Frequent ARVI in adults are the reasons. online consultation What is ARVI

The route of transmission of viruses is airborne. People with weakened immune systems are most likely to contract acute infections during cold periods of time, this happens especially often.

To provide the patient with quality care, the doctor prescribes drugs with a complex spectrum of action. Next, we will consider what kind of disease it is, what are the causes and symptoms in adults, as well as how to treat ARVI to quickly restore the body.

What is ARVI?

SARS are airborne infections caused by viral pathogens that mainly affect the respiratory system. Outbreaks of respiratory viral infections occur all year round, but the epidemic is more often observed in autumn and winter, especially in the absence of high-quality prevention and quarantine measures to identify cases of infection.

During periods of peak incidence, ARVI is diagnosed in 30% of the world's population, respiratory viral infections are many times higher in frequency than other infectious diseases.

The difference between ARVI and ARI is insignificant at first glance. However, the causative agent of acute respiratory infections can be a virus (influenza) or bacteria (streptococcus), the causative agent of acute respiratory viral infections is only a virus.


SARS are caused by a variety of viruses belonging to different genera and families. They are united by a pronounced affinity for the epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract. Acute respiratory viral infections can cause different types of viruses:

Entering the body through the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract or the conjunctiva of the eyes, viruses, entering the epithelial cells, begin to multiply and destroy them. In places where viruses are introduced, inflammation occurs.

The source of infection is a sick person, especially if this person is in the initial stage of the disease: feeling unwell and weak until the person realizes that he is sick, already isolating the virus, he infects his environment - the work collective, fellow travelers in public transport, family.

The main route of transmission of infection is airborne, with small particles of mucus and saliva released when talking, coughing, sneezing.

For the development of ARVI, the concentration of the virus in the environment is of great importance. So, the smaller the number of viruses gets on the mucous membranes, the lower the percentage of the likelihood of developing the disease. A high saturation of viruses remains in a closed room, especially with a large crowd of people. The lowest concentration of viruses, on the other hand, is observed in the open air.

Risk factors

Provoking factors contributing to the development of infection:

  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • chronic infections.

It is best to determine how a doctor can treat ARVI. Therefore, if the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to call a local therapist or pediatrician.

Incubation period

The incubation period of ARVI in adults can last from 1 to 10 days, but generally it is 3-5 days.

The disease is highly contagious. Viruses enter the mucous membranes by airborne droplets. You can get sick through touching your hands, dishes, towels, so communication with the patient should be strictly limited.

In order not to infect the rest of the family, the patient must:

  • wear a special gauze bandage;
  • use only your personal hygiene items;
  • process them systematically.

After an illness, immunity does not develop resistance to ARVI, which is due to a large number of different viruses and their strains. Moreover, viruses are susceptible to mutation. This leads to the fact that an adult can get ARVI up to 4 times a year.

If a patient is diagnosed with an illness, he is prescribed antiviral drugs and bed rest until he fully recovers.

The first signs of an acute respiratory viral infection

Usually, a cold starts with a slight discomfort and a sore throat. In some people, at this time, there is an exacerbation of chronic herpes, accompanied by the appearance of characteristic bubbles with liquid in the lips.

The first signs of an acute respiratory viral infection will be:

  • pain in the eyes;
  • increase in overall body temperature;
  • a situation in which the eyes are watery and a runny nose;
  • sore throat, dryness, irritation, sneezing;
  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • coughing fits;
  • changes in voice (if the mucous membranes of the larynx are inflamed).

How much ARVI is contagious for an adult? Experts have found that a person who has caught the virus becomes infectious 24 hours before the very first symptoms of the disease are detected.

Thus, if signs of a respiratory infection appeared 2.5 days after the introduction of the pathogen into the body, then the sick person could infect those around him, starting from 1.5 days after communicating with the previous carrier of the virus.

Symptoms of SARS in adults

Common features of ARVI: relatively short (about a week) incubation period, acute onset, fever, intoxication and catarrhal symptoms. The symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections in adults develop rapidly, and the sooner the response to the invasion of infection is taken and treatment is started, the easier the immunity will cope with the disease.

  • Malaise - muscle weakness and joint aches, you want to lie down all the time;
  • drowsiness - constantly tends to sleep, no matter how much time a person sleeps;
  • runny nose - not strong at first, just like a clear liquid from the nose. Most attribute this to a sharp change in temperature (I entered a warm room from the cold, and condensation appeared in my nose);
  • chills - discomfort when touching the skin;
  • sore throat - it can be expressed as a sore throat, and a tingling sensation or even cutting in the neck.

Depending on the state of the immune system, the symptoms of SARS may increase or decrease. If the protective functions of the respiratory system are at a high level, it will be very easy to get rid of the virus and the disease will not cause complications.

In addition, if the usual symptoms of ARVI do not go away after 7-10 days, then this will also be a reason to consult a specialist (more often an ENT doctor becomes it).

  • A high fever that lasts for five to ten days;
  • a strong moist cough, aggravated in a horizontal position and with increased physical exertion;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat when swallowing.
  • Very high fever;
  • dry cough that causes chest pain;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • dizziness and sometimes loss of consciousness.
  • Body temperature up to 38 degrees. It lasts for 7-10 days.
  • Harsh cough, hoarseness, and change in tone of voice.
  • Painful sensations in the chest.
  • Runny nose.

If the patient has chronic diseases, then this can lead to an exacerbation. During the period of exacerbation, diseases develop: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. They worsen a person's condition and make it difficult to treat.

Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections requiring urgent medical attention:

  • temperature above 40 degrees, almost or not responding to taking antipyretic drugs;
  • impaired consciousness (confusion, fainting);
  • intense headache with inability to bend the neck, bringing the chin to the chest

the appearance of a rash on the body (asterisks, hemorrhages);

  • chest pain when breathing, difficulty breathing in or out, feeling short of air, coughing up phlegm (pink is more serious);
  • prolonged, more than five days fever;
  • the appearance of discharge from the respiratory tract of green, brown color, mixed with fresh blood;
  • chest pain, not dependent on breathing, swelling.
  • Complications

    If during ARVI you do not take the necessary measures to treat it, complications may develop, which are expressed in the development of the following diseases and conditions:

    • acute sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses with the addition of a purulent infection),
    • lowering the infection down the respiratory tract with the formation of bronchitis and pneumonia,
    • spread of infection to the auditory tube with the formation of otitis media,
    • the addition of a secondary bacterial infection (for example, the development of tonsillitis),
    • exacerbation of foci of chronic infection both in the bronchopulmonary system and in other organs.

    Particularly susceptible to this are the so-called "adult" adolescents who cannot sit at home for a minute. It is necessary to have a conversation with them, because complications after ARVI can not only spoil life, there have been cases with a lethal outcome.


    Which doctor will help? If you have or suspect the development of ARVI, you should immediately seek advice from such doctors as a therapist, infectious disease specialist.

    For the diagnosis of ARVI, the following examination methods are usually used:

    • Examination of the patient;
    • Immunofluorescent express diagnostics;
    • Bacteriological research.

    If a patient has developed bacterial complications, then he is referred for consultation to other specialists - a pulmonologist, an otolaryngologist. If pneumonia is suspected, an x-ray of the lungs is taken. If there are pathological changes on the part of ENT organs, then the patient is assigned to carry out pharyngoscopy, rhinoscopy, otoscopy.

    How to treat ARVI in adults?

    At the first symptoms of the disease, bed rest is necessary. You need to call a doctor to diagnose and determine the severity of the disease. In a mild and moderate form, ARVI is treated at home, a severe form in an infectious diseases hospital.

    1. Mode.
    2. Reducing intoxication.
    3. Impact on the pathogen is the use of antiviral agents for ARVI.
    4. Elimination of the main manifestations - a runny nose, sore throat, cough.

    Drugs for the treatment of ARVI

    It is imperative to treat ARVI with the help of antiviral drugs, because the main cause of the disease is the virus. From the first hours of the onset of ARVI symptoms, no later than 48 hours later, they begin to take one of the drugs 2 times a day:

    • Amiksin;
    • rimantadine or amantadine - 0.1 g each;
    • oseltamivir (Tamiflu) - 0.075 - 0.15 g;
    • zanamivir (Relenza).

    You need to take antiviral drugs for 5 days.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This category includes:

    These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce temperature indicators, and relieve pain.

    You can take combined drugs, which include paracetamol - for example:

    Their effectiveness is the same as that of ordinary paracetamol, but they are more convenient to use and reduce the intensity of other symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections due to the presence of phenylephrine and chlorphenamine in the composition.

    Antihistamines are needed to reduce signs of inflammation: nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membranes. The reception of "Loratidin", "Fenistil", "Zirtek" is recommended. Unlike first-generation drugs, they do not cause drowsiness.

    Against nasal congestion and runny nose with ARVI in adults, vasoconstrictor nasal drops Vibrocil, Nazivin, Otrivin, Sanorin are used.

    Are antibiotics needed?

    The prognosis for ARVI is generally favorable. A worsening prognosis occurs when complications arise, a more severe course often develops with a weakening of the body, in children of the first year of life, in elderly people. Some complications (pulmonary edema, encephalopathy, false croup) can be fatal.

    The main indications for taking antibiotics for colds are the following:

    1. An important action is to isolate the patient from society, since the infection will then spread. Being in crowded places, the infected will expose them to danger.
    2. It is required to comply with a number of rules regarding the room where the patient is. This includes wet cleaning, mandatory ventilation (every 1.5 hours), temperature regime (20-22 °), it is good if the humidity inside the room is 60-70%.
    3. A plentiful drink is necessary, it should only be warm. In fact, this is any drink: tea, decoctions, compote, just warm water, etc.
    4. Taking a shock dose of vitamin C. In the first days of ARVI, you need to take ascorbic acid up to 1000 milligrams per day.
    5. Gargling. Gargle your throat to keep the infection from spreading. Gargling can help relieve coughs. Soda-salt solution, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage are suitable for gargling.
    6. Flush the nose regularly with saline solutions. The cheapest option is physiological solution, you can also use modern drugs Dolphin or Aqua Maris - their effectiveness in comparison with ordinary saline solution is absolutely identical.
    7. Inhalation. This procedure is aimed at relieving coughing. From folk remedies, for inhalation, you can use steam from potatoes "in uniform", as well as decoctions of chamomile, calendula, mint and other medicinal herbs. From modern means, a nibulizer can be used for inhalation.

    In the acute stage of the disease, a person has a fever, a severe condition, apathy, loss of appetite, pain in joints, muscles, etc. As soon as the virus begins to "pass", the temperature balance is normalized - perspiration occurs, the pallor of the skin turns into a blush, the patient wants to eat, pulls for sweets.


    Food during ARVI treatment should be light, quickly digestible. It is important to maintain a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For a speedy recovery, it is worth limiting the amount of fat consumed. But you don't need to give up easily digestible carbohydrates. They will replenish energy reserves.

    • fresh berries and fruits;
    • fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables;
    • boiled lean meat and fish;
    • any fermented milk products (for example, cottage cheese and sour cream);
    • soft-boiled chicken eggs (no more than two per day);
    • chicken bouillon;
    • a variety of cereals.
    • alcoholic beverages (alcohol);
    • fried food (meat, cutlets, fish);
    • fatty foods;
    • very cold drinks;
    • carbonated mineral water;
    • spicy food (pepper);
    • smoked products;
    • conservation.

    Depending on the stage of recovery, the nutrition of a patient with ARVI can be structured as follows:

    • On the first day of illness - baked apples, low-fat yogurt, fermented baked milk.
    • On the second or third days - boiled meat or fish, porridge with milk, dairy products.
    • On the days of complications of the disease - boiled or stewed vegetables, low-fat dairy products.

    Folk remedies for ARVI

    You can treat ARVI using the following folk remedies:

    1. Brew 1 s.l. in a glass of boiling water. ginger powder, ground cinnamon, add ground black pepper on the tip of a knife. Insist covered for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. honey. Take a glass every 3-4 hours.
    2. Modern healers recommend treating colds with a special mixture of juices. You will need: juice from 2 lemons, 1 crushed garlic clove, 5 mm of fresh ginger root, 1 apple with peel, 1 pear with peel, 300 gr. water, 1 tablespoon of honey. If the juice is intended for adults, you can add a 2 cm slice of radish to it. Drink this mixture 2 times a day until you are completely recovered.
    3. Inhalation can be done over a container of hot water. To increase efficiency, a chive, extract of needles, fir oil, eucalyptus are added to the liquid. Nasal drops are also made on the basis of these oils.
    4. To disinfect the air in the room, it is worth putting a container with onions or garlic in the room. They are rich in beneficial phytoncides that kill viruses.
    5. Loss of smell is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a cold (especially for an aromatherapist!) Chervil, geranium and basil oils can help your trouble. Use them when taking baths and during inhalation.


    Preventive methods of ARVI include:

    • limiting contact with a sick person;
    • using a protective gauze mask;
    • humidification of the air to avoid drying out of the mucous membranes;
    • quartzing of premises;
    • ventilation of premises;
    • good food;
    • playing sports;
    • the use of vitamins and fortifying drugs in the off-season;
    • personal hygiene.

    You will get the maximum result if you carry out complex treatment of ARVI, take all medications prescribed by your doctor and remember about bed rest.

    Discussion: 6 comments

    After suffering bronchitis, every cold immediately coughs ((I already got the hang of immediately increasing the humidity in the room. Then I drink Prospan expectorant syrup and significantly increase the consumption of tea, compote, just warm water. I try to lie down for at least a couple of days. Fortunately, I manage without complications.

    I went on a business trip, on the way I felt a slight discomfort. There was a sore throat and pain when swallowing. All of my medications, which I usually use for my family members, have remained at home. A colleague gave me a package of grammidin with a red scarf. The very next day I felt much better. Really good!

    With ARVI, the main thing is to defeat the virus. Therefore, here you need to take antiviral such as Ergoferon. As you defeat the virus, you will be cured immediately.

    Thank you for the article.

    The body itself must cope only if the temperature stays above 38 and 5 more than three days you need to drink something!

    This year, it was possible to avoid ARVI during the epidemic, and I treated my husband with a standard set - rinsing the nose with saline, gargling with eucalyptus and chamomile, from a high temperature - Orvis Flew, it lowers the temperature well and relieves cold symptoms, and rosehip broth more often. Get treatment - do not get treatment, still at least a week on sick leave: ((

    Add a comment Cancel reply

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    Is it possible to get the flu or SARS again after a few days?

    ARVI can be caused by different viruses or just one?

    This is not the first time this situation has happened to me.

    The fact is - when a person gets a cold - ARVI, acute respiratory infections, flu - all the energy is spent on fighting infection and recovering from an illness, and as you know with colds, the body is very weakened, the immune system is weakened, so if a person recovers - and after a few days or for weeks he fell ill again, which means the body did not have time to recover and strengthen.

    To prevent this from happening, repeated colds - you need to carry any cold not on your feet, but in bed rest, always heal, and if recovery has come - to strengthen the immune system, avoid repeated chills, mass people with viral infections - ARVI, ARI.

    Yes, of course you can get sick again. Indeed, during the period of illness, the body is weakened and it is easiest to pick up a new infection of a different form. Our children in kindergartens and schools are especially susceptible to repeated diseases.

    Here, our friends' son in the kindergarten fell ill with ARVI, he was cured in a week, sat at home for a week to recover, then he went to the garden and four days later he was again with ARVI, fever and snot.

    To get sick less often, you need to temper.

    In winter, drink vitamins, because the body really lacks them.

    And when you are sick to try to give the body the opportunity to fight on its own, and not to stuff yourself with drugs, let immunity develop, but you can't do without drugs at all, but you don't need to abuse them!

    of course you can. it is important to understand that your immunity is still weakened - after an illness, immunity will recover for a very long time, especially since a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria will remain in your body.

    moreover, there is a great risk of this especially in spring and autumn, and if people around you are also sick. then you need to be careful and careful with your health.

    remember that various medications, especially antibiotics, greatly lower immunity, especially antibiotics. as Govrits, one is treated, and the other is crippled. so know - after an illness, and if you were treated with strong drugs or antibiotics, you need to be vigilant and careful.

    Can. Immunity is very weakened. He directs all his forces to fight the virus. Therefore, you need to follow all the doctor's prescriptions, avoid crowded places in order not to get infected and not infect. You can also take a vitamin and mineral complex. And also, you can simply not heal your own viral infection, or a bacterial one can join. It is also advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle, because bad habits inhibit recovery and greatly weaken the immune system in general.

    Very much even possible. Suppose you are taking antibiotics to treat one disease. Having drunk them on a course, the body becomes very susceptible to infections and weakened. Accordingly, you can still pick up any infection again. Doctors recommend preparations of bifidobacteria precisely in order to increase immunity after taking antibiotics.

    The body is ill, weakened, the immunity is lame - if they were also treated with antibiotics, and if suddenly contact with a sick person again - ARVI or flu are provided for you, and the second time, or maybe the third, only there will be a different form, and complications will not keep you waiting long.

    This year I just got sick twice almost in a row.

    So it’s quite possible. After you have been ill, your body is weakened, and the flu virus now comes in different forms. You have had a virus in one form, and then you can catch a virus of another form.

    I have strengthened my immune system with echinacea.

    Yes, sure. First, you may not be completely cured and the virus, weakened by the course of treatment, will again take over. Secondly, the same virus can meet you again from a sick disease vector. So you can get sick again.

    It is quite possible, if you do not complete the treatment for the first time. And as a rule, after illness, immunity is always weakened and the likelihood of getting sick again is present. It is not for nothing that after suffering ARVI they give a medical tap.

    It is possible and such cases are not uncommon. An elderly neighbor went to the clinic last year, treated ARVI, and at the end of her treatment the temperature suddenly rose sharply and all the symptoms of the disease reappeared, so her doctor said that she had caught another ARVI virus and had to continue the treatment again.

    Symptoms of ARVI in adults

    ARVI is usually called an acute respiratory viral infection, which develops as a result of viruses entering the mucous membrane of the nasal and oral cavity. Harmful germs are transmitted by contact with a sick person, talking or sneezing. ARVI affects not only children, but also adults, women during the period of gestation and feeding and the elderly. If the first symptoms appear, the treatment process should be started immediately. This will help avoid multiplication and spread of the infection throughout the body. How do ARVI symptoms manifest and how to treat the disease?

    Reasons for the development of ARVI

    The viruses that cause disease are highly resistant to the environment. They are transmitted by airborne droplets or by direct contact with a sick person. On average, the incubation period lasts from one to five days. Development can be rapid or moderate.

    Also, the causes of ARVI can be hidden in the following.

    • In the occurrence of regular stressful situations.
    • Chronic fatigue.
    • In weakening the immune function.
    • In poor quality and non-vitaminized food.
    • Hypothermia or overheating.
    • In the presence of diseases of a chronic nature.
    • In a bad environmental situation.
    • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
    • In a small stay in the fresh air.

    Signs of ARVI

    Often, the first symptoms of ARVI in adults are confused with increased fatigue or pain in the head. But if the patient can listen carefully to himself, then he will understand that the infection is beginning to develop actively.

    Since the virus first of all infects the respiratory organs, the first signs of ARVI lie:

    • sore throat;
    • in increased drowsiness;
    • in paroxysmal sneezing;
    • in discomfort.

    After a few hours or days, the patient begins to show other symptoms.

    • Runny nose. There is a discharge from the nose that has a transparent color, but a liquid consistency. However, they are very abundant.
    • Temperature rise in degrees. This symptom depends on which virus has entered the body. Rhinovirus infection usually does not cause a strong rise in temperature.
    • Chills. In this case, the patient develops discomfort when touching the skin.
    • Muscle and joint tissue aches.
    • Sore throat.
    • The onset of pain in the head.

    In some cases, there is redness of the mucous membranes of the visual organs and lacrimation. Dry or wet cough may occur. When the virus enters the bloodstream, severe intoxication of the body develops, as a result of which the work of the digestive system is disrupted.

    Types of ARVI

    A viral infection develops as a result of the penetration of various viruses into the body. As a result, colds are usually divided:

    1. For adenovirus infection. This type of disease is characterized by the development of symptoms in the form of:

    increased temperature, which can be held for five to ten days;

    a strong moist cough, which intensifies in the supine position and with high physical exertion;

    swollen lymph nodes;

    uncomfortable feelings in the larynx.

    Often this type of disease occurs in childhood from one to six years.

  • For influenza infection. This disease develops rapidly. Although the incubation period ranges from one to five days, the symptoms begin to manifest themselves in the first hours after infection. With ARVI, signs appear in the form:

    high temperature, which can reach 40 degrees;

    dry and debilitating cough, which causes severe pain in the chest;

    sore and reddened throat;

    dizziness and loss of consciousness.

    Influenza infection is characterized by severe intoxication of the body, therefore, an elevated temperature can be maintained for up to four days. In this case, painful sensations in the head and a feverish state arise, due to which the patient cannot sleep. Influenza is considered a dangerous infection as it leads to many complications. If treatment is not started in the first days, the patient may die.

  • For parainfluenza infection. This type of disease develops only in childhood. Characterized by:

    low temperature, which can be around degrees;

    The danger of such an infection is that a child often develops a disease such as croup. It leads to suffocation due to narrowing of the larynx walls.

  • For rotavirus infection. This type of disease is considered highly contagious and affects both children and adults. Rotovirus manifests itself not only with fever, runny nose, sore throat and malaise, but also leads to severe upset of the digestive system. As a result, symptoms of ARVI occur in adults and children in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • For rhinovirus infection. The virus affects only the nasal mucosa, as a result of which the patient develops a runny nose, sneezing. But the illness can last up to fourteen days.
  • For rhino-syncytial infection. This virus causes the common cold, but in a milder form. It is similar to parainfluenza, but often leads to bronchitis, as patients ignore the disease.
  • Diagnosis of ARVI in adults

    Before you understand how ARVI is treated in adults, it is worth identifying the virus that caused the disease. To do this, you need to see a doctor. Based on the complaints and accompanying symptoms, he will conduct an examination. After that, an examination is assigned.

    • Blood donation for general and biochemical analysis.
    • A urine test to make sure the kidneys are not affected by the disease.
    • Taking a swab from the mouth and nasal cavity to identify the pathogen.
    • Front and rear rhinoscopy.
    • X-ray examination to examine the paranasal sinuses and chest.

    Only after diagnosis will the doctor be able to tell how to treat ARVI.

    Possible complications after ARVI

    Very often, adults ignore the symptoms and treatment of ARVI. Because of this, adverse consequences develop. The main complications include the following.

    1. Acute sinusitis, which gradually become chronic. This includes sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. Diseases are characterized by the development of a purulent infection in the paranasal sinuses. With sinusitis, there is usually a rise in temperature up to 38 degrees, pain in the head and eyes, nasal congestion. A runny nose does not always appear, since plugs form in the nasal passages. If there is a discharge, then it is yellow and thick.
    2. Bronchitis and pneumonia. In such a situation, the infection descends into the lower respiratory tract. The temperature may rise in degrees, a strong and dry cough may occur, while sputum comes out with difficulty. Mucus can have a greenish or yellow tint, be mixed with blood or pus.
    3. Otitis. Often this type of complication develops in childhood due to the underdevelopment of the auditory tube and glare to the nasal passages. There is an increase in temperature, pain in the ears, discharge of pus with an unpleasant odor.
    4. Angina. Very often, with ARVI, the addition of a bacterial infection is observed. As a result, the patient's voice is lost, the temperature is high, and the tonsils are severely inflamed.

    If complications are observed with ARVI, then the doctor prescribes antibiotics. In childhood, antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the form of Augmentin, Amoxiclav and Flemoxin. SARS in adults with adverse consequences are advised to drink Azithromycin, Amoxicillin.

    The duration of the treatment course is from five to ten days, depending on the severity of the complication.

    The process of treating ARVI in adults

    Many patients ask the question of how to be treated for ARVI. It is not worth pulling with this, therefore, it is necessary to take funds at the first sign.

    Treatment of ARVI in adults includes the following.

    1. Direct intake of antiviral drugs. Patients are prescribed Remantadin, Ingavirin, Arbidol. The duration of therapy is seven days.
    2. Taking antipyretics when the temperature rises above 38 degrees. You can take paracetamol, aspirin, analgin or ibuprofen with ARVI. You can also purchase drugs in the form of Fervex or Coldrex.
    3. The use of cough medicines. With ARVI, a dry type cough very often occurs. Therefore, the main goal of such treatment is to remove sputum from their bronchi. For this, Mukaltin or Ambrobene is prescribed. If the sputum is viscous, then it must be liquefied. To do this, you need to take ACC. It is impossible to take this type of funds on your own, as the cough reflex may decrease, which will lead to stagnation of mucus in the bronchi and lungs.
    4. Reception of immunostimulating agents in the form of Imupret.
    5. The use of drugs that increase the production of interferon. This includes Viferon, Grippferon, Anaferon, Ergoferon.
    6. Taking medications for the common cold.

    Effective treatment of ARVI in adults also includes the following procedures.

    • Gargling with various solutions of medicinal herbs, furacilin, soda and salt.
    • Irrigation of the tonsils and larynx area. For this, it is recommended to use Hexoral, Tantum Verde, Miramistin.
    • Resorption of tablets. Doctors prescribe medications to relieve sore throat. This includes funds in the form of Strepsils, Faringisept, Lizobact, Grammidin, Hexoral, Doctor Mom. The duration of treatment therapy is a maximum of three to four days.
    • Treatment of the oral cavity and tonsils with antiseptics and a cotton pad.
    • Rinsing the nasal passages with sea salt solution up to five times a day.
    • Inhalation with the addition of essential oils, herbs or soda with iodine.
    • Taking a shock dose of vitamin C. In the first days of illness, you need to take ascorbic acid up to 1000 milligrams per day.
    • Warming up the legs and arms with hot baths. The warming up procedure can be carried out if the patient does not have a temperature.
    • Drinking a lot of fluids. It is necessary to drink not only water, but also warming teas with raspberries, lemon or honey.
    • Taking milk with honey at night to relieve sore throat and cough.
    • Compliance with bed rest for three to five days. The patient needs to stay in bed more and sleep a lot. It is believed that in a dream, a person recovers faster.

    Prevention of ARVI in adults and children

    If ARVI manifests itself, symptoms, treatment should be recognized immediately. Do not be afraid to contact a doctor, because only he will tell you what to do. If the treatment process was started at the first symptoms, then the duration of the disease can be about three days. But usually on average ARVI lasts from seven to ten days.

    But the development of infection can be prevented if you follow a few simple but important rules. This includes:

    1. Lack of contact with sick people.
    2. Rare visits to public places.
    3. Lubrication of the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment. Eucalyptus or fir essential oils can be used. It is believed that they scare off viruses, and in humans they stimulate the production of antibodies.
    4. Regular washing of hands and face with laundry or antibacterial soap.
    5. Daily airing of the room.
    6. Air humidification.
    7. Strengthening immune function. This includes carrying out hardening procedures and charging, taking fortified agents.
    8. Increasing immunity during the cold season by taking drugs such as Anaferon, Ergoferon, Grippferon, Interferon or Cytovir-3. You need to drink them two or three times a year.
    9. Balanced diet. Since natural vitamins are practically absent in winter, a special diet must be followed. You need to take boiled and stewed food. It is worth giving up fast foods, convenience foods and soda.
    10. Quitting addictions in the form of smoking and alcohol consumption.

    Is it possible to get infected with ARVI again

    Is it possible to get infected with ARVI again and how to prevent it? This question worries people precisely in the autumn and winter seasons. Let's answer it.

    Prevention methods

    In the winter season, it is necessary to carefully approach the problem of raising immunity.

    Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to get sick with ARVI again, there is no definite answer, since this is an individual feature of the organism.

    In order not to get sick again and to warn yourself and your loved ones from the disease, you can perform the following methods:

    • The child's nutrition is being adjusted. For the first time, the diet should include fruit and vegetable dishes that increase immunity. Chives generally have the ability to create a protective barrier against viruses. Dried fruits are also very useful for the body - they contain many useful substances.
    • School overload also affects the protective properties of the child's body. Rest after school is a must for immunostimulation.
    • Essential oils have worked well as a preventive measure. If you drop about 3 drops of eucalyptus, cedar or lemon on a cotton swab, then the agent repels the virus well.
    • Aromatic bath is an excellent prophylaxis for strengthening the immune system.

    Can the human body develop protective properties against influenza?

    Having answered the question, is it possible to become infected with ARVI again, one should figure out how the body fights the disease. As soon as viruses enter comfortable conditions for themselves through the nasopharynx, they begin to copy and the human body starts up the immune system to fight the disease.

    If the treatment process was carried out correctly, then in a maximum of a week the body will develop antibodies that will begin to suppress influenza viruses. During this time, the immune system will form an immune system that will attack the virus strains.

    It happens when, having had the flu, a person gets sick again. And this is not uncommon!

    What can affect the recurrence of the disease?

    Recurrent illness can be affected by incorrect treatment. Most often, such signs are observed in adult patients. However, children are also susceptible to this.

    We are talking about not fully treated flu. The disease is present in the body, it is in a dormant state. This suggests that she was not healed. The new virus attack has nothing to do with it.

    There is a situation when a child re-fell ill with ARVI. There is also a definite answer to this. The influenza virus comes in different varieties: A, B and C. Each of these groups contains different types or strains. Often, the viral flu constantly mutates, making it difficult to fight it.

    The most dangerous groups are types A and B. Type C influenza virus does not pose a threat to the body.

    According to statistics, a person who has recovered from the influenza type A virus will not be infected again. Influenza B will not give one hundred percent result in the fact that a person will not become infected, and the type C virus does not guarantee re-infection at all.

    The immunity that the body can develop to fight infection lasts up to 2 years on average.

    What diagnostic missteps do they make?

    Often, flu is a frequent reflection of ARVI. These diseases are provoked by pneumotropic viruses. The symptoms of ARVI are similar to each other, so they are usually confused. If a child or an adult falls ill, it means that a second ARVI is possible. Any kind of disease weakens the protective functions of the body. Is it possible to get flu after ARVI? It is quite possible, if not fully cured disease.

    Influenza is often confused with other respiratory diseases. For example, adenovirus, reovirus, rhinovirus infections or parainfluenza.

    Flu treatment must be taken responsibly and followed through.

    When did the temperature rise again?

    If you get sick with ARVI again, as a result of which the inflammatory process in the body has resumed, then the problem will be as follows: the viruses will get used to the drugs, and they will stop working.

    If a child re-falls ill with ARVI, adults immediately have a question, what to do in this case? In this case, the treatment regimen of the previous treatment should be different, but it must necessarily include:

    • Abundant drink in the form of compote, mineral water, water, chamomile decoction, kefir. You need to drink in small sips every quarter of an hour. In this case, the liquid is absorbed better. The first sign that there is enough fluid in the body is that the child often runs to the toilet.
    • If the temperature does not exceed 39 degrees, it is better not to knock it down.
    • Temperatures above 39 degrees - wipe the skin with lukewarm water without adding vinegar or vodka. Wipe down every 15 minutes to bring down the temperature well. If this method does not help, then a medication is given or special suppositories are injected. The temperature can last for 5 days and this is normal, but at the same time it should decrease. A child with a temperature that lasts more than three days should be under the supervision of a doctor.
    • Drugs that include an antibiotic are not prescribed by a doctor and are harmful to the body.
    • The pediatrician prescribes an antiviral drug in cases where the child is often sick.
    • When coughing, you need to drink expectorant drugs that remove harmful substances (phlegm) from the body, and do not block it.

    Preventive measures

    In order not to get sick again, first of all, you need to avoid contact with sick people. A respirator mask will be the best protection in public places. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

    The most effective preventive measures are:

    • timely vaccination;
    • taking medications and vitamins;
    • strengthening the protective properties of the body by hardening.

    Vaccination is classified as a specific type of prophylaxis. It is effective during an epidemic. Vaccinations are carried out from October to November. The vaccine is given in special vaccination centers.

    The vaccine needs to be changed every year as the type of virus changes.

    • children under 6 months;
    • people with an allergic reaction to chicken protein.

    Medicines that are prescribed as a prophylaxis contain plant-derived substances that strengthen the body's immune system.

    The non-specific method of prevention includes the following methods. Among them are:

    • ventilate the room;
    • observance of personal hygiene;
    • less often not to be in public places;
    • clothing should be appropriate for the weather.

    Complications after an illness

    Is it possible to get the flu immediately after recovery and get complications? This is quite possible, therefore, the treatment must be composed correctly. Complications can seriously harm your health.

    When the body is weakened, it is unable to fight microbes that can provoke complications and cause:

    These types of ailments require special attention and timely access to a doctor for help.

    What conclusions to draw?

    Throughout his life, a person can get sick with ARVI many times. In order to minimize its amount, you need to strengthen the immune system from an early age.

    The main task of adults is to protect the child from viral infections by means of preventive methods or to quickly and effectively cope with the disease.

    Frequent acute respiratory viral infections in adults, the causes of which are described below, should be treated at an early stage of development by contacting a therapist for this. Acute respiratory viral infection can occur due to a weakening of the body's immune properties, contact with an infected person, and other provoking factors.

    Many people are interested in whether it is possible to get ARVI again immediately after recovery. Answering the question whether it is possible to become infected with ARVI again, it is worth noting that with a complete cure of the disease, the appearance of a relapse of the same strain of infection is impossible. This can be explained by the production of antibodies by the human immune system, therefore, upon re-infection, the body will be able to immediately overcome the disease without manifesting painful symptoms. Secondary infection can occur only when another type of virus enters the human body.

    However, it should be borne in mind that there are many different types of pathogens of acute viral respiratory infection. Therefore, a patient who has recently been infected with one of the strains will, after a while, be able to become infected again, but with a different type of infection. It is impossible to say with certainty whether a person has been infected in the past with a particular virus. The flu virus is capable of mutating, so the protective properties of a person, which were able to overcome pathogenic bodies in the past year, may not cope with them again.

    What to do in case of re-infection with ARVI?

    At the doctor's appointment, the patient may ask him whether it is possible to get sick with ARVI twice in a row and what actions to take. Answering the question of what to do in case of re-infection with an acute respiratory viral infection, it can be noted that a person who is secondarily sick with ARVI, as a result of which inflammation in the body has reappeared, may face some difficulties in treatment. Since it is possible for the virus to become addicted to certain medications, which will become useless for stopping the inflammatory process. In this case, the therapy regimen needs to be changed, which only a doctor should do. Do not self-medicate, otherwise the condition may worsen, complications may arise.

    Treatment for an acute respiratory viral infection upon re-infection should include:

    1. Drinking a lot of fluids. It can be plain or mineral water, compote, kefir, herbal tea. The drink should be drunk in small sips every 15 minutes, which promotes better absorption of fluids. The first sign of sufficient water balance in the body is frequent urination.
    2. Do not knock down temperature indicators that do not exceed 38 ° - 38.5 °. With ARVI, the increased body temperature may not subside for five days, which is considered the norm.
    3. The doctor usually prescribes antiviral drugs.
    4. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. However, they are only effective against pathogenic bacteria. They are useless for the treatment of viral diseases.

    In addition, for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, medications are used to relieve soreness in the throat, as well as mucolytic drugs to eliminate cough, stimulating the excretion of phlegm from the respiratory tract.

    To prevent persistent ARVI in an adult, doctors strongly recommend taking preventive measures:

    1. Get enough sleep. This is very important for maintaining the protective qualities of the body. Scientific research suggests that T-cells are dysfunctional and that the risk of inflammation is increased with sleep deprivation. As a result, frequent SARS can develop.
    2. The predominance of plant foods in the diet also has a positive effect on health. Vegetables, whole grains, fruits have an antioxidant effect, which helps to strengthen the immune system and restore cells.
    3. Avoiding stressful situations. Chronic stress, instability of the psycho-emotional state provokes the accumulation of stress hormones in the body, which contribute to the activation of white blood cells. As a result, the immune system is weakened, and the likelihood of infection increases.
    4. Control your drinking regimen. To prevent the development of the disease, it is very important to consume large amounts of liquid. When painful sensations appear in the throat, you can drink herbal tea, compotes, and eat soups.
    5. Carry out hardening procedures. Start by wiping your body with a towel dampened with cool water.

    If you follow the simple rules, you can forget about the disease for a long time, preventing the recurrence of ARVI.

    Influenza is one of the most dangerous in terms of the number of possible complications of pathologies. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend adhering to the rules of the rehabilitation period so that the body has the opportunity to recover, and the immune system can again cope with viruses.

    If, after ARVI, the temperature is 38 again, weakness and other symptoms of the disease are a very alarming sign. There are several reasons why the body temperature may rise above the established norm again. But the main thing is to remember that any increase in body temperature after the flu, colds and SARS is not the norm. The norm is a slight decrease in temperature for several days until the immune system returns to normal.

    The child has a high probability of recurrence of ARVI

    After a respiratory infection, the body is still very weakened, therefore, any factor that a person would normally survive without the development of the disease can become a catalyst for the disease: a draft, contact with a carrier of the virus, hypothermia.

    A relapse that occurs a short time after recovery is always more severe, the symptomatic picture develops faster, and the risk of complications is traditionally higher.

    With reasonable worries of the parent: the child has the flu, temperature 39 - what to do, you need to focus on a standard therapy plan. If an adult or a child has had ARVI, after a week the temperature again clearly shows a high activity of the immune system, the following actions must be taken immediately:

    • consult your doctor;
    • provide maximum peace;
    • resume taking medications taken during the previous period of the disease;
    • use drugs for symptomatic treatment: elimination of pain, fever.

    If it is possible to call a doctor at home, it is better to wait with any medication so that the therapist or pediatrician has the opportunity to get a more accurate idea of ​​the symptoms.

    The therapy of the disease occurs according to the standard scheme, but in this case it makes sense to insure yourself, keeping the hospital regime as long as possible. After recovery, it is necessary to carefully follow the rules of the rehabilitation period, consume vitamins, avoid drafts, large crowds, and overwork.

    New disease

    Not necessarily in a situation where the symptoms return again after an infection, the same disease is present as before, a weakened immune system can become a target for a new viral infection.

    For example, you can often meet the anxiety of parents when the child has had ARVI, a week later the temperature is again. This phenomenon is quite understandable: after a respiratory infection, the child's immunity is weakened, as evidenced by poor health, low body temperature and the urgent recommendations of a doctor, to avoid heavy loads for at least two weeks.

    Fever may rise due to new infection

    With a weakened immunity, the child's body cannot cope with the virus, so it freely enters the body and after the incubation period, which is usually about 7 days, the clinical picture of the new disease begins to unfold in full, causing a rise in temperature and other symptoms.

    How to avoid the temperature rise again?

    In order not to look for a question to answer why the temperature rose again after SARS, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the virus from entering the body again.

    When a child is discharged, the doctor usually gives comprehensive recommendations on how to behave in order not to return for a new sick leave soon.

    First of all, prevention is about avoiding contact with a potential carrier of the virus. That is, for two to three weeks it is necessary to avoid large crowds of people. Such a measure of body defense is required in any case, especially in cold weather and during epidemics, but after a recent respiratory infection, such advice is even more relevant.

    Secondly, the body's defenses should be strengthened. Warm clothing that does not allow hypothermia, the correct daily regimen, good nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements, will speed up the rehabilitation process, and, therefore, significantly reduce the risk of both a relapse of the disease and a new infection.

    Some doctors recommend taking immunomodulatory drugs that stabilize the immune system. But the opinion about the need to take such drugs in childhood is by no means shared by all doctors, as are the manufacturers, who indicate in the instructions for the drug information about the restriction of admission in childhood.

    In order not to get sick again, the baby must eat well.

    It is important to understand that it is impossible to raise immunity from the outside, even drugs called immunomodulators only normalize the functioning of the immune system. But there are no methods of influencing immunity in such a way that it increases, otherwise the problem of immunodeficiency syndrome has long ceased to exist.

    In addition, even while taking such drugs, the above rules must be observed: avoid potential sources of infection, hypothermia, reboot on the body, and also eat right. Considering that these methods work perfectly even without the use of any drugs that affect the immune system, the point in using immunomodulators is very dubious.

    The same applies to the intake of vitamins: there are no scientific factors indicating that vitamin pharmacological preparations can have a positive effect on the body. However, as well as the facts indicating the opposite. And even the use of such a popular until recently, a remedy for the prevention of colds, like vitamin C, has been officially debunked.

    What to do if the temperature rises?

    If the preventive measures for a new disease turned out to be ineffective or were not carried out too carefully, as a result of which the child again has the flu, fever 39 and other symptoms, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

    When, after ARVI, the child's temperature rises again, the parent's actions should be similar to those in a situation with any disease:

    • contacting a pediatrician;
    • taking medications prescribed by a doctor, prescribed after laboratory tests and examination of a small patient;
    • symptomatic therapy;
    • bed rest.

    It would be nice to stay in bed for a couple of days after recovery.

    It is worth remembering that if relapses of respiratory infections occur frequently, you need to think about strengthening the health of a child who takes more than one day: hardening, climatotherapy, and so on.

    Currently, there is a high prevalence of frequently ill children with a complicated form of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). There are many reasons for the high incidence of ARVI in children. One of the main ones is the imperfection of children's immunity in the fight against influenza. The researchers found that in the elderly and children, interferon is produced more slowly and in smaller quantities, and this causes a weakening of the immune system and the development of various childhood infections. We talk about modern methods of treatment of recurrent forms of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) of frequently ill children with the deputy chief physician for clinical expert work of the city children's polyclinic No. 7 Olga Viktorinovna Bondareva.

    - Olga Viktorinovna, what are the reasons for the high prevalence of a group of frequently ill children suffering from recurrent ARVI?

    - Frequently ill children (FAD) is a term for a group of children of a certain age who have a higher incidence of acute respiratory diseases than their peers. By the way, the concept of "frequently ill child" is used only in domestic pediatrics. This is not a diagnosis in the medical sense of the word. According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), a child who gets sick more than four times a year belongs to the BWD group, but it should be noted that the age of the child also matters. For example, children under 3 years of age who have suffered acute respiratory diseases six or more times according to the criteria of the Russian Federation, and 5-8 times a year according to WHO criteria, belong to the BWD group.

    The causes of often ill children in the first years of life lie, firstly, in the problem of the processes of formation and development of the child's anti-infectious protection. It should be noted that the first 6-12 months of a child's life are covered by passively transmitted maternal antibodies against most respiratory viruses.

    A characteristic feature of the immune system function of a 2-6 year old child is a high proliferative activity of lymphocytes, an "orientation" of the immune response to infectious agents, and with ARVI, repeated more than 6-8 times a year, there is no adequate restoration of the immune system. In addition, the state of the lymphoepithelial tissue of the pharyngeal ring, which provides local protection of the respiratory tract, is significant, and the period of early childhood is characterized by the intensive development of lymphoid tissue. A special growth of the palatine tonsils occurs at the age of 3-5 years, and the pharyngeal (adenoids) at the age of 5-7 years, and then there is a gradual reduction of tissue, which is completed by the age of 16-18 years of human life.

    Of great importance for the recurrent form of acute respiratory viral infections is also the ecological disadvantage of the environment, physical fatigue, passive smoking in the environment of the child, early up to 3 years of stay of children in a children's institution, unbalanced nutrition, parents' refusal from the annual vaccination against influenza.

    The maximum incidence of ARVI among children is recorded at the age of 6 months - 6 years and is 4-6 diseases per year, among younger schoolchildren - 2-5 times a year, in older children the incidence of ARVI decreases to 2-3 times a year. ARVI in the structure of respiratory diseases is up to 80-90%. Frequently ill children in the general population of the child population account for 14 to 18%.

    What kind of explanatory work is carried out with the parents of children who often have a recurrent form of ARVI?

    - The attitude of parents in raising a child with a recurrent form of ARVI is of great importance. Parents need to know about the mandatory conduct of general hygiene measures in the family. Namely, the correct daily regimen, balanced nutrition, sleeping in the fresh air, hardening procedures, protecting such children from additional contacts with infection, finding the possibility of raising children under three years old at home, and not in a preschool, sanatorium treatment, a trip to the sea , prevention of chronic diseases of ENT organs. We explain to parents that it is not necessary to give a child a large amount of drugs, especially antibiotics, without a doctor's prescription, to self-medicate, as this does not lead to the development of immunity.

    How is the treatment of children with recurrent ARVI carried out?

    - The treatment regimen for a group of frequently ill children consists of different directions. Depending on the frequency of infections, treatment includes preventive measures that must be carried out, first of all, in the family: a rational daily regimen, nutrition with correction of the consumption of carbohydrates and sweets, taking multivitamins by age, carrying out reasonable hardening procedures and medical correction , which is carried out in conjunction with an ENT doctor, who determines the scope of local treatment depending on the degree and location of ENT organ damage - chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis, the presence of a focus of chronic infection. Here you can apply the irrigation of the mucous membrane with saline solutions, rinsing the throat after 4-5 years with antiseptic solutions, physiotherapy (UFO, magnetotherapy), local antibacterial treatment.

    Etiopathogenetic treatment includes antiviral and anti-inflammatory therapy - a group of inducers of endogenous interferon synthesis.

    Indications for antibiotic therapy in children with recurrent respiratory infections are the presence of severe symptoms of intoxication, hyperthermia for more than three days, the appearance of a purulent sputum, the presence of a recurrent obstructive syndrome, which indicates the onset of bacterial superinfection, the development of morbidity in children of the first year of life, prolonged treatment of respiratory diseases.

    The choice of antibiotics in children with recurrent respiratory morbidity should preferably have the following options: protected penicillins that are resistant to betalactamases - amoxiclav, augmentin; macrolides.

    It is important to note that one of the important stages in the treatment regimen for frequently ill children with recurrent ARVI is sanatorium prophylactic treatment. In Kazan, there were two such sanatoriums that accepted preschool children who had pneumonia and had chronic foci of infection. Children who received health improvement in a sanatorium were less likely to get sick. Unfortunately, currently there are no therapeutic sanatoriums for the recovery of frequently ill children in Kazan.

    Are immunomodulators effective in treating these children?

    - Such immunomodulators as thymagen and thymalin - preparations of the thymus gland, found great application in the 1990s of the last century and were prescribed for any infection. Upon closer examination, it became clear that they are more harmful than positive. Therefore, their appointment is carried out only by a specialist doctor.

    In general, there is a positive effect of the appointment of immunotropic drugs. But this effect is usually short-lived and not always persistent. The reason is that there is no proper preparation of patients and parents for this type of therapy - for a long time, in courses, the necessary dosages, and there is also a lack of sanitation of foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx. Immunotropic drugs of microbial origin or their synthetic analogues are prescribed: bacterial lysates; combined immunocorrectors containing bacterial antigens; synthetic drugs.

    - What problems do frequently ill children face in adulthood?

    - The recurrent form of ARVI is characterized by the presence of chronic foci of infection: tonsillitis, otitis media, adenoiditis. And if a child suffers from otitis media 5-6 times, then the process acquires a chronic course. The child develops chronic otitis media, he begins to nasal and hear poorly, sleep is disturbed, he loses adaptation in the team, there is a constant pain syndrome. Such children need constant dispensary supervision. In adulthood, chronic sinusitis, sinusitis and pneumonia develop. If a child suffers 2-3 pneumonia per year, then the likelihood of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is very high.

    Gulnara Abdukayeva

    Therapy of patients suffering from recurrent diseases of the upper respiratory tract is a rather difficult problem, since it stands at the junction of several disciplines and must solve several problems at once: to influence the pathogen, prevent relapses, and at the same time, therapy must be as safe as possible for the patient.

    We asked the professor of the Department of Immunology, Allergology and Laboratory Diagnostics of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Kuban State Medical University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Natalia Vladislavovna Kolesnikova

    What factors determine the choice of treatment method for recurrent ARVI and ARI?

    Currently, recurrent upper respiratory tract infections are often interpreted as clinical manifestations of secondary immune deficiency. This means that the immune system, completely normal at birth, for some reason begins to malfunction. Therefore, the treatment of patients suffering from frequent colds should be pathogenetically justified (pathogenetic therapy is a method of treatment in which the effect is aimed at suppressing some links of the mechanism of the development of the disease process and strengthening others, which contributes to the cessation of its development in the cure), the volume of therapy should be adequate the severity of the disease.

    Are there established norms for the treatment of these diseases?

    Conventionally, several areas of treatment can be distinguished: the selection of therapy in accordance with the pathogen (antiherpetic or antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal drugs) and the use of immunomodulatory drugs that help to "restore" weakened function and cope with "repetitions" of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

    Immunomodulators, like any medications require a thoughtful approach and should be prescribed according to indications, and not for "strengthening immunity". For example, for the prevention of seasonal morbidity, immunomodulators are indicated for patients with frequent episodes of acute respiratory infections throughout the year, including recurrent sinusitis and otitis media.

    I would recommend the latest generation of bacterial immunomodulators - minimal biologically active fragments (MBAF). Why? Recent discoveries in the field of immunology, for which the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded in 2011, helped us understand the mechanism of action of immunomodulators of microbial origin through the innate immunity receptors that carry most of the blood cells (which are also cells of the immune system) and tissues.

    The second most important aspect is security.

    MBAF, being the smallest fragment of the bacterial wall, is part of, among other things, "beneficial" bacteria, which, after the end of their life cycle, are also subjected to "utilization" and enzymatic decomposition into tiny "spare parts", i.e. the same MBAF. Can you imagine an allergic reaction to your own "beneficial" microflora? This is extremely difficult.

    In Russia, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova, a true MBAF has been registered, which constitutes a repeating universal fragment of peptidoglycan - GMDP (Likopid).

    How does Likopid work on the body?

    Under natural conditions, our body is in "good shape" under the influence of all the same parts of bacteria and MBAFs, which are formed when repelling the attacks of any bacteria.

    Acting on a key molecular target (receptor) in the immune system, Likopid, like other MBAFs, "imitates" the natural process of detecting peptidoglycan fragments of microorganisms, i.e. the effect of the drug is as close as possible to natural immunoregulation.

    In the treatment of what diseases is the use of Likopid effective?

    Likopid 1mg is effective in the treatment of viral and fungal, bacterial diseases with frequent relapses throughout the year. This applies to: recurrent and long-term diseases of the respiratory tract in children and adults, including prophylactic use by these patients in the autumn-winter season of the rise in morbidity; purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin, soft tissues and postoperative complications; viral infections (herpesvirus and human papillomavirus).