Car service as a business. Car service business plan

The feasibility and respectability of the business associated with the Auto Service is an obvious fact, because any car requires constant inspection and repair. Stable and regular demand, that is, the abundance of clientele makes the opening of such a service very profitable and profitable.

The total number of clients is growing every year, because according to statistics the level of the total domestic vehicle fleet is growing annually by 8 - 10%. Thanks to this increase in the number of vehicles, opening your own car service is a very promising and stable business. However, when opening such a business, you should also take into account fact of ever-increasing competition, that is, the total number of car services is also growing at a rapid pace. The main function of a car service center is scheduled maintenance, current and major repairs, elimination of car breakdowns, tuning, body repairs.

Today there are four types of car service:
1. Authorized service. This means specialized repair of one brand of car. This type of service is very profitable, especially if it is located in a large city, but entering such a business will be very difficult.
2. Network car service. This type of organization in the CIS is extremely poorly developed; there are few car service stations that have a sufficiently developed unified network.
3. Single service point. This service, which represents considerable competition to large car services, is single and poorly organized. Such items are less profitable than authorized and network services, and the main bias of a single item is not high quality, but low price.
4. Customized maintenance services. The work of such private entrepreneurs usually has a very small and unstable income; the work of such businessmen usually takes place in their own garages.

Organizing a car service business is a truly profitable business, however To build this business, you should go through four stages of organizing this business:

1. First stage. Choosing a location. At the first stage you should correctly and rationally choose the location of the future car service. The main factors influencing this choice are the location of the service near the highway, closer to the city center, near a gas station, and also at a distance of more than 50 meters from any residential building. Also it is important to take into account the presence of competition, that is, first for this purpose you should study the entire market for such a business in a given city and in a given area.

2. Second stage. Car service device, must include the entire necessary set of mechanisms, equipment and structures. This includes: lifts, pit construction, tire fitting, balancing, straightening stand, oil change and installation and other service elements. A water supply and sewerage system are also required, and the building must also contain a number of premises that will be necessary for any car service center - this is the manager’s office, service premises, a rest room, and so on.

3. Third stage. Bureaucratic issues. You should collect a complete package of all necessary documents and settle all formalities related to bureaucratic issues. First, you need to collect project documentation and have it approved by the state sanitary and epidemiological inspection; this will take a lot of effort and time. There are a lot of requirements for this supervision, this includes the presence of rational natural and artificial lighting, the presence of specialized lockers for clothes and much more. Now it is necessary to reconsider all issues related to fire safety, this includes both the availability of fire extinguishers and safe interior decoration, and correct installation of electrical wiring. After this, it is necessary to resolve issues with rent, with the transport inspection and with a number of other government services.

4. Fourth stage. Staff. Based on the choice of work offered in your service, you should select the appropriate personnel. Of course, the best option is to recruit highly qualified specialists, however Finding a true professional in your field is also not the easiest question. Most of all, a professional worker is required in body repair and tire fitting; it is also very desirable to have a competent manager who can communicate professionally with the client. In general, it can be emphasized that A lot will depend on it.

With the purchase of a car, the happy owner has not only a source of special pride and a means of transportation, but also a constant item of expense, and these expenses are not limited to spending on gasoline, but
require significant financial investments to maintain the pet in working condition. And the older the car gets, the more financial investments it requires. This is especially true for domestic vehicles, which constitute the main clientele of most service centers.

The car service market, already quite developed, seems to have gained a second wind with the abolition of compulsory licensing. The number of service centers, both official and semi-official, began to grow exponentially, which, it should be noted, significantly increased competition in this area of ​​​​business. And, nevertheless, if you decide to try your hand at this field, be prepared to solve a number of problems.
First of all, this is the selection of a place for a car repair shop. A suitable site must occupy at least 3 acres, be located no closer than 50 meters from neighboring houses and have a centralized sewerage system.
At the same time, the location close to major highways remains of paramount importance for a car service center.

To open your own car service, you need to obtain not only all kinds of permits from the SES, traffic police, fire services, but also, which is often no less nerve-wracking, the consent of your neighbors.
According to the directors of real estate agencies, due to the sharp increase in Lately demand for car service areas good options There are quite a few left and the price for them starts from 10-12 thousand dollars (in Rostov-on-Don). At the same time, it is better to buy the future site as a property, since rent can reach up to 15,000 rubles per box per month.
Having decided on a site on which, let’s say, there is already a building suitable for a car repair shop, you need to start purchasing equipment. The cheapest Russian-made lift costs about 40,000 rubles, and the price of an imported one starts at $3,000.
Tools will also make up a significant portion of the costs. Many experts advise buying only tools domestic production. It is also worth purchasing diagnostic equipment, the price of which starts at $2,000.
And finally, the most important factor is the presence of highly qualified specialists. The future of the auto repair shop primarily depends on their work. And do not forget that good specialists require decent payment, regardless of the popularity of the workshop or seasonality.
By the way, about seasonality. Traditionally, the busiest months for auto repair shops are the summer months. It is during this period that most car owners take long trips on vacation and, as a result, the demand for technical inspection before and debugging of the car after increases.
From the point of view of profitability, the most profitable work for a car service center is such labor-intensive work as clutch replacement, engine repair, gearbox repair, steering gear replacement, etc.
The most burdensome thing is servicing cars older than five years and, in particular, Muscovites (even the nut sometimes has to be “unscrewed” with an autogen). Repairing brake systems and especially replacing brake cylinders with subsequent bleeding of the brakes is also quite thankless.
Most auto repair shops in the city traditionally specialize in one type of repair or another. The wider the range of services provided, the more specialists of various profiles you need to have on staff.
One of the most promising directions is the repair of injection engines. In the West, cars with a carburetor have not been produced since 1993, and in Russia, most new models are equipped with injection engines. However, servicing injection engines requires rather expensive computer diagnostic equipment - and this is a new investment.

*Profit rate by industry*

According to various estimates, it reaches about $5,000 per month.

Opening a car service

Millions of cars travel on Russian roads, and sooner or later they all begin to break down. Simple car maintenance should be carried out at least once every six months. So why don’t you help millions of your fellow citizens who don’t understand the heap of moving metal? To do this, you should open a car service center.

Tire service

Among all types of car service, tire fitting is one of the most profitable and does not require large investments. Its profitability depends on where it will be located. There are more customers near highways, which means higher profits. It is profitable to open a tire workshop near gas stations and garage complexes.

After you decide on the location of the auto repair shop, you need to decide whether it will be in a small van or under a roof - in a box. Tire mounting does not take up much space - you can install a simple one
a van in which you will store equipment and receive clients - you can do the work even on the street. Find appropriate place for a van it is much easier and cheaper than for a well-equipped box.

Hardware is the next problem you will have to face. Typically, tire shops perform several types of work: tire fitting - removing a wheel and replacing a tire or tube and balancing
wheels - so that the tires do not “chew” when driving. Imported tire fittings cost from 1900 USD. Our manufacturers offer equipment with similar technical characteristics a little cheaper, but the design and quality are worse. If you have a balancing stand, which costs from 1000 USD (manual drive) to 6000 USD (electric drive).

If you decide to buy domestic equipment, then it is cheaper to do it at factories. Sellers usually add at least 30% on the same models.

Cash Flow tire service

40 %.

Full service auto service

Let’s suggest that you already have the premises and equipment too. Who will work in your auto repair shop? Tire fitting is not a difficult task; even someone who has never worked in a car service can do it. In addition, many companies, when selling equipment, will show you how to handle the machines. A tire shop should be serviced by two people - you always need someone on hand.
When you organize your tire fitting, you need to take into account that this work is seasonal. Most customers come in late autumn and early spring, when it’s time to change tires. The number of customers also depends on the weather - there are fewer people when it rains. So, what will your costs be?
*In order to open a workshop, you need at least 3000 USD: *
equipment (tire stand - from 1000 USD, 2 jacks - from 40 USD, 200 USD - vulcanizer, 300 USD - tools);
370 USD - license for one type of activity (many tire shops, in addition to replacing wheels, do balancing, for this you need another license - 370 USD).
The costs will pay off within 5 months. Judge for yourself: a tire service can service up to 20 cars per day. Each car leaves an average of 4 USD in the workshop. Your company’s gross income per day will be from 65 USD, per month - 1980 USD, per year - 23760 USD.
Your monthly expenses will consist of electricity costs and public utilities- 400 USD, depreciation - 160 USD, salary - 600 USD, Consumables- 41 USD, totaling about 1260 USD per month. So
Thus, your profit will be from 700 USD per month or 8590 USD per year. According to experts, the profitability of a tire workshop is
40 %.
Full service auto service
"AUTOMASTER OFFERS A FULL COMPLEX OF PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND CAR REPAIR." This is what your ad might look like if you decide to open a real car service. First of all, this will require knowledge and experience. If you have no idea from which side to approach the car, then you have nothing to do in this type of business. You do not need to rent a room - everything is done in the garage of the car owner. This way of working is quite beneficial for both you and the client. Your responsibilities will include everything related to minor repairs and vehicle maintenance. You need to change the oil or get a new battery, work on the car's electrical system or repair the engine - all this is your job. Don't bother with foreign cars. Modern electronics, which are installed on foreign cars, can only be understood with the help of the necessary diagnostic equipment. And such equipment, even if it is inexpensive, is suitable only for certain types of machines.

Many works on foreign cars simply cannot be done without computer stands. Repair some components of Opel, BMW, etc.

Possible only on Opel and BMW services. (For example, the latest BMW models have a built-in computer system that allows you to determine a malfunction in the car. If suddenly at least one headlight burns out in such a car, having eliminated the breakdown, you will need to erase the information about the malfunction in the computer, otherwise the car will only start during daylight hours.)

Your field of activity is Russian cars. You can compete with large car services primarily due to prices and attitude towards your work - work in a regular service begins when the client brings his car and says that his car is broken, but you start working with machine as soon as you conclude an agreement with the client. One person can service no more than 5–10 cars per month. After all, at least once a week you will have to “visit” each client’s car.

USD. The costs of a small mobile car service must include the cost of equipment - about 500 USD.

Your profit per month will be about 400 USD.

Once you have regular customers and your business begins to make a profit, you can rent a garage and repair cars in your premises.

*Engine repair*

So, you have decided to open a small stationary car service. Now the clients themselves will come to you. You can perform any type of work, but until you have sufficient space and the necessary equipment, it is better for you not to be scattered and do just one thing, for example, engine repair. To organize a car service you will need at least 15 sq. m. If you are going to expand in the future, then when concluding a rental agreement, you can indicate in it that you have the primary right to rent additional space.

*The minimum set of equipment that you cannot do without includes:

lift for removing the motor – 200 USD;

tool set – about 300 USD;

device for charging batteries – about 200 USD;

compressor – about 500 USD.

You will also need an inspection hole, so when you choose a place for a car service station, make sure that you do not have to dig it yourself.

Instead of a pit, you can buy a lift for passenger cars(from 1500 USD). It is very important to choose the right tools. Auto repair shops usually use Russian, Italian, and less often German equipment. Private owners prefer to use Russian tools - they are cheaper. Inexpensive and quite good tools released by Holland. They are very expensive spanners, screwdrivers with a Lifetime Warranty. But such equipment is the dream of any mechanic. There are companies in Russia that sell this instrument.

If you are going to repair engines, then you cannot do without diagnostic instruments, because after assembling the engine, it needs to be adjusted. The most popular equipment is BOCH and TECNOTEST (diagnostic complexes), but it is very expensive - from 6000

USD. Russian diagnostic equipment is several times cheaper.

It is not only the electrical equipment that needs to be diagnosed in the engine:

starter, generator, ignition timing, but also the fuel system


pressure, throughput jets on the carburetor, air flow. Accordingly, you need good equipment.

*Specialist differs from specialist*

Where to find good specialists? This question will arise before you if you expand your car service. Engine repair is a skilled job that only professionals can do, because there is no time to teach people in a car service center. In addition to automotive institutes in vocational schools, where the curriculum includes practical training, there are special companies that train personnel. By the way, Russian workers sometimes understand machines much better than foreigners. There is another option - in public service stations the salary is lower than in private ones. They make about 200 a month

USD, so many specialists will happily move on to more profitable work.

*So, to organize your own engine repair service, you will need:

equipment – ​​about 3000 USD;

Total – 3,500 USD.

You can compete with large car services on the basis of prices. They overhaul the engine of a Russian car costs about 1500

USD. Private traders do the same work for 300 USD. On major renovation the engine takes approximately 1.5 weeks. There are on average 2–3 clients with major repairs per month.

One-time work costs about 20 USD. 2-3 clients come in a day with such a small order.

Thus, your gross income per month is about 800–1000 USD.

*Costs will consist of:

purchasing new tools;



Profit per month will be about 650–850 USD. The profitability of your enterprise is 90%.

*Documents required to open a car service*

If you decide to open your own car service, then regardless of whether you are going to work as entity or an individual, you cannot do without obtaining a license (approx. Openbusiness: like licensing has been canceled???).

To obtain the most important document - a license - you need to submit a corresponding package of documents to the Transport Inspectorate. Here is their list:


List (with a diagram of posts);

Certificate (with bank details on the back side);


Land (premises) lease agreement or joint activity agreement;

SES certificate;

Permission from the State Fire Inspectorate (for welding and painting work);

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for safety precautions (HS) and a safety point (PS);

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the maintenance and repair work performed (MRO);

Certificate of your professional suitability (copy of a diploma or work book);

Certificate of compliance with standards (with attachment);

Certificate from the State Tax Inspectorate regarding registration.

And now, in order, about these documents, especially about those that require clarification and with which difficulties may arise.

*Car service area*

If the garage you are renting is registered with the Property Committee as a permanent building, you will need to contact the prefect to obtain permission to use the garage for a car service center, and then draw up a rental agreement for this premises. If the garage you want to rent is not permanent and built without permission (which is much more common), you should also contact the prefect and get a city permit on the possibility of placing your car service center in this premises. In the case where the garage does not belong to the state, but to a private person, you will have to enter into an agreement with him, and if the lease agreement for the land on which this garage is located specifies a different purpose, this agreement will have to be reissued.

*SES loves frequency and order*

After you have completed land plot and settled all the problems with the work premises, it is being developed project documentation, which includes a mandatory section - “Security environment". When commissioning the premises, the conclusion prepared by the Environmental Hygiene department is taken into account. They are assessed to the utmost acceptable standards. For enterprises of this type, such as a car service, the conditions for the collection, protection and disposal of generated waste, as well as the conditions for the formation and disposal of waste water and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, are relevant. All this is subject to preliminary examination and operational control.

Naturally, sanitary gaps must be maintained from sources of emissions of harmful substances to the nearest buildings, primarily children's and residential buildings. On average this is 50 m, depending on the size of the enterprise. It is also undesirable to locate your car service center near bodies of water.

*Basic requirements for a private car service:

Placing car service centers in residential buildings and public buildings is not permitted.

The service center premises must have a centralized water supply and must be sewered.

The area of ​​production premises must be sufficient and depends on the types and volume of work performed and the dimensions of the vehicles being repaired, having production equipment, but not less than 5 square meters. m. Per one worker (excluding equipment).

Production premises must be equipped with general supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical drive, made in an explosion-proof design.

Calculations of the ventilation system must be carried out in accordance with the Rules and Regulations

2.04.05–91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning."

IN cold period the premises must be heated. Entrance gate equipped with air-thermal curtains.

It is not permitted to operate the premises without natural light.

The natural light factor should be 1.5.

Artificial lighting systems must be explosion-proof.

Walls and floors must be finished with moisture- and oil- and petrol-resistant materials. The walls must be painted with oil paint or tiled to 2/3 of the height ceramic tiles, floors - metlakh tiles. Inspection pits should be covered with ceramic tiles.

The premises of car service enterprises must necessarily have a shower, a toilet, and a double-door locker for storing clean work clothes.

Workers must be provided with funds personal protection respiratory organs, eyes and skin of hands.

Car service enterprises must necessarily coordinate design documentation for placement and technological processes with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities and have permission from these authorities for commissioning.

*Certificate of Compliance*

If you haven't encountered this yet, let me explain:

certification is a document that meets the relevant standards requirements

GOS Ta. In order to undergo this very certification, you must submit an application and then enter into an agreement for certification of services.

*Each type of work that requires certification is subject to certification.

license. There are about 60 of them in total.

Here are the main types of work:

    lubricants and filling stations,

    control and diagnostic, electrical,

    steering repair,

    brake system repair,

    adjustment of fuel equipment,

    checking and adjusting brakes,

    installation and dismantling works,

    engine repair,

    Painting works,

    tire fitting and balancing,

    battery repair and charging,

    tin welding.

When certifying several types of work, there is a system of certain discounts, that is, the more types of work you certify, the cheaper it will cost you. If there are any shortcomings during the inspection, a period of up to 6 months is given to correct them. Remember that you, like no one else, are interested in the quality of the services of your car service, because if suddenly the certification authorities receive complaints about the quality of the work performed, you will face another inspection.

Certification of compliance with state standards is valid if there is an annex that lists all types of certification work.
By the way, certification is voluntary for individual entrepreneurs, i.e. It is not necessary to go through it.

We offer step by step instructions- how to open a car service! Detailed calculations, real examples and useful tips.

Capital investments – 700,000 rubles.
Payback – 1−1.5 years.

The number of cars on the streets of our cities indicates that almost every family has their own car. And even despite the fact that men are still behind the wheel, few people now repair their car themselves, especially if the breakdown is serious.

This is why car service owners are thriving and there is nothing to indicate that the situation with this type of business will change dramatically.

If you are looking for a suitable niche for business, then you should definitely find out how to open a car service center from scratch.

When planning to open a new auto repair business, remember that decent funding is involved. If you don’t have enough start-up capital, then you need to look for an investor.

How much does it actually cost to open a car repair shop and what else, besides money, is needed for this, you will learn from this article.

Advantages of opening your own car service center

It is no coincidence that this type of business seems so attractive. It really has many advantages that even novice entrepreneurs know about.

If you decide to open a car service, you can take advantage of the following advantages:

  • This type of business is in great demand because the number of consumers of car service services is increasing every day.
  • You will never lack customers, because the condition of our roads leaves much to be desired, which means that every driver, having ruined his car on the road, will come to you to repair it.
  • Domestic buyers most often purchase used cars rather than new ones.
    A old car, although in good condition, is constantly in need of repair.
  • To own a car service center you do not need to have any special skills.
    You will still hire professionals to provide various repair services.
    You will only have to perform a leadership function.
  • The money invested in a car service pays off quite quickly, because every month you can earn about 100 thousand rubles with the right approach to business.
  • Despite the fact that today there are a lot of car repair shops in any city, good specialists are always in great demand, so if you find them, you should try to keep them.
  • Despite the high competition in this sector, you can form your own competitive advantages, which will help you differentiate yourself from other auto repair shops and form your own customer base.

What services can be provided by opening a car service?

It’s not enough to just want to open a car service center. You need to figure out exactly what exactly you want to do; simply put, find a niche in this type of business.

Most often, entrepreneurs invest in:

    Specialized car services.

    That is, you only repair a car of a certain brand or country of origin.
    This type of car service can be very profitable, especially if some of the niches are not occupied in your city, but get ready for the fact that global car brands very carefully select official representatives, so you will have to try to meet their requirements.

    Tire fittings.

    Tire sealing, wheel alignment, wheel alignment, tire replacement - this is not the entire list of services provided by tire shops.
    They never sit without work, because potholes on the roads are reliable suppliers of clientele.

    Repair shops.

    Their specialists fix any problems with the engine, chassis of the car and much more.

    Electronics service station.

    Auto body repair shop.

    This includes straightening, welding, painting, etc.

The most profitable option is to have multidisciplinary specialists to provide as much as possible large quantity services.

If you cannot initially purchase so much equipment, then set yourself the goal of expanding the car service gradually, adding one or another service.

P.S. It would not be a bad idea to equip your car service with a car wash, which also brings good money, or an auto goods store.

Features of opening a car service center

Before you decide to open a car service center, you need to remember some of the features of this type of business so as not to regret your decision later.

In order for a car service to quickly generate income and recoup the initial investment, you need to:

  1. Initially, decide on the list of services that your car repair business will provide.
    In accordance with it, you will look for specialists.
    If you want to promote your business as quickly as possible, then you should focus on the services most popular among car enthusiasts: tire fitting, body work, engine and chassis repairs.
  2. Find a suitable premises to open your own car service center.
    This is not as easy to do as you might think at first glance, because this room must meet many requirements, which we will talk about later.
  3. Purchase professional equipment that will withstand large volumes of work, but do not overpay for it in order to reduce the size of the start-up investment in the business.
  4. Think over your pricing policy so as not to limit yourself to serving only the rich part of the population.
  5. It is very important to find a good supplier of auto parts at reasonable prices.
    The number of people willing to have their car repaired by you will increase if you always have a supply of auto parts so that the client does not have to wait long for the parts to be ordered and delivered.

Of course, you need to take care first of all good premises, about hiring qualified personnel, about purchasing high-quality equipment, thinking about pricing policy, etc., but there are nuances in opening a car service center that also should not be forgotten, although they do not seem so important at first: competitive advantages and an advertising campaign.

Let's take an example from a successful entrepreneur of the year,

who independently achieved enormous results by opening his own car service:

Competitive advantages of car service

If you look closely, you will see that auto repair shops are located all over the place in every city. Competition in this sector is indeed extremely high, therefore, even before opening a service station, you need to take care of your competitive advantages:

  • It is convenient to locate your car service so that customers do not have to travel too far to get there.
  • Develop a loyalty program for regular customers.
  • Hire the best generalists who could solve any problem.
  • Think over your pricing policy in such a way as to differentiate yourself favorably from your competitors, but at the same time not incur losses in your business.
  • Constantly expand the list of services in order to gradually turn into a universal auto repair shop.
  • Organize the service “Home visit of a technician” if the client cannot deliver his car to the service station.
  • Have a sufficient supply of auto parts to quickly repair your car.
  • Organize promotions and discount days to attract customers.

Car service advertising

New business cannot do without advertising.

Car service is no exception to this rule. To attract customers to your service station, you need to advertise it. You can do this using:

  • commercials on local radio and television;
  • advertisements in places where car enthusiasts often visit: gas stations, car markets, etc.;
  • social networks.

P.S...the most effective advertising for a business is to quickly and at an affordable price repair a car for a new client. And if the driver is extremely polite to the client, answers all his questions, and does not ridicule his ignorance of the car, then be sure that this driver will return to you more than once.

The main stages of opening a car service center

“The essence of business is not about compliance with formalities, seeking profit, practical results, making a profit, trying to sell, commercial play or anything else. Business is, first of all, something you care about.”
Richard Branson

As already mentioned, opening a car service center is not a cheap pleasure, therefore, if you do not have several million rubles freely available, then first you need to open a small workshop that provides a limited range of services.

Here you will find step-by-step instructions for opening a small car service center that will provide diagnostic, tire fitting and car repair services. He will work seven days a week to be able to serve as many clients as possible.

The starting capital required to open a car service center is at least 700,000 rubles.

In addition, take into account the presence of monthly car service costs, which cannot be avoided even if you try.

Car service registration

If you are not going to work semi-legally, and it is unrealistic to do this with such a noisy business as a car service, then you need to register your own enterprise. Best form- IP.

After completing all the documents, you must register with the tax service by selecting the form of taxation - UTII.

Fortunately for you, you do not need to obtain a license to provide this type of service, so all you have to do is settle the matter with the fire department and sanitary and epidemiological station.


Finding suitable premises is not very easy, so many businessmen wonder why not build a suitable building for their car service center.

This should not be done, since such a project will be expensive. It is better to look for a ready-made premises (with an area of ​​at least 200 square meters) to open a car service center that would meet all the standards:

  • located no closer than 15 m from residential buildings and 50 m from schools and kindergartens;
  • had sewerage, heating and water supply systems;
  • was equipped with a bathroom and showers.

You need a separate room, because no one will allow you to open a car service center in a residential building.

Take care of parking so that customers waiting in line at the car service do not violate traffic rules. Better yet, equip your service station comfortable room waiting or cafeteria - again, this additional source income.

You can either rent a suitable business premises or buy it. Focus on what funds you have at your disposal at the moment.

To begin with, you can get by with rent: get ready to pay 125,000-150,000 rubles per month.

Car service equipment

Of course, on the day you open your repair shop, you won't be able to equip it so that your technicians can provide every single service unless you have a limitless supply of cash.

To begin with, you can get by with a minimal set of equipment for a car repair workshop:

Car service staff

The success of your business directly depends on how good specialists you hire.

Ideally, you need to hire generalists who can easily replace each other. If you can’t do this, then you can hire a person with lower qualifications for tire fitting, and repair technicians with a higher qualification.

Since our car service will work seven days a week, we need two shifts of workers of 3 people each (2 foremen + 1 tire service worker), an accountant, 2 cashiers and 2 cleaners.

If you want to save money, you can take over the bookkeeping yourself.

The table of personnel costs looks like this:

QuantitySalaryTotal (RUB)
Total:138,000 rub.
Auto repairmen4 20 000 80 000
Tire service workers2 12 000 24 000
Cashier2 10 000 20 000
Cleaning woman2 7 000 14 000

If you hire a qualified lawyer who will help you with registering a car service center, and you yourself will search for suitable premises, hire staff and purchase equipment, you will be able to open a car service station no later than 4 months after the idea arises.

If you do everything yourself, then everything will stretch out for six months, or even longer.

How much does it cost to open and maintain a car service center?

You should understand that you will have to invest once large amounts in order for your car service to start working, but it’s not limited to them.

There will also be mandatory expenses every month: rent of premises, consumables, employee salaries, taxes, etc.

Cost table for opening a car service center

Car service monthly expenses table

How much can you earn from a car service?

With a normally operating car service center with a wide client network, you can earn at least 500,000 rubles per month.

If you consider that your monthly expenses are 400,000 rubles, then your net profit is 100,000 rubles.

Agree, this is not bad!

In such situations, the initial investment of 700,000 rubles can be returned within 7 months. But you won’t be able to achieve such speeds right away.

For the first months, perhaps even up to six months, you will either work at a loss or have difficulty covering mandatory expenses. That is why, according to experts, the average payback period for a car service is 1-1.5 years.

It is within your power to shorten this period!

Download a ready-made car service business plan with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

Useful tips on where to start to open your own car service center from scratch:

watch a video with an expert

Now you understand how to open a car service center from scratch, how much money you need to spend to realize your dream and become the owner of a service station, what stages you need to follow in order to launch a startup as quickly as possible, etc.

As you can see, a car service is a profitable, quick-payback business, which even high competition in the market cannot prevent from bringing profit to its owner.

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There are fewer and fewer people among us who prefer public transport to a personal car. The number of motorists is steadily growing, and with it the need for volumes Maintenance and repair of “iron horses”. The demand for car service services is always stable; even the most advanced modern cars invariably need them. In order to successfully open a car service and service station, you need a competent business plan. Its main task is to develop the optimal option for organizing a car service center designed to service passenger cars.

Car service market

The development of the car servicing market directly depends on the number of cars in Russia. Over the past ten years, the domestic vehicle fleet has more than tripled, and these figures are increasing every year.

The structure of the car servicing market currently includes:

  1. Authorized car services that specialize mainly in servicing only a specific brand of car. Entering such a business is quite difficult, since official dealers and car manufacturers choose their partners very carefully.
  2. Network car services that have their offices in the most different regions. Currently, this market segment is not yet sufficiently developed.
  3. Single car services. Such services do not have accreditation, but are in fairly high demand among car owners, since the price for the services of such car services is usually 20-30% lower.
  4. Personalized car servicing. Such services can hardly be called a business, but in Russia they are in good demand.

Example of a car service business plan

If you don’t know how to open a car service center from scratch, then the following ready business The service station plan will help you organize this matter.

Description of the enterprise

The success of an organized car service is determined by the following criteria:

  • range of services provided;
  • the target audience;
  • production area;
  • qualified personnel.

It is necessary to take into account the legislation, according to which the premises of a maintenance company are located no closer than 50 m from residential buildings and are equipped with a centralized sewerage system. Coordination with the traffic police, SES and fire service is required.

You need to know where access roads and competing service stations are located. 300 square meters is the optimal area for a car service center for passenger cars. It is important to analyze the work of competitors in advance and take into account the preferences of car owners regarding car brands. The key to successful operation of a service station is the qualifications and professionalism of auto repairmen. Form of organization – individual entrepreneur(IP), taxation - UTII.

Services provided

A car service business plan should include the provision of a wide range of services. The most profitable types of work: repairing the engine and gearbox, replacing the steering gear and clutch and other machine parts. Among the most unprofitable is repair of the brake system, but it must be included in the list of work performed. It is advisable to choose a narrow specialization for the service station: tuning, xenon installation, glass tinting, or others. You can also concentrate on servicing specific brands of cars.

Analysis of the car repair and maintenance market

A new car service has a great chance of success, because, despite the large number of competitors, major cities There is a frequent problem with the efficiency of services provided. In the service station business plan, you need to analyze in detail the work of neighboring competitors according to the following parameters:

  • list of services provided;
  • prices for services;
  • the target audience.

Thus, you can find unoccupied niches and weaknesses of operating car services.

Service station production plan

In addition to purchasing or renting production space, the future service station will need equipment, in thousands of rubles:

  • lift – 40-120;
  • diagnostics – 60-100;
  • tools – 100.

Depending on the list of services, other highly specialized equipment may be needed.

The characteristics of the service also determine the staff of the car service center. It is necessary to have 2-3 workers constantly working, which is ensured by hiring 4-6 people every day. The manager can be a hired employee, or maybe the owner of the service himself.

Car service financial plan

Expenses, in rubles:

Capital expenditures:

  • purchase of equipment, its installation – 2,000,000;
  • advertising – 30,000;
  • approval – 20,000.

Total: 2,050,000.

Current expenses:

  • rent – ​​150,000;
  • operating costs, consumables – 80,000;
  • salary – 200,000.

Total: 430,000.

Income, in rubles:

  • Revenue – 500,000 (per month).
  • Profit – 70,000.

Proper organization of a car service center will provide a stable profit, but it will take some time for capital costs to be recouped.

Basic business secrets

  1. Purchasing spare parts and establishing relationships with suppliers. The necessary spare parts catalogs can be found on the websites of dealers and manufacturers. You can also visit specialized exhibitions and choose a supplier. It is better to prepare applications in advance, taking into account seasonal fluctuations in demand. It is very convenient to purchase auto parts with “reserve”. Although this option requires significantly higher costs, the necessary spare parts are always available. This scheme is most relevant for network car services, when every detail will be in demand in any case.
  2. To obtain maximum profit, the owner of an open car service center from scratch should concentrate his efforts on the most cost-effective types of services, which include body repair, tire fitting, car painting, and car wash.
  3. An increase in the profitability of an enterprise is associated with an increase in the number of customers and a decrease in costs. To this end, you can expand the range of services, reduce equipment costs by ordering certain work from specialized companies, reduce rental payments or reduce advertising costs.

Buying a car service

To save time on organizing and promoting a car service, you can purchase ready-made enterprise. average cost such a business is about 60 thousand dollars. When purchasing a ready-made car service, you need to pay attention to:

  • validity period and possibility of prolongation of the lease agreement with the owner of the premises;
  • maintaining an experienced team;
  • the presence of formalized relationships with suppliers of auto parts;
  • location of the car service, availability of convenient access;
  • quality of available equipment.

All these conditions significantly affect the price of the finished business.

On this page you can download or read a car service business plan for free. Using the proposed sample business plan as a ready-made template, you can easily create your own car service business plan to suit your specific conditions.

Car service business plan

Car service: state and structure of the market

The situation in the car servicing market directly depends on the development trends of the domestic vehicle fleet. Over the past 10 years, it has increased 2.5 times and currently consists of more than 30 million cars. Every year this figure increases by 8–8.5%.

At the same time, there are only 170 cars per thousand Russians, which is below the level developed countries almost four times. That is, the Russian vehicle fleet is only expected to grow in the near future, and quite actively at that. So, a favorable environment has developed for car services - a steady and significant increase in the number of potential consumers of these services. As for the car services themselves, their number is steadily growing, and the predominance of networks is still not visible.

The structure of the maintenance market is not yet clearly defined. Of course, there is a certain specialization in it; we can talk about several vertical levels. At the same time, there are very few recognizable brands: the same car service can work with both Mercedes and VAZ products. Currently there are four market levels.

  • Authorized services. The work is carried out in clear cooperation with official dealers and foreign car manufacturers. As a rule, a company specializes in servicing one specific brand. Entering this business is very difficult: vendors are demanding when choosing contractors. The maximum profit - from 10 thousand dollars per month - can be brought by services located in large cities, where many new foreign cars are sold.
  • Network car services. This segment in Russia is still underdeveloped: there is not a single technical service network that would develop on a national scale (most often it covers no more than five regions). Western networks are poorly represented on the Russian market (the only exception is Bosch service stations, but there are not many of them yet). In addition, in our country there are “pseudo-networks” that are formed when Western companies, wanting to increase sales of their products, allow their name to be used. But there is no control over the quality of services provided on their part. The average profit of one car service center with several bays included in the network is 5–7 thousand dollars per month.
  • Single service points. They do not have accreditation, which, however, does not prevent them from competing with authorized companies: the services are the same, but you have to pay 20–30% less for them. The profit of such a car service rarely falls below 2 thousand dollars per month, but almost never exceeds 12 thousand dollars.
  • Individual provision of services Maintenance. This type activities can only be called a business with a large degree of convention - it is, rather, self-employment. However, the services of individuals who repair cars in their own garages or on call are in steady demand, bringing in $800–1,200 in net profit per month.
Four stages of organizing a car service

The first one is choice of location. At the initial stage, you should evaluate the surrounding area for outdoor advertising. The best option car service location - near highways, gas stations, garage complexes.

It is necessary to take into account that, in accordance with the requirements of the SES, it is impossible to organize a car service near residential buildings(the distance must be at least 50 m) and near water bodies. The selected premises must have a centralized water supply and sewerage system. It is necessary to provide for the presence of a pit, otherwise you will have to spend additional funds for the purchase of lifting equipment. It is advisable that the area of ​​the room be at least 25–30 square meters. m (per worker there should be 5 sq. m, and this does not include equipment), but at the first stage 15 “squares” may be enough. Although at the moment the area of ​​the average Moscow car service exceeds 200 square meters. m.

And don't forget about package of documents. So the second stage in creating a car service center is sorting out bureaucratic formalities. And the first thing you have to do here is design documentation. In order for it to be approved by the state sanitary and epidemiological inspection authorities, you will have to work hard, because there are a lot of requirements: from the presence of natural lighting to the installation of a “double-leaf locker for work clothes.” In addition to this, you will need to submit a package of documents to the transport inspection and resolve issues with the rental agreement.

Third stage - personnel selection. In modern conditions, it is the opportunity to attract qualified specialists of one or another profile to the company that determines the choice of work that will be performed by a car service center. But in any case, you need to try to select experienced professionals for the most popular types of services. And first of all, these include tire fitting and body repair. It’s a good idea to include a car wash in your business. A number of works, for example, selection of enamels and engine repairs, can be carried out in specialized companies - a fairly common practice in Moscow. There are about 100 types of services provided by car repair shops. The most common types of work:

  • lubricants and filling stations;
  • control and diagnostic;
  • electrical;
  • tire fitting and balancing;
  • installation and dismantling;
  • tin welding;
  • steering repair;
  • steering system repair;
  • engine repair;
  • battery repair and charging;
  • painting.

Having resolved the issue with the staff and decided on what services the car service will provide, you can begin purchasing equipment. This is the fourth stage. Here you will have a choice - more expensive and high-quality imported or affordable domestic. It should be noted that the presence of imported equipment can help attract customers; it is also a good idea to use it for advertising purposes.

If you intend to work with foreign cars, you will have to concentrate on the products of one or several manufacturers: each brand has its own computer diagnostic system.

Car service: initial investment

And now the enterprise is ready to open. To attract customers, it is worth spending $500–1000 on advertising. In addition to outdoor advertising, it is useful to place advertisements in specialized newspapers and magazines and post them in garages. It is also worth distributing leaflets.

On average, creating a car service center will cost $130–150 thousand. Although a cheaper solution is possible: a small car service center will cost $35–50 thousand, and tire service will cost $8–12 thousand.

A car service providing a wide range of services brings its owner an income of 4 thousand dollars a month, tire service - from 0.7 thousand dollars.

Until now we have been talking about a stationary car service. There is another model for organizing a business - an individual call to the car owner’s garage. This reduces the cost of renting premises and purchasing expensive equipment, but increases advertising costs. In this case, you can get by with a little office space with a telephone, several cars (or better yet, hire mechanics with personal vehicles). A warehouse of spare parts is not required: purchase them for a specific order using the services of one of the many delivery services.

If we talk about an auto parts store, the main thing here is to choose a premises located in a place that has good entrances and can provide a flow of customers. It is also necessary to resolve the issue of purchasing goods and the possibility of providing trade credit.

Car service: secrets of the business process

One of the main issues that the owner of both a car service center and a car shop decides is the acquisition of spare parts, which means establishing relationships with suppliers. Catalogs of auto parts can be found, for example, on the Internet on the websites of manufacturers and dealers.

It is better to submit a delivery request in advance, taking into account seasonal fluctuations in demand. Any experienced worker in this field can describe them (for tire fitting, for example, peaks of activity occur at the end of autumn and beginning of spring, when it is time to change tires).

Auto parts are either purchased from Russian dealers or imported independently, collaborating with suppliers from Asian countries. Large companies usually deliver parts from abroad by charter flight. As for small car services, importing spare parts for them on your own is quite risky, because parts have to be purchased for the future. What if they are not needed at all? Moreover, when we're talking about For small batches, you can’t count on discounts from the manufacturer. So small companies should visit specialized exhibitions and get acquainted with the range and prices of the main Russian dealers. It is important to accurately take into account the seasonality and timeliness of purchases: having goods in stock will not only reduce the time it takes to serve each client, but will also speed up the turnover of funds.

For specialized car services, where the list of required parts is clearly defined by the standards of car manufacturers, the problem of delivery of spare parts is not very relevant. But in the practice of general-purpose car services, there are two most common models.

  • Purchasing spare parts. It requires significant costs, but it eliminates the issues of lack of necessary spare parts at the right time. This scheme is most effective for network car services, in whose work, sooner or later, almost any part turns out to be in demand.
  • Working with delivery services. All parts are ordered as needed from some online store. But then their cost turns out to be significantly higher.

An investor should concentrate on promoting the most cost-effective types of services. As a rule, this includes body repair, car straightening and painting, tire fitting, and car washing. It is worth considering the most effective combination of them. Combining a body repair shop and a laboratory for selecting auto enamels gives a good return: the client who bought the enamel is often interested in quality repairs and car painting, and car owners who have already made repairs usually order painting of their car.

The profitability of the company can be increased by increasing the flow of customers and reducing costs. To do this, take the following steps:

  • expand the range of services provided by the company;
  • minimize the cost of purchasing equipment (by placing orders for certain works in specialized companies);
  • they reduce rental payments (you can refuse the box and limit yourself to an ordinary trailer, but this will negatively affect the image of the enterprise);
  • They use advertising only in the short term, and then switch to “creeping marketing” - a new client comes on the recommendation of an old one.

Another popular option to reduce costs is to attract labor from the CIS countries. With the same level of training as the Russians, the labor of teams from Armenia or Moldova costs much less. At the same time, migrant workers are distinguished by high discipline, ability to work, and a lower tendency to drunkenness. In Moscow, it is currently common practice for a mechanic to receive from 30 to 50% of the cost of the service he provides. The fixed part of the salary is small and rarely exceeds $200 per month. On average, a mechanic earns $600–1000 per month.

For comprehensive automation of document flow, warehouse and financial accounting, car services purchase specialized software. It is produced in Russia by at least five companies, some of which include catalogs of auto parts for foreign and domestic cars in the software package (cost: 40–70 dollars). The disks with the programs themselves will cost $120–200. And another $700–1200 will have to be paid for the communication module with the accounting program.

What if you buy a car service?

Car services are classified as businesses that use most in demand. In the first half of 2003, for every company of this profile put up for sale, there were several dozen potential buyers. This significantly reduces the time it takes to sell a car service; it does not exceed 1.5 months. The high interest is explained, firstly, by the fact that non-core investors view such companies as simple and easy to manage, and secondly, by the impressive profitability of these enterprises: the return on investment period usually does not exceed 6–10 months. The average cost of a car service center is $60 thousand. Most of them operate in rented space on the basis of a one-year lease agreement.

As for authorized car repair shops, only one has been put up for sale so far. It had the status of an official service center of a famous German automaker and, naturally, was engaged in servicing new foreign cars of this brand. The service quickly found its buyer, although it cost 20% more than its “unauthorized” counterparts. We can say that this difference was made up by goodwill. Recently, the supply of existing car service centers has increased, and the same applies to auto parts stores. At the same time, the demand for such businesses is satisfied by no more than 10–15%.

Car service buyers need to pay attention to the following points:

Duration of the lease agreement.
Even with a contract for 364 days, it is desirable to have the right to extend. The best option is if, when the owner changes, a new lease agreement is concluded. There is a known case where a car service center worked in areas to which it had absolutely no rights. The premises were municipally owned, and its use was based on informal relationships: the company occasionally repaired personal cars of government officials, but no one touched entrepreneurs. A business in this state becomes fundamentally unsaleable.

Saving the team.
This issue should be discussed with the seller in advance: it would be nice if he signs an undertaking not to take any actions aimed at “removing” key employees. But, as a rule, a verbal agreement is enough.

Transparency of business processes.
Carefully review contracts with auto parts suppliers and major supply channels. It is better for the new owner if these relations are formalized.

Ease of entry into business.
It is advisable for a non-core investor to agree that the old owner advise him on the issue of running a business for 1–2 months.

Other factors affecting the price.
When planning to invest in the purchase of a car service center, pay attention to its location, the availability of convenient access, previously held advertising events, and the quality of the equipment. All these factors must be taken into account during price negotiations.