Foil film for warm floors. Foil vapor barrier will save you money Which is better vapor barrier or foil

The materials used in the construction of roofs and the arrangement of premises with non-standard temperature and humidity operating conditions are provided by manufacturers special properties... They not only freely resist the attacks of hot air saturated with steam, but also create a "thermos" effect, due to which the energy consumption for heating is significantly reduced.

These specific products include foil vapor barrier, the installation of which allows you to solve a lot of important problems in the construction of building structures.

Foil materials used in a vapor barrier device are complex products with a layered structure. Their basis is made of polypropylene cloth, lavsan, fiberglass and similar options, resistant to tensile forces, as well as to chemical and biological aggression.

Using durable woven or non-woven polymer base allows you to create a reliable base for naturally fragile metal foil. At the same time, it was possible to provide an easy-to-install flexibility. The composition of the thermoplastics used in the manufacture excludes the possibility of decay and dispersal of fungal colonies.

On the working side, vapor barrier materials of this category are duplicated with a metallized film. Thanks to the foil coating method, all positive traits both polymer base and aluminum foil, which “perfectly” copes with the performance of three very significant functions, these are:

  • Insulation from steam and precipitation. Foil materials perfectly protect insulation roofing cake or wall insulation systems from the penetration of steam coming from the inside of the house being equipped, and from atmospheric water tending to penetrate from the outside.
  • Reflection of thermal radiation. The metallized coating serves as a reflector that interrupts the flow of heat waves outside the heated room and redirects the stopped heat in the opposite direction.
  • Wind and UV protection. Vapor barrier films with foil play the role of a resistant barrier from the wind, striving to remove heat from the cotton insulation. Installed with the working side outward, they are in summer heat reflect from mansard roof Sun rays.

The use of a vapor barrier with foil allows you to significantly save on heating bills and turn on the air conditioner less often.

Scope and methods of application

The structure and properties of foil-clad vapor barrier materials have significantly expanded the scope of application. These materials are used in insulated roofs, in our latitudes they are most often installed with inside roofing pie, in the south they are mounted above the insulation. In houses with an unfurnished attic, foil protection is mounted in combination with waterproofing.

In addition to the traditional purpose of protecting ceilings and space from steam residential attics they are used as a substrate for all types of floor coverings and underfloor heating systems, as well as in insulated frame wall structures. They are installed in the form of a screen that reflects heat flows from heating devices and heating units.

In order for the foil-clad materials to perform a reflex function, it is important to correctly arrange the system. Between inner lining attic, walls, ceiling of the steam room and metallized coating must be formed by an unventilated air gap thickness 2 - 3 cm.

When used as a heat-reflecting screen of a flat or mansard roof a standard ventilated gap of 3 - 4 cm is left between the outwardly turned metallized covering and the roof. There is no purpose here of conserving thermal energy. Everything that is reflected from the foil can be freely discharged into the atmosphere along with condensate and steam that has penetrated into the thermal insulation.

The gaps necessary to ensure ventilation and to maintain the distance between the materials of the roofing cake of different composition are formed by installing the lathing from a bar or metal profile. Install the laths according to the type roofing, the slope of the slopes and the calculated load on the rafter structure.

Benefits of Using Foil Insulation

The undeniable insulating priorities of materials in which water-repellent material is combined with foil, complemented by an impressive list of convincing advantages, are:

  • Lightness. The installation of a vapor barrier does not in any way affect the weight of the structure as a whole, it does not force the implementation of measures to strengthen the base.
  • Minimum thickness. Laying the vapor barrier does not affect the thickness of the roofing cake at all. When using materials with anti-condensation properties, there is no need for a remote gap between the vapor barrier and the casing.
  • Flexibility. The installation of a vapor barrier is easy, there are no problems even when laying on complex forms. Convex and concave corners, rounded surfaces bend around without problems.
  • Manufacturability. Roll materials are easily cut with ordinary sharp scissors or a construction knife.
  • Environmental Safety. In the manufacture of vapor barrier films are used source materials non-threatening environment and the owners of the facilities being developed.

Vapor barrier options with foil produced in an abundant assortment do not absorb moisture at all, differing in zero porosity. Their long-term operation in humid rooms does not threaten material decay. An important advantage is its versatility, thanks to which several adjacent structures can be protected with the same film, creating a continuous sealed barrier.

Foil protection installation technology

Let's analyze the most common technological options for using vapor barrier materials with foil. In the format of our site, we include the arrangement of a warm attic and a cold attic among the situations under consideration. In the first case, the insulation system is installed along the slopes, in the second - along the ceiling.

Since the main purpose of vapor barrier films is to protect the insulation, their place in the system is determined by the position of this particular component of the roofing pie. Those. v mansard structures The vapor barrier is installed along the slopes; in houses with a cold attic, it is placed on the attic floor from above or fixed from below under the ceiling sheathing.

For a competent device of a vapor barrier, one should adhere to the generally accepted rules:

  • The vapor barrier of the slopes should be a continuous moisture-proof carpet, absolutely excluding moisture penetration or eliminating the likelihood as much as possible. For this, the panels of the rolled material are hermetically connected with adhesive tape.
  • The strips of vapor barrier material are laid strictly horizontally. The starting panel is attached at ridge run, the following is superimposed on it so that the edge of the panel located below overlaps the edge of the already installed strip from the side of the room to be finished.
  • Vapor barrier material on wooden floor from the side of the attic, they are laid in strips with an approach to the walls and vertical coverings of 15 - 20 cm. The result should be something like a pallet with sides.
  • The material is rolled out on the surface to be equipped in the same way as the roll was formed by the manufacturer. The side of the installation is necessarily indicated on the vapor barrier, it cannot be changed at your own discretion.
  • Fastening the material to pitched roofs made from the inside of the rafter legs with a stapler, if necessary, with slats. If the fixation involves the use of a bar, then a counter-lattice is installed on top of it for the trim.
  • In systems with open rafters, the vapor barrier is placed along the outer edges of the rafter legs, then a rigid slab insulation... The material is fixed with a stapler.
  • In thermal insulation schemes with extruded polystyrene foam when arranging living rooms with traditional operating conditions, i.e. without vaporization and impact high temperatures, it is permissible not to use a vapor barrier layer.

For arranging the ceiling from the side of the ceiling, it is advisable to choose self-adhesive materials. In thermal insulation systems attic floors with backfill insulation, for example, it is permissible not to glue the strips of vapor barrier protection with expanded clay with adhesive tape, because they will be loaded.

When arranging the attic floors of houses with cold attics, a vapor barrier carpet is built along the ceiling, and the waterproofing is placed on the roof slopes. In this scheme, the insulation is washed by air currents created natural ventilation therefore any insulating layer above it will only interfere with the removal of moisture.

And further. When using foil insulation, it is important to select accessories from the same company as the material itself. There are, of course, universal adhesive tapes capable of connecting any kind of material, but since systems with increased requirements for tightness are arranged from insulation with foil, then it is better not to experiment with options for gluing tapes.

Overview of leading foil options

In order to choose a suitable vapor barrier film for arranging an attic or ceiling, you need to familiarize yourself with the popular and proven product options from different companies.

Energy saving film DELTA®-REFLEX

Delta brand products have proven themselves excellently in roof construction and have earned impeccable reputation among roofers. The reflective coating of the material located on the working side is created by means of spraying. A polyester film is applied over the spraying, which protects the aluminum layer from damage and shedding. The reflectance is 50%.

The film of this brand does not lose its flexibility at subzero temperatures, it can be used in a steam protection device both outside the house and inside. Approved for use in all types of wet rooms. A self-adhesive tape is laid along the edge of the sheets of a similar film, but with the addition of the word PLUS in the marking, which significantly facilitates the work of installers.

Reflective material Izospan FD

More humane in terms of price, but less resistant to the realities of roofing adversity, the material labeled Izospan FD is a two-layer composition of polypropylene sheet coated with an aluminum coating.

It is inferior to the previous representative in terms of strength indicators, but ahead in energy-saving characteristics: the coefficient that determines thermal reflection is at least 90%. It attracts with an affordable price and stable presence in the retail network. The technical data sheet of the film indicates the temperature range from -60º to + 80º.

Super strong version of ARMOFOL® type A

Foil vapor barrier with the indicated logo is made on the basis of fiberglass mesh. The scope of use is no different from the types described above, but the product has a significantly expanded temperature operating range. The material is able to serve flawlessly at temperatures up to - 60º, in which it is 20º ahead of the Delta. The limit in the positive segment is + 150º, which is already 70 confident units more.

Along with its rival, Armofol can be used in new construction, and in carrying out restoration work during the repair of roofs, basement and basement structures, steam Russian baths, swimming pools, bathrooms, saunas. The thermal reflection coefficient reaches 90 - 97%.

Video about the features of foil insulation

Once again on the breadth of application of insulating films with foil:

Information on the use of foil vapor barrier film in construction is needed not only independent craftsmen... She will help to competently control the work of hired roofers. Correctly laid material guarantees long-term operation of your favorite equipped real estate.

Protection from water and moisture is an important component of any construction. Application wood materials obliges you to think about vapor barrier, because steam can cause the formation of mold and mildew. Insulation from steam is also successfully used when installing a roof, when isolating a living room from a basement.


The issue of vapor barrier arose with the advent of mineral insulation. Sometimes it may seem that the air in the room is very dry, but in fact it turns out that the insulation is wet from the existing moisture and gradually collapses. Moisture appears due to temperature differences. In winter, the side of the wall facing the street freezes through, and the side in the room is heated by heating.

When the temperature difference is large, a dew point is formed. In this case, the insulation accumulates condensation. It was found that with an increase in the amount of moisture in thermal insulation by 5%, the thermal insulation properties decrease by 50%. Interior partitions do not tolerate temperature extremes, so vapor barrier is superfluous for them.

When building a house, pay attention to what materials you are building from and how you plan to insulate the house. The vapor barrier layer is a waste of money if you use polystyrene, penoplex as insulation, or even decide to do without building thermal insulation using a foam block or brick.

One of the reasons for vapor barrier in a home is cost savings. With correct calculations, the costs of Additional materials for building insulation pays off through further savings on heating resources. Modern material mineral wool is a heater that loses its properties when wet. It is easier to spend money once and save all subsequent time than to constantly change the thermal insulation.

The vapor barrier for its purpose is divided into:

  • Wall... To prevent steam from admitting to the insulation on one side and steam to the outside when it enters from the other.
  • For intermediate floors. Prevents the accumulation of condensate from the bottom up.
  • For vapor barrier of the floor. If the floor slab of the first floor is located directly above the ground, in addition to thermal insulation, protection from water is necessary. The waterproofing is installed at the bottom, and the vapor barrier at the top. The same method is suitable for any room with high humidity.
  • For roof protection. Insulation of the roof from steam is only necessary if there is a heated attic or attic in the house. All pairs go up, thereby getting into thermal insulation materials roof, and again forming condensation.

Vapor barrier differs from waterproofing also in that waterproofing materials collects moisture on the surface, so they are ideal for places where droplets can form, such as a roof or plinth.

Regulatory Requirements

Any construction is based on GOSTs and SNiPs. The roll-up vapor barrier is also subject to standards. GOST 30547-97 states that in the classification "by purpose" vapor barrier refers specifically to rolled roofing and waterproofing materials.

The main characteristics of the material for its application in accordance with GOST:

  • the canvas must be solid, without mechanical damage;
  • each roll must be marked, in the absence of marking it is not recommended to use it.

The document for a specific type of material must indicate:

  • flammability group- calculated for vapor barrier more than 0.2 cm thick;
  • flame spreading group- for vapor barrier materials when used for the construction of a single-layer or top layer of a multi-layer roofing carpet;
  • flammability group- for vapor barrier materials with a thickness of more than 0.2 cm.

The flammability and flammability groups of the vapor barrier material are determined according to GOST 30244, the flame propagation groups - according to GOST 30444, the flammability groups - according to GOST 30402. For roll vapor barrier materials less than 0.2 cm thick, fire hazard indicators may not be determined. It is necessary to store the material in places away from sources of moisture and the sun.

Despite the fact that the purpose of a vapor barrier material is to isolate it from steam, storing it near sources of moisture can degrade its performance, and during use the material will no longer be as effective.

Requirements for work:

  • According to SNiPu III-V 12-69, insulation work in the open air can be carried out only in the absence of atmospheric precipitation and at an outside air temperature of at least 5 C.
  • Vapor barrier coatings should be arranged in compliance with the rules for the production of waterproofing works.
  • When abutting the vapor barrier horizontal surfaces to the walls, it must be brought on a vertical surface by 10-15 cm, so that the vapor barrier is connected to the waterproofing layer and prevents the insulation layer from moistening from the side of the walls.

According to safety precautions, it is necessary to choose a vapor barrier film that is non-flammable.

How does it work?

The main function of the vapor barrier is to prevent the penetration of steam and moisture from both sides. The barrier is so tight that it does not allow humidified air to leak through building systems. The vapor barrier film itself is a roll material that prevents moisture and steam from penetrating into thermal insulation and other materials associated with construction. The principle of operation is as follows:

  • The steam must hit the insulation obstacle.
  • Under ideal conditions, the film should repel the vapor without allowing it to settle on the material.
  • We know that ideal conditions do not exist. Molecules can seep through microcracks, crevices, joints. All this is brought back thanks to the ventilation functions.
  • In order for the properties of the film to be used, it is necessary to lay the film under the insulation.
  • During construction, any technical documentation takes into account the vapor permeability of the material. It is indicated as mg / m2 per day.

For the completeness of the effect, use the following material stacking scheme - vapor barrier-insulation-waterproofing. Thus, those vapors that nevertheless penetrated the vapor barrier enter the insulation, and it, in turn, tries to push out the molecules, after which they fall on the waterproofing layer, which removes the remaining steam into the ventilation gap left in advance.

Application area

The vapor barrier can be used in many areas. Remember the greenhouse known to everyone from childhood. The film prevents steam from escaping. Most often in construction, the roof is insulated with a vapor barrier, the attic is equipped and warm attics... The device in the outer walls of the house allows you to keep warm. A vapor barrier on the basement floor prevents evaporation from the ground.

Below are the main areas of application of vapor barrier:

  • Warming of premises. This is especially important if the thermal insulation is made of materials based on cotton wool. Glass wool and mineral wool allow walls to breathe, but absorb moisture. And the more moisture in the insulation, the faster it collapses. And I want to build a house at once and "for centuries."
  • "Frame" walls. " The "cake" wall is made up of many different layers. Such walls are called frame walls, but due to their multi-layer construction, construction is not complete without vapor barrier materials.
  • External walls and ventilated facade. The vapor barrier is an excellent protection against wind, the air flows cannot actively circulate, so the load on the facade is reduced.

  • Ceiling... When building a house, it is important to isolate the floors from each other. The vapor barrier of the ceiling allows you to maintain the strength of the floors for a longer time, prevents the formation of fungus.
  • Floor... Flooring is often exposed to temperature changes, whether or not the underfloor heating is on the first or top floor... Often flooring made of wood. The conditions for laying the laminate are a perfectly flat base, therefore, most often it is leveled with screeds or mixtures. This creates excess moisture, which, without a vapor barrier layer, can harm the laminate boards.
  • Balcony... The reasons for the need when installing a vapor barrier layer on an insulated balcony are exactly the same as when insulating walls - to prevent condensation from forming in the insulation.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of roll insulation from steam outside and inside the building is different. Frame walls are insulated from the inside, so the vapor barrier is laid on the inside. On basement floors and in the basement, the vapor barrier is made from the outside. In swimming pools, vapor barrier is necessary on both sides, and the technology for laying it is similar to that of the basement.

To achieve the desired effect, there should be no gaps when mounting the film, therefore the material is overlapped. If you are worried about the lack of packing density, you can glue the edges to form a single sheet.

If the vapor barrier "works", the steam encounters an obstacle on its way and remains inside the room, while not cooling and remains in a gaseous state.


Previously, apart from roofing material, there was no other vapor barrier material. Now the choice is varied. All materials can be divided into several groups:

  • Plain film. Standard insulation is carried out with mineral wool, and in this case, a plastic film is needed so that condensation does not form on the insulated walls and roof at a temperature difference. The best way of all on the market - perforated polyethylene.
  • Film with aluminum foil. Foil film has a higher barrier, due to which it reflects and returns some of the heat in the room. Such a film is ideal for use in a bathroom, sauna, steam bath or swimming pool, that is, for any room with high levels of humidity, steam, and temperature.

  • Can also be used as a vapor barrier modern material called kraft paper... Such vapor barrier insulation has polymer coating, which works due to its extreme resistance to all types of influences from external factors.
  • Mastic- another option for vapor barrier. Consistency when cured allows you to achieve the required vapor barrier effect.
  • Membrane film. Such a film has the effect of limited vapor permeability, which allows you to control the removal of excess moisture from the room. In addition to the standard membrane film, there is a membrane film with variable vapor permeability for wet and dry conditions. Bandwidth material rises with increasing humidity.

A group of membrane films can also be divided into several subgroups. So, allocate the following roofing membrane films:

  • Perforated... It is a reinforced film or a kind of fabric. Steam passes through holes in the material, so the vapor permeability is very low. For this reason, the membrane is used only for under-roof waterproofing of a sloped non-insulated roof. During the ingress of water or a sharp change in temperature, it loses its properties.
  • Porous... Steam passes through a large number of interfiber pores. The vapor barrier level of the material can be different and depends on the size of the pores and the degree of hydrophilicity of the walls. It can be said for sure that the level of vapor transmission will be worse for the fibrous membrane. It is undesirable to use it in dusty conditions, for example, in city houses located near the roads. In dry or warm weather, dust can settle through the cracks on the membrane material and close the pores.

  • Three-layer superdiffusion membranes. Manufactured from several different layers and without holes for dust or moisture to enter, the membrane has a clear advantage over porous. The material does not lose its high vapor permeability in a dusty environment, but one cannot fail to mention its excellent windproof ability.
  • Two-layer film membranes. Less expensive option. They do not have one of the protective layers, which significantly impairs their reliability. A thin waterproofing film cannot protect the coating from more or less serious damage.

How to choose?

When choosing a vapor barrier, you need to be guided by the volume of the insulated surface and the location of the barrier. The difference in the use of materials for floors, walls, roofs and ceilings is significant. To simplify the choice of material, you need to analyze each model that intrigues you according to the list of criteria presented below.

Vapor permeability

Water vapor permeability is measured in g / m2 per day. The lower the number, the higher the quality of the material. For the isolation of living quarters, it should not exceed 1 g / m2 per day. The best performance vapor permeability is possessed by anti-condensate polypropylene films with a non-woven adsorbent layer and diffuse "breathing" vapor barrier membranes.

There is another indicator that measures vapor permeability - Sd, which demonstrates how the resistance of a film relates to the resistance of a layer of air of a certain thickness. For example, if Sd = 0.02 m, this means that the vapor barrier material resists the vapor as a 2 cm layer of air.

It is necessary to choose a material with a low value of this indicator.


The durability of the film depends on its quality, density and thickness, how much it is exposed to mechanical damage... The lower the price of the material, the lower its strength. Films with a weight of 60-270 g / m2 are available for sale. Many reviews say that using regular polyethylene 180 g / m2, you can't go wrong in terms of value for money.

Labor intensity

Different types films are mounted in different ways. Before buying, you need to decide on the installation and those who will produce it - a qualified specialist or you do it yourself. Most convenient in terms of self-assembly film "Ondutis B (R70) smart" with an integrated mounting strip, the price of which per roll of 75 m2 is about 1400 rubles.


The last selection criterion. You can go to the low price category, and choose a simple plastic wrap, you can choose an expensive material or the middle price category. It cannot be argued that the most expensive vapor barrier is the most reliable, and the cheapest is the worst. Also, the price depends on the width and length of the roll. Many do not pay attention, choosing a film cheaper than dooming themselves to an additional purchase of material.

Also, when calculating the material for use in ceilings, it must be remembered that the vapor barrier material will be a kind of "blanket" for the insulation, and its ends should go beyond the mineral wool. Also, when installing thermal insulation of the ceiling, the mineral wool is wrapped in a vapor barrier and firmly, without gaps, is attached to the logs. This increases the consumption of material.

Most often it is advised to take the film of the latest generation Ondutis, which is considered better than its other predecessors.

The choice of vapor barrier manufacturers is huge today. In addition to conventional polyethylene films, there are reflective films. Their advantage is that having a layer of foil in their composition, they retain heat. Such material is often used in cases where it is impossible to achieve sufficient insulation with mineral wool. Overview of the main brands, on the market of aluminum foil:

  • "Folgoplast FB"(company OOO NPP StroyTermoIsolyatsiya, St. Petersburg);
  • "Megaizol S"("Mega", St. Petersburg);
  • "Teploizol Foil on kraft paper"("Teploizol", Yekaterinburg).

Craft is processed wood, which is the most effective material for isolation. When used together with reflective foil, it is possible to prevent the passage of thermal radiation and use such a material for insulation. Manufacturers of foil and kraft paper with included layers of polyethylene or lavsan:

  • "Alucraft"(ZAO Plasteks, St. Petersburg);
  • Izospan FB(LLC "Geks", Tver region, TM "Izospan").

If you decide to do it yourself, you need to know the intricacies of the device and installation. Wall arrangement:

  • It is necessary to decide on the type of attachment to the walls - it depends on the purpose of the location. In non-residential premises, one-sided fixation of the material is possible. Although most often, the required type of fastening is indicated directly on the packaging of the material.
  • If not construction is carried out, but renovation work, then first a complete dismantling of the structure to the wall is performed.
  • Do work in warm time years in the absence of rain.
  • A construction stapler is used to fasten the material where there is no fastening tape.
  • The tension should hold the insulation tightly against the wall.

Ceiling mount:

  • Do not try to insulate and vaporize the ceiling alone. To carry out this work, at least two people are required.
  • Start work only when the ceiling is dismantled and only the base of the log remains.
  • First, fix the film in several places, and after that, checking it correct location, secure around the entire perimeter.
  • From below, the film is fixed wooden slats... This is necessary regardless of what kind of ceiling coverage will end up.
  • In case of accidental damage to the membrane, it is necessary to make a patch with large allowances on the sides. It is necessary to glue the piece "from the inside", not from the top of the film. To do this, the patch must be inserted into the resulting hole, straighten and glue the allowances.

Vapor barrier of frame walls:

  • It is important to maintain correct overlays. A common mistake- laying the film on the wrong side. Also, the most famous mistakes include fixing the film on the wrong side of the wall. At frame walls the barrier should be mounted exclusively indoors, but not outside.
  • It is necessary to choose the right method of fastening... There are two of them: the film is attached to the wall frame, and on top it is attached facing material, or the film is attached to wall frame, then the slats are additionally mounted, and only then the cladding. The first option is used only when working with expensive and high-quality materials or with non-residential or non-residential premises. all year round... The ventilation option is more practical and durable.

Bath vapor barrier:

  • since the steam rushes upward when circulating in the room, it is necessary to coat the boards with clay before the installation of thermal insulation and a vapor barrier and wait for it to dry completely;
  • materials for arranging the walls of the bath are purchased only after a well-thought-out plan for insulation, hydro and vapor barrier;
  • do not use roofing material to isolate the steam room;
  • for a bath, it is better to choose ordinary polyethylene or foil, and for arranging a locker room and a washing room - kraft paper.

Floor vapor barrier:

  • the vapor barrier must be laid with the smooth side to the insulation, and the protected side to the source of steam penetration;
  • reflective films that return heat to the house are considered optimal for the floor;
  • when installing on the ground floors and plinths, the floor is protected with a layer of waterproofing, and on top - with roll vapor barrier materials.

Roof vapor barrier:

  • when installing a vapor barrier, a device is required ventilation gaps, but when using any type of membrane, this can be abandoned without compromising the quality of insulation;
  • in the case of a roof, the vapor barrier is already laid on the fixed layer of insulation;
  • overlap size - from 10 cm;
  • it makes no difference whether you fix the insulation vertically or horizontally.

Remember that when installing insulation, the roll material must be a single fixed canvas. Do not spare the material for overlaps and fastenings. Watch the tension of the film. Insufficient tension will cause creases, and excessive tension will damage the web. And in fact, and in that case, the necessary characteristics of the material will decrease or disappear altogether. Remember ventilation. Do not waste time and money on a vapor barrier in log house- unlike other materials, this is not necessary.

Always insulate the ground floor. Do not confuse the sides of the insulation - usually the inner side is the one that faces the roll. All surfaces must be dry during installation. When purchasing roll material, check the package contents. It is more profitable to buy the material in the kit, in which there is already a fastening tape, the necessary rails and other parts for fastening this particular model. If you still doubt self-choice and installation, trust the professionals.

With the rise in energy costs, it becomes necessary to minimize heat loss through walls / floors / ceilings. To solve this problem, a layer is laid (its thickness depends on the purpose of the room, climatic conditions and characteristics of the selected type of material). But at the same time, another problem arises: with an inevitable temperature difference between the outer and inner surfaces, condensation forms. If it forms in a layer of insulation, this entails a decrease in its characteristics. It was found that with an increase in the moisture content of thermal insulation by 5%, the thermal insulation properties decrease by 50%. After drying, the properties are partially restored, the thermal insulation is gradually getting worse, the heat loss is more significant. Since the humidity in the room is almost always higher (and in the bath, all the more so), the steam tends to go outside, "getting stuck" in the insulation along the way. To prevent the penetration of steam, a vapor barrier is laid on the side of the room.

Usually the vapor barrier is installed from the side of the room. This is due to the fact that the humidity is usually higher indoors. This is especially true for kitchens, bathrooms, as well as baths and saunas. For baths or saunas built from wood, the penetration of moisture into the wood is also fraught with the formation of mold and the gradual destruction of the wood. This problem is especially relevant for Russian baths with their high level humidity.

In traditional baths made of rounded logs without additional thermal insulation, the removal of vapors, regulation of humidity and drying of the room occurs due to natural processes. Even with perfectly fitted logs and caulked inter-lead joints, vapor removal and inflow fresh air occurs due to the micropores of the wood, small cracks in the logs. This is exactly how our ancestors steamed: they heated the bathhouse for a long time - six to eight hours, did not rush anywhere and did not save firewood.

We need the bath to be ready at most, within an hour, while energy costs should be minimal. This is achieved through a multi-layered "pie" of various materials to retain heat and steam. A layer of vapor barrier in such a "sandwich" is required, otherwise all "layers" will have to be changed in a year or two, and the wood will be treated for a long time and persistently against mold and mildew.

Waterproofing and vapor barrier: what's the difference?

The main difference between waterproofing and vapor barrier is the vapor permeability of materials. Waterproofing does not allow moisture to pass through, but collects it on the surface. Therefore, this type of material is laid in those places where moisture gets in the form of drops, for example, under the corrugated board on the roof. Condensate from the corrugated board in the form of water drops falls on the waterproofing, flows down it and is removed outside the roof (therefore, the edges of the waterproofing are wrapped in an envelope).

The task of vapor barrier is different: it should prevent the penetration of water vapor into the insulation. Since couples in to a greater extent are on the warmer side, then membranes or films are often laid on the "warm" side. If we talk about the roof, then the vapor barrier materials are placed from the side of the attic, if we talk about the vapor barrier of the walls of the steam room or other bath rooms, then the membranes / films are placed behind the decorative sheathing.

Summing up: the waterproofing does not conduct water (but it can conduct steam, releasing the one that has penetrated the insulation), the vapor barrier does not allow steam to pass through.

The difference between vapor barrier and waterproofing is described in detail in the video.

In order to minimize damage, it is advisable to use wooden strips that press the film against the guides, and drive staples / nails into the strip. Membranes can be fixed in the same way. They do not tear as much as polyethylene or polypropylene films, and are easier to work with.

Fastening the vapor barrier

Webs of roll materials are stacked one on top of the other with with an overlap of at least 10-15 cm, gluing the joints with adhesive tape. You can use specialized, foil or ordinary adhesive tape.

Foil tape must be used at the joints of foil-clad materials, otherwise most of their effectiveness is lost. When gluing the joints of other materials, manufacturers recommend using their own adhesive tapes, but they do not explain their differences and advantages.

Please note that during installation, the vapor barrier should not be stretched: they tend to stretch / shrink when temperatures change. A small margin should be left to avoid tension breaks. Normal is the "slack" of the canvas during installation by 1-2 cm. This is especially true when laying the vapor barrier on the roof or in an unheated room.

When installing a vapor barrier in places with a difficult relief (projections, corners, etc.), it is advisable to glue the adjacent surfaces with tape: it is difficult to achieve perfect tightness in such places, and this is the main condition for the effectiveness of protection. Therefore, any aids will be useful. It is also necessary to glue the edges of the vapor barrier along the perimeter of the door and window openings to ensure tightness. In general, tightness is the basis of a high-quality vapor barrier for a bath, roof or any other room. Therefore, when carrying out work, pay maximum attention to this aspect.

In our climate, when winter freezes the entire country for almost 6 months a year, you need to look for ways to keep warm. And for coziness and comfort, it is imperative to provide a vapor barrier for the roof, foundation, floor. And with all this, foil-clad polyethylene film successfully copes, which is able not only to retain heat in the house, but also not to let moisture through from the inside.

However, foil-clad polyethylene film is used not only as a finishing material - it is also part of the packaging for food products... Remember how often you buy juices and milk in tetra packets, curds and cottage cheese in bright packaging? But after all back side of this bag - foil!

What is foil-clad plastic wrap?

It is a two-layer material, one side of which is a polyethylene film (or foamed polypropylene film), and the other is aluminum sputtered. Aluminum spraying contains special polymer additives that provide resistance to mechanical stress, that is, it protects this metallized layer from scratches, chips, deformation.

Another plus is resistance to aggressive environments. Acid, alkali will not be harmful if it gets on the foil layer. This applies to the material used in construction works as an insulating and vapor-proof finishing material.

If it comes about food packaging, the main difference here is the retention of moisture in the product. Plus, the foil perfectly maintains optimal temperature regime inside the package, preventing the product from spoiling ahead of time.

Where can I buy?

If you want to get really high-quality material for packaging or decoration of premises, then AVA-LOT will become your reliable partner. Affordable prices, prompt delivery and the possibility of ordering in unlimited quantities - this is what attracts regular customers of the company.

Foil wrap is versatile polymer material... It is used for vapor barrier purposes in industrial and civil construction. Please contact the company for advice. Building material can be presented in different versions, colors and shades, with holographic coating.

What is foil film for?

The material is necessary for thermal insulation, in cases of large temperature differences outside and inside objects. Suitable for vapor barrier on all surfaces, reliably retains moisture.

Foil vapor barrier film has an auxiliary layer that does not allow condensate to penetrate into the insulation layers, protects it. High-quality film reduces heat loss, enhances the insulating effect on the building object. The material helps direct heat energy to the right place.

Accessories for fastening: adhesive tape with metal element, you can install the film on wood with a construction stapler, on concrete - with mounting tape.

Varieties of material

Usually, foil insulation film is supplied in the form of rolls or layers having different size and density. The composition includes a base and a reflective film layer. There can be several layers in different modifications.

Foil films are divided into three types:

  • Aluminum coated;
  • With a layer of foil;
  • With aluminum foil.

According to the composition of the material, it happens:

  • Foam polyethylene, universal insulator (foil can be on one or both sides);
  • Foil insulation made of foam polystyrene;
  • Foil insulation from penofol;
  • With basalt wool;
  • Foil insulation with a self-adhesive surface.

Material properties

The texture of the material is solid and smooth, during work it guarantees the absence of irregularities, seams, cracks. Foil vapor barrier film is suitable for decorating houses, baths, gazebos, warm floors, walls, ventilation systems, roofs, refrigerators. The film can be given any shape, since it contains a flexible, strong structure plus aluminum spraying foil type.

Advantageous qualities of foil film:

  • Easily attached to the wall, other surfaces, easy to install;
  • Withstands temperatures from -40 ° С to + 100 ° С;
  • Made from environmentally friendly material, has no harmful effects on the human body at any temperature;
  • Not susceptible to the appearance of mold, repels moisture;
  • Has a long service life;
  • Can be used in high humidity conditions;
  • Resistant to mechanical stress;
  • Protects from radiation;
  • In addition to everything else, and soundproofing qualities.


The price of the foil film depends on the thickness of the web and on the inner filler. Consult a specialist!

The cost of foil insulation

  • Thickness 3 mm - from 50 rubles. up to 120 rubles per m2;
  • Thickness 10 mm - from 110 rubles. up to RUB 145 per m2

You can buy foil film from us! The Lintec company offers materials of proven quality at competitive prices.