Lose weight for the New Year: why is it so difficult and how to get around the pitfalls? We lose weight for the new year - methods without harm to health Weight loss for the new year.


1 way - traditional.

Starting right from this day, we introduce iron rules into the way of life:
1. From the very morning until 12:00 we allow ourselves to eat any food and dish, everything we want, in any quantity, even cookies. But remember that this can only be done until 12:00!
2. From 12:00 to 18:00 it is allowed to eat protein foods (meat, eggs, fish, low-fat cottage cheese) and vegetable dishes. An example is stewed fish with a vegetable side dish.
3. After 18:00 you can’t eat anything, nothing at all. You can only drink water, green tea, as much as you wish.

Another new rule is one day a week for unloading: drink water and green tea without restrictions, you can’t eat anything.

This method will definitely help to lose a few extra pounds for the New Year.
But if you are not used to eating like this, following these rules will not be easy.

2 way for those who love math - counting calories

For this method, you will need a kitchen electronic scale, calorie content of various products, and.
Weigh what you are going to eat, multiply by the tabular calorie content of this product and get the calorie content of this serving of food. Write down in a notebook how many calories you got, for example, for breakfast.
And so you write for the whole day.
It is allowed to "eat" 1300-1500 kilocalories per day, no more, no less. You don’t need to eat less than 1300, this will only interfere with the process of losing weight.

You can eat whatever you want, even chocolates. If only not to exceed the allowable daily calorie content. Of course, it is preferable to eat a full-fledged dish from the same cottage cheese than to eat buns. Indeed, in this case, your body will receive much more substances that it actually needs.
But, I repeat, there are no restrictions in the choice of products.

One moment - towards the end of the day, when you have 200 - 300 kilocalories left to eat, before you eat dinner, first weigh and calculate it. Will you get 1300 - 1500 kcal per day if you eat this? If it turns out more than 1500 kcal, cut the portion or refuse altogether.

To withstand such a diet is quite easy, there is no feeling of hunger. The main thing is to overcome your laziness to weigh, count and write it all down. If you do not break down, then the loss of 3-5 kg ​​is guaranteed.

3 way - interesting, for those who are bored of losing weight in traditional ways. For those who are too lazy to count calories.

This diet is called "5 spoons". You may have heard of it before, it has been around for a long time.
The essence of this diet is to eat 5 tablespoons of any product every three hours.
Products - any, you can eat gingerbread all day. But be sure to take 5 spoons, and be sure to withstand a break of 3 hours.
If the products are solid, you need to take such an amount that, when crushed, would fit in a volume of 5 tablespoons.
This diet is psychologically easy to bear, because you do not forbid anything. You can do everything, but with a few restrictions, it's like some kind of game.

How to lose weight fast for the new year

I want to lose weight for the New Year - this is a completely normal female desire. Every woman wants to look irresistible in her evening dress. Well, for this, it is usually always not enough to lose a little weight.

But if a little, then this small correction, 1-2 kg, can be carried out in one week. And how to lose weight by the New Year, if there is much more excess weight? In this case, it would be more correct to set yourself the goal not to improve the figure for the New Year holidays, but in general to lose weight, as well as a means of improving health and well-being.

There are several recommendations that can be given to women looking for a way to lose weight for the New Year in 2 months by 10 kg. These are standard advice from gynecologists. Listen to them, do them scrupulously and don't get frustrated. And the result will not keep you waiting.

1. There are 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Thus, you will avoid strong bouts of hunger, and hence overeating. Of course, you should not eat junk food, high-calorie foods - fast carbohydrates.

2. Always have something to snack on in the fridge. But these must be dietary products. Make sure that there is always cottage cheese, preferably fat-free or with a fat content of no more than 5%, sour-milk drinks, yogurts, vegetables and fruits - all this is the basis for losing weight.

3. Maximum rejection of bakery products and sweets. These are all called fast carbohydrates. There may not even be any questions - is it possible to lose weight by 5-10 kg for the holiday in 1-2 months if junk food continues to be consumed. Buns, croissants, donuts, chocolates, sweets, cakes and pastries - all of them can relieve a hungry stomach cramp very quickly. But only after 30-60 minutes after that you will want to eat again. All of these foods are high in calories. Eating in this way, abusing fast carbohydrates, it will not work to lose weight a month before the New Year.

Many women find it very difficult to give up bread. After all, sandwiches are the usual breakfast. Nutritionists advise to exclude sandwiches from the diet. Oatmeal is a much healthier breakfast. And it will take no more time to prepare it. You can buy medium or small flakes in the store, which take no more than 5 minutes to boil. This porridge can also be cooked in the microwave. Pour about 4 tablespoons of cereal, pour 200 grams of milk, diluted with about half boiled water, so that it is not too greasy. And put the plate in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Everybody! If you do not like unsweetened porridge, you can add a teaspoon of jam or sugar to it.

But the bread that you are used to eating as a bite to the first courses is better to replace with bread. It is quite possible to afford to eat a couple of bread rolls at dinner without fear for the figure. Only this measure will help to lose weight by 5 kg by the New Year without any problems.

Lose weight for the New Year (video):

Lose weight for the New Year

4. Reducing portions. Try not to put too much on your plate. The standard recommendation is to consume no more than 200 grams of food at a time. And before eating, it is advisable to drink a glass of water. And do not eat quickly, so that the stomach has time to send signals to the brain that it is full, and you do not overeat.

5. Do not eat out, especially in fast food cafes, give up fast food. Unfortunately, in a cafe we ​​will not be able to control the cooking technology and its calorie content. Well, fast food is even worse for a figure than bakery products, since hamburgers, cheeseburgers and the like also include high-calorie sauces, mayonnaise, and animal fats.

6. Eat less sugar. If possible, sugar should not be added to tea, coffee and other drinks. You should not drink, at least often, natural juices, as they also contain a lot of sugar. And from sweet sparkling water, too, must be abandoned.

7. Increase physical activity. The more it is, the more effective it will be to lose weight. But you need to increase the load gradually, and always under the supervision of a coach. If there is no opportunity to visit the gym, you can buy a simple exercise bike at home. It is also a very useful thing for the figure, and for training the cardiovascular system.

And another very simple way to keep yourself in shape is walking. Even those who are not going to lose weight need to walk at least 2 kilometers a day. And the rest even more. It is advisable to walk at a fairly fast pace, but not necessary.

Some women believe that the best way to lose weight is fast diets, in which the calorie content of food is reduced dramatically. Often such diets are the use of 1-2 products for several days. So it’s easier to make your diet and not break loose. It can be buckwheat, kefir, apple mono-diets. By the same principle, fasting days for weight loss are held. By the way, you can’t do without them after the New Year. After all, it is unlikely that at the festive table many, even those who have lost weight with great difficulty, will think about their figure.

Text: Olga Sergeeva

There are always so many things to do at the end of the year... And, unfortunately, there is a catastrophic lack of time to put oneself in order. And so you want to shoot with your eyes, sparkle with a smile and, of course, show off a new perfectly fitting dress. For the busiest beauties, we have selected 4 diets that allow you to lose weight in just two weeks before the New Year. This time you are guaranteed to have time for everything and look stunning in a festive outfit!

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4 diets to transform for the new year
On the one hand, a New Year's diet for two weeks is a serious test of the body's strength. On the other hand, its quick effect can be an excellent motivation to once and for all review your usual diet and start eating moderately and balanced in the new year. Then you simply won’t need any miracle diets before the next holiday!

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2 week fruit detox diet

Diet type: Carbohydrate-protein

Expected results: 7-9 kg in 14 days

Pros and Benefits: This is a “delicious” diet that gives a noticeable (including cosmetic) detoxification effect due to the consumption of a large amount of raw plant foods and sour-milk drinks.

Cons and risks: Not suitable for those suffering from hyperacidity of the stomach and allergies. In addition, in the cold season, it turns out to be more costly and less diverse.

More about the diet: The peculiarity of the two-week is the alternation of carbohydrate (fruit) days with protein (egg-curd-meat). This avoids the main risk of a fruit mono-diet - protein starvation, which is fraught with complications of the heart and blood vessels.

On a two-week detox diet, you can drink plain non-carbonated water and green tea without restrictions, be sure to also start the day with a glass of water on an empty stomach. This simple trick has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. For a detox diet, any fruits and berries are suitable, except for grapes and bananas. In the cold season, it is good to use different varieties of apples, persimmons, pears and melons that lay until the end of autumn, citrus fruits of a new crop.

Exotic fruits like passion fruit, pitaya, and papaya that have survived long transportation should be avoided unless they grow where you live. Without experience, it is difficult to assess the quality of such fruits, in addition to taking them to their destination in a presentable form, delicate exotic fruits are often harvested unripe, and this degrades their beneficial properties. In addition, unfamiliar food is a great burden on the body tested by a two-week diet.

You should enter the diet from a mixed day - having breakfast with two boiled egg whites, eat as much fruit as you like until the evening. The next day is protein. For him, the amount of allowed food is limited, but you can choose the menu. On a protein day, it is allowed:

  • 500 gr of cottage cheese and 1 liter of kefir;
  • or 400 grams of boiled or steamed lean chicken + one egg protein;
  • or 200 gr of boiled beef.

This amount of cottage cheese and meat must be divided into 5 meals, and if you chose chicken, then 4 times a day you will eat it, and once - egg white. Both chicken and beef are served with a small portion of fresh vegetable salad without salt, sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice.

It is advisable to have the last meal no later than two hours before bedtime. The next day is fruity again. Then again choose your favorite protein menu. And so fourteen days!

Sample menu for the day:

fruit day

  • All day - fruits (except grapes and bananas) without restrictions.

protein day

  • In the morning, immediately after waking up - a glass of water;
  • Breakfast - 1 boiled egg white;
  • Second breakfast - 50 grams of boiled or steamed chicken + a small portion of leaf lettuce sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • Lunch - 150 grams of chicken meat + a small portion of leaf lettuce with cucumber and tomato, sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • Snack - 100 gr chicken + lettuce with cucumber and tomato (with a drop of olive oil and lemon juice);
  • Dinner - 100 grams of already well-known chicken + leaf salad with well-known dressing + herbal tea.

2 week porridge diet

Diet type: mono diet

Expected results: 4-6 kg in 14 days

Pros and Benefits: This diet has a noticeable cleansing effect on the intestines, improves skin condition, prevents hunger, and is inexpensive.

Cons and risks: A strict diet, a monotonous diet, poor in proteins and fats, can adversely affect mood, cause weakness. Not recommended for frequent use.

More about the diet: The porridge diet is a special-purpose weapon for those who want to fit into a new dress and are ready for a lot of things. The porridge diet is harsh and not everyone is able to withstand it, despite the fact that this two-week diet does not provide for a restriction on the volume of food eaten. True, you have to eat only one product - porridge cooked in water with a pinch of salt, without sugar and oil (once a day you can add a spoonful of high-quality olive oil to a meager diet).

But you can choose almost any cereal: buckwheat and oatmeal, which have proven themselves in the dietary field, are especially successful. On a two-week porridge diet, three small citrus (if you are not allergic) fruits or apples and a glass of neutral-flavored white yogurt, without sugar or additives, are allowed per day.

In order to squeeze the maximum out of the only permitted product, cereals are recommended to be fermented before cooking, soaking overnight. This releases nutrients and allows the porridge to be more fully absorbed. You can also not boil cereals, but steam with boiling water in a thermo dish, or alternate days of boiled and steamed porridge.

Water on a two-week porridge diet is drunk without restrictions, the amount of green and herbal tea should not exceed four cups a day.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: a glass of water or herbal tea without sugar;
  • Second breakfast: a serving of oatmeal boiled in water, grapefruit or orange;
  • Lunch: a serving of oatmeal with a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • Afternoon snack: oatmeal with apple slices, green or herbal tea;
  • Dinner: oatmeal, a glass (125 g) of probiotic yogurt without additives.

Fiona Kirk's 2 Week Soup Diet

Type of diet: Balanced, with the obligatory dish (soup)

Expected results: 3-5 kg ​​in 14 days

Pros and Benefits: This diet has a varied and even gourmet diet, has lax rules. It is easy to follow a diet, if you wish, you can make it a permanent meal plan.

Cons and risks: The diet requires self-compilation of dishes, it uses expensive products.

More about the diet: The author, British dietitian Fiona Kirk, called her diet “The Fast Track”, as if hinting that following the proposed nutrition plan, you can get rid of excess weight as quickly as getting from point A to point B without traffic jams and traffic lights. Also, Fiona Kirk's diet is called soup because it obliges those who are losing weight to add daily soup to the menu, prepared with minimal prohibitions: without wheat products (pasta, croutons), white polished rice and with a minimum of starchy vegetables. The emphasis in the recipe of soups is on "long" carbohydrates - beans, peas, lentils, corn, brown rice.

The soup diet has few rules, and they are quite mild. Fiona Kirk is sure that a monotonous, restricted diet leads to depression and deprives a person of the motivation to maintain a good weight all the time. Her dietary experiments have shown that a diet consisting of five meals a day, moderate in volume and not “fitted” to a certain number of calories, allows you to noticeably lose weight in just half a month.

An important bonus of the two-week soup diet is the obligatory thirty minutes of daily physical activity - gymnastic exercises or walking. According to the author, it is this combination of nutrition and fitness that affects the "old" fat deposits, destroying them. Fiona assigns the main roles of “destroyers” of fat cells-lipocytes to calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and the carotenoid astaxanthin, which is contained, for example, in salmon and shrimp.

On this diet, in addition to soup, you can eat:

  • fruits (before 11:30 am and separately from other food - so they are optimally absorbed);
  • any vegetables. Starchy vegetables and root vegetables can be eaten after six in the evening only if you cannot exercise or walk in the morning, but only in the afternoon. For dinner, you need to eat three different small vegetables;
  • leafy salads (be sure to have a large salad with soup for lunch and dinner if you can't find or don't want three different vegetables);
  • barley, rye, buckwheat, oats - in soup or in the form of bread;
  • cottage cheese and soft cheese such as cheese, feta;
  • any lean meat (it is better to cook on the grill, remove the skin from the chicken);
  • sea ​​red fish, trout and crustaceans;

It is allowed to drink plain non-carbonated water (as usual, you need at least one and a half liters a day), herbal teas, and freshly squeezed juice in the morning.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: fruit or fruit cocktail;
  • Second breakfast: celery sticks and oatmeal;
  • Lunch: Clear beef broth with barley + large portion of leaf lettuce;
  • Snack: Borodino bread with chopped egg;
  • Dinner: Grilled degreased and veined lamb + bell pepper, tomato and broccoli or a serving of lettuce.

2 week german protein diet

Diet type: Protein

Expected results: 5-7 kg

Pros and Benefits: Thanks to generous portions of protein, the pause between meals is easier to bear.

Cons and risks: This is a strict diet with limited carbohydrates and fats. The diet involves only three meals a day (and on days without a cottage cheese breakfast, in fact, two).

More about the diet: There are two versions of the origin of the name of this nutrition plan: according to the first of them, it was developed by scientists from the Institute of Nutrition of West Germany, according to the second, the German two-week diet is characterized by the moderation of a truly Teutonic diet and the combination of a rich protein component traditional for German cuisine with a moderate amount of fiber and more than modest portions carbohydrates.

In terms of composition, this two-week diet resembles the famous one, with the fundamental difference that in the diet of the German diet, instead of "Japanese" fish and chicken, obligatory daily portions of grilled beef (steaks) are provided. Also on the German vegetable diet, in addition to carrots and cabbage already familiar from the “Japanese”, spinach and tomatoes are allowed, and for breakfast every third day of the diet, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, including grain. Vegetables are seasoned once a day with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, plain water is drunk without restrictions.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: a cup of black coffee + black bread cracker + 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese (every third day);
  • Lunch: Two boiled eggs + a large portion of fresh tomatoes + an apple;
  • Dinner: Beef steak + large portion of green salad.

There is every chance that the magic will happen and a new life will begin before the chimes strike midnight! Three weeks is not a lot, but also a lot to rebuild your rhythm of life and get used to small loads, which will be a decisive factor on the way to your dream figure. Get started with this simple plan.

Week 1

In the first week of the New Year's Eve marathon, it is important to accustom yourself to the fact that you will have to give loads every day - this was bad news. Good - they can be quite small, the main thing is regularity. All you need is to set aside time for a small set of exercises, for example, in the morning before work or in the evening. Your daily set will consist of:

  • 50 squats;
  • 30 lunges on each leg;
  • 40 glute bridges;
  • 15 push-ups from the knees;
  • 50 twists on the press (optional);
  • it is better to complete each workout with a plank in an emphasis lying for 30-40 seconds and a slight stretch.

Week 2

Pulled in and felt a surge of strength? Paradoxically, moderate physical activity will not “finish off” you, but, on the contrary, will add strength and help you “reboot” if your head is busy with New Year's chores. So, continue with your training plan in the same vein, but add daily walking to your program. In total, you should walk 105,000 steps per week - that's 15,000 steps daily. Track the standard using the application or a special sports bracelet, if you have one. And do not be indignant: we do not force you to run!

Do you move a lot during the day?

No, I drive

Yes, I walk a lot

Week 3

At the finish line before New Year's Eve, we will shake your body a little. It is these shakes that give a fat-burning effect comparable to long-term cardio loads! Now you need to perform your exercises that have already become your favorite not sequentially, one by one - in a circle. Squats, lunges, bridges, push-ups, crunches - do one minute of each and give yourself a minute of rest before repeating the circle again. Do three circles a day and do not forget about the daily standard in walking. Already see how your figure is changing?

To keep the result forever, do not combine loads with strict diets. Experts unanimously say: any diet will definitely “return” to you after the holidays in the form of newly gained kilograms.

It just seems like three weeks is not long at all. Believe me, during this time you can significantly change yourself, both externally and internally, and develop a useful permanent habit on the eve of the New Year.

Thanks for the material Ekaterina Demidova— master trainer of group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X fit


On New Year's Eve every woman wants to look great. She comes to the aid of impeccable makeup, a stylish hairstyle and a seductive dress, beautifully fitting a slender figure.

But what if you are not the owner of an ideal figure, and the holidays are already close? In this case, we suggest you try short New Year's Eve diets that allow you to quickly lose those extra pounds.

Basic principles

Having set a goal for yourself, you should gradually move towards its achievement. Diets for quick weight loss include a special menu designed for a certain period of time. You cannot retreat from it, allowing yourself small weaknesses in the form of one candy or an extra apple.

In order to achieve quick results, you have to give up from sweet, starchy, fatty and spicy foods, any alcohol, as well as from semi-finished products. Wholesome and healthy food is welcome. It is important to adhere to the drinking regimen and drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

The peculiarity of express diets is that with their help you can easily lose weight, and then it is also easy to gain it. If you set out to not only get rid of extra pounds for the holidays, but also save the result, then this is possible.

To consolidate the achieved weight category, it is necessary to consider diets for quick weight loss as a stage for the transition to a healthy diet. The new diet, which includes healthy dishes and foods, will be your guide to the ideal body.

Diet for 10 days

The diet for the New Year 2019, which allows you to get rid of excess weight in ten days, has 2 varieties.

First option will require you to be patient.

It is quite difficult to maintain such a diet, so try to eat small portions at regular intervals. In addition to the meal, you can add a salad of leafy vegetables seasoned with lemon juice.

Second option for 10 days is more gentle. You need to eat according to this scheme:

  • The number of meals during the day from 3 to 5;
  • The main dish for the entire period is a salad of spinach, Chinese cabbage and arugula. As a sauce, you can use 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil or a spoonful of yogurt;
  • At lunchtime, in addition to the salad, it is allowed to eat one boiled egg and a small piece of black bread;
  • You can have dinner with boiled beef, chicken or lean fish. Portion - 150 grams.

This diet option is good because there are no restrictions on the amount of salad consumed. You can eat it as much as you like.

Diet for 2 weeks

A 2-week nutrition program is more effective and less stressful for the body.

During weight loss, you can lose weight up to 8 kilograms. At the same time, the weight, after the end of the course, does not return as quickly as compared to the previous option.

You can make your own menu based on the list of allowed products. It is necessary to eat 5 times a day, in small portions.

The list of products allowed for consumption includes:

  • Boiled chicken, veal or beef meat;
  • Dairy products with low fat content;
  • From fruits, you can eat plums, apples or kiwi;
  • From vegetables, you can eat cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, onions, eggplant, spinach and sorrel;
  • Seafood and lean fish are allowed;
  • Berries.

Fish or meat dishes are allowed to be consumed once a day. Vegetable dishes and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

A diet for 2 weeks is good because it not only helps to get rid of extra pounds, but also cleanses the body of carcinogens.

When compiling a menu, it is necessary to count the number of calories consumed. Daily rate - 300 kcal. For best results, regular exercise is recommended.

Another option on how to lose weight before the New Year quickly and easily is a diet. dairy and vegetable . It also takes 2 weeks.

As in the previous two-week version, the diet is compiled individually. It is allowed to use any vegetables and fruits, dairy products with low fat content.

Sample menu for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: a piece of black bread with hard cheese, tea without sugar, an orange;
  • 2 breakfast: persimmon;
  • Lunch: stewed cabbage, tea with milk, banana;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of acidophilus or fermented baked milk;
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, tea;
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of milk or eat fruit.

In two weeks, you can lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight.

If there is very little time

Sample menu for 3 days:

1. First day. We have breakfast with a salad of finely shredded cabbage, a boiled egg and tea with milk.

2 breakfast consists of an apple;

We have lunch with a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, baked fish, compote;

We have an afternoon glass of kefir or milk;

We have dinner with seaweed salad, cottage cheese casserole, tea;

Before going to bed - a glass of kefir.

2. Second day. We have breakfast with boiled meat, canned peas, tea;

For 2 breakfast we eat a few plums;

We dine with stewed cabbage, steam cutlets, tea with milk;

The afternoon snack consists of a boiled egg, tea;

We have dinner with cottage cheese, stewed vegetables, tea or compote;

Before going to bed: an apple or kefir.

3. Third day. We have breakfast with a salad of shredded fresh cabbage, scrambled eggs, tea with milk;

2 breakfast consists of hard-boiled eggs;

We dine with chicken broth, meat and potato casserole, chamomile tea;

Afternoon snack: fermented milk product;

We have dinner with stewed eggplants, a glass of apple juice;

Before going to bed: kiwi or an apple.

Diet for 7 days

Another way to quickly put the figure in order is a protein diet. It is suitable for those people who do not have kidney problems. Food should be taken 5 times a day.

An example menu might look like this:

  • hard-boiled egg, seaweed salad, tea;
  • a glass of milk;
  • chicken broth, boiled fish, tea;
  • fermented milk product;
  • rice with green peas, tea.

  • baked apple;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • fish baked in foil with vegetables, compote;
  • seaweed salad;
  • cucumber, tomato and bell pepper salad, a glass of milk.

  • oatmeal and chicory drink;
  • a piece of cheese, a glass of milk;
  • cabbage soup from fresh cabbage and a glass of milk;
  • rice porridge with vegetables;
  • boiled veal and mashed potatoes;
  • egg omelet, tea;
  • beetroot salad;
  • boiled potatoes with baked fish, compote;
  • kefir;
  • banana and apple salad, a glass of orange juice.
  • tea and a slice of rye bread with cheese;
  • baked apple;
  • rice with green peas, chicken broth, tea;
  • salad of greens and cucumbers;
  • salad with boiled chicken and vegetables, a glass of milk.

This effective New Year's diet will help you lose weight up to 5 kilograms in one week.

In order for the result of losing weight to please you for a long time, after the end of the restrictions, continue to eat right. This will allow you to always stay slim and not worry about extra pounds on the eve of the next holidays.