The color of urine is amber which means. Urine color in men

Analysis of urine for the presence of proteins, sugar, bacteria and other substances and microorganisms in it is quite informative. However, observing for possible discoloration of urine can also determine if there are significant health problems, including malignant tumors and bladder infections. will tell you how the color of urine and its consistency can indicate the presence of abnormalities in the body, if found, you should consult a doctor.

Normal urine color and factors that affect its change

First of all, to determine if there is a problem, you need to know what the normal color of urine looks like. Urine is considered normal:

  • dark yellow transparent;
  • light yellow transparent;
  • yellow transparent.

Typically, light yellow urine means that your body is functioning normally: it is not dehydrated and you empty your bladder a sufficient number of times a day. However, if you notice a slight darkening of urine, this does not mean that it is time to sound the alarm - you may just need to drink more water.

Certain factors affect the color of urine, such as:

  • medications;
  • laxatives;
  • some food coloring;
  • the amount of water you drink;
  • disturbances in the work of the body.

What can cause urine discoloration

Below we will describe what a change in the color of urine may indicate.

  1. Urine color - amber or honey

Slight darkening of urine, as a rule, indicates a lack of fluid in the body. Remember to drink enough clean water and watch the color change. Remember that urine eliminates toxins from the body, so not enough water can cause them to accumulate in the body.

2. Almost colorless urine

This phenomenon occurs if you drink too much water (overhydration). Absolutely colorless urine may indicate that your kidneys do not have time to remove all water from the body, and overhydration is fraught with an imbalance of sodium and water in the body.

3. If the color of urine is brown

There may be several reasons for such a change in the color of urine:

  • severe dehydration;
  • eating large amounts of beans, rhubarb or aloe;
  • taking certain medications (some antibiotics, laxatives, muscle relaxants);
  • urinary tract infections;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney disease.

In case of such color changes, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

4. Foaming

There can be several reasons for the formation of foam after urination:

  • increased rate of urine emission;
  • high protein in the urine, which may indicate kidney disease.

If you notice foamy urine all the time, see a specialist.

5. Pink or reddish urine

Eating a lot of beets or blueberries is a harmless reason for this color of urine, but if you haven't eaten these foods, the following may be possible:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • kidney disease;
  • malignant tumors;
  • and even prostate problems.

Chemotherapy drugs, laxatives, and antibiotics to treat tuberculosis can make your urine orange-red.

6. Orange urine

If you notice that your urine turns orange, you may have liver or bile duct problems, as well as dehydration. But it is better to see a doctor.

7. Green or blue urine

A color that is very unusual for urine - green or bluish - can be caused by a genetic disorder called hypercalcemia. This disease is very rare.

As a rule, asparagus, green beer, food colors, and some medications (Ripsalin) stain urine green.

However, green urine can also be a sign of infection.

8. Cloudy urine

Cloudy urine can be caused by urinary tract infections and kidney stones. In addition, an infection, such as cystitis, can cause painful, frequent urination and cloudy urine.

Remember that cloudy urine during pregnancy is quite common because pregnant women have more vaginal discharge, which mixes with the urine and makes it somewhat cloudy.

Changes in urine color do not always indicate serious illness, especially if such changes do not appear constantly. However, if you are sure that the change in the color characteristics of urine is not associated with medication, the use of certain foods, dehydration or hyperhydration, especially if you are in pain, contact a specialist immediately!

Urine is a biological fluid of the body that contains the end products of metabolism. In a healthy body, its color ranges from light yellow to bright straw shades. But during the day, there is a repeated change in the color characteristics of urine. It depends on the drinking regime, food, physical stress, ambient temperature, and the use of drugs. If the changes in the color of urine are of a single nature and are caused by the above reasons, then there is no reason for concern. If persistent staining of urine in amber color is noted, then this is the reason for going to the doctor.

Natural Causes of Darkening Urine

Insufficient fluid intake. If a person uses little water or there is a significant loss of it due to increased sweating, diarrhea or vomiting, then the amount of urine excreted in this case is very small. At the same time, its density increases and the liquid becomes amber. These changes are coming, which means that the shade of urine quickly normalizes when a sufficient volume of fluid is consumed.

Eating brightly colored foods. The reasons for the darkening of urine may lie in the use of foods such as carrots, oranges, beets, spinach, legumes, blueberries. Then the urine takes on an orange, red or dark hue. Similar changes in the color of urine occur when drinking beverages, creams, confectionery products containing food dyes. After a day after their use, the color of the secreted liquid is restored.

The use of certain medicinal substances. The use of vitamin complexes, drugs that include aspirin, nitrofuran, sulfonamide substances, some groups of antibiotics also entails a change in the color of urine to dark. It can last another one to two days after the end of the course of treatment, and finally the urine takes on a standard appearance after three to five days.

The reasons for the change in the color of urine in men to a darker one may lie in great physical exertion during exercise or sports. A good rest and plenty of drink will normalize this indicator.

In young children, urine can change color during fever, which is explained by an increase in its concentration due to dehydration and intoxication. In addition, inadequate clothes for the baby, walking in the midday heat can lead to overheating and a decrease in the amount of fluid released, which means that they lead to a change in its color.

During pregnancy, a darkening of the urine in a woman can also occur. In the early stages of pregnancy, this is explained by dehydration due to symptoms of toxicosis.

But this happens especially often in the second half of the term, when the fetus reaches a significant size and can disrupt the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, while the amount of bile pigments in the blood, and therefore later in the urine, increases. Another reason for the darkening of urine in pregnant women is that the kidneys are also in a squeezed position and from this unfavorable processes are observed in them. During such a period, not only pigments can appear in a woman's urine, but also leukocytes, and a significant amount of salts and mucus. However, these changes are also temporary and go away on their own after the birth of the baby.

Pathological causes of darkening urine

Dark urine, as mentioned earlier, is not always a sign of illness. A short-term change in the shade of the secreted fluid may be due to physiological factors. It is worth contacting a doctor when changes in urine are of a prolonged duration and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes and eye sclera;
  • fever;
  • frequent headaches;
  • itchy skin and rashes on it;
  • growing weakness;
  • back pain;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • soreness when urinating.

Remember that such symptoms are a sign of a serious pathology that has gone far in its development, so do not hesitate to visit a doctor and do not try to heal yourself - do not waste precious time.

Urine color is an important diagnostic criterion for assessing the body's activity. Normally, urine is colored in a light yellow or straw shade. The intensity of the color changes even in a healthy person, depending on the food consumed and the amount of liquid drunk. However, in some cases, discoloration is an important sign when making a diagnosis. Orange urine can be associated with physiological factors, but we should not forget that sometimes this situation signals a malfunctioning of the body.

Physiological causes

There are several reasons why urine becomes an unnatural orange hue. More often than not, the process is not associated with serious violations. The color of a biological fluid is determined by the amount of substances dissolved in it - pigments. At night, when the interval between urination is large, they accumulate a lot, therefore, the morning portion may be amber or rusty. If during the day the color of the urine normalizes, then there is probably no reason to panic.

If there are no complaints about well-being, and the urine has suddenly become a brick shade, you should think about what was eaten the day before. Red pigments are found in carrots, beets, persimmons, oranges, grapefruit, sea buckthorn, pumpkin, raspberries and other carotene-rich foods. In addition, hard candy, candy, lemonade, juices, alcohol, and other sweets and drinks often contain artificial colors. Nutrition is the most common factor in changing the properties of urine.

Urine can darken with low fluid intake or heavy sweating during hot seasons, or after excessive physical exertion in the gym. In people who are involved in professional sports, urine can foam due to excess protein intake.

The effect of medications

Dark urine can become a side effect of the use of vitamins A and C, pain relievers (Phenazopyridine), anticoagulants (Warfarin), laxatives with phenolphthalein, anti-tuberculosis (Rifampicin), antimicrobial (Furagin) drugs, as well as drugs that affect the growth of neoplasms. This is due to the fact that many drugs are excreted by the kidneys, which means that the urine fluid after taking them will contain decay products and have a characteristic tone. As a rule, after the cancellation of therapy, the color of the urine returns to normal.

Pathological causes

Sometimes a rusty color of urine is a serious cause for concern and a trip to the doctor. Typically, the urine of a healthy adult is 97% water. The more saturated the color, the less liquid there is. Hence the next reason for the amber color is dehydration, which can be caused by poisoning or an infectious lesion of the intestines.

The discharge of orange urine in elderly and middle-aged men often indicates a pathology of the prostate or the presence of urolithiasis. Changes are usually accompanied by recurrent bouts of pain, vomiting, fever, weakness, and chills. Sometimes a sediment in the form of stones and sand is found in the urine.

Red urine may mean that inflammatory processes are occurring in the urinary system caused by a bacterial infection. The reproduction of bacteria in pyelonephritis is accompanied by:

  • rise in temperature, chills;
  • malaise, drowsiness;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • increased urination;
  • swelling;
  • a dark yellow tint and a pungent odor of urine.

The symptoms of glomerulonephritis are:

  • darkening of urine up to a bright brown color;
  • swelling of the face and legs;
  • high blood pressure;
  • decreased urine output;
  • nausea;
  • headache, weakness.

In women, orange-colored urine can be a sign of cystitis. In addition, it contains a large amount of mucus, and urination becomes painful.

Features in pregnant women and children

The physiological cause of orange urine in women is pregnancy. The yellowish-amber urine of pregnant girls does not always serve as an alarm signal. It reflects the products that make up the woman's diet, since the body works differently during this period. However, discoloration can be a consequence of toxicosis that occurs in girls at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as gestosis. Concomitant complaints with preeclampsia are swelling of the legs, arms, face and an increase in blood pressure. In this case, specialist advice is required.

In babies, urine of a light amber hue is not a single phenomenon, the culprit is uric acid, which gives the characteristic color. The urine of infants has a large specific gravity, but as water is added to the food, it decreases, over time the liquid becomes a yellowish, natural shade. In older children, discoloration of urine is not always a pathology. The reason for this is the excessive consumption of bright and eye-catching sweets, carbonated drinks, rich in artificial colors.

Pathological reasons for the change in the shade of urine are the following diseases: uric acid infarction, hepatitis, dehydration, poisoning, intestinal infection, hemolytic disease of newborns, toxic and inflammatory liver damage.

Required examinations

To find the cause of an uncharacteristic color of urine or to detect the presence of a possible pathogen, a number of studies must be carried out:

  • general urine analysis (OAM);
  • test according to Nechiporenko;
  • general analysis and biochemistry of blood;
  • study of liver enzymes;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, peritoneal organs.

Given the accompanying complaints, the doctor may prescribe additional examination methods to establish and confirm the diagnosis. Despite the large list of tests, they should be performed, since early diagnosis contributes to a speedy recovery and prevention of complications.

Treatment and prevention

When urine with an orange tint is observed, it is important to find provoking factors, then prescribe the appropriate treatment for a specific disease, if necessary. Perhaps this is a temporary, physiological phenomenon that self-normalizes. To begin with, it is important to analyze the nature of the diet, as well as how much fluid was consumed. In summer, in hot weather and during active sports, sweating is most pronounced, therefore it is especially important to observe the water regime, control the amount of fluid you drink. If the appearance of a red color is caused by taking medications, then after the end of the treatment, the color is normalized. Orange urine in children is often the result of consuming a large number of bright candies and lollipops, which are full of supermarket shelves. In these cases, it is worth temporarily stopping the consumption of foods containing the orange pigment and increasing the amount of fluid consumed.

Pregnant girls should be regularly monitored by a gynecologist, take the necessary tests and talk to the doctor about all the changes in their body.

Concomitant symptoms such as lower back pain when urinating, weakness, malaise, fever and swelling will help to suspect the presence of any disease. With a long-term change in the shade of urine or the appearance of other complaints, it is worth contacting a medical institution for a full examination.

Almost one in three people have kidney problems.

Even a seemingly insignificant disease leads to serious consequences.

A sign of the onset of an ailment may be bright yellow urine, the reasons for the change in the color of urine, let's try to make out below.

Doctors consider light yellow or straw-colored urine to be the norm. In other cases, it can change the tone to a darker or lighter shade, it depends on the pigment and its saturation in the body.

Often, the tone of urine depends on the food eaten.

But do not forget - this is the beginning of the disease.

Causes of yellow urine may be in low fluid intake, since in this case the pigment in the body becomes concentrated.

What foods can affect the tone of your urine:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • tangerines or oranges.

Often the shade is influenced by food coloring products. These are sweets, gas, water, even a glass of juice or eaten candy can cause darkening of urine.

If you notice bright yellow urine, you should inspect the diet and daily regimen, it is likely that there is no reason to go to the doctor.

The urine has changed color - what does this mean?

Why is the urine bright yellow? What are the reasons.

As mentioned earlier, the color depends on the pigments in the body, such as:

  • urochrome;
  • urobilin;
  • uroosein, etc.

A change in the color of urine is the likelihood of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body.

First of all, we observe - often the urine in the morning is slightly brighter than the daytime. But do not forget that if little water is consumed, then dehydration may occur and this will turn into a chronic disease. If a sufficient amount of water does not enter the body, metabolic processes are disrupted, and intoxication can gradually accumulate.

Why is the urine yellow - this indicates the onset of diseases of the kidneys and liver, and if this is so, then the consequence is an acute intestinal infection.

Observe - the color of the urine has changed, and at the same time severe swelling appeared, then it is likely that the process of draining fluid from the body is disrupted. And this can be a disease of the cardiovascular system, or cirrhosis of the liver.

Jaundice causes darkening of the urine, while at the initial stage it becomes a rich yellow color, and then it takes on a beer tint.

Bright yellow urine - the reasons can be different, for example, urolithiasis.

What determines the color of urine

Urine tone is directly related to age, gender and health status. It should be noted that the urine of a newborn has no color, but after a week of life it becomes light yellow.

The body of young children begins to work without the help of a mother and naturally reacts to food and the environment.

Therefore, the bright yellow urine of the child should not cause you anxiety, it is enough just to observe the baby.

After some time, it will again become the color of straw, but if this has not happened, then you need to consult a pediatrician, as there is a possibility of congenital diseases.

Urine of a bright yellow color in women occurs during the gestation of a child, and these are not always pathological changes. Multivitamins often cause darkening of the urine. In general, urine is an indicator of the health of pregnant women, which is why doctors constantly send the expectant mother for tests.

Bright yellow urine during pregnancy indicates hormonal changes in the body. But if the color of the urine has become bright yellow and does not change over time, then this may indicate the onset of the disease in the mother or a violation in the fetus's body.

In a nursing woman, the color of urine is always much darker, since there is a lack of fluid in the mother for milk production, the drinking regime must be strictly observed.

If this is not done, then you can get irreversible, pathological processes.

It is worth remembering that when carrying a child, the mother's body performs a difficult task, it removes waste products from two organisms at once - and this is not easy.

If all the reasons for the darkening of the color of urine were excluded, and its tone remained bright yellow, both in men and in the fairer sex, this indicates an inflammatory process in the body.

Bright yellow urine in women indicates the onset of the development of urethritis, or an increase in blood protein. In men - about prostatitis, in its initial stage.

If a change in the color of urine is noticed, then it is worth undergoing a full examination in order to exclude a relapse in the disease.

In order for the urine concentration to be normal, it is worth drinking at least two liters of water per day. In this case, urolithiasis will not appear.

Medicines that can stain urine

If complexes are used that include vitamins B, A, C, then the urine will turn bright yellow.

Furazolidone and Furadonin cause a change in shade, especially if they are taken uncontrollably.

Some antibacterial drugs can cause darkening of the urine.

Medicines with brightly colored membranes also stain urine.

If the reason for the bright yellow color of urine is medication, then it will have a pronounced smell of vitamins, this is most often found in young children who have eaten a lot of pills while their mother does not see.

You can read about the reasons for the formation of salts in the urine of a child.

Other causes of the disorder of the body

There are also more harmless reasons for staining urine in a rich yellow hue, for example:
  • heavy sweating due to hot weather, frequent sports, or physical activity;
  • the use of a laxative medicine;
  • eating a lot of salt;
  • dehydration while breastfeeding.

It is the kidneys that trigger the mechanism of saving water in the body with profuse sweating, since during the heat up to three liters of fluid is lost through the skin.

But once the balance is restored, the urine takes on a healthy hue.

If a lot of salty foods are eaten, then the water is retained in the body, and edema appears, and at the same time, the urine can turn into a rich yellow hue.

When engaging in active sports, you need to increase your fluid intake, preferably pure unboiled water.

Bright yellow urine - what to do?

As soon as a patient comes to the hospital with complaints of changes in the color of urine, the first thing the doctors analyze is the diet and his lifestyle.

It is often necessary to do the following:

  • increase intake of clean water;
  • stop drinking drugs;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • observe the water-salt balance;
  • do not eat foods with dyes.

Doctors will correctly assess the situation, and often, even in pregnant women, a change in the tone of urine is explained by rather commonplace reasons.

In the case when all of the above measures did not bring results, and the tone of urine remained bright yellow, then the patient is sent to an appointment with a urologist - a specialist who treats the genitourinary system. Only this doctor can help by conducting the necessary examinations.

In order to prevent diseases, the genitourinary system, give up bad habits, sports should be strictly limited. You can drink a course of special renal teas on herbs - they will not harm the body in any way, and will help remove toxins.


There are signs by which you can determine in advance what caused the staining of urine in a bright yellow color:

  • if there are no additional holidays, then there is a physiological development of prerequisites (medicines, alcohol, foods that affect urine staining);
  • the presence of blood in urine, painful urination means that there is an inflammatory process in the kidneys or canals, stones; the urinary system is susceptible to damage by pathogenic microbes;
  • high fever, chills, talk about intoxication, which is always present in the acute course of infectious diseases, such as: pyelonephritis, cystitis.
You cannot self-medicate, take medications without visiting a doctor, otherwise you can get complications.


As soon as they saw that you have very yellow urine, the reasons are unknown, then it is worth observing the day, and be sure to monitor the appearance of the smell, which also matters.

If the color has changed and an unpleasant smell appears, then you cannot wait, go to a specialist right away.

The urologist will first conduct a survey and examination and send for tests, which will show the reason for the color change. Only after that, treatment is prescribed.

Remember, water is a necessary product that allows you to exclude decay compounds from the kidneys, slag, if you do not use a sufficient amount of fluid, the body will begin to malfunction.

In custody

Staining urine in a bright yellow tone is not always a serious illness. But you should take good care of your health, and take preventive measures to maintain it and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Video on the topic

Urine color is a simple test for disease

Urine can strongly change its color depending on the content of the urochrome pigment, concentration and various impurities. She can change shade from light straw to amber and even brown.

Urine color is a simple one to help you understand what's wrong with your body.

Colorless, transparent.

Drink too much water, change the water regime!

Pale straw.

Health is all right. With a water regime - too!

Transparent yellow.

Everything is okay.

Dark yellow.

No cause for concern! But try to drink plenty of fluids.

Amber honey.

The body is deficient in fluid! You need to drink some water.

Beer-colored urine.

This is possible with diseases of the liver, biliary tract, gallbladder, or with severe fluid deficiency.

Pink or red.

Possible with kidney disease, tumors, cystitis, urethritis, prostate diseases, as well as with lead poisoning.
More harmless reasons: eating beets, rhubarb, blueberries and other bright berries.

Orange urine.

It happens with a lack of fluid, diseases of the liver and biliary system. Colorants from food can give this color to urine.

Blue or green.

Yes, it happens. Perhaps it's a rare genetic disorder that stains urine such an exotic color.

Other causes: infections, food colors, and drugs.
No one died from this, but it is advisable to see a doctor.


This is usually a variant of the norm, but sometimes indicates an excess of protein in the diet or kidney problems.

Extraneous inclusions.

Some medications, such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, laxatives, malaria medications, and some others, can give the urine an unusual color.
dyes often stain urine.