Wilo circulation pumps for heating systems: efficient, affordable, reliable. How to choose a circulation pump for heating Wilo: instructions, reviews, characteristics WILO circulation pumps

For real efficient heating impossible without forced circulation. To do this, it is necessary to install pumps, the design of which is designed specifically for such operating conditions. And often it is a circulation pump for heating Wilo: instructions, reviews, characteristics of which will help you choose the right optimal model.

About Wilo

Why Wilo? Firstly, this company is the founder of all modern circulation pumps. Back in 1928, she developed the first system of forced movement of liquid in pipes. It was this company that made the serial pump for hot water heating Wilo with electronic control(1988). And despite the rather tough competition, Wilo still remains the flagship in its industry.

A feature of the company's products is A complex approach for specific tasks - heating, air conditioning or cooling. Therefore, the characteristics of Wilo heating pumps meet the most stringent requirements, namely:

  • Wide range performance characteristics- maximum pressure (up to 16 bar) and temperature (from -10 ° С to + 110 ° С) of the heat carrier;
  • The centrifugal wheel provides radial movement of water, which significantly reduces hydraulic resistance;
  • A special feature of the Wilo heating pump is the "wet" stator. Such engineering solution excludes use in construction air cooling motor (this is done by the water itself through the stator). The bearing is lubricated in the same way;
  • The choice of control system - three-stage, with an extended switching interface or with automatic power control.

But not only these indicators are decisive for the consumer. All circulation pumps for heating systems from Wilo are distinguished by their competitive price and quality.

The pump in the heating system is designed to increase the speed of the heating agent. But it must be remembered that exceeding this parameter can lead to a loss of heat transfer from the radiators, since their surface simply will not have time to heat up.

Wilo products

How to choose the right pump model for autonomous system heating? First of all, you need to calculate its power. Each manual of a circulation pump for Wilo heating is characterized by such important indicators as head (m) and flow (m³ / h). An approximate calculation in this case is incorrect. For this, all the features of the system should be taken into account - the height of the house, the volume of the coolant, the length of the line, the thermal mode of operation, etc. The best option for calculating a pump for hot water heating Wilo - online calculator or a special program.

Only after this stage can you start choosing certain model... Feedback on circulation pumps for heating Wilo will help to form an objective opinion about the features of its operation. But it must be borne in mind that the quality of the device largely depends on correct installation and the correspondence of its parameters to the characteristics of the system.

Some reviews of Wilo pumps say that they are ineffective in a power outage. To do this, you need to provide sources of emergency power supply - batteries or diesel generator... Fortunately, the power consumption of the pump is minimal.

Circulation pumps Wilo-Star-RS

The main characteristics of Wilo pumps for heating this class are simplicity of design and affordable cost. Its design is a zigzag pipe with a circulating impeller in the middle.

Models of this class have 3 grades of rotor speed required for uniform distribution load. Each circulation pump for Wilo heating systems has the following designation:

Wilo-Star-RS N / Q

Where N- the size of the nominal inner diameter (from 15 to 30 mm), Q- head value (from 2 to 8 m).

In addition to these characteristics, you need to know the parameters for connecting to the pipeline and to the power grid. The device of the Wilo pump for heating Star-RS has a 4-position terminal box and an external threaded connection with the sizes - ½ ”, 1” and 1½ ”. The design features are also expressed in the following:

  • Possibility of installation in any position with a horizontal shaft;
  • Protection class IP44;
  • Electric network - 220V.

If, after a preliminary acquaintance with the instructions for a circulation pump for Wilo heating, it became clear that this power would not be enough, you can purchase a paired Wilo-Star-RSD model.

Its maximum flow rate can be 7 m³ / hour with a design head of 5 m. In this case, the synchronization of the motors at the same shaft speed must be taken into account. Otherwise, not only the efficiency of the device will be reduced, but also the probability of its breakdown will arise. In some negative reviews about circulation pumps for heating Wilo, there is no mention of incorrect operation of a particular model. Therefore, their subjectivity should be taken into account.

The average cost of Star-RS depends on its parameters and can range from 2,200 to 4,500 rubles.

The price of a paired model ranges from 6,300 to 6,800 rubles.

The pump must be installed before the return pipe inlet to the boiler, but before expansion tank.

Circulation pumps Wilo-Stratos

To create automatic control of water heating parameters, it is recommended to purchase Wilo pumps Stratos series. Their mechanical part is completely identical to the Star-RS. The difference lies in the electronic control unit.

An LCD display is provided to visualize the current characteristics of Wilo pumps for a specific heating mode. It displays the impeller speed. The switching part of the device includes the most common modules - CAN, LON, Modbus, etc. With their help, the Wilo pump device is connected to heating elements - a boiler and a programmer.

It is noteworthy that the number of models in the Wilo-Stratos series is significantly larger than that of the Star-RS. They have the following ranges of basic characteristics:

  • Maximum flow rate - from 5 to 62 m³ / hour;
  • Head value - from 4 to 17 m;
  • The nominal pressure is from 10 to 16 bar.

The connection can be carried out using both flange assemblies and threaded connections. The size of the latter varies from 1 '' to DIN-100.

Such a variety of models of Wilo circulation pumps for heating explains the large range of their cost - from 11,700 to 67,000 rubles.

During installation, you must carefully read the instructions for the specific circulation pump for heating Wilo. It will necessarily indicate that regardless of the selected position, the shaft must be strictly horizontal. This is a prerequisite for normal operation.

Is it possible to independently repair the pump in the event of a breakdown? The video material shows an example of restoring its performance:

Installation and operating instructions

Circulation pumps WILO

Series: RP, P,


Circulation pumps are designed for pumping liquid in a closed pipe system.

Main areas of application:

Water heating systems;

Cooling and air conditioning systems;

Industrial systems.

1.2 Technical specifications pumps
1.2.1 Build series

To satisfy technical requirements different systems several types of circulation pumps are produced. They are combined into the following design series:

- Series RP, P, Max. speed 1400 rpm., 4 speed stages,

- RP -

- P -

- Series RS, S, Max. speed 2700 rpm, 4 stages

number of revolutions,

- RS - pump with threaded pipe connection,

- S - flanged pump.

- Constructive series DOP, DOS, twin pumps, 4 speed stages,

- DOP - Max. speed 1400 rpm, with flange connection,

- DOS - Max. speed 2700 rpm, with flange connection.
1.2.2 Key to symbols

DO S 32 / 80 r

Twin pump

R®with threaded connection, without R®with flange

S®max. speed 2700 rpm. (P®1400 rpm.)

Nominal int. pipe connection diameter

Impeller diameter in mm

The presence of 4 stages of switching the number of revolutions

1.2.3 Technical parameters

The pumped-over medium:

· Heating system water in accordance with VDI 2035 standards;

· Mixture of water and glycol in a ratio of max. 1: 1. The addition of glycol increases the viscosity of the fluid, therefore the hydraulic and power data of the pump must be adjusted based on the percentage of glycol. Use only high quality antifreeze with corrosion protection properties, follow the manufacturer's instructions;

· The use of other fluids must be coordinated with WILO;

The admissible temperature of the pumped medium is -10 ° C to + 130 ° C, for a short time up to 140 ° C. The pumps are protected against the penetration of condensation moisture;

Maximum admissible temperature environment+ 40 ° C;

Maximum allowable operating pressure according to the type table;

The minimum pressure at the pump suction connection depends on the pump type and on the water temperature:

Pump types

Minimum pressure

P min [kg / cm 2]

at temperature [° C]





all RP, P, DOP, DOS up to P 1 max = 250W





P and DOP with Æ = 125, DOP with D = 50 and Æ = 100





P c Æ = 160, RS with Dn = 30 and Æ = 100, S c Æ = 80 ... 100





P c Æ = 200/250, S c Æ = 125, DOS c Æ = 125





S and DOS c Æ = 140





Æ = Nominal impeller diameter

DN = Nominal connection diameter
- Supply voltage according to the type table.

Maximum power consumption according to the typical table.

Nominal connection diameter according to type key

Day 25: R 1 (Æi 28)

Day 30: R 1 1/4 (Æi 35)

DN> 32: flange connection (DN ...) with a hole for connecting a pressure measuring device with a diameter of Rp 1/8.
2 Safety precautions
This manual contains all important information that must be observed during installation and operation. Therefore, installers and operators should carefully read these instructions. Observe not only the instructions given here, but also the special safety instructions given in the following instruction articles.

2.1 Special characters

All safety instructions which, if not followed, could result in damage to the pump and pose a risk to human life, are marked with the symbol:

Electrical voltage warning:

Instructions which, if ignored, could result in malfunction of the system or separate parts, indicated by the symbol:



2.2 Personnel qualifications

Installation should only be carried out by qualified personnel.
2.3 Consequences of non-observance of the safety instructions

Failure to follow the instructions can result in severe consequences for personnel and damage to the unit. In addition, it may lead to the deprivation of the right to compensation for damage.

In particular, non-observance of the instructions can lead to the following consequences:

Failure of important functions of the installation;

Danger to human health and life due to electrical or mechanical influences.
2.4 Safety instructions for operation

Observe the safety instructions!

In particular, follow all local regulations and safety regulations.
2.5 Safety instructions for inspection and installation work

Care should be taken to ensure that all inspection and assembly work carried out only by qualified personnel in this field and after careful study of this manual.

The pump check can only be carried out in a completely stopped state.
2.6 Unauthorized adjustments and production of spare parts

Any changes to the installation are only permitted with the prior consent of the manufacturer. Genuine spare parts and accessories from the manufacturer are a guarantee of your safety. The use of other spare parts relieves the manufacturer of responsibility for the possible consequences.
2.7 Inadmissible modes of operation

The operational safety of the supplied unit is guaranteed only if it is used only for the conditions and purposes specified in this manual.

In no case should the data specified in the attached passport be exceeded.
3 Transport and storage

During transport and storage, protect the pumps from moisture and mechanical damage.
4 Description of pumps and accessories

4.1 Description of wet running pumps

In wet running pumps, all moving parts, including the motor rotor, are washed with liquid. No shaft seal required. The fluid lubricates the sleeve bearings, cools them and the rotor.

Twin pumps are identical and are installed in the same housing. They are equipped with an integrated changeover valve. Each pump can work autonomously, as well as both - at the same time. Twin pumps can be used in two different versions:

Working and standby pump (in case of failure of the main pump, the standby pump is put into operation);

Main and peak pump (the latter is additionally switched on at peak loads).

At the same time, both pumps can differ in terms of installed capacities. A twin pump installation can therefore be adjusted to an individual operating situation.

Pump motor:

For single-phase 220 V: special motor for single-phase operation only;

For 380 V three-phase current: special motor for three-phase current only. The motor cannot be connected according to the Steinmetz scheme.

Engine protection:

Pumps with an inner diameter of 25/30/40 and an impeller up to 80 mm (single-phase and three-phase current) do not need motor protection. Overload current cannot damage the motor and cause it to block.

All other pump motors are equipped with a winding contact protection (WSK). In the event of impermissible overheating of the motor, protection by means of a switch, eg SK 602/622 or C-SK (accessories), switches off the motor. After the engine has cooled down, the pump can be switched on again. A circuit breaker (SK 602, SK 622 or C-SK) is highly recommended for motor protection. When using WILO switching devices for automatic control, there is no need for special switches, since they are already integrated in the switching devices.

An automatic switching device S2R3D is required to control the double pump. The motor protection switch is also integrated in the changeover device.
Switching the number of revolutions:

All pumps have a 4-stage manual switch (on the terminal box). At the lowest stage, the number of revolutions is reduced by 40-70% of the maximum. Electricity consumption will be reduced by 50%.

Pumps with single-phase motors as a switch have a rotary knob on the terminal box housing (Fig. 1a, item 1).

Pumps with single-phase motors with a power of P2 less than 75 W also have the option of connecting a two-stage automatic switch (S2R-h, timer).

On pumps with a three-phase current motor, the speed changeover is carried out by switching the 4-stage plug on the terminal box. In addition, it is possible to connect a 2/4-step automatic switch (fig. 1b, item 1).
Automatic control and regulation devices:

Devices for automatic control and regulation of the pump power depending on the hydraulic needs are available in the WILO program.
4.2 Scope of delivery

Complete pump;

Installation and operating instructions.
4.3 Accessories (optional)

Connecting nuts for pumps with threaded connection;

Full motor protection disconnecting devices SK 602, SK 622, C-SK (the latter is only for 380 V);

Timer SK601, (direct connection only to single-phase pumps with power P2 less than 75 W, for all other pumps only in combination with SK 602 or SK 622);

S2R-h plug module;

Switches S2R2.5, S4R2.5, S2R3D, S4R2.5D;

Stepless control device AS 0.8mP.
5 Assembly and installation

5.1 Installation

The installation should be carried out after the completion of all welding and plumbing work and flushing the pipe system. Contamination can interfere with the operation of the pumps.

- The pumps must be installed in easily accessible places so that later it can be easily checked or replaced.

It is recommended to install shut-off valves before and after the pump. This eliminates the need to refill the system when replacing the pump. The fittings must be installed in such a way that, in the event of leaks, water does not enter the motor and the terminal box.

Always install the pump in a system with an open expansion vessel downstream of the connection point.

Installation should be carried out without mechanical stress and only with a horizontally located pump shaft; Observe the installation position as shown in Figure 2.

An arrow on the pump housing indicates the direction of flow.

The motor terminal box must not point downwards as water can easily enter it. Rotate the motor housing if necessary.

Do not damage gaskets.

When insulating the pipes, only the pump casing is insulated. The engine must remain open.

For pumps equipped with a plug-in module, the access of air to the module must be free.

5.2 Electrical connection

WILO pumps can be connected to 220/380 V mains and European 230/400 V.

The electrical connection must be carried out strictly according to the manual with a plug connection or an omnipolar switch with a specified minimum distance between contacts = 3mm.

To ensure protection against water ingress and to reduce the stress on the packing nut, a cable of sufficient diameter must be used.

When installing pumps in systems with a water temperature of more than 90 ° C, a temperature-resistant cable must be used, which must under no circumstances come into contact with the piping or with the pump casing.

Recheck the type of current and voltage in the network and compare with the data in the table on the pump.

- Observe the pump type data.

- Network connection and connection of the SK 602/622 circuit breaker according to the diagrams (Fig. 3a to 3e) must be performed (see also 1.22 and 4.1):

3a: 220V, non-blocking motor.

3b: 380V non-blocking motor.

3s: 220 V, with WSK (motor winding thermal protection contacts).

3d: 380V, with WSK.

3e: When installing a C-SK switch-off plug module, circuit 3d is replaced by 3e.

Carry out grounding.

If other protective devices are used, terminals 15 and 10 (WSK) must be connected to the motor control circuit (max. 250 V) together with an anti-restart device. The pump is then protected in all four stages.


- The thermal cut-out must be set according to the corresponding maximum current for the selected speed stage (see type table).

Observe the corresponding installation and operating instructions when connecting the circuit breakers.
6 Commissioning

6.1 System filling and bleeding

Fill the system properly. Air removal from the system occurs independently after a short-term activation of the pump. Short dry running does not damage the pump. If direct bleeding of the pump is required, this can be done as follows:

Switch off the pump;

Close the shut-off valves at the outlet;

Carefully loosen the venting screw (fig. 4).

- Carefully push the pump shaft back;

Protect electrical parts from liquid and vapor;

Switch on the pump;

After 15 ... 30 seconds of operation, turn off the pump and tighten the air release screw;

Open the valve again and switch on the pump.

When the screw hole is open, depending on the pressure, the pump may block.

6.2 Adjustment

- Checking the direction of rotation of three-phase motors:

Before checking the direction of rotation, unscrew the screw on the front of the engine. By switching on for a short time, check whether the direction of rotation of the shaft matches the arrow on the plate. If the direction of rotation is wrong, change 2 phases.

- Switching the number of revolutions:

Single-phase motors: changeover between the 4 speed stages is done manually with a switch on the motor terminal box. Three-phase motors: changeover between 4 speed stages is done manually by switching the 4-stage plug on the motor terminal box. Loosen central bolt and set 4-stage plug with arrow to the required speed stage. Tighten the central screw again.

7 Service

The pumps are maintenance-free.
8 Malfunctions, causes and their elimination

8.1 The pump does not run when the power supply is on

Check fuse.

Check the voltage at the pump (observe type data).

Check condenser size (observe type data).

The engine is blocked due to, for example, solids deposits in the system water.

Remedy: Unscrew the central plug and check the pump rotor stroke, release the pump with a screwdriver.

- If the pump stops due to a tripped motor protection, check the protection switch.
8.2 The pump is noisy

In case of cavitation due to insufficient pressure at the pump suction. Remedy: increase the pressure in the system within the permissible range.

Check the number of set revolutions, if necessary, set to a lower level.
If you are unable to rectify faults yourself, contact your nearest WILO customer service.
9 Spare parts

Spare parts supplied:

Pump casing, complete.

Standby engine complete.

Terminal box, complete.

Body seal.

Changeover valve, complete (DOP / DOS only).

When ordering spare parts, state all pump type data.


1.Switch of the number of revolutions.

2.Installation position of the pump.

3. Connection diagrams for individual pumps.

4. Opening the venting screw.

The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical changes.

A circulation pump is an integral part of any forced circulation heating system. It is from this small device the stability of the circulation of the coolant through the pipeline depends.

Pumps from the manufacturer WILO can rightfully be considered one of the best.

Why do you need a circulation pump at all

In some cases, you can completely do without this element, when it comes about systems with natural circulation... In this case, the coolant moves through the pipes due to the pressure difference that occurs when the water in the boiler is heated. The coolant expands when heated, part of it is simply squeezed up along the supply pipe, rising to the highest point, the water enters the radiators and, gradually cooling down, moves back to the boiler ().

The only advantage of such an organization for heating housing is absolute independence from electricity. This is important, for example, when heating country house or summer cottages in a remote area. In addition, the absence of moving elements in the system prolongs its service life.

But it is still better to install a circulation pump for heating Vilo before entering the boiler.

As for the advantages, the installation of such a device makes it possible to:

  • ensure stable circulation of the coolant through the pipes. Modern models are able to reduce the number of revolutions themselves, making the heating of the house not so strong. This quality is especially useful from the point of view of financial savings;
  • the head will not depend on the diameter of the pipe (in systems with natural circulation, it is better not to use small diameters);
  • installation of the pump does not reduce the durability of the system as a whole, modern models can work for 20-30 years.

Of the shortcomings, it can be noted only that the small costs of electricity and noise. But the boiler is usually located in separate room, and the price of electricity is not so high to refuse the pump.

Classification of circulation pumps

As for the principle of operation, all devices of this kind can be divided into 2 types:

  • with a "wet" rotor;
  • with a "dry" rotor.

For heating a relatively small house, options with a "wet" rotor are preferable. They got this name due to the fact that the rotor (the part that rotates) is placed directly in the pumped coolant.

Circulation pumps for heating Wilo of this type have the following features:

  • almost completely silent;

Note! V small houses sometimes it is not possible to move the boiler away from the living quarters, therefore noiselessness is an important advantage.

  • no lubrication is needed - the rotor is in the water, so the coolant itself plays its role;
  • for greater reliability, the rotor chamber and stator are separated by a strong stainless steel sleeve;
  • the only and rather significant drawback can be considered a low efficiency - about 50%.

Note! A "wet" pump must be installed so that its shaft is always horizontal.

For the operation of a powerful system, it is better to use a "dry" Wilo circulation pump for heating. Unlike the "wet" analogue, its rotor does not contact the coolant at all, but to achieve high degree tightness is possible due to the most pumped liquid.

During work thin film liquid permanently seals microscopic gaps between rotating surfaces. With time o-rings grind down a little, but the problem is solved by the fact that they are spring-loaded and simply displaced by the amount of wear, the main thing is that grinding occurs evenly.

The main advantage of "dry" devices is the efficiency of more than 80%. And the disadvantages can be written high level noise, which is why such pumps are used mainly in powerful systems.

More about modern circulation pumps

One of the main requirements for a modern heating system can be considered flexibility - that is, the ability to adjust its power over a wide range. Circulation pumps for heating systems from Wilo are perfect for this.

In the distant past, circulation pumps were unregulated, that is, they did not know how to reset the rotor speed. This led to the fact that the heating system worked with approximately the same power at any time, even when there was no particular need for it.

Features of variable pumps

Nowadays, energy conservation is focused on Special attention so in new heating systems unregulated devices are practically not installed.

The use of regulated devices allows:

  • change the rotor speed at any time, for example, to save energy at night, the device automatically reduces speed;
  • set any operating mode manually, this is useful if the owner plans to leave home for a couple of days. In this case, the heating can be left at the minimum level.

Note! The German manufacturer Wilo produces models for very harsh conditions. If the lime content is high in the water, then you should pay attention to the Wilo Star models.

As a rule, a circulation pump for Wilo heating can operate in several modes:

  • PP1 and PP2- in this case, the pressure in the system will change, and the designations correspond to operating characteristic with maximum head (PP1) and minimum (PP2);
  • CP1 and CP2- in this case, the head remains unchanged, and the pump adjusts to the coolant flow rate, changing the rotor speed;
  • operating modes numbered I, II and III... The unit corresponds to the speed at the minimum operating characteristic, II and III - the speed at the average and maximum speed;
  • it is possible to switch between day / night modes.

Placement and installation rules

If it is not possible to invite specialists, then the installation can be done by hand.

You just need to remember a few simple rules for installation:

  • it is forbidden to place the pump at the outlet of the boiler - the hot coolant will shorten the service life of the device at times. It is considered optimal to be placed on the pipe section in front of the entrance to the boiler;
  • the arrow on the body shows the direction of movement of the coolant, it should be directed towards the boiler;

  • when the pump is already installed and filled with water, air is removed from it;
  • the pump is installed so that it can be quickly isolated from the water supply if necessary. For this, a bypass is arranged and a shut-off valve is installed.

Installation instructions for the pump are not particularly difficult, while using threaded connections, so that if necessary, it can be quickly removed for repair or replaced. Before installation, the boiler must be cut off with shut-off valves. Also, during installation, it is installed check valve(with the exception of open systems) and filter.

In Russia, the official representative of the international company Wilo is Vilo Rus LLC. She has many partners in many cities of the country. Each partner is issued a certificate that confirms his right to sell products of this brand. We do not recommend buying anything from non-certified dealers, as you can run into a fake.

WILO Glandless Heating Pumps

The technical characteristics presented in the Vilo glandless pump catalog allow them to operate in autonomous heating with pressures up to 10 bar. The coolant is pumped through thanks to the impeller fixed on the shaft (rotor). The peculiarity of this line is that the rotor must always be immersed in water (heat carrier), which performs two important functions: lubrication and cooling. This condition imposes certain installation requirements - the rotor must be in a horizontal plane. Following this simple rule, you do not have to think about repairing Vilo pumps (see).

The range is divided into two categories: with automatic power control and with manual adjustment power. A total of 21 models of pumps with a wet rotor are presented. Their body is made of gray cast iron or bronze, the rotor is steel, the impeller is made of plastic, the bearings are metal-graphite. The unit can be installed on the circuit by means of a threaded or flange connection. The latter option is typical for industrial Wilo pumps.

Until now, it is the most popular and economical.

Before calculating the required heat output.

In autonomous heating, it is necessary through a mixing unit that regulates the temperature of the coolant.

A coarse filter (sump) must be installed in front of the pump. It is needed so that solid particles do not fall on the impeller blades and break it. The coolant always contains deposited salts or metals (scale), and the quality of water in the central networks is generally terrible.

The pump is attached to the circuit by the Americans - a detachable connection, which, in turn, are installed on ball valves. This will allow you to isolate the pump from the circuit at any time and remove it for repair or maintenance without draining water from the entire system. . without the provided make-up from the water supply system - for a long time.