Can children eat pomegranate. Can a child give pomegranate and pomegranate juice? What to do with pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate is a very useful fruit. This fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients that are so important for the human body of any age. Pomegranate seeds have a sweet and sour taste with hints of astringency.

Vitamins and minerals found in pomegranate

Pomegranate seeds contain a rich variety of vitamins, such as: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E and others. This fruit is not deprived of the presence of various minerals. This:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • folic acid.

Pomegranate is just a storehouse of usefulness for the human body, and it can be used by both an adult and a child. One hundred grams of pomegranate juice contains 15% of the daily value of vitamin C, which is necessary for a person of any age.

Benefits of pomegranate juice

Experts always recommend pomegranate juice for children in the treatment of anemia. The fact is that there is not so much iron in the juice itself, but the acids present in the composition of the fruit help the body to further absorb iron favorably, which can come from other products.

The drink acts as a prophylactic against the occurrence of cancer, as it is saturated with polyphenols that protect the human body from this terrible disease.

In addition, pomegranate, in general, protects the body from various viruses and diseases, increasing immunity. Another important property of this fruit is that it has an antipyretic effect.

This fruity drink is very useful for digestive disorders, especially for babies. It helps to remove excess fluid from the body, toxins. In addition, it tends to increase appetite.

Potassium, which is present among the many useful substances of the product, will support and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Pomegranate juice. healing drink

Harmful properties

Pomegranate juice is contraindicated if a person suffers from:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • has an increased acidity of the stomach.

Children prone to allergic reactions should not be offered this product, as the rich red color of the fruit can immediately cause a reaction in a fragile body. This fruit drink is also harmful because it has a very strong effect on tooth enamel and is capable of destroying it, so mothers should not get too carried away when treating children with this particular type of vitamin.

With the help of pomegranate, you can normalize the work of the intestines, but if the child has a tendency to constipation, then pomegranate juice will have the opposite effect.

When Should Children Start Giving Pomegranate Juice?

Unfortunately, experts in this matter have not come to a consensus with the problem “At what age can a child have pomegranate juice?” parents must decide. Some of the doctors say that you can give food to children who have not yet reached the age of one. And you need to start from six, or even from three months. But the majority believes that it is the year that is the age when the child's body is strong enough to receive such an ambiguous type of vitamins.

The decision to introduce pomegranate juice into the diet of children who have not reached the first year of life should be made only with medical advice. Most often, up to a year, doctors recommend using juice for rickets with any problems with blood vessels.

At what age is it better to do this? The best option is to reach exactly one year of age, but it is not forbidden to start from ten to eleven months. The pomegranate drink should be introduced into the child's food gradually and carefully, and in no case in a concentrated form.

What ratio should be followed? Juice must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of one to one and begin to give one teaspoon. At first, the frequency of use should be no more than one spoon every two to three days. So that the child does not refuse pomegranate juice, due to its unusual taste, the product can be sweetened by adding a little sugar or jam.

If the baby does not develop allergies or digestive disorders after taking the nectar, then the dosage can be increased to a volume of 50-70 ml.

When children are three years old, pomegranates should be given as whole grains. There is no longer a limit on the number, but you should not get carried away with it either. It is also necessary to carefully monitor that the child does not swallow grains. Pomegranate seeds are very poorly excreted from the body and can lead to an exacerbation of appendicitis.

How to choose real pomegranate juice?

Making pomegranate juice

The real product, which will contain vitamins, is, of course, fresh. Pomegranate juice, which is sold in abundance on the shelves of shops and supermarkets, does not contain such a rich composition of vitamins, but will only mimic the taste of freshly squeezed.

What a variety of services the modern market does not offer - you can always go to specialized points for freshly squeezed nectar, where, in front of the consumer, it is immediately made from fresh fruits. But not everyone can afford it - the pleasure is not cheap. Pomegranate juice is easy to make at home:

  • The first thing to do is to buy good fruits. Pomegranate should be taken ripe, its grains should be a rich red-purple wine color, the taste is not sour;
  • the number of fruits is taken on the basis that half of the mass will be lost in the manufacture of the drink.

The easiest and most straightforward way to cook is to use a household juicer. The procedure is the same as when obtaining orange nectar. The fruit is cut in half and sent to the device. The disadvantages of this cooking method are obvious:

  • seeds from grains also get into the juice;
  • a white film that acts as a partition inside the fetus;
  • skin particles;
  • the juicer will not give a 100% result when squeezing pomegranate seeds;
  • the concentrate after processing will need to be filtered.

This does not mean that a pomegranate juice extractor is not suitable equipment. It is simply necessary to approach the preparation of nectar in the right way in order to get the maximum product at the minimum cost. The juicer must be centrifugal, and it is necessary to fill it with already peeled grains from films and peel. Then the drink will be clean and with a minimum amount of waste.

A blender is also used to make a drink:

  • pomegranate seeds are placed in the container;
  • a glass of water is added;
  • crushed with a blender;
  • such a mixture will need to be filtered several times with gauze in order to obtain a liquid without impurities.
  • such juice will no longer need to be diluted with water, and can be consumed immediately.

Without the presence of special devices, you can also prepare nectar from pomegranates:

  • pre-peeled pomegranate seeds are put into gauze;
  • gauze is wrapped and placed in any deep container, pans are most often used;
  • an ordinary rolling pin is taken and with its help juice is squeezed out of the grains;
  • after working with a rolling pin, the juice is additionally squeezed out of gauze by hand.

There is another way to get a pomegranate drink, but it is better to entrust it to strong male hands:

  • a whole pomegranate is taken, the fruit should not be damaged or crushed;
  • from different sides with your fingers, the fruit is diligently crumpled for some time. The more time, the better, of course;
  • then a small hole is cut in the peel and the juice is poured out.

Pomegranate nectar naturally has an undeniable amount of health benefits for both children and adults to consume. But not only juice can be useful for treating the human body - pomegranate peels are no less useful.

Dried peels are used as a remedy for many types of worms. And with such treatment, it does not matter whether the child is already a year old, or whether he is still too small for such methods.

Video: How to make pomegranate juice in 5 minutes

September is the ripening season for pomegranates. The Russian market in the autumn-winter period is replenished with exotic fruits from the Caucasus and Central Asia, which have long been known for their high taste and medicinal properties. The king of vitamins - this is the name of the pomegranate for the unique composition of its grains and peel.

Translated into many languages, the pomegranate is referred to as "grainy apple." Under a dense leathery cover, otherwise the pericarp, more than 100 grains in white partitions are located in two tiers. They are surrounded by transparent juicy pink or red pulp, which is the source of a healthy drink - pomegranate juice. Composition:

  • vitamins A, PP, E, group B (B6, B12);
  • folic acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • pectins;
  • tannins and astringents;
  • amino acids, 15 of which are essential;
  • minerals (magnesium, iodine, calcium, silicon, potassium, sodium, iron);
  • organic acids (citric, malic, acetic, oxalic, boric).

This composition is ideal for the treatment and prevention of many diseases in childhood.

Beneficial features

With anemia

A balanced combination of biologically active compounds has a high healing effect in iron deficiency anemia. And although there is no more iron in pomegranates than in apples, the presence of lemon and at times increases the degree of its absorption from meat and liver and promotes hematopoiesis.

With a breakdown and poor appetite

Organic acids provide a pleasant sour taste to the fruit, and mineral salts and vitamins make it a universal source of minerals and that also tone the nervous system and fight depression.

For indigestion

Dried pomegranate peels have long been used to combat diarrhea. They contain tannin, known for its strong astringent effect. Crushed peels are poured with boiling water, insisted, filtered and taken for diarrhea. The therapeutic effect will not be long in coming - within a day after the start of treatment, a significant improvement occurs, and after 2 days all symptoms disappear.

For diseases of the mouth and throat

Pomegranate peel has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and tannic properties. Stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis are cured faster when rinsing the mucous membranes with a decoction of pomegranate skins. Pomegranate juice has a similar effect when taken fractionally during the day.

Diuretic and choleretic properties

A mild diuretic effect helps to cleanse the body, relieves swelling. The fruit is especially in demand in the second half of pregnancy, when the load on the kidneys increases.

A slight choleretic effect reduces discomfort with atony of the gallbladder and normalizes the work of the digestive organs.

With a disease of the cardiovascular system

Pomegranate seeds strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cleanse them of cholesterol deposits. Reduce blood pressure in hypertension, prevent the occurrence of sclerosis, reduce blood viscosity, regulate the contractile function of the heart muscle and blood circulation in the arteries.

Oncology prevention

A glass of pomegranate juice has three times more antioxidants than the same amount of apple or orange juice. By removing radionuclides from the body, pomegranate protects cells from the aggression of external and internal factors and prevents the growth of tumors. The beneficial properties of pomegranate are also manifested in the restoration of damaged DNA chains, which reduces the likelihood of the formation and growth of cancer cells.

Infection protection

The natural complex of vitamins and minerals strengthens the immune system and helps resist viral and bacterial infections. Regular consumption of pomegranate during the cold season significantly reduces the risk of SARS and influenza.

We introduce into the diet

The drink is introduced into the baby's nutrition carefully - in a small amount (start with half a teaspoon diluted in half with water). To track the reaction to a new product, juice should be taken in the morning. In the absence of allergies, the amount is gradually increased to 100 ml per day, but given no more than twice a week.

Up to 7 years, the amount of juice does not exceed 200 ml per day, and older children can receive up to 400 ml 1-2 times a week.

If the baby reacted to the introduction of juice with reddening of the skin of the cheeks or rashes, the exotic fruit should be delayed.

In the pomegranate, the seeds themselves are also useful, with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. But they are not absorbed by the child's body, cause constipation, can accumulate in the appendix and provoke attacks of appendicitis. In addition, there is a risk that the bone will enter the child's respiratory tract.

From the age of seven, your fidget is already allowed to feast on exotics from warm countries on its own. Two healthy fruits a week will be enough.

Freshly prepared juice for children must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. The fact is that the presence of a large amount of acids in its composition negatively affects the gastric mucosa and destroys tooth enamel.

When is the best time to stop eating pomegranate juice?

Pomegranate juice may not always be for the benefit of a growing body. Use is contraindicated in children:

  • with an allergic reaction to pomegranate;
  • with a tendency to constipation;
  • in diseases of the stomach with high acidity.

It is forbidden to treat diarrhea in a child with a decoction of dried pomegranate skins, as they contain toxic alkaloids. The content of substances hazardous to the body does not exceed 0.5%, but the possibility of an overdose reaction from the central nervous system in the form of severe weakness and convulsions makes the use of such folk remedies in childhood unacceptable.

Juicy and ripe: flours of choice

For a purchase, you should go to the supermarket, ignoring the profitable offers of street vendors.

Of the fruits on display, uniformly colored heavy specimens of dark red or brownish color are of interest. The peel should be without violation of integrity and stains, ideally - like a glove, slightly tight to the valuable contents. On the surface, you can see the faint contours of the grains. The stalk is dry, and when clicked, a metallic shade of sound is heard - the fruit has ripened.

A light color, an incompletely dried stalk and a dull sound when clicked indicate an immature pomegranate. Overripeness will be indicated by cracks in the rind. Inside such a fruit, part of the grains bursts, which creates conditions for the development of rot.

Compared to the pomegranates of the Transcaucasus, the "Asians" are distinguished by the best taste - they are sweeter. However, it is not always possible to obtain reliable information about the place where the fetus grows.

The best specimens can be purchased during the mass fruiting season, and this is the second half of autumn and winter.

Making juice at home

Fresh juices of own preparation have a lot of advantages over industrial ones. The latter are subjected to heat treatment, as a result of which they lose a significant part of the healing ingredients. To ensure the desired composition and long shelf life, manufacturers artificially saturate them with vitamins and trace elements, sugars and preservatives.

Homemade juice is most useful for the first 20 minutes after squeezing. There are several ways to prepare it:

  • cut the pomegranate around the circumference and break it, squeeze the liquid out of it with a citrus press;
  • use a juicer;
  • with a little effort, roll the pomegranate on a flat surface, crushing the grains, make a cut on the peel, drain the juice into a clean container;
  • separate the grains from the partitions, place in gauze or a sieve, crush and strain.

Pomegranate juice is recommended to be filtered and diluted with half boiled water before drinking by a child.

Many parents believe that pomegranate and pomegranate juice are very useful for children, especially for anemia. Therefore, they strive to give the child pomegranate juice as soon as possible. Giving him preference over other juices.

Let's try to figure out why pomegranate is more useful than other fruits.

The approximate composition of pomegranate juice in comparison with apple juice can be found in the table

composition units pomegranate apple
squirrels G 0,7 0,5
fats G 0,6 0,1
carbohydrates G 14,5 9,1
feces 72 38
Vit A mcg 5
Vit RR mg 0,4 0,1
Vit B1 mg 0,03 0,01
Vit B2 mg 0,01 0,01
Vit C mg 4 2-5
Foliev to-ta mcg 18 9
Fruit to-you G 1,8 0,73
Potassium mg 150 120
Calcium mg 10 7
Magnesium mg 2 4
Sodium mg 2 6
Iron mg 1 0,5-1,5
Phosphorus mg 8 7

Is pomegranate juice a good remedy for anemia for children?


In children, it is most often associated with iron deficiency in the body. Therefore, first of all, with anemia, iron-rich foods are required.

Pomegranate juice contains only 1 mg of iron per 100 g. Approximately the same as apple juice, which is no more than 7% of the daily iron requirement.

Champions among fruit juices in terms of iron content: rosehip juice (10 mg), blackcurrant juice (5 mg), pear juice (2.3 mg).

As with other plant foods, iron from pomegranate juice is absorbed worse than iron from animal products. Therefore, pomegranate juice cannot be considered a source of iron.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid helps the body absorb iron. The more vitamin C in the diet, the better the absorption of iron. Therefore, a combination of meat or liver with fruits, vegetables or juices is very useful.

Pomegranate juice contains no more than 4 mg per 100 g of ascorbic acid. Approximately the same in apple. This is about 6% of the daily requirement for vitamin C, i.e. very little. Blackcurrant juice, for example, contains almost 100 mg, and rosehip juice 500 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of juice.

Folic acid

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is also involved in hematopoiesis. It is also important for the growth and development of the nervous system.

Pomegranate juice contains folic acid (as much as 18 mcg twice as much as apple juice). But a person needs about 200 mcg per day (pregnant and lactating twice as much).

Fruit juices are not a major source of folic acid. Much more of it is in the liver and peanuts (240 mcg) and in leafy vegetables (50-100 mcg).

fruit acids

Citric, grape, malic and other fruit acids contained in juices and fruits help the absorption of iron, calcium and magnesium.

They also have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

There are really a lot of them in pomegranate juice - 1.8 g per 100 g. A little more only in lemon and blackcurrant juice.

In addition, fruit acids

  • Stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and other digestive enzymes.
  • Irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Destroy tooth enamel.

Which is not good for the child.


Pomegranate children, as well as any other freshly squeezed fruit juice, is useful for anemia. Since the ascorbic acid and fruit acids contained in it help the body absorb iron from meat and liver (the main sources of iron). But, in itself, it is not a source of iron. Therefore, it cannot be a "cure for anemia."

Pomegranate juice has a fixing effect

This juice has fixing properties and prevents diarrhea. Due to the content of tannins in it. And the acids that it contains contribute to the formation of normal intestinal microflora.

Therefore, he suitable for children prone to diarrhea. And not recommended for children prone to constipation.

pomegranate peels for diarrhea

There is a folk remedy for diarrhea: a decoction of pomegranate peels and white internal partitions of the pomegranate. Pomegranate peels contain anthocyanin alkaloids, which have an antibacterial effect. And in the white partitions are tannins, which have an astringent and fixing effect. Therefore, such a decoction can really stop diarrhea in some cases.

Children are strongly discouraged from self-treatment In a similar way. You can waste time! And this will harm the child. Young children develop dehydration very quickly. In addition, an allergic reaction and other unpleasant consequences are possible.

It's safer to see a doctor. There are many modern drugs for diarrhea, much more effective and predictable. But, only a doctor can prescribe them to a specific child in a specific situation.

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice for children under 3 years old

  • Pomegranate, like other bright exotic fruits often causes allergies. Therefore, it is not recommended to give it to children under 1 year old.
  • It contains many small bones that a child can choke on. Therefore, children under 3 years old are recommended to give it in the form of juice.
  • Children over 3 years old are allowed to eat pomegranate pulp. Swallowing the pits is not dangerous to health.

How to give pomegranate and pomegranate juice to children?

  • Start at 1 year old, in the form of juice.
  • First, it is better to dilute pomegranate juice with water 1: 1.
  • Start with small amounts (1/2 tsp), gradually increase to 100-200 ml over 2 weeks.
  • When the child gets used, you can give him undiluted juice.
  • Children under 7 years old can consume no more than 200-250 ml of juice per day, over 7 years old 400-500.
  • It is best to give pomegranate juice 1-2 times a week, alternating with other juices (daily use can lead to constipation).
  • After 3 years, the child is allowed to eat pomegranate pulp.

Only fresh pomegranate or freshly squeezed juice has all the useful properties. Children are advised to give only them or juices and purees for baby food. Pomegranate juice in bags and glass bottles has little in common with natural pomegranate juice.

Who should not eat pomegranate?

  • Children prone to constipation
  • Children with gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer,
  • Children with oxaluria
  • It is better for children prone to allergies to try pomegranate after 3 years.

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice are certainly beneficial for children, both for healthy children and for children with anemia, if consumed in the recommended amounts.

One of the most popular fruits today is the pomegranate. Its distribution is facilitated by a pleasant sweet taste, transportability, and relative low price. And, of course, the richness of the fruits of this plant with various vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. Pomegranate is considered especially useful for children, however, when using it, as in the case of other foods, some caution should be exercised.

The benefits of pomegranate for children

When it comes to various fruits, they first of all remember the high content of vitamins in these products. Pomegranate fruits are no exception - the red sweet and juicy pulp contains a huge complex of valuable compounds:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)- the well-known "ascorbic acid", which increases the child's resistance to infections, is found in pomegranate fruits in abundance. Therefore, with more or less regular consumption of this product, the baby will not have problems with immunity;
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1)- one of the most important vitamins that controls the development and functioning of the nervous system. Given the fact that this system of the body in children is constantly developing dynamically, there is a high need for this useful compound;
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)- also an extremely important vitamin for children, which controls the growth and development of the whole organism as a whole, and also maintains the normal condition of the skin, nails, hair;
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)- a vitamin that controls the formation of red blood cells and protein metabolism.
  • Routine-like compounds(commonly known as vitamin P) - strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase tissue vascularization, which contributes to their more efficient nutrition.
  • Mineral compounds contained in pomegranate fruits in the amount of 0.2 - 0.3%. In addition to calcium and phosphorus, which are known and especially useful for a child's body, such rare microelements as manganese, copper, chromium, magnesium and others accumulate in the juicy pulp.
  • Polyphenolic compounds– the study of these organic compounds is just beginning. However, their strongest antioxidant effect has already been determined, which prevents the formation of free radicals - aggressive compounds, the formation of which accompanies and aggravates the course of various pathological processes - from inflammation to the formation of malignant tumors.

In addition to all this, peeled pomegranate fruits contain up to 20% sugar, 5-6% organic acids (citric and malic), 1.5% protein.

Pomegranate juice has similar indicators.

The ratio of the edible part to the pericarp varies in different varieties of pomegranate - from 30-35% of the total weight (in a wild plant) to 60-65% in the best cultivated varieties.

The huge benefits of pomegranate juice for the hematopoietic system have not gone unnoticed by people. The saturated-colored drink, slightly similar to blood, has been recommended for anemia (anemia) since time immemorial, apparently only on the basis of intuition. But in our time, it was possible to prove the effectiveness of pomegranate fruits in this condition - a combination of trace elements and vitamins stimulates the formation of red blood cells, facilitating the course of anemia, which is a very common occurrence in children.

How to give pomegranate to children

Pomegranate and its products - mainly juice - can be given to children starting at nine months of age. However, one should not start acquaintance with this product too abruptly - for starters, you need to give not whole juice, but diluted with water in the ratio of one part of juice to two parts of water. The resulting solution should be given one teaspoon per day. In the absence of adverse reactions, you can switch to whole juice.

In the case of the use of pomegranate juice by children, there is an important remark - you can only give the whole juice of sweet varieties of this fruit.

If the pomegranate or juice is sour, then no additions of sugar will help the situation - such a product contains too many acids that can harm the stomach.

Therefore, sour pomegranate juices should not be given to children under seven years of age or, in extreme cases, diluted with water.

As for the child eating directly the pomegranate fruits themselves, this is already possible from about two years old. However, you should follow some simple rules:

  • You should not allow the baby to unnecessarily "lean" on the use of these fruits - for a start, a quarter of a medium-sized fruit a couple of times a week will be quite enough;
  • As with juice, sour fruits should not be given to a child under seven years of age;
  • If the fruits are with stones, it is necessary to be constantly near the child while he enjoys this fruit, as the baby may choke. In general, it is advisable not to allow children to swallow the bones - harmless in themselves, they can provoke the appearance of fecal stones and even such a serious illness as appendicitis. The best way out of this situation is to buy a special variety of pomegranates for the child - pitted.

How pomegranate can be dangerous for a child

Despite the huge number of useful properties, pomegranate, if used improperly, can harm the health of a child. Therefore, the following are the conditions and factors that can become an obstacle to the use of these fruits for children:

  • Allergy and individual intolerance- in general, pomegranate is much less allergenic than, for example, citrus fruits, but sometimes it still causes an undesirable reaction of the baby's immune system. This is manifested by the appearance of a rash, itching, redness of the skin. If such manifestations occurred shortly after the child ate pomegranate or drank pomegranate juice, these foods should be completely excluded from the diet.
  • Stomach diseases- a large amount of organic acids make pomegranate and its products unsafe for the stomach, especially with hyperacid gastritis. Since this pathology is increasingly manifested in children, parents should limit the consumption of pomegranate to such babies.
  • Chair problems- Possessing some astringent action, pomegranate can relieve loose stools. However, in case of normal feces or a tendency to constipation, eating these fruits can lead to problems with the digestive system.

In addition to frank contraindications, there are some tips for the careful and safe consumption of these fruits:

  • Fruit juice rich in acids can negatively affect the fragile enamel of children's teeth. Therefore, in order to avoid problems in the future, you should brush your teeth immediately after drinking whole juice or pomegranate fruit. You can also dilute the juice with water - this will slightly reduce its acidity.
  • In the case of small children, make sure that they do not "eat" the peel and pericarp these fruits - they contain from 0.5 to 1.5% of highly toxic alkaloids, which can pose a danger to the health and even life of the baby. It is best not to allow the child to these parts of the fetus at all. If this has already happened, then it is necessary to cause the child to vomit and urgently call a doctor.

How to choose the best quality pomegranate for a child

It was described above how important it is to choose a sweet variety of pomegranate for a baby, but how to recognize it in a store or supermarket? Currently, almost all varieties sold are sweet, and the amount of acids in them depends only on the maturity of the fruit. Therefore, the choice of quality pomegranates is largely the choice of ripe fruit.

  1. To begin with, we pay attention to the area near the cutting - there should not be green areas;
  2. A smooth, even peel, which, moreover, is slightly moist, is a sign of an unripe pomegranate. The peel of ripened fruits is dried, fits the grains lying inside (due to this, the fruits of varieties with a thin pericarp look bumpy).
  3. The fruits must be firm to the touch - contrary to the common misconception about such a sign of maturity. The presence of soft areas is regarded as a marriage - most likely the fruit was damaged during transportation and fermentation or rotting of the fruit occurs in the soft area under the skin.

Pomegranate and its products can be very useful for a child - but only if it is consumed correctly and in moderation. If the elementary rules described above are violated, not only all the benefits of these fruits come to naught, but various health disorders of the baby are possible.

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At the end of autumn, a beautiful and bright pomegranate appears on the shelves. Sweet and sour ruby ​​​​seeds just by their appearance make you want to try. Tart pomegranate juice is also very popular due to its rich taste and color.

Many parents wonder: is it worth giving pomegranates and pomegranate juice to children? If yes, at what age? Can pomegranate juice be given to a newborn? Like most fruits, pomegranate is very useful if you know the measure and remember about contraindications.

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice for children not only taste, but also benefit

Granatum malum, a grainy apple, was the name given to it in ancient Rome. Millennia of acquaintance with this culture have made it possible to study well the beneficial properties of pomegranate. Each grain contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. A rare fruit can compete with a pomegranate in the concentration of substances necessary for a child. Here are the main benefits that the baby will receive with its regular use:

  • strengthening immunity. What parent doesn't want their little one to get sick as little as possible? Vitamin C helps fight viral and bacterial infections. This is especially true in the cold season, pomegranate season;
  • improvement of hematopoiesis. Pomegranate is one of the most ancient and proven remedies for anemia. If your child is prone to anemia, be sure to consult your doctor. He will identify and eliminate the causes. And pomegranate juice and fruits will help restore the normal composition of the blood;
  • due to the high content of tannins, pomegranate is widely used as a fixing agent. This is useful if the baby often has diarrhea;
  • a grainy apple is rich in B vitamins, the building blocks of the nervous system. The more of them will enter the body, the faster will be the mental and mental development of the baby;
  • pomegranate contains a whole complex of trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, boron, zinc and manganese just a little. And everything will be good;
  • each grain contains a dozen and a half amino acids. These are important components of cellular structures. Some of them the body is able to produce on its own. But some, the so-called essential amino acids, can only come with food;
  • there is evidence that pomegranate has a therapeutic effect in bronchial asthma and thyroid diseases. Research on its beneficial properties is still ongoing.

Attention, contraindications: when pomegranate juice is not allowed for children

Despite all the undeniable benefits, if thoughtlessly used, grenades can do a lot of harm. There are a number of contraindications and warnings:

  • like any exotic fruit, pomegranate is a powerful allergen. Parents of babies prone to diathesis and rashes should be extremely careful. If, after drinking pomegranate juice or fruits, the baby feels unwell, has a rash, swelling, or other symptoms of an allergic reaction, consult a doctor immediately. It is better to completely abandon the pomegranate until the allergic child grows up;
  • due to the high content of tannins, pomegranate strengthens. Therefore, it is undesirable to give pomegranate juice to children who often suffer from constipation;
  • pomegranate is not recommended for diseases of the digestive tract. Saturation of grains with acids can provoke an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, ulcers or pancreatitis;
  • excessive infatuation can lead to an early acquaintance with the dentist. All the same acids actively destroy tooth enamel and lead to the appearance of caries and periodontal disease (bleeding gums).

How and when to introduce a child to a pomegranate?

Many pediatricians doubt whether it is worth giving pomegranate juice to a newborn up to a year old. Today's recommendations sound like this: you can try pomegranate juice for a newborn as complementary foods. But in a diluted form and not earlier than 6-7 months. For starters, no more than one teaspoon. Dilute with water in a ratio of one to one. After the first acquaintance with the pomegranate, observe the reaction. If there are no signs of an allergic reaction, you can repeat the test after a few days. In any case, in children under one year old, pomegranate should not become a frequent treat. Before introducing a new complementary food, it is best to consult with your pediatrician. He will assess the health of the baby, study his medical record and tell if it is possible to offer pomegranate juice to the newborn.

Older children can be served whole pomegranate. But be careful: there is a risk that the baby will choke on the grains. Make sure that the child does not talk or fidget while eating.

It is necessary to say separately about pomegranate juice: do not buy in the store, it is better to do it yourself. This applies to almost any fruit juice, but pomegranate - especially. Its factory production technology requires the addition of a large amount of dyes and preservatives. So the notorious benefit is practically disappearing. Therefore, if there is a juicer at home, it is better to seize the moment while the fruit is in season and prepare juices yourself.