Properties and application of dolomite (limestone) flour. Dolomitic flour: Application in autumn

Most dachants are used for the deoxidation of the soil and saturation of its calcium haired lime. But in order to avoid negative consequences for plants, it has to be made in the fall and wait, otherwise the cultures will not dare phosphorus, and this is the absence of crop and sick plants.

There is more good solution - Lime Dolomitic flour for use in gardening. This is a natural substance that is mined from a natural mineral. Its action on the soil and plants is softer, therefore - safe.

Dolomit - source of calcium and magnesium

To understand the principle of the fertilizer action, first need to figure out what the dolomitic flour is for what is needed in a garden, which useful properties transmits soil.

Lime flour is used to deoxine soil to nutrientswhich are in an acidic environment, could get into plant tissues. First of all it is phosphorus.

If the level of acidity exceeds permissible normsThe root system is not able to absorb phosphates and develop. Consequently, the plant through the roots does not receive the majority of minerals that are necessary for growth and fruiting.

The composition of dolomite flour includes calcium and magnesium oxides. Due to carbonates in the ground, the neutralization reaction occurs. Calcium helps to strengthen the walls of the tubules for which nutrients and the plant is actively growing.

Macroelement also affects taste and food characteristics The fruit contributes to uniform aging. Fruits that received carbonates in sufficient quantities are well kept storage.

Magnesium plays an important role in the process of formation of chlorophyll. On the acid soils It is often lacking, which is noticeable on green lodges on light green leaves. The use of dolomite flour on the garden as fertilizers decides at once two problems - health of plants and large yields.

Principle of operation in the soil

On light soils - sandstones and letters - magnesium and calcium behave moving. Each year with rains is washed up to 8 g of magnesium. To maintain redox reactions in light soil These substances must be added additionally.

On heavy soils, where the movement of water is difficult, calcium and magnesium are delayed, so the deficit is less than.

Therefore, how to use a dolomite flour in a garden, when to make in the soil - in autumn or in spring - it is necessary to decide on the basis of the characteristics of the soil itself. Pre-check it into acidity.

Finding into a very acidic soil, carbonates increase its pH to a weakly acid. If you accidentally make a neutral soil, then the soil will be alkaline - it is not all garden cultures like it. For example, at neutral soil, you can not wait for the crop of cucumbers, not to mention alkali.

Checking soil for acidity

Check the soil on acidity three ways:

  • using the meter pH device;
  • lacmus paper;
  • people's way.

Most affordable option - Visor check. Acid with acid does not interact, so if you pour the handful of soil with vinegar, then it is simply absorbed. This means that the soil is scaled and need to take action.

If there are carbonates in the ground, the reaction will occur with the selection carbon dioxidewhich will be accompanied by hissing. This means that with the deoxidation of the soil of Dolomite flour, you can wait.

What else to deoxide the soil - Analogs of Dolomite Flour

Nutrients in the form of carbonates are also contained. in other fertilizers who bring to the ground for deoxidation:

  • futing lime;
  • wood ash;
  • eggshell;
  • marl;
  • sludge after use in the metallurgical industry;
  • cement dust.

Apply the chalk as fertilizer is often not recommended, because it is weakly dissolved in water, so rather clogs the soil, which brings him benefits. After lime, there should be time before the garden can be grown by plants. If you overdo it, the primer for another 2 - 3 years will be not suitable for landing.

Egg shell and wood ash - natural materialsBut they need a lot to carry out high-quality earth processing. The deoxidation of soil ash is a dubious event, since the calcium content depends on what to burn.

You can not always find wood solid rocks, and it's a pity to spend it. Although there are a lot of different trace elements in the ash, it is better to apply it for feeding. Egg shell It also needs a lot, in addition it dissolves for a long time, therefore it is not possible to fully reduce the acidity with the help of eggs it will not be exactly.

Cement dust has alkaline reaction And the soil is risks, in addition it contains about 8% of potassium. Some daches are afraid to use it in their beds, since cement production It is one of the most harmful, and the consequences for the body can be unpredictable in terms of oncology.

Interesting! As a deoxidizer, plant-Siderate Faceliya plant planted. But this method is acceptable when the soil has a weakly acidic reaction. With a large number of acid, the Siderate must be sowed for several years in a row

Benefits of Flour.

It remains dolomite. It is the safest and cheapest - if you compare what is better in price - the dolomite flour or lime, then definitely the first. And not only for the price.

The use of dolomite flour in the garden plot does not have any restrictions on time. It is made even in the snow - dissolving in water, minerals fall into the ground.

The only limitation that is dolomite has - cannot be made at one time with manure.

What fertilizers cannot be made dolomite

If the Dolomitic flour, the use of which in the fall in the country is strictly necessary, introduced with the manure, then it is necessary to do this at different times: first flour, after 2 weeks of manure. It is impossible to mix them.

Instructions for the use of dolomite flour categorically prohibits using this fertilizer from:

  • ammonium Selitra;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • urea.

These are acidic chemical fertilizers, if mixed with alkaline dolomite, the reaction occurs and hard-to-reach substances are formed, which plants cannot be learned. As a result, all feeding will be neutralized.

Video: Dolomitic flour for rich crop

Regarding the superphosphate, it is possible to mix it with dolomite, disputes arise. You can do it and even need. Superphosphate in the mixture with urea, as described above, is a solid, but to avoid hardening fertilizers, to add chalk, lime or dolomite flour in a ratio of 20% by phosphate weight.

How to make dolomite flour into the soil, indicated in the instructions, but just in case there are some more tips and ways.

Loving deadlines

When to enter Dolomite flour into the ground:

  • spring to landing;
  • autumn after harvesting;
  • closer to the spring through the snow.

In the spring, powder is scattered evenly along the garden and drippy on the bayonet shovel.

After it is dissolved in water, the soil is ready for plant planning. In the autumn, everything happens about the same way, but after the limestone, in two weeks, the organic applies. Since one fertilizer, and the second is used every three years, you can use the dolomite in the first year, and on the second to make the organic.

The introduction of dolomite flour in the fall contributes to the involvement of the rainworms, which frustrate the soil, and also helps get rid of pest beetles. The fact is that the dolomite destroys the chitinous cover of insects, provoking the burns of soft tissues, from which those die.

Before moving to the use of dolomite flour in the garden in the spring, you need to determine the type of soil and calculate how much powder is needed on square meter.

There are norms of making dolomite flour:

  • for severe soil (pH below 4.5) - 600 g per square meter;
  • from 4.5 to 5.2 - 450 g;
  • from 5.2 to 5.6 - 350 g / sq.m.

Take into account the type of soil - in heavy loam and clay lands make 15% more powder.

What kind of acidity is needed for different plants

On plenty soil poorly fruit: beets, cabbage, alfalfa. The weakly acidic reaction is needed cucumber, bows, bean, corn, potatoes. Carrots, radishes and tomatoes are not afraid of acid, but better when it is normal.

Important! Blueberry, blackberry and cranberries, as well as the gooseberry and sorrel afraid of lime. They prefer to grow on acidic soils

Bone trees react positively to lime and give good yields from year to year. The greatest effect should be expected for the second year after the procedure of the oblast soil.

Methods of feeding - recipes mixtures

In order to defeat the pass and cabbage quilt, make the following mixture: on 1 kg of dolomite powder add 8 g boric acid. Further contribute according to the norms. This mixture is sometimes added copper vaporax in the amount of a 2 kilogram floor.

From the dolomite lime make liquid feeding so that the plants get magnesium. For this on the water bucket take lithuanian bank Powder And dissolve it. The plants of the root watered the resulting milk. The solution is also used in the greenhouse.

Before boarding the potatoes, you can pre-spray the powder, and pull in the process of disembarkation. Dosage with this method is desirable to reduce half.

Video: Making dolomite flour

To the question of which dolomitic lime is needed for the deoxidation of the soil: only fine grinding, because it is so faster dissolved in water and enters root system. To combat pests such small dust Discard the leaves to destroy flies, butterflies and beetles.

Dolomitka is mixed with ash to simultaneously feed the plants by trace elements and reduce the acidity of the soil. Carry out a procedure better in autumnSo that the ash manage to decompose soil microorganisms. In this case, the powder takes 20% less than indicated in dosages for this type of soil. These 20% compensate for the ash additive.

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Dolomik has long become an indispensable tool on any panstone. This is an excellent soil deoxidizer. In addition, the Dolomitic flour saturates the Earth by trace elements, simplifies the struggle with weeds, pests, plant diseases.

Description and characteristics

Dolomitic flour - a substance in the form of a powder. Produce it from carbonate minerals. In particular, from the dolomite - the material of the crystal structure, which may have different color (from white to brown). Flour is prepared by dolomite crushing method. Therefore, the deoxidizer externally resembles fine sand or powder.

Dolomitic flour consists mainly of calcium and magnesium, which is not enough sour soils.

Note. The main reason for increasing the acidity of the soil is intensely displacing calcium from the non-neutral soil by hydrogen ions.


Experienced garders use this means not only as fertilizer, but also to confront the diseases of garden plants.

Often, the feeding is made to the acidic soil, which has become not suitable for the cultivation.

The crushed dolomite is important in the preparation process for the garden season, since it improves the growth of garden crops, enriches the soil by trace elements.

Calcium from debris stimulates the development of rhizomes, and magnesium - improves the process of photosynthesis.

This feeding is useful for vegetable crops (beets, potatoes, onions, carrots), fruit trees, berries (cherries, plums, cherries). As well as for some herbs and cereal plants.

A positive effect manages to achieve by making open areasand in greenhouses, homemade greenhouses, indoor floral containers or pots.

It is indispensable on poor magnesium soils, as well as on sandstones and squealed soils.

Discaling soil

Before applying the branch, it is necessary to find out the degree of soil acidity. Otherwise, you can bring plants more harm than good.

To determine the pH, rest on the 14-point scale. Based on the results obtained, three types of soils are distinguished:

  • Alkaline - from 7.
  • Neutral - 7.
  • Sour - those that up to 7.

In addition, a significant factor is the composition of the soil. In particular, the prevailing component: humus, clay or sand.

Unmistakably determine the level of soil acidity will help special devices, which are widely represented in retail gardeners.


  • Normalizes acidity.
  • Supposes soil with useful minerals.
  • Improves the physical, biological properties of the soil.
  • Strengthens other fertilizers.
  • Enhances intercellular metabolism, speeds photosynthesis.
  • Keeps a crop, improves its taste.
  • Forms a powerful root system.
  • Fights with pests.


The negative effect of the dolomki is due to its incorrect application by either neglect of the tips of knowledgeable gardeners.

  • If the acidity level is 6, with limeting should be closed a little. So far, there is no need.
  • Non-compliance with the dosage will lead to the death of plants, especially for spring application flour.
  • Hurry and incorrect combination with other fertilizers leads to deplorable results.

When to apply?

Inexperienced garders concerns not only the question of the correct dosage of fertilizer, but also recommendations on the time of application.

Apply the dolomite deoxidizer is best in autumn. Optimal time - From August (after harvest) until October. It is advisable to do it before frosts, otherwise the substance will not have time to give all its mineral elements of the Earth.

In highly acidified soils, it is used in spring.

Often, flour is simply scattered on the plot before pumping.

Experienced gardeners advise not to tighten against the autumn deposit. This will help the soil to fully prepare for the next garden season, will not cause any harm to garden cultures.

How to make it right?

Only after clarifying the exact level of soil acidity is planning a powder. At the same time, not only actually acidity, but also other factors are taken: the mechanical composition of the soil, a particular application, a potential connection with other feeders.

Norms of application

  • For acidic land (pH 3-4), 55 kilograms are required per hundred.
  • For weakly acidic (from 4.4 to 5.3) - 50 kilograms on the same area.
  • For soils with barely noticeable acidity (in the range of 5.6), 30 kilograms per hundred.

Accurate dosages are also calculated taking into account the structure of specific soils. For example, loam and alumina need a greater volume of the deoxidizer (it is raised by 20%). On the pulmonary soil dosage, on the contrary, is reduced by 1.5 times.

Before you purchase a dolomite flour, you need to calculate the desired amount of fertilizer. Producers of this feeder offer various forms Packing, ranging from 1 kg.

Note. On the plot of 6 acres, there are 350 kg of dry feeding.

For different plants

Flour will benefit if applied it:

  • When preparing beds for planting vegetable crops: tomatoes and pepper, cabbage, potatoes and eggplants.
  • To accelerate the growth of green lettuce, barley, pea, beans, beans and cucumbers.
  • In order to increase the yield of onion and garlic.
  • When caring for bone trees.

Fertilizer must be submitted on sites with strongly or medium soil. It will save potatoes from the disease of the pair, fill the lack of starch. In addition, flour will help fight the main pest of potato beds - colorad Zhukom.. For this, the feeding is scattered over the area before Popile.

Loves Dolomitka I. garden strawberry. The feeder on its basis is made in the autumn period, in order not to harm young seedlings with a spring transplant. For its preparation, two large spoons of nitroposki are mixed, 200 g of ashes, 400 g of debris (the dosage is given for 1 sq. M. m.).

Cherries and plums will also appreciate feeding. Under each plant contributes to 2000 g of dry matter. But for apple trees, the dolomite is practically not applied. Exception - cases with very strong soil screaming. But even in this case, flour makes no more than once every 6 years.

For berries, a similar scheme is suitable: the chopped powder is used in the autumn period, the dosage is up to 1000 g for each bush.

If it is decided to make a deoxidizer in the garden, then the main thing is to scatter it as evenly as possible, not forgetting to close it in the soil (in a depth of at least 10 cm). If you get into the soil, the fertilizer begins to intensively give mineral substances.

Note. In the case of leaving flour on arable land (without loosening and embedding in the ground), the action of this fertilizer is delayed. While it is not in the ground, the effect of waiting is useless.


Good results can be achieved by using combined mixtures. Many gardeners combine dolomite flour with boric acid, compost, humus, copper vitriol. The appearance that this substance normalizes the level of acidity, in the soil they begin to actively multiply the rainworms. The latter not only contribute to the breaking of the soil, but also accelerate the absorption rate of the organic.

However, it should be remembered that the dolomite powder is not combined with the Selutyra, carbamide, superphosphates. Also, do not make fertilizer together with fresh manure. The combination of fertilizer data causes a chemical reaction accompanied by the release of substances harmful to plants.

Attention! If it is not possible to abandon the application of manure, then do it late in autumnAnd the dolomite flour close up in the ground immediately after harvesting - no later than the late August.

Basic mistakes

Despite the external ease of use of dolomite flour, not all gardeners can do it right.

Among the most common mistakes:

  • Not compliance with the dosage of fertilizer. Despite the fact that on packing with feeding everything is written in detail, not all gardeners follow the instructions. As a result, the benefits of making wait no longer.
  • The use of fertilizer in combination with manure and complex feeders, which were mentioned above. Do this categorically impossible.
  • Dolomitic flour does not have to do so plants that are beautifully inhabited on acidic soils. We are talking About cranberry and blueberries, sorrel and gooseberry.

Not all gardeners are ready to acquire a special device to determine the level of soil acidity on its site. Therefore, before using the dolomite flour, they are guided by their own methods for identifying the pH of the soil.

  • By examining their possessions.

Sometimes it is enough to carry out a search of the site to understand what kind of zones requires the deposit. Weeds are excellent tips in this matter. So, if the glories were firmly settled on the beds, and not only in the rainy period, then the soil is very sour. The growing view of the venue or sparrower indicates more on the neutral or weakly alkaline pH. Weakness soils like dandelions and chamomile, but the swan and nettles prefer extremely fertile, neutral land.

  • With the help of the infusion of black currant leaves.

A few currant leaves are placed in the jar, poured hot water, insist, cool. To determine the acidity of the soil, they take a handful of earth, pour into this jar. Then stirred, waiting for the sediment and analyze. If the soil is acidic, the solution will acquire a reddish shade, if neutral is green, with a weakness - bluish.

  • With 9% vinegar.

Take the handful of earth, pouring it with acetic acid and are observed. If small bubbles fired on it - it means that the reaction went. In such cases, make a conclusion about the presence of alkali in the soil. If nothing is formed - the soil is acidic, because vinegar and did not enter the reaction with it.


The competent use of dolomite flour helps to increase the yield of fruit-berry crops by 15-20%. In addition, fertilizer has a prolonging property, that is, it works for several years. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply it annually.

The quality of the soil strongly affects the yield. Of course, there are cultures (and a lot of them), which prefer the sour Wednesday. However, the overwhelming majority of modern agricultural varieties and hybrids are designed for growing low acidity in soil.

The use of dolomite flour in the garden contributes to the ghost of the acid-alkaline balance of the soil in the norm. The use of this natural mineral, among other things, also improves the structure of the soil, creating more advanced conditions for growing fruit crops.

And at the same time, the use of dolomite flour on the garden must be accurately dosed. This is possible only after measuring the level of acidity. To determine the current pH indicator of the soil, there is a regular experience with lactium paper.

  • For strongly acidic soils, the pH of which is less than 4.5 units, it will take 600 g of flour on 1m 2;
  • For medium-sized soils with pH 4,5-5,2, 450 g of the deoxidizer is required to 1m 2;
  • For weakly acidic soils, with a pH 5.2 - 5,6 level indicator, it will be enough per square meter only 350 g.

The soil structure also matters when choosing a dosage. For heavy, rammed soil, the dosage can be increased by a quarter of the specified number. And light soils need to reduce the volumes of dolomite flour twice.

Rules for autumn making dolomite flour into the soil

The limestation of the Earth in the fall is more justified due to the fact that the dolomitic flour does not act immediately, but only after penetrating it in the deep layers of garden soil. Snow Melting B. more than contributes to this process.

Dolomitic flour must be distributed evenly in the area. Then you need to carefully switch the garden. Or fall asleep the earth so that upper layer The soil was at least 10 cm. Mix dolomite flour with other fertilizers is not worth it. Especially dangerous combination with urea, superphosphate or ammonium Selutyra.

It is possible to carry out such an operation no more than 1 time in 5-7 years. Maximum effect From the use of dolomite flour is reached 2-3 years after making it in the soil. It is permissible to add a small amount of boric acid to the dolomite flour powder (7-8 g per 1 kg of flour). This microfertilitation contributes to education. more Basins on and reduces the likelihood of diseases of the disease in root.

Positively on yield affects the introduction of dolomite flour under the bushes of cherry and plum. It is permissible to put into the soil under the trees to 2 kg of flour. Currant bushes are also well responded to the deoxidizer. For them, there is enough about 500 g of fertilizer based on one bush, scattered in autumn once every 2 years.

Rules of spring use of dolomite in the garden

Many gardeners know how to use a dolomite flour in a garden for growing colors. , and violets are more than other susceptible to the effects of dolomite.

To improve the soil for flowers - you need a small amount of dolomite flour add directly to the well before planting floral bushes. Spring flour is introduced under the landing of the turnip and. This technique allows you to get more large fruit as soon as possible.

Good reviews also received the use of dolomite milk. Regular irrigation of the beds with a weak solution of dolomite mixed with water, when watering in spring period And at the beginning of the summer contributes to more active vegetation of plants.

Dolomite flour is made in spring under the poppump and in the case of use as autumn fertilizer The garden of phosphoritic flour. This method of soil feeding is particularly effective in those areas that have not been used under the garden for several years.

Video: Features of making dolomite flour

Well, at the end, we suggest you watch the video, within which it is described and is shown about some principles for the use of dolomite flour on the garden:

Dolomitic flour is a finely crushed rock, used as a fertilizer. Raw materials for the manufacture of flour in large quantities contains calcium and magnesium. These minerals are needed to improve physico-chemical properties Soil. Calcium ions make it artificially reduce soil acidity. Dolomite formula: CAMG (CO2).

Dolomite - rock.

Soils having increased acidity, unsuitable for growing useful cultures. Improve the properties of the soil, change its composition, help natural minerals. The dolomite flour includes calcium and magnesium. Calcium favorably affects the root system of plants, reduces the acidity of the substrate. Magnesium takes part in photosynthesis.

Regular use of dolomite flour makes it possible to increase yields, intensify the growth of beneficial crops. Under excessive acidity, the action of others is neutralized. mineral fertilizer. After making flour dolomite, there is an improvement in digestibility useful substances Plants.

Measure the acidity of soil

In order not to harm, you need to know how to use lime fertilizer. Before its introduction it is necessary to check the acidity of the substrate. According to test results, it will become clear, in which amount to make a dolomite flour, and whether it is worth doing this. The easiest way to independently check the soil acidity is testing using lactium paper.

There are methods that allow approximately to determine the acidity. It is advisable to use them if it does not turn out to be a litmus paper. The simplest is to pour the land with vinegar. To do this, take a small amount of soil from the bed, put in a glass. From above to pour some table vinegar. If foam appears on the substrate surface, it means the land has very low acidity. If the liquid is completely absorbed, the land is very acidic.

It is possible to determine the acidity in the garden plot, looking at the growing weeds. On acidic soils, mocities and plantain are good. Neutral soils are attractive for nettles and swans. A chamomile and dandelion grow on the alkaline substrate. If some of these plants prevail on the site, then it is possible to understand whether the land is needed.

Determine the number of fertilizer

Having determined the acidity of the soil on the plot, you can make flour. For increased acidity (pH less than 4.5) it is necessary to 500-600 grams per 1 sq.m. With an average value (pH 4.5-5.2), 450-500 grams per 1 sq.m. If the soil has weak acidity (pH 5.2-5.6), then the amount of dolomite flour should not exceed 350-450 g per 1 sq.m.

With neutral acidity value (pH 5.5-7.5), it is sometimes necessary to bring mineral flour. It all depends on the crops that plan to land on this site. It is impossible to overestimate the amount per sq. M., since acidity can be strongly changed, and it will negatively affect the quality of the soil.

The factory package with fertilizers contains instructions for use. It is recommended to be made to the soil flour changing acidity, no more than once every three years. It is best to do this in the fall, since the main components of flour come into a chemical reaction with the elements from which the soil consists. By the spring, everything chemical reactions Terminated, and the Earth acquires the necessary qualities.

Factory packaging with crushed dolomite.


After applying the dolomite flour, physical and chemical properties Soil. The dolomite composition enriches the magnesium with sandy soil. As a result, the assimilation of the beneficial substances from the soil is improved. The quality of grown products increases, its safety is improved.

The use of ground dolomite in the garden helps to neutralize slugs that can spoil most of the useful cultures. The means is not toxic, and the desired effect is achieved due to the structure of flour. The smallest calcium particles destroy the chitinous surfaces of the pests, as a result of which the insects die.

It is useful to bring dolomite flour under garden trees and shrubs. For trees with bone fruits, the amount of fertilizer should be 1-2 kg. The hammer-made dolomite must be distributed around the trunk. For fertilizer, trees do not have to wait for the premium period. The enrichment of the soil calcium can be performed immediately after harvest.

Black currant and raspberry can be fertilized at the end of summer or in the fall of 1 time in 2 years. Under each bush it is necessary to make 0.5-1 kg of mineral. The exact amount depends on the size of the bush and the frequency of fertilizer.

Ready to enter into the soil flour.


Limestone, charcoal and some other substances in their properties resemble a dolomite flour. However, the hammer rock has advantages compared to other fertilizers. Its use contributes to the fastest and accurate deoxidation of the soil. Such a result is difficult to achieve when used wood ashSince in this substance the number of calcium fluctuates and depends on many factors. Lime Pushonka is well deals with a substrate, but its incorrect dosage can cause plants burns.

The fact that Dolomite Flour is, knows every garden, who wants to increase its crop. On this fertilizer in stores low price, Therefore, anyone can use ground dolomite to use on its site.

Dolomite is called a rock, which consists of 95% from the Dolomite mineral. The main signs of such rocks were first described by the French engineer-geologist Dolomier, by the name of which mineral and got its name. On specialized enterprises, large rock stones are grinding in flour, dried, and stored packaged in packages and bags. Gardeners interested in improving the soil use flour from dolomite in the form of fertilizer and means to reduce the acidity of the soil on their gardens.

Why need to reduce the acidity of the soil

Chemical reactions occurring in the ground can adversely affect the ability of plants to absorb useful nutrients for their growth and development. As a result of such reactions in the ground, free hydrogen ions accumulate, which block the access of the necessary substances to the root system of the plant. Acidness is determined by quantity hydrogen compounds As part earthy soil (pH). It is possible to determine this value in special laboratories.

Vegetable I. fruit-berry cultures Prefer soils with a neutral or alkaline pH. The pH value is 7.0 is considered neutral, the figure below this value indicates the increased acidity of the soil, if it is higher than this mark, then the soil is alkaline.

Attention! Even within one cottage plot This indicator may differ significantly, samples of land for laboratory definition of the pH should be taken from several small sections.

If it is established that the Earth composition has a pH value below 7.0, it should be neutralized using the dolomite flour. Video describes in detail how to do it properly, in addition, you can see the whole process of making dolomite flour into the soil.

Make a substance depending on the acidity of the soil

Useful properties and use in gardening

Flour from dolomite rocks has many useful propertieswho have favorably affect the growth and development of vegetables and fruits, fruit trees and shrubs:

  • the use of flour reduces the number of weeds on the beds, which are growing in acidic soil;
  • it stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, bacteria and insects living in the ground, which contributes good growth and the development of fruit crops;
  • the beneficial effects of other fertilizers become more noticeable by reducing the blocking of hydrogen ions;
  • acts destructive on harmful insects, the energous of their fabrics and covers, like abrasive material;
  • vegetables and fruits are not damaged by pests longer, their freight look is significantly better;
  • the large content of calcium in the composition of the dolomite contributes to the good survival and the development of the root system of the plant, the roots become strong and well absorb nutrients, almost do not hurt, are not amazed by rot;
  • making flour is a process that allows to grow an environmentally friendly crop of vegetables, fruits and berry crops, flour neutralizes the effect of heavy metals salts deposited in the soil;
  • magnesium, which is part of the dolomite, forms a sufficient amount of chlorophyll needed for photosynthesis.

Council. If it is impossible to determine the acidity of the soil in the laboratory, you can apply for this folk remedies: Vinegar or grape juice, after all high accuracy pH small dacha plots Not necessarily.

When to make fertilizer

The deadlines for making flour are not regulated: in spring, summer or autumn you can use it garden sites and in the gardens:

  1. In the spring, it is usually april-May, the flour is scattered into beds, then leaving them and loosen.
  2. From August to November, flour around the trees and shrubs in a circle of 2 meters. One trunk will take about 2 kg, on a bush - twice as fewer.
  3. Even in winter you can fall asleep a certain area, the main thing is that it is even, and melting water enriched with dolomite flour, they absorbed into the ground, and not leaked along the inclined plane.
  4. In the summer, dolomite is used as feeding, which destroys pests.

The flour should only be made on the seeds of land, with neutral and alkaline soils, it is not recommended. Such uncontrolled use may adversely affect the growth of plants and the yield of the beds due to excess calcium.

Flour can be used in greenhouses, bringing only 100 g per square meter. The land does not need to drop after that, since the flour delays the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the Earth, which for plants planted in enclosed premises very important.

All sorts of plants grow in gardens and gardens, all of them prefer different composition of the soil: acidic, neutral or alkaline, so you need to have a certain approach to each culture. If necessary, make dolomite only to the sections where it is required.

The use of dolomite flour helps to increase yields and excellent plant growth, take patience and use it all the time. After 2-3 years, after improving the quality of the soil, you will notice it, and you will not regret the expendable work and time, your pets will only please your fecundity.

Dolomite flour: video