Aerated concrete wall plastering technology. Methods for plastering walls from aerated concrete indoors

Lightweight, practical, reliable, inexpensive aerated concrete has created competition for traditional building materials. But at the same time we have to look for new finishing technologies, and special attention here plastering of walls from aerated concrete is required inside and outside. Many factors have to be taken into account: the unpresentable type of aerated concrete, and the non-moisture resistance of foam blocks, and shrinkage, and poor adhesion, therefore, special requirements are put forward for the plaster.

Next, we will analyze in detail how the technology of plastering walls made of aerated concrete and other cellular surfaces differs from finishing materials of high density, we will give step-by-step instructions, we will tell you what types of mixtures for blocks exist, how to prepare a solution with your own hands. We also picked up several videos on how to plaster walls from aerated concrete with our own hands, video tips will help you avoid major mistakes when performing work.

Types of plasters for concrete, aerated concrete, foam blocks, expanded clay concrete, gas silicate blocks

Plaster is the most rational way to protect, level and finish surfaces made of foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks, only it will help to properly optimize the performance properties of a porous material:

  • improve heat and sound insulation;
  • protect from harmful chemical, biological and atmospheric influences;
  • prevent the saturation of foam and aerated concrete with dust and hydrocarbon compounds, thereby preventing shrinkage, cracking;
  • to provide good vapor barrier, oxygen exchange is a good prophylaxis against the formation of fungi and mold;
  • improve hygroscopic characteristics;
  • protect against large temperature deltas;
  • prevent wear and mechanical damage concrete blocks.
Good to know: On the recommendation of professionals, aerated concrete wall plaster inside the room should be twice as thick as the outer layer, it is better if there is a layer thickness of 40-50 mm in the room, and 20-30 mm on the street. If the balance is disturbed, cracks will go.

See how the internal aerated concrete plaster is made, a video on the preparation of the base.

Block to block - strife

V this moment there are two types of aerated concrete blocks, they differ in manufacturing technology:

  • Cast aerated concrete blocks - the solution is poured into a special shaping template-cassette, where it solidifies until complete hardening. This method of production has significant disadvantages: when hardening in the open air, irregularities, bumps are formed, and when pulling out their forms, the edges and corners are often chipped. To facilitate the removal, the stripping is impregnated with special oil compounds, which are eaten into the foam concrete, not contributing to the adhesion characteristics when plastering.
  • Sawing foam blocks are distinguished by good geometry, as they are made with a large solid plate, which, after hardening, is sawn into segments. The edges are smooth, the surface is rough. Walls made of such blocks are much easier to plaster. Aerated concrete blocks are made in the same way by sawing, but during the production process they are subjected to vibrations in order to compact the material, accelerate the reactions inside the solution and hardening. After unevenness and bubbles are carefully cut from the surface with a string and concrete block can be placed in an autoclave for heat treatment... Aerated concrete plaster for internal works and exterior finishing is much easier compared to other aerated concrete blocks.

To improve the physical and mechanical characteristics of the blocks, expanded polystyrene is added to the working solution, at the output it has an improved expanded polystyrene block

Good to know: V foam concrete blocks air bubbles are closed, isolated (each individually), in aerated concrete products they are open, which worsens the resistance to heat transfer, lowers moisture resistance and frost resistance.

Properties of plaster for foam and aerated blocks

Plaster for exterior and interior decoration of aerated and aerated concrete blocks should not interfere with the natural characteristics of the porous material. And above all, vapor permeability should be taken into account. If this property is missed, condensation will accumulate between the wall and the plaster, and as a result, fungus and mold will develop. Therefore, plaster for gas and foam blocks must conduct air flows and water vapor well. And of course the plaster must have high adhesion, otherwise it will simply peel off even from a high-quality prepared gas or foam concrete surface.

Important: Interior decoration in houses made of gas and foam concrete should be carried out first of all, and only the next season can you start facade works... It is advisable to start all work only six months after the completion of construction, this period is enough for the structure to shrink and the blocks to dry out.

Plastering walls made of gas silicate blocks and aerated concrete must fulfill two mutually exclusive requirements: to be sufficiently vapor-tight to keep the microclimate in the room comfortable for life, and at the same time, to conduct well air and moisture pores in order to protect the walls from microorganisms and fungal attack. In addition, if condensate accumulates between the layer of plaster and the wall of foam, aerated concrete, then after several cycles of freezing and thawing Basic structure will begin to crumble.

Types of aerated concrete used in modern construction

What plaster for foam and aerated concrete blocks is better to choose

According to experts, for plastering walls from foam and aerated concrete blocks, it is better to use ready-made dry mixes sold in bags of 25-30 kg. They include additives and plasticizers that improve the physicochemical characteristics of the solution, adhesion and vapor permeability properties.

Table of plaster mixes for aerated concrete walls

Watch a lesson on how to make thin plaster of walls from foam blocks with your own hands, the video will help you understand all the technological nuances of the process.

Special plaster for gas silicate blocks and aerated concrete, developed by manufacturers taking into account all material characteristics:

  • Ш-36 is a dry mixture based on cement, it contains synthetic reinforcing fiber.
  • PROFIT CONTACT MN - cement-sand mortar with special additives, plaster for mechanized application.
  • Dali is a universal plaster for foam and aerated concrete walls.
  • Mask mik - dry cement-quartzite plaster, improved with polymer additives.
  • ATLAS KB-TYNK is a lightweight wall mix for aerated concrete.

Aerated concrete wall plastering technology

The difference in the characteristics of gas and foam concrete blocks also implies differences in the technology of plastering walls. One general rule - preference should be given to ready-made thin-layer, lightweight plaster mixes.


To front and internal plaster walls made of aerated concrete and ponoblocks kept well and did not flake off, the surfaces must be well cleaned of greasy and bituminous spots. Casting blocks should be treated with a coarse abrasive, while sawing blocks are rougher, therefore, sanding can be dispensed with only on slopes and corners.

The next step is priming:

  • it is better to impregnate gas silicate walls with compositions with hydrophobizing additives, a silicon-based primer for aerated concrete under plaster and alcohols as solvents;
  • It is recommended to impregnate foam concrete with emulsions from a mixture of polymers, deep penetration, which reduce the absorption characteristics of surfaces.

The soil must contain additives that prevent the formation and development of fungi and mold.

The mesh can be reinforced with a quick-drying solution or with a mushroom dub

After processing the walls, we strengthen the reinforcing frame, it is rational to use polymer nets that are resistant to an alkaline environment, the cell size depends on the thickness of the solution layer. We expose beacons, we strengthen the corners with a special profile.

For your information: If the plaster layer is up to 15 mm, then it can be applied in one step, but if it is thicker, then the process should be divided into 2 or more stages, 1 layer of mortar with a thickness of no more than 10 mm should be applied at once, followed by 20 mm each.

Spraying will increase the adhesion properties of the walls

Facade plaster for foam blocks

The optimal external plaster layer for foam concrete is 15-20 mm. We moisten the walls well with water from a pultilizer. We dilute the mixture as indicated in the instructions on the package. For the first layer, you will need a solution of the consistency of liquid sour cream. We spray it, a layer of 5-10 mm, let it stand for a while, this will provide better adhesion.

The second layer is applied with a thick solution, it should not drain from the trowel. Throw in required thickness and draw out the solution with the rule. After 20-30 minutes, rub over small irregularities with a spatula.

Plaster for foam blocks inside

For better adhesion, the inside of the foam block wall should be treated with an additional layer of soil. Remember that the inner plaster layer should be 2 times thicker than the outer one, this is the only way to bypass the dew point at the plaster / block interface.

Apply from bottom to top base layer solution, we correct the rule for beacons. Apply a thinner finishing layer when the main one has dried. It should not be thicker than 10 mm, the surface is leveled with floats, in a circular motion, with effort.

Facade plaster for aerated concrete

A vapor-permeable plaster for aerated concrete is suitable here, a special ready-made mixture with a high content of gypsum, which also contains fine-grained perlite sand and lime dough. Mixes are universal, suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

Remember, it is not recommended to make the outer plaster layer more than 20 mm. To decorate the walls with our own hands, we throw a layer of mortar, level it with the rule of lighthouses. When the solution sets, apply a thin layer up to 5 mm, and carefully smooth the surface for painting.

Aerated concrete plaster for outdoor use must be protected from getting wet, in regions with a humid microclimate this is especially important. To extend the service life of the decoration and the house as a whole, exterior aerated concrete wall plaster is processed protective layer water repellent.

Plastering of aerated concrete walls indoors

Internal aerated concrete plaster is made with non-moisture resistant mixtures. In saunas, bathrooms, swimming pools - surfaces are treated with waterproofing materials, and only then the walls are plastered moisture resistant compounds based on cement.

Rough finish - apply the mixture to the prepared wall, leave it for an hour, smooth it gently. Then you can proceed to fine finish, on a competently prepared base layer, you can safely apply decorative plaster, glue tiles, putty under wallpaper.

The recipe for a plaster mix for aerated concrete from homemade

With large volumes of work, it can be expensive to buy a ready-made mixture, a solution made with your own hands will cost much less. We offer a recipe for plaster for aerated concrete walls:

  • 1 hour of cement, not lower than M400;
  • 3 hours perforated sandstone, fraction up to 3 mm (some craftsmen recommend using perlite sand);
  • 1/3 lime dough.

Mix dry components thoroughly, add water and lime, bring the solution to a pasty state. Liquid soap can be added to the solution as a plasticizer.

We offer you to watch the final stage of plastering concrete walls with your own hands, the video demonstrates the pre-finishing finish.

Plastering process is the most common option exterior decoration... With it, the walls are aligned indoor space... However, how different is the technology of applying the material, if it is necessary to plaster aerated concrete or brick walls? Or maybe you are the happy owner of a frame house or a structure made of foam blocks. Today I will tell you about the basic principles of applying plaster to the walls with your own hands, and we will also look at how the plastering of the foundation of a house takes place.

The need for plaster for a brick house

It doesn't matter if the old one is being renovated brick building or the walls of a new building are being decorated, the plaster is essential element for quality execution works. Using modern plaster, you can carry out high-quality protection of walls from negative atmospheric influences.

Important! Using a traditional hand-made mixture, it is better to handle large enough surfaces. Modern materials contain components that increase beneficial features plaster.

The material that will be used for external surfaces must meet important requirements:

  • The material must be moisture resistant and vapor permeable. If the plaster does not remove the accumulated condensate, the walls will begin to collapse very quickly and the house itself will not stand for a long time.
  • They must be resistant to weathering - that is, if an external mixture is used, then it must withstand sudden changes in temperature and frost
  • Mechanical resistance is important criterion, since the surface of the walls is often exposed to unintentional impacts and weather disasters

Brick walls are exposed to plastering during reconstruction work, as over time, cracks, chips appear on the walls of the house, or simply due to uneven masonry during the construction of the house. Brick house you can plaster with your own hands and for this it is enough to adhere to the following sequence:

  1. Before starting the work process, you should clean the surface from dirt and dust. Then sprinkle it with a solution of cement and lime. In some cases, only a cement mixture can be used.
  2. On the next one, this primer is carried out
  3. Apply a cover layer
  4. For high-quality do-it-yourself work, beacons are installed, plaster solution is applied between them.Try to apply the material as evenly as possible
  5. Using a trowel, the surface is leveled and checked with a level
  6. The beacons are dismantled, and the remaining voids are sealed with mortar
  7. Before completion, the surface of the walls is sprayed. The resulting finish is sprayed with water for three days. If possible, the base is hidden from direct sunlight, which can accelerate the setting process and thereby reduce performance material

A brick house often requires additional thermal insulation, which can be done with the well-known foam. In this case, subsequent plastering is a necessary measure.

Foundation protection

The foundation of the house is the most important place of the entire structure, which is most negatively affected. Protection of the foundation with plaster should be carried out on the highest level and most often you should contact a specialist for this. But if you want to plaster the foundation with your own hands, then proceed according to this plan:

  1. All contamination must be removed and scored. It is performed for a foundation that more than a year stood uncovered
  2. Elimination of defects - all weak points are beaten off to a state of a solid foundation
  3. A layer of primer is applied to the surface of the foundation
  4. Defects and dents along with the seams are filled with cement mortar
  5. Install the mesh "chain-link" using dowels
  6. Install beacons
  7. Plastering is done in 2 layers - the first is the primer, and the second is the finishing
  8. The first layer should dry well, only after that the second is applied - usually the drying time reaches 5-7 days. In this case, the surface is periodically sprayed with water.
  9. The decorative layer is applied to a damp foundation with a thickness of about 5 mm. It is important that this time the mixture was thicker and more plastic.

As a finishing layer for the foundation, you can use different kinds decorative plaster... For the foundation, a solution with a texture for "travertine", terrazite plaster and a fur coat is suitable. It is important that the finishing of the foundation coincides with general design facade.

Plastering foam concrete

Being a fairly lightweight and durable material, foam concrete is in great demand for building a house. The advantages of the foam block have long been justified, for a long service life, the surface of the foam blocks must be plastered both outside the house and inside.

The technology of plastering walls from foam blocks does not differ from the processes for other types of surfaces. However, to achieve maximum effect there are some tips to follow:

  • Like any base, the surface of the foam block must be primed. To do this, it is best to select a deep penetration primer and apply it in two layers. Thus, the adhesion of the foam block and plaster will be maximized.
  • Before plastering the walls of a foam block house, you should install a reinforcing mesh. Keep track of her condition - there should be no breaks
  • When choosing foam blocks in a hardware store, you should pay attention to the color of the material. Foam block products should be gray, the advantage of yellow will indicate a lot of sand. This will make the material very fragile.
  • If the base of the walls is made of a cast foam block, then use fiberglass instead of a building mesh

When doing work with your own hands, you should give preference only quality materials, which will allow you to complete the finishing process as quickly, efficiently and for a long time as possible.

Facing a frame house

For frame houses, plaster is used as often as siding panels. Before performing work outside the house, you should choose the method of plastering:

  1. Using cement-bonded particle boards
  2. Using a multi-layer reinforced plaster using metal mesh

If the finishing of a frame house will be carried out every 5-7 years, then you may well choose the first option. It is easier to do with your own hands. However, spending large quantity time and effort for the second method, you will get a facade frame structure, which will last at least 13-15 years.

If the use of decorative plaster is planned for a frame house, then by construction grid it is possible to apply one layer of the mixture. In the case of a single layer application, clinker can also be used for the frame structure, as well as ceramic tiles or stone.

Important! A water repellent agent is used for plasters to enhance the water-repellent properties of a frame house. With their help, gas permeability remains the same, but moisture absorption is significantly reduced.

For a frame house and covering it with plaster, all bases must be processed. However, in some cases, it is allowed to cover only those surfaces that are most susceptible to moisture.

Self-facing aerated concrete

Finishing of aerated concrete with plaster

Aerated concrete is a popular building material that is used in low-rise construction. This material gained popularity due to its light weight and speed of construction of houses with its help. However, with such positive qualities, aerated concrete has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and therefore requires high-quality finishing.

Important! The microclimate created inside a house made of aerated concrete is comparable to the microclimate of wooden buildings. Therefore, plastering of aerated concrete walls is necessary in the same way as plaster wooden house outside.

Aerated concrete inside the house must be plastered using certain solutions. Application cement-sand mixture unacceptable, as the material has the property of absorbing moisture. Aerated concrete is best finished with gypsum putty or gypsum-based solutions. Inside the house, you can use mortars with fillers such as chalk, marble or dolomite.

Important! On modern construction market there is a special plaster with which the cellular material can be finished without deteriorating the vapor barrier properties.

To maintain vapor barrier, aerated concrete can be finished with plastic wrap. However, if all work is carried out with errors, then condensation may appear on the surface of the walls, and the plaster will swell over time. That is why many people decide to plaster aerated concrete using a sand-cement mortar, but in this case, the coating will definitely begin to flake off. Before you start finishing aerated concrete, you should study in detail all the pros and cons of these methods, and only then carry out the decoration of the walls inside and outside the house. Aerated concrete has different grades of density and you need to remember that the plaster is selected based on these data. The external plaster of the house can be carried out independently, all processes should take place in a warm and dry time of the year.

Plaster mix color

Plastering gas concrete walls inside the house

The use of decorative plaster is in demand due to the ability to choose the required color of the material. Due to the fact that there are a huge number of plasters that have color, the creation of a specific design and its shades becomes a fairly simple action. Besides using ready mixes, you can add pigment when self-production solution. However, having given a certain color in one batch, there is no guarantee that the color of subsequent batches will completely match. Even when using the same proportions, a slight color change is possible, which will be noticeable on the walls inside or with outside Houses.

In specialized stores, you can choose the color of the plaster you need thanks to the palettes of certain manufacturers, and also decide on the shade along with the catalogs of already finished houses using these materials. Remember, the richer the tone of the plaster, the longer the color will last. Together with this saturated dark color is able to very quickly lose its appearance.

Indoor repairs are carried out in several stages. When conducting renovation works it is important not to forget about plastering concrete walls with inside... Plaster for aerated concrete plays important role, even it comes on work in panel buildings modern layout... As a rule, concrete slabs have an uneven surface, and this defect cannot be corrected with putty alone. Block coverage is necessary for a number of reasons. These include the smoothness and cleanliness of the wall surface.

The ways

For plastering the internal surfaces of a building, during the construction of which aerated concrete was used, two methods are used. The first method consists in the fact that aerated concrete plaster is carried out in such a way as to achieve vapor permeability in concrete walls due to the unique qualities of the material. Builders advise against using mortar and cement and sand for finishing blocks indoors. Aerated concrete blocks instantly absorb liquid, after which they become covered with cracks. It will not be easy to disguise the irregularities that have appeared, even after priming the vapor-permeable wall.

Some specialists are engaged in plastering gas blocks using a different method - vapor barrier. In this case, the microclimate in the room will be the same as in reinforced concrete buildings. The only difference is that such plastering will be more reliable.

Promotes vapor permeability of the walls

The components contained in aerated concrete contribute to vapor permeability building material... However, this factor requires the choice of a certain composition of mixtures for carrying out repair and finishing work on the walls of the building. To do this, it is necessary to do the plastering in such a way that the inner wall is vapor-permeable or, on the contrary, vapor-proof. In a house with such a wall, the microclimate will self-regulate. Also, there won't be any in the wall.

Vapor barrier

In order to treat the inner wall and increase the vapor barrier at least tenfold, specialists apply a solution, the thickness of which should reach two and a half centimeters. The plaster contains cement and other ingredients. Sometimes, for this purpose, workers put a polyethylene film under the layer of plaster. But experienced builders it is not advised to carry out such work, since the film can peel off from plasters and walls due to the appearance of condensation.

What materials and tools are used?

It all depends, first of all, on the task set by the customers and specialists. For its implementation, building materials are selected that can correctly interact with aerated concrete and have the property of vapor permeability. Professionals recommend processing the inner surfaces of the walls from blocks of a mixture with gypsum, sand and lime. Also, builders use tools that include chalk or marble.

For finishing work, specialists use plastering tools. The mixture is prepared in an appropriately sized container. The solution is mixed using a mixer or. Thin-layer aerated concrete plaster is applied to the blocks with a trowel or trowel. Surfaces are rubbed with a float. The poluter is used to remove excess mixture. The surface of the blocks inside the walls is leveled with beacons. Aerated concrete plaster is pulled together by the rule between the guides. The builders determine the quality of the work performed by the rail.

V Lately with the help of aerated concrete blocks, they not only carry out thermal insulation, but also build houses. This material is somewhat "capricious", therefore, plastering of aerated concrete walls inside and outside the room should be carried out taking into account some nuances.

Many craftsmen believe that finishing work on the walls of aerated concrete must be carried out immediately after the construction of the building, but this is a rather risky undertaking. This procedure is best done after a year. The fact is that aerated concrete must have time to dry out before the onset of cold weather, which can be hindered by the plaster layer. If moisture remains inside in winter, it will freeze, causing the material to crack.

The first step is to carry out the internal plaster for aerated concrete, after which you can start finishing the external surfaces. You can even take a little time by doing internal work in the fall, and external late spring... The only exception can be buildings on the sea coast. In this case, the first step is to protect external walls from atmospheric influences.

First of all, internal plastering is carried out, and then external

Important! It is strictly forbidden to plaster a house from aerated concrete from November to March.

Is it necessary to plaster the gas blocks outside

External plaster for aerated concrete is completely optional. On the contrary, many craftsmen recommend immediately ordering walls of such a thickness, which would be enough to ensure a comfortable temperature inside the house without using plaster outside. An incorrectly selected composition or a violation of the application technology can lead to the destruction of the entire structure.

Many masters oppose external plastering of aerated concrete walls

Some advise using expanded polystyrene for insulation, but this material is practically impervious to water vapor. This leads to the fact that condensate accumulates at the junction of the insulation and the gas blocks. In the cold season, it freezes and leads to cracking of aerated concrete. If, nevertheless, it was decided to use expanded polystyrene, then you need to lay a layer of 80 mm, while thermal resistance thermal insulation material should not be lower than this indicator of aerated concrete.

On a note! To get rid of the need to conduct additional procedures, it is enough to order a wall 10 cm thick in warm regions, 30 cm in cold regions, and for baths will do 20 cm.

How to plaster gas blocks

The question of how to plaster aerated concrete outside and inside the room is not at all idle. It should be noted right away that plastering on aerated concrete cannot be carried out using cement-sand mortars.

To properly plaster aerated concrete walls outside or inside the house, you must use the following compounds:

Interior plastering of aerated concrete walls

Before plastering aerated concrete, you should pay attention careful preparation grounds. To do this, remove all irregularities with a planer or special tool for processing aerated concrete blocks. This process is recommended to be performed even at the stage of wall construction, but some builders simply forget about it in order to save time. The processing with a plane does not affect the operational properties of the future coating, but with its help it can be significantly reduced during finishing.

After that, you need to apply a primer. Some craftsmen dilute the primer with water, but this is fundamentally wrong. So you can save a little on the solution, but at the same time the adhesion of the treated blocks will drop significantly, which can affect the duration of the coating. To save a primer, it is better to pre-moisten the roller with water and walk it along the wall, then repeat the procedure, but with a primer. For damp rooms it is better to use a deep penetration impregnation, for dry rooms - a simple one.

For better adhesion of the plaster to the blocks, it is necessary to pre-treat the walls with a primer.

Then proceed to the installation of plaster beacons. This is one of the simplest operations as the planed blocks do not have large drops. Via building level you need to find the maximum protruding point, add the profile height to the value, and, according to the obtained value, install beacons over the entire cultivated area with an interval of 130-160 cm.

Installation of plaster beacons will allow you to apply the plaster perfectly evenly

When preparatory work finished, proceed to plastering the walls from the aerated block. It is carried out using the following technology:

  • The first step is applied by the sketching method. It is called spatter and is no more than 3 mm thick.
  • After the spray has set, you can grab the base layer. It is called a primer, it is on the quality of the application of this layer that all indicators of the finished coating depend. The material is collected on a spatula and transferred to the wall, so the entire area between the two beacons is treated.
  • Then you need to take the rule, press it against the beacons at the bottom of the wall and lift it up, while making zigzag movements from side to side. The solution will remain on the blade of the rule, it should be thrown up the wall. The procedure must be repeated until the blade remains clean after lifting.
  • After the material has set, beacons are removed from it, and the resulting grooves are filled with a solution. Next, the corners are processed and hard-to-reach places, after which the entire wall is left to dry.
  • After the main layer has dried, the last one is applied - a cover. It is considered decorative, therefore its thickness is 1-3 mm. It is carefully leveled, and when it dries, it is rubbed with sandpaper.
  • It is necessary to wait for the material to gain strength (the time is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging), and you can proceed to the finishing.

The plastered coating is pasted over with wallpaper or painted. It is better to use materials based on acrylic, latex, cement or organic solvents as paint.

Plastering external walls made of aerated concrete

Plastering of aerated concrete outside can be carried out in two ways: by applying in one layer or in several. The single-layer version loses somewhat, so it is recommended to opt for the second method. Before plastering a concrete wall, you need to carry out the same manipulations with it as with inner wall... After that, you need to install a reinforcing mesh.

External plastering of aerated concrete walls is made using a reinforcing mesh

For these purposes use hardware with a wire with a diameter of 1 mm and a side of 16 mm or a fiberglass mesh with a cell of 5 cm. This product is cut into pieces of such an area that it is convenient to work with them. After that, a plaster mortar is applied on the surface with a layer of no more than 5 mm, while it is fresh, the mesh is pressed against it and sunk into it.

Then you need to pause and wait for the solution to dry. It's easy to check: you need to spray a little water on the coating, if the liquid is quickly absorbed, you can continue working.

In turn, with an interval of 3-4 days, two more layers of material, 10 mm each, are applied. After drying, the plastered surface is rubbed in the same way as the internal ones.

The last stage of wall decoration is plastering

On a note! Before plastering concrete walls, it is important to immediately determine the type finishing... Under different types paints require different types of plaster.

Aerated concrete blocks rarely require any finishing other than decorative, but if such a need arises, then, first of all, you need to choose the right material for plastering aerated concrete, and also follow the above rules and technologies.

Aerated concrete blocks are increasingly used in the field of low-rise construction. That is why the question of how the internal plaster of walls from aerated concrete is made is more and more popular.

In this article, we will consider the features of the use of various plaster mixes when decorating low-rise buildings, mainly for residential purposes.

The need for timely wall decoration

Before deciding what is better to plaster the walls of aerated concrete, let's figure out what this material is and what are its characteristics that can affect the finishing work.

Aerated concrete has a low specific gravity, which minimizes the degree of mechanical stress on the foundation. The low weight of the building material is due to the cellular structure of the blocks. And, if low weight is an advantage, then the cellular structure turns into a disadvantage.

The fact is that aerated concrete blocks are characterized by low hydrophobicity. They literally absorb moisture, both from the external environment and from the inside of the building. By absorbing moisture, the blocks lose their original heat-saving qualities. In addition, excess moisture leads to the gradual destruction of building materials and structures erected with its use.

It is for this reason that the plastering of aerated concrete walls should be carried out in a timely manner.

Related articles:

Features of wet plastering of walls made of aerated concrete blocks

Plastering of building objects erected with the use of aerated concrete must be carried out both from the outside and from the inside. The finishing process should start from the inside and then move on to the facade cladding.

A gross mistake is the external plastering of aerated concrete walls, carried out in warm time of the year. In this case, interior decoration begins with the onset of cold weather. Meanwhile, the water used in the manufacture of wet plastering mortars will for the most part seep out both through the ventilation and through the aerated concrete blocks.

As a result, water vapor will condense inside the blocks at their interface with the exterior cladding, as the walls will ultimately be covered with plaster on both sides. With a significant decrease in ambient temperatures, the external plaster, due to the freezing of moisture in the walls, will crack and flake off.

The technology of plastering walls made of aerated concrete does not provide for the use of cement-sand mortars, since such a coating will ultimately become a serious obstacle to vapor permeability. As already mentioned, excess moisture in the walls must find a way out, otherwise the external plaster will deform over time and come in disrepair.

There are two ways to solve the problem of removing excess moisture without harming the indoor microclimate:

  • Through the use of plaster mixes specially designed and manufactured for finishing structures made of aerated concrete.

Speaking of special mixtures that do not interfere with the removal of steam, we mean plaster mixtures with a high gypsum content.

Today, in any hardware store you can buy a wide range of gypsum putties, both for external and internal work. The composition of high-quality modern putties, in addition to gypsum, includes slaked lime and fine-grained perlite sand. Due to these components, the mixtures are characterized by high degree adhesion, and therefore before finishing works, the surface of the walls does not need to be primed.

The finished plaster layer of the putty performs the function of a filtering material, due to which water vapor is effectively removed outside, while moisture practically does not enter the walls from the outside.

  • Using a vapor barrier film installed from inside the room.

Vapor barrier material - penofol

The film, which is applied to the wall, before applying wet plaster, prevents moisture from penetrating into the blocks, so the type of exterior finish is not fundamentally important.

At first, the plastering of the walls inside the room was carried out using the usual plastic film... As it turned out, the use of such a vapor barrier is not the best solution, since there is a high probability of condensation accumulation and swelling of the plaster. The solution to the problem is the use of micro-perforated polyethylene nonwoven webs.

When using a moisture barrier, it is allowed to use cement-sand plaster mixtures made without using dolomite flour or lime as fillers.

The choice of tools for finishing work

Before plastering aerated concrete walls, you need to decide on the choice of tools.

In principle, the tools required are the same as for conventional plastering:

  • a plastic container for stirring a solution with a volume of at least 10 liters;
  • rotary hammer with speed control and special mixing attachment;
  • plastering rule;
  • spatulas different widths(wide 50 cm and narrow 10-15 cm);
  • medium sized trowel or plastering bucket;
  • water level;
  • graters for leveling and grinding.

Gypsum putty application technology

Modern technology for plastering walls made of aerated concrete inside and outside using gypsum putties is as follows:

  • Preparing the surface. To do this, we thoroughly clean the walls from dirt and dust.

To increase the adhesion of the putty to the surface, we use an acrylic primer, which can be applied with a wide brush or roller. At the same stage, we install beacons. Of course, you can work without beacons, but with special guides, the finishing will be carried out faster and better.

If the wall does not have significant irregularities, we choose the thinnest beacons to reduce the consumption of putty. Installation of lighthouses is carried out on a thick gypsum or alabaster mortar.

  • Preparing the solution. In accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, pour water into a previously prepared container and fill in the dry gypsum mixture.

Tip: It is advisable to mix no more than 10 liters of solution at a time, since this amount is on average enough for 1 hour of work.
If you mix more mortar, it is likely that it will set before it is fully used.

You can find a detailed description of the gypsum putty mixing technology in the relevant articles on our portal.

  • Apply the first layer of putty. When plastering on the lighthouses, we apply the solution from the bottom up to about the bottom of one third of the wall. You can throw the solution into the gap between adjacent lighthouses on a pre-moistened wall with a trowel, or you can apply it with a spatula. The outline layer should be 1-2 cm above the surface of the lighthouses.

  • We level the applied solution. To do this, we apply a plastering rule to the surface of neighboring beacons and lead it up, periodically moving the tool from one side to the other. In the process of leveling, putty accumulates on the rule, which must be removed in a timely manner with a spatula and mixed into the bulk of the solution.
  • After the first layer of plaster dries up, you can proceed to the final leveling. A new putty solution is diluted, which is applied and smoothed with a wide spatula.
  • The final stage of plastering is sanding finished surface and applying a layer of primer. After that, the wall covering is completely ready for painting works or for applying decorative plaster.

Features of the use of cement-sand mortar

As already mentioned, before plastering the walls of aerated concrete cement-sand mortar from inside the room, you need to take care of an effective vapor barrier.

Therefore, the instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • The surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt, after which a film vapor barrier is applied to it. Vapor barrier film we fasten in layers overlapping each other.

  • We stuff plaster mesh... In this case, it is optimal to use a metal chain-link mesh with a cell side of no more than 3 cm. Of course, you can use a plastic mesh, but the metal chain-link has a relief, which allows the solution to better adhere to the wall surface.
    We fasten the mesh strips vertically with a gap between the previous and subsequent strips equal to the width of the beacon.
  • We install beacons in the gap between the grid strips. We choose the lighthouses so that they are about 5 mm thicker than the grid.
  • Prepare a plaster mortar in a ratio of 1 part cement to 3 parts sand. Mix all the components dry until a homogeneous mass is formed.
    After that, add water in small portions to the dry mixture and stir until the solution reaches the required consistency.
    We determine the readiness of the solution as follows: we collect the solution on a trowel, tilt the trowel and watch how the solution slides down. The ready-to-use solution slides slowly and does not run off or fall off in lumps.

  • Sketching and aligning, in this case, is performed in the same way as in the previously described method.
  • After the sketch and leveling of the solution is completed, the dried surface is rubbed with a foam float. Grouting is carried out in a circular motion with periodic spraying of the surface with water from a spray bottle.
    After grouting is done, you can start applying decorative plaster.

Dry plaster technology

When decorating walls of aerated concrete blocks with your own hands, one should not forget about dry plaster. Wall decoration with gypsum fiber board, OSB and other materials in the form of slabs is becoming increasingly popular everywhere.

Of course, this type of finish will be an excellent solution for interior work, while outer side walls can be plastered in the usual wet way.

Consider the technique frame cladding walls with plasterboard sheets, especially since the price of such a solution is available to most of those who wish.

Important: average cost running meter frame profile is - 30 rubles, while 1 sq. m. drywall will cost from 100 rubles.

Finishing work is carried out as follows:

  • We equip the vapor barrier of the walls. For these purposes, we use glassine, membrane or polyethylene nonwovens with microperforation. We fasten the vapor barrier with vertical strips with an overlap of 10-215 cm on top of each other.
  • We mount the crate from a metal profile. Until recently, the crate was made exclusively using timber... But wood is a short-lived and expensive material. Therefore, to replace wooden products came galvanized metal profiles, lightweight, inexpensive and stainless.

To decorate the walls inside the room, you will need a guide, post and corner profile.

We fix the rack profile at a distance of 60 cm from each other, while the guide profile can be installed in 1 meter increments. We fasten the profile with special dowels for working with aerated concrete.

Important: To prevent the appearance of a drum effect, mineral wool slabs should be placed between the gypsum board and the vapor barrier.

  • We fix the drywall boards with self-tapping screws, but not closer than 15 mm to the edge of the sheet.
  • Install the drywall of the upper row with some offset relative to the lower row.
  • After the walls are finished, you can start to putty the joints between adjacent plasterboard slabs. We do this using a special mesh tape, which we glue to the joints with a putty mixture.


Now you got general idea about what is the instruction for wall decoration from aerated concrete blocks. Despite the fact that there is a widespread opinion about the fragility and fragility of this material, aerated concrete blocks are not much inferior to other building materials.

However, this is possible only if the walls of the foam blocks are protected in a timely manner. quality plaster from the negative impact of environmental factors. Again, despite the fact that the plaster of such walls is considered problematic, the correct approach to business, in accordance with the above recommendations, will ensure the proper quality of the finished result.

You can find more useful and informative information by watching the video in this article.