construction for centuries. Roundwood is chosen as a material for houses and baths, country houses and outbuildings are built with the help of log cabins. Logs have high thermal insulation properties, while retaining all the advantages natural material. It is difficult to build the right frame from round timber with your own hands, but it is quite possible, but it is important to understand all the features of a wooden house.

Log cabins from round wood do not lose their popularity, as this material allows for natural exchange and at the same time has a very low thermal conductivity. In such houses there will be a comfortable temperature and at the same time a light pleasant atmosphere with the aroma of wood, which many people like. However, due to the round shape of the logs, the joints between them will need to be insulated.

A log house made of round timber can stand for a very long time; the best examples of wooden architecture stand for hundreds of years. For construction, several options for logs are used, and you need to decide on the most profitable of them:

  • A sanded log is a tree trunk, from which only the top layer of bark is removed, knots and various irregularities are removed. At the same time, the natural protective layers of wood are preserved, so the material will be stronger and more durable. However, a skinned log always has different thickness at the base (butt) and top, so they will need to be alternated when laying.
  • The rounded log is a type of roundwood that has undergone special processing. Several layers of wood are removed, leaving only the densest middle part. In addition, the log takes on an even cylindrical shape, so it will be easier to use.
  • Sometimes a calibrated log is additionally isolated. Sanded trunks are selected strictly according to the diameter (caliber), so that the construction will be easier, and the walls will be more even.

Whichever option you choose, the round frame will be the most beautiful solution: log houses have excellent aesthetic qualities, their appearance is reminiscent of Russian fairy tales. The surface of the walls will have to be subjected to a protective treatment, but it will preserve the natural color and texture of the wood, so the building will look great.

Preparatory work before construction

How to make a frame from round timber? Construction begins with the selection of suitable material and preparation of the project. Pine houses remain the most popular in Russia: it is inexpensive, grows in almost all regions, and is easy to process.

Soft material will require additional protection, but it can last a long time. A more expensive solution is a larch log house: this type of wood does not rot, and it only becomes stronger from moisture.

It is difficult to draw up a project on your own, especially if there is no experience in building drawings. However, you can find ready-made standard solutions and modify them in accordance with personal preferences. You can contact a specialized company, where a professional architect will develop a project that is most suitable for all requests.

Stages of building a log house from a log

When all the preparatory work is completed, you can begin to assemble the log house on the site. The owner must decide on the type of foundation of the house: if a capital two-story building is being built, best solution a tape shallow foundation will become, and a columnar base is suitable for a light small building. The site is marked with pegs, between which ropes are stretched, after which it is possible to lay the foundation strictly along the resulting lines.

Strip foundation - a monolithic concrete strip, which is poured around the entire perimeter of the building. Concrete is reinforced with a reinforcing cage, so strip base remains one of the most durable and reliable.

After pouring the foundation, it needs to dry, it takes several weeks. Only after that it is possible to disassemble the formwork and proceed to the assembly of the log house.

The foundation requires careful waterproofing: roofing material is laid on it in several layers, you can also use bituminous mastic. The frame itself is assembled in several stages:

  • The first crown is assembled from the thickest, strongest and most reliable logs that have to support the weight of the house. From the underside they are hemmed so that they can be laid evenly on the foundation.

Usually, for log cabins from round timber, the type of felling “into a bowl” is used: semicircular recesses are selected in the logs, with the help of which the corners of the log house are fastened. It is important that the bowls are as even as possible, then the wall will be reliable.

  • Before laying the next crown, a roll insulation is laid on the log. Its use will allow you to avoid constant caulking: linen or jute fiber, moss or other materials will not release heat to the outside, and from the outside the interventional insulation is almost invisible.
  • The log crowns are laid one on top of the other, not forgetting about the openings for doors and windows according to the project. Usually for professionals, assembly work takes only a few days, a novice master will have to carefully fit the logs to each other, this will take time.
  • The last crown serves as a Mauerlat - the roof rafters will rest on it. For log cabins from round timber, they usually use the classic gable roof with a large slope so that snow does not linger on it. When the last crown is laid, ceiling beams are cut into it, and you can proceed to the installation of the rafters in the chosen way.
  • When the log cabin of the round timber bath is assembled, it must be allowed to stand for at least six months in order for the shrinkage processes to complete and the wood to dry as much as possible. Before that, it must be treated with an antiseptic so that rot does not start.

Only when the finished log house is dry, you can proceed to the insulation, exterior and interior decoration. It is imperative to insulate the subfloor, roof, attic, less often use additional wall insulation.

It will be easier to assemble a log house if you immediately purchase a ready-made house kit in which all the logs are already fitted to each other and numbered. In any case, the house will be warm, reliable and durable.

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Round house: building technologies

Small wooden roundwood houses are buildings made up of shredded wood. Such a structure can be handled in several ways: it can be recycled, for example. the top layer of wood is preserved, making the walls stronger and more resistant to the negative effects of moisture and frost.

Another processing method provides logarithmic cylinders. In this case, only the top layers should be removed.

Roundwood houses. Traditional Russian style

The rest is just a dense core. This method has both advantages: the frame is produced much faster, but also disadvantages: the level of durability of the building is significantly reduced. But you have a well-rounded cabin.

Advantages of round wood

In general, roundwood as a building material has many advantages.

First, it's environmentally friendly, so you can't be afraid to release harmful substances. Secondly, such diaries are small. They are not based on much, so you can even save money. Thirdly, the tree provides a good exchange of air. In this regard, the humidity in the building will be at a constant level.

Roundwood houses completely retain heat, which is especially important for our winter.

Even these houses are not very cold. Round timber easily withstands a lot of freezing and thawing.

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How to build a winter hut in the forest

A log house for a hunter, fisherman or hermit is the best that can be made from a purely natural material.

To build, you will need a tool: a powerful hacksaw with large teeth, and a medium one with fine teeth for finer work. Next, two axes for coarse and fine wood processing and also for fastening a tree without nails - a hand drill with a set of drills for wood. A medium-sized hammer and preferably a planer for additional processing and manufacturing wooden parts Houses.

You also need files for sharpening tools.

Next, we have to harvest timber for future logs from which we will assemble the house. The size of the house and the design can be anything, but we need to build a small house in a short time, so the size of the house and the parameters are sacrificed - the speed of construction and quality and aesthetics, in its modern concept.

For a more or less comfortable stay in modest conditions for 1 3 people, a house with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200bapproximately 20 sq.m. is 4/5 sq.m.

And so we start harvesting, I will give an example of building a house by one person. First, in the forest, we need to select the main forest for the subsequent felling. For this, tree trunks, even on all sides, with a minimum of knots and branches, with an average diameter of 30 cm, are suitable. The type of wood does not matter much to us, the main thing is even trunks.

We fill up the selected trees with the help of an ax and a hacksaw, it takes an average of 15-20 minutes to fill up one tree.

Next, we process the trunk on the spot, clean the bark and leave it in place, so that the log lies along its entire plane to the ground, but it’s better to put small linings under it so that the tree immediately begins to dry out and does not “drive” it. Approximate amount there is a very large number of such logs, about fifty large logs and 75 logs of a smaller diameter, for the manufacture of a roof frame, lathing, ceiling laying, their number is about 100 pieces.

The average harvesting speed, if not lazy, will be about three large already processed and five ten small logs. It's about a month and a half. Then all these logs must be brought to the construction site and laid out in a sunny, ventilated place for subsequent drying, but it is better to do this gradually, that is, to fell a certain amount of wood, and then pull it off and lay it out to dry. Choose the length of the logs based on your physical capabilities and the weight of the logs themselves.

The weight of a log with a diameter of 30 cm. and 5m long. , can be from 50 to 120 kg, depending on the breed and humidity.

If there are no vehicles, such as a "cart", then it is better to split all the logs and drag them in this way, or if there is strength, then by dragging or on the shoulder. Further, when the two, three, monthly marathon with the preparation of building materials has ended, the couple will start building the house itself. To save time, we will not dig the underground and will not build a powerful foundation.

To begin with, we will prepare the place, clean it, level it horizontally and begin laying the foundation of the house.

We select from our logs those that are thicker and felled earlier, since they have already dried out enough and we collect the foundation for the further construction of the house. The foundation is three crowns of logs assembled in a box, see P1. We assemble it this way, first we lay out four logs, mark the cutouts for the “locks”, and cut them out. Locks or fixing methods may be different, but we will use the simplest one, it’s just that at one log we remove half the thickness of the log from the end, taking into account the other log, on which we do the same and after we have collected all four logs, we fix them with a drill with a drill with a diameter of approximately 28-32 or thicker, and we hammer in the previously prepared Chepigi, and so on two more layers of logs, but in them it is necessary to choose longitudinal grooves for a denser and more voluminous connection of logs horizontally, which we also fasten together on Chepigi.

Further, after the base has been assembled, we proceed to the assembly of the main walls, we take out the diameter of the walls outward in relation to the base by half a log and also assemble it to the very top, while carefully fitting the logs to each other, laying between them and all the cracks some kind of material for insulation and insulation, it can be moss, dry grass, clay soil or something else that is suitable.

When assembling the box, leave openings for the door and windows in advance. Then, when the box of the house is finished, we lay the ceiling from the lighter logs that we have prepared, they can be fixed to save time both round, and for aesthetics, give them a more or less even surface of the inner part with a stomp, the one in the house, they also need to be adjusted to each other without leaving large cracks and fastening on Chepigi to the walls.

When the ceiling is ready, we take up the roof, we launch a ring of logs around the entire perimeter of the walls, adjust them and fix them. Next, we assemble the roof frame on them from our thin logs, first we put and fasten the base of the roof, this is the central beam and the rafters holding it along the ends of the roof and in the center, and then we frame the logs with smaller diameters. Straw can also serve as roofing - this is dry grass, or any other material that will be available.

If it is grass, then we tie it into bunches of brooms and fix it layer by layer like a tile. Next, when the main thing is finished, we proceed to the floors. We make them from logs, but first we will split them into two, do not walk on the round floor, although this is also an option.

For splitting, we need a large ax and a wooden sledgehammer (made locally).

House from the "round timber", the first experience

Having laid the log evenly and fixed it with stakes, first we cut through the gaps with an ax on both sides, and then, starting from the end, we begin to split the log, you can help yourself with wooden wedges, not torn or not torn fibers can be sawn through with a hacksaw directing the split in the right direction.

After the half logs, it remains to be processed and assembled by laying on a ledge resulting from the fact that the walls were taken out in relation to the base by half a log. After the main work is completed, it remains to assemble the door and window. For the door, a massive jamb is first cut down, which we carefully fit to the doorway and with a planer or ax we perfectly level the surface that will be adjacent to the door itself, then, according to the size of the jamb, we assemble the door from carefully processed, thick logs.

To do this, they need to be shaped into a bar or board and fit very tightly to each other, and then making grooves, drive the transverse bars to completely fix the door, and then hang the door on the hinges, if there are no hinges, then you can use rubber and even fabric, and we make the final adjustment of the door for a tighter fit and for less heat loss and drafts.

We act with the window in exactly the same way as with the door, without making a separate frame, but simply fix the glass on the jamb, if there is no glass, then a film can also be used, but for less heat loss it must be put into 3 threads with a distance between them to form a protective air cushion, and as a result, a decrease in heat loss.

After you already have your own stove, your housing is almost completely ready for the winter and further living, it remains only to grease the seams with clay, insulate the ceiling and fill up the blockage, and then over time it will be possible to make an extension and refine everything and fix the imperfections.

It’s impossible to say for sure in terms of time, since conditions and opportunities may be different, and the period can be as much as two months for preparation and two for construction, or it can stretch up to 6-7 months and even until next year.

It is better to start such construction in spring or early summer, and then by the first snow you can have time to finish the house and breathe more freely. For clarity, some points are placed in the pictures, but these are not mandatory conditions for building such a house, assembly and fastening methods depend on the availability of any tool and experience, and the construction time depends on this directly.

Revolution in the market of frame housing construction. Build your house like Lego. Connectorless domed houses on wooden locks. The most low price for a frame for year-round use.

We take two vertical beams

We connect the lock groove to the groove until it stops

Assembled vertical lock

We fix the beams with a dowel

We take a spacer

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Advantages of the Dobrosfera® Dome House

Dobrosfera is an ordinary frame house with a minimum frame cost.

A simple assembly of the frame in a few days is again savings.

Withstands all calculated wind and snow loads for any latitudes of the Russian Federation with a large margin.

The sphere has a minimal surface area - you save 30% on building materials and heating.

Round log houses: projects, prices

Dobrosfera has an absolutely free layout, windows and doors to any place in the frame. Simple installation of floors on the second floor - these are ordinary boards.

Flexible basalt tiles as an exterior finish of a house do not require maintenance for 50 years. You enjoy your wooden dome home without worries.

You can use windows of any type: ordinary in a vertical opening, dormers or double-glazed windows in the frame itself.

The minimum construction time is from two weeks to one and a half months, depending on the model. Installation in any season.

It does not shrink, as it consists of short thick-section elements with a spaced load. You can start decorating right away.


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The desire to escape from the urbanized space and at least to some extent feel unity with the natural beauty of the surrounding world in the countryside makes the demand for a ready-made house made of round timber and construction according to standard or individual projects popular.

In the latter case, according to experts, the customer will not have to wait long for his dream of perfect comfort and unique interior with a light woody flair to come true.

Accounting for the necessary nuances in the design

However, the construction of a turnkey round house is preceded by creative preparatory stage, which is performed by specialized architectural studios or employees of the developer company. At this stage, the customer can declare all his wishes and ideas, partially adjust even a standard project. If the construction will take place on the basis of an individual development, then before its creation, it is necessary to collect and analyze the initial data to the maximum: it is supposed to be a summer type of the estate or for a year-round stay, how many permanent residents and guests it should be designed for, take into account the lifestyle of the owners of a wooden mansion .
In addition, the land plot for the building (configuration, dimensions, topography, soil features) is examined in order to correctly choose the location of the building with reference to both the landscape and the cardinal points surrounding the buildings. To obtain a full-fledged house project from the customer, a topographic survey of the site, as well as geological surveys, may be required. For example, the construction of a mansion in a swampy area is possible only on piles, and it is advantageous to use natural uneven terrain to emphasize the dominant position of the estate.
Taking into account the necessary nuances in the design allows you to create an ideal concept in each case, followed by its spatial visualization using manual graphics or computer simulation. The next step in realizing the idea of ​​​​obtaining a beautiful home is preparing a sketch. At this stage, the whole structure is detailed: a floor plan is drawn, including the roof, window and door blocks, the longitudinal and transverse sections of the building are displayed, and the appearance of the facade is finally formed.

The draft design becomes the basis for the calculations of the work plan, which includes the architectural and structural parts. Specialists have to take into account the type of wood and the size of the round timber, the technology for processing and laying logs, the thickness of the walls, the slope of the roof, the type of foundation. Ceilings are also selected if it is planned to construct a non-single-story structure, the location of rafters, lintels, beams is specified, and engineering documentation is being prepared. And only after rechecking all the data and agreeing the package of drawings with the customer, the implementation of the creative plan begins.

Stages and features of building a house from round timber

The modern art of building a wooden dwelling has borrowed a lot from the centuries-old experience of ancient masters.

Therefore, building a house from round timber does not take much time, and the durability of such a structure, according to experts, is 50-250 years.

The whole process consists of several stages:
1. Site preparation and foundation arrangement. After leveling the site, depending on the future load, the foundation is poured onto the base of the building at the optimum depth. For normal soil in low-rise buildings, its tape monolithic variety is usually used. In order to reliably waterproof the hardened concrete mix, you need to buy and lay roofing material or bitumen.
2. Installation of walls. In order to strengthen the entire structure, rounded logs are placed in a checkerboard pattern and fastened with dowels. In the work, wood of natural moisture content, domestic, Finnish or other, is used. Despite its high ability to retain heat, insulation (flax, tow, moss, synthetic tape) is tightly laid between the logs. Particular attention is given to the corner joints. If a two-story building is being built, then upon completion of the construction of the walls of the first floor, work is carried out on the installation of interfloor ceilings. The resulting frame also includes a rafter crate, on which a roof is laid from modern materials.
3. Other types of mounting. Interior decoration takes special place and includes the laying of prepared wood floors, ceilings, as well as the formation of window and door blocks. Also, work is being carried out on grinding walls and processing wooden structures outside and inside with a bioprotective compound.
4. Holding engineering communications. At the final stage, equipment for water supply, sewerage, and heating is laid in pre-prepared places. Features of building a house from round timber provide an individual solution to this issue, depending on the preferences of the customer.

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What kind of wood to build a house from round timber

Even at the preparatory stage, you will have to think about how to build a country house and what kind of wood to choose. Appearance of this natural material, its structure is characterized by specificity depending on the variety.

At the same time, experts recommend the use of conifers. They have the ability to "breathe" and at the same time are moisture resistant, durable and environmentally friendly. If in your area the forest is replete with spruce and pine, then you can not look for a better option. If it is possible to purchase larch or fir, you should stop at these varieties, as they are not subject to decay and are durable. In addition, the question of how to insulate such a household will disappear by itself.

How to choose a contractor for a round timber house?

According to professional developers, the right decision on the contractor is 70% of the quality of the house, no matter how much it costs. When choosing, first of all, you need to consider:
– experience of the contractor in the construction of mansions according to the technology you are interested in;
– feedback from customers already living in new buildings;
– the applicant company has high-tech equipment and preferably its own production base;
- the degree of readiness of the developer's representatives to draw up a detailed estimate, and not a simplified one.
It would also be useful to visit specialized exhibitions and sales, where market offers are clearly demonstrated. And a review of the websites of specialized companies will help you decide on a contractor and replenish your knowledge of how to make a log house from round timber in accordance with your own ideas about comfortable housing.