Air lock in the battery what to do. Batteries not heating up? It can be fixed

Is the heating turned on and the battery in the house is still cold? Is the sensor on the car dashboard reading higher than usual? In both cases, there is a possibility that air has accumulated in the battery or radiator, which interferes with their normal operation. Fortunately, this common problem is easy to fix. Using multiple simple tools, the radiator in your car, or the battery in your home, will soon do what it is designed to do - effectively dissipate heat.


Bleeding the battery in your home

    Diagnose your battery. In the upper part of the battery - it is from there that you need to bleed the air - there is cold air... Therefore, when you turn on the heating (or when it turns on heating network), either the entire battery or the top will be cold while the bottom will be hot. Unfortunately, a completely cold battery can indicate other problems (these are described below - read them before proceeding). Otherwise, the battery must be vented. Be careful - the batteries can be very hot. Protect your hands when checking the battery temperature.

    Find the radiator key. If you decide to bleed air from the battery, you first need to find something to open the "air valve". Look for a small valve at the top on one side of the battery. This valve usually has a small square piece that can be turned to adjust the valve. Radiator wrench is inexpensive metal tool, which is needed to open and close the air valves. You can buy them at almost any hardware store. Find a radiator wrench that is the right size for your battery, or look in your tool kit for a small wrench or any other tool that is the right size for turning the valve.

    • In some modern batteries, the valves are designed so that they can be turned with a common flathead screwdriver. Many batteries have Mayevsky taps with a needle-type shut-off valve. To open such a valve, it is necessary to install a key in a special thread, and slowly turn it counterclockwise.
    • Make sure you have a radiator wrench, screwdriver or wrench(you may need a few tools) - basically something that will allow you to open the valves on every radiator in your home. When it comes to venting, it is best to bleed all the batteries in the house.
  1. Turn off heating. Before venting, be sure to turn off the heating system (if it comes about a private house, it is not difficult to do this; if you live in an apartment building, you will have to wait for spring, when the heating networks are turned off), since a working heating system can air the entire system even more. The contents of the battery must be completely drained before you begin to de-air the battery. Wait a while for the heat in the heating system to dissipate, then check the battery for heating. If any part of the battery is still hot, wait until it has completely cooled down before proceeding to the next step.

    Open the battery valves. Make sure both the inlet and outlet valves are in the "open" position. Then insert the radiator wrench (screwdriver or other tool) into the desired location on the air valve on the top of the battery. Turn it counterclockwise to open the valve. There should be a hissing sound - if so, you are doing everything right, air is coming out of the battery.

    • Opening the air valve will allow cold air to escape, preventing fluid from drawing in through the pipes connected to the heating system.
  2. Collect water from the valve. Typically, when air comes out of the battery, water drips from the air valve. You need kitchen towel or a rag to collect any drops. You can use a small bowl or plate instead.

    Wait until water stops dripping from the air valve. When a steady stream of water comes out of the air valve (and not a mixture of air and water droplets), then you have released all the air that was in your battery. Retighten the air valve (turn clockwise) and check for leaks. Use a rag to wipe up any water that spills near the battery.

    Repeat this process with every battery in the house. To ensure that the entire heating system is vented, it is best to remove air from all radiators, even if only one is having problems. In order for the heating system to work properly, you need to regularly bleed air from the batteries. Most often, it is enough to bleed air once a year, and also after each repair or any modification in the heating system.

  3. If you have a boiler heating system, check the boiler pressure level. By bleeding excess air from the batteries, you have reduced the overall pressure of your home's heating system. If the pressure drops too low, heat may not reach some of the radiators (especially those located on the upper floors of your house). To restore the pressure of the heating system, it may be necessary to top up the boiler with water.

    • For home heating purposes, a pressure of 0.8–1 bar is sufficient. The higher the pressure, the higher the altitude your system can send heat to. Houses that are too low or too high may require a lower or higher high pressure boiler, respectively.
    • If your boiler has automatic system filling, it should automatically maintain a pressure of 0.8-1 bar without your intervention. If not, add water manually - open the boiler water supply valve until the pressure readings rise to 0.8–1 bar.

    Bleeding air from the car radiator

    1. Look for signs that indicate a car's radiator has failed. The air from the car's radiator must be removed for the same reason as from the home battery - an air lock has formed in the car's cooling system. As a result, antifreeze stops circulating effectively, which leads to overheating of the car. If you observe one or more of the following signs, then most likely the air in your car's radiator needs to be vented.

      • Abnormally high temperature at the dashboard temperature sensor.
      • Liquid leaking from the radiator.
      • Strange engine odors, especially sweet odors (due to antifreeze leaking and / or burning).
      • In addition, it may be a good idea to bleed the air from the radiator after replacing parts in the cooling system or after performing Maintenance... Air may enter the system during maintenance - monitor the temperature after any changes to the cooling system.
    2. Locate and loosen the vehicle air valve. On some cars, air valves are built into the cooling system and work by releasing air, just like air valves on a home battery. Check your vehicle manual to find out where to find the air valve. It is usually located at the highest point in the cooling system to most efficiently release air that normally rises upward.

      • To bleed air from the car radiator using the air valve, simply loosen it until you hear a hissing sound of air coming out. Use a rag to catch any overflowing coolant, then retighten the valve when a steady stream of coolant comes out of it.
      • In some cars No special air valves. Do not worry, it is still possible to release air from the radiator of such a machine, but in other ways (see below).
    3. Remember to loosen or remove the radiator cap before lifting the vehicle.
      • On some car models, the radiator may not be located at the front - if you are unsure, refer to your car manual.
    4. Execute cleaning and filling procedure . After you've vented the air from your car's radiator, it's a good idea to add new coolant. Perhaps the air that was inside artificially increased the amount of coolant displayed by the instruments - there may be a lack of coolant in the system, which you did not even know about. Remove the old coolant from the system, and add new one according to any instructions in your vehicle manual. Given below are general instructions for replacing coolant in cars:

      • Let the engine cool down completely.
      • Place a drain container under the radiator drain valve to collect the old coolant.
      • Fill with water car radiator, then drain it from the drain valve.
      • Close the drain cock and add new coolant - usually a 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and distilled water (not tap water as it may contain solutes).
      • Bleed the air from the radiator again to remove any air created during cleaning and filling.
    • During this procedure, wear old clothes- The liquid from the battery or radiator can be very dirty.

Apartment owners apartment buildings and everyone who has central heating has often faced the problem of air congestion in heating systems Oh. This results in various noises, poor heating of batteries and corrosion of metal parts.

It is characteristic that even from an ideally designed and executed system central heating periodically you need to bleed air. Its appearance inside is possible not only because of the possible poor tightness of the system, but also for other reasons.

Reasons for air ingress

Consider the reasons why air congestion occurs:

  1. In case of heating repairs.
  2. In apartments, it is rather difficult to air the pipes by immediately filling them with water.
  3. This problem is often found in warm floors, in cases where their lines are not completely horizontal.
  4. The appearance of gas in water is always associated with an increase in its temperature. In autonomous heating systems, after a while, air does not remain, however, if the coolant is constantly updated, the problem will appear again and again.

Defining the problem

To identify air locks in heating, you need:

  • try to touch the batteries, and in the case when part of the surface is cold or barely warm, this will mean there is air in the system;
  • if the temperature in the room has dropped for no reason;
  • if gurgling is heard in the radiator.

It is very simple to check whether the system needs to be vented by knocking a metal object on the top of the battery, and then doing the same at the bottom of the battery. In the place where the traffic jam occurs, the sound will be more sonorous.

Consequences of airborne heating

If you do not release the plug in time, prolonged contact with oxygen will negatively affect the metal, and it can be scaled up, and destruction begins. In addition, the airiness of the system affects the circulation of water, as a result of which some places overheat and others slightly heat up.

There are various ways to bleed gas, and priority should be given to one or the other, depending on the choice of coolant. And also, on the way the water circulates in the system: naturally or forcibly.

As a result, an air valve is used, which allows the airlock to be released from the radiator or Mayevsky's valve.

How can the air be deflated

Forced circulation systems use a small air collector at the top for bleeding. However, it can only be vented if the supply pipe is at an angle in the direction of movement of the coolant.

In this case, air locks that rise with it will come out through a series of special valves.

Today, the use of manual and automatic ways more often used to release air and enter water into the system. Hand-held devices (Mayevsky taps) stand out for their compact size

Consider: bleed off only after the coolant has completely cooled down.

Features of Automatic Air Vents

In order to conduct air bleeding in, such as underfloor heating in a house, no human participation is needed.

High performance does not reduce the strong sensitivity to impurities in the coolant, so they are installed together with filters. Filters are installed both on the supply line and on the return line. In order to most efficiently remove air, their design has steps, which makes it possible to remove oxygen from each group of devices.

If the pipes were installed in a private house slightly at an angle in the direction of water movement, the flush mechanism allows you to air the heating with a high flow rate of the coolant, and increases the pressure.

Removing air through a drain in aluminum, bimetallic and cast iron batteries

Benefits aluminum batteries are affordable price and excellent thermal conductivity. But aluminum is not a very good heating material due to its ability to react and release hydrogen.

When such a battery is airborne, the Mayevsky crane will help to solve the problem of dumping the air surplus. In order to expel hydrogen from the inside, such batteries cover special film, however, this is only enough for a while, and then the gas is not removed.

Bimetallic radiators are another great invention. Where the inner parts touch the water, a different metal is used and the fins are made of aluminum. In cases where a thermostat is installed on the radiator, opening it you will be able to bleed the system and bleed oxygen. The airing out of such radiators is similar with other types.

Details of the use of thermostats in heating radiators are discussed in this article:

Cast iron batteries are also vented through a Mayevsky tap or an automatic air vent, so that plugs can be removed in the pipes.

Using the Mayevsky crane

The device is very popular due to its simplicity. If the system is airy, it helps to blow out excess air in the heating pipe. The Mayevsky crane is a compact, convenient air vent that is mounted on the side of the battery. When the pipes are airy, you should take a screwdriver and a small container, since besides the air release, a little water will flow out.

It's important to know: air will shorten the life of the water pump!

Use a screwdriver to unscrew the tap and substitute the container. Further, if the cause of the airing took place, you will hear a hiss, after which the air will begin to come out with water droplets through the air vents. The air will be completely deflated when a small stream of water flows through the vent. This will increase the life of the boiler. While the system is pushing the gas vent, water droplets may appear.

Using an automatic air vent

For ease of bleeding, this unit can be installed, especially on bimetallic batteries... It has a float that tightly closes the vent hole if there is water in the system. If air enters, the float will go down and release it outside.

True, in order for the devices to work correctly, it is recommended to use only very pure water, which is practically not found in heating systems. Therefore, you need to put filters.

Before that, you need, which takes a lot of time. However, even this cannot guarantee you correct work mechanism, because sometimes it will need to be cleaned.

Note: there are times when you need to shake the battery a little to force air. In the bottom of the battery, you can install a conventional tap with power in the water supply. If you need to release air, open the tap and let the water in. This allows it to flow through the system and pushes air through the air vent system.

If the heating installation locations have an incorrect slope, additional air vents can be installed.

Air may also appear in the water supply system, which negatively affects its operation: pipes and adapters are destroyed, air in the pipes can provoke a water hammer, cracks appear and the pipe bursts. Ball valves, valves, automatic air vents, Mayevsky valves help to get rid of air in the water supply system.

Watch a video in which a specialist tells how to determine the airiness of the system and how you can deflate the batteries:

Residents of private houses and residents of city apartments regularly face the problem of airy batteries. Especially often this phenomenon occurs at the beginning heating season or when conducting renovation works... Of course, you can call a plumber from management company, but, perhaps, it will take a long time to wait. How to bleed air from the battery on your own and restore the heating system to work?

Signs of an airlock

You can understand that air has accumulated in the battery by several signs:

  • Uneven heating of radiators. This may apply to an individual battery or to the entire heating system of an apartment. In the first case, the air-conditioned part of the radiator will not heat up. In the second, the plug will interfere with the normal circulation of the coolant through the system, which is why some batteries will be hot, while others will be much colder.
  • Hissing or gurgling in radiators is a clear sign of excess air.

Why is the air in the battery dangerous?

Before figuring out how to release air from the battery, you should understand how it got there and how dangerous it is.

In addition to reducing heating efficiency, the appearance of air in the batteries can lead to the following problems:

  • The metal of which the radiators are made is more susceptible to corrosion in contact with air. Therefore, the service life of the heating system elements is significantly reduced.
  • Temperature difference various elements pipeline can lead to its destruction.
  • The service life of the circulating sediment is significantly reduced. V normal conditions its bearings are in water, when air enters, it significantly increases friction, leading to a breakdown of the device.

Causes of Airy Batteries

There can be several reasons for air entering the system:

  • In an apartment building, this most often happens when the system is filled with a coolant. According to the rules, the process should be carried out rather slowly, with constant air release, but in reality this is not always the case.
  • Incomplete tightness of the heating system. In this case, you will have to bleed air constantly until the shortcomings are eliminated.
  • Carrying out various kinds of repair work. If at least a partial disassembly of the pipes was carried out, a certain amount of air will inevitably get inside. Therefore, after such events, it is imperative to bleed air from the heating battery.
  • Poor quality of the heating medium: an increased content of air dissolved in the water over time can lead to the formation of an air lock.

Eliminating the airlock

A special valve, usually located at its end, will help to bleed air from the battery. In older models, you will need a radiator wrench. V modern models a Mayevsky crane is installed, for working with which a simple screwdriver or a special small metal or plastic key, which can be bought at a hardware or hardware store, is enough.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • A sufficiently capacious container must be substituted for the radiator. When air is released from the battery, a certain amount of water will certainly be released. Better not to let it fall on the floor.
  • In films and in life, you can see plumbers bleeding water, wet from head to toe. Indeed, this operation may be accompanied by the spraying of pressurized water in the system. This is not only unpleasant, but can also harm the decoration of walls or furniture. To solve the problem is quite simple: you need to hang a rag on the valve, which will stop all the splashes, and the water will calmly drain into a bucket or basin.
  • Using a wrench or a screwdriver, carefully unscrew the valve until you hear a clear hiss of the outgoing air.

  • Water will drip as it bleeds. We must wait until it pours out in a thin stream. The tap can be closed as soon as air stops bubbling in this jet. This operation usually takes 5-7 minutes.

Advice. If you don't want to repeat the bleeding procedure too often, then follow the advice of a professional and drain at least 2-3 buckets of water. This will ensure that all air is removed from the radiator.

Highly convenient device- automatic air vent. Here, the procedure takes place without any human intervention: when air accumulates, a float is lowered, which closes the drain hole. After air release, the float returns to its place. A significant drawback of such devices is the increased requirements for the quality of the coolant. Therefore, in apartment buildings with centralized heating, they are rarely installed, since they fail quite quickly.

What if there is no drain valve?

Sometimes there is no drain valve on the radiator. This usually applies to old cast iron batteries, where a plug plays its role. In this case, the work becomes more complicated, but not so much that it would be impossible to do it yourself.

  • You need to stock up on a gas or adjustable wrench, with which you can unscrew the plug.

Important! It is imperative to block the access of the coolant to the radiator from the riser. This is done in case the plug comes out completely. The pressure of water then simply will not allow it to be inserted into place, and this will result in flooding of neighbors.

  • The main problem is that usually a thick layer of paint and hardened tow will prevent the plug from being unscrewed. You can solve it with kerosene or thread lubricant. We apply it to the connection and wait 15–20 minutes.
  • We carefully turn the plug and release the air in the same way as in the case of the Mayevsky crane. Don't forget about the water container and the anti-splash cloth.
  • When screwing the plug back, remember to apply a sealant to the thread, for example an FUM tape, in order to prevent the battery from leaking in the future.

To facilitate this difficult task, many owners in the past have replaced the plugs with a conventional tap. He did not add aesthetics, but he made the procedure much easier.

In private houses, an expansion tank is used to eliminate air congestion. After the water is drained, the tap opens on it, and in most cases the plug disappears. If this does not happen, it is recommended to increase the temperature in the house so that the coolant boils. Then the problem of airborne airing will definitely disappear.

To guarantee, it is enough to carry out the procedure for bleeding excess air for all batteries twice. Then the heating system will function normally.

Bleed air from the battery through the valve (video)

How to bleed air from a battery: step-by-step instruction... Signs of an airlock. How to bleed air if a Mayevsky tap or plug is installed.

Understanding how to bleed air from the heating system will help you not to be left without heat in winter.

It is not uncommon for radiators to suddenly stop heating up during the heating season. One of the reasons for the failure of the system is an airlock, and then the residents face the problem of how to bleed air from the heating battery in order to restore circulation. There are several effective ways how to normalize heating and how to bleed air from the system. In this case, the procedure should be determined depending on the type of heating system and the specific place of accumulation of air.

The appearance of an airlock

It is quite easy to detect that an air lock has formed in the heating system. Signs of airing the system:

  • gurgling sounds are sometimes heard in pipes and radiators;
  • the batteries either do not heat at all, or they only heat up to half;
  • in some rooms it is hot, while in others the heat does not pass.

This means that the accumulated air is to blame, and how to release it from the heating system must be decided in accordance with where it accumulated. Air bubbles always accumulate in the upper part of the heating system; therefore, radiators in rooms on the top floor usually cool down. To find the location of the air lock, you need to sequentially feel the supply pipeline and all the batteries, checking the degree of their heating. It is also advised to tap the pipes with a hammer and determine by the sound where the void has arisen, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage the paint layer on the pipes.

As a result, finding problem place, you can already choose the method of how to bleed air from the heating radiator or, if necessary, from the pipeline.

An air lock not only impedes the circulation of the coolant, but provokes corrosion metal pipes... The presence of air in the system also negatively affects the operation. circulation pump.

Where does the air in the system come from?

The reasons for the formation of an air lock can be both natural and associated with improper system design and poor-quality installation.

Naturally occurring reasons:

  • when the coolant is heated, air dissolved in the liquid is released, it rises up and forms a plug;
  • gas bubbles appear in the process of interaction of a hot coolant with some types of metals (in particular, aluminum);
  • due to evaporation decreases below critical liquid level in an open expansion tank;
  • the air does not have time to completely leave the pipes and batteries when the system is too complex in its configuration with water too fast.

It is important to know how to drain the water from the heating system, if necessary, and then refill it so that no air remains in the pipes and radiators.

In addition to natural causes, air congestion also leads to:

  • incorrect routing of horizontal pipes and installation of radiators;
  • pressure drops in the supply water supply;
  • poorly sealed connections;
  • deterioration of old pipelines;
  • expansion tank malfunction.

When, during the operation of the heating system, it turns out that it was originally designed incorrectly, it will have to be redone. But in order to urgently restore the heat supply, it is necessary to decide how to bleed the air from the heating system.

Eliminating the airlock

If the heating is designed correctly, then how to bleed air from it will not be difficult. It can be arranged so that the accumulated air will be released automatically as it accumulates. For this, special devices are used - air vents installed at critical points. In other cases, it is necessary to acquire skills on how to manually bleed air from the heating system.

In this case, it matters:

  • open or closed type of system;
  • natural or forced circulation of the coolant;
  • upper or lower pipe routing option;
  • whether the horizontal slopes of the pipes are observed.

Drain valve on the radiator

In apartment buildings, residents do not have a question of how to bleed the air from the heating; specialists of the management company should worry about this. Although in the old five-story buildings the heating is arranged in such a way that it is possible to bleed the air out of it only through the radiator in the apartment of the upper floor, and the residents themselves have to do this from time to time. The problem of airborne ventilation looks more acute for owners of private houses with heating system- it is periodically necessary to release the air. To bleed the air from the hot water radiator, a needle air valve is used, the so-called. Mayevsky crane. Such a device is installed in the upper end of the radiator battery, instead of a plug. Sometimes it is also used to bleed air from a heated towel rail pipe. Various models Mayevsky's taps are somewhat different, so before you bleed the air in the heating radiators, you need to read the instructions. The tap valve is opened either with an open-end wrench, or with an ordinary screwdriver, or simply by hand.

Consider how to release the airlock from the heating battery using the Mayevsky crane installed on it:

  • prepare tools (wrench or screwdriver) and a container for collecting water;
  • open the thermostat completely, then unscrew the Mayevsky tap by half a turn;
  • air will begin to escape through the valve with a slight hiss;
  • substitute the container and keep the valve open, since it is necessary to bleed air from the heating radiator until water flows;
  • when a dense stream of water appears, you can turn on the tap.

If, after you bleed the air from the radiator, it still does not heat up well, drain another 200 grams of coolant through the same tap to finally remove the air lock.

Bleeding air through expansion tank

In private houses, the device of heating systems is different, it depends on the features of the layout of buildings. For different types systems, appropriate expansion tanks are used - open or closed. Therefore, individual homeowners often have to think about how it is more expedient - to bleed air from a heating radiator or through an expansion tank .

In system open type air bubbles can freely exit through the expansion tank installed in the attic. If the heating works normally, there is no need to bleed air from the system, since it comes out on its own. But the liquid gradually evaporates, and the water level in the open expansion tank can drop so low that an air lock will appear at the top of the supply line. In this case, the circulation of the coolant will slow down or completely stop, and in this situation it should already be a question of how to release air from the heating system.

To expel the airlock, you can add water to the expansion tank from above, but it is better to replenish the volume of liquid in the system through the lower tap connected to the water supply. Water entering from below will fill the void in the pipe and force the air out through the opening of the expansion tank.

During the heating season, it is necessary to ensure that the expansion tank is constantly filled with water by about 2/3 of its volume, and when the level drops, top up with water.

V closed systems diaphragm expansion tanks are used. Sometimes a membrane ruptures in them, and then air enters the system. If it is possible to establish that the cause of airing is a faulty expansion tank, it will have to be replaced. But before starting the repair, before draining the water from the heating system, you need to prepare everything you need so as not to leave the house without heat for a long time.

What should be the correct structure of the system

When designing, it should be considered that air can accumulate in horizontal pipes, and how it will be released from the heating system will be a difficult task. Therefore, it is important that the upper supply pipe has a slight slope, starting from the riser and further along the direction of movement of the coolant. At the highest point, a device is installed that allows you to bleed air from the heating. It can be a regular tap or a Mayevsky tap, but it is better to use an automatic air vent. In a more complex heating system, air vents are installed in all places where a problem of air ventilation may arise. Then there will be no question of how to release the air in one or more heating radiators, since the accumulating bubbles will gradually bleed out from each group of elements that make up the system.

The return pipe must be laid with a slope towards the boiler. This is done to combat air congestion, and also so that you do not have to guess how to drain the water from the heating system if repairs are needed.

If the heating system is equipped with a circulation pump, then there is no need to observe the slope of the pipes with great accuracy. Nevertheless, it is desirable to lay pipelines with the correct slope for the efficiency of the system.

Finally, we recommend that you always contact a specialist about heating problems. They know how to design a workable system and advise on how to release air trapped in radiators. But the homeowners themselves must, on the eve of the heating season, carry out a routine inspection and check of their heating system.

How to bleed air from the heating system: tap, battery, radiator

We bleed the air from the heating system: air locks, troubleshooting, radiator drain valve, expansion tank, correct device systems.

Removing the air lock from the heating system: how to properly bleed the air from the radiators?

Air in the heating system is an obstacle to its normal functioning. Residents of apartments and houses face this problem, as a rule, at the beginning of the heating season. Noise in pipes, cold batteries, corrosion metal elements- this is the result of the formation of air locks. And this happens even with a perfectly designed and properly installed heating system. Why this is happening and why it is necessary to remove air from the heating system in a timely manner - this will be discussed in this article.

Why does air appear in the heating system?

Many of our compatriots are familiar with the concept of "air jams". This phenomenon is remembered at the beginning of the heating season, when heat is allowed into the houses, and in the apartments of the upper floors, the batteries often do not heat up or only heat up in the lower part, and in the upper part they are absolutely cold. Where does air come from in pipelines? There may be several reasons for airborne exposure:

  • repair work (assembly, disassembly of the pipeline), during which the appearance of air is inevitable;
  • non-observance during installation of the value and direction of the slope of the pipelines;
  • reduced pressure in the water supply: the water level drops, and the resulting voids are filled with air;
  • when the water is heated, bubbles of the air contained in it are released and rise to the upper part of the pipeline, creating air locks there;
  • the heating system is filled incorrectly: after summer downtime pipes should be filled with water not quickly, but slowly, while simultaneously releasing air from the heating system;
  • unsatisfactory sealed pipe joints through which the coolant leaks. The leak in these places is hardly noticeable, since hot water evaporates immediately. It is through loose seams that air is sucked into the system;
  • malfunction of air intake devices;
  • connection of a water "warm floor" to the heating system, the pipes of which are located at different heights during installation.

Air Lock Removal Methods

Since one or more of the listed factors may be present in many houses, the question of removing air in the heating system necessarily arises. This operation can be performed different ways... It all depends on what kind of coolant circulation we are dealing with - natural or forced.

In the heating system with natural circulation(meaning the upper piping) the formed air lock can be removed through the expansion tank - it is at the highest point in relation to the entire system. The flow line should be laid up to the expansion tank. With lower piping, air is removed in the same way as in heating systems equipped with a circulation pump.

You can bleed air from the heating system with natural circulation using an expansion tank

In heating systems with forced circulation of the coolant, an air collector is installed at the highest point, specially designed for air release. In this case, the supply pipeline is laid with an ascent along the course of movement of the coolant, and air bubbles rising up the riser are removed through the air taps (they are installed at the highest points). In all cases, the return line must be laid with a slope in the direction of the water drain for faster emptying if repairs are required.

Types of air vents and places of their installation

Air vents are manual and automatic. Manual air vents or Mayevsky taps have small size... They are usually installed on the end of the heating radiator. They regulate the Mayevsky crane with a key, a screwdriver, or even manually. Since the faucet is small, its performance is low, so it is used only for local elimination of air congestion in the heating system.

Air vents for the heating system are of two types: manual (Mayevsky's valve) and automatic (work without human intervention).

The second type of air vents - automatic - work without human intervention. They are installed both vertically and horizontally. They have high performance, but they are quite sensitive to contamination in the water, so they are installed together with filters both on the supply pipelines and on the return ones.

Automatic air vents are installed in heating systems closed type along the line of pipelines at different points. Then air is released from each group of devices separately. The multi-stage de-airing system is considered the most effective. With proper laying and proper installation of pipes (at the desired slope), it will be simple and hassle-free to remove air through the air vents. Removing air from heating pipes is associated with an increase in the flow rate of the coolant, as well as an increase in pressure in them. A drop in water pressure indicates a violation of the tightness of the system, and temperature drops indicate the presence of air in the heating radiators.

Determination of the site of plug formation and its removal

How can you tell if there is air in the radiator? Usually, the presence of air is indicated by extraneous sounds, such as gurgling, water flow. To ensure full circulation of the coolant, it is imperative to remove this air. With complete airing of the system, you must first determine the location of the formation of plugs by tapping with a hammer on the heating devices. Where there is an airlock, the sound will be more resonant and strong. Air is collected, as a rule, in radiators installed on the upper floors.

Realizing that the air is in heating device is present, you should take a screwdriver or wrench and prepare a container for water. Opening the thermostat until maximum level, you need to open the valve of the Mayevsky tap and substitute the container. A slight hiss will indicate that air is escaping. The valve is kept open until water flows out and only then is it closed.

Elimination of the airlock in the heating battery with the help of the Mayevsky crane installed on it: the valve is opened with a special key or manually and kept open until water appears

It happens that after carrying out this procedure, the battery does not heat up for long or not well enough. Then it needs to be blown out and washed, since the accumulation of debris and rust in it can also cause air to appear.

If after bleeding the air the battery still does not heat up well, try draining about 200 g of the coolant to make sure that the air lock is completely removed. If it does not help, but you need to blow out and rinse the radiator from possibly accumulated dirt

If there is still no improvement, check the filling level of the heating system. Air pockets can also form in pipe bends. Therefore, it is important during the installation process to observe the direction and magnitude of the slopes of the distribution pipelines. In places where the slope for any reason differs from the project, air vent valves are additionally installed.

In aluminum radiators, air locks are formed more intensively due to the poor quality of the material. As a result of the reaction of aluminum with the coolant, gases are formed, therefore, they must be regularly removed from the system. In such situations, it is recommended to replace aluminum radiators instruments from more quality materials with anti-corrosion coating and install air vents. In order for the rooms to be heated normally, before filling the heating system with water, it is necessary to timely take care of removing air from it, which interferes with the normal movement of the coolant, and then in winter your house will be warm and comfortable.

Removing air from the heating system: everything about draining the air lock

Reasons for the appearance of air in the heating system, ways of removing it. Types of air vents and places of their installation. How to detect and remove an airlock

How to bleed air from a battery if there is no Mayevsky crane

Most often, there are no problems with the heating system in the house. But sometimes it suddenly becomes cold in the house or strange sounds occur in the heating radiator. What could it be? Unfortunately, in this case, there is air in the heating system, which means that it is necessary to bleed air from there. Today you will learn how to do it without a Mayevsky crane.

Airiness in the battery: what is it and how to determine

What is airiness in a heating battery? This concept means the accumulation of air, and most often in the upper part heating radiator... This situation is becoming a problem and quite common for those who live in multi-storey buildings at one of last floors... There may be several reasons for the occurrence of such a nuisance:

  • Carrying out repair work on the site / on adjacent floors. If work was carried out with heating pipes in a residential area, there is a high probability of a small air flow entering the system.
  • A coolant leak has occurred in some of the sections (which means that an immediate system check is required to eliminate the leak).
  • Feature of the underfloor heating system. The problem of airiness in the system is indeed a frequent picture in the presence of a floor heating system, especially if it has complex scheme and many branches.

  • In the water having high fever, contains air and the more often the coolant is updated in the system, the higher the likelihood of a problem.
  • If the appearance of an air "plug" in time coincides with the start-up of the common heating main, it is more likely that it was the start-up of the system that caused the airiness.

Advice. If you live in a private house, then, in principle, you should not worry too much about the airiness of the system (if it is small), The fact is that in private heating systems, the coolant most often changes extremely rarely, which means that the air must be released on its own within a few days.

Determining the presence of an air lock is quite simple. For example, if the temperature of the water in the battery has dropped sharply or the battery has become cold only partially, it may even begin to gurgle - all these are signs of airiness.

Air release without a Mayevsky tap

Most home heating batteries have special device, which helps to simplify the task of bleeding air as much as possible - a Mayevsky tap or an automatic valve.

But the question is: what to do if there is simply no such device on the battery? If you have just such a picture appeared before your eyes - most likely, there are installed cast iron batteries... On such batteries, a simple plug is often installed, which was screwed on a tow covered with paint. In addition, it was also covered with a layer of paint while painting the heating batteries.

It is difficult to remove it in order to gain access to the coolant located in the system. For this reason, the simplest way out of the situation is to contact the neighbors from the top floor of the house (they will probably have Mayevsky's crane on the battery). But if the neighbors, for example, have left or you yourself are a tenant on the last floor and there is no crane? In this case, you will have to resort to the "old-fashioned" method of bleeding air from the heating system.

So, you need to stock up on a basin, a bucket and big amount rags. Besides ( with bare hands after all, do not take this "barrier"), you will need an adjustable wrench to unscrew the cork and some kind of paint thinner. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to move the plug from the "dead" point.

So, first apply the solvent to the place where the plug is installed and wait 15 minutes. After that, carefully start moving the adjustable wrench along the thread until the plug starts to feed. You will hear how the air begins to bleed. When the sound dies down (a sign of lack of air), be sure to wrap a layer of "fumka" around the plug and insert it into place. If desired, you can lightly paint over the junction of the plug with the battery.

You learned how quickly and simply enough you can cope with the task of bleeding air from a heating radiator in the absence of a Mayevsky crane. Good luck!

How to bleed air from a battery in a heating system if there is no Mayevsky tap

Sometimes strange sounds occur in the heating radiator. There is air in the heating system. We will tell you how to bleed the air without a Mayevsky tap.

If in the autumn - winter season the batteries remain cold or barely warm, then, most likely, the heat supply system is airy. In any case, for the property owner there will be no unnecessary information how to bleed air from radiators in order to prevent situations when the operation of the equipment is ineffective.

Experts advise: before putting the heating system into operation, it must be properly prepared. If in multi-apartment buildings this procedure is performed by employees of public utilities, then the owners of the private sector have to provide themselves with heat on their own.

Danger of air lock in batteries

When an air supply appears in the device, this indicates that there will be problems with the heat supply and you need to immediately solve the problem of how to bleed the air from the heating radiator. Its excessive presence will become an obstacle for normal work heating systems. In addition, a corrosive process will begin on the walls of the batteries.

When a circulation pump is installed in the heating circuit, an air lock is likely to disrupt its functioning. If the system is working correctly, located on the shaft pumping equipment sleeve bearings will be constantly in the working environment.

During airing, the effect of "dry friction" appears, which negatively affects the sliding rings, which will disable the shaft. Therefore, it is so important to have information on how to properly bleed air from the battery. If you take the necessary measures in time, then it will be possible to prevent damage to the heat supply structure.

How to determine if there is an airlock

Before proceeding with the release of air from the heating radiator, first of all, you need to figure out the reason for its appearance in the circuit.

Typically, airing occurs:

  • after incorrectly filling the system with a coolant;
  • when mistakes were made during installation;
  • if there is insufficient pressure in the circuit, or the coolant is of poor quality, in which there is dissolved oxygen.

Also, the causes of an airlock can be:

  • loose connection of system elements, as a result of which the device sucks in air from the outside;
  • the absence of an air vent or it is installed, but does not function correctly;
  • carrying out repair work related to the replacement of radiators, risers, shut-off elements, as a result of which air has entered the system.

The following signs indicate the presence of airing:

  • the presence of gurgling and hissing sounds in the radiator;
  • lowering the degree of heating;
  • uneven heating of sections - in areas where air has collected, they can be cold.

The above situations happen quite often and all owners of apartments or private households face similar problems. Therefore, it is so important to figure out how to release air from the heating battery, because this can be done on your own, without the services of a plumber. As practice shows, usually an airlock appears in the radiators located on the upper floors of the building.

But sometimes the reason for airing is associated with the installation of a low-quality heating device and then after bleeding the air, the problem will appear again and again. The fact is that there are materials for the manufacture of batteries that contribute to the appearance of gases. In this case, the problem is solved only by purchasing a new radiator.

Bleeding air from heaters

Before bleeding air from the radiator and from the system, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of this procedure and prepare tools and materials. It is important to understand how to bleed air from the battery correctly. You need to have a special key at your disposal that will help open the air valve on the battery. A radiator wrench works best for this job - you can buy it at a hardware store.

If you have to work with a modern battery, then a simple screwdriver will do. You should also prepare a container for draining the coolant and a few rags in case of an unforeseen situation.

Instructions for properly bleeding air from the battery look like this:

  1. First, they examine the battery and find a small valve (Mayevsky's tap). It is located at the top of the device, sometimes there are several such devices.
  2. Unscrew the tap until a hiss of air is heard. It is necessary to act carefully and smoothly.
  3. A container is placed under the valve.
  4. Wait until all the accumulated air has escaped. This is evidenced by a thin stream of water that has stopped bubbling. According to some experts, you need to drain about 2 - 3 buckets after the coolant begins to drain without gases. This is necessary for reinsurance, so as not to carry out this procedure again.
  5. The valve is screwed back.

In addition to the Mayevsky crane, it is possible to bleed air from the battery using automated air vents. They are intended for heating systems and remove plugs on their own.

These devices are compact and reliable, but you need to be careful, because the valves are unattended and even a minor violation of the process can lead to flooding of the basement or attic.

Sometimes situations arise when, during the installation of the heating system, special products were not installed, designed to eliminate air pollution. To release excess air from the device, a gas or adjustable wrench is required to unscrew the plug.

You need to do this work slowly. If the plug does not unscrew, and such situations most often occur with cast-iron radiators, special lubricant should be applied to the threads. After a while, the attempt is repeated. After you managed to unscrew the plug, they act in the same way as with a conventional tap.

At the end of the work, the plug is returned to its place, not forgetting to wind flax or FUM tape on the thread, which will prevent leaks and ensure the tightness of the connection.

If air has collected in the heating system of a private house, the coolant is drained using an expansion tank. This tank is located at the highest point of the heat supply structure. After draining the water, wait a little, then unscrew the tap on the tank.

As a rule, when the temperature in the battery rises, the plug is removed on its own. If the actions performed are unsuccessful, then the water in the heating circuit must be brought to a boil and then the air will certainly come out.

Knowing how to bleed air from the radiator and the system, you can avoid many problems. For prevention purposes, a similar procedure should be carried out before the start of the heating season. According to experts, two times (for verification and control) will be enough. If defects or breakdowns are found in the structure, then the number of descents is greater.

When aluminum radiators are installed in the apartment, then before starting the heating system, the water should be drained, due to which the service life of the devices will increase significantly.

Preventive actions

Of course, it is necessary to know how to properly bleed air from the battery. But it is much better that the airing of the system occurs as rarely as possible. To prevent this problem, you need to install an air vent.

Air collectors for heating systems are of two types:

  • manual - Mayevsky's crane;
  • float - automatic.

Each of these devices can be installed anywhere where there is a danger of an airlock. The Mayevsky crane has a traditional configuration, and air vents can be angular or straight.

In order not to hastily solve the problem of how to release air from the radiator and air the heat supply system, it is imperative to mount an air vent on each radiator.

The hand-held device makes it easy to remove the airlock, usually placed on the end of the battery. To do this, you need to have a special key at your disposal. The performance of a manual air vent is small and therefore it is used for heating systems operated at home.

Air vents of the second type function in automatic mode... When using them, you do not need to unscrew or open anything, since the device does everything on its own. It should be installed strictly in a vertical or horizontal position.

But the automatic valve, designed to drain excess air from the heating system, has a drawback - it has a high sensitivity to various pollution... Therefore his quality work can provide an additionally installed filter that protects the device from them.

If air has collected in the heat supply structure, it is imperative to determine the cause of this problem, especially if there were no such situations before. The main thing in this case is not only to remove the airlock, but also to take all the necessary measures so that it does not reappear.

First of all, you need to check the heater for leaks, you may need to tighten the bolts somewhere, change the nuts, and better process the joints. There are times when the air vent is installed incorrectly or the automatic air separator is broken.


It should be noted that the problem associated with airing the heat supply system is quite relevant today. It often occurs both in private households and in urban multi-storey buildings. There are many reasons for the formation of air jams.

As already mentioned, it is very important to understand why they appeared and know how to properly bleed air from the battery so that similar situations do not arise in the future. By installing a special device - an air vent, you can forget about this problem and thereby extend the life of the heating system.

Often, in the first days after the start of the heating system, it is found that some batteries are not working at full capacity. The reason for this may be the airiness of the elements. The solution to this problem in apartment buildings is the task of the ZhEK employees. But they do not always fulfill it conscientiously. And in private households, troubleshooting is completely on the shoulders of the owners. Let's consider how to bleed air from the battery yourself.

Before figuring out how to bleed air from the heating system, let's figure out why it accumulates there. Main reasons:

  • carrying out repair work - during the parsing / collecting of elements, air inevitably gets into them;
  • improper start of the heating system in an apartment building - according to the standards, the pipes should be filled with water slowly while bleeding off excess air;
  • loose fit of parts of the system or poor sealing of joints - the coolant imperceptibly flows out and evaporates, and air is drawn in from the outside;
  • low pressure in the pipeline, leading to the formation of voids and their filling with air;
  • an increased amount of oxygen in the coolant - there are always gas bubbles in the water, but if there are too many of them, air locks can form;
  • incorrect connection of the underfloor heating system - the location of the branches at different heights;
  • incorrect operation or absence of an air vent on the battery.

In addition, poor radiator quality can lead to air build-up. are distinguished by an affordable price and high thermal conductivity. But the metal actively reacts with water, as a result of which hydrogen gas is released. The problem of rapid corrosion is partially solved by the film that covers the aluminum from the inside, but it disappears over time. A more reliable, durable and expensive option is bimetallic batteries, in which aluminum is combined with steel that is not susceptible to water.

As a rule, residents of the top floors in apartment buildings face the problem of how to de-air the batteries. When heated, oxygen dissolved in water rises upward, forming plugs. In private houses with open system When heating, air bubbles freely escape through the expansion vessel at the top of the system, so air usually does not accumulate, except in some cases.

Signs of an airlock and its harm

You can suspect the presence of an airlock in the radiator by the following signs:

  • the air temperature in the apartment is significantly lower than that of the neighbors;
  • the battery heats up unevenly - the part with air remains cold;
  • hissing and gurgling sounds are heard.

Due to the accumulation of air in the radiator, the operation of the heating system is disrupted. Possible consequences:

  • reduction of the effect of the battery operation - the air in the room does not warm up to the required level when substantial costs energy;
  • damage to pipeline elements due to temperature differences - some parts remain cold, others overheat;
  • acceleration of corrosion of radiators due to prolonged contact of metal with air;
  • failure of the circulation pump under the influence of the "dry friction" effect.

Tip: You can detect air accumulation by tapping the battery with a metal object. In the area of ​​the plug, the sound will be higher and more resonant than in the part filled with water.

How to bleed air from the battery?

The answer to the question of how to bleed air from depends on the type of air vent installed on it. These devices are necessary to facilitate the removal of excess gas from the system. They should be installed in those areas where there is a risk of traffic jams, or, even more convenient, on each battery. Possible options:

  • (manual regulator);
  • automatic (float) system.

In addition, a water tap or a plug can be installed on the battery.

Mayevsky crane

The Mayevsky crane is a needle-type shut-off valve. It is mounted at the top of the radiator. If it is necessary to bleed air, it must be unscrewed using a special wrench, which can be purchased at a hardware store, or a regular screwdriver. Some models are equipped with a plastic handle, no tools are needed to open them.

Air removal work steps:

  1. Place a container under the shut-off valve to collect the coolant.
  2. Unscrew Mayevsky's tap smoothly. At the same time, air will begin to come out, which will be accompanied by a hiss. It is necessary to wait until a uniform stream of water flows out - this is a sign that the plug has been removed. This usually takes 5-7 minutes.
  3. Close the valve.

During the de-aeration process, water may start to come out under pressure, splashing into different sides... Put a rag on the air vent so that the liquid is absorbed into it and flows smoothly into the container. It should be borne in mind that the water can be quite hot, it is important to avoid contact with the skin.

Important: Before opening the Mayevsky tap, you do not need to shut off the entire riser of the heating main or wait for the coolant to cool. These actions are not only superfluous, but also reduce the efficiency of de-airing due to the pressure drop in the heating system.

Automatic air vent

If an automatic air vent is installed, then the question of how to properly bleed air from the battery does not arise. This device, which can be of a straight or angular design, operates autonomously. It is mounted on the radiator strictly vertically or horizontally.

The automatic air vent is equipped with a float that tightly closes the valve provided there is a sufficient water level in the system. As soon as air accumulates in the battery, the float is lowered, the hole opens and the gas is released. That is, de-airing occurs without human intervention.

The disadvantage of such a venting device is its sensitivity to water quality. The presence of impurities in the coolant leads to an early breakdown of the mechanism. Therefore, filters should be used. In addition, you need to periodically replace sealing ring and clean the valve needle. Otherwise, water may start to leak.


It is not an easy task to release air from the heating battery if there is no air vent and a plug is installed instead. Before starting work, block the access of the coolant to the radiator.

Modern sectional batteries are equipped with top plugs. It is not necessary to completely remove the fitting. It is enough to turn it carefully and slowly, making a few turns, and wait until the air comes out. Previously, all adjacent surfaces should be protected with rags.

Air up the old cast iron radiator more difficult, since usually the plug on it is securely fixed with tow and paint. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Apply some solvent to the joint between the fitting and the battery. Wait 10-20 minutes.
  2. Place a bucket under the hole. Place rags on the floor.
  3. By using adjustable wrench unscrew the cap (not completely) so that air begins to escape.
  4. Wrap the thread with sealing material and screw on the plug.

It is important to do everything neatly. If you do not shut off the water and remove the fitting completely, hot water under pressure will pour out of the hole.

It is possible to determine that the airlock has been removed by evaluating the temperature of the batteries. Sections that used to be cold should warm up.


Many older batteries have conventional water taps. When the valve is unscrewed, water begins to flow from the hole, and the accumulated air comes out with it. It may be necessary to drain several buckets of liquid to remove any excess gas.

To facilitate the work, it is advisable to use a long flexible hose: connect one end to the faucet, and the other to lower it into the toilet. The valve must be opened as far as possible to ensure a high flow rate of water.

Private house

In the event of an airlock, it is necessary not only to work with each battery separately, but also to remove it from the entire system as a whole. The procedure may differ slightly depending on whether the heating system is open or closed. But in general, it boils down to the fact that the batteries are vented using one of the methods described above.

Air locks reduce the efficiency of heating systems and increase the risk of breakdowns. You can remove excess air from the radiator yourself. The easiest way to do this is if a manual air vent is installed. In the future, it is important to find out the cause of the problem and eliminate it. V difficult situations it is better to contact the employees of housing maintenance offices.

At the first encounter with the problem of how to bleed air from the radiators, the videos will help you avoid mistakes.