Schemes of operational quality control in construction. Schemes of operational quality control of construction, repair and construction and installation works

11.9.1 During the performance of production processes and operations, operational control is carried out in order to identify defects that may be hidden during the continuation of the process or operation, and to take measures to prevent and eliminate these defects.

11.9.2 By operational control, the person carrying out the construction checks:

Compliance with the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed by the technological and normative documentation that applies to these technological operations;

Compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

Compliance of the quality indicators of the performance of operations and their results with the requirements of design and technological documentation, as well as regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations.

11.9.2 During the construction process, an assessment of the work performed, the results of which affect safety, should be carried out. object, but in accordance with the accepted technology, they become unavailable for control after the start of the subsequent work, as well as the completed building structures and sections of engineering networks, the elimination of defects of which, identified by the control, is impossible without dismantling or damaging subsequent structures and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant bodies of state supervision, architectural supervision, as well as, if necessary, independent experts may participate in these control procedures. The performer of works not later than three working days notifies the other participants about the timing of the specified procedures.

11.9.3 The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of the design and regulatory documentation, are documented in survey reports hidden works (Annex M ). The builder (customer) may require a re-examination after the elimination of the identified defects.

11.9.4 Conformity assessment procedure individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the performer of the work must submit certificates of examination of all hidden works that are part of these structures, geodetic executive schemes, as well as test reports for structures in cases provided for by the design documentation and (or) a building contract. The builder (customer) can perform control of the reliability of the executive geodetic schemes submitted by the contractor. To this end, the performer of the work must keep, until the completion of the acceptance, the alignment axes and mounting landmarks fixed in kind.

The results of acceptance of individual structures should be documented in acts of acceptance of critical structures ( annex H ).

11.9.5 Testing sections of engineering networks and installed engineering equipment are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant normative documents and are drawn up by acts of acceptance of critical structures (Appendix H).

11.9.6 If, as a result of phased acceptance, defects in works, structures, sections of engineering networks are detected, the relevant acts should be drawn up only after the identified defects have been eliminated.

In cases where subsequent work must begin after a break of more than 6 months from the moment the phased acceptance is completed, these procedures should be repeated before the resumption of work with the execution of the relevant acts.

11.9.7 Places of performance of control operations, their frequency, executors, methods and means of measurement, forms for recording results, decision-making procedure in case of detection of non-compliance with established requirements must comply with the requirements of design, technological and regulatory documentation.

11.9.8 The person carrying out the construction appoints responsible executors for the implementation of operational control, documenting its results and eliminating the defects identified by the control.

The results of operational control should be documented in special work logs.

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The manual is intended for customers (developers), construction and installation organizations, state construction supervision specialists, as well as engineering and technical workers directly involved in the construction of buildings and structures.

  • Replaces Schemes of operational quality control of construction, repair and construction and installation works


Normative documents regulating the quality of construction and installation work, building materials, products and structures

Test methods and quality control of building materials, products and structures during construction and installation works

Part 1. Construction work

A. Earthworks

1. Development of recesses (trenches) for structures

2. Development of pits with excavators

3. Development of trenches for pipelines in non-rocky soils

4. Backlink

5. Vertical layout

6. The device of embankments

B. Construction of foundations

7. Installation of blocks of strip foundations

8. Installation of blocks of walls of the underground part of buildings

9. Installation of glass-type foundation blocks

10. Installation of pile foundations

11. The device of prefabricated grillages

12. The device of monolithic grillages

13. Device for horizontal waterproofing of foundations from cement mortars

B. Concrete work

14. Installation of inventory formwork

15. Reinforcing work

16. Laying concrete mixtures

17. Installation of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete walls

18. Installation of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete columns

19. Installation of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete foundations

D. Stone work

20. Wall laying

21. Laying partitions

22. Pillar laying

D. Installation work

23. Installation of reinforced concrete columns of one-story buildings

24. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete columns of multi-storey buildings

25. Installation of reinforced concrete crossbars, beams, trusses

26. Installation of floor slabs and coatings

27. Mounting flights of stairs and venues

28. Mounting balcony slabs and jumpers

29. Installation of outdoor wall panels frame buildings

30. Installation of panels, blocks bearing walls buildings

31. Installation of volumetric blocks of elevator shafts

32. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete ventilation blocks

33. Installation of volumetric blocks

34. Installation of sanitary cabins

35. Installation of gypsum concrete partitions

36. Installation of asbestos-cement extrusion panels and plates

37. Installation of frame-sheathing partitions

38. Installation of walls from "Sandwich" type panels and sheet assembly

39. Welding field joints of reinforced concrete structures

40. Corrosion protection of steel embedded products

41. Sealing joints

42. Monolithic joints and seams

43. Garbage chute device

E. Roofing and insulation works

44. Preparation of foundations and underlying elements of insulation and roofing

45. Thermal insulation device from bulk materials

46. ​​The device of thermal insulation from plates

47. Insulation device from roll materials

48. Insulation device from polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions

49. Roofing from roll materials

50. Roofing from piece materials

51. Roofing from polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions

52. Metal roofing

G. Carpentry

53. Installation of window blocks

54. Installation of door blocks

55. Arrangement of mezzanines, cabinets

H. Flooring

56. Preparation of soil bases for floors

57. Installation of a concrete underlayment, screeds

58. Floor soundproofing device

59. Installation of glued floor waterproofing

60. Device bituminous waterproofing gender

61. The device of monolithic coatings

62. Ceramic tile floors

63. Arrangement of mosaic floors

64. Installation of floors made of polymeric materials

65. Laying logs in floors on floor slabs

66. Laying logs on posts on a dirt base

67. Arrangement of plank floors

68. Arrangement of floors from piece parquet

69. Arrangement of floors from panel parquet

I. Finishing work

70. Plaster work(simple plaster)

71. Plaster work (improved plaster)

72. Plastering (high quality plaster)

73. Plastering works (coatings from sheets of dry gypsum plaster)

74. Painting works(coloring with water compositions)

75. Painting work (painting with anhydrous compounds)

76. Facing work

77. Wallpaper work

78. Glazing works (glazing of bindings)

79. Glass works (installation of glass blocks and glass panels)

80. Installation of glass profile fences

81. Finishing (facing) of walls with panels, sheets with factory finish

82. Installation suspended ceilings in building interiors

K. Landscaping

83. Drainage device

84. The device blind area of ​​concrete and asphalt concrete

85. The device of sidewalks and paths from plates

86. Device of crushed stone base and asphalt concrete pavement

Part 2. Repair and construction work

1. Repair and strengthening of old foundations

2. Laying prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs floors during the reconstruction of brick buildings

3. The device of monolithic sections in the ceilings

4. Installation of floor slabs on metal beams

5. Gain brick pillars and piers

6. Installation of metal jumpers

7. Installation of stairs on metal stringers

8. Device truss system from wooden elements

9. Repair plaster

10. Repair of plaster facades of buildings

11. Painting of facades

12. Installing facade moldings

13. Installation of downpipes

Part 3. Installation work

1. The device of holes and furrows for laying pipelines

2. Installation of cast iron pressure pipelines

3. Installation of pressure pipelines from asbestos-cement pipes

4. Installation of pipelines for internal cold and hot water supply

5. Installation of reinforced concrete and concrete non-pressure pipelines

6. Installation of sewer pipelines from ceramic pipes

7. Installation of the internal sewerage and drainage system

8. Installation of water fittings

9. Bathtub and washbasin installation

10. Installation of sanitary appliances

11. Installation of the internal heating system

12. Installation of metal air ducts

13. Electric lighting device

14. Arrangement of round reinforced concrete wells

15. Installation of chambers of heating mains

16. Installation of impassable channels

17. Insulation of pipelines of heating mains


Part IV, issue 2



Technical requirements

SNiP 12-01-2004 Organization of construction.

SNiP 3.05.03-85 Heating network.

SNiP 12-04-2002 Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.

PB 10-573-03 Device rules and safe operation steam pipelines and hot water.

SP 41-105-2002 Design and construction of thermal networks of channelless laying from steel pipes with industrial thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam in a polyethylene sheath.

SP 41-106-2004 Design and installation underground pipelines heat supply and hot water supply from asbestos-cement pipes.

SP 41-107-2004 Design and installation of underground hot water pipelines from PE-S pipes with thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam in a polyethylene sheath.

General provisions

Testing and flushing (purging) of pipelines of heat networks should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the project, SNiP 3.05.03-85, SNiP 12-04-2002, PB 10-573-03, SP 41-105-2002, SP 41-106- 2004, SP 41-107-2004, PPR, technological maps, operational quality control schemes and other technological documentation approved in in due course and operating in the quality management system.

The safety of testing pipelines must be ensured on the basis of the implementation of the following decisions on labor protection contained in the organizational and technological documentation (POS, PPR, etc.):

Determination of the test program;

Safety measures when performing work in trenches, wells and at height;

Special security measures during pneumatic testing of pipelines.

Testing of pipelines should be carried out under the direct supervision of a specially designated person from among the specialists of the installation organization.

Before testing you must:

To the head of work to familiarize the personnel participating in the tests with the procedure for carrying out work and measures for their safe implementation;

Warn workers in adjacent areas about the time of testing;

Check instrumentation and plugs;

Fence and mark appropriate signs test area;

Check the absence of foreign objects inside the pipelines;

Mark temporary plugs, hatches and flange connections with warning signs;

Establish posts at the rate of one post within the visibility of another, but at least every 200 m from each other, to warn about the danger zone;

Determine the places and conditions for the safe stay of persons involved in the test;

Ensure the illumination of workplaces is at least 50 lux;

Determine the persons responsible for the implementation of safety measures provided for by the test program.

Controlled Operations

Composition and means of control


Preparatory work


Availability of PPR, technological maps, schemes of operational quality control (SOCC), testing program, implementation of labor safety measures;

PPR, technological maps, SOCC, test program

- completion and proper execution of previous work on laying pipelines, welding butt joints and correction of detected defects, testing of welded joints, waterproofing of pipelines;

Certificates of examination of hidden works with as-built documentation; Testing act

- completion of work on the installation of equipment and instrumentation;

- installation of plugs at the ends of the tested pipelines and instead of compensators and sectional valves;

- readiness of the means of filling, pressure testing and emptying the pipeline, completion of the installation of temporary communications, installation of instruments and valves necessary for testing;

- availability of access to welded joints for their external inspection during testing;

Organization of duty at the border of the danger zone.

Testing and (purging) pipelines of heat networks


Compliance with the specified production technology for testing pipelines for strength and tightness;

General and special work logs

- pressure drop during testing;

- the presence or absence of signs of rupture, leakage or fogging in welds, leakage in the base metal, flange connections, fittings, compensators and other elements of pipelines, signs of shear or deformation of pipelines and fixed supports;

- elimination of pipeline defects identified during testing, and compliance with the technology for re-testing pipelines.



Compliance of test parameters and its results with the requirements of the project and regulatory documents;

Act on the preliminary testing of the pipeline

- absence of defects in welds and joints;

- absence of signs of shear or deformation of pipelines and fixed supports;

- Proper execution of the act of conducting preliminary tests.


foreman (master) - in the process of work


foreman (foreman), representatives of technical supervision of the customer and the operating organization

KIP - spring pressure gauges of class not lower than 1.5 and other equipment.

Simultaneous hydraulic test several pipelines mounted on the same support structures or overpass is allowed if the support structures or overpasses are designed for the corresponding loads (according to the PPR).

At the time of pneumatic testing of pipelines located in trenches, a danger zone must be established, the size of which is indicated in the table below.

Pipe material

Test pressure, MPa

Pipeline diameter, mm

Distance from the edge of the trench and the ends of the pipelines to the border of the danger zone, m



up to 300




St. 1000


Cast iron


up to 500



up to 500



St. 500



St. 500


asbestos cement


up to 500



up to 500



St. 500



St. 500


When pipelines are located near residential or operated public or industrial buildings, their pneumatic tests can be carried out provided that the window and door openings of these buildings located within the danger zone must be closed with protective fences (shields, gratings).

The boundaries of the danger zone must be marked with signal fences or safety signs.

The presence of persons in the danger zone during the period of air injection into the pipeline and while maintaining the pipeline under pressure during the strength test is not allowed.

It is not allowed to perform pneumatic tests of pipelines on overpasses, in channels and trays where existing pipelines are laid.

Work order

It is allowed to start the test only after the timely warning of the surrounding persons and obtaining the permission of the test manager.

During pneumatic testing of pipelines safety valves must be adjusted to the appropriate pressure.

Connection and disconnection of the lines supplying air from the compressor to the pipeline under test is allowed only after the air supply is stopped and the pressure is reduced to atmospheric pressure.

Tapping of welds directly during testing of pipelines is not allowed.

Inspection of pipelines is allowed only after pressure reduction, MPa:

up to 0.3 - in steel and plastic pipelines;

up to 0.1 - in cast iron and asbestos-cement pipelines.

Defects in pipelines should be eliminated after the pressure is reduced to atmospheric.

When purging pipelines after testing, protective barriers (screens) must be installed in front of open hatches and fittings.

Requirements SNiP 3.05.03-85

After completion of construction and installation works, pipelines of heat networks must be subjected to final (acceptance) tests for strength and tightness. In addition, condensate pipelines and pipelines of water heating networks must be washed, steam pipelines - purged with steam, and pipelines of water heating networks open system heating and hot water supply networks - washed and disinfected.

Pipelines of heating networks laid without channels and in impassable channels are also subject to preliminary tests for strength and tightness in the course of construction and installation works.

Preliminary testing of pipelines should be carried out before installing stuffing box (bellows) compensators, sectional valves, closing channels and backfill channelless pipelines and channels.

Preliminary testing of pipelines for strength and tightness should be carried out, as a rule, in a hydraulic way.

At negative temperatures outside air and the impossibility of heating water, as well as in the absence of water, it is allowed, in accordance with the PPR, to perform preliminary tests in a pneumatic way.

It is not allowed to perform pneumatic tests of pipelines laid in the same channel (section) or in the same trench with the existing engineering communications.

Pipelines of water heating networks should be tested with a pressure equal to 1.25 working pressure, but not less than 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm), steam pipelines, condensate pipelines and hot water supply networks - with a pressure equal to 1.25 working pressure, unless other requirements are justified by the project (working draft).

Before performing tests for strength and tightness, it is necessary:

Perform quality control of welded joints of pipelines and correction of detected defects;

Disconnect the tested pipelines from the existing ones and from the first stop valves installed in the building (structure) with plugs;

Install plugs at the ends of the tested pipelines and instead of stuffing box (bellows) compensators, sectional valves - during preliminary tests;

Provide access for the entire length of the tested pipelines for their external inspection and inspection of welds for the duration of the tests;

Fully open fittings and bypass lines.

The use of shut-off valves to disconnect the tested pipelines is not allowed.

Simultaneous preliminary tests of several pipelines for strength and tightness are allowed in cases justified by the PPR.

Pressure measurements when testing pipelines for strength and tightness should be made using two duly certified (one - control) spring pressure gauges of class at least 1.5 with a body diameter of at least 160 mm and a scale with a nominal pressure of 4/3 of the measured pressure.

Testing of pipelines for strength and tightness (density), their purging, flushing, disinfection must be carried out according to technological schemes (agreed with operating organizations) that regulate the technology and safety of work (including the boundaries protection zones).

On the results of testing pipelines for strength and tightness, as well as on their flushing (purging), acts of the established form should be drawn up.

Schemes of input and operational quality control of construction and installation works. Part I, issue 2. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of residential buildings, installation of light enclosing structures. Trust "Orgtekhstroy-11" 2001
Schemes of incoming and operational quality control of construction and installation works are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85 * "Organization construction industry».
Incoming and operational control schemes are intended for line engineering and technical workers, foremen and workers, employees of the quality control department for construction and installation works, employees of laboratory, geodetic and welding services who carry out self-control, input, operational and acceptance quality control of construction and installation works.
Schemes can be used:
- employees of services for the preparation of construction production as standard for their inclusion in projects for the production of construction and installation works or the development on their basis of schemes that reflect the specifics of specific projects of buildings and structures;
- employees of personnel training services as study guide in the preparation, retraining and advanced training of workers and engineers;
- teaching staff of higher and secondary technical educational institutions in the preparation of engineering and technical workers of the construction profile;
- heads of departments, main functional departments and services, as well as the management of construction organizations when checking knowledge of projects and regulatory requirements on the quality of construction and installation work performed by line personnel, as well as in the implementation of inspection quality control of construction and installation works;
- employees of architectural supervision of design organizations;
- employees of the technical supervision of the customer who accept the work performed, employees of the services of architectural and construction supervision, federal and regional centers for licensing construction activities and other organizations supervising construction.

Schemes of incoming and operational quality control of construction and installation works are drawn up on the basis of the requirements building codes and the rules state standards, specifications, typical project documentation and contain:
- basic requirements for the quality of materials, structures and parts used;
- a list of technological operations subject to control in the course of construction and installation works;
- a list of technical requirements to be observed when performing construction and installation works;
- diagrams of the main assembly units;
- basic quality requirements for the acceptance of completed stages and types of work.
Building construction, products, materials and engineering equipment entering the construction site must pass the input control. Producers of works (masters) are obliged to check by external inspection and performance necessary measurements compliance of the quality of incoming structures, products, materials and engineering equipment with the requirements of working drawings, state standards, technical specifications.
When performing input control at the picking bases, the foreman (foreman) must be presented with documents (passports, certificates, acts, etc.) confirming the quality of the supplied materials and products. If there are doubts about the quality of the supplied materials, the foreman (foreman) is obliged to demand a control check of the received materials of the products.
Input control should prevent the launch of materials, structures and products that do not meet the requirements of design and regulatory and technical documentation. On the construction site input control should be carried out by a foreman or foreman with the involvement, if necessary, of laboratory and other services.
Operational control should be carried out in the course of construction and installation works and ensure the timely detection of defects and their causes, as well as the timely adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them.
When exercising operational control, the following should be checked:
- compliance with the work production technology specified in the work execution projects and technological maps;
- compliance of the quality of work performed with the requirements of the project and regulatory and technical documentation.
Operational control should be carried out by the foreman (foreman), engineer (laboratory assistant) of the construction laboratory, surveyor, employee of the welding service or welding laboratory. The participation of a particular service in the implementation of operational control should be regulated technological map for a specific technological process.
Acceptance control should be carried out at the completion of the stages or certain types works, as well as critical structures. Acceptance is documented by acts of examination of hidden works, acts of acceptance of individual stages or types of work, as well as critical structures.
Acceptance must be carried out by a foreman, employees of the quality control department of construction and installation works, involving, if necessary, employees of laboratory, geodetic or welding services, and representatives of the technical supervision of the customer.
When exercising production control, it is necessary to use measuring tool and instruments that have passed metrological verification within the established time limits.
References to normative literature are given as of December 25, 2000. Data on new normative documentation and changes in the current one are given in the information indexes of Gosstandart and Gosstroy of Russia.

Explanatory note.
Installation of reinforced concrete structures of residential buildings.
Offsite and onsite preparatory work.
Construction of a geodetic center base for construction.
Installation of ground rail crane tracks.
- general technical requirements.
- geodetic work in the construction of ground rail crane tracks.
- requirements for operation.
Input quality control of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures.
- GOST 13015.0-83* Concrete and reinforced concrete prefabricated structures and products. General technical requirements.
- GOST 13015.2-81* Concrete and reinforced concrete prefabricated structures and products. Marking.
- GOST 13015.3-81* Concrete and reinforced concrete prefabricated structures and products. quality document.
- GOST 13015.4-84 Concrete and reinforced concrete prefabricated structures and products. Rules for transportation and storage.
- GOST 11024-84* Exterior concrete and reinforced concrete wall panels for residential and public buildings. Specifications.
- GOST 12504-80* Internal concrete and reinforced concrete wall panels for residential and public buildings. General specifications.
- GOST 26434-85** Reinforced concrete floor slabs for residential buildings. Types and basic parameters.
- GOST 9561-91 Reinforced concrete multi-hollow floor slabs for buildings and structures. Specifications.
- GOST 12767-94 Solid reinforced concrete floor slabs for large-panel buildings. General specifications.
- GOST 9574-90 Gypsum concrete panels for partitions. Specifications.
- GOST 25098-87 Reinforced concrete partition panels for buildings of industrial and agricultural enterprises. Specifications.
- GOST 17079-88 Reinforced concrete ventilation blocks. Specifications.
- GOST 17538-82* Reinforced concrete structures and products for elevator shafts in residential buildings. Specifications.
- GOST 18048-80* Reinforced concrete sanitary cabins. Specifications.
- GOST 9818-85* Reinforced concrete marches and landings of stairs. Specifications.
Geodetic works on the initial horizon.
Geodetic works on the mounting horizon.
Installation of external wall panels.
Installation of interior wall panels.
Installation of floor slabs.
Knots of external walls from single-layer lightweight concrete panels according to series 2.130-1 issue 26.
Installation of ventilation units.
Instructions for the installation of three-dimensional blocks of elevator shafts from the series 1.189.1-11 Reinforced concrete structures for passenger elevator shafts of residential buildings with a floor height of 3.0 m (Issue 1 and 2)
Installation of bulk blocks of elevator shafts.
Installation of sanitary cabins.
Installation landings and marches.
Installation of partition panels.
Mounting units gypsum concrete partitions according to series 2.130-1 issue 27.
Mounting units for reinforced concrete partitions according to series 2.130-1, issue 27.
Sealing joints and seams.
Sealing joints of large-panel residential buildings.
Joint insulation between window blocks and walls according to series 1.132.1-17.
Anticorrosive protection of embedded and connecting products.
Installation of partition walls drywall sheets and panels.
Series 1.131.9-24 "Partitions from plasterboard sheets for residential buildings", issue 3 "Partitions of element-by-element assembly on metal frame with sound insulation from mineral wool boards, mineral wool pierced mats with details of laying electrical communications.
Knots drywall partitions according to the series 1.131.9-24 issue. 3

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