Video about bleaching kitchen towels at home. Folk remedies for bleaching kitchen towels How to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable

The kitchen is a magical place in the house, where work is constantly in full swing, dishes are being prepared, the hostess is fussing, in general, smoke is like a rocker. And, of course, it is impossible to imagine this room without dishes or textiles, which get dirty so quickly from being in continuous use. Stains of fat or coffee, an accidentally dropped strawberry - getting rid of them at home is sometimes very difficult, but you really want cleanliness and freshness. You start to puzzle over how to wash kitchen towels without buying new ones every day!

General rules that housewives should not forget

There are very, very many types of fabrics that are sewn from. home textiles. And involuntarily, the hand itself reaches for soft, fluffy and beautiful kitchen napkins. But terry towels are not the best. the best choice for kitchen. Firstly, they dry longer, and secondly, microbes accumulate in them. That's why the best option to use are waffle or linen.

  • To make kitchen towels last longer, use several sets alternately, while trying to change them more often.
  • Light you can safely boil and bleach, and if they are not too dirty, you can wash them with other linen that matches the color.
  • Don't wipe dirty floors with them or grab onto greasy stove handles, pans or lids, and then you won't have to change them every day.
  • Be sure to iron after washing kitchen utensils so they get less dirty.
  • If necessary, you can use disposable napkins, which help out a lot in the kitchen.

Now let's talk about how to put in order such an important piece of kitchen utensils. ways effective removal Our mothers and grandmothers came up with a lot of stains or an unpleasant smell, they are all different and easily accessible.

We wash towels without boiling

An effective method that does not require boiling is soaking towels before washing.

With salt

Take a bowl of water (preferably cold) and lightly salt it. Put about five tablespoons of salt into five liters and throw dirty things into it. You can leave them like this overnight, or you can leave them for an hour if they are not very dirty. After that, you can safely wash. As a result, they will be even cleaner than after boiling for a couple with bleaching.

With dish detergent

Similarly, your kitchen helpers are soaked with detergent. Take a little ordinary dish detergent, such as Fairy, dilute it in water and soak the towels for ten minutes. After that, calmly proceed to the usual washing with powder. This method is very helpful in removing fat. And if you decide to soak white napkins, then add a couple of drops of ammonia to the water, then bleach is not required.

With laundry soap

Another time-tested method that helps fight both yellowness, and greasy spots, and unpleasant odors. Wet towels and lather them heartily with laundry soap containing at least 72% fatty acids. Place the soaped accessories in a plastic bag, leave for a day. Air must not enter. After the time has passed, you only need to rinse.

If suddenly mold appears on them, then you need to wash them in the usual way, but then rinse with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Don't worry about the color, vinegar is harmless unless you leave your laundry on long time in this solution.

Vegetable oil will help to defeat stains

It happens that ordinary washing is not enough, the stains remain in place, greasy and dark, they still have not gone away. So, it's time to take drastic measures.

  1. Put a bucket of water on the fire, and as soon as it boils, throw in two tablespoons of dry bleach, the same number of tablespoons of vegetable oil and one incomplete glass of washing powder. Throw dry towels into this mixture, turn off the stove and leave the laundry to cool completely. Then it remains only to rinse.
  2. In hot water, add three tablespoons of soda, washing powder, vegetable oil and bleach. You need to soak the textiles overnight, and wash in the machine in the morning. It is better to choose a quick wash.

Get rid of grease stains and unpleasant odors

Grate half a piece on a coarse grater laundry soap, mix it with one handful of soda ash. Place the mixture in a large enameled saucepan and fill halfway with water. When the mixture is completely dissolved, place the textiles there and turn on the fire on the stove. As soon as the water boils, make the fire smaller and leave the laundry on the stove for another quarter of an hour. After this procedure, you need to wash them in a typewriter, and if there are a lot of greasy spots, you can add whiteness. Even the largest and most steadfast can be ruled.

Now you are not afraid of any fat, no smell, or any other kitchen dirt. Just remember that the more often you change napkins, the easier they will be washed. Therefore, do not wait for them to become a stake or completely lose their color under a layer of dirt.

Even a child knows that cleanliness in the house is not only the sterility of rooms and kitchen utensils, but also towels. Many housewives throw away old towels as soon as they become greasy and dirty. Of course, you can buy new towels and not think about anything, but these are additional financial costs. That is why it is useful for housewives to learn how to wash kitchen towels at home.

Young women do not know when to wash kitchen towels and how often to do it. It must be remembered that the frequency of washing can depend on several factors. These include:

  • Number of people in the house;
  • Purpose of the towel
  • The level of air humidity.

Washing very dirty towels is difficult, so you should not bring them to a critical state. If it began to look untidy and became hard and greasy, it's time to send it to the laundry.

Sometimes, after looking at a towel, the housewives decide that it can still be

Kitchen towels should not be brought to this state

used within a few days. This is the wrong decision, since a large number of bacteria accumulate in the kitchen, which get from things to dishes and then into the human body. It follows that Towels need to be bleached frequently.. If you remember this rule, spots will not have time to appear on things.

Washing colored kitchen towels

Every housewife should know how to wash kitchen towels so that they are not only clean, but also do not lose their attractiveness.

If you use the wrong product, you can discolor the fabric, thereby making the towel nondescript.

Staining a thing is not difficult, but getting rid of pollution is not always easy. Before washing, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the towel is made.. Of course, most of the methods are applicable to many materials, but it is better to study each method carefully.


Colored terry towels are best washed at 50 degrees. If washing is carried out in a washing machine, then you should select the standard mode.

Please note that before washing, things must be soaked in acetic solution. For 0.9 liters warm water 20 ml is added. vinegar. If the towel is not very dirty, you can use a stain remover soap solution.

Towels should be soaked in vinegar before washing.


Most housewives prefer to use waffle towels. They, like terry towels, quickly get dirty and need to be washed constantly. It should be noted that colored towels should be washed separately from other things. In addition, do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to use bleach, otherwise, the fabric will quickly discolor and also become decrepit.

You can use dishwashing detergents, since it will be impossible to wash grease-soaked towels with plain soda. It is best to soak the fabric before washing.

Whitening kitchen towels

Most often, housewives use white towels. Unfortunately, fat and other substances are quickly absorbed into the material, and the item becomes unusable. That is why it is necessary to figure out how to bleach kitchen towels at home. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to whiten fabric. Each housewife must decide for herself how to whiten things.

vegetable oil

The described method will make your towels snow-white.

Few people know, but washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is possible even with severe contamination. Of course, such a method may seem strange, but this does not mean that it is not effective.

To start bleaching things with sunflower oil, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate solution. To prepare it you will need:

  • Refined vegetable oil in the amount of 2 tablespoons;
  • Any washing powder in the amount of 100 grams;
  • Dry bleach in the amount of 2 lodges;
  • Water at least 5 liters. Water must first be boiled.

It should be noted that the water should be at least 80 degrees, then the whitening effect will be better. All components are thoroughly mixed, and then a towel is added. It is important that the towel is in the solution for at least 3 hours. After the specified time, you can wash the item in washing machine in standard mode.

In the event that the stains have not disappeared, washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil repeats. After 3 repetitions, even stubborn dirt will be removed.

Potassium permanganate can also whiten towels well

Potassium permanganate

Towels in the kitchen should always be clean. That is why they need not be easily washed, but also bleached. It is recommended to pay attention to folk ways, since you can bleach towels at home with improvised means.

A solution of laundry soap, water and potassium permanganate copes well with the task. Before stains can be removed, the solution must be properly diluted. For 9 liters of water, 90 gr. soap and a pinch of potassium permanganate. The darker the liquid turns out, the stronger the solution turns out. This information should be taken into account when washing heavily soiled items.

First, the towels must be soaked in the resulting solution for 6 hours. After the specified time, things are thoroughly rinsed.

It is important to remember that with the help of such methods it is impossible to remove stains from colored items.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Folk methods involve the use of improvised materials, which is why you need to know how to bleach terry towels different ways. To effective means include a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. It is important that all proportions are observed. For 6 liters of water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.

Soak towels in water with dish soap

It is enough to dip the towel in the solution for 20 minutes, and then rinse it out. Then the thing will need to be dried. If the method does not help, you must try again.


Another effective whitening method is washing with mustard. First you need to prepare a solution. To do this, mix 1 liter of boiled water with 15 grams of mustard powder.

When the product is ready, the towel is dipped into the solution for 3 hours. After that, the thing must be rinsed several times.

Dishwashing liquid

Since it is sometimes difficult to remove grease from kitchen towels, it is recommended to use dishwashing detergent. It is enough to dilute the product in hot water, and then soak the towels in it. After 30 minutes, the towel will be clean and bleached.

Best to choose detergent, which contains bleach and copes with fat. In most cases, the method allows you to cope even with severe pollution.

Bleaching kitchen towel without boiling

Some fabrics do not withstand such a radical bleaching method as boiling. Therefore, they cannot be boiled, which means you need to think about how to wash dirty kitchen towels so as not to damage the material.

A good way without digestion is to use soda ash solution. For 2 liters of water, 200 grams of soda is taken. The towel should soak in this solution for at least 20 hours. After a day, the towel will need to be rinsed and dried.

Colored towels should not be boiled

Washing colored towels without boiling

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to get rid of pollution quickly, but use boiled water it is forbidden. In this case, people do not know how to wash kitchen towels. In fact, everything is simple. Need to do strong saline solution.

When the solution is ready, towels will need to be lowered into it. After about 6 hours, you can rinse them out. If the method does not completely rid the thing of contamination, the procedure should be repeated.

How to remove smell from towels

Terry towels can sometimes smell bad. To get rid of the problem, you need to soak the thing in water diluted vinegar. Pour a glass of vinegar into 9 liters of water. After 30 minutes, the towel can be rinsed and dried.

Another in an efficient way is the use microwave. This method is more suitable for waffle towels. Before washing a thing, it must be placed in household appliances for 30 seconds, and the smell will disappear from kitchen towels. After that, it is better to wash the towel.

Many housewives have heard that you can restore the original appearance of kitchen towels with sunflower oil and without traditional boiling. After reading about this method, people are interested in how to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil and whether this technique is really effective. Yes, it is effective, and confirmation of this is 5 proven and working methods.

A good hostess - snow-white towels in the kitchen

A little about the effectiveness of the method

It would seem that vegetable oil can only contaminate kitchen towels, add new stains to them, and not bleach. But, probably, many have heard the old truth: “Like wins like”, and it becomes possible to fight fats on tissues even with the help of other fats.

Some housewives, doubting the effectiveness of the oil-powder mixture, avoided adding vegetable oils to the solution and tried to bleach without a greasy component. But then the result was unsatisfactory: old spots remained on the fabric. Vegetable oil additive softens old dirt and helps to remove it.

Several different methods

Convinced of the effectiveness of the oil component for bleaching kitchen towels, let's try a few simple methods.

Method 1

Boil 5 liters of water and add:

  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 100-150 g of any washing powder (you can take the most inexpensive);
  • 2 tbsp any dry bleach.

Carefully move all the ingredients and soak dry kitchen towels in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours.

Recipe for the perfect whiteness of towels

After that, take out the product and wash it in the machine. For effective cleaning of softened dirt and bleaching solution, the "quick wash" mode and intensive rinse are sufficient. This recipe allows you to bleach even old dirt and is suitable not only for white, but also for colored towels. The fabric does not fade due to the fact that the oil component softens the aggressive action of the bleach.

Method 2 - with vinegar

This recipe is a little similar to the previous one, but differs in ingredients. It allows you to quickly bleach a large batch of kitchen textiles without boiling. For 15 liters of freshly boiled water you will need:

  • 3 art. l. vinegar 70%;
  • 100-120 g of any laundry detergent;
  • bleach (can be replaced with soda) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Mix all the ingredients until completely dissolved, soak dry kitchen towels and leave overnight. Wash it in the washing machine in the morning and rinse well. This recipe is good not only for waffle towels, traditionally used in the kitchen, but also for terry towels.

Clean towels create comfort in the kitchen

Method 3

Also without boiling, but, unlike the first two methods, it is necessary to put already washed things into the solution. For 10 liters of water you will need:

  • bleaching agent - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • washing powder - 200-250 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

A liquid composition is made, and washed and dried products are placed in it before cooling. Once the towels have cooled, just rinse well. Some recommend soaking overnight for better whitening. You can do it this way, only soaked linen to increase the effect, cover with a lid. Night soaking is convenient because you don’t have to wait for a certain time, but just get up in the morning, rinse off the soap, dry it and use it.

The secret of cleanliness of kitchen textiles is vegetable sunflower oil

Method 4 - the easiest

You don't even need bleach here.

  • Pour 5 liters of clean water into an enamel pan and put on fire.
  • When the water boils, pour ½ cup of washing powder and 1 tbsp into the pan. refined sunflower oil.
  • Mix the solution, lower the linen into it. Leave for several hours or overnight.
  • The next day, rinse the towels in hot, and then in warm water.

This effective method with vegetable sunflower oil will help whiten kitchen napkins and towels very quickly.

Method 5 - with soda

A product based on oil and soda is suitable for busy housewives. It takes a few minutes to prepare a bleach solution with a vegetable component, and the result is impressive - kitchen napkins and towels look like new.

Pour 40 g of dry bleach, washing powder, soda and oil into 3 liters of warm water. Mix everything, soak towels, leave for at least 10 hours.

Such inexpensive tools can be found in every home.

This recipe removes old stains of various origins from white and colored towels. If the products are very dirty, they can be rubbed with dark laundry soap, soaked overnight in a solution of water and a small amount of powder and bleach.

To bleach towels as efficiently as possible, it is recommended:

  • Add the oil component only after the other ingredients are completely dissolved in water. If this rule is not observed, then the oily film will slow down the dissolution process and reduce the effectiveness of other components.
  • If a recipe with vinegar is used, it is not recommended to replace bleach with soda: the resulting composition will foam strongly and overflow over the edge of the container.
  • Lay only dry things for processing - moisture will prevent the splitting of dirt, and cleaning will be of poor quality.

Vegetable fat, along with other ingredients, can clean and whiten not only grease stains, but also old stains from tea, wine or coffee. Traditional boiling, from which there is a characteristic smell in the apartment, will not be needed: you just need to soak, and then wash or just rinse, wring out and dry.

Many things are simply irreplaceable for us, for example, kitchen towels, which are an important attribute of the kitchen of any successful housewife. They are used in almost all work processes, so they get dirty quickly enough, drops of fat, food, and drinks appear on them. In addition, towels begin to turn gray from prolonged use.

To restore the former cleanliness of kitchen towels, they should be washed and bleached. In this article, we will try to describe in detail how to bleach kitchen towels using the means available on the farm, how to carry out all the work at home in a quality manner, for optimal results.

Fresh kitchen towel

General points

You can effectively whiten your towels at home in a variety of ways, countless of them have been developed. As a bleach, sometimes the most incredible substances are used, such as vegetable oil, mustard, salt or potassium permanganate. Not without boiling with soap or detergent.

But all these methods are necessary when the towels are already washed, gray or dirty, and in order not to bring them to such a state, you can follow certain recommendations:

  • Try to have a large number of towels in your arsenal in order to quickly change them without bringing them to a terrible state.
  • Waffle towels are best used in the kitchen, as they take longer to get dirty and are easier to wash than terry towels, which are more suitable for the bathroom, for example, as bath accessories.
  • To return the former whiteness to white towels from natural materials, it is possible to produce bleaching in the process of boiling with various folk or household products. At home, such work is quite possible to carry out.
  • Ironing and steaming not only straightens the fabric, but also protects it from dirt to some extent at first.
  • Boiling for bleaching should be done with clean, pre-washed towels. It is not recommended to boil dirty material, because the dirt can be welded to the fabric, and then you will not be able to remove them.
  • Colored towels with different patterns and images should not be boiled; normal washing at a temperature not exceeding 30-40°C is enough for them. To remove stains, special powders, oxygen bleaches, improvised means should be used.

Drying washed kitchen towels

Following these recommendations, you can extend the life of your towels, keep them clean for a longer time. Well, when the time comes, you can easily bleach them. When studying the question of how to bleach kitchen towels, you should consider the most popular folk methods.

Hydrogen peroxide

To restore your kitchen textiles to their former cleanliness and freshness, you can use hydrogen peroxide. This composition is present in the arsenal of every housewife, as it is an excellent disinfectant and preventive agent for use at home.

Peroxide is sold in pharmacies, where you can also buy ammonia based on ammonia, which we also need in this method. In addition, this composition in the household is always useful, for example, for washing and wiping floors.

Whitening at home with these preparations is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First of all, towels should be washed, because, as we have already said, dirty things cannot be bleached.
  2. Then it is necessary to create a bleaching composition, for which we heat water in a container, to about a temperature of 70-80 ° C degrees. For every 2-3 liters of hot water, pour 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, and at the end add another 1 tablespoon of ammonia to the entire composition.
  3. We load kitchen towels into the resulting solution and leave them to marinate for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Then we remove the textile, and rinse it properly in clean water. We repeat the procedure a couple of times until the bleaching composition based on hydrogen peroxide and ammonia is completely washed off. Now our white towels can be dried and reused.

In some cases, for bleaching, substances are used that, it would seem, cannot give the effect of whiteness.

Potassium permanganate

Many housewives successfully use potassium permanganate as a bleach. It is very good that when using this tool you do not need to carry out a long boil. The technique looks like this:

Whitening with pink solution

  • First of all, you should make a whitening composition. To do this, rub a little laundry soap, add a little water and just a few drops of manganese solution.
  • In order for the bleaching qualities of the mixture to be activated, it must be poured with boiling water, stir the pink liquid, and then load the laundry.
  • It is best to cover the bucket or pot with a lid, and leave your kitchen utensils to soak overnight until the water has completely cooled. Then they should be removed from the container and rinsed thoroughly under running water.
  • At the output, we get a clean and bleached towel, which remains to dry, iron and use for its intended purpose.

A solution of manganese is a strong enough oxidizing agent, which allows not only to bleach things, but also to disinfect them. In this way, not only waffle, but also terry towels are perfectly bleached and disinfected.

Vegetable oil and other products

A rather unusual recipe, which is very popular among the people, whitening with vegetable oil:

  • The first step is to prepare a suitable mixture of cleaning products, consisting of: 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of dry bleach, 2-3 tablespoons of washing powder, 5 liters of water at room temperature.
  • In this composition, you should immerse your terry and waffle kitchen towels, and leave them to soak for 2-3 hours.
  • Then wash and rinse until all cleaning agents are removed.

It is noteworthy that such detergents can not only bleach the fabric, but also remove even old stains of dirt from it. In this case, boiling of the tissue is not used, and the minimum amount of effort is needed.

You can soak your towels in salt water. Salt is poured proportionally, about 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Then everything is mixed properly, and the laundry is loaded. Soak should be 2-3 hours, after which you can proceed to washing and rinsing as usual.

A good solution would be to use dishwashing detergent, which will perfectly remove greasy deposits from the fabric. At the same time, 10-15 minutes of soaking in a similar composition is enough to remove all stains and refresh the material. It will not be superfluous to drop a couple of drops of ammonia into the solution.

Soaking white towels in soapy water

It is permissible to use table mustard, or rather dry powder, which should be poured into heated water. Having stirred the composition, it is necessary to give it time to brew. Should be used for bleaching muddy water, and not sediment, so it is recommended to drain it into a separate container, and simply pour out the remaining powder.

Marinate towels in this mustard water for 3-4 hours. During this time, the active ingredients in the mustard will be able to degrease and bleach the fabric. In principle, it is not even necessary to wash them afterwards, but just rinse well.

However, not only sunflower oil, mustard and salt can bleach towels without special efforts, at home it is permissible to use modern technology.

Washing machine

It is possible to perform whitening with a modern home household appliances. For example, it is quite possible to entrust a washing machine not only with washing, but also with carrying out such work. This is done very simply:

  1. We select only white towels, and load all the textiles into the washing machine.
  2. Pour a good washing powder and oxygen bleach into a special container. Required amount funds can be specified on the packaging. Which manufacturer to choose bleach is up to you, you will need to try several brands and stop at the most suitable one. chlorine bleach in washing machine you can't fall asleep.
  3. On the instrument panel, set the pre-wash mode, high temperature from 70-80 ° C degrees, start the machine.

After such a mechanical and thermal treatment, each of your towels will come out bleached and clean. The most important thing is to use high-quality washing powder and decent bleach to restore the fabric to its former purity.


Boiling is one of the most radical fabric processing, so not all materials can withstand this process. You can boil cotton waffle towels, white linen products, but terry towels cannot be bleached in this way. For terry, only soaking is used, and washing with bleaches.

Classic kitchen towels

The boiling method is as follows:

  • Towels should be washed before boiling to remove dirt from them.
  • Then pick up a suitable large container, for example, an enameled bucket, into which pour water and pour bleach. The proportion is usually this: 1 tablespoon of bleaching powder and 2-3 washing powder per 5 liters of water. Instead of washing powder, you can rub laundry soap.
  • For mixing textiles during cooking, we need a wooden stick or tongs.
  • When all the ingredients of the composition are covered, you can turn on the fire and start boiling. Load things, and bring the composition to the desired temperature. Boiling should be carried out for about an hour, at this time it is necessary to closely monitor the amount of water, topping up if necessary, and stir the laundry.
  • Once the boil is complete, let the water cool down a bit before taking out your towels and taking them to the tub for rinsing.
  • After rinsing, it remains only to dry them and stroke them.

By bleaching your kitchen towels from time to time, you can always keep them fresh and tidy, which, coupled with regular cleaning in the kitchen, will allow you to create perfect order and cleanliness in this room. Finally, we note that there were no particular difficulties with carrying out this kind of work.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Do you know a way to remove stubborn stains from kitchen towels?

Strange as it may seem, ordinary vegetable oil will help. Exactly this species textiles takes on the most difficult pollution.

various stains, bad smell and yellowness - all these components are sometimes very difficult to remove.
Let's take a look at how to make your housework easier and how to bleach kitchen towels with cooking oil.

The ability to wash soiled items will save your family budget, as you do not have to buy new textiles.

Many housewives decorate the kitchen with beautiful home textiles. But when choosing towels, remember that terrycloth products are not the best choice for the kitchen.

Linen and waffle towels are suitable as a more practical product.

  • to make kitchen towels last longer, use several sets alternately and change them more often;
  • products white color for the kitchen most often they are not afraid different types bleaching and boiling;
  • do not wipe greasy tables, stoves or pans with textiles;
  • after washing, iron the textile set. This will keep the towels from getting dirty quickly.

To remove dirty stains and smudges, it is better to use disposable wipes.

Delete greasy spots can be done quickly with different ways. Boiling, soaking or bleaching is applied.

How to wash towels without boiling

There are different kitchen textiles without boiling. The choice of means depends on the characteristics of the tissues and the degree of contamination.

If the towels are not too dirty, you can wash them in a machine. In this case, the water temperature can be from 30 to 60 degrees.

If the products are white and cotton, the temperature must be raised to 90 degrees.
Textile soaking is also effective. Things can be soaked in a soda solution or in saline.

This method eliminates odors, but is only suitable for white fabrics.

The following remedies will help whiten at home:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide bleaches waffle towels well. They need to be soaked 6-7 hours.
  2. Good option with mustard. In this case, the powder is diluted in hot water, such a mixture not only whitens, but also degreases. In such a liquid, things must be soaked for three hours.
  3. The most problematic areas are washed with laundry soap, and then the fabric is soaked in a soapy solution. You can also add boric acid to it.
  4. The easy way with salt. In this case, a spoonful of salt is added to a liter of water. In this solution, things can be left up to 8 ocloc'k.
  5. Even dish detergent will do. Heavily contaminated areas can be rubbed with this composition, and textiles are soaked on 10-20 minutes.

If such products are not suitable, then you can use the recipe with sunflower oil.

Ways to whiten with vegetable oil

You can see how to remove complex pollution in the video.

If the spots are too dark and oily, then try more radical methods:

  • boil a bucket of water over a fire, then add two tablespoons of oil and dry bleach to it, and also add an incomplete glass of washing powder. Then put towels there and turn off the stove;
  • in hot water, put three tablespoons of washing powder, oil, bleach and soda. Soak things in this mixture until morning. And then wash in the machine. Suitable for quick wash.

As a bleach, options such as Swan or Boss are suitable.

Oil in any of the formulations plays an important role. It softens dried stains that are easily washed off.

You can use the old Japanese recipe. Poured into a bucket hot water, the temperature of which should be about 60 degrees.

Then a tablespoon of vinegar and mustard powder, as well as two tablespoons of oil, are added to the liquid.

After that, in the composition, and the bucket is covered with a lid. Across 12 hours things are taken out and rinsed about four times.

When rinsing, you can alternate hot and cold water.

Remember that boiling and bleaching help restore whiteness to things, but negatively affect the structure of the material.

The bleaching method with vegetable oil is effective. But remember that it is better to prevent the formation of old stains and large pollution.

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Until we meet again, dear readers.