Construction of a house from polystyrene blocks. Disadvantages of polystyrene concrete - is it worth using polystyrene concrete? Self-production of blocks

Lately The building material polystyrene concrete has become very popular. In terms of its properties, it is better than other materials from cellular concrete, moreover, is one of the cheapest materials and has a number of special advantages. Among them are light weight and low cost.

First you need to understand the polystyrene itself - what is it? Polystyrene is a white porous filler for concrete mixture. It consists of polystyrene granules (PVG).

The proportions of polystyrene concrete, if prepared at home, will be as follows:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 3 parts sifted sand (you can use regular sand) river sand and sift);
  • 8 parts polystyrene granules.

In production, of course, various fillers are added for strength and other properties of the material.

The basis of polystyrene concrete is expanded polystyrene. Behind it clever name hiding the well-known foam

Pros and cons of houses made of different materials

Let's look at the pros and cons of building houses from different but similar components to decide which material is best.

Pros and cons of a foam block house

Pros of a house made of foam blocks:

  • Due to porosity, the walls retain heat well. Therefore, it will not be cold in a house made of foam blocks;
  • the house has a pleasant microclimate;
  • large block size and relatively light weight. One foam block weighs approximately 23 kg. Therefore, the load on the foundation will be low, which allows you to save money by arranging a simple and inexpensive foundation;
  • fire resistance;
  • high noise insulation, which is achieved due to the porosity of the material.

Disadvantages of a house made of foam blocks:

  • ugly appearance of the building. Required external finishing;
  • possibility of building shrinkage;
  • low bending strength.

Monolithic houses made of polystyrene concrete, pros and cons

For the construction of houses made of polystyrene concrete, there are special building blocks. But some builders build walls from polystyrene concrete using monolithic technology. To do this, formwork is arranged to suit the size of the wall and filled with polystyrene concrete.

Advantages of monolithic houses:

  • fast construction;
  • a monolithic house eliminates the possibility of shrinkage;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • high strength, which is due to the absence of walls;
  • durability. Monolithic house can last up to 120 years if maintained the right technology construction;
  • no point loads are created on the foundation. They are distributed evenly throughout the foundation;
  • light weight of the structure, compared, for example, with a brick building;
  • All necessary communications can be hidden in a monolithic wall.

Monolithic houses, in general, are stronger than their prefabricated (block) counterparts, but the technology for their execution is difficult for a single self-builder

Disadvantages of monolithic houses:

  • for filling monolithic walls requires the use of special construction equipment. Consequently, construction costs increase;
  • a monolithic wall must be poured with polystyrene concrete at a time, so you will have to make a large amount of the mixture and have time to work it out quickly.

Pros and cons of a house made of polystyrene concrete blocks

This material has many advantages compared to other materials made from cellular concrete. Polystyrene concrete is famous for its availability and ease in the construction of a residential building and any outbuilding.

Standard dimensions of the main factory block made of polystyrene concrete:

  • length – 595 mm;
  • width: 295 mm;
  • height: 375 mm.

One block is quite large; it replaces about 20 ordinary bricks. This increases the speed of building construction.

Advantages of houses made of polystyrene concrete:

  • the material is not at all afraid of moisture. On the contrary, he pushes her away;
  • the house has an attractive appearance, so external finishing may not be required. In addition, there are special decorative blocks made of polymer concrete, which outside have a pattern and are also available in a wide range of colors;
  • the material is very light. One block weighs approximately 12-15 kg (depending on the size and composition, because it may be different for each manufacturer). There will be no extra load on the foundation, which allows you to save on its construction;
  • the material is fireproof. The only thing is that once the material is exposed to fire, it will lose its strength;
  • the walls of the house are not susceptible to attack by rodents and insects;
  • You can work with the material in winter, because practically no water is used in the work;
  • Building a house from polymer concrete is very easy; even a non-professional can handle it. The blocks are stacked on a regular polyurethane foam and do not require a thick layer. Thanks to this, you can save on cement mortar;
  • high frost resistance - 300 cycles.

The main advantages of expanded polystyrene are its “warmth” and low weight combined with ease of processing

Disadvantages of houses made of polystyrene concrete:

  • sudden changes in temperature, along with high humidity, can reduce the service life of polystyrene concrete buildings;
  • If the material is exposed to fire, it may lose its strength. Although the blocks themselves do not burn, during a fire they release a lot of toxic substances;
  • Walls need plastering.

It should be noted that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. This is why polystyrene concrete has become such a popular material and stands out from similar building materials.

It is also necessary to note that polystyrene concrete is in many ways similar to foam concrete, for example, these materials have similar advantages.

Price category

Polystyrene concrete is a very affordable material. There are, of course, building materials that are cheaper, but they are inferior in quality to polystyrene concrete.

Polystyrene concreteblocks, pricea piece:

The price directly depends on the size of the block. Also pricing is influenced by the composition of polystyrene concrete blocks and the manufacturer. So, different manufacturers may have different prices, so the table shows approximate prices, which are not completely accurate.

Knowing the total area of ​​the future house and the price for 1 piece of polystyrene foam concrete block, you can calculate how much it will cost to build the building.

It should be noted that in order for construction to be even more profitable, You can make blocks from polystyrene concrete blocks yourself. Moreover, this process is not too complicated. In addition, you can also lay the blocks yourself, which will save on labor costs.

Using modern materials and construction technologies, a two-story cottage with an area of ​​up to 120 sq. meters can be built in just 2.5-3 months. This includes the construction of foundations, walls, floors and ceilings, roofs, communications and exterior finishing.

If you use the services construction crew, you need to save about 1.4 million rubles. By doing construction on your own, you will save a decent amount of money and spend a little more time. Construction using polystyrene concrete will make it possible to obtain a durable, environmentally friendly, warm and durable house with excellent sound insulation.

Polystyrene concrete - what is it?

A composite material consisting of Portland cement, foamed polystyrene granules, sand and special modifying additives is called polystyrene concrete. Characteristics that give the material an advantage over other modern building materials:

  1. High levels of moisture resistance, frost resistance, heat resistance, biostability and soundproofness.
  2. Excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  3. Minimum water absorption rates.
  4. High strength.
  5. Zero shrinkage rate.

Polystyrene concrete blocks are used for the construction of cottages different sizes. For the construction of monolithic walls, polystyrene concrete made at construction site using a concrete mixer.

The universal properties of the material are excellent for its use at any stage of construction, from laying the foundation to ceiling and floor coverings.

Construction stages

It all starts with acquiring a plot of land and obtaining permits for its development.

Permission can only be obtained after submitting detailed project future home with reference to communication lines.

Construction of the foundation

For a two-story cottage made of polystyrene concrete, a strip-pile foundation made of high-quality reinforced concrete is generally installed. The piles are deepened by 1.2-1.5 m and placed at a distance of 1 m from each other. Along the perimeter of the building and under the load-bearing internal walls digging a foundation pit strip foundation, connecting pile structures to each other. Coarse crushed stone and sand are poured into the bottom of the pit in layers of 10-20 cm. Install reinforcement cage and formwork. The foundation is raised above ground level to a height of up to 70 cm.

If the device is supposed basement, polystyrene concrete blocks are used for the base. All work on waterproofing the base must be carried out. The supply of communication networks for supplying water to the house and discharging waste must be done during the installation of the foundation. To do this, pipes are laid in the foundation according to the developed project. Instead of blocks, you can fill the basement walls with polystyrene concrete.

The base of the building is covered with a waterproofing layer. For masonry external walls they use blocks measuring 588x300x188 mm and weighing up to 17 kg. Even women can work with such material. Walls are erected quickly and easily.

To increase the rigidity of the building structure, a reinforcing mesh is laid horizontally between the blocks. The thickness of the seam between blocks should not be more than 8 mm.

The special structure of polystyrene concrete blocks prevents them from breaking into pieces when falling, but they are easy to saw with a chainsaw or a simple hacksaw, and this is convenient when laying walls with windows and doorways. Material waste is minimal, which provides additional financial savings.

Instead of laying blocks, you can use the pouring method monolithic design Houses. This unique building material is excellent for constructing walls of various configurations. Several spans are used simultaneously removable formwork, and work begins with filling the corners. A reinforcing mesh is installed in each poured layer. Walls made of polystyrene concrete do not require additional installation thermal insulation layer, which significantly saves time and money.

Ceiling and floor installation

For work on installing the ceiling, the pouring method is used or special panels are made from polystyrene concrete. The ceiling immediately turns out to be perfectly flat, thermally insulated and durable.

Monolithic ceiling

To fill the ceiling, you will need to install formwork. While the ceiling is drying, you can begin work on screeding the floor. Don't forget about styling reinforcing mesh. Installation of a polystyrene concrete floor does not require installation of thermal insulation.

During work, be sure to bring up the water pipes and sewer system. Water distribution throughout the house is done before the floor is completely filled. Choice flooring in a house made of polystyrene concrete has no restrictions. In any case, the floor will be dry and warm.

Exterior decoration

Textured polystyrene concrete blocks, popular with many consumers today, will help you save a decent amount on finishing your home. To obtain such a block, concrete and the main components of the block are specially spliced ​​in production. Harmless chemical additives are added to concrete, which increases its penetration into microcracks in the block. Bonding to the outer surface, concrete forms an excellent appearance, the most different patterns and colors facing slabs. Decorative coatings they look incredibly beautiful and can decorate any home design.

The cheapest option for finishing the outside of a house would be regular or decorative plaster. You can use the usual composition or already painted in the color you like. Installation of siding on walls made of polystyrene concrete does not require the installation of profiles, and this is also savings.

A house built from polystyrene concrete does not require any time for shrinkage and is almost immediately ready for finishing work. Even with minimum thickness walls, the building remains warm and durable. The economy house will continue to save your family budget throughout the entire time you live in it, keeping you warm in the cold and cool in the heat.


We invite you to learn about the features of finishing houses made of polystyrene concrete.

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical rooms, electrical points, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in a design solution?

Detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which displays all necessary steps and technologies in the construction of foundations, walls and roofs.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which shows the location and size of rooms, walls, roofing, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision of the construction progress. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What determines the timing?

The timing depends on the chosen project and material (houses made of logs and timber require time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of volume change wooden walls and other parts due to drying of the wood.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized experience. A fleet of construction equipment has been put into operation since 2015. We do not involve contractors.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like in this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on your staff?

Currently there are 5 interior designers on staff with a total of 74 years of specialized experience.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

Quick and cheap to build own house Can. It is enough to choose a building material that has a minimum cost (per square meter) and high strength so that the building can serve for many years. One of the options is projects of houses made of polystyrene concrete. Technical properties This building material allows you to build two-story mansions and create a complex layout, including an attic, terraces, garage, and basement.

Advantages of houses made of polystyrene concrete

Walls made of polystyrene concrete require finishing of the facade and interior spaces, but under separate material it is easy to hide various communications, including ventilation and water supply, sewer pipes. This simplifies the creation of such interior styles as minimalism, Japanese, Scandinavian options, which involve freedom from small parts space.

Advantages of polystyrene concrete:

  • High sound absorption rates. There will always be silence and peace in the house.
  • Immunity to rotting and moisture. The indicator increases the service life of the house as a whole, even in conditions of high humidity.
  • Good resistance to fire or heat. The cottage can easily withstand various troubles.
  • Increased frost resistance. Such housing will remain cozy in severe cold.

The low cost of this must be added to the list. building material. The construction of low-rise construction projects from polystyrene concrete is carried out quickly, thanks to the large size of the blocks. They are easy to carry without special equipment.

How to choose a house project made of polystyrene concrete

Procedures for choosing a layout option, appearance a mansion made of polystyrene concrete is not much different from such a process in the case of purchasing projects made of brick or timber. The provided documents should be assessed according to the characteristics of the site and available materials.

Easier to do right choice, if a competent specialist helps with this. It is often suggested to focus on the following criteria:

  • Total area of ​​the building. To what extent does it correspond to the size of the land plot and the wishes of the future owner?
  • Number of floors. Sometimes the choice of a two- or three-story house turns out to be a forced measure (due to the modest areas of the land provided).
  • Number of bedrooms, rooms for other purposes. The house should be comfortable for all family members.

If none of ready-made options completely unsatisfied, it is more profitable to order a new turnkey project. Then all the nuances will be taken into account, the cottage is guaranteed to suit both the local landscape and the personal tastes of the customer with his real needs.

Projects of houses and cottages made of polystyrene concrete - prices from 100 rubles.

Projects of houses and cottages made of polystyrene concrete Prices
RUB 28,500
RUB 22,900
RUB 28,600

Built country house By frame technology plus a small veranda. The cost turned out to be quite economical, and the time frame was 3 and a half months. We even finished it a couple of weeks earlier than promised. We only go to the dacha in the summer, so I can’t say anything about thermal insulation. Thank you

Thank you very much for building a house made of aerated concrete. The quality of both the material and work is excellent - FRIENDS WILL BE JEALOUS. Time frame for completed work: a house was built from scratch in approximately 4.5 months. Good luck to all of you, good clients And big houses!!

They built our house in 3 months (they started the foundation at the end of summer, and finished the walls and interior decoration in the fall), it wasn’t cheap, but everything was thought out, our participation was minimal. This year we are building a bathhouse together with them! Thank you for such professional guys that you provided us with!

Thank you so much for your work and attitude! Everything is efficient, high quality, fast! Thanks to the team led by Alexey!

The company built me ​​a great summer house! I don’t have any complaints about the company; next summer I’m going to build a bathhouse and a garage. I’ll definitely contact them. Thanks to everyone, especially Sergei’s team, who built it for me, a lot depends on them!

We built a house from aerated concrete in your company - I’m very pleased. The house was erected on our pre-prepared foundation in 45 days. And as a gift we received home insurance for a year. So I recommend it.

In August 2017 I ordered the foundation ( monolithic slab) for a house in the Leningrad region. In 2018 I already ordered the house itself. I can recommend it because... We were pleased with the result. Everything was done quickly and professionally.

We ordered a house and garage from this company in the summer of 2016. The builders worked for about 4 months, without a break (they really liked it). Everything was done according to the agreement, no extra money was asked.

Frequently asked questions before construction

About company

How long has your company been in business?

Our company began work as a repair and finishing company in 2007. From that moment on, we have grown into the construction industry and all thanks to our employees. Special thanks for the work invested in the development of the company.

How is the competence of specialists confirmed?

All architects and engineers of the company have qualification certificates. Because the project is not subject to a company license, but to an architect’s certificate. By law, responsibility for the project lies with the architect.

Does your company do all the work? Or do you use contractors?

  • We ourselves carry out general construction, Finishing work, site arrangement, wiring engineering systems(electricity, heating around the house, water supply) and so on.
  • We invite contractors to work that we do not perform every day and require specialization, for example: production and installation of windows and doors (special orders), air conditioning systems, boiler room equipment, installation of wells, septic tanks.
  • Searching, attracting, complying with agreements and monitoring the performance of work by contractors is our task.
  • We carry out 80% of all work on the construction of your home ourselves and only 20% involve contractors.
  • We enter into an agreement with each contractor in which he specifies a guarantee for the work performed by him, and in case of malfunctions, their elimination is the responsibility of the contractor.

Is it possible to see objects that are currently in operation?

Yes, there are objects that we can show at different stages of work and houses that have already been commissioned by prior arrangement.

about the project

Should I buy a standard project or order an individual one?

Buy finished project.

  • Plus is the price.
  • The downside is that it will not include all your wishes regarding materials and layouts. Also, it will require modification to suit the characteristics of your site.

Buy a ready-made project and modify it.

It all depends on the changes you want to make. It is possible that developing an individual project will be more profitable for you than modifying a standard one.

The cost of such modifications must be discussed during the meeting.

Development individual project Houses.

  • Pros: all your wishes regarding all characteristics of the house and site are taken into account.
  • The downside is that the cost of such a project is higher than a standard one.

BUT! You can develop an individual project for free. If our company builds, then the development of an individual project is free for you.

How is an individual project developed?

  • The development of an individual project begins with the signing of a contract and the first meeting with the architects, at which the client voices his wishes. Based on the results of the meeting, a design assignment is drawn up, which is an annex to the contract.
  • Architects prepare several versions of sketches and decide with the client in which direction to move next. Over the entire design period, several meetings take place with the client, at which all architectural and design solutions are worked out in detail until the client is satisfied with everything, which he confirms with a signature on the Draft Design.
  • Next, a working draft is developed. This is the calculation phase of each design solution in which the client is not involved.
  • This entire process takes from 2 weeks to 2 months, after which the client receives a finished project with ready-made detailed calculations, which is necessary when submitting documents for a building permit.

About construction

Will you go to the site where construction is planned?

Yes. When inspecting the site, we take into account the size, access from the road and its width, the proximity of neighboring buildings, the presence of a slope or drop, cardinal directions and what kind of soil is on the site.

Do you help with choosing a site for construction?

Yes. Our specialists help with site selection. They will help you find it according to your requirements on the Internet with advertisements.

What affects the final price of a home?

The cost of building a house is affected by:

  • site features: relief, entry conditions, location
  • materials used in construction
  • house architecture features
  • work conditions (working time restrictions)

What guarantees do you provide?

We provide a 3-year guarantee on our work. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for materials and it is different in each case. There are materials for which the manufacturer provides a lifetime warranty.

How can I control construction?

  • We send each client step by step photo work report.
  • We install online video surveillance of the facility 24 hours a day, you and the company’s specialists have access to it (paid service).
  • You can also use the services of companies that provide technical control.
  • The construction is carried out in stages, you always see which stage and only after accepting one, we proceed to the next.

When is the contract signed?

  • The design contract is signed at the meeting, before the first communication with the architect.
  • The construction contract is signed after the estimate has been developed and approved.

When should I pay for your work?

For design, an advance payment is required within 5 days after signing the contract in the amount of 70% of the total amount. The balance is paid upon delivery of the finished project to the client.

Payment for construction is broken down according to the stages specified in the estimate. Each stage of construction is also divided into payments, the size of which may vary (usually due to the need to purchase materials)

How are builders placed?

  1. It will be convenient if you have the opportunity to place builders near the construction site, it will be suitable garden house, construction trailer, an old house or any other building with a roof.
  2. If there is nothing like that, then we are ready to bring our change house for FREE.
  3. In extreme cases, we will accommodate our builders in a nearby hostel

What communications are needed to start construction: electricity, water?

Electricity with a power of at least 5 kW and technical water.

If this is not the case, then we will bring our generators FREE OF CHARGE. In most cases, water wood construction used only for household needs, we will provide its delivery on our own.

What time of year do you carry out construction?

We build all year round, one of important conditions in the spring-autumn period this is a suitable road for vehicle access.


We will help you save by correctly calculating the estimate and choosing high-quality materials.

Perform quality project documentation, thanks to which you can not worry about the design decisions made.

We work throughout the Moscow region

Volokolamsk district, Voskresensky district, Dmitrovsky district, Egoryevsky district, Zaraisky district, Istra district, Kashirsky district, Klinsky district, Kolomna district, Krasnogorsky district, Leninsky district, Lotoshinsky district , Lukhovitsky district, Lyubertsy district, Mozhaisky district, Mytishchi district, Naro-Fominsk district, Noginsky district, Odintsovo district, Ozersky district, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Pavlovo-Posadsky district, Podolsky district, Pushkinsky district, Ramensky district, Ruza district, Sergiev Posad district, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Serpukhov district, Solnechnogorsk district, Stupinsky district, Taldomsky district, Chekhov district, Shatursky district, Shakhovsky district, Shchelkovsky district.