Water station maintenance. Repair and causes of breakdowns of pumping stations

When organizing autonomous water supply in a private house or in the country, special attention is paid to pumping devices. For the full operation of the water supply system, not just a pumping device is needed. It is best to organize water supply using pumping stations - a set of equipment. However, such complex devices can malfunction. For example, many homeowners have questions: why the pumping station does not turn off.

Arrangement of a complex of pumping equipment

In order to understand what malfunctions can occur in the complex of pumping equipment when organizing pumping water supply, how to fix them, it is necessary to know the composition of the devices and the order of their operation.

You may be interested in information on how it works

Pumping stations consist of the following components:

  • actually pumping equipment... Depending on the characteristics of the source of water supply, pumps can be submersible or surface. They can have different modes of operation and power;
  • hydraulic pressure accumulator... This assembly is a container that is divided into two parts by a flexible but durable rubber partition. When the pumping device is in operation, the container is filled with water and the rubber partition is stretched. When the pump stops working, the partition tends to take its original position and returns the water accumulated in the tank to the pipes, maintaining the pressure in the water supply pipelines at a constant level;
  • control unit... This assembly consists of a pressure gauge that measures the pressure in the system. The mechanical parts in the control unit set the minimum and maximum pressure values. When the minimum values ​​are reached, the unit gives a command to turn on the pump, and when the maximum values ​​are reached, the pumping equipment is turned off.

We eliminate malfunctions in the pumping station

One of the common malfunctions of a pumping station is its constant operation. The essence of combining a pump, a pressure accumulator and a control unit into a single complex is that the pumping device works periodically, when the minimum set pressure is reached.

This mode of operation can significantly extend the service life of the pumping equipment, protects its components from excessive wear. Some pumps cannot operate continuously at all - this is due to the specific characteristics of the electric motors.

In the event that the pump in the station kit does not turn off and starts to work constantly, it is necessary to stop the equipment and try to find out the cause of the malfunction. Constant work of the pumping station "for wear and tear" can be caused by various factors. Let's consider them in more detail.

Incorrect adjustment of the pumping station

Perhaps the most common cause of a pumping station malfunction is incorrect adjustment of the control unit.

In most control units in pumping stations, the minimum and maximum pressure levels in the system are adjusted using two springs: large and small, located directly on the relay:

  • a large spring is intended for setting the lower pressure threshold in the system;
  • a small spring is responsible for the difference between the minimum and maximum values.

In addition, during operation, the control unit of the pumping station can become clogged, which negatively affects its operation. So, there is an inlet in the relay case. During operation, especially with significant contamination of the pumped water, it can become contaminated. So, before you start adjusting the control unit, simply inspect the components of the control relay and, if necessary, carefully clean the inlet.

Care must be taken when adjusting the monitoring relay. This is a rather "delicate" device and forceful interference in its operation can lead to additional breakdowns. NS , you can read on our page.

In order to be able to regulate the pump station automation unit, it must be partially disassembled. Proceed as follows to adjust the device:

  • disconnect the pumping equipment station from the electrical network;
  • drain all water from the accumulator tank;
  • connect a household or ordinary car pump with a pressure gauge to the inlet valve of the pressure accumulator;
  • create working pressure in the accumulator tank;
  • dismantle the cover covering access to the control unit of the monitoring relay - you will gain access to the springs.

Minimum system pressure(upon reaching which the pumping equipment is turned on), is set by a large spring. Turn the adjusting screw clockwise if you want to increase the minimum threshold and counterclockwise if you need to lower the threshold.

After adjusting the minimum threshold, proceed to setting the difference between minimum and maximum pressure. This value is determined by turning the adjusting screw of the small spring of the monitor relay. Turn the screw clockwise if you want to increase the upper threshold and counterclockwise if you want to lower the upper threshold.

Please note that the maximum pressure value at which the pumping device must be turned off must be 95 percent of the maximum allowable pressure in the system.

Other reasons for the constant operation of the pumping station

In addition to the improper operation of the pump station control unit, other reasons may also cause the device to not shut down.

Hidden water leak... As a result of this malfunction, the pumping equipment will, under the influence of the control unit, constantly maintain the set water pressure in the system. To fix this problem, it is necessary to identify the location of the leak and seal it. In doing so, keep in mind that leaks can occur anywhere in the plumbing system.

In addition to misalignment, problems can occur in electric relay unit... During operation, there may be contamination of contacts, their oxidation or even burning of the surface. To eliminate this problem, the device is de-energized and the contact surface is carefully cleaned.

Problems with the constant inclusion of pumps can also arise due to unstable voltage in the network... Measure the voltage in your power grid while the device is running and, if necessary, include a transformer or power stabilizer in your system.

Continuous operation of pumping equipment can also be caused by air leaks in the device inlet.

The pressure accumulator may contain emergency drain valve... When a certain critical pressure is reached, it is triggered to prevent damage to equipment. Sometimes the settings of this valve may get lost and then he relieves pressure at low values... This deficiency is corrected by adjusting or replacing the valve.

As you can see, problems in the operation of a complex of pumping equipment can be caused by a variety of reasons. The main factor affecting the unstable operation of the pumping station is the incorrect adjustment of the equipment automation unit. This flaw can be corrected by almost anyone with minimal technological skills.

To learn more about the procedure for correcting deficiencies in the operation of pumping equipment stations, watch the training video.

Prices for pumping stations

pumping stations

Video - Why the pumping station does not turn off

... The water jet pump is in the well, after installing the new filter, at first there was a pressure, then the taps began to spit water and air ...

1) Then - how long is it?
2) If the filter is cartridge, have you tried to pull out, as it were, a new cartridge and try to turn on the pump without it? Suddenly he (the filter cartridge) managed to get decently clogged with dirt during the time called "then".
Regarding spitting air:
1) Have you looked into the well by chance while spitting? Suddenly the pump had time to pump out some water and got naked?
2) Is there a case for a storage water heater? If it is, then not confused accidentally after winter connection hot and cold tubes?

... the pressure on the pressure gauge is dropping and if earlier at 1.5 bar it pumped 3 bar into the system, now it is dropping even below 1 bar. then it is pumped very smoothly, but there is still a thin trickle in the taps ...

Let's define.
Your system used to work like this. The valve was opened, the pressure dropped to 1.5 bar, the pump was turned on and at open tap maintained some pressure, for example about 2-2.2 bar. When the valve was closed, the pressure in the system increased to 3 bar and the pressure switch turned off the pump, right?
And now, when the pressure drops to 1.5 bar, the pump turns on, but the pressure continues to fall and may drop to 1 bar, right?
And further. If earlier working the pump supported a normal stream from the tap, but now it is a thin stream.

Naturally, a decent leak in the connecting fitting will undoubtedly weaken the jet from the taps, but ...
A hole in a fitting or pipeline is noticeable (water pissing), this time.
Second. In the event of a leak in the pipeline, after the pump reaches 3 bars and turns off, the pressure gauge will show the pressure drop even when the water user taps are closed.
Do you see something like that?

Concerning the influence of the taxiway on the jet thickness.
RD serves only for on-off of the pump. Influence the thickness of the jet can not, though with a little caveat. The disclaimer is as follows. Suddenly, the contacts on your taxiway are badly burnt, or the wires are loosely screwed on. Then yes, due to the voltage drop on these bad guys, the pump motor does not rotate at full power. The result is a thin stream. We check by measuring the load at the exit of the taxiway.
By the way, the reduced stress in the house network can also give a weak stream. Didn't you look at it by chance?

Usually a bad tap when rotating the pump is:
a) faulty pump;
b) dirty filters, clogged pipelines, faucets soiled with sediment, especially aeration nets at the tips of the faucets, gaskets crushed (by an inept hand), etc., etc .;
c) undervoltage;
d) there is little water in the well, the pump is exposed;
e) faulty OK (check valve).

P. S.
A schematic diagram of your water supply system is very desirable. Better in the form of a schematic drawing, but also in words. For example like this.
Well, water column 3m, above the pump not less than a meter of water.
Pump -> fitting -> OK -> fitting -> PND-32 pipe -> fitting -> exit to taxiway and GA -> filter -> etc. etc.

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When moving to a country house or summer cottage, you will certainly need to take care of the level of comfort. First of all, you need to create or establish a water supply system that will effectively perform its main functions. The creation of such a system is costly, because the initial investment is quite high when compared with connecting to general water supply networks. The savings will show themselves in the not too distant future as there will be no water charges.

Having your own pumping station means not only saving money, but also additional obligations imposed on the owner. Repair and periodic maintenance of the system will not be long in coming, so the homeowner should be aware of how DIY pump station repair.

Like the human body without a heart, a water supply system cannot function without a pumping station. Any autonomous water supply system must be connected to a well capable of providing a certain area with the required amount of water.

People living in private houses extract water with the help of pumps, since the depth of wells can sometimes reach several tens of meters. The pumping station serves to maintain constant pressure in the water supply system and to pump liquid from one place to another.

What does it consist of?

An average pumping station has three main components, namely:

  • pumping device;
  • hydroaccumulator;
  • automation unit.

Now let's look at each element in more detail.

Pumping device

Water supply stations are most often equipped with surface pumps, whose names indicate their location. They are installed in specially equipped xenons, or inside residential premises. Pumps with a fairly high power are used, since it is necessary to raise water from wells and transport it to the house.

A small device is enough to service one house.


A pressure accumulator (also called a pressure accumulator) is a metal device whose purpose is to maintain a certain pressure level on a constant basis. The most popular is the model, which is a small metal balloon with an elastic membrane inside. During operation, the rubber membrane deforms to a certain point. When the work is stopped, it returns to its original position, while displacing the liquid from the cylinder.

Accumulator device

Automation unit

It is intended for the timely termination of the device. It works like this:

  • pressure drops to a certain point;
  • the relay starts to work;
  • the pump comes into play, and the accumulator begins to fill with water;
  • upon reaching the optimum pressure, the operation of the device is suspended.

As you have already noticed, a pumping station is a combination of components and assemblies, the operation of which is possible separately. In most cases, all the main units of the unit are installed on one body however, there are also models in which the pumping device is mounted on a pressure accumulator. The automatic control device is also located on one housing.

Automation unit for the pump

During the entire warranty period, there are practically no problems with equipment during operation. But this does not mean at all that you will not have to face the need to troubleshoot various nodes. With a long operating period, any part of the mechanism can break down, so you need to be prepared for everything that happens. Let's look at the possible causes of the breakdown and the options for fixing these problems.

Causes of breakdowns

Even the most reliable mechanism is not eternal, this also applies to the pumping station. There are many breakdowns due to which the work is disrupted or stops altogether. Here are the most common ones:

  • the membrane tank is broken;
  • broken pump;
  • there is no liquid in the system;
  • the automatic block is damaged;
  • no electricity and others.

The simplicity of the design of domestic pumping stations allows you to carry out diagnostic and repair work on your own. Sometimes it is enough just to replace a non-working part. In some cases, it is necessary to renew the sealing in the tank by gluing the crack, and sometimes even to determine the flow of electricity to the mechanism. Each specific case boils down to a single question - why does the pumping station not pump water and how can the resulting problem be solved? In case of unsuccessful attempts to identify the optimal solution, it makes sense to seek help from specialists.

How is the repair done

Pumping station repair - the most common problems

We will analyze in detail all the common problems in the work, the possible reasons for their appearance and the options for quickly eliminating them with our own hands, without the help of specialists.

There is no water in the system, although the pump is running

Water has stopped flowing, and the pump impeller is operating normally. If such a disaster happened to your station, then read the following recommendations.

  1. Carry out a thorough inspection of all connecting pipes for breaks and cracks (even the smallest). Valve malfunction is the main contender among all the causes of malfunction. Check its condition for external damage. For those who do not know where the check valve is located: between the top of the well and the nozzle. Foreign objects caught in this valve can easily break it. It may be that the spring that controls the valve is broken or out of order. Replacement will be required to solve this problem. If you find a lot of dirt in the valve, remove it and clean it. In the event of a breakdown, a complete valve replacement is performed.
  2. The pumping equipment has not been used for a long time - because of this, water can disappear in the pipeline (just in the place between the pump and the well). To fill the void in the pipeline, you need to use a special filling hole.
  3. Seasonal decrease in the water level in the well. To solve this problem, it will be enough to lower the lower part of the pump a little lower into the well. When doing this, be careful as immersion of the pump too deep can lead to contamination. To prevent contamination, there are special filters with which you need to equip the pump. You can also make them yourself.
  4. Power outages can also lead to poor water supply. If the pump rotates and there is no water flow, check the mains voltage. A power supply tester comes in handy for this. The fact is that the rotor in the system will work, but due to the weak voltage, the rotational speed will drop and this is no longer enough to move the fluid from the well to the house.
  5. Pay attention to the condition of the pump impellers. Over the course of many years of operation, they can wear out a lot. To solve this problem, you need to get the pump impeller, while disassembling the pumping device. In almost all models, the impeller is hidden under a two-bolt casing cover. The long service life will make itself felt, and it will be quite difficult for you to unscrew these bolts. Thank you for the creators of the WD-40. After finally removing the housing cover and reaching the impeller, carefully inspect it. If there is damage, it must be replaced, but there is one big "but" here. The fact is that many manufacturers do not produce small parts separately, so you will most likely have to replace them. Alas, this is now the policy of manufacturers.

Important: The problem with low voltage is especially relevant for rural residents. Therefore, before starting repair work, it is imperative to inspect it first of all.

The pumping station is jerky.

There are several possible reasons, one of which is a malfunction of the automation unit. Its main unit is considered to be a pressure gauge (this is a special device that measures pressure). The pressure gauge needle will make sharp movements from wall to wall of the pressure gauge during such inadequate jerky operation.

Damage to the membrane may well become the main cause of malfunction of the station components. The operation of the membrane in the accumulator was mentioned earlier.

The diaphragm can only be reached through a nipple installed at the back of the pump housing. Press lightly on the nipple and you can feel the air flow from it. Well, if instead of air you see a trickle of water, then it is necessary to replace the membrane of the accumulator. To do this, you will need to disassemble the battery case.

Video - Replacing a pear in the hydrosphere

Another common cause of poor system performance is low pressure in the bag. This refers to the pressure drop in the area behind the membrane. The factory standard assumes a pressure of 1.8 atm, but during operation the tightness of the pipelines and the body may be violated, due to which the pressure level drops. You can increase the pressure level through the nipple installed in the back of the body. In the presence of microcracks, this method will not help; a different approach is needed here - "cold welding", thanks to which the formed cracks can be repaired. If welding does not help or the cracks are too large, then you need to change the accumulator housing.

What does a pear look like in a hydraulic accumulator

Another, albeit rather rare, reason is that the automatic adjustment unit has broken down. In this case, only a complete replacement of the device will help.

Water supply is intermittent

Intermittent water transfer is most likely due to air entering the piping. Air ingress most often occurs in the section between the inlet and suction pipe of the device. Troubleshooting can be done in only one way - you need to ensure the complete tightness of all pipelines, including connections. If possible, lower the suction port slightly lower in relation to the ground.

The unit runs continuously without stopping

The most likely reasons for such a nuisance include an unregulated switch designed to fix the pressure level. The pressure switch adjustment procedure can be carried out by changing the position of the two springs - small and large.

Small spring

It is mounted on the relay and is designed to equalize the pressure between the minimum and maximum.

Large spring

This spring is installed on the relay to create limits for the system to be energized or deactivated.

Pressure switch device

During operation, the operation of the springs can be disrupted due to their premature expansion. As a result, the initially established indicators go astray. In addition, with prolonged operation, there is a risk of wear on the moving parts of the pump, due to which the pressure readings drop.

Possible reasons for the malfunction of the control relay include a decrease in the size of the hole in the relay, it is also called "output". The narrowing occurs due to deposits in the well water. Clean the relay and the problem will go away by itself.

The pump does not start

The pumping station is powered by electrical energy, the absence or fall of which will undoubtedly cause the device to stop working. Using an electrical tester, check the voltage level.

In the absence of interruptions in the operation of electricity, you need to look for the cause of the malfunction elsewhere. In this case, this is a violation of the winding in an electric motor. The presence of breakdowns in the winding is accompanied by a stop of the engine and the appearance of a burning smell (insulating materials have begun to melt). Only a complete replacement of the electric motor will help to solve such a malfunction.

The pump makes a noise, but the shaft does not rotate

With pumps that have been idle for a long time, this problem can occur. This is due to the fact that due to downtime, moving parts have become jammed over time (for example, stuck or rusted). Try to start the locked impeller yourself. If everything worked out and you managed to crank it, great, but if not, disassemble the pump and solve the jam problem.

Burning out a capacitor can cause similar "symptoms". It is installed in the terminal box of the unit. To identify and eliminate this malfunction, you will need an electrical tester.

Most often, the capacitor burns out in those motors that are connected in a three-phase scheme.

A little about relay adjustment

Do not forget about the seriousness of adjusting the relay - this is a delicate procedure that must be treated with extreme caution. One minor adjustment error can damage the entire system, which means wasted time and money for repairs. In addition, the warranty does not provide for damage to the unit in such cases.

How the pressure switch is adjusted

Initially, it is necessary to achieve the optimal pressure in the accumulator. This can be done by disconnecting the pumping station from the power supply and draining all the accumulated liquid in the tank. Now, using a special compressor with a sensor, create an optimal pressure level in it. Then remove the cover over the relay, while still gaining full access to the small and large adjustment spring.

Setting the minimum pressure is achieved by turning the large spring: to increase the indicator - clockwise, to decrease it - counterclockwise.

As you can see, you can deal with most of the faults with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. This will save you money and, most importantly, give you a new experience with pumping stations.

Video - DIY pump station repair

If the pumping station is often turned on or other unusual symptoms for the normal operation of the equipment are noticeable, you need to find and eliminate the cause of possible malfunctions. A timely corrected problem will prevent the occurrence of more serious breakdowns or a complete exit of the device from an operational state with the need to replace important components. In the article, we will consider the design of pumping stations, frequently occurring malfunctions in operation and the best ways to eliminate them.

How the equipment works

The task of the pumping station is to automatically supply water to the autonomous water distribution system of any room. A conventional pump will not provide a stable pressure required for the operation of some types of household appliances (dishwashers and washing machines, a hot water boiler), and to use water taps, you will have to constantly turn on / off the device in manual mode. The operation of the pumping station makes the operation of the water supply system as reliable as with a centralized supply of water with a stable pressure and an uninterrupted supply of it.

How can the equipment provide a stable water supply? The secret lies in the structure of the pumping station, which consists of the following main parts:

  • vortex-type water pump driven by an electric motor;
  • storage and pressure unit, consisting of a metal tank and a rubber water tank (pear);
  • equipment operation control system, which includes a relay, a pressure sensor, a valve block.

Constant pressure is created by a storage-pressure unit, an uninterrupted autonomous water supply is provided by automation. Let's take a closer look at how pumping equipment functions. Knowing the principle of operation of a household water pump, it will be easier to understand why the pumping station is not functioning properly.

The principle of operation of a water pumping station

Before supplying water to the pipes of household plumbing, it must be pumped from somewhere. This task is assigned to a water pump, which can be installed at the station itself or at the source of the water intake. These sources are usually:

  • shallow wells;
  • storage tanks.

In rare cases, pumping stations are connected to centralized water supply systems if the pressure in the water supply system is insufficient for the functioning of household appliances. The pump does not supply water immediately to the water distribution system, but indirectly through the storage tank.

The storage-pressure unit is divided by a rubber membrane (pear) into two sections, one of which is filled with water, the other with compressed air, which is pumped through a nipple mounted on the back of the metal tank. The turned on pump raises water from the water intake source, and it is directed into the rubber bulb until the pressure inside the membrane equals with the resistance of the compressed air. As soon as this happens, the relay associated with the pressure sensor is activated and the pump is turned off.

The valve system is designed so that water from the pump can only enter the storage tank. In the water supply system, the water is pushed out of the rubber membrane by the pressure of compressed air. When water is consumed, the pressure in the storage-pressure unit gradually drops and, at certain values ​​of it, the relay is triggered again, and the pump that has turned on again fills the pear. This is how the automatic control cycle of the pumping station takes place. Further, knowing the principle of the functioning of domestic water-pumping equipment, we will analyze for whatever reason the pumping station does not turn off, or vice versa, it turns on too often to gain the required pressure.

The pump does not want to turn off - what to do?

If the pump does not turn off for a long time, this indicates that the pumping station is not gaining the pressure required for the relay to operate. There may be several reasons for this, namely:

  • there is not enough pump power;
  • there is no water in the cavity of the vortex pump;
  • large leak in the plumbing.

Let's consider each of the above situations. In what cases does the pump fail to provide the required head? The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • installation of low-power equipment (the pump does not cope with the task in specific operating conditions);
  • wear of the pump itself.

The first situation occurs when the power of the equipment is incorrectly calculated, when such an operating indicator as head does not correspond to real conditions. That is, the pump is weak, therefore it is not able to overcome the resistance of water (which must be lifted from a certain depth) and compressed air in the storage tank. This problem manifests itself immediately after the installation of the purchased station and the first attempts to start it. The issue of replacing equipment with more powerful ones is being resolved.

With prolonged operation of the water pump, one of the parts of the vortex pump may become unusable. Often this is an impeller that wears out and cannot provide the required water pressure. In this situation, the worn part or pump assembly must be replaced. For both cases, the presence of water in the water supply system will be characteristic, that is, the station pumps water, but its pressure is not enough for the relay to work.

A feature of a vortex pump is its inability to create pressure without the presence of water in its cavity. Before starting the newly installed pumping station, the cavity of the pumping device and the supply pipe must be completely filled with water through a special hole on the pump body (top), closed with a screw plug. If this is not done, the pump will run without interruption. To prevent water from leaving the water intake reservoir, a check valve must be installed at the end of the supply pipe.

Water for vortex pumps is not only an object of transportation, but also a cooler, therefore, it is impossible to leave the pumping device on for a long time if it is not full. This will lead to overheating and damage.

How can a situation arise with the lack of water in the pump cavity during operation? It's simple - the check valve stopped working, and the water left the supply pipe. It is necessary to replace the valve (if used for a long time) or inspect it. It is quite possible that a grain of sand or other small object has fallen between its body and the membrane, interfering with a tight abutment. To prevent this from happening, the valve is equipped with a strainer to prevent clogging. If the station does not turn off for a long time due to the lack of water in the pump, nothing will flow from the open water tap. In such a situation, immediately turn off the equipment and look for the cause.

Why doesn't the pumping station turn off? This happens with a volumetric water intake at points of consumption or with a significant pipeline break in the domestic water supply system. The pressure accumulated by the pump is constantly consumed, so the pumping device may not turn off for a long time. In such a situation, one should worry about the possibility of a breakthrough in communications. To determine the presence / absence of a leak, the valve closest to the station is closed on the outlet pipe. If after that the equipment began to work at normal intervals (it gained pressure and turned off), you need to urgently look for a breakthrough or simply someone forgotten an open tap.

The pressure device switches on more often than usual

Why does a working pumping station often turn on? The reason is simple - there is insufficient pressure in the air chamber of the storage tank. The lower the air pressure, the more often the pump is turned on and the period of its continuous operation is shortened. To make sure of this, a car pressure gauge is taken and the pressure is measured at the nipple mounted in the tank. In most models of pumping stations, the normal pressure is 1.5 bar. If, after testing on a pressure gauge, 0.5 Atm or 0.9 Atm, using a conventional automobile pump, air is pumped into the tank to the recommended value.

It is worse if, when monitoring the pressure in the air compartment of the tank, its complete absence is found. This may be due to air leakage through the rusted metal body of the tank, which may well happen after 3-4 years of operation, if the tank is made of ordinary rusting steel. The leak will be detected when trying to inflate the air chamber. In most cases, the tank cannot be repaired, so you will have to start replacing it.

Now new storage tanks are sold as a set (tank, membrane, connecting flange), so its replacement is not difficult. Disconnect the pump pipe nut from the old flange and loosen the two threaded fasteners connecting the tank to the top-mounted devices. The used reservoir is carefully removed, the new one is installed in its place. The fasteners are tightened, the branch pipe is connected to the new flange - the station is ready for operation.

What else can be connected with the frequent switching on of the equipment? This happens when a rubber bulb becomes unusable (breaks). It is very simple to diagnose such a breakdown - when you press the nipple, water flows out of it intensively. In such a situation, it is necessary to change the membrane. How to do it?

It is necessary to prepare containers (dishes) for draining the water (the tank is completely filled with liquid). First, the nut connecting the branch pipe with the flange is gradually loosened so that water begins to drain. When the liquid has completely drained from the inlet, the bolts connecting the flange to the tank body are unscrewed and the remaining contents of the tank are drained. Now you need to remove the used membrane, dry the tank as much as possible from the inside (if it is made of ordinary steel) and place a new pear in it. The flange is put in place, gradually being bolted to the body, the branch pipe is attached. The replacement of the rubber membrane is complete. It remains to pump air through the nipple to the previously indicated pressure and pour water into the pump cavity. You can turn it on.

The considered malfunctions of pumping stations are the most common, they can be easily eliminated by the equipment owners themselves. Malfunctions are also possible due to breakdowns of the automatic control system. This happens much less often and requires the intervention of a qualified technician. It is better not to touch relays and sensors on your own.

As soon as pumping stations appeared on the market, their popularity immediately became high. The thing is that with the help of this equipment, you can forget about the problems of the water supply network of suburban areas associated with manual control of the process. That is, with the help of the stations, it became possible to automate the process of supplying water to the house. But, like any other equipment, pumping stations for the home require repair. And, as practice shows, they have not so few malfunctions as it might seem at first glance, because purely constructively it is a pump and a storage tank. Therefore, they will have to be periodically repaired. So, we will understand the topic - do-it-yourself pump station repair.

Pump station repair

Causes of malfunctions and their elimination

In addition to the pump and the accumulator, the pumping station also includes other units and products. First of all, it is necessary to say about the automation system, due to which the process of supplying water to the house becomes automated. This is usually a pressure switch that monitors the air pressure inside the hydraulic tank. Today, a sensor is often installed in units of this type that monitors the temperature of the electric motor, with an increase in which the motor is automatically turned off. And the third element of the automation system is a dry running sensor. It reacts to the lack of water in the pump working chamber by disconnecting it from the power supply.

Another additional device is a non-return valve, which can be installed either at the end of the hose, which is lowered into the water, or at the pump inlet. In some brands of pumping stations, an ejector is installed, which increases the water suction depth. It, like a non-return valve, can be installed in water or be an integral part of a pumping unit.

So, all these components and parts can cause malfunctions of pumping stations. Therefore, it is worth dealing with each separately.

We analyze the causes of malfunctions

Pump repair

Unfortunately, repairing a pump with your own hands is not so easy. It's still an electrical appliance. After long-term operation and, if the pumping station did not work for a long time, for example, it was mothballed for the winter period, then sometimes when turned on, the pump starts to hum, and its rotor does not rotate at the same time. The main reason for this malfunction is that the bearings of the electric motor are seized, because moisture has penetrated into them. After prolonged storage, corrosion has formed on the bearing surfaces. It is she who prevents them from spinning.

Details of the pumping station

The easiest way to start a pump is to move its rotor. What can be done for this.

  • It is necessary to remove the rear cover of the unit, where the impeller is installed to cool the device.
  • You can try to spin the impeller by hand. If it succumbed, then also by hand it is necessary to untwist the shaft of the electric motor, and then turn on the pump itself by pressing the "Start" button.
  • If it was not possible to twist by hand, then you will have to remove the impeller from the motor shaft and try to twist it with an adjustable wrench, but better with a gas wrench.

Of course, it would be better to open the pump motor and lubricate the bearings. But with your own hands, if you have never done this, it is better not to open anything and not to disassemble the structure of the device. And even more so to deal with replacing the bearing of the water pump.

Replacing the impeller

The exact same situation, that is, the motor hums and does not rotate, can occur due to a jammed impeller, which is also called an impeller. It is located inside the working chamber, and there is a very small gap between it and the pump housing. It is after a long storage of the working unit that rust build-ups form in this gap, which cause the rotor to jam.

The problem can be solved by untwisting the shaft, as is the case with bearings. But if this did not help, it means that the impeller is firmly attached to the body. And it is best to replace it with a new one. How to replace the impeller of a pumping station?

This is how you can answer the question of how to remove the impeller from the pumping station. Let's put it bluntly that the complexity of this operation lies in the fact that during long-term operation the impeller can stick to the shaft. Therefore, before dismantling it, it is necessary to lubricate the connection point, for example, with technical oil or ordinary water.

Attention! There is a rubber gasket between the two parts of the pump working chamber. It must fit exactly into the groove. Its purpose is to seal the connection.

Oil seal repair

By the way, when replacing the impeller, it is imperative to repair the oil seal of the pumping station. If the working chamber is already open, then it is worth checking everything in it thoroughly. The weak point in this part is the oil seal, which separates the working chamber from the compartment where the electrical parts of the pump motor are located. It consists of two parts: one is located inside the working chamber, the other in the electrical compartment.

Oil seal in the pump

  • Therefore, first the first part is removed, for which it is necessary to remove the retaining ring, which supports the oil seal. The rubber element itself is removable by hand.
  • The second part is more difficult. We'll have to pull the rotor of the electric motor out of the stator. To do this, unscrew the four bolts from the back of the motor, remove the cover together with the rotor. Just pull it towards you, holding on to the lid.
  • Next, the second part of the oil seal is removed.
  • The assembly is carried out in the reverse order. Here it is very important not to damage the copper winding when pulling out and inserting the rotor into the stator.

As you can see, repairing a pumping station with your own hands (replacing an oil seal, impeller) is not the easiest process. But if you understand it, then you can do without a master. By the way, if you have already opened the electric motor, then immediately lubricate its bearings. But most often in these designs, the bearings have a closed design, so if they work poorly, it is better to change the parts.

Accumulator repair

The malfunctioning of the pumping station for the house also includes the inoperative state of the hydraulic tank. Let's start with the fact that this is a steel tank, inside which a rubber membrane in the form of a pear is installed. It is into it that water gets into. Between the pear and the walls of the accumulator body there is air under a pressure of 1.5 atm. With an increase in the volume of the pear, the air pressure also increases, which pushes out the water, creating a pressure in the water supply when the pump is turned off.

So, about the possible malfunctions of the hydraulic tank of the pumping station.

The membrane is not always included in the repair kit for pumping stations. Therefore, it must be selected according to the passport volume of the accumulator. Then you can proceed to the replacement.

To do this, unscrew the six bolts of the front hydraulic tank cover. It can be easily removed, and the pear is located under it. It is simply pulled out of the container, after which you just need to install a new one in its place. The cover is installed in place and screwed with the same bolts. Then it is necessary to pump air into the tank. This is done from the back through the nipple. The pressure is monitored by a pressure gauge located at the front cover.

Replacing the membrane

Attention! When replacing the membrane, it is necessary to check the condition of the inner cavity of the accumulator. With prolonged operation in this state, dirt, sand, and so on can collect in the tank. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse and dry it before installing a new pear.

Repair of other units

Of course, before you repair the pumping station, you need to understand what is the cause of the malfunction. It may turn out that neither the pump nor the accumulator has anything to do with it. For example, a pump turns on and off very often. The reason may be trivial - the pressure switch setting is out of order.

Therefore, it is necessary to check the setting on the pressure gauge, that is, at what readings the unit turns on and off. If, for example, it turns on at a pressure of 1.0 atm, and according to the passport it should be 1.5 atm, then the lower critical point is lost. It just needs to be restored. Modern pumping stations are equipped with new pressure switches with a screw head on the cover. Turning it clockwise or counterclockwise, you can raise or lower the critical values ​​of air pressure inside the hydraulic tank. If nothing has changed in the operation of the installation, then the relay will have to be replaced with a new one.

Conclusion on the topic

In general, it is very easy to find the causes of malfunctions in a pumping station. The unit itself will tell you where and what is wrong or not working at all. You just have to constantly maintain the device, listen attentively to its work. So, we analyzed some of the pumping station malfunctions and how to fix them. But, as practice shows, the period from purchase to repair is long. Even not the most branded installations will work faithfully for at least three years. So you can enjoy your home water supply for several years, which runs from a pumping station.

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