Is it okay to throw away old clothes. Old things and clothes - throw away or give away? How to remove energy from old things

Is there at least one Russian family in whose bins there will be no old furniture, stacks of Soviet magazines tied with ropes, old shoes "for summer cottages" and other things that require urgent evacuation to the trash heap? Probably not. We are all Plyushkin in some way, and “sources of mites, allergens, mold and moths” have been stored for decades on every balcony, closet, mezzanine and cupboards.

Do you need to get rid of old stuff, and how to do it wisely?

Why throw away the old?

  • Old things clutter up the space in the house and impede not only the free circulation of clean air, but also (according to feng shui) qi (life) energy. One can treat the very philosophy of feng shui in different ways, but it is impossible to deny the negative impact of old stuff in the house on the health of household members. Old things bring us old energy, dust, mites, etc., responding with poor health, laziness, apathy, and as a result - negative thoughts and projecting them onto your life.
  • If you want to change anything in your life, start small. There will be no order in life and in your head if there is no order in your house. Any changes are beneficial. And as a rule, just getting rid of the trash in the apartment, you begin to feel changes for the better.
  • The old things in the house and the attachment to them are programming yourself for poverty. We say to ourselves: “What if I throw away this sofa now, but I can't buy a new one?”, Projecting our pessimism onto our well-being in advance.
  • According to a Chinese proverb, the new will not appear in life until the old is gone. Junk and old stuff is the main obstacle to life energy. That is, until you make room for the “new”, you will have to live with the “old” (with all the ensuing consequences).
  • The most negative energy accumulates in those corners of the apartment where old things have been lying for years., and where the hands of the owners do not reach. Old, out of fashion boots with worn out heels, boxes with old dishes, skis and skates from childhood and especially chipped cups, worn out clothes, broken radios and other things that are “a pity to throw away” are a source of negative energy. Clearing our home from such energy, from trash, we open the doors to happiness, abundance and harmony.
  • Of course, it makes no sense to throw away heirlooms and antiques from relatives of great-grandmothers. But if these items cause unpleasant emotions or memories in you, you also need to get rid of them (give, sell, hand over to the salon, etc.). Any old thing is powerful energy. If you do not have confidence in its origin and positive history, you should not keep such a thing at home.
  • A fact established by experts: old, unnecessary things in the house negatively affect the psyche of households... Getting rid of trash is tantamount to effective "psychotherapy" that helps relieve stress, protect against depression.
  • Carpets are warm, soft and beautiful. We will not argue. But old carpets in the house (and new ones too) are a source of dust, mites, etc. There are few people who regularly take carpets to dry cleaning, and house cleaning (even the most thorough one) does not clean the carpet base 100 percent. What can we say about the walls hung with Soviet carpets - the toxins of modern cities are absorbed in them for years. Get rid of dust collectors! To keep it warm, soft and beautiful, today there are warm floors, cork floors and other non-hazardous coatings.
  • Old books. Of course it's a pity. Piles of magazines, science fiction, newspapers, books piled up over the decades, which were once "on fire in the afternoon", and indeed "throwing away books is a sin." But! "Library" dust is a strong allergen, the quality of paper leaves much to be desired, cheap paints and the content of lead (in newspapers, magazines) are poison for the body. If the house is not safe, a separate place to store such things - take them to the country, hand out or hand over to old book stores.
  • If you have allergies and asthmatics in your family Getting rid of old things is your first priority.

"Sentimental" thing in memory of the past - this is understandable and understandable. Statuette in memory of grandmother, antique coffee table or sugar bowl - things that we attach special importance to. Well, do not part with them - and that's it.

But when these memorable "sentimental" things begin to surround you from all sides, fill pantries and suitcases, crawl across the kitchen shelves and cupboards, interfering with your desires to "live your own way" "The grandmother herself") - it means that it's time to change something in your mind and life.

How to properly dispose of old things - learning how to get rid of rubbish profitably

  • We disassemble the shelves with books. We leave those books that have any value (old ones, simply dear to the heart). We sort the rest according to the situation: children's books, science fiction, detective stories and other readable literature are transferred to libraries, books of the Soviet era are sold or handed over for sale (today there are many opportunities and lovers of old books for such a “maneuver”), cookbooks from the category “take meat for 2 rubles ... "we give it away or safely put it in a box near the trash heap.
  • Family archive. Well, which mother would raise her hand to throw away the old drawings, letters, manuscripts and notes of the child? It is not difficult to preserve such a legacy (for future generations) - it is enough to modernize the archive by digitizing all commemorative papers and drawings. The same can be done with boxes of "ancient" videotapes, which capture weddings, birthdays and simply memorable events - digitize and free up space.
  • Old furniture. There are not so many options: place advertisements for sale on the Internet, take it to the country house, give it to those in need, update it in the workshop or on your own and give an old chair (for example) a new life.
  • Before throwing a thing into the trash, ask about its value. Perhaps this chest of drawers from grandma will bring you money for new refrigerator, and the stockbook with old stamps will contain rare "pieces of paper with native glue", which collectors have been chasing for many years.
  • Buy new items only after you get rid of old ones. You do not need to store a dozen new bedding sets in the closet if you still have two dozen old ones there. Or buy a new refrigerator when you have a whole maze of old ones in your hallway.
  • Fold all things from the mezzanine(from the closet, from the pantry) into one pile and sort it into "you can't do without it", "come in handy", "well, why do I need this" and "urgently in the trash heap." Get rid of unnecessary junk without hesitation - discipline yourself.
  • Lots of old clothes, which has long gone out of fashion, has become large / small, slightly rubbed, has defects? Wash it, iron it, eliminate defects and take it to a thrift store (second-hand, Internet “flea market”, etc.). All the same, the money was spent, and it is foolish to just throw away things that are still capable of serving someone, and which can still bring a pretty penny.
  • Please note - can you update the items that you decide to throw away? For example, make fashionable shorts from old jeans, a decorative item from an old sweater, a masterpiece of painting from an old flowerpot, or a hand-made blanket from a blanket that your mother gave you?

How to learn to throw away old and unnecessary things without regret

Most of us have a lot of unnecessary things at home. It happens that we accumulate them for years and even decades. Often we cannot bring ourselves to take out even outright rubbish into the trash. To get rid of old things - it's a pity to throw away , and friends or relatives do not need? How to get rid of the habit of leaving everything in reserve and getting rid of unnecessary property in time, read below.

Where did the accumulation habit come from? waste of unnecessary things

Think for yourself - after all, this distinctive feature most of our people. And there are good reasons for this. Our history is full of wars and upheavals, every family in all generations suffered hardships and losses. It is not surprising that hoarding is ingrained in us, our people, at a subconscious level, are preparing for troubles and collecting everything that may be useful in a time of hardship.

The older the person, the more... This is easy to explain - just people of the older generation saw much more difficulties in life than young people. Therefore, he will not resist reproaching his parents or grandmothers for the love of trash. Just help them, and yourself at the same time, learn to look to the future with optimism.

We sell old things

If you don't want to get rid of years of accumulated junk, then don't do it! There is no need to deliberately discomfort yourself. Do it easier - sell everything you don't need. Believe me, even trampled boots or a burnt frying pan will find a buyer. If you are reading this article, then you have already matured the idea thatwhat to do with old thingsthrow it away, but selling and getting income from it is a completely different matter!

Algorithm getting money for unnecessary junk:

  • Register on Avito or Yulia. These are the most popular platforms for all kinds of sales.
  • Download the Avito or Yula application to your smartphone.
  • Take a photo of your property for sale with your phone.
  • Upload the resulting picture to Avito or Yulu through the application on your phone. Why through the phone? Then you just don't have to bother with transferring photos to a computer from a camera.
  • Search for things that are similar to what you want to sell and remember their price.
  • Set your price. If you want to sell faster, the price should be slightly lower than that of your competitors. If your product is better than others, feel free to put a higher value. If in doubt, then set the average price for Avito.
  • Enter your contacts and wait for buyers.

Caution scammers

If you decide to sell the goodness accumulated over many years via the Internet, be careful. Unfortunately, scammers often trade through Avito and similar sites. They use different schemes, you can't list all of them. But there are several popular divorces, which are often caught not only by the elderly, but also by young people.

Approximate schemes of deception on Avito and Yulia:

They call you and say that they are ready to buy your thing without looking and immediately transfer the entire amount to bank card... But there is a problem - the person on the other end of the link needs some information about your card for reporting. Standard details such as phone and card number on the front side are not enough for them. Fraudsters ask for a secret number with back side cards, a code from an SMS from a bank, or a check with details from an ATM.

If something disturbs you in a conversation with customers, it is better to immediately stop communicating and block the incoming call. Otherwise, instead of making money selling trash, you can lose your money.

Or, as an option, immediately indicate in the announcement that you accept payment only in cash.

Gave a thing - improved karma

If for some reason you do not want to sell, then think about giving away unnecessary good. If your relatives and friends don’t need it, donate it over the Internet. Each city has its own groups on Vkontakte like “I will give it for free”. Just type this name into a search engine or directly into social network, and select communities in your city. In the group, post a photo and wait for letters with a request to donate this thing.

Or you can contact the nearest temple to you, usually in the church they collect things for poor people.

A thing you don't need can help someone, at least a little.

This option appeals to our Russian mentality. We always help everyone - relatives, friends, just acquaintances and even whole countries. A good deed will have a beneficial effect on self-esteem and self-awareness, which means it will help you personally feel a little better.

Thrown out old things - change la life is for the better

For those who believe in the Chinese wisdom called Feng Shui, it is easiest to get rid of unnecessary junk. Many people know that Feng Shui preaches that throwing out old stuff opens the door for something new and good. So do not regret unnecessary things - according to Chinese wisdom, in return, prosperity and prosperity will come to your house. Agree, a worthy reason to understand.


In addition to the above buns, after freeing your closet and home from all unnecessary things, you will have a lot of free space to again follow the original Russian tradition - to save up trash! This is a joke, of course, but there is some truth in it ...

Life has become boring, monotonous, luck is not on your side, financial problems have appeared or you cannot meet your soul mate? In this case, take a look around: if at home you are surrounded by old things that have not been used for a long time, but, as a rule, it is a pity to throw them away, then this may be the reason for all the failures.

Very often, in order to let something new into the house, you just need to get rid of the old one. Do you want to learn how to properly throw away old things to attract new and good things into your life? Then read our today's publication on the website "Dream House" and be sure to try to apply the listed tips in practice.

Why you need to throw away old things periodically

According to feng shui, old things that litter the house impede the free circulation of qi energy, as a result, energy blocks are created in the house itself and in its tenants. That is why there is poor health, failure, dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life. In such a house, you do not want to do anything, apathy, laziness are manifested, it is even difficult to breathe in it, and things seem to put pressure on the brain, provoking the appearance of negative thoughts.

Ideally, qi energy should look into every corner of the house, filling both it and the people living in it with a new vitality, to give happiness, health, peace of mind, financial well-being. When all the corners are occupied with some kind of rubbish or unnecessary things, then the energy does not even get into these places. One has only to take and throw something out of old things, and the situation begins to change.

How to get rid of old things: where to start

As a rule, they start throwing away old things from the cabinets, but no one bothers to start, for example, with a "cleaning", a loggia, a pantry. Better yet, first get rid of unnecessary bulky items, for example, worn out soft sofa or a crumbling chest of drawers that no one will fix. Moreover, in the old upholstered furniture bugs and other insects that are dangerous to humans can live. So let's get started ...

Balconies and loggias

On the balcony, find all the rubbish that was put together in case it "suddenly comes in handy", but for six months, a year or more, you have not even touched it. See what is hiding in the boxes, old suitcases and - for sure there is something to throw away, if not all! By the way, if you do not need a suitcase either, then you can also safely throw it away, the only exception can be those.

What else of the unnecessary can be found on the balcony? Look for trash in toolboxes, there, as a rule, some parts can be stored that you planned to "return" to their place, fix something, but did not do it, especially if that thing, a part from which is stored.

In general, a balcony or loggia is best used not for or unnecessary rubbish, but as a place to relax, or to equip a greenhouse there.


This is another place that might just get littered with rubbish. If you decide to throw out old things, then you need to start looking for them in the pantry.

Feel free to throw away the broken equipment stored in the pantry, for example, old or that you will no longer be able to repair, but kept in case "what if I make up my mind."

If food is stored in the pantry or closet, they need to be checked for freshness: old conservation can be safely thrown away; you also need to check bulk products and make sure that no "living creatures" have started up in them; there is no place for rotten vegetables.

Take away everything that you do not use, repair the shelves, cabinets, doors, if they are broken somewhere, glue the torn wallpaper, refresh the walls and door with new paint. After such cleaning, the pantry must be ventilated.

Cabinets and drawers

Probably, there is nothing harder than throwing away clothes and shoes, especially if it suits you very much, you still like it or remind you of some event. Clothes and shoes, like no other things, "remember" your energy, therefore, before throwing old things out of the closets, wash and dry them, wipe the shoes with a damp cloth. Things that are no longer suitable for anything are even advised to burn. Everything old that has accumulated on things, especially bad things, should neither return to you, nor pass to others. Therefore - either wash off or destroy!

You've probably already heard that you need to throw away things that have not been worn for six months, but everything here is individual, depending on the situation or at your discretion. You can throw away everything old in one fell swoop, but it happens that your hand does not rise, then the way out will be to learn how to throw away old things one by one, gradually, day after day ...

In addition to wardrobes, also check chests of drawers, ottomans, sofas, etc. What's in the built-in storage units in your bed? If it is bedding, then everything is in order, but if there are "trunks" with old things, throw them away mercilessly!

There are a lot of small drawers in furniture sets for the hallway, in children's walls and even in. They need to be checked for any unnecessary trifles: checks, receipts, vouchers with notes, old magazines and newspapers, broken pencils or written-off pens, etc. Are you still sorry to throw away all these old things? Believe me, your life will be better without them!


Another place for the accumulation of unnecessary things in an apartment or house is the kitchen. Here's how to get rid of junk in your kitchen:

  • First of all, you need to find all the chipped dishes, plates or cups with cracks, teapots and sugar bowls with broken handles - we shamelessly throw all this into the trash, not regretting it.
  • Old, unnecessary and scary utensils that you haven't used for a long time are also waiting to be thrown away.
  • Next, you need to throw out the worn out kitchen textiles - towels, an apron, replacing it with new and clean ones.
  • Go through the lockers where bulk products, cereals are stored, clean everything and put things in order.
  • Remove from kitchen cabinets all that is out of place.
  • Check cutlery and all kinds of utensils. Throw away boldly all those who have lost their appearance, have lost functionality, are broken, or simply require replacement.

Also do regular and throw away unnecessary items every time to keep it as spacious, fresh and clean as possible.

What things shouldn't be thrown away

  • antiques that cost decent money;
  • things in good condition that can be sold;
  • things from which you can make crafts, decor for the interior (provided that you really do this, and not just dream of starting);
  • things that will come in handy at the dacha (here without fanaticism, so that EVERYTHING will not come in handy by accident!);
  • children's things and toys that can be passed on to someone "by inheritance."

A lot of people really need to learn how to throw away old things without hesitation and not to be sorry. Sometimes it is very difficult, but the result is worth it! When we get rid of the old, then something new will certainly come into our life, and it will certainly be pure and positive. Happy trash disposal!

The average homeownership can hold up to 300,000 items. Large items and small knickknacks accumulate in your apartment month after month, year after year. But what do all these things mean to you? You put wallpaper trimmings left after repairs, bolts, nuts, broken parts from household appliances... You think that someday it will come in handy. You store toys and clothes that no one will wear, pens without pins, postcards, letters, photographs, old cassettes and other things for which you have an emotional attachment.

Holy faith in the finest hour of old things

Many people firmly believe that unnecessary things should lie in the chest of drawers and wait for their finest hour. To some extent, this is true. For example, your neighbor, who recently gave birth to a baby, will be delighted with little suits, romper suit, and rattles as a free gift. With the rest of the objects that have been in your hands at least once, certain memories connect you. Some of them are too dear to your heart, which is why you cannot imagine bagging them and taking them to the garbage dump. Let's try to figure out if all these things are so important to you.

How to determine the usefulness of an item?

It is much easier to exist in a spacious room, in an uncluttered space, where every thing that lies in the closet is in active use... Psychologists advise you to regularly revise your household utensils and get rid of everything that you have not used in the past two years. It is necessary to determine the utility of an item based on the following parameters:

  • Will this thing be useful to you in the future?
  • How much usable area does it take up?
  • How quickly can you purchase an alternative?

A formula that indicates that a thing has outlived itself

Let us introduce the abbreviation PICHDRZ into the calculations, where PI is the last use, H is the frequency of use, D is the high cost of the item, P is the cost associated with the operation, Z is the cost associated with obtaining a new analogue. Now let's look at the equation itself: PI (long ago) + H (rare) + D (minimum) + R (high) + Z (low) = there is no need to store.

Let us demonstrate how this formula works for specific example... Let's take your old dress that is out of fashion. You can hope that in 5-10 years the mod will make a new round and this thing will be in trend again, but with the same degree of probability you can gain 1-2 sizes.

The last time you wore this thing was two years ago, since then you have not worn it (you rarely wore it). Similar dress can be ordered on the website of any online store within 5 minutes, and old things generally occupy 3/4 of your closet, which clearly interferes with normal functioning. And finally, comparing prices, you come to the conclusion that you can easily afford to buy something similar in the near future. All the conditions met, so it is advisable to take this dress to a landfill or donate to those in need. This item, unlike vintage cars or art objects, will not increase its value in the future.

What to do with gifts?

Trash cleaning involves more than just sorting out clothes, shoes or kitchen utensils. Some things you feel emotionally attached to and don't want to lose touch with your loved one by getting rid of the gift. Try to remember exactly when this memorable item was given and whether it achieved its purpose. It is believed that after more than two years, the gift turns into an ordinary thing, and its usefulness can be considered according to the above formula. With each subsequent year, this item loses its power more and more, therefore it will not be able to emotionally connect you with the chosen one the way new gifts do.

If you bought something, you need to get rid of something.

In order not to clutter up the space to such an extent that it will take an entire weekend to clear the visit, we recommend that you adhere to the following rule. Every time you are going to purchase a new item, you must get rid of one unnecessary item. This will help you keep your balance.
Part with old things without regret, because free space significantly saves your psychic energy!

1. Get rid of everything that pulls you back into the past.

2. Things that are not worn or used in everyday life die. Therefore, they carry information about death.

3. If your home is a mess when you leave it, you tend to carry with you to the outside world the idea that your feelings or your life are in the same mess. All of this is in your subconscious, and although it seems to you that you are behaving completely regardless of the home situation, in your appearance, body language or demeanor, there will certainly be some aspect that betrays the actual state of things. Other people will receive these “messages; (also mostly unconsciously) and react accordingly to your behavior, therefore harmony in the house leads to a more harmonious and hasty relationship with the outside world.

4. Nothing new and valuable will come into our life until there is no free space in it.
You cannot create something new without completely getting rid of everything old.

5. The criterion in the selection of unnecessary one. If a thing has not come in handy within a year or two, it will never be needed again.

6. There is tremendous healing power in freeing your home from unnecessary things. Clearing on external level, we make possible internal changes, we release a huge amount of energy for this.

7. The presence of blockages keeps you in the past. When all the space in your home is cluttered, you simply don't have room for something new to appear in your life. Clearing debris will allow you to move forward. You must free yourself from the past in order to create a better tomorrow.

8. Old, unnecessary things, junk are the real eaters of energy. If you do not dare to part with them, they, gradually accumulating, begin to simply eat up your own energy, your vitality... Such buns, cherishing every rusty nail, every old button, every piece of rope, look lifeless, apathetic, unable to enjoy life. This is not surprising: they value their treasures so much that they give all their strength, all their energy to them.

9. Before you hang a new shirt in the closet, discard the oldest shirt.

10. Get rid of everything old and worn out, with spots, holes

11. Black set of one fabric - trousers, long and short skirts, jacket.

12. Collecting unnecessary things just in case, we admit that this case will come, and we will have to walk, for example, in frayed pants. We set ourselves up for failure and trouble. Thus, we program ourselves and loved ones for such a life when you will not be able to buy new things, and you will be forced to wear old, unfashionable ones, having previously repaired them.

13. Leaving unnecessary things in the house, you thereby program yourself for poverty. Holding on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty.

14. If within 1-1.5 years the thing that you were looking for and hardly got it, remained unnecessary, say goodbye to it.

15. The less you leave things, the sooner your wardrobe will be replenished with new ones.

16. By clinging to things that no longer serve you, you cling to principles and ideas that no longer serve you.

17. To come to the house new thing you need to free up space for her. As soon as you realize this, clean up the house and get rid of unnecessary things to buy, there is both money and time.

18. Do not leave clothes hung on the backs of chairs.

20. The cost of a bouquet of flowers and a pair of tights is about the same, so why do we keep pantyhose in a drawer for years? We will not keep a dried bouquet in a vase for so long!

21. Throw away those things that are shabby, worn out and nondescript in appearance

22. Throw out shoes and bags of obsolete models. Nothing spoils an outfit like out-of-fashion shoes and bags.

23. To rinse your wardrobe mercilessly throw away simply Everything that does not bring joy. Make room for new changes, new relationships, new loves that will replace old things.

24. Old things do not give you the opportunity to acquire new things, accumulate negative energy, which can affect your well-being and good luck in general.

25. Broken electrical appliances work like vampires, taking away the positive energy of the room and reinforcing the negative.

26. A burnt out light bulb will make you spend more energy earning money, can make you feel worse and create self-doubt.

27. Old, obsolete things and especially broken and defective things create negative energy in your home, contribute to stagnation in life and even negatively affect your health.

28. Old things keep stunted energy.

29. First of all, the trash can should be made happy by chipped and cracked dishes and mirrors with some kind of defects.

30. Old, forgotten things represent deferred cases, unsolved problems.

31. An altered item ends up in a dark wardrobe too early.

32. Do not leave dried flowers, dust on them.

33. Any thing carries psychic energy that a person has put into it.

34. The space of the apartment is filled with information about the things that are in it. If a thing was shoved into a corner or pushed onto the mezzanine as unnecessary, what information was put into it? And if there are a lot of such things in the apartment, then the whole house is filled with negative, dead zones formed around unnecessary items. The space filled with such things becomes denser and begins to push the person out of own apartment... A person can get sick, and very seriously. Because it loses its vitality - its energy potential, wasting it on unnecessary things.

35. Looking at the portrait hanging on the wall, we inevitably transfer part of our consciousness there. Do we always have a surplus of energy to scatter it?

36. Through the holes in the clothes, which are on the pockets, socks, tights (under the jeans in order to save money) there is a drain of energy potential. You can't hide from yourself.

37. Spots are the materialization of unresolved problems.

38. Old unnecessary things draw energy to themselves.

39. A well-worn jacket with which the image of a loser is associated. Take it to the trash heap.

40. The smell of a blouse of pre-perestroika freshness, the scent of unfulfilled hopes and disappointments. Probably noticed that the owners of the chaotically packed apartments old furniture and other junk, usually unhappy and unlucky in life. It is difficult to judge what is the cause in this case and what the effect is. Either because of poverty, there is no means to change the old for the new, or the energy of second hand influences the fate of the owners in a special way.

41. But after all, every old thing is, in fact, unfulfilled dreams and plans.

42. We make room not for new things, but for new desires, beginnings and achievements. Agree, old detectives thrown into the trash heap is a small price to pay for a bright future.

43. Don't leave dust on the mirrors.

44. Old things must be thrown away mercilessly.

45.Things tend to absorb and store the energy of the person who uses them. Mostly negative. When there is too much energy, the thing begins to give it away. This is especially true of upholstered furniture that is used for sleeping. The maximum lifespan of a bed or sofa is 10 years.

46. ​​As soon as you want some kind of change in this life, get rid of unnecessary worries, troubles in the family and stagnation at work, as well as when your health worsens, immediately begin to free your home from negative emotions. The same can be done when everything in the house is just wonderful and there is not the slightest reason for any worries. Simply to reinforce your positive aura and maintain appropriate harmony in the family and at work.

47. Anything that makes you feel physically uncomfortable while wearing must be ruthlessly banished.

48. Criteria for your well-being in this clothing, mirror, previously heard reviews.

49. By clearing space, we signal our willingness to change and accept abundance and happiness in our lives.

50. If you want positive changes in your life, then make room for them!

51. A thing that has not been touched by a person's hand, which is not remembered, gradually becomes a carrier of necrotic, dead information. Even living things that you bought with hope and pleasure, getting into such a company, can die.

52. Any thing has its own term and purpose. According to feng shui, a favorite thing gives you positive charges, absorbing negative ones. After serving its life, it, like a battery, must be disposed of. However, if you do not part with it, its negative charge can ruin the entire spiritual atmosphere in your apartment.

53. In addition, the constant contemplation of old and decrepit things (if it is not a collection and restored to shine antiques) forms in our minds the psychology of poverty. We get used to offending ourselves and be content with patched and shabby.

54. The thing must bring renewal and the desire to move forward!

55. The aura of things takes away part of the space from a person. Greed most of all punishes the owner himself: with the accumulated things, their negative energy is transferred to him.

56. The things we stop using accumulate negative energy.

57. If you accidentally find something that you didn't remember an hour ago, you can safely go to the trash can, even if you really need it, you won't find it.

58. Don't make transformations in all rooms at once.

59. The effectiveness of clearing debris lies in the fact that while you put your outer world in order, corresponding changes occur at the inner level. Everything around you, and especially the objects around you at home, are a reflection of your inner state. When you remove “obstacles” in the space around you that hinder the harmonious flow of energy, you thereby bring more harmony into your life, allowing new events to flow into it.

60. When your home is filled with things that you love or use often, they energize you. Blockages, on the other hand, have a strong negative impact on you. If there are things in your house that cause you unpleasant associations, they pollute your space and psyche, and it does not matter if they have expired. A similar situation arises when your home is cluttered with furniture, figurines, or other objects that constantly remind you of relatives or friends with whom you have had or have strained relationships. These associations will have the same draining effect on you.

61. People prone to depression tend to keep their trash at the bottom. Remove everything unnecessary from the floor, and this will raise your energy and give courage.

62. Buy only what is perfect, not just pretty.

63. Keeping old books that you have not used for a long time does not allow you to create space in your life for new ideas and original ways of thinking. When there are too many books in the house, your thinking stops. It is especially important not to accumulate such book blocks in the zone of relationships (this symbolizes the replacement of human relationships). It is necessary to release books when their time comes. Begin the analysis of the book blockage with those books that you bought by accident and which have never been used, as well as those old books that have already begun to deteriorate in time. Ultimately, you should be left with a set of books that will reflect you today as you want to be tomorrow.

64. Learn the basic rule of feng shui: "Before something new comes, something old must go."

65. Let's look at our wallpaper, furniture and everything else. Pay attention to how many unnecessary things you have in your home. Things constantly absorb information, it lasts long enough, and this is reflected in the psyche.

66. How important it is to have your REALLY favorite thing in your wardrobe. Favorite things give self-confidence! : favorite things - they sit on you somehow differently, and you behave in them somehow wrong, you feel super and this feeling is transmitted to everyone around you !!! I always complete my wardrobe so that I feel good in any thing. After all, the mood so easily rises when you put on your favorite skirt, it cannot be conveyed! Let it really be the beginning of such a wardrobe for you! =)


68. Do not load your house with unnecessary items, regularly clean up and ruthlessly get rid of everything old and unusable: do not accumulate things in closets that have long gone out of fashion and out of use. You will see by distributing your old clothes, you will free the way of life-giving energy and thereby remove "congestion" in your life- after all, feng shui teaches that everything is interconnected. By the way, according to some observations, there are often much fewer things in rich houses than in poor ones. But is it really that amazing? No, and if you want to become richer, but don’t know where to start, make room for wealth in your life by removing all the unnecessary that fetters you.

69. If you want to arrange a personal life - remove from the walls the portraits of ideal beauties, with which some of the fair sex are so fond of decorating their homes ... According to feng shui ideas, a lot of single ladies in your environment does not at all suggest a partnership, for which marriage and is an. So it would be more correct to hang an image on the wall. happy couple, and then, every time you glance at it, you will subconsciously attract partnership into your life. Just a couple of hearts, kissing doves and other love symbols will do, no matter how trite it may sound. Don't believe me? And you try, what if something really happens and life changes for the better?

70. Dust, garbage, rubble of unnecessary and forgotten things are sources of accumulation of negative energy, which carry the informational charge of the past, close us from the world and do not allow them to come to replace new things and ideas.

71. Particular attention should be paid to torn and broken things. Either they need to be repaired immediately, or thrown away immediately. And in no case should they be allowed to sit for a long time until the hands reach them. According to feng shui, this is unacceptable, since their negative energy of accumulating destruction unwittingly breaks the inner harmony of the house.

72. Love for trash is a thick hint that you are strongly attached to the past and it hinders the path to a brighter future. Having dealt with old shoes, you can change your hairstyle, job, apartment, etc. Or take a different look at what is. In any case, there will be more space in the corridor.

73. Blockages are the biggest evil you can imagine !!! Sometimes only their elimination gives amazing results !!! But it is necessary not only to disassemble and rake, but to do it purposefully. That is, raking everything, have a clear set of instructions for what you are doing this. For something new to come into our life, we need to get rid of the old. Removing all this, one must say: "I take it all apart, to come into my life ..." Well, further down the list, what would you like ...

74. I think it worked for me. Indeed, new acquaintances began to appear after the purchase of dolphins. Or is it just coincidence.

75. Start with something. Allow favorable energy to penetrate your home. And then the CI will work with you in one go.

76. Cleaning the house can be supported by washing floors, windows, cleaning cabinets from debris and dust. Because like attracts like, messy, messy houses attract vibrations that bother us. Even if your house is not perfectly clean, it is in order, and you know where what lies. While cleaning the house, imagine how you sweep away the sorrows and worries that have gathered in the house.

77. And "cleaned" things can be safely worn. Over time, they will become "their", loved ones. And even "lucky" talismans of their own. We willingly put on such clothes for exams, for important events. One of the mechanisms of luck can be imagined: once we were lucky, and our emotional charge remained on these things. When we put on these clothes again, it will recharge us with exactly THAT energy. Naturally, our mood will improve, our tone will increase, we will be energetic, confident in ourselves. And we will again be accompanied by success - "luck". The charge of the "talisman" will increase even more.

78. If your house is not littered with rubbish, extraneous things, then you will be able to: a) keep your mind clean and tidy, b) allow new opportunities and things to enter your home.

79. And although you may be the only one who sees a cluttered basement or garage, the power energy impact the room does not decrease: you are exactly the one on whom all the blows are pouring. It is you who will be the first to be touched by the qi of that room.

80. The more unnecessary things you collect, the slower the qi movement in the apartment or office becomes. So do not be surprised that your life plans do not come true, and you have the feeling that something is interfering all the time.

81. Any red item you use at work - a red-bound book, red pens or other stationery - will have a positive impact. Red, pink and white objects symbolize love and eroticism.

82.You want a bigger home. First you must adapt yourself to such a habitation, creating, as far as possible, a small paradise out of your house. Support there impeccable cleanliness... Make him look as cute and cuddly as your funds allow. Prepare even the simplest foods with care and set the table with the taste you can get. Refining your habitat, you will rise above it, and from there in due time you will enter best house and habitats that have been waiting for you all this time, and which you have adapted for yourself.

83. The house can and is the point of concentration of magic, strength and spirit.

84. Home is a mirror image of ourselves.

85. Our home is a symbolic representation of ourselves and in fact, in more deep sense continuation of ourselves. At home, these are our models. Change this pattern and the energy will change. The tidying up of the drawers changes this model.

86. To get rid of the negative past, get rid of objects in your home that carry the energy of the past into the present. The Zulu burn the clothes they got into trouble in order to get rid of the emotional imprint left on the clothes. In some cultures, the clothes of the woman in which she gave birth are burned so that she and the child symbolically enter into new cycle existence. If there are items in the house that remind you of something bad or were given to you by someone you dislike, get rid of them.

87. The things in your home should evoke good memories. Otherwise, negative associations will reduce the energy of your home. When you buy something for your home, remember that how you feel about the purchase will affect how you feel when it is in your home. If you buy something and the seller is rude and you feel annoyed, then chances are you will never really enjoy the item. If the mood when buying is good and joyful, then associations with this item will be pleasant.

88. If there is an opportunity to radically change the situation: rearrange the furniture, change color range rooms, etc. Change everything beyond recognition.

89. Make the energy of your home become a real magnet attracting love and happiness. If the energy of love has settled in your house; love will be attracted to you outside too. The energy field attracts only that which is similar in character and quality to itself. Especially focus your attention on the intent with which you are transforming the energy of your home: what you would like to see in your home.

90. Things that litter the house take away the vital energy from the residents of the house. Think: old rubbish takes away your health, your vitality, and therefore the years of your life! So what is dear to you; your own life or old trash?

91. There is always a temptation to postpone for later things outdated or in need of repair, which have become obsolete in the process Everyday life... But it's like putting off happiness and harmony in your home for later. Some people continue to use cracked, chipped, or scratched crockery year after year, even though they have fine cutlery locked in cupboards. Thus, they seem to suggest to themselves: I do not deserve harmony in my daily life;

92. Absolutely ruthlessly get rid of the trash.

93. Never wear clothes with negative memories, no matter how much they cost.

94. Iron out creasing things. And don't be lazy! Better to stroke at a time than cursing, ironing them all the time, being late for the next date, etc.).

95. Put the non-wrinkling things on the shelves. Sweaters for sweaters, T-shirts for T-shirts.

96. Immediately after ironing, hang the clothes on the hangers (hangers, trembles). Do not overload the hangers, otherwise everything will soon be wrinkled again.

97. Hanging order: Yes; skirts, then trousers, then blouses, then; jackets. Can; by style: business and classic, then; sports, sweat; for special occasions. Provide division by color.

98. I came home undressed; look at once what is dirty and what; no. Do not be too lazy to assign all clean things to their usual places, but dirty ones; define in the wash.

99. In the evening, decide on the clothes for tomorrow.

100. Get rid of everything that does not fit in style, color and size.

101. DELIVER YOU God wear the things of a deceased person; his suits, dresses, coats, boots. In this way, you will link yourself to an energy channel with underworld, and your energy will go through this channel.

102. Practical people always have such a warehouse of recyclable materials, justifying its presence by the fact that everything may come in handy someday. But, excuse me, someday you will need a high-quality single coffin, can you really buy it in advance?

103. Most of us have a developed hamster instinct: to hide everything we can in a burrow. But the mink is not rubber. Gradually things clog up all the pores of the house, so that you can't turn around, they lie somewhere on the mezzanine for years, get dusty and deteriorate in cramped quarters and different closets and closets, huddle lonely under sofas and shelves. More than once, probably, you had a feeling of melancholy when you got into the room of a lonely old woman. Do you know why? This is not only the old age of the owner of the apartment, but also the smell, the specific smell of a hamster's dwelling. Because in the closet of this old woman, mixed with new, clean things, lay the dresses that she once wore in her youth, and hats, eaten by moths, out of fashion half a century ago, in her sideboard there was a broken mug, neatly glued together in places of chips, plates with chipped edges and even pieces of half-eaten rolls. All of them carried information about decrepitude, about the readiness to crumble into dust from the very first touch. That is why you should never regret throwing anything away.

104. Often we even get sick because we keep all kinds of junk at home.

105. Leaving unnecessary things in the house, you thereby program yourself for poverty. Holding on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty. Old things do not provide an opportunity to acquire new ones, accumulate negative energy, which can affect well-being and good luck in general. Holding on to old things with the thought "What if there is no money to buy a new one, and I will never have this again?" we program ourselves that we will not be able to earn money and buy the things we need.

106. Do not keep cut flowers in a vase for a long time. Firstly, they themselves, withering, bring death, and secondly, stagnant water is negative energy. The memory of death is hidden in stuffed animals, herbariums, insect collections, dried flowers and even natural fur coats.

107. Never accumulate or store old things for a long time. Your life has become better, and they "pull" you into the past. Do not use the thing more than a year- get rid of it. Only those objects that you like should "live" in the house, then there will be much fewer unfavorable zones.

108. Old worn-out sneakers attract negative energy. Also, you should not keep torn, unusable clothes in the house. Dishes with cracks, chips disrupt the energy of food, making it hazardous to health. As much as you like the dishes, but if they are cracked, it is better to throw them away.

109. "In a dress that is not worn, resentment against the owner accumulates," said Vanga, advising not to accumulate unnecessary clothes at home. Things that a person has not worn for a long time tend to "collect" innegative energy that destroys the material well-being of the owners.

110. In space, the main thing is space. It is the space free place- this is the beneficial energy of our home. By cluttering the space at home with unnecessary things and rubbish, we cut off the energy flow of health, success, well-being and comfort.

111. To make it easier to determine whether you need a thing or not, ask yourself "if I move, will I pack it or get rid of it?"

112. Where is the most rubbish in your apartment or house - in wardrobes, on the balcony, in the bathroom? From there, start general cleaning. Parsing wardrobes throw away the things you don't need - those that you haven't used for over a year.

113. Putting order is worth paying Special attention if there is a serious crisis or stagnation in a relationship in life. Dedicate at least six days to this and clean up yourself.

114. Trash attracts only trash.

115. Old perfume, pants and jugs are bad. This is programming yourself for a life without change. Each thing from the past brings back some memories, makes you look back. And this is dangerous you can't go back to the past, you can skip the future... We must ruthlessly and irrevocably break, tear, give, dispose of. Anything you want to do with old things, but just do not store, do not clog the mezzanines, suitcases, boxes with rubbish, which will certainly be sent for subsequent storage to a garage or basement.

116. Holding on to old things with the thoughts “What if there’s no money to buy a new one, and I will never have this again?”, We resonate with the mentality of the poor and get poverty. If we calmly throw away unnecessary things with the thoughts “I'll buy more or the Universe will give me better”, we resonate with the mentality of the rich and get wealth.

117. When we put on old thing or we splash with perfume that we have not used for a long time, or we hear music from the past - we are literally taken back to the past. This is elementary NLP - all these so-called "Anchors" are emotional. Some memories are associated with old things (perfume, clothing, and everyone else) and they are automatically reproduced upon contact with the anchor. But the fact is that not only emotions appear - old thoughts appear in us, but this is very dangerous, because thoughts, as we know, shape life. So we shape life with old thoughts and get not what we want.

Classification of unnecessary things from Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen divided all the trash into the following categories:

Useless junk is things that are stored because they are, in principle, necessary, although not necessary for you personally. It can be numerous glass jars, which may come in handy someday when you are going to "twist" something into them.

Trinkets - all kinds of useless souvenirs, key rings, postcards, figurines, magnets, etc.

Used trash is mainly old clothes and underwear, which we do not throw away just because we have not yet completely frayed to holes. How many T-shirts do you have in your closets that have long become shapeless and you don't wear them?

Pretentious junk - things that you have, but you only use it in your dreams. For example, a huge exercise bike that takes up a third of the room, and you think that someday I will start exercising on it in the morning. Or a service in the closet, from which they never ate or drank.

Bad purchases - sometimes instead of admitting that we bought unnecessary thing, we put it on the far shelf in the hope that it will "come in handy someday." As a rule, poorly purchased items of clothing, shoes, bags and accessories fall into this category. But maybe unsuccessfully bought cosmetics, which you don't want to use, but it's a pity to throw it away!

10 "valuable" things that should be thrown into the trash immediately.

1. Expired cosmetics.
Why keep old mascara and lipstick? And collecting empty perfume bottles? Any cosmetics are created to make us more beautiful, and not to cause a bacterial infection.

2. Uncomfortable shoes.
Admit it, there are such shoes, putting on which, every time you curse them because of the unbearable pains and calluses ?! Yes, they are very beautiful and stylish, but there are a million other shoes in the world that are comfortable. Can't you throw these shoes away? Put them in the most prominent place and sign: "My favorite instrument of torture."

3. Clothes "When I lose weight."
Somewhere in the far corner of the closet lies a neat stack of things that you dream of wearing when you lose those extra (only extra for you, no one else notices) kilograms. Yes, it works like motivation, but negative and depressing.

4. Postcards from people you don't remember.
A small beautiful box contains a stack of greeting card... The old ones. Banal and ugly. From people with whom you will never communicate. Why do you need this warehouse made of cardboard boxes with "sincere" wishes? Leave the postcards only from loved ones, the rest is in the trash!

5. Porcelain dishes.
Museum exhibits must be kept in a museum! Take the old sets cluttering the sideboards and cupboards to your grandmother - put in their place better flowerpots with fresh flowers - no more naphthalene.

6. Paper spam.
Why drag various printed materials from mailbox? The only thing you need is invoices for utilities... All the rest of the printed junk is superfluous and unnecessary junk.

7. "Unbreakable" underwear.
Who came up with the classification of linen "for critical days", "for every day" and "for a special occasion"? Conduct a revision and leave only panties and bras in which you feel especially sexy. And throw away all the tights with arrows on the mysterious mission "Under the Pants" (you will never wear them!).

8. Old phones, players and other equipment.
These valuable gadgets can be useful for young test physicists for experiments, but you absolutely do not need them.

9. Books that you will never read.
Only your favorite books and those that are needed for work / study should be in a conspicuous place. The multivolume works of Marx or Gorky's "Life of Klim Samgin" are for the library or for processing, and not for collecting dust and creating the entourage of an intellectual.

10. Memories of former relationships.
Can't throw away your ex's shirt that still smells like his perfume? Or a stack of handwritten poetry written by a traitor just for you? Having got rid of material reminders, it is easier to throw the person out of the head. As they say, out of sight - out of mind!