Create flyers online. Flyers are a good way to attract customers

or a bit about flyers. Online constructors.

It is clear from the title that our article contains at least two important paragraphs: in the first, I will advise you where you can free download a lot of flyers, and in the second I will do review of existing online constructors flyers, I will mention programs. But I will start, of course, by explaining what a flyer is, what requirements are placed on information, size and other characteristics of this simple but effective advertising object. And, of course, quick tips , do not feed bread, according to the implementation advertising campaign involving flyers.

Flyer or flyer, story

Flyer (from the English fly - fly; flyer, flier - advertising leaflet) I would be satisfied with writing flyer, but it is less common.

Perhaps the story of the appearance of the first flyer takes us back in time, before typography, to the so-called "anonymous letters" that were thrown into houses, and, in the design, they often managed with a minimum of text using pictures and cartoons.

Dimensions, color, information

Usually it is one-time (taking it from the consumer, you can conduct statistics), often discounted, used as a pass or invitation (the last three points allow you to provide a flyer long life, i.e. the client does not throw away the discount / pass flyer, hoping to use it)

Depending on the target audience, the flyer can be image or informational.

According to its manufacture, it can be one- or two-sided, differ (dense coated or offset), in shape (usually rectangular) and in size:
1/3 A4 - 99 × 210 mm
A5 - 148 × 210 mm
A6 - 105 × 148 mm
A7 - 74 × 105 mm

Which information about you must be present on the flyer?

Pictures are clickable.

Eh, you! They didn’t sniff life ... And I’m a whole summer, a whole summer: mowing in the morning, milking in the evening, then the cow will farrow, then the chickens rushed ... And then the cherry sprouted, the beets began to grow ... You plow like a tractor ... And if it rains during drying, huh ?!

Quick step by step guide

I did not come across statistics on the use of flyers. There are mentions of 5-7% of those who returned, and this is considered a good result of the action, i.e. for 100 people who received the flyer, 5-7 people will return and purchase the goods.

You can change the statistics if you work on the design of flyers and delve into the features of leaflet distribution.

! Remember three words: DESIGN, PLACE, CLIENT

or another three WHAT? WHERE? TO WHOM?

If you work on the design, choose the right place and hand out flyers to potential customers, your advertising campaign will exceed all expectations.

STEP 1 Registration

The flyer is the title!

State everything in the heading, precisely, clearly, as briefly as possible, like a shot ... The rest of the information is additional, in our terminology, a control shot.

Bright, catchy design or bright accents on what should be of interest to the client. In prepress, don't forget to check which color mode you are using, usually CMYK, not RGB.

See the information in the flyer above, but leave some understatement so that the buyer goes to your website or store for more information.

Intrigue him! Intrigue is important, for example, a flyer can be exchanged for a surprise gift. Remember, we are people, and people are curious and love freebies. I hope I did not offend you, inquisitive and economic friend!

So, write convincingly and clearly, limit in time (the promotion will last until ...), indicate what needs to be done to get this and that ... In no case do not lie, do not write in small handwriting and be extremely transparent!

  • inappropriate size, for example, does not fit into a man's wallet or handbag;
  • disgustingly designed (readability, visual range, information content) for this (necessary) category of persons;
  • inappropriate place and time of distribution;
  • does not motivate buy it from you;
  • disinterest of the promoter and other reasons.

Example: The promoter casually slipped the A4 flyer into the hands of a woman with a small reticule as she ran towards the departing bus. Having cast a brief glance at the flyer and, not having time to see anything, due to the weakness of her eyesight and the unreadability of the leaflet itself, she drops it and still catches up with the bus.
The flyer gently spinning falls down and his eyes rush to the sky, and the gray water of the puddle softens his mortal body of A4 format.
The irony of fate was that the flyer contained a discount of as much as 15% on optics, which the woman would soon purchase in another store.

STEP 2 Place and time

The location is usually chosen where there is a potential customer and / or close to the advertised product, away from distractions such as public transport, auctions and tempting storefronts. It is not advisable to choose rush hour, because you need not just to give the flyer, but to be able to exchange a few words, which is not easy to do when everyone is in a hurry.

Step 3. Potential client, or the one who influences the first two points.
Your potential buyer, ask yourself questions about him. It should become transparent to you.

How he lives, how he breathes, what he eats, drinks, where he rests, what is the intrigue of his being, how to influence him, what code word will turn on his desire to acquire, where he is found, etc.

Know everything about the target audience!

- How many tons of clover from each laying hen was obtained after threshing the fallow?

Free download flyer template

Large selection on the site an interesting resource, look what is not there. BUT flyer( download for free and direct links. For use in the electronic version, they require an active link to their website, for editing flyers you need Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape vector graphics editors, there is also a psd format for processing in our favorite Photoshop.

Another resource - convenient, free, extra goodies.

You can search on, but requires registration, and also, through registration on the site you can choose and download flyer template. Look at here:

Programs and constructors for creating flyers

Programs! There is nothing to say here, any graphic program will help create a flyer, there would be knowledge and desire. Some work with vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Corel), others with raster (pixel) graphics (Photoshop) and many more unmentioned programs. Distinctive feature It is these programs that work with layers.

I will mention a couple of services that are convenient and have some amenities.

For example, this site can upload your template or build on the basis numerous layouts, and order printing of flyers: (

Here - - can be downloaded the result of my work, I think that the designer will help to design not only a flyer or a business card, but also a cover for an album or book, etc.

Take a look here too -

In general, you already understood this, online constructor- help to save money, attract the public to the site and generate income for the printing house.

I printed my last flyers in one Crimean company with a representative office in Rostov, all via the Internet, delivered to Rostov with a delay, but otherwise without any complaints. Because of political problems, this organization died a long time, it's a pity.

See you soon!

Subscribe to the cabinet-photo news feed
All materials of the site can be used with a link to this site.

Whether you're in the business of selling clothes, acting as a lawyer or selling baked goods, doing dog manicures or hosting tourists, you need customers.

And in order to increase the flow of customers, entrepreneurs in the sphere go to different tricks. In fact, these are usually various advertising campaigns. And often in their composition there is, seemingly insignificant, but still important, an item called leaflets or, as they are also called, flyers.

The leaflet is very convenient for the client, and a relatively cheap way for businesses to advertise. The person she is interested in will have contacts and a list of services and special offers at hand.

And everyone seems to be happy, but ... Usually passers-by throw away a piece of paper that they received from a person in a funny suit.

How to make the right flyer?

Initially, it should attract attention to itself. No monotony and "acidity" (acid colors make sense to use only in rare cases, usually to emphasize youth style or parties).

Colors should be balanced and rich, but not irritable. You need to think carefully before applying a dark background, and this is a sin for many.

The design of the flyer must first of all correspond to general style of your business and you need to test the return on different options design.

In practice, often simpler leaflets with a white background and highlighting key inscriptions in red usually work more efficiently, but not always.

Write the essence of your activity clearly and concisely in the most large print(clothes, shoes, food, concrete). Next, briefly write a promotion or offer in small letters (50% discount, sale, large sizes, exclusive arrival).

Or vice versa, we highlight the information about the stock more, it is desirable to test several options.

We write the main text in a smaller font. But, make sure that your eyes do not ripple from different font, try to keep the style options down to two.

And fewer curls, otherwise in the contacts column the buyer will take a long time to sort out exactly which number you wrote on the phone. And when you get tired of disassembling, he will simply throw out the leaflet.

By the way, it is better to write contacts on the same side as the main text. It's more convenient for the client.

The less text, the better.

The ideal flyer contains a product image or logo, an offer and contacts with the required action.

If a person is interested in the offer, he will visit you or call you to clarify the details. And if the action did not interest him, then the leaflet will fly into the wastebasket. With or without text.

But once again I draw your attention to the fact that it is not enough to write an address or phone number, it is very important to write “come in”, “call”, etc. in the imperative mood.

A person will take and keep the leaflet that carries useful information. But useful information must be presented correctly.

We exclude denials

Eliminate from the text the expressions “If you ...” and negations. The text should be clear, without double meaning, without professional terms (the buyer simply won’t understand what it is about), from short sentences and do not forget that a potential client is reading it.

This means that the product must be presented in at its best from the client side.

It is better to highlight the main elements with bullets, but limit the enumeration based on 7 +/- 2, i.e. optimally from 5 to 9, less can be, but not more. Do not use bullets in the form of ‘-’, as on a subconscious level, psychologically, this is perceived as a denial. It is better to highlight items with checkmarks or large dots.

To whom are intended

Pay attention to which contingent your customers belong to. If you sell exclusive clothes and young wives or children of oligarchs buy it, then focus on exclusivity in the text. In your clothes, the buyer will be "ahead of the rest."

If your clothes are purchased by a business woman, then quality is important for her! She earned this money herself, and she doesn't want to pay for junk.

The paper on which the leaflet is made must be of high quality. And give it value. Let the flyer be a discount coupon or offer to exchange it for a gift from the company. And then no one will pass by your little paper trick. And this means that the circle of your potential customers has expanded significantly.


Never, I repeat, never limit yourself to a single flyer option.
The effectiveness of any advertising medium must be tested. Is always! And in the end choose the most effective options.

Good sales to you!

Sergei Berdachuk
Customer Acquisition Expert.

If you need to make a website or a selling page, set up Internet advertising, build sales funnels on the site, help with SEO promotion, then contact us.
We are always ready to help.

Please enter your contact details (* indicates required fields)

The main feature of the booklet is the brevity of the advertising text contained in it.

These types of booklets can be easily ordered from any company that deals with advertising or printing. However, you can do it yourself using the Microsoft Office Word typing program.

Now you will learn how to make a booklet in Word.

Launch Microsoft Office Word, a blank page will appear in front of you. Now we need to change its orientation. To do this, select the "Page Layout" menu item, and in it click on "Orientation" and set it to "landscape". The sheet will turn on its side (become landscape).

Now you need to adjust the settings for the top, bottom and side margins. You set these parameters one centimeter wide.

To do this, in the same tab of the “Page Layout” menu, click on the “Fields” item and click on it, a window with ready-made field templates will open. Select "Custom Fields" at the bottom.

A field settings window will open, in which you set four parameters for one centimeter and click "OK". The figure below shows everything clearly.

In the same menu, click on the "Columns" item and divide the sheet into three columns.

The sheet will be divided into three parts, but you will not immediately see this until you start typing. Do not forget that the booklet will need to be folded several times. For the convenience of folding the sheet, mark up in the form of lines between the columns of the document.

To do this, in the same menu item (“Page Layout”), click on the inscription “Columns” and select “Other columns” in it.

In the window that opens, check the box next to the "Delimiter" item and click "OK".

After the done actions, when filling out the column, you will see a vertical dividing line on the sheet.

Now fill the finished template with text and photos, then print it out. Bend and use for promotional purposes.

How to make a booklet in Word using a template?

Open the "File" menu and select "New".

On the right, you will see the "Create Document" menu that opens. Choose "On my computer".

The Templates window opens. In it, go to the "Publications" menu item at the top, select the "Brochure" template and click "OK".

A new sheet will appear with ready-made markup and information entered.

What does the shape of your nose say about your personality?

Benefits of Drinking Coffee

What do people regret most at the end of their lives?

Now you just have to edit the content by changing the proposed text and photos to your own version, as a result you will have a finished booklet. Below are some examples.

As you can see, the booklet must be double-sided, so it is better to create these sheets separately from each other. If desired, the booklet can be set to any background color.

To do this, select the "Drawing" menu item and click on the "Rectangle" button.

Using the mouse, expand the frame across the entire sheet, and the text will disappear, but don't be alarmed, everything is fine.

You will see your typed text and pictures again, but the content will now be framed. After that, in the same menu, select the color of the desired fill.

Booklet in Word 2013

Making a booklet in Word 2013 is very easy, there are several ways. Let's start with the most common.

Each Word document is displayed in the program with a ruler, which is located on the left side. Click the left mouse button on the ruler, this will open the page settings window. Go to the "Fields" tab and set the parameters you need.

Choose the page type "Brochure", while the document will automatically become landscape orientation. Here you can set how many pages will be in the booklet and the width of the margins of the document. After that, click "OK" and fill out the sheet with information.

You can make a large number of booklet options, it all depends on your imagination, but we will describe one of the ways.

To create the first page of a booklet, use the title page. To do this, go to the "Insert" menu item in the top control panel of the program and select the "title page" item there.

A window will appear giving options title pages for selection (in this example we chose Whisp). If you do not like any of the proposed options, you can download other themes from the official website of the program.

To change the background color of a sheet, use the "Design" menu, and in it select the "Page Color" item. A palette of colors will drop out, in which you choose the color that suits you best and see what happens.

Write the text in those fields of the sheet that are active. You can experiment with text placement, font type, and size.

Now you can design the next pages of the document. In this example, the text area is decorated with interesting text boxes. To do this, click on the active “text field” window, which will open various options design. Select the Whisp option in the panel on the side, while the sheet will acquire the same design as on home page. If you click in the inner area of ​​the block, you can change the background color, font type, margin size, text information placement, and so on.

To decorate the page, add photos through the menu "Tab" - "Pictures". Choose the desired image from hard drive computer and add to the document. After that, when you click on the picture, the "Format" menu will open, with which you can process the picture - change its position, add effects, set borders, set styles, and so on. Try it, it's very exciting.

Do the same for all other sheets.

The second option is to use ready-made layouts already included in the program.

Click on the "File" tab, in the drop-down menu, select "Create Booklet". If there are few options, you can automatically view other types of design that are on the official Word website directly from the program and download it.

Now the only thing left is to replace the text and images. Everything is ready!

Probably the most popular marketing tool is flyers. An easy way to talk about your unique offers, discounts, promotions and bonuses, thereby stimulating demand. Or simply attract new customers by talking about your company, its product offering.

What should be in a leaflet so that a person starts reading it? To be useful?

The information part of the leaflet gives full information necessary for the customer to get to know you, contact you and purchase the product. Who are you, what do you sell, what favorable conditions do you offer, how to find you and place an order.

The selling part makes it clear to the client that he will lose the meaning of life if he does not buy your product. That's it, and nothing less. Benefits, benefits, benefits. Why your product for the client or your company is good. What will he get and what problems will he solve forever in his life if he buys your product.

Let's take a closer look…

Information for the client

What does the informational part of the leaflet include?

You must indicate the name of the company, otherwise the client simply will not understand who you are. Next, you reveal the essence of your product offer, product concept. What do you offer, what do you sell. Here the client already decides whether you are interesting to him or not.

Be sure to include ways to contact you. Where does customer comet buy goods? How can he find you? How to find out more information?

Indicate phone numbers by which you can place an order or find out details about the product, the promotion being held. Phones must be with city and international codes, otherwise it will be difficult for you to get through.

Addresses Email and the site are also necessary for the client, because not everyone has the opportunity to call.

Information about the operating mode of the enterprise and the timing of the promotion itself or discounts will be very useful, and they must also be indicated. Moreover, the limitation on the duration of the ongoing promotion can encourage the client to make a purchase.

If there are restrictions on the purchase of your product, or the conditions for participation in the promotion, be sure to focus on them so as not to mislead your buyer.

Therefore, specialists in the preparation of advertising texts - copywriters - are engaged in it. For him, compose a catchy headline that will make starting to read the leaflet easier than the average person.

But if the headline grabs attention, then the list of benefits that the customer will receive by purchasing the product make him read everything. This is the key to creating effective promotional material. What will you get if you buy from us?

The art is to get the client to come to the conclusion that you can better meet his needs. And for this you must know them.

And the most important thing is the call. A call to action that encourages the customer not to think, but to buy. If you do not give the client a stimulating push, then he may simply put your flyer aside. "Now not best time I'll do it later."

Attract the attention of the client, tell him about the product. Show him a photo of the product. Show him what he gets if he buys from you. Or what will he lose if he does not buy. Encourage him to make a purchase immediately and solve his problem. Then your flyer will sell and attract customers, and not lie in the wastebasket.