Laying outdoor sewerage in a private house. Sewerage in a private house

Regardless of whether it connects private house to the central or autonomous sewerage system, the sewage disposal system on the street must be equipped independently. Before starting this work, you need to develop an installation scheme that makes it possible to dispense with minimum size pipeline and sewerage network wiring.

This will reduce material procurement costs and improve the efficiency of the wastewater disposal system. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the depth of pipe laying, the angle of their inclination and the reliability of flange connections, since the operability of the sewage system depends on these parameters.

Connecting a private house to the sewerage system

Circumstances and scheme of laying the external sewage system

The outer part of the sewerage system in a private house connects the outlet of the internal drain with a tank for accumulating waste located on the site, or with the central sewerage system with a pipeline network. Read about the internal wiring in the house in the article. Laying external sewer pipes is carried out according to a previously developed scheme, taking into account the following circumstances:

  • features of the terrain;
  • weather;
  • remoteness of wells and reservoirs;
  • the total volume of wastewater, depending on the number of people permanently living in the house;
  • the depth of soil freezing and its composition;
  • access ways for the sewer truck, if necessary.

In the scheme of laying the external sewage system, it is imperative to provide for its ventilation, otherwise, over time, unpleasant odors will penetrate into the living quarters. Read about the rules for the ventilation of the sewage system in the article. Ventilation is equipped with a fan pipe, which can be located on the lid of a septic tank or on the section of the pipeline that runs from the house to storage capacity drains.

Arrangement of an autonomous external sewage system

The septic tank is equipped at the lowest point of the geological topography of the site. This arrangement allows for the most optimal installation of the external sewerage system. It should be laid in a straight line to the location of the outlet pipe of the internal wastewater disposal system.

Selecting a plum location

When choosing the location of the drain, it is worth, first of all, to ensure that the unpleasant odor does not penetrate into the living quarters. As a result, it should be located at least five meters from the house. The optimal distance will be ten meters, it is also not worth placing a septic tank too far, since this significantly increases the cost of performing work on laying the pipeline network. The external sewerage connection to the house should not be carried out at right angles. In addition, the following should be considered:

  • water sources should be located at least thirty meters;
  • it is impossible to install a septic tank on the border of a neighboring area;
  • for the convenience of pumping out sewage, it is better to place the drains near the road;
  • especially careful sealing of the storage tank is needed when the soil water is located close;
  • the laying of the pipeline network facilitates the natural slope of the terrain.

Rules for placing a septic tank on the site

A cesspool for sewage has been used for a long time. Previously, they did not waste energy on sealing its walls, and when the hole was filled, they threw earth into it and dug a new one. Now the walls are laid out of bricks, concrete rings and other building materials.

Liquid fractions of waste seep through the soil at the bottom, filtering, solid components gradually fill the mine, and, after a while, they need to be pumped out.

Arrangement cesspool it is advisable if the volume of wastewater in a private house does not exceed one cubic meter per day. If this rate is exceeded, pollution will occur. environment.

Instead of a cesspool, you can equip a sealed container for the accumulation of wastewater. In this case, a thorough waterproofing of the bottom and walls of the shaft is carried out. Thus, the possibility of contamination of soil and drinking sources is prevented. The disadvantage of this system is the need for frequent cleaning, since the sealed container fills up rather quickly.

Determining the type of treatment plant

Treatment facilities for a private house are equipped in the form of a simple cesspool without a bottom or a sealed tank for wastewater. A single-chamber septic tank with soil cleaning or a two-chamber septic tank with a filter well can improve the filtration of wastewater. A variant of the construction of three chambers with a filtration field is possible, as well as with the use of a biofilter and an air supply system.

Septic tank with filtration from tires

A single-chamber septic tank, in essence, is a cesspool with a drainage layer. Crushed stone or gravel mixed with sand is poured at the bottom of the well. Passing through the filter layer, the liquid fractions of waste are cleaned before entering the soil. After a while, the drainage layer needs to be replaced, as muddy deposits settle on it. A single-chamber septic tank is suitable for a private house with a small volume of waste water.

A two-chamber septic tank consists of a storage tank and a filter well, which are connected by an overflow pipe. In the sump, feces are partially clarified, then they fall into the mine with a drainage layer at the bottom. They seep into the soil when they are already sufficiently cleaned.

A two-chamber septic tank is a popular sewerage option for a private house, since it does not require large financial costs for its equipment and works efficiently.

Installation of a septic tank from two or more chambers, as well as a filtration field, virtually eliminates the possibility of environmental pollution. While settling in the first tank, the partially clarified wastewater flows through the overflow pipe into the next chamber with anaerobic bacteria that decompose organic residues. Read about how to make a septic tank with your own hands from scrap materials in the article

Sequentially passing through all the sections, the drains enter the filtration field, which is an area under the ground of about thirty square meters where the final soil cleaning... If available on the site free space this method of arranging the sewage system is optimal.

Diagram of a septic tank with a biofilter

A septic tank with a biofilter is a station deep cleaning sewers. In principle, it is similar to a purification system with a filtration field, only in this case it is replaced by a water separator and anaerobic bacteria introduced at the outlet of the overflow pipe to the fourth section, which purify the effluent by about ninety-five percent. This water can be used for technical needs.

It is irrational to install deep cleaning stations in private houses with periodic residence, since if a sewage system of a similar design is not used constantly, bacteria that decompose organic residues die. In addition, they are quite expensive.

Sewer pipe laying depth

The depth of soil freezing is a fundamental factor when sinking sewer pipes into the ground. They need to be laid below the freezing point, otherwise they will freeze in winter, and it will be impossible to use the sewage system until the spring thaw. The appearance of even small build-ups of ice on the inner surfaces of pipelines leads to a decrease in their permeability and the formation of blockages.

Map of normative freezing depths

In the southern regions, the depth of laying sewer pipes is fifty or more centimeters, in the central regions - seventy or more centimeters. You need to know exactly the depth of soil freezing in your region, so as not to sink into the ground more than necessary, as in this case, the cost of doing the work will increase.

Organization of the withdrawal of the sewer pipe from the house

The organization of the withdrawal of the sewer pipe from the house depends on the stage of readiness for operation of the building. If the house has just been built, the foundation may shrink, therefore, a hole in it for the outlet of the sewer pipe must be drilled with a noticeably larger diameter than the cross-section of the pipe itself.

Options for drainage schemes from the house

If the house is just being built, the outlet pipe can be bricked up in the process of laying the foundation. The foundation of a house built a few years ago will not settle, so the diameter of the hole drilled for the outlet pipe need not be increased. Plumbing fixtures must be located at a short distance from the common drain, since in this case it is easier to connect them to the common outlet. If the house has two or more floors, the bathrooms should be placed on top of each other, and in this case, you can get by with one riser.

Do-it-yourself outdoor sewerage installation in a private house

The external sewerage system consists of a purification tank and a piping system that connects the septic tank to the house. Before doing installation works an external sewerage scheme is applied on the site plan.

Practical options for removing the sewer from the house

Then special pipes with a diameter of at least 100 mm are selected, intended for outdoor use. They are usually orange in color. A trench is dug to lay the pipeline. Its depth is selected depending on the climatic features of the area, the composition and characteristics of the soil, as well as other factors. If necessary, the pipeline network is insulated.

The most time-consuming part of the work when installing a sewage system with your own hands in a private house is digging a pit for a cesspool or septic tank. The optimal distance to which the septic tank is removed from the house is about ten meters.

The volume of storage capacity directly depends on the number of people permanently living in the house and the frequency of their use of plumbing fixtures.

Connect the storage tank to the outlet of the internal sewage best in a straight line, kinks and bends in the piping system increase the likelihood of clogging. For easy cleaning, a long line in places of direction change should be equipped with inspection hatches.
This is how a properly equipped external sewage system looks like.

Waste water moves through the pipeline system by gravity, under the influence of gravitational forces, therefore it is necessary to withstand correct angle tilt. If it is too small, large pieces of waste will be trapped and the sewer will clog.

If the slope is too great, solids will be thrown to the walls of the pipe, and again it will become clogged. Information on the correct slope of the sewer can be found in the article

The required angle is maintained and controlled by the building level when digging a trench, its depth increases as it approaches the storage tank or the central sewage system. A shock-absorbing cushion is laid at the bottom of the ditch, which is a filling of sand, pipes are laid directly on it. If it is necessary to change the slope angle of the pipes, sand is poured in the right place.

An important operational parameter of the sewerage system is the depth of the pipeline network. It must necessarily be below the freezing point of the soil in this region. Otherwise, in winter, frozen wastewater can rupture the pipeline network and damage the sewage system. For renovation works will have to wait for the spring thaw.

How to properly equip the thermal insulation of the pipe

To prevent emergencies during the cold season, it is better to insulate the sewage system. Many modern materials e.g. polyurethane foam, fiberglass or mineral wool... You can properly equip the thermal insulation of the pipe by simply wrapping it with insulation and placing it in a shell made of a mixture of asbestos and cement.

External sewerage insulation options

You can also attach a plastic wrap over the thermal insulation. In the cold northern regions to protect sewer pipes from freezing insulation layer additionally equipped with an electric heating system. In any case, the pipeline network must be laid below the level of the soil freezing depth, especially if snow drifts melting in the spring form on the surface. Interesting experience on laying pipes for external sewage can be gleaned from the following video.

Before you start installing sewer pipes in a private building, for example, in a cottage, you must first develop planning drawings and draw a laying diagram.

Such materials will help you to correctly install plumbing products, calculate the correct slope of pipes and make an estimate of the materials required for work.

The system, created from the drawings, will work without breakdown, and if a blockage occurs, it can be quickly removed.

The article was written specifically for those who are engaged in the construction and installation of sewerage systems. Builders will be able, based on the text below, to draw up a sewerage scheme for an individual house. Examples of the calculation of the external and internal systems for the installation of sewer pipes are given.

Craftsmen will be able to calculate to what depth to bury the sewer pipe. It will be possible to calculate the necessary Consumables for the installation of an autonomous sewerage system, laid independently both indoors and around the house.

The development of the circuit must begin with the most distant plumbing fixture installed on top floor... Conducted horizontal lines must necessarily come to the riser. To save materials for work, plumbing devices located on different floors, but maintaining one vertical.

The home sewerage system includes:

  • A water seal that protects the room from entering unpleasant odors;
  • Pipes through which drains enter the external system;
  • Knees;
  • Tees;
  • Clamps that support pipes and create a certain slope;
  • Central riser

It is very important when installing the sewage system, to monitor the transition of pipes. It should not go from a larger diameter to a smaller one. To take into account such a nuance, you need to install a toilet on the layout at the closest distance from the riser.

The drawing of the internal system includes several very important parameters:

  • Number of floors;
  • Basement;
  • Number of plumbing fixtures;
  • Number of apartments.

It is very important to determine the depth of the septic tank and its installation to additional systems, for example, an installed pumping station.

The diagram should be drawn to a specific scale. This will help you quickly understand the piping when you need to troubleshoot in the event of an emergency.

Outside line

To install the sewerage system of an individual house, it is necessary to carry out the diagram drawing taking into account the surrounding landscape. Professionals recommend placing the septic tank as low as possible, and the pipes should have a slight slope.

To determine which treatment system should be taken as a basis, at what depth the pipes will lie, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Groundwater;
  • Soil type;
  • Freezing depth.

Construction of an external sewage system is usually begins with laying the pipeline from the foundation. The drains should be diverted towards the made cesspool. Any turn of the pipe must be equipped with a special revision, in the form of an adapter equipped with a cover. Through it, you can easily remove the blockage.

On the outside mount an inspection well, install a ventilation umbrella.

The exit is through the riser with the installed. Since there will always be a very strong unpleasant odor in it, such a pipe should be installed as far as possible from windows or next to a smoker.

It is forbidden to combine the fan pipe with an ordinary ventilation shaft. The umbrella can be replaced with a special vacuum valve installed at the top of the riser. Remember that to check valve it has nothing to do with it.

Types of tanks, their positive and negative sides

The final part of the system is the tank where the cleaning takes place. If there is no central collector through which drains are taken, then stand-alone installations are used.


Perhaps this is the most cheap option... It is easy to dig a hole in the right place. However, it cannot always cope with large volumes of wastewater. Dirt can be a source of unpleasant odors groundwater.

Septic tank

Such a structure can be laid out of bricks and poured with concrete. You can also install standard reinforced concrete rings... If the septic tank is well made, it can be used for many years, as it is highly durable. The disadvantage of this design can be called long installation and large financial investments.

Stand-alone installation, industrial type

Of course, such a structure always costs much more, however, all costs are fully covered due to fast construction and very high quality... Such installations will work for a very long time with practically no breakdowns.

Biological treatment system

One can safely say about such a system “the most expensive”. For its operation, it is necessary to supply a constant power supply. However, at the same time, it has a high performance and is distinguished by high-quality cleaning.

How to choose a place for a sink of drains, how to calculate its parameters

Whatever the type of receiver, its volume must necessarily correspond to the three daily rates that all residents of the house consume.

According to the established standards, one person consumes 200 liters per day. Therefore, the volume of the receiver must be equal to 600 liters. If sewage treatment plant have several connected tanks, the total volume will be equal to their total expression.

The location of the receiver depends on several requirements.

The system should be installed at the lowest point of the site, especially when there is a very difficult terrain.

The standards also establish distances to especially important objects, they must comply with the accepted standards:

  • 50 meters - to the drinking water pipe;
  • 5 meters - to the road;
  • 30 meters - to the reservoir;
  • 5 meters - to the living quarters.

How deep should the sewer pipes be laid

Technological standards (SNiP) establish a certain depth of the sewerage system in a private house.

For more precise definition this value, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the zone map.

It shows the depth of soil freezing in various regions of our country. For example, in Moscow, the depth of the sewer pipe should be at least 1.4 m. For Sochi, this value is much less - 0.8 meters.

Such parameters are taken taking into account the peculiarities of the terrain during freezing of the soil. If pipes with a cross-section of less than 500 mm are installed than indicated on the map, it is imperative to subtract 0.3 meters from this value. When it is required to install large-diameter sewer pipes, the installation depth should be reduced by 0.5 meters.

To what depth is the sewer pipe laid near the house

The standardized regulations indicate that the branch pipe leaving the room must be positioned so that it rises about 30 cm above the average freezing depth.

The depth of the trenches should be more than 70 cm. For middle lane the minimum depth of the sewage system should be 50 cm. This is quite enough if there is no area nearby that needs to be cleared of snow, and there is no carriageway.

It is very important to comply with the last requirements described above. The fact is that the pressure of the machines can lead to a breakdown of the pipeline, and if there is a large accumulation of snow, the pipe will simply freeze.

To create a gravity flow of sewage, you need to know exactly what slope you need to create for the sewer pipe, especially in a private building.

In principle, you can ask your neighbors. They know very well how deep the trench is needed. They have already laid such pipes and tested the system. Therefore, their data will be the most optimal, especially for winter time.

If you have doubts and difficulties in carrying out such plumbing work, you should contact the professionals. These companies employ highly qualified specialists with extensive experience and appropriate tools. If there are no skills for such work, then independent operations can lead to damage to the material and additional cash costs.

Laying depth and optimum slope

For pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, SNiP recommends making a slope of 3 cm per one meter of laying.

If the cross-section of the pipe reaches 100 mm, then the slope can be reduced by one centimeter. So that the sewage system does not get clogged, and possible "greasing" does not occur, it is advisable to increase the slope by about half a centimeter for each meter of wiring.

The same values ​​of the angle of inclination are maintained during the laying of pipes in the area near the house. A sleeve is installed in the foundation. Its diameter is 15 cm larger than the main pipe. Thanks to the sleeve, there is a transition to the external sewage system. It is mounted above the freezing value of the soil by 30 cm.

Then a trench is dug, providing an exit to the septic tank. Its approximate depth should be no more than one meter.

You should not bury the sewer pipes below the existing frost penetration level. His average value does not exceed 1.6 m. Such work will be very unprofitable, since it will be necessary to make a great depth of the septic tank. If a constant slope of approximately 4–5 m is maintained, groundwater may appear.

Such work requires additional financial investments, since it is necessary to install additional concrete rings and special corrugated pipes high strength. They perfectly withstand the head of the drain, they do not deform with a large mass of soil.

The usual drain temperature is always higher than in the room, so the pipes do not freeze. Sometimes they are insulated with thermal insulation or a heating cable is laid.

Method for calculating the depth of the pipe, connected to the storage tank

The size of the pipe outlet in the room increases by the length of the external line, multiplied by a factor, the value of which is selected according to the pipe diameter:

  • D 50 mm - 0.03;
  • D 110 mm - 0.02;
  • D 160 mm - 0.008;
  • D 200 mm - 0.007;

The calculation is carried out according to the formula:

h2 = h1 + l * k + g,

h2 - the depth of the point from where the exit and connection to the storage tank is carried out;

h1 - the value of the exit from the room. Take 1.4 m;

l is the distance from the foundation to the storage well. Usually 10 meters.

k - coefficient, always equal to 0.02;

g is the natural slope of the surface. Usually does not exceed 0.3 m.

h2 = 1.4 + 10 * 0.02 + 0.3 = 1.9 m.

According to the calculation data, a sewer trench is created.

What problems may arise when installing a sewage system, how to solve them

In some cases, the depth of the sewer installation during installation in a cottage depends on some external factors.

It happens that it is simply impossible to carry out the installation, or it requires huge financial costs. One of the reasons is considered to be the rock located between the house and the well. In such a situation, it is impossible to make a standard trench, since the soil has a very complex structure.

The only way out of this situation is thermal insulation of the pipes. Before starting the installation of the structure, it is necessary to wrap the pipeline with several thick layers of insulation, and then lay it to a depth of no more than 30 cm.It will be possible to create heating of the pipe, for which it will be necessary to lay a heating cable under the pipe.

We insulate sewer pipes

I must say that insulation greatly prolongs the life of sewer pipes, especially when it comes to winter period regardless of the region. The insulation is usually polyurethane foam. It wraps around the pipe and closes on top plastic wrap... Such pipes are not afraid of any frost.

If there are joints or a lot of turns, it is very important to insulate them. It is in these places that difficulties always arise. In Europe, pipes are used for insulation electrical cable... It is laid along the entire length of the pipe.

In our country, in the southern regions and central regions, the pipe is laid in a trench one meter deep. In the north, where there is always a lot of cold, the depth of the sewage system is even greater. Such pipes are especially in need of thermal insulation.

When a sewer pipe is laid inside the house, some additional technological operations are performed. It is possible to create a large number of turns, all kinds of bends.

According to professionals, such opportunities should not be abused. It is very important to keep the system as simple as possible. It will not take much money and will be much easier to maintain.

The internal sewerage system in the house must have a natural drain. Ideal option the pipe is considered to be laid directly under the floor. If the diameters of the outer and inner pipes are very different, you can use the couplings. A knee with an angle of 30 degrees is best suited for such purposes. This will improve the flow of water.

When laying sewer pipes from a house to a septic tank (cesspool), many parameters are taken into account: diameter, total length of the line, angle of inclination. In the event of an error in the calculations, so-called ice plugs may form in winter. In this case, it will stop correct work sewerage system in a private house. The layout and depth of laying the sewer pipes are the main factors for correct installation.

Sewer pipe laying rules

A site plan is preliminarily drawn up with the location of a house, outbuildings, greenhouses and a vegetable garden on it. A deep purification septic tank should be located at least 5 meters from the house, 15 meters from the source of drinking water and 2 meters from the border of the site. After choosing its location, you can start designing the sewer pipeline.

The basic rules for the arrangement are set out in SNiP 3.05.04-85. But it is recommended to take only part of the recommendations from it, since the document was developed without taking into account the use of modern polymer pipes:

  • First, the installation of a septic tank or the arrangement of a cesspool is performed. The installation depth is regulated by the manufacturer. The upper part with the inspection hatch must remain on the surface.
  • The angle of inclination of the pipe depends on its diameter. For self-laying, you can use a value of 20 mm for a section of 110 mm. The higher the last value, the less the slope.
  • There should be a minimum of rotary elements in the sewage system. Due to increased air resistance and friction, runoff and waste can remain in these areas, subsequently creating a blockage.

Calculation of depth for pipes of septic tanks and cesspools

Even though no household waste or sewage remains in the external piping - impact negative temperatures can adversely affect the operation of the sewerage system. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the depth of the line. It depends on several factors.

Laying depth calculation rules:

  • The smallest depth of the pipeline will be at the foundation of the house - at the junction of the internal and external sewerage systems. It should be greater than the level of soil freezing.
  • Height of rise of groundwater. They create pressure on the pipeline and artificially reduce the depth during floods or heavy snowmelt.
  • Soil type. Not all areas have the ability to make a trench of the required depth. This is especially true for rock-dominated soil. The solution to the problem is pipeline insulation.

Before laying pipes, you need to properly equip the trench. After its formation, a number of actions should be performed.

Falls asleep at the bottom sand pillow and is carefully tamped. Then the base for the pipe is formed from the rubble layer. Its slope and location relative to the septic tank are checked. The final backfill is done after checking the tightness of the line. The degree of soil pressure on the pipe surface is taken into account.

Frost protection

Insulation of an external sewage system may be the only alternative if it is impossible to make a trench of the required depth. For this, you can use various materials, it is important that they do not collapse under the influence of moisture or temperature extremes.

The following materials can be used as insulation:

  • Foam shell or extruded polystyrene foam shell. They are characterized by ease of installation, affordable cost, do not allow moisture to pass through.
  • Basalt wool. You can use forms in the form of a shell or a sheet version of the insulation. The installation of a waterproof film is mandatory, since the cotton wool allows water to pass through.
  • Foamed polyethylene. It has good thermal insulation properties, but it has insufficient thickness... It can be used to form an additional protective layer.

Alternatively, install a resistive heating cable. But due to the large diameter of the pipeline, a powerful model will be required, which is not always feasible and may not be in line with the budget.

Any private house should have its own sewerage system inside the building and a dirty wastewater drainage system that directs flows into a centralized sewer pipe or an autonomous septic tank. Do-it-yourself sewerage in a private house is being installed, and many schemes have been developed for its implementation, so your task is to choose the correct sewerage device in a private house with your own hands, purchase building materials and prepare a tool. Correct calculations of the main sewer system will help to minimize the cost of building materials, make the sewage system more efficient and more durable. And how to mount the sewerage system correctly, read on.

Where to place the sewer in the yard

A sewerage system is being installed for a private house according to established standards and regulations, the internal sewerage system must be operated for a long time, without major repairs and frequent preventive maintenance. In the house, the internal sewerage system is designed to combine pipes and plumbing equipment - baths, showers, sinks, as well as to drain sewer drains that inevitably appear in everyday life.

Even self-assembly sewage in a private house must adhere to the norms of SNiP and be carried out according to a plan drawn up before the assembly of the highway and its components. But the bulk of the sewer autonomous system- the device of a septic tank or a cesspool, into which wastewater will fall.

Basic standards for arranging a homemade cesspool in the yard:

  1. Distance to a residential building ≥ 5-12 m.
  2. The distance from the outbuildings to the sump is ≥ 1 m.
  3. Distance from the fence of the neighboring area ≥ 2-4 m.
  4. Distance from green spaces ≥ 3-4 m.
  5. A cesspool or septic tank should be located 30 or more meters from sources of drinking water.
  6. The depth of the sump depends not only on the volume of sewage, but also on the depth of the groundwater flow. At the same time, according to SNiP, the pit should not be deeper than 3 m.

The storage depth of the main volume of sewage sewage must be calculated in such a way that the tank is dug in below the level of soil freezing in a given geographic region. Before you make a septic tank correctly, you should follow the rule: the container or pit should be filled no more than 30-35 cm from the manhole cover.

Solutions for the arrangement of outdoor sewerage

What treatment systems to install - directly depends on the desire and capabilities of the owner. There are the following types of sewer systems:

  1. An industrial septic tank is a device that allows you to collect and process wastewater supplied by the internal sewerage system of a house into clean industrial water and biological fertilizers. In the septic tanks, dirty water is settled and purified by biobacteria and microorganisms, multiplying organic waste.
  2. Bio-treatment by a special cleaning station, which has a high productivity and high cleaning efficiency. The system is not autonomous, depends on electricity, an expensive pleasure.
  3. A dry closet is a solution for storing small volumes of sewage. For service country house or a country house, a dry closet is not suitable, since it is capable of processing and storing only human fecal waste.
  4. A cesspool is a traditional and reliable option, it has been used for centuries. In conditions modern construction and developments for wastewater treatment, the cesspool is being equipped less and less. In addition, a pit with large volumes is more difficult to set up and maintain manually.

It is possible to independently make a sewage system in a private house for all the listed options, except for the installation of a treatment plant, which will require the help of professionals and correct calculations.

Homemade cesspool on the site

Read more about how the sewerage system using a cesspool is arranged. To equip a cesspool, it is necessary to dig a large hole - a sewer pipe from the house is brought to it - drains from the toilet, bath, kitchen, etc. If the soil in the yard is loose or sandy, then it is recommended to overlay the walls of the pit with bricks or pour concrete in the form of the formwork.

The advantages of such a solution are the low cost of work and building materials, simple installation and reliability of the structure.

Disadvantages of a home-made sewage system in a private house with a cesspool:

  1. It is necessary to constantly remove accumulated solid waste from the pit. Since the walls of the pit silt over time, it will also be necessary to pump out liquid wastewater.
  2. Unpleasant smell on the site in case of poor sealing or its complete absence.
  3. As the water will saturate the soil around the pit over time, the site will become contaminated.
  4. If the method for arranging the cesspool is violated, the pipes can freeze in winter or clog up at any time of the year.

Sealed tank

A cesspool can be made with your own hands, according to the principle of a sealed tank, as in a septic tank. The tank can be used metal or plastic, but before you make the sewer, you should correctly calculate the capacity of the tank. The calculations will be given below. It is only necessary to remember that the metal container quickly rusts, therefore it must be carefully protected with anti-corrosion substances.

The plastic tank has more advantages:

  1. No need for waterproofing and anti-corrosion coating, the container does not react with aggressive substances in the wastewater.
  2. The plastic tank is initially sealed.
  3. The small weight of the tank is the ability to mount it yourself, without renting an excavator and a crane.
  4. The dimensions and shape of the tanks are in a wide range.

There is only one drawback - the high price of the product.

Plastic or reinforced concrete septic tank with one chamber

One chamber contains a small volume of waste water - about 1m 3 for a family of 2-3 people. The calculation of the volume is simple - the daily water consumption per tenant will be approximately 200 liters. This means that for 2-3 people, the water consumption per day will be 600 liters, but taking into account the reserve, to prevent overfilling of the tank, a volume of 1000 liters is taken. This solution will work reliably if you do not increase the number of occupants and the amount of water consumed. Structurally, the sewerage system in a house with a single-chamber drainage tank is a sewerage system in a private house according to the scheme below, and the settled water from the chamber is discharged into the ground or pumped out for the needs of the economy. To improve the quality of wastewater treatment, biological additives can be added to the tank in the form of multiplying bacteria that destroy organic matter.

Design advantages:

  1. Low cost and easy installation without the involvement of special equipment.
  2. Independent performance of all work operations for the installation and connection of the septic tank chamber to the internal sewage system.
  3. Environmental friendliness and tightness - no unpleasant odors from the septic tank.
  4. Both the reinforced concrete tank and the plastic chamber do not react with aggressive substances in the wastewater.
  5. Long term maintenance-free operation of the container.

A single-chamber septic tank works as follows: drains from the house by plastic pipes move towards the septic tank chamber, where solid debris settles to the bottom of the tank. From the chamber, the wastewater flows into the soil, where it is additionally purified by natural filtration.

Autonomous septic tank with two tanks

This is a more voluminous sewage system for a private house - how to install it correctly? For this, a sewerage scheme is used for a private one-storey house, in which a septic tank with two tanks operates.

  1. The first tank in this circuit is designed to settle and purify the dirty water. Solid rubbish remains at the bottom upper layer liquids in the chamber are purified water, fats and household chemicals.
  2. The second tank is designed for repeated wastewater treatment. In it, the bottom layer is fats and chemicals. The water in the second chamber is additionally purified by approximately 60-65% more.

When the second chamber overflows, water begins to overflow into the ground. This allowable rate, since after cleaning in the second chamber, the water has normative indicators for environmental friendliness. Autonomous sewerage in a private house, the diagram of which is given above, provides more high degree wastewater treatment and safety of people living in the house. This scheme works well in a house with 5-8 residents living in it.

Advantages of a two-chamber septic tank:

  1. More pure water at the exit.
  2. The tanks do not corrode.
  3. The service life of such a cleaning scheme is ≥ 50 years.
  4. You can assemble and run a septic tank with two treatment chambers yourself.


It is necessary to periodically and regularly clean the walls of the chambers from siltation. When carrying out such an operation, it is not recommended to remove all sludge, since it contains biobacteria that decompose organic matter.

Biofiltration septic tank

Self-installation of a sewage system in a private house may involve the use of a biofilter. This is a reservoir with expanded clay, which is inert inherently. Expanded clay acts as a biological filter for wastewater treatment:

  1. The effluents alternately flow through the chambers, where they are cleaned, after which they enter the biofilter, covered with expanded clay.
  2. Aerobacteria in the biofilter decompose and oxidize the organic matter present in the wastewater.
  3. After complete purification, industrial water enters the drainage system.


  1. High cleaning level, reducing drainage field and autonomy of work.
  2. Dirt, debris, grease and chemicals are removed from almost everything. As a result, the outlet is clean industrial water, suitable for irrigation or other household work in the yard.


  1. Constant addition of biobacteria, high construction cost.
  2. The need to clean the biological filter and pump out excess effluent with sewage equipment.

The costs of self-arrangement of the sewage system in your home

The cost of plastic tanks is available to any private household owner:

Product markingPrice in rubles at the beginning of 2019
Plastic pipe 50 cm, ⌀110 mm100
Plastic pipe 100 cm, ⌀ 110 mm190
Plastic pipe 200 cm, ⌀ 110 mm350
Plastic pipe 300 cm, ⌀ 110 mm500
Plastic pipe 400 cm, ⌀ 110 mm690
Plastic pipe 600 cm, ⌀ 110 mm1000
Plastic pipe 15 cm, ⌀ 50 mm40
Plastic pipe 50 cm, ⌀ 50 mm50
Plastic pipe 100 cm, ⌀ 50 mm60
Plastic pipe 150 cm, ⌀ 50 mm90
Plastic pipe 200 cm, ⌀ 50 mm100
Plastic pipe 300 cm, ⌀ 50 mm140
Clamp ⌀ 110 mm45
Clamp ⌀ 50 mm30
Elbow ⌀ 110/450 mm110
Elbow ⌀ 50/450 mm30
Tee ⌀ 110 mm200
Tee ⌀ 50 mm40
Plug ⌀ 110 mm80

When compared with pipes and steel elements, then plastic products easier and easier to install.

  1. By purchasing PVC pipes and parts, check for the presence of rubber gaskets in the sockets.
  2. Do not connect the waste pipe to the ventilation system.
  3. If the internal sewerage system is installed according to the standard scheme (one bathroom, sink and sink, washing machine, shower), then there is no need to equip a fan pipe.
  4. Autonomous sewerage-septic tank for a private house

    All decisions on the assembly of the sewerage system must be thought out, calculations carried out and the diagram is reflected on paper. Therefore, when laying the sewer on your own, choose an option that will take into account all the nuances of the architecture and geometry of your home. If you are unsure of your knowledge and experience, contact the professionals. Better to spend more money on the correct installation than fixing mistakes, which will cost more.

When arranging engineering networks of any kind, you need to find compromises that will allow you to create really working communication, and at the same time not spend much money. This also applies to the issue of the depth of the sewer system, here it is worth considering not only the depth of freezing of the earth, but also the price of earthworks.

Creating the outer part of the sewer, use a closed or open way... In the open version, the pipe is placed directly on the ground (after preparing the drainage from the sand). Indoors, special "covers" made of reinforced concrete are used.

It is clear that with the help of such protection for pipes, their service life is also extended. Kind of covers help protect the pipeline from earth pressure, but they will have to be paid well for.

If the question of saving money comes first, then experts recommend making narrow trenches, this will also increase the protection of pipes. You can also protect materials using special spacers between the edges of the ditch. Such parts are made of wood or metal, and are installed every 0.5 - 1 meter.

What depth is needed

Today, the process of arranging sewerage systems is constantly being improved. Working methods that were used 20 years ago are now considered obsolete. So, if earlier they used small booths on the street as a toilet, today this no longer suits anyone. When there is no desire or time to do all the amenities on your own, then you can use the service of special companies that will do everything quickly and efficiently. And if it is important not to spend large amount money, then everything can be arranged on your own. The most practical and simple option there will be a septic tank installation.

Such a container is mounted in a special pit on the site. The distance from the septic tank to the living quarters should be at least 5 meters. As for the depth, here the indicator of 1.5 meters is considered optimal. So that the septic tank is not damaged by soil pressure or from the effects of groundwater, special concrete sarcophagi are also made.

Given the depth of installation of the septic tank, it is also possible to determine the depth for the installation of the pipeline. It must be remembered that the pipe section from the housing to the septic tank should be practically even, without any knees and turns.

The pipes are installed slightly above the freezing rate of the earth, and in general, the depth should not be more than 80 centimeters. The best option there will be a depth of 50 cm. According to this principle, pipes are laid in places where there are no roads or other areas that are cleared of snow.

How to determine the depth of a pipeline in a private house

Consider the following points:

  • Pipe sizes;
  • The slope of the pipe (according to the standards is 2-3 cm for each running meter pipes);
  • Applicable materials.

If it was decided to use a septic tank for a country house, then the depth should also be calculated taking into account the characteristics of the terrain, and taking into account the point of exit of the system from the housing to the pit with a septic tank.

A prerequisite is the correct determination of the slope of the pipes. If you miss this process, then the drains will leave the house with difficulties, and frequent blockages are also possible.

Inside the building, bends, elbows and different connection points can be used, but in the external pipeline, all these elements should be used only if absolutely necessary.

Why is the question of depth so important

There are many different issues associated with this issue. So, if the pipes are mounted at the level of freezing of the soil, then the wastewater will begin to cool down, this will lead to blockages and subsequent malfunctions in the sewer system. In such situations, you often have to "endure" up to freezing temperatures, and go without drainage throughout the winter. A small number of various connections will also have a positive effect on the operation of the sewerage system. So, if you avoid turns in the outdoor system, then in the future there will be no need to dismantle and clean the pipes.

When turns are nevertheless necessary, it is better to install a special well at these points so that there is always easy access to the problem area of ​​the pipeline. Such a simple solution will allow you to regularly check the sewage system, and, if necessary, clean the pipes.

An important point is also an indicator of the freezing depth of pipes. To calculate it correctly, you need to take into account regional characteristics. There are even special maps of soil freezing that will help solve this issue.

Climatic factor

The fact that the laying of the pipeline should be carried out taking into account the depth of freezing is understandable, but how to determine this indicator? In this case, you need to use the regulatory standards (SNiP Thanks to this document, you can familiarize yourself with a map of certain areas with indicators of soil freezing. So, in the Moscow region, this figure will be around 1.4 m, and in a warm region near Sochi, soils freeze at a distance of 80 cm from the ground.

SNiP also recommends that when using pipes with a cross section not exceeding 500 mm from the index of the climatic features of the terrain, 0.3 m must be subtracted.If pipes of weighty diameters are used in the work, then the laying depth must be reduced by 50 cm.

An example will help you to understand the question more easily. When pipes with a diameter of 200 mm are installed in one of the regions of the Moscow region, then taking into account the SNiP standards, the depth should be 110 cm (140-30). But such calculations are accurate mainly when building large premises, and small country houses are equipped with a different approach.

The peculiarities of building a country house is that the sewage system must work by gravity here. An important point will be the observance of the slope angles of the pipes, because if this is not done, then problems cannot be avoided, especially with a long pipeline.

So, if we take, for example, the same house in the Moscow region with a pipe laying depth of 110 cm, and a septic tank located 20 meters from the house, then the calculations will be as follows. Subject to the recommendations of the slope (2-3 centimeters per linear meter), this figure will be at least 40 centimeters. This means that the hole for the pipe in the septic tank should be at a distance of 1.5 meters from the surface of the earth. This is taking into account the fact that the suburban area will be perfectly flat, but this is almost unrealistic, so you will also have to take into account the indicator of the height difference.

If the septic tank is equipped with concrete rings (3 pieces), then its depth should be approximately 2.7 meters ( standard size rings 90 cm). In this case, the indicator of the useful depth will be half as much (2.7 m - 1.5), i.e. 1.2 m, which is less than one and a half rings.

Application of a biological treatment plant

When, instead of a septic tank, the owner of the house decides to use a biological treatment station, the depth level will also be 1.5 m.This means that difficult excavation for digging a pit, and it will also be necessary to spend large sums of money on the installation of revision wells, which are needed to maintain modern systems.

All these points will greatly affect the total cost of arranging the sewer system, and at the same time will not bring the desired effect. V country houses there is no such heavy load on the pipeline.

There are three more factors that indicate the uselessness of this lesson:

  1. In residential premises, the wastewater temperature is kept at room level, therefore, the frost in the pipeline is removed on its own;
  2. If the house does not live permanently, but only periodically, then there will simply be nothing to freeze during the moments of downtime;
  3. During the wastewater treatment process, heat is also emitted from a septic tank or other system, which allows ice to thaw.

Therefore, laying pipes at great depths is not necessary, especially since it will also result in a round sum. For the middle part of the system, the recommended depth is 50-70 cm, and then pipes must be installed taking into account the required slope.

If it is possible to connect your system to the central sewage system, then the main point in determining the depth will be the location of the connection point. When pipes are laid below such a point, the performance of the whole system will be questionable, because in such cases, gravity is impossible.

How to solve the problem with gravity

Today experts offer two ways to help solve this issue:

  • Installation of fecal pumps. Such equipment is used in those places that are previously located below the level central system... At this point, it should be borne in mind that the sewer system will now be dependent on electricity, which brings many inconveniences in areas remote from cities, where the supply of electricity can hardly be called uninterrupted;
  • Insulate the system. To equip gravity sewerage system at a shallow depth, you need to apply closed version installation. This will require special trays. Pipes need to be wrapped in special insulating materials or heating elements are installed, this will prevent the freezing of wastewater.

If an open method is used for the installation of pipes and at the same time insulation is used, then a layer of special material must be waterproofed. If the insulation gets wet, then it will quickly lose its ability to maintain the required temperature.

Thermal insulation and heating cables should also be installed in areas where the weather is very harsh in winter. In some places, the level of soil freezing can be up to 10 meters. Of course, it is not necessary to dig out pits of such depth; it is better to take care of the thermal insulation of the pipeline.

Durability of pipes

When determining the depth of the pipeline, one cannot ignore such an indicator as the strength of the materials used. Now the most popular option for arranging the outer part of the sewage system is PVC pipes.

When choosing pipes for your sewer system, you need to carefully study all the requirements and recommendations of the manufacturers. On the street, you need to install pipes with high strength characteristics and the ability to work in an aggressive environment. For internal sewerage the requirements are not so strict.

If pipes are installed at great depths or there is a road at the top, then only closed way the installations and the pipes themselves must be very strong. Double-layer corrugated products based on polyethylene are perfect.

On the street, pipes of orange color are most often installed; they will be clearly visible in the ground. In the production of such materials, various additives are added to plastic that increase the strength of products. This allows the pipes to withstand varying degrees of stress. These materials are intended for installation at a depth of 3 meters.

Indoors, there is no question of depth, but there are also a few tips to help you do everything. the best way... The inside of the sewer can be equipped with different forks, knees and sharp turns, but it is better to simplify the sewer system as much as possible, this will give several advantages at once:

  • It will be possible to save money when buying materials and installing pipes;
  • The simplest possible sewage system will work as best as possible.

Indoor sewerage must be done so that the wastewater flows out smoothly. When the drainage is done in a room on the 1st floor, it is better to hide the pipes under the floor. Also, according to this method, the system is mounted in two-story houses.

When there is a significant difference in height between the inside of the sewer and the outside, then you need to use special elbows to connect the pipeline. At the same time, do not forget about the knee at 30 degrees, it will provide a smooth drainage of wastewater, which will exclude damage to the pipes.

Earthwork during the construction of an external system

Today, when building a country house, both machine and manual work is used. It is much easier to carry out work of this kind using special equipment. In such situations, the dimensions of the trench depend on the diameter of the materials and the level of the slope. When using pipes of 110 mm, the width indicator should be around 600 mm. At the same time, the required depth indicator is also determined.

When the site is heavily built up and there is no special equipment access, then all earthwork will have to be done by hand. In this case, the dimensions of the trench are needed the same as in the first case with special equipment. In depth, you need to dig a hole 5 centimeters more than the required level of pipeline installation, because you need to leave a little space for the sand layer.

How to install pipes outdoors

To install the outer part of the sewage system, you need to perform work in several stages:

  • First, it is necessary to cover the bottom of the dug trench with 50 mm sand, and then compact the base;
  • Next prepare necessary materials(pipes, seals, fittings, etc.);
  • You need to start the installation of pipes from the foundation of the building. In most cases, a special conclusion for the pipeline is made even during the construction of the foundation. If you were not lucky enough to calculate this even during construction, then diamond drilling is used for this purpose;
  • For a good indicator the density and strength of the pipes, silicone grease must be used. To do this, silicone is applied to the smooth end of the material and all this is inserted into the socket with a sealing cuff;

  • When the pipeline system needs a turn, then smooth bends (special fittings) are used, they perform the function of collecting the external network;
  • With a long system (from 10 meters), special wells are needed at turns, they will allow you to check and clean pipes in a timely manner;
  • After assembling the piping system, you need to check if the angle of inclination is correct and fill the pipes with sand. Before backfilling, you can also make a small check by letting water into the sewer. If there are no leaks, then you can fall asleep and proceed to the next stages of work;
  • You only need to ram the sand that will be on both sides of the pipe; you do not need to touch anything above the pipes themselves;
  • The layer of sand above the pipes must be at least 15 centimeters. After that, and to the very top, the trench is covered with soil. By the way, it needs to be poured with a slide, because subsidence will occur over a certain period of time.
