How to measure centimeters without a centimeter tape. Without a ruler or bare-handed measurement

Measure with a ruler or tape measure. Find an object or distance between two points that you need to measure.

  • This can be the length of a piece of wood, thread or fabric, or a line on a piece of paper.
  • A ruler or meter is best for hard and level surfaces.
  • If you are taking measurements from a person for sewing clothes, then it is best to use something elastic, for example, a centimeter tape.
  • Long distances can be measured with a tape measure.
  • Move to the opposite side of the object you are measuring. Now you will find out the length of the object.

    • Read the last number on the ruler, which is near the edge of the object. It will mean the length of the object "in whole units", for example: 8 inches.
    • Count the number of fractions (dashes) beyond the last integer that the object you are measuring captures.
    • If your ruler is 1/8 ", and you have 5 more dashes after the last integer, then you have another 5/8" after 8, which means that the total length will read "8 integers and 5/8" ...
    • Simplify fractional parts if you can. For example, 4/16 inch is the same as 1/4.
  • Use a metric or decimal ruler. Then you will measure in decimal, as is customary in metric measurements.

    • Consider that the lines are more authentic - these are centimeters. Move towards the nearest centimeter mark. It will mean the length in "whole units". For example, 10 centimeters.
    • In the event that the metric ruler is marked in centimeters (cm), then read the intermediate marks in millimeters (mm).
    • Count the number of intermediate marks from the last whole measurement to the edge of the object. For example, if you calculated that the length of your object is 10 cm plus 8 mm, then your measurement is 10.8 cm.
  • Use a tape measure to measure the distance between objects, such as walls. A retractable metal tape measure works best here.

    • End with zero mark lean against one wall, or have someone support it, then slide the tape toward the other wall.
    • You should now have two measurements of length, the largest being feet (or meters), the smaller one being inches (or centimeters).
    • First read whole feet (or meters), inches (or cm), and then their fractions.
    • For example, the distance can be read as "12 feet, 5 point and 1/2".
  • Use your 12-inch ruler (or a similar tool, such as a meter) to draw a straight line. You can also use rulers as straight edges in drawing or geometry.

    • Place it on the surface you are drawing on and place your pencil along the edge of the ruler.
    • Use the ruler as a guideline for a straight edge.
    • Keep the ruler still so that the line is perfectly straight.
  • Korinenko Daniel

    This article is about the fact that a person in his life can measure any lengths and distances without using measuring instruments.



    Without a ruler or bare-handed measurement

    Korinenko Daniel

    GBOU gymnasium №406, 5 "g" class

    Bobrovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna

    Today there is not a single profession or even a school subject where nothing needs to be measured with instruments or by eye, that is, without instruments.

    Well, of course, we all have measuring devices at home. This is the clock by which you will know when to go to school and when your favorite TV show will start; a thermometer, which everyone will surely glance at when going out; electricity meter and much more.

    Have you ever had this situation: you need to measure something, but there are no rulers, tape measures and other measuring instruments within reach?

    If you have absolutely nothing at hand, you have at least arms and legs !!!

    And, although we are all different, on average, some parts of the body are quite similar in size to all of us.

    For example, there was such a situation: they were buying a TV. Dad knew the dimensions of the trunk of the car (length, height, depth), and he measured the dimensions of the box with his hand, or rather, the distance between the thumb and forefinger, i.e. by a span.

    Why this topic is not relevant if, without any tools, you can measure the height of a box, pillar, pyramid, tree, etc.

    Problem: is it possible to measure objects without standard measuring instruments.

    Target: justify the importance of measuring different quantities without measuring instruments.

    Tasks :

    Analyze the literature on ancient measures of length

    Compare and summarize the need for non-standard measurement measures.

    Conduct a survey of classmates

    Determine the presence or absence of interest in my project

    Hypothesis : Suppose you need to measure something, and there is nothing at hand. A person in his life can measure any lengths and distances without using measuring instruments.

    The first units of measurement of quantities were not very accurate. For example, distances were measured in steps. Of course, the size of the step is different for different people, but they took a certain average value. For measuring long distances, the step was too small a unit. Therefore, in Ancient Rome, for such measurements served mile (this is a path of 1000 double steps, with both right and left feet).

    And even greater distances were measured transitions or days of travel. In Jack London's story "White Silence", an Indian, when asked how much is left to travel, answers: "You go 10 dreams, 20 dreams, 40 dreams", that is. days. Estonian sailors measured the distance pipes ... So they called the path traveled by the ship at normal speed during the time a pipe full of tobacco was smoked. In Spain, the same measure of distance was used cigar, and in Japan - horse shoe... This was the name of the path traveled by a horse until the straw sole tied to its feet, which replaced the horseshoe in this country, wears out.

    One of the most common units of length was elbow , i.e. the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger.

    But elbows vary from person to person. Therefore, in each city, the king who ruled him issued a decree on which elbow all his subjects should use. And when the small kingdoms merged into one large state, then the corresponding instructions came from the capital.

    The measuring ruler will not always be at hand, and it is useful to be able to somehow manage without it. The easiest way to measure long or short distances is with steps. To do this, you need to know the length of your stride. Of course, the steps are not always the same, but we can still know their average length. To do this, you need to measure the length of many steps together and calculate the length of one from here. Another old rule applies to walking speed: a person walks as many kilometers per hour as he takes steps in 3 seconds !!!

    In theory, everything is clear, but in practice there was such an experiment: to measure the length of the car. By measuring your stride length with a tape measure. It is equal to 70 cm. The length of the car according to the technical passport = 431 cm. According to measurements, the length of the car is 6 steps, i.e. 420 cm. There is an error.

    Palm measurement, more precisely the width of the hand

    In ancient Russia, small objects were measured with a palm, and in English stories one can often find a description of how a peasant or a horse lover determined the height of a horse by the number of palms. Knowing the size of your desk, measuring it with your palms and a span. Happened:

    Table length = 200 cm.

    table length = 12 spans * 16 cm = 192 cm;

    table length = 24 palms * 9cm = 216cm

    Let's also measure the door in our room:

    Door frame height = 25 palms or 13 spans

    Door frame height (data from the store) = 210 cm

    These experiments will interest everyone and you can measure everything around! Starting from classmates and ending with a sandwich!

    Fathom = growth;

    sandwich = 6 coins of 10 rubles each.

    TO MEASURE means to find the value of a certain physical quantity with the help of special technical devices. Moreover, it is compared with the value of the same name, taken as a unit.

    Measurement is one of the most important things in modern life. The first units for measuring quantities were not very accurate. In Russia for a long time there were many different fathoms, palm, etc. The modern unit is mm, cm, dm, meter, etc.

    "What does it mean to measure?" in short, you can answer like this "To measure is to compare with a standard." In everyday life, a measuring standard must always be available. For a student, a textbook can serve as a reference, as well as a "living scale", for example, the width of the nail, or the length of the index finger. You may notice that the "live scale" is more acceptable.

    Whether you need to determine the size of your ready-to-wear garments from the size chart, or you just want to sew something for yourself or someone else, correctly measured measurements are the key to the perfect fit of any item to your figure. It is best to take measurements with a special measuring tape, but if you do not have one at hand, you can use other available means.


    Choice of measuring instruments

      Look for something flexible to take your measurements. Try to find something flexible in your home that you can easily wrap around your body for your measurements.

      • Try using available materials such as yarn, twine, scrap of fabric, or wire.
      • The material you choose should not be of great value to you, as you will have to apply a centimeter scale to it, cut it or otherwise damage it to make it easier for you to take measurements.
    1. Find an object with a length you know exactly. Look for a straight-edged item that you know the exact length. Depending on the specific item, you can either use it as a measuring tool or measure with it another material, such as twine.

      Apply a scale with centimeter marks to the selected material for measurements. If you do not know the exact length of the item you chose instead of the measuring tape, take a ruler and mark it with a measuring scale.

      To take your measurements, attach an impromptu measuring tape to your body. Apply the prepared measuring material to the part of the body you are going to measure to determine its length, based on the centimeter marks applied to the material or from knowing its exact dimensions.

      • If the material used is too short to measure the required length, place your finger as accurately as possible at the point where the material ends, and reapply it (the material) to this point to continue measuring. Do this as many times as necessary to complete the measurement.
      • If you want to first find out the length of any part of the body and only then measure it in centimeters, attach the measuring material to that part of the body and mark the place on it with your fingers (or, if you are using twine, even cut the material in that place) where the required length ends. Then take a ruler or use your hand's approximate measurements to find out the length of your measurement.
      • Be sure to write down all the measurements you received and do not forget to sign what the numbers you indicated refer to.

      Taking measurements for women's clothing

      1. Measure your bust. To determine your own bust or the bust of another woman, it is necessary to hold the measuring material around the body along the shoulder blades, under the armpits and along the most protruding part of the chest.

        Determine your waist circumference. Take the measurement material and determine the circumference of your natural waist - the narrowest part of the body. To locate your waist, look in a mirror and notice the area of ​​your body just above your belly button but below your rib cage.

        Measure your hips. To determine the circumference of your thighs, wrap the measuring material around the widest part of your thighs.

        • Usually the widest point of the hips is 20 cm below the natural waistline, but this parameter varies from person to person. You can take several different measurements to pinpoint the largest one.
        • If you are taking measurements from yourself, be sure to check through the mirror that the measuring material passes exactly horizontally around the hips and buttocks.
      2. Find out the length of the crotch. To determine the length of the crotch of the trousers, it is necessary to measure the distance along the inside of the leg from the crotch to the ankle. At the same time, the leg should remain straight.

        Take additional measurements if necessary. Use your gauge material to take any other measurements that are listed in the garment sizing chart or are needed to fit a pattern.

      Taking measurements for men's clothing

        Measure the circumference of your neck. Take a measuring material and measure the circumference of the neck at its base.

        Determine the girth of your chest. To measure the girth of the chest, it is necessary to carry the measuring material around the body along the shoulder blades, under the armpits and along the most protruding part of the chest.