Fruit garden. Processing and feeding of fruit trees in the garden in spring trees late spring

Perennial fruit trees are characterized by continuous power. Their roots, with certain soil conditions (temperature, humidity), are capable of growing all year, consume nutrients. The main autumn root feeders of the fruit garden do not always provide the desired concentrations, the necessary ratio of nutrients during vegetation. Therefore, spraying, feeding, treatment of fruit trees, as a rule, is also carried out in the spring, when the reserves of nutrients in plants have already been significantly reduced, and the mineral elements are available for consumption, the most important of them - nitrogen, for November-March, washed away by atmospheric precipitation in soil . Consequently, the most important spring extractive, intravenous feeding and processing of fruit trees is most important.

Extreme treatments and spraying fruit trees

First we will talk about extractive feeders and processing early spring in the garden. Inspect your fruit trees carefully. The kidneys have not yet woken up, but ants are already crawling on the branches. And if you closely look at time, then near the kidneys you can see black dots. This is a future wave, her eggs. Ants are waiting for it to hatch. As soon as the kidneys are crushed, the word will hatch, it will begin to eat with leaves, harming our garden.
An early spraying of fruit trees will help against such an attack, which should be done as soon as snow comes down to the dissolution of the kidneys.
What to spray? Can be borodovka liquid (hawked lime + copper vigorous). This is a long known, popular pest control tool is used now.
A more efficient drug is a mixture of carbamide (urea) with copper vitrios. Typically, the complex of these components sold in stores is designed for 10 liters of water. It includes 700 g of carbamide (urea) and 50 g of copper sulfate. What is its advantage compared to borodic liquid? It not only destroys pests, but in parallel serves fertilizer for fruit trees.
Finding on the branches, barrel, carbamide (urea) through the bark, the kidney feeds it and early spring tree gets very good help for spring growth in the form of nitrogen fertilizer.
Somehow once read this information, since then we use this drug in your country. I see how the trees from the winter hibernate are actively wakeful, but ... with some delay. Now you will understand why this is also plus.
The carbamide slows down the growing season. The kidneys of fruit trees that we sprayed, wake up for 1-1.5 weeks later than the rest, untreated. Accordingly, flowering time is also moved away. What is the advantage of late flowering, because we want, on the contrary, early harvest? And in the fact that we reduce the risk of entry of such early plants, like apricots, peaches under the late spring frost. Do not worry! The processed fruit trees will catch up, they will even overtake their untreated fellow, but will be stronger, healthier.
When spraying fruit trees, it is also necessary to spray the earth, last year's leaves under the tree. By the way, the processed leaves will be overloaded faster, as the carbamide is very well stimulated by the decomposition of the organic. In addition, the disputes of malicious fungi will be destroyed, pests under the trees.
Carbamide with copper vigorous of the same concentration can be sprayed in autumn. The duration of the autumn spraying is also important here - it is optimal to do it when with an apple tree, for example, will fall from 20% to 40% of foliage. An earlier spraying can provoke a late rise in shoots, and this is fraught with a strong frozen their winter. Therefore, the fruit trees are sprayed in autumn, the land under them when the leaf fall has begins. It also stimulates the decomposition of fallen foliage, destroys the disputes of mushrooms. But we were distracted, because we have spring
How to make a carbamide solution with copper vitrios? First, in a clean bucket, the carbamide is poured with water half, we are well stirred to complete dissolution, add a copper mood powder. The mixture for spraying is ready. Be careful. The mixture is toxic. Do not spray trees in the wind. Use the respirator, mask, glasses to protect the respiratory organs and vision from harmful effects.
The same processing should be carried out on the chest of currant and gooseberry. But, taking into account the gooseberry wakes up, releases leaves before others, therefore, processing it must be carried out before kidney skill.

Root feeding of fruit trees

Now let's talk about intravenous spring feeders.
Let's start with the fact that we define how to properly contain a rolling circle of fruit tree? The land around it should be loose - it provides air access to roots. Most often, we jump around the ground near the trunk, trying to keep the square in the crown.
Nowadays, the bowl of gardens can be found in which space under and between garden trees - lawn. It is beautiful, aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Feed the land of the priority circle with lawn grass or clover, that is, herbs with a shallow root system, which will help contain the soil in a loose, porous state. In no case should it be weeds. The root system of weeds penetrates deep into the ground, takes the nutrients that could get the fruits.
The feeding of fruit trees, of course, is simplified if the land is clean, without grass or weeds. Then a furrow remains at the perimeter of the crown when loosening or resistance. Lay there organic or mineral fertilizers, draw them and that's it. The rest comes to rain or watering, dissolving nutrients, delivering them to the roots of trees.
The first intravenous feeder is carried out in two or three weeks before bulk flowering (March-April). To do this, high-speed nitrogen fertilizers are used: from organic - bird lips, from mineral - ammonium Selitra.
In no case do not lay fertilizers in the immediate vicinity of the trunk, as there are the main bearing skeletal roots of the tree, it does not make sense. Suction, capillary roots are around the perimeter of the branches. Such feeding can be done from the moment of the dissolution of the kidneys.
What if you have a beautiful lawn under the tree? After all, I do not want to damage it with such feeders? Take the scrap or the stake pointed, retreat on the meter from the trunk and pushing your lawn to a depth of 5-7 cm around the perimeter of the priority circle (do not forget about the forbidden zone directly about the trunk). Of course, about an adult tree will have such holes to break through a lot.
Nutritional solution should be prepared in advance. We take a large capacity - it may be a tank, for example, a 200-liter barrel - we smear there 1-2 buckets of a cowboat (it is better to take not quite fresh), or horse manure, or near a bucket of chicken litter, you can add a couple of grieving comprehensive fertilizers, oha The beveled herbs, the crust of the old bread, the half-liter jar of wood ash. Fill with water, insist 12-15 days. For fertilizer, we will use a diluted solution - 1-1.5 liters of concentrate on the water bucket.
The volume of watering will depend on the age of your fruit pet. For example, a 10-15-year-old tree is enough 5-7 buckets of the nutrient solution. Water falls into the holes with you in the lawn, quickly absorbed. Then pick it from top with clean water - you can from the hose - you will sing the lawn grass from fertilizers, the nutrient solution will not harm your lawn. Well such a handy watering to do before the rain, then the work will decrease - it is not necessary to water from above, it will not have to rain for you.
Such feeders (can less, but no longer concentration) can be made 1 time per month until the end of July, that is, until the end of the development period, trees grow. Until this period, we had feeding with the predominance of nitrogen. Starting from August, feeding fruit trees should be with the predominance of phosphorus and potassium in order not to cause a new wave of growth, to increase the winter hardiness of your garden. Nitrogen from helpful feeding should be completely eliminated. During this period, the intensive growth of the tree stops, the kidneys in the sneakers of the leaves are pounded, the growth points are driving.
Now about the extraordinary treatments of fruit trees in late spring. It's good to do them when the trees have already been fighting, maybe already the ovary appeared, the leaves reached their full size. In stores for gardeners there are complex high-speed fertilizers (non-nutritious nutritious salts) containing in its composition besides nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. Divide drugs according to the instructions, spray the trees on the leaves.
Thus, processing, feeding fruit trees, their spraying of early spring will save your garden not only from diseases, pests, but also lay down the success of the future harvest.


Spring trimming of trees stimulates vegetative growth and speeds up the aging branches. The arborists of the company "Industrial climbers" professionally perform the cleaning of trees in early and late spring in Moscow and Moscow region. We serve the organization and private clients. Cutting branches on large-carriers growing in any conditions. Cut fragments of wood export and remove the place of work.

Why is the most relevant spring trimming

The dispute about when it is better to carry out the trimming of trees, it seems that will be forever. In favor of the spring cleaning, the bookmark and formation of young branches, as well as favorable weather conditions. Such a procedure is performed before the start of the deployment (until the swelling of the kidneys). For fruit trees, violating this rule is unacceptable (otherwise the crop will decrease). Decorative species can be cleared after the formation of foliage.

Removing even a small branch, it is necessary to smell the slice of a garden harness or another special means.

Such trees like maple, chestnut, mulberry, a poplar can be cleanedly subjected to cleaning after the end of the coilment. When injured, they have active socket. Therefore, such a procedure even late in spring or in the summer they are not terrible.

Among the conifers perfectly carry the haircut various types of juniper, thu, tees and ate. Other types of evergreen largests are subjected to light spring sanitary trimming. To form their crown is not necessary with the help of a cutting branches, but a piece of young shoots. Moreover, it is quite difficult to work with conifers - the juicy gentle-salad tips of the branches are quite fragile, easily bend and broken. Yes, and the risk of breaking the top.

The slightest damage to the evergreen plants, with the improper formation of the crown, will lead to a violation of the vertical of the tree. With the growth of two tops, one of them needs to be urgently removed.

In the spring, fruit trees cut off annually. It stimulates the yield and help extend the life of the plant. However, garden trees should be trimmed correctly - otherwise you can forget about large and abundant fruits.

Rules of spring trimming trees

The most important rule of any (including spring) removal of branches is the use of a non-coated rust tool. In this case, the toolkit should be well sharpened. Garden fixtures should not tear the tissues of the plant, but gently cut off the excess. It is necessary to work extremely neatly, not harming the remaining branches.

This is especially true when removing large bans. Before cropping them, it is necessary to remove as much as possible a small twig growing on them. And only after you can proceed to sleep with a massive branch, cutting off it in parts. The edges of large sections are carefully protected. Such an operation will contribute to the rapid increase in callus (connective tissue that promotes the healing of wood wounds).

Slices made not at the post, rarely overgrow. Therefore, such places, when trimming in the spring months, need to be carefully treated with a wound-healing composition.

In addition to torn edges, sections must be without grooves. They will become a place for the accumulation of water, which will lead to rotting of wood. The mascara used should be waterproof, sterile and antiseptic. Only in this case the microorganisms and disputes fell into the wound will die and will not leave the chance of new pests to settle on the cut.

Types of trimming trees in spring

Early spring is performed both strong and weak cleaning of trees. The blooming species strongly contributes to active blossom, with a weak, many small colors are formed. In this period, such types of branches are produced:

  • Formative. Helps create a special form of crown. At the same time, a certain type of "green cap" is created with the desired density of temporary and skeletal branches.
  • Adjusting (support). In addition to saving the shape, such trim supports certain parameters of the crown by the level of illumination.
  • Rejuvenation. It is especially indicated by aging and old trees, since as a result of such trimming, the growth of young branches is activated.
  • Restoration. Returns the victims of weather conditions and launched, fluttering blossoms, fruiting and growth.
  • Sanitary. It makes it possible to remove damaged, intersecting, dead or sick branches and helps increase the illumination of the leaves.

In the conditions of the metropolis, it is rather difficult to carry out the spring trimming of large-meters. Standard conditions, a large number of people and transport make such work complex and dangerous. Therefore, this work requires obtaining a carbon ticket. Upper the trees of the company "Industrial climbers" not only quickly, professionally and at reasonable price will have this service, but also take out the export of cropped material, as well as cleaning the territory. Contact us, we cut the trees as it should!

To categoriarity: Garden

Tree planting

If you keep in mind that it is possible to dig trees only from the end of September or from the beginning of October, and in November sometimes the landing becomes an impossible consequence of frosts, it will become clear that sometimes the anal trees may come too late for autumn landing; They have to go to spring. If frosts come, and the trees are on the way, it should be covered with a horsephawn place designed to touch the trees, so that the soil is not freezing, as it is very difficult to relent with frozen ground. But also for those gardeners who prefer the spring landing, you can advise you to write out trees in the fall and pin them for the winter, as in the spring, often trees are late, especially when discharge from more northern localities. There is nothing, it seems more unpleasant, how to be forced in the spring to be laundered due to the late arrival of the discharged trees. That is why and in the sense landing certainly better to write trees from autumn to be able to plant an early spring, which is of great importance for success; Especially harmful to plant trees late in spring when the kidneys is already being blown. With the autumn discharge of trees for the seaside landing, it is necessary to keep in mind that the roots do not stop the livelihoods and after the leaves of the leaves. It is noted that after the festivities of the foliage, the roots form s places damaged during the discharge, or on artificial sections. Here I very much important is very important to produce roots with the roots with an autumn touch of trees, and not to postpone this operation until spring (cropping the roots before planting, Lli was so-called refreshment of the roots). If you cut carefully roots (as before landing) and then picked trees, then with the autumn there are influx, and such trees in the spring are rather rooted and better accepted.

Every day the air is all the cooler, and the sky is growing. This means that it's time to keep bright autumn paints in our homes. A few simple and inexpensive accents can make any interior truly cozy and attractive. It will help us in this queen of autumn - pumpkin. This is a universal material from which you can make a huge number of interesting crafts. Pumpkin decor looks mysterious and attractive. It can be infinitely varied.

Sweet pepper came to Europe in the 15th century from South America and so emerged to the Europeans, that, for example, in Hungary there is even a museum dedicated to solely to peppers. This vegetable is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes it an indispensable product of healthy food. In this article I want to tell about my experience of growing Bulgarian pepper in the open soil. And why I manage to receive good crops of this indispensable vegetable every year.

The smell of raspberries for me is firmly connected with childhood - lubric hands of grandmother and amazingly delicious jam, which was chosen by tea spoons and only during a cold. Already then I dreamed that I had a lot of raspberries. My dream came true, every year I collect a double harvest. The first - from the usual raspberry and the forces of the second year by repairing. And in the fall - the second - 3-5 cups a day with the repair of the original. How to care for Malina in the fall, I will tell in the article.

Apple mustard from Antonovka, cooked at home with their own hands, will shut up for the belt of all industrial competitors. Mustard thick, crooked, mustard grains make a texture diverse. Such a seasoning to meat, fish, sausage fits perfectly, even just on a slice of fresh bread to smear - it will be delicious! A large quantity to harvest a large amount is not worth it, it is always better to deliver a portion of fresh mustard sauce, just 3 days mustard pulls the fortress, it will become a burning.

Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are such as the Pereziro pepper, whose popularity has literally global scales. And if most vegetables on the supermarket shelves are unnamed, and it is almost impossible to learn about their varietality, the name of this pepper "Ramiro" will certainly be on the packaging. And, as my experience showed, this pepper is worth the other gardeners learned about him. In this connection, this article was written.

Autumn is a favorite time of many gardeners. The main crop is already assembled and processed, but the rest is not coming. Deals in the garden and in beds are still a lot, but it is important to pay time and flower bed. It is true that there is something to do, because many flowers are transplanted and put it in the fall, and the appearance of the decorative garden next year will depend on the preparation of soil at the flower beds next year. About what needs to be done in a flower bed in the fall, read in this article.

Fruit and sour cream filling cake - easy in preparation and delicious homely pie, which can be prepared less than an hour. For the filling, you can take any fruit or fresh berries, but I advise you to prefer sweet and dense, for example, as in this recipe - pear, bananas, sweet plums. For preparation, you will also need a form with a non-stick coating and a low-bit side, a form for a cake with a removable bottom will fit.

Autumn - the most mushroom time. No longer hot, abundant dews fall in the morning. Since the earth is still warm, and on top of the foliage already attacked, creating a very special microclimate in the surface layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers at this time are also comfortable, especially in the morning, when the cooler. It's time to meet other things. And if they are not represented by each other - to meet. In this article, will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms similar to corals.

The leader on the healing properties of Aloe Vera is still inferior in popularity with a simple, almost invulnerable aloe tree. Even his folk name "meal" suggests that the plant can withstand almost any care and is very durable. But aloe tree rarely meet in the list of the most decorative species is not accidental. To keep it in shape and not grow huge prickly gigs, you need to know some secrets of formation of this plant.

Pumpkin puree with zucchild and apples - gentle, cream, sour-sweet. Puree, cooked, on this recipe is suitable for children and diet food. Kids can be mixed with a puree with milk or cream, add several spoons of soft curd to it. Determine the taste of pumpkins and zucchini in this dish is very difficult. The aroma of apples plays the first violin, the remaining ingredients seem to eat, but you need to be an expert in kitchen tricks to name vegetables that are part of the puree.

If you are a busy person, but at the same time they are not deprived of romance, if you have your own site and you are endowed with an aesthetic taste, then learn the opportunity to purchase this wonderful decorative shrub - cariopteris, or walker. He is the "wiormnik", "blue fog" and "blue beard". In it, indeed, unpretentiousness and beauty are fully combined. His peak of decorative painter reaches at the end of summer and autumn. It is at this time that he blooms.

Awave from pepper - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce from Bulgarian pepper with eggplants. Pepper for this recipe is baked, and for quite a long time, then also extinguished. Onions, tomatoes, eggplants are added to Aivar. For the billet for the winter caviar sterilize. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make the workpiece quickly, unsolved and unfinished - not about Aivar. In general, we approach things in detail. For sauce, choose the most ripe and fleshy vegetables on the market

Despite the simple names ("Lipki" or "Room Maple") and the status of a modern substitute for room hibiscus, Abutilons - plants are far from the simplest. They grow well, abundantly bloom and delight a healthy view of greens only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves, any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and disorders are quickly manifested. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in the rooms, it is worth finding an ideal place for them.

Fritters from zucchini with parmesan and mushrooms - a delicious recipe with photos from affordable products. Ordinary zucchini pancakes are easy to turn into an obscure dish by adding several spicy ingredients into the dough. In the Zabachkaya season, pamper the seven vegetable pieces with forest mushrooms, it is not only very tasty, but also satisfying. Zucchini is a universal vegetable, it is suitable for stuffing, for blanks, for the second dishes, and even for sweets there are delicious recipes - compotes and jam make from the zucchini.

Primevators are usually called snowdrops. But not everyone knows that flowers in some trees are blooming the first.

The flowering of some copies has to wait long enough, even despite the fact that spring is in full swing. But still, what tree blooms before others? About this in more detail.

It has long been proven that the primroses should be called not grassy plants that can be seen right under the legs of the early spring, namely trees.

The timing of flowering of each early species is still considered a controversial issue, but consider the approximate alternateness of this process:

Sustal of the wolves year, dissolving the beautiful and fragrant inflorescences of a pleasant pink color.

Immediately after the wolper year, there is a turn of grassy plants, which also possess their terms and alternateness of flowering.

The flowering of the first trees has its alternateness, and in some cases this is a controversial question, but still, as a rule, the place of championship belongs to Alder.

Alder and Leschina - the main features of trees

Alder and leschina are the most first plants that give nature with their flowering in the spring days. For the flavory, forests, mixed and broad-type forests are considered a characteristic place.

Under the conditions of the city, you can meet this shrub in the parks, most in places of cluster protein.

Alder is a rare phenomenon for urban conditions and most often occurs near rivers and other reservoirs.

Distinctive features of Olhi are as follows:

  • bark of gray color;
  • kidneys located on peculiar legs;
  • small cones (no more than 2 cm long).

Leschina more simply distinguish from other trees. Main characteristic signs:

  • large size shrub;
  • young branches are covered with a notable brown hair;
  • some branches include several earrings in their final part.

In winter, both plants are in the state of the deepest sleep. A feature of such early flowering of the presented trees is to form buds even during the summer.

Therefore, even in winter they can see the grinding of the dense structure, dissolving with the onset of the first spring days.

With the first warming, buds begin to gradually flaw and stretch into length. During this period, with the slightest touch of inflores, you can see a small dusty cloud.

Pollination of these trees is due to the wind. In order to have a full pollination, the fruit of the plant has to produce a large amount of pollen, which in the most active period forms a peculiar fog of greenish yellow color in the air.

Leschina and alder the most first plants blooming in spring thanks to pre-educated buds.