Insulation for well masonry. Well masonry of brick walls: description and guidance Well masonry insulation

Taking into account modern requirements for thermal insulation of buildings, brick, block and monolithic cottages would have long become archaism if there were no normal ways to increase their energy efficiency. Among several options for warming a house created from stone massifs, it is worth highlighting the technology of well masonry, which we will discuss below.

Why does a brick house need thermal insulation?

If you pay attention to the publicly available thermal conductivity tables building materials, it becomes clear that massive stone walls in terms of resistance to heat transfer are significantly inferior to, for example, wooden ones. Even the use of hollow and cellular blocks does not provide guaranteed protection against loss of precious heat. This is not to mention monoliths or solid bricks, especially in countries with harsh climatic conditions.

In an article devoted to calculating the optimal thickness of the insulating layer, we came to the disappointing conclusion that if you build a house from solid bricks that would meet the strict modern requirements for saving thermal energy, then the thickness of the walls should reach one and a half to two meters. In general, they used to act like that, so in the post-Soviet space, old buildings with outer walls about a meter thick and no less monstrous foundations can be seen all the time. There is, of course, another way: not to spend money on thermal insulation and to heat everything in winter, as was customary during the Soviet era. Now such options can hardly be called reasonable, because in both cases the price of comfort will be simply cosmic.

In fact, the problem is simple to solve. All building technologies are now in "basic configuration" focused on energy saving. Now the consumer is offered time-tested complex systems with integrated insulating materials, which, by eliminating heat loss, allow to reduce the thickness of the enclosing structures, while reducing the load on the foundations and on the customer's wallet.

What does "well masonry" mean?

Mineral wool and foamed polymers are usually mounted outside a stone house; sometimes, during reconstruction, heat insulators can be located on the side of the premises. Note that internal insulation is a very risky method to reduce heat losses (due to the critical movement of the "dew point" into the interior of the room); it should be used only in the most extreme cases. External wall insulation is more effective and certainly much more effective. However, hinged facades or the wet method of "bonded thermal insulation" radically change the appearance of the cottage, so those who want to see their house dressed in a respectable facing brick, this is not suitable. This is where technologies come to the rescue, in which the insulating layer is in the middle of the wall, behind the brick cladding.

Important! Well, well or hollow, masonry is also called "layered". main idea this decision consists in creating cavities (wells) inside the outer wall, where it will be possible to place the heat-insulating material.

If we consider such constructions, then we can see that they have three functional layers:

1. Main,

2. Insulating,

3. Facing.

In fact, this is a stationary analogue of a hinged ventilated facade, only the external finish is assembled from bricks and rests on the foundation.

Structure and components of the well masonry

Bearing wall

The main layer is usually a wall made of ordinary corpulent clay bricks. Its thickness is 25, 38 or 51 centimeters, which corresponds to a masonry of one, one and a half or two bricks. This element is part of the structural frame of the building, since it is on it that the roof and beams / floor slabs rest, it is in it that the concrete lintels of the openings are located.

It is interesting that not only brickwork can be the basis in a well structure. A similar system three-layer insulation is also successfully implemented if the walls are built from other materials, for example, from dense foam concrete, cinder blocks, ceramic hollow blocks, "shell rock" and even monolithic concrete... In principle, nothing prevents to insulate wooden house from a bar or log using the technology of well masonry, that is, revet the old frame with brick and, in addition, insulate it.

Outer cladding

This element is made of facing bricks, ceramic or silicate. For this, masonry is made in a half-brick (120 mm thick), which rests on an expanded foundation, therefore, it is, in fact, self-supporting.

Important! The outer brick layer has a protective and decorative function. Its main applied value is to prevent the insulation from directly contacting the environment.

A house with such a cladding looks as if it is completely made of bricks, regardless of what materials the load-bearing walls are made of. However, if necessary, the house can be plastered from the outside; this will not change the technical characteristics of the structure as a whole.


The system of well walls in our country has been used for quite some time, especially in the private sector. Previously, when quality insulators were not available to homeowners for a variety of reasons, they used what was at hand. Basically, bulk materials were used, which, after being laid in wells, formed local voids. These were: sawdust, shavings, expanded vermiculite, expanded clay, peat, crushed straw, etc. Even just an empty air gap between the two walls gave a positive result (although it was necessary to be limited to a gap of 5-7 cm). It is clear that it is impossible to realize the full potential of well masonry with such heaters.

With the help of modern heat insulators, it is possible to properly minimize heat losses inherent in stone walls. Thermal insulation inside brick layered walls is solved in four main ways:

  • fibrous materials (high-density mineral wool slabs);
  • rigid foamed polymers (foam and extruded polystyrene foam);
  • liquid polymers that cure in place;
  • backfill from "granular" or loose cotton wool.

The thickness of the insulating layer is selected depending on the calculated heat loss through the enclosing structures, which is determined by the thermal conductivity of the walls and the climatic conditions in which it is operated.

We are talking about different ways insulation layered stone wall since application different types insulating materials has its own nuances here. Suppose any slabs are installed as both walls are erected, backfill is also carried out in stages, since it should be rammed in layers, and the “well” can be blown out with liquid insulation at the very end through the top or through the technological holes. Cotton wool is hygroscopic and requires ventilation and additional protection. While polystyrene foam does not allow moisture to pass through, it is not filled with it - therefore, in all respects, they are self-sufficient, however, they completely destroy the ability of the walls to remove water vapor, which necessarily leads to an increase in humidity inside the premises (forced ventilation systems have to be used).

Important! To insulate the layered masonry, it is necessary to use "wall" wool in the form of slabs, which is not subject to shrinkage and will not slip. A good option is hydrophobized products with a combined density.

Ventilation gap

Let's start with the fact that it is not always needed. For example, foam and EPS are attached to the load-bearing wall using glue and mechanical fixing, and the outer cladding is adjacent to them. This is done because steam from the premises does not enter their closed cells, being inside the wall they are not irradiated with ultraviolet light, they are not destroyed in any other way. After hardening, the injected foam heaters do not leave zones free for air circulation, for them this is not necessary.

The value of mineral wool lies in its ability to "breathe", in other words, it is permeable to water vapor moving from the room to the outside, which helps to create good humidity conditions in the home and increase durability building structures... But in order for the fibrous mats to work this way, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of removing these vapors into the atmosphere, because if the insulation remains wet, then its thermal conductivity will immediately increase, and the walls will begin to freeze.

So, if mineral wool is used as an insulating layer, then between it and the outer protective and decorative masonry it is necessary to create ventilation gap, in which air will constantly move. In terms of the size of this gap, well masonry is similar to hinged ventilated systems - it ranges from 20 to 40 mm, therefore, between load-bearing wall and the facing is laid on the distance. For example, if calculations show that to insulate a house it is necessary to use cotton wool 100 mm thick, then the walls of the "well" are bred by 12-14 centimeters.

Important! If for some reason it does not work out to complete the ventilation gap (suppose, due to insufficient width of the foundation), then it is better to abandon the use of mineral wool and not to arrange a film vapor barrier for fibrous materials, but to give preference to expanded polystyrene.


This structural element well masonry is necessary for the ventilation gap to work. Obviously, if you make a gap, but close it on all sides with solid facing masonry, then there can be no question of any kind of ventilation of cotton wool. In fact, you will get an additional air gap, and the fibrous material will gradually moisturize.

Often homeowners have a question about how exactly to organize access street air in the construction of a brick multilayer wall. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that air masses can not only enter the wall, but also leave it. A constant convective movement of flows "from bottom to top" must be organized - therefore, technological holes / openings are arranged both near the foundations and near the roof. To remove air, you do not need to manipulate the wall, it is enough to cover the ventilation gap with a roof overhang, and already make a perforation in its filing. It is more difficult at the bottom - you will have to make openings in the brick and close them with hull grilles. For the entry of air, here sometimes between the bricks of several lower rows, the mortar is removed from the vertical seams. Alternatively, you can install hollow bricks on the edge.

Important! As for any ventilated façade, the minimum ventilation area in the well masonry is regulated. It should be between 70 and 100 square centimeters by 20 square meters the area of ​​the facade. The total size of the entrance and exit openings must be identical, and it is also impossible to block the ventilation gap inside the wall with any structural elements.

Insulating films

Sometimes in layered brick walls, it is recommended to use a vapor barrier to protect the mineral wool from moisture from the side of the room. But this is how the useful quality of fibrous thermal insulation is leveled - to remove moisture from the premises. It is better then to make a working ventilation gap, or use a completely moisture-resistant extruded polystyrene foam or foam. In both cases, a vapor barrier and a hydro-barrier will be superfluous here.

However, in order to protect the mineral wool from the weathering of the binder and fibers, it makes sense to fix a diffusion membrane on the cold side of the insulation, which will not trap moisture in the insulator plates. We have already talked about how to shave and use building membranes in one of our articles.

Ties and diaphragms

Obviously, the protective and decorative facing masonry although it is self-supporting, it is prone to cracking without additional stabilization measures. After all, its thickness is only 12 cm. There are horror stories even about its complete destruction, when, as it were, bricks fall out of it on passers-by. To prevent this from happening, so-called diaphragms and flexible connections are provided.

The diaphragm is an element of reinforcement of the well brickwork. It is realized by installing some bricks perpendicular to the main line of the walls. They are raised with a pillar from the bottom to the top of the walls, thus obtaining a kind of stiffening ribs that prevent the cladding from deviating from the vertical position. From the main load-bearing wall and the outer wall, these protrusions are either spaced apart, or are opposite each other (then a gap of 2-3 centimeters is left between them). Previously, diaphragms were made with a full bandage, which significantly increased the spatial rigidity of the entire structure, but created powerful cold bridges across the entire wall.

The function of reinforcing the multilayer wall is performed by flexible connections. Usually these are thin embedded elements that lie in the mortar of the joints between the bricks when the walls are being built. On one side, they go into the load-bearing wall, and on the other, into the facade brick cladding. If for such purposes we use steel reinforcement, long nails or welded mesh, then again we get direct bridges of cold.

There is a more efficient and no less reliable way tie the facing in a half-brick to the main wall, these are flexible composite ties. They are rods made of fiberglass or "basalt plastic", which have minimal thermal conductivity and sufficient strength for their modest diameters. Moreover, plastic bonds are not afraid of alkalis from solutions and are not destroyed by corrosion. To improve the adhesion of smooth polymers in solution, their ends have an outer rough layer on both sides (sand spraying over a powerful adhesive coating).

Important! Snap-on flat clamps are installed on the rods of flexible ties, with which you can reliably press the insulation plates to the base and form the calculated ventilation gap (they work on the principle of disc dowels).

Flexible ties are inserted into the mortar of the bearing and facing wall to a depth of 90 mm. If the reconstruction of an operating building is carried out by creating a well insulation, then the connecting pins are driven into the pre-drilled polyamide expansion dowels. In any case, an average of at least 4 tie rods will be required for each square of the facade. It is interesting that when using mineral wool, the step in all directions should not exceed 500 mm, and when using expanded polystyrene, you can place them horizontally at intervals of a meter, and vertically - 25 cm.Additional connections are needed on openings, in the corners of the house and near roofs. Often the seams in the main wall and the facing wall do not coincide horizontally, then the pins are allowed to be anchored in the vertical seams of the brickwork.

You can talk a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of well masonry as a way to build warm house with brick walls. This method has its fans and opponents. But if you choose a heater without mistakes, and assemble the entire structure "according to technology", then there will be no problems with reliability. And the unique energy efficiency of high-quality layered masonry is not questioned by anyone.

Freezing of a well is a very unpleasant event for residents of country houses who use well water for water supply all year round... It is quite simple to avoid this - to insulate the well with your own hands. And for a positive result, you need to know the specifics of performing thermal insulation and understand the materials. Do you agree?

We will tell you how to choose the right insulation for the thermal insulation of a well shaft. Here you will learn everything about the methods and nuances of work. Based on our recommendations, you will be able to perfectly protect the water source from impact low temperatures.

Will the well freeze in winter? This can be predicted with a high degree of probability.

Firstly, if for the construction of the well was used natural wood, then it will not freeze even with prolonged exposure to subzero temperatures. This property was used by our ancestors, constructing wells from wood.

Modern wells are built using reinforced concrete rings, and given that this material has a high thermal conductivity, the well will freeze in exactly the same way as the surrounding soil.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the water level: if it does not exceed 1.1-2.2 m, then the risk of freezing is very high. If the well is deep, and the water in it is below the freezing level of the soil, then the water does not freeze.

The third factor that must be taken into account is the depth of soil freezing in the region. In the southern regions, the freezing depth rarely exceeds 0.5 m, in the moderate regions - 1-1.5 m, in the northern - below 1.5 m.

Thus, the question of how to properly insulate a well for the winter arises before the owners of reinforced concrete wells located in a temperate and northern climate. For residents of the southern regions, it is less relevant. There are enough minimal measures - the construction of an insulated cover, and the well itself does not need thermal insulation.

Freezing of a well made of reinforced concrete rings can be prevented by making high-quality insulation, which allows uninterrupted use of water from it all year round

Why is freezing of wells dangerous?

It is a mistake to think that well insulation is necessary only when it is used all year round. Many summer residents and seasonal residents of country houses sincerely do not understand why to insulate a well, which no one uses in winter anyway. Meanwhile, these also need effective thermal insulation!

Otherwise, the most different problems making the operation of the well difficult or completely impossible:

  • the formation of an ice plug in the water supply system;
  • displacement of the rings resulting from the expansion of frozen water in the enclosing soils;
  • breakdown of the ice plug and damage to pumping equipment;
  • divergence of the joints of reinforced concrete rings when water gets between the seams.

Wells that are not protected from low temperatures much more often require renovation works... And in terms of financial costs, repair activities are often more significant than one-time insulation work.

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Insulation # 1 - Styrofoam

Polyfoam is a synthetic polymer thermal insulation used to insulate reinforced concrete wells, both under construction and already operating.

The advantages of foam include:

  • high rates of thermal conductivity;
  • low degree of water absorption;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost in comparison with other heaters.

One of the main advantages of polystyrene is that it is produced in the form of round and semicircular elements, ready for the device, with a diameter that exactly matches the size of reinforced concrete well rings.

This greatly simplifies the process of insulation, which is carried out using the following technology:

  1. Preparation of the walls of the well for fastening the insulation. Preparation consists in cleaning the surface from debris, soil and other contaminants.
  2. Installation of thermal insulation (rings, half-rings or individual insulation boards) using adhesive applied to them for facade work.
  3. Strengthening the fastening of foam rings with special dowel-nails for concrete. Performed as needed.
  4. The device of the vapor barrier layer. Any vapor barrier material is suitable here.
  5. Filling the trench around the well with soil, compaction and ramming.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the technology of insulation works with the help of polystyrene. However, it should be noted that in addition to the advantages, the described thermal insulation also has some disadvantages.


Effective well masonry 530mm

Effective well masonry 640mm

In recent years, the requirements for the thermal efficiency of buildings have increased significantly. In this regard, almost any continuous masonry does not provide the required thermal insulation parameters. One of the solutions to this problem is effective well brickwork.

The well masonry consists of two parallel brick walls, between which an empty space is left. The walls are interconnected by transverse brick diaphragms located at 650 - 1200mm intervals. Thus, wells are obtained, which are filled with insulation.

The most different materials- lightweight concrete, backfill, panel materials. There are various options for effective well masonry, designed for one or another type of insulation. Despite the significant best performance thermal insulation in comparison with continuous masonry, well, still has a drawback in the form of those very transverse walls that form cold bridges.

The well masonry should not be confused with the lining of the bearing walls with bricks. The difference between them is that in an effective well masonry, the outer and inner walls are rigidly connected and represent a single supporting structure... In turn, brick cladding involves the connection of the outer brick with the load-bearing wall, only with the help of thin flexible ties. At the same time, the external brick cladding holds on to the load-bearing wall, and does not perceive any loads, except for its own weight.

This difference is another significant drawback of well masonry.
Over time, some species slab insulation inside the wall, they may lose their thermal insulation capacity and will have to be replaced. If the external facing with a brick, albeit at great expense, but still allows it to be done, then dismantling and restoring the outer wall of the well masonry is a much more complicated and time-consuming procedure.

Well brickwork

From the point of view of financial costs, the construction of external brick walls by creating a well brickwork can be considered the most economical.

What is the well masonry method

With this method of creating a structure, the outer wall is actually laid out from two independent fences, which are connected to each other by brick

  • vertical,
  • horizontal.

In this case, the so-called closed wells are formed. In the course of creating the masonry, they are filled with insulation. This method of building walls with their simultaneous insulation allows you to perfectly protect the insulation itself from external influences and extend its life. The disadvantage of this method is some weakening of the structural strength of the wall.

Insulation requirements for the well brickwork method

Taking into account the fact that in the future it is not possible to carry out repair and restoration work of such a well brickwork, special requirements are imposed on the insulation used. The most important and basic among them are:

  • high resistance of the material to mechanical deformation,
  • high degree of moisture resistance.

The most common heaters that meet the above requirements are:

  • mineral wool,
  • fiberglass wool,
  • products from expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam and other foamed polymers.

Cold bridges: connections between outdoor and indoor masonry

It should be noted that the inner and outer walls in the production of well brickwork have rigid or flexible interconnections. These connections belong to the category of so-called "cold bridges" if we consider them from the standpoint of heat engineering. In some cases, they significantly reduce the thermal resistance of the enclosing structure and lead to sad results in terms of energy efficiency.

The maximum reduction in resistance to heat transfer is obtained when creating rigid brick bonds. From the point of view of eliminating the negative phenomena caused by the appearance of "cold bridges", it is possible to consider a promising option for using special fiberglass ties. They will significantly reduce heat loss. In this case, we can talk about exceeding them by only 2-3%.

Moisture condensation inside the well brickwork

When designing walls created with the help of well brickwork, and their further operation under the conditions of an installed internal insulation, there is another very serious problem. We are talking about the appearance of condensation inside the erected structure. There is a dew point in the insulation, which leads to dampness of the material and a gradual decrease in its heat-insulating properties.

Regardless of the season, the insulation does not dry out, because even in summer, the outer layer turns into a kind of vapor barrier that prevents moisture evaporation. This disadvantage must and can be dealt with quite effectively. To eliminate condensation, use newest method- vapor barrier layer with arrangement of an air ventilation gap.

The technology for creating such a layer is as follows:

  • an internal load-bearing wall of the future structure is preliminarily erected, which is made from a standard building bricks or blocks;
  • heat-insulating plates are placed on the anchors, which are preliminarily laid into the masonry of the bearing wall;
  • slabs are attached to the masonry using spring washers with a special anti-corrosion coating;
  • an external wall is being built with anchoring in the seams of the masonry, which is protected by the selected insulation from adverse external influences and is at the same time the facade of the building;
  • the ventilation air gap allows moisture to evaporate and the insulation to dry, increasing the quality of thermal insulation.

Do not think that these days all issues related to well brickwork have been resolved. The walls, erected by this method, have many advantages, but they are not devoid of still unrecoverable disadvantages. First of all, this is the high cost and high labor intensity of the equipment of such walls, as well as the lack of an alternative to insulation.

Diy well brickwork - device, pros and cons

The cost of energy supply is increasing, which means modern house must meet the most stringent requirements for the level of heat loss. So the use of a homogeneous material for walls without insulation is an unacceptable luxury today. For example, to provide the required thermal conductivity, for example, for St. Petersburg, a brick wall must be more than two meters thick! Specific figures for the permissible thermal conductivity are given in the norms of SNiP II-3-79 Supplement No. 3 “Construction Heat Engineering”.

That is why all kinds of layered wall masonry are becoming so widespread today. Today we will talk about well brickwork, when insulation is laid inside the wall. The thickness of such a wall, which meets all heat loss standards, is 64 cm! At the same time, we save material and reduce the load on the foundation.

Diagram of the device of a well brickwork

  1. facing brick.
  2. Insulation (expanded polystyrene grade PSB-S 25, extruded expanded polystyrene Type 35, mineral wool board URSA P30, mineral wool board TechnoBlok)
  3. a layer of deep penetration primer GLIMS-Primer and a layer of assembly adhesive composition GLIMS-KF.
  4. solid brick, grade M100
  5. reinforcing frame made of wire with a diameter of 4mm, class Bp1.
  6. plaster layer GLIMS-GS
  7. layer finishing putty GLIMS-GIPS.

Vertical diaphragms are set no further than 1170mm, vertical diaphragms should be reinforced every 6 rows of masonry. Horizontal diaphragms are arranged at the level of support of the floor slabs and under window openings, by letting in butt bricks from the inner and outer layers of the masonry. Under the latter, in the seams of the masonry of the walls and along the underlying layer of cement mortar, reinforcing ties are laid in the form of welded nets made of wire of class Bp-1, with a diameter of no more than 4 mm, which simultaneously serve as a support for the brick during the installation of diaphragms.

Scheme of a brick well masonry, with a bearing wall thickness of 25 cm:

Arrangement of a horizontal diaphragm in a well masonry, with a bearing wall thickness of 25 cm.

  1. floor slab (PPS, PC, PNO).
  2. a layer of finishing putty GIPS-GLIMS.
  3. layer plaster mix GIPS-GS.
  4. solid brick.
  5. jumpers.
  6. steel corner.
  7. front brick.
  8. reinforcing mesh from wire Вр-1, with a diameter of 4 mm.
  9. thermal insulation layer.
  10. primer and assembly adhesive.
  11. sound insulation layer, 30-50mm thick.
  12. a layer of technical insulation, (glassine P-300).
  13. self-leveling layer of self-leveling floor GLIMS-SL, 20-30mm thick.
  14. waterproofing film (Yutafol D110 Standard)
  15. backing layer.
  16. facial flooring(laminate, linoleum, carpet, porcelain stoneware)

Section: Encyclopedia of Building Materials
Tags: brick, masonry, walls, insulation

Brickwork with insulation »well masonry

Recently, not only the brick itself has been actively improved, but also the methods of its laying. Both full-bodied and hollow varieties are used, both single, double and one-and-a-half. The presence of pores and voids in the brick has a positive effect on sound and heat insulation, and also allows to reduce the weight of the structure.

Lightweight construction, however, can be achieved with lightweight masonry. This technique involves reducing the load on the frame of the structure, saving building materials, as well as increasing the sound insulation and thermal insulation performance of the home. There are a couple of varieties. The first option involves a construction of a pair of brick walls, and between them material is laid, which increases the thermal insulation characteristics. The second option involves the installation of only one brick wall, which is insulated with heat-insulating plates.

Well masonry is a brickwork with insulation, the role of which is played by air. Outer wall is only half a brick thick. After it, there is a cavity filled with air, followed by an inner wall, the thickness of which is from one to one and a half bricks. Between the outer and inner walls, after every 4-5 rows, bandages with a butt row are organized. When binding, a brick can be replaced with steel reinforcing bars, the distance between which will be 50 centimeters. To ensure reliable adhesion to the mortar, the ends of these rods should not reach the edges of the walls by about 4-6 centimeters.

Warm brickwork may well have a slightly different design. In general, this is the same well masonry, but the voids are filled with concrete or slag. In such a situation, both the outer and inner walls can be half a brick thick. The empty space is covered with two-row solid masonry, the distance between which is 4 rows. The role of the horizontal rows is to add extra strength to the wall. Backfill slags should lie in the open air for at least six months. This way of laying is great for houses with 1-2 floors.

Slags can be easily replaced with a light type of concrete. This option implies the manufacture of jumpers using a bonded brick in one row, subject to a step of 1-3 rows. If the wall is 51-65 centimeters thick, then you can arrange the bundles in the same row. If the wall thickness is 38 centimeters, the ligaments should be staggered. The voids formed between the rows of bricks can even be filled plain concrete with a broken brick added. Such a wall can be built even in multi-storey building... Walls that are filled with lightweight concrete have increased degree seismic resistance.

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Waterproofing brickwork

Masonry has a tendency to absorb water, and therefore, when it comes into contact with the soil, it can become saturated with water. Water can even reach the height of the second floor along the masonry, causing dampness in the premises. Waterproofing is used to protect the foundation and walls.

Flexible connections for masonry

Brick building has always managed to maintain high level popularity, as the brick has excellent technical performance. However, all the advantages of this construction technique can be nullified if the use of flexible connections is neglected.

Decorative brickwork

If you want your home to look original and different from others, then undoubtedly you need to use facing bricks. How to properly lay it, read this article.

Warming of well masonry

Today, there are many residential buildings that have a constructive enclosing walls built according to the type of "well masonry" that need additional insulation. This construct consists of:

1) Bearing wall (foam concrete, brick), 2) Insulation layer (usually mineral wool), 3) Fasteners, 4) Facing brick, 5) Waterproofing.

So this is the problem, over time the mineral wool insulation fell into disrepair (partially crumbled, wet, etc.), while it ceased to perform its functions, bringing with it a number of problems related to insulation. And how to solve this problem if it comes about apartment buildings or even private houses and cottages. Insulate each apartment from the inside or the whole house from the outside? Suppose that outside, it is on the facing brick to hang again sheets of insulation (not forgetting about the technology and using quality materials, which is often not taken into account), then facade material(porcelain stoneware, siding, profiled sheet, etc.). Or is it all the same from the inside, sacrificing good repair while losing useful space? Agree, the two options do not fit into the reasonable framework, while carrying large financial costs, as well as many factors.

If this question was "yesterday", then I had to choose one of two options. But today there is a rather promising solution to these problems in insulation, which solves a number of problems and saves financial costs - this is the use of sprayed thermal insulation based on Ecotermix polyurethane foam. The material is superior to many traditional materials in many ways. In this case, we will consider the filling thermal insulation material « Ecotermix 555«

Let us consider this technology in more detail on the example of a completed object for a clearer explanation. In the house, the thermometer does not exceed +15, the walls freeze, the owner bears high costs for heating materials for the boiler plant.

The specialists of our company made an examination of the house. Attention was drawn to the outer walls, which consist of blocks of foam concrete 250 mm wide and faced decorative bricks, there is an air gap of about 50 mm between the wall and the brick.

This construct of the well masonry at home did not fulfill its tasks and the thermal insulation was no longer effective for a long time, as described above. It was decided to fill this space with Ecotermix 555 polyurethane foam to restore the heat-saving ability of the structure to the required standards.

The technology for performing the work consisted in drilling holes in the joints of cement mortar of brickwork with a diameter of 10 mm in an amount of 5 pcs. per 1 m2, while not breaking appearance at home. After preparing the holes, Ecotermix 555 was pumped into the air gap, after all the insulation, the holes in the masonry were covered with mortar. The house has not changed visually, but the customer immediately felt the difference. The house became warmer and more comfortable, freezing of the walls was completely excluded, and the cost of heating materials decreased to 50%.

This technology can be widely used in various constructions for the purpose of warming or filling the air space in inaccessible places. For example, it is widely used in the "Khrushchevskaya 434" series of building houses, for insulating the under-roof space between two concrete slabs to prevent heat leakage through the roof, the consequence of which is ice and icicles on the roofs (a constant problem of housing and communal services). It is also used in frame housing construction. Watch the video.

Ecotermix 555 video Thermal insulation technology

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Insulation of a brick house, well masonry. Insulation of the walls of a brick house

Thermal insulation of wooden floors

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insulate brick house

Well masonry

types of heaters


The properties of any of the heaters are such that in winter it retains heat, and in summer - coolness, since it increases the width of the walls.

New heaters expel moisture and steam from the house in a single direction, that is, it does not absorb or let it through.

It is estimated that, on average, about 40% of the energy is spent on cooling and heating a residential building, that is, there will be an extra reason to neglect the annual unnecessary spending of money.

The meaning of the insulation is to increase the thickness of your wall to 100 cm in the equivalent of a stone due to the qualities of a 10 cm wide insulation. And thus, to reduce the costs in winter for heating the street, and in summer for cooling the apartment, since warm or cold air will not so easily and quickly escape through the walls as it was before. As a result, by insulating a brick house, you will save your money.


Insulation of a brick house, well masonry. Insulation of the walls of a brick house |

Thermal insulation of wooden floors

Floors country houses usually wooden and logs are used as floors.

From spring to autumn, the most noticeable is the cold, non-insulated floor made of boards or chipboard.

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Thermal insulation of a balcony using suspended ceilings

If the balcony was not properly insulated before the onset of the cold season, then the heat loss during severe frosts will be just colossal.

This is especially true of the glazed loggias, where the owners have moved the entire kitchen.

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Brick keeps warmth in the house very poorly. There is a very popular method that will help insulate a brick house... This is a well masonry, when between versts they specially hold free places to lay the insulation later. Slag, expanded clay, cement mortar, into which reeds or chopped straw, sawdust or other various materials are crumbled.

At the same time, the inner and outer versts, after a couple of rows, are tied up with layers of bricks and a masonry net. So, you can build a house according to one of the different types of well handwork, which has an excellent technology: first, the front and inner verst are laid out, then there is a gap of 5 to 10 cm between them.

The dressing is carried out through 5 rows, but this will depend on how many floors are under the ceiling of the reinforcing belt; with straight brickwork, the rib sides of the walls are laid out in the places where doors and windows are installed; the space that has formed between the versts of the masonry is filled with foam or expanded polystyrene slabs.

Well masonry

This type of brick wall construction gives a chance to insulate them by 200 percent, and at the same time there is no need to increase the number of bricks in the laying.

There is another method of insulating a brick house, laying the stone in such a way that small niches remain from the inside, the size of which is from 5 to 7 cm.

Such gaps can be left empty, but it will be better if filled with insulation - expanded clay or slag.

Also an excellent way to insulate walls is to increase the thickness of the joints formed when laying bricks.

Here, at the same time, you need to use warmed solutions or warm plasters, then you can plaster the wall.

For wall insulation brick house there are different types of heaters... The most common, in my opinion, are: foam, and mineral wool tiles. At the same time, heaters, in no way, will interfere with your plans, tile your house with ceramic tiles, or wood, since it is possible to lay it between the wall and the cladding.

The advantage of mineral wool over white polystyrene foam is that it does not burn, and polystyrene foam is more affordable.

Styrofoam even cheaper and a little worse keeps heat, but not in such a way as to be discounted.

One of the most common types of budget brick wall construction is solid well masonry. It is a method of constructing the outer walls of a building, consisting of three layers. When using this method of masonry, there are rules: bricks must be laid to create a longitudinal row, while they are connected by transverse bridges that form wells. Features of this construction technology allow you to significantly reduce the consumption of bricks (savings of at least 15%) in comparison with the usual type of brickwork. Various options well masonry differ in terms of stability and capitalism, depending on the thickness of the outer walls.

Well masonry - brickwork of two walls connected by vertical partitions.

This is the oldest of all brick laying technologies.

Varieties of well masonry

Well masonry options - top view (in mm):
A - well masonry in two bricks; B - well masonry of 2.5 bricks: C - modified well masonry; 1 - brickwork; 2 - thermal insulation; 3 - foam concrete

According to its modifications, the well masonry is divided into many options. It might be two and a half, modified, lightweight.

In this type of masonry, the layers are connected by vertical diaphragms. The distance between the diaphragms should not exceed 1170 mm.

It should be borne in mind that when choosing a well masonry, you should not count on the high strength of the wall. Because of this, it is advisable to two rows lower than the window openings are located and to place mortar horizontal diaphragms at the lower level of the floor slabs.

Such diaphragms can be mounted from reinforcement mesh, brought into the outer and inner layers of the masonry at the same time. The mesh must be additionally protected with a layer of cement-sand mortar.

Single-row masonry, depending on the technology, is chain, spoon, cross, Gothic, English, Dutch and cross. Multi-row dressing gets its name depending on the number of rows used.

Laying rules

The well masonry must be erected from two different walls, spaced from each other at a distance of up to 34 cm. It is necessary that the walls are connected to each other using a bandage (the bandage thickness is a quarter of a brick).

Well masonry walls: a - masonry of a blank section of the wall, b - vertical section along the well; c - the corner of the outer walls: 1 - insulation, 2 - transverse walls 3 - longitudinal walls (versts).

Initially, two rows of bricks are laid out in the transverse direction on the waterproofing layer of the foundation (a feature of this type of masonry is that the materials must be laid out from the first row very tightly to each other, without the slightest gaps).

In order to build a corner, it is necessary to start with butcher versts - outer and inner.

To connect the well masonry into a single whole, you can use wire dressings.

Longitudinal walls are laid out. For laying out the second row of inner and outer versts, it is also necessary to use the spoon method, while laying out the transverse walls is done with pokes. Longitudinal walls with transverse ones are connected by bandaging through one row. Only after the fourth or fifth row of masonry can the well be filled with insulation.

Corner masonry with three-row diaphragms: 1 - insulation; 2 - mortar screed; 3 - area of ​​solid masonry; 4 - mortar screed; 5 - diaphragms from three rows of masonry.

To increase the strength of the structure, it is advisable to lay out corners with three-row diaphragms. Such walls differ from ordinary ones by solid masonry in the corners. It is worth starting the construction of the corner with laying a pair of three-quarters in the outer verst. So, starting from the 1st to the 3rd row, a continuous well masonry is made, which is a single-row system of dressings. At the same level with the fourth day, it is necessary to reserve a place in which the insulation will be laid. In its upper part, you need to make a mortar screed, and, based on it, continue laying the entire corner with diaphragms.

It should be borne in mind that each layer of insulation must be compacted to a thickness of no more than 15 cm.Every 10-50 cm must be watered with a solution backfill material... This method of laying will avoid the negative impact of the environment on the insulating layer. This technique will significantly increase the strength of the brick wall.

The arrangement of horizontal diaphragms at the level of the arrangement of a number of window openings and dressings will help to increase the strength of the masonry.

In winter and autumn period the level of relative humidity of the brick wall increases markedly, from which the thermal resistance of the material itself decreases. In this case, the method of building the building does not play any role. So, when constructing a well brickwork, it is imperative to follow the rules - provide for a ventilation gap between the heat-insulating layer (the thickness of the heat-insulation must exceed 10 mm). Thanks to this gap, in the autumn-winter period, active drying of the building materials from which the walls were built is possible. In the lower and upper rows of brick well masonry, it is necessary to build vertical seams, which will later become the basis for organizing the movement of air masses in the ventilation gap.

Insulation boards can be attached to load-bearing walls using expansion dowels and assembly glue. In order to increase adhesion, each of the wall surfaces can be treated with a primer before fixing the insulation.

The final step in creating a brick well masonry is fixing the roll insulation and aging.

Features of well masonry

One of the features when facing walls with bricks in well masonry is its prolonged cooling and unhurried heating, which can be expressed in slight fluctuations in the average daily temperature.

Seam dressing systems are ways of placing bricks in the masonry, ensuring the integrity of its array.

Upon completion of the installation work, the bricks must be applied to each other as tightly as possible. For example, as a reinforcing cover will fit metal net.

Seam dressings are used to give a brick wall such properties as strength and solidity. This concept denotes the order and shape of the laying of bricks on top of each other. There are dressings of vertical sutures, transverse and longitudinal.

In order to prevent delamination of the wall in the vertical direction, dressings of longitudinal seams are used. They help to rationally distribute the load over the entire area of ​​the wall and brick. The transverse seams in adjacent rows of the dressing should be shifted from each other by one quarter of the brick size, the longitudinal seams, in turn, should be superimposed on the half-brick. So, the bricks of the bottom row will be overlapped with vertical bricks.

When laying out the last layer of brick, it is necessary to additionally install beams that will perform a supporting function for the lower purlins of roof rafters and floor beams.

For more effective thermal insulation, it is advisable to wrap stone wool in plastic wrap. Mineral wool slabs, designed to be best secured with asbestos-cement clamps or plastic brackets.

Slag, expanded clay, cement mortar, with the addition of reeds, sawdust or chopped straw, or other various materials can act as insulation.

The outer brick wall at the point of contact with the inner one and at the corners in buildings with several floors must be reinforced.

It should be borne in mind that in construction there are restrictions on the number of bandaging of spoon and butt rows in the masonry, depending on how thick the brick is. So, if the wall is built from single brick, it is necessary to place one butt row on six rows of brickwork. One row less is built when thick brick is used.

Between the brick walls, the middle layer must be filled with insulation. It is desirable that it be a material that is resistant to biological corrosion (for example, it can be sawdust, slag or expanded clay). Bulk insulation or molding is widely used in the construction of well masonry.

Over time, wall insulation can shrink, which will decrease the performance thermal resistance row of well masonry. Thermal insulation can also be reduced by the so-called cold bridges - flexible metal bonds. This suggests that most of the materials must be selected long before the start of construction.

It is worth noting that many brick manufacturers, in order to reduce the thermal conductivity coefficient, can significantly increase the voidness of building materials by producing slotted bricks. So, in brickwork, all voids turn out to be closed and air closed in them begins to work as a highly efficient heat insulator. It should be borne in mind that the percentage of brick voidness has its own limits. So, with an increase in voidness by more than 50%, the capital of the structure is significantly reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of brickwork is the ability to comply with the basic norms of SNiP in terms of heat loss, despite the fact that the wall is single-row (chain masonry) and its thickness is 64 cm.

Tools for masonry: a - trowel, b - mortar shovel, c - jointing for convex and concave seams, d - hammer-pick, e - mop.

Applying the technology of well masonry (another name is English), it is possible to significantly reduce the load on the foundation, respectively, the cost of it is also reduced.

The disadvantages of this type include the likelihood of increased infiltration of air masses through air cavities. In order to prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to additionally plaster the walls made using the well masonry technique. Bandages are used to strengthen the structure.

Another drawback is the heterogeneous structure of the wall, as a result of which its capital is also reduced.

List of instruments

The most common tools in the construction of brick well masonry are a trowel (another name for a trowel), jointing and a pickaxe hammer. The trowel is a steel trowel with wooden handle... It is used to level the mortar over the brick surface, trim excess mortar and distribute it along the vertical seams of the brickwork.

In order to control the quality of masonry, the following tools are used:

  • mooring cord;
  • plumb line;
  • level;
  • rule (long and smooth wood lath);
  • ordering.

Control and measuring instruments: a - plumb line, b - tape measure, c - folding
meter, g - square, d - building level, e - duralumin rule.

The plumb line is the tool with which you can determine the level of horizontal masonry. The rule controls the level of the front surface of the masonry and dressings. In order to measure the straightness and horizontality of a nearby brickwork, use a docking cord. The ordering is a pair of wooden or metal slats with serifs applied at regular intervals (77 mm - the size of an ordinary single brick with a seam). Use it to mark the rows of brickwork or to determine the dimensions of the openings. The order can be fixed using special steel holders or brackets equipped with a cross bar.

In the event that it becomes necessary to cut a solid brick, use a pickaxe. Tools of the same name are used for joining.

Types of bricks used

The most widespread is the red clay brick. Silicate white is not inferior to it in properties. The only condition is that it cannot be used when laying fireplaces, stoves and foundations. For the purpose of wall cladding, special yellow facing brick is widely used.

Brick sides: upper and lower bed, spoons, poke.

By their structure, bricks differ into hollow and solid. Hollow brick has through holes round or rectangular. It is worth noting that this one has good thermal performance. To give the material aesthetic appearance aging can be performed.

Among the builders, there is a terminology for the classification of brick surfaces. So, the wide edge is called the bed (depending on the location - the lower and the upper), the side long edge is called the spoons (and accordingly, the row that fits with the long side to the wall is called the spoon), the short side is called a poke (a row laid across walls, called butcher).

The masonry also has its own specific name. So, the outer rows are called a mile, the inner ones are called zabutka. For the inner row, you can even use chipped and broken brick, even its halves. In addition to standard bricks for the construction of walls, and ceramic stone- it differs from a brick in a slightly larger size.

When performing facial masonry, there are certain rules. When laying the front wall, you can use bricks of two colors. So, if you use bricks for the butt and spoon row different color, you can get a striped wall.

Well masonry is one of the ways to erect three-layer external walls of a building, which allows saving brick consumption by an average of 15%.
The bricks are laid in longitudinal rows with transverse bridges, forming wells (well masonry). Another popular name is known - layered masonry: walls consist of layers connected into a single supporting structure.

Description of the features of the well masonry

A feature of brick wall cladding in a well masonry is its slow heating and prolonged cooling, which is expressed in small fluctuations in average daily temperatures.
The strength of the walls of the well masonry (brickwork with insulation) with cavities decreases, therefore, fastening diaphragms made of mortar and bricks are used with the laying of a reinforcing mesh, which is fixed simultaneously in the outer and inner layers of the masonry.
The disadvantage of layered masonry, expressed in air infiltration through the cavities, can be removed by plastering the brick walls.

Well masonry work technology

  1. On the waterproofing of the foundation in the transverse direction, 2 rows of well masonry bricks are laid (tightly to each other, without gaps).
  2. Two separate brick walls of the well masonry are formed, separated by a distance of 13-14 cm. The cavity is intended for subsequent filling with insulation.
  3. After 600-1200 mm, transverse diaphragms are arranged in the walls, located directly under the supports of the floor beams.
  4. To connect the brickwork of adjacent walls into one system, wire ties are used.
  5. When creating a diaphragm, the distance between the bricks of the well masonry is approximately 2.5 cm (the voids are later filled with bulk insulation). The exception is window and doorways, where the laying of bricks is made "continuous".
  6. Completing the installation of three-layer lightweight masonry, the bricks are again placed tightly to each other. For the reinforcing coating, a metal mesh is used.
  7. On the last brick layer of layered masonry, beams are installed that serve as a support for the lower girders of the roof rafters and floor beams.
  8. The process of work on the well masonry is completed by the installation of roll waterproofing.

1. Thermal insulation made of stone wool wrapped in a film. Insulation plates for well masonry based on mineral wool are fixed with plastic brackets or asbestos-cement clamps.
2. When constructing high-rise buildings, the corners and junctions of the inner and outer walls should be reinforced.
3. It is not allowed to use well masonry for objects used in conditions of high humidity.

Thermal protection of well masonry

  • The middle heat-insulating layer, located between the brick walls, is filled with insulation. It can be a bulk mineral material that is resistant to biological corrosion (expanded clay, slag, sawdust), bulk (lightweight concrete based on an inorganic binder in the form of gypsum, lime, clay, cement) or molding (slabs of basalt wool, glass wool). Loose insulation of well (layered) masonry must be carefully tamped every 10-15 cm.
  • Between insulation and outside wall a ventilation gap is made for free movement of air. Load-bearing wall thickness well masonry- 120 mm, internal - 120-380 mm, thermal insulation - 100-250 mm.
  • The parameter of thermal resistance of the well masonry wall may decrease over time due to the shrinkage of the wall insulation and the presence of flexible metal connections, which are “cold bridges”. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select materials before starting work.

Buy materials for well masonry

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