Teacher's Day in the form of a fairy tale. Funny sketch for teacher's day from students






Cosmodrome. I stand on the gangway, adjusting my helmet.

"Goodbye!" - shout to dad, "Goodbye!" - everyone.

The sky rose above us, leaving a trail,

The flame was beating red light towards the planets.

(Yu. Lutskevich)

Nine planets revolve around the sun: Mercury, Venus and Earth. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Each of the planets moves around the sun in its own way. This path is called an orbit.

There are also small planets - invisible. Most of them are between Mars and Jupiter.

The sun, together with the major and minor planets, makes up the solar system.

In the solar system, people live only on Earth. There are no living beings on other planets.

Even in ancient times, people noticed several luminaries wandering among the stars. These luminaries became known as planets. Planets don't shine by their own light like stars do. Planets are visible in the sky because they are illuminated by the sun. At first glance, they look like bright stars, but the planets do not twinkle. They glow with a steady light. They are brighter than the stars. Through binoculars, you can see that the planets are visible not as dots, but as small disks, circles.

For many centuries, people have studied the planets with the naked eye, then with the help of a telescope - a spotting scope with magnifying glasses. Now the planets are studied with the help of automatic interplanetary stations. They fly up to the planets and photograph the surface of the planet from a close distance.

Astronauts did not fly to other planets. They flew around the Earth and to the Earth's satellite - the Moon.

Teacher's story about Mercury

This planet is closest to the Sun. Mercury seems huge. Three times more than the Earth.

Mercury is a small planet. It is 20 times smaller than the Earth. This is a lifeless stone ball with mountains, deep ravines and bare, dull stones.

A day on Mercury lasts 90 days - three months. During such a long day, the sun very strongly heats the surface of Mercury up to 400 degrees. The heat is unbearable. Then for 90 days comes a black, impenetrable night. Terrible cold. Frost - 150 degrees.

Mercury is easier to see in southern latitudes: it appears in the sky in the evening. Either in the morning (in the first two hours after sunset), then in the early morning (two hours before dawn). No wonder our distant ancestors were not easy to guess that the morning and evening stars are the same luminary, and they called Set and Horus (Egyptians), Buddha and Roginea (Indians), Apollo and Hermes (Greeks).

Mercury, like the moon, shines by reflected sunlight. Mercury is devoid of atmosphere, which means that life there is impossible not only because of the unbearable temperature for living beings, but also because they have nothing to breathe on Mercury.

The surface of Mercury is dotted with craters - people learned about this by obtaining an image of its surface taken in 1974 by the American spacecraft Mariner 10.

Teacher's story about Venus

Venus is not a star, but a planet, just like our Earth. All planets solar system revolve around the sun, each in its own circle. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is closer to the Sun than the Earth. The hot rays of the sun make the surface of Venus very hot. The temperature on Venus is +500 degrees. Not a single living being can live in such inferno.

There are no forests or seas on Venus. The air on this planet is terribly poisonous and heavy. It presses with its weight with such force as a layer of water one kilometer thick would press on us.

On Venus, hurricanes whistle and howl, clouds of dust raised by the wind are carried, stony deserts and rocks stretch. Hot sand.

There are so many clouds over Venus. That she seems to be wrapped in white cotton wool. Sunlight does not penetrate through dense clouds, therefore there is eternal night on the planet.

Venus is about the same size as our Earth. It is closer to the Sun than the Earth. And manages to fly around the sun in just seven months. Therefore, a year on Venus lasts seven months.

From Earth, Venus appears to be an extraordinarily beautiful planet.

She appears in the sky only in the morning or only in the evening, and people call her the Morning Star, who is the Evening Star. It shines with soft white light. No star can match the beautiful brilliance of Venus.

People called this planet by the name of the goddess of beauty and made up stories about her. beautiful fairy tales. It seemed to them that this beautiful girl was riding across the sky on a silver chariot drawn by snow-white horses.

The teacher's story about the Earth

There is one garden planet in this cold space

Only here the forests rustle birds calling migratory,

Only on it alone lilies of the valley bloom in green grass,

And dragonflies only look into the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet - there is no other like it!

Earth is the third planet in the solar system. Like all planets, it moves around the sun. Earth is a satellite of the Sun.

Our planet is not just moving, but rushing through outer space faster than any rocket. And although it flies very fast. It only goes around the sun once a year. It's a very long way!

The earth doesn't just revolve around the sun. It also rotates around its axis, spinning like a top. The earth exposes the sun to one side, then the other. Until it turns once around its axis, 24 hours will pass, that is, a day - day and night.

When astronauts look at our planet from space, it seems to them a luminous ball of beautiful blue color.

The fact that the Earth is round, people guessed in the old days. At first they thought that the Earth was a round pancake and one could walk to its edge, but not a single daredevil ever reached the edge of the Earth.

And so the sailor - traveler Maggelan on five ships decided to go around the Earth.

For three years the ships sailed forward and forward, without changing direction and checking their path by the stars. Four ships were lost in the rough waters of the ocean. And only one ship called "Victoria" circled the Earth and returned to the port from the other, opposite side.

The teacher's story about Mars

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system and is a close neighbor of the Earth.

Even in ancient times, people noticed a bright orange fiery star in the sky. And they named it in honor of the god of war - Mars. It is curious that so many writers - science fiction writers inhabited the red planet with living creatures - silt with militant monsters, or similar to people, or hostile to them. And today, journalists call Mars the Bermuda Triangle? Almost all space missions to Mars end in failure.

As on Earth, on Mars there are days and nights, as well as winter, spring, summer, autumn. Each of these seasons is twice as long as on Earth. This is because a year on Mars is almost two Earth years, because Mars is farther from the Sun, and it takes more time to go around the sun. Well, if Mars is farther from the Sun, then the sun heats worse there. Therefore, the winter there is more severe, and the summer is colder. The most heat during the day on Mars + 15 degrees, and at night - 100 degrees below zero.

During the day, the sky of Mars seems soft pink. This color is given to it by Martian dust illuminated by the Sun.

At the end of the 20th century, the Vikings spacecraft transmitted to Earth an image of the planet Mars - absolutely lifeless landscapes, similar to earthly deserts. Uncomfortable and unfriendly on Mars. strong winds clouds of red Martian dust raise huge deserts strewn with stones. Mountains with sharp peaks rise up.

The air on Mars is made up of a gas that humans cannot breathe. There is no oxygen or water on Mars. There is no life there.

Teacher's story about Jupiter

Jupiter played twice important role in the history of the astronomer. It became the first planet to have moons discovered. It happened almost four hundred years ago. The author of the discovery is the world famous scientist Galileo. The rapid and clearly visible movement of Jupiter's moons makes them a very convenient sky clock, and sailors used to use them to determine the position of a ship on the high seas.

And further. Jupiter and its moon helped solve one of the most ancient mysteries: does light spread at lightning speed or is its speed not so great? Through complex calculations based on observations, O. Romer determined that light moves quickly at a speed of 3000 km / s

Jupiter is the fifth and largest planet in our solar system. This is a giant planet. It is ten times the size of the Earth.

Bright Jupiter moves slowly and majestically around the Sun. Twenty years will pass on Earth, and Jupiter will fly around our sun only once. Very far from the star, a very long way he has to go.

Jupiter is so far from the Sun that the sun's rays do not warm it at all. This is a very cold planet.

Jupiter does not have a solid surface like Earth, Venus, Maar and Mercury. It is a huge ball of dense clouds of dust and gas.

Terrible storms and thunderstorms rage on Jupiter, which do not happen on Earth. This is the most restless and formidable planet.

The air on Jupiter is poisonous and unbreathable.

Jupiter spins around its axis very quickly, like a top. Only ten hours last a day on Jupiter: five hours a day and five hours a night.

Jupiter has 16 satellites that revolve around it, each of them with its own history and its own mysteries, which mankind managed to solve only in the space age. You will learn about it. When you get older and read books on astronomy.

The teacher's story about Saturn

There is one star in the sky

Which one, I won't say

But every evening from the window

I look at her.

She shimmers so bright!

And somewhere in the sea

Now, probably a sailor

It guides the way

(G. Kruzhkov)

It is the sixth planet in the solar system. Saturn, like all planets. It makes its flight around the Sun. The farther a planet is from the sun, the longer its path. It takes Saturn 30 Earth years to complete one circle.

Light yellow Saturn looks much more modest than orange Jupiter. It does not have, like its neighbor, colorful cloud cover. But there are rings that other planets do not have. They excited the imagination of many scientists with their unique shape. Only three rings are visible from Earth. These rings are thin, but very wide - many thousands of kilometers wide. They consist of stones and ice, which, like satellites, move around Saturn. There are so many of these small stones and ice floes that they merge into continuous rings.

Saturn does not have a solid surface like Earth, Venus or Mars. Saturn. Like Jupiter, it is a giant ball of gas, 9 times the size of the Earth.

This planet is very far from the Sun, so the solar heat does not reach Saturn. Eternal cold reigns there, frost up to -180 degrees.

Like all planets, Saturn revolves around itself. Saturn completes one rotation on its axis in 10 hours.


If you try hard

If you really want

Can you go up to the sky

And reach the sun.

And seriously, not pretend

Get to know the moon

Walk on it for a bit.

And return home again. (S. Baruzdin.)

The moon is not a star or a planet. She is a satellite of the Earth, a large stone ball, which is several times smaller than the earth.

The Moon is the closest celestial body to the Earth, the distance to it is 384 thousand kilometers.

If you look at the moon through binoculars, you can see dark and light spots on it. Light spots are lunar seas. In fact, there is not a drop of water in these seas. Previously, people did not know this, which is why they called them seas.

There is no water on the moon. No air. There is neither rain nor snow. You can't live on the moon.

The entire surface of the moon is covered with a thick layer of dust. Astronauts who have landed on the moon speak. That it looks like it hasn't been dusted for years.

On the surface of the moon during the day there is heat up to 130 degrees, and at night - frost - 170 degrees.

That's why the moon is shining. that the sun illuminates it. From the Earth, the Moon can be seen either as a round one, or as a sickle, sometimes it is not visible at all. This is because. That it is illuminated by the Sun in different ways, and we see only the illuminated part of the Moon. Therefore, it changes its appearance all the time. The moon moves around the Earth and goes around it once a month.

The first to fly to the moon in a spaceship American astronauts.


Who looked at the starry dome

Late autumn frosty

He saw how the star Swan

Rises to the zenith

He heard how in the blue sky

The starry lyre is ringing.

In the old days, people thought that the stars were shining lanterns. Suspended from the crystal vault of the sky. After all, they did not yet know that each star is a distant Sun, which is billions of times larger than the Earth.

Stars are huge hot balls, similar to our Sun. They are very far from the Earth and therefore do not heat and seem very small.

There are a lot of stars in the sky, and to understand them. People have combined groups of stars into constellations. Constellations and the brightest stars people gave names.

The stars twinkle in the night sky different light: blue, white, yellow, red.

White and blue stars are very, very hot. They are hotter than the sun. Yellow stars are colder than white ones. They are about the same as our Sun. Reddish stars are colder than the Sun.

Stars differ in size from each other: there are red giants, normal stars and white dwarfs.

Our Sun is a star. It is possible that other stars similar to the Sun have planets and their satellites. Perhaps there is life on those planets. But we don't know about that yet.

The sun

Shine on us, sun, shine!

It's easy to live with you.

And even a song on the way

Sings by itself.

From us behind the clouds - clouds

Don't go, don't

And the forest, and the field, and the river are happy with the warmth and the sun.

Listen to my song: shine from morning to night

And I'll sing for you, I'll sing when you want. (Y.Akim)

The sun is huge fire ball. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 20 million degrees.

It seems to us that the Sun is a small circle. That's why. That it is very far from the Earth long distance. In fact, the Sun is huge. It is 109 times larger than the Earth, the sun - the ball - the giant. If you could put the sun next to the earth, it would look like a big soccer ball next to a pea.

From the Earth to the Sun 150 million kilometers. Therefore, the sun's rays do not burn, but only warm and illuminate our planet.

Without the Sun, there would be no life on earth. Plants, animals and people live only because the sun gives them life. This was understood even by ancient people and worshiped the Sun as a god. They thanked him for his warmth and greeted him as he rose in the morning.

The Sun is the closest star to Earth and is the center of the solar system. Our planet Earth is one of the nine planets in the solar system.


Spreading its fiery tail, the comet rushes between the stars Rushing at wild speeds, was visiting the sun And saw the Earth in the distance and new satellites of the Earth and was carried away from the Earth, ships flew behind it! (G.Sapir)

Comets are celestial travelers. These are huge blocks of stone and ice. Sometimes they are called "dirty snowballs" for this.

But there are comets. Which from time to time return to the Sun. For example, Halley's comet does this every 76 years. Halley is the scientist who first noticed this comet. Comets are always given the names of the people who discovered them.

More recently, the Americans Hale and Bopp discovered a new bright comet, which flew into the solar system for the first time. Now they call it that - comet - Hale - Bopp.

In March and April 1997, she appeared in the sky in the morning and evening. And anyone could admire its silvery sheen. This comet is a very rare guest. Scientists believe that the next time it will approach in about two and a half thousand years.

When a comet approaches the Sun, it can be seen in the sky even without binoculars and a telescope, because it has a luminous tail. This is a comet tail - the plume is formed from dust and gas. A comet flies away from the Sun, its body cools down, the tail disappears, and a cold block again travels in space. Comet tails are not terrible for the Earth, although they frightened people in antiquity. The solid body of a comet is more dangerous. But, fortunately, outer space is so huge that we can not be afraid of these meetings.


The chief designer told me: - The takeoff will not be very smooth ...

There will be a heart, maybe often go to the heels ...

Lift up your heels - that's all right

And then for the whole flight the heart will not go to the heels ... (A. Shalygin)

This profession has appeared quite recently. An astronaut is a person who experiences space technology and works on it in space.

Now there are astronauts in almost all countries of the world. But spaceships are built and sent into space by only two countries in the world - in Russia and America. Cosmonauts from all over the world worked on Russian spaceships: from France, from America. From Japan, from China and from many other countries.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first cosmonaut on Earth. On April 12, 1961, on the Vostok 2 spacecraft, he flew around the Earth once in 1 hour 48 minutes. He returned to Earth alive and well. And scientists decided that a person can live and work in space.

Now astronauts for many months, and some more than a year carried out at space scientific stations.

The Mir space station was built in Russia. It has been flying and operating in Earth orbit since 1986. One crew of cosmonauts is replaced by another. Not a single hour stops working on space station. Astronauts observe the stars, the planet and the Sun, take pictures and study the Earth. They take care of the plants and animals that live on the station, repair their space house, and conduct many scientific experiments.

Space flight is monitored from Earth from the control center.

Many astronauts have flown into space several times already.

Astronauts are courageous people. They live and work in unusual conditions– in weightlessness, in a silent and dangerous space.


American cosmonauts are called astronauts. American astronauts were the first people to land on the moon.

In July 1969, the American ship "Apollo" rushed the inhabitants of the Earth to our space neighbor. When spaceship approached the moon, a special lunar cabin separated from it. And then astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin descended to the surface of the moon.

For several hours, earthlings walked on the surface of the moon, looking at the surroundings, collecting stones and photographing lunar landscapes.

The astronauts walked on the Moon in special spacesuits, and talked to each other by radiotelephone, because there is no air on the Moon and not a voice is heard. No sounds. The astronauts moved on the moon as if bouncing. Pushing off first with one foot, then with the other, because objects on the Moon are many times lighter than on Earth.

They left on the moon medals with portraits of the first cosmonauts and a sign with the words "We arrived in peace on behalf of all mankind." Who knows, maybe some alien will read this letter someday from the planet Earth.

The astronauts then returned to the spacecraft, which was waiting for them in lunar orbit. And three days later, the Apollo splashed down in the Pacific Ocean.

Thus ended the first flight to the moon. After that, several times American astronauts flew to the moon.

On other planets and their satellites, the inhabitants of the Earth have not yet been, but sent automatic space stations there.


How tempting to become an astronomer, intimately familiar with the universe!

It would not be bad at all: to observe the work of Saturn,

Admire the constellation Lyra, discover black holes

And be sure to compose a treatise - “Study the depths of the Universe!”

Astronomers are scientists who observe and study the stars.

In those distant times, when people did not yet know how to read and write, they watched with surprise what was happening in the sky. It seemed to them that the sky is a crystal cap that covers the Earth, and the stars are attached to the sky for decoration.

Ancient people thought that the Earth is stationary, and the Sun, Moon and stars revolve around the Earth.

Many years later, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Another scientist, Newton, understood. Why the planets do not fall: they are mutually attracted to each other and do not allow each other to move away from themselves or approach them. Therefore, they all fly around the Sun, each in its own way.

So gradually, scientists discovered the secrets of the cosmos.

Ancient astronomers studied the stars without special instruments, observing the sky from Earth. In the Middle Ages, scientists invented the spyglass and telescope to look at distant stars. Now artificial satellites and space stations fly in space, which explore the planets and stars.

The universe still has many mysteries, and astronomers will have enough work to do for a long time.


What kind of relative of the moon is there,

nephew or granddaughter

Flickers between the clouds? -

Yes, it's a satellite! Here are those times!

He is a satellite of each of us and the whole Earth in general.

The satellite was created by hands, and then on the rocket

Delivered to these distances (Yu. Yakovlev).

This is the name of the celestial body. Who circles around the other all the time. Many planets have natural satellites. The Earth also has a natural satellite - the Moon - and a lot of artificial satellites made by human hands.

Maybe you have seen a twinkling star rolling across the night sky? This asterisk is a satellite illuminated by the rays of the Sun.

The first Earth satellite was launched in Russia on October 4, 1957. Then the same satellites were launched in the USA and other countries. Now thousands of artificial satellites are flying around the Earth.

Satellites help watch TV shows, conduct telephone conversations, send and receive telegrams, and connect people with each other. That is why they are called connected.

With the help of satellites, the captain guides the ship through the boundless waters of the ocean. As satellites fly around the earth, they send out radio signals continuously. Based on these signals, the captain determines where the ship should sail.

Circling around the Earth, the satellite with the help of television cameras observes our planet. Clouds, hurricanes, storms are clearly visible from the flight altitude. You can see how fast they move. The satellite transmits its observations to Earth, and meteorologists use them to make a weather forecast. People have created artificial satellites in order to help them study the Earth, the Sun, planets, stars, and unravel the mysteries of nature.


The entire vast world that is outside the Earth is called space. Space is also called by another word - the Universe.

The cosmos, or universe, has no end or limit. The universe is filled with countless stars, planets, comets and other celestial bodies. Clouds are floating in space space dust and gas. In this interstellar desert reigns cosmic cold and darkness. There is no air in space.

There is not a single celestial body in the universe that would stand still. They are all moving. It seems to us that the stars are motionless. But in fact, the stars are so far away that we do not notice that they are rushing through space with great speed.

In this infinite and eternal Universe, our Earth is a small planet, and our Sun is an ordinary star closest to the Earth.

Our Earth flies in space along with other celestial bodies.

Every star, planet, comet or some other celestial body moves in the universe in its own way. There is a strict order in the universe, none of the planets or stars will go out of their way, out of their orbit and not collide with one another.

The word "cosmos" means the word "order, order."

Julia Maznina

The space theme begins to interest many children as early as the age of 3 years. Early? I think no. People, still ancient, first thought about what is beyond what we can reach with our hands, and where we can reach with our feet, when we straightened up and looked up - to the Sun, Moon and stars. It's a joke, but even a wolf howls at the moon. Understanding our place in the Universe is necessary for the harmonious development of the child, as well as knowing where the goods come from on the shelves of the store, so as not to see bewilderment in the eyes of a child who suddenly found out that garlic grows in the ground, and not on a tree, because in the store it is sold so clean. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to talk about space to children. But how to make it so that the baby is interested in the baby now, and so that this topic is interesting to him in the future? We will share with you the ideas that formed the basis of the Keen Moms Club project. It, indeed, turned out to be large and rich, but first things first.

How to talk about space?

  1. all kinds of games: mobile, role-playing, board;
  2. colorful pictures with little mom's explanations;
  3. visual experiments.

With pictures, everything is clear - they are a dime a dozen on the Internet. And there is video, and even online broadcasts from the International Space Station and not only from it. But the pictures on the monitor screen and the watched video are not information lived, not missed by the child. Most likely, after some time, it will simply disappear from your head. And the crafts made will remain, and emotions and memories of how they played with their mother will remain.

Can you play in space? It's even possible!

And you can do space experiments without leaving your apartment? Can! All that great outer space that surrounds us, with its complex and not yet fully elucidated laws, we try not to explain, but to show the kids through observation, sensation, movement. Therefore, the project turned out to be “scientific and educational”.

And the theoretical explanations that are given in the scenarios are given not for children, but for adults, so that they

  1. played more consciously;
  2. could answer the baby's questions, which, believe me, will definitely be.

If you are well versed in the topic of space, you can skip the theory and just play, focusing on the “Travel Route” attached to each scenario.

And you can consolidate the knowledge gained during the game and have a little laugh by answering the questions of the space quiz, which are also attached to each scenario.

Of course, you can dress the project or some of its parts in a fairy tale. If you didn’t have time and didn’t want to lose something, but you still want to tell the baby about it, you can think of a little fairy tale or a story from the life of one boy. whose name is the same as your baby. We do this with younger son: he recently turned 4 years old, his interest in space periodically arises, but does not linger for a long time. Therefore, I usually first tell him a fairy tale about the space adventures of the boy Petya (we have a doll with that name), and then we play the adventures of this boy Petya himself.

You can revive not only the Know-It-All, with whom the baby travels through space, but also those objects and objects that he meets there. The sun and planets of the solar system, asteroids and comets, constellations and galaxies can talk about themselves, and a lunar rover, a rover, a space probe can transmit messages in real time.

Big trip into space: Day 10. Ice giants: Uranus, Neptune. dwarf planets. Kuiper belt

Therefore, with a little imagination, you will definitely find a way to tell your baby about space in such a way that it will be excitingly interesting for him.

Where to start and what to talk about

Introduction to the Universe

A four-year-old kid has probably heard the words cosmos and the universe more than once. Therefore, we propose to start by explaining what the Universe is, and compiling the cosmic address of our planet in this very Universe.

Earth as a planet in the solar system

After we got acquainted with the Universe as a whole, it is worth paying attention to the planet where we live.

You can start with a story that people used to imagine the Earth, not at all the way we do now.

Then you can take a closer look at our planet from space:

  • find out that it rotates on its own axis and around the sun,
  • and find out what follows from this;
  • find out what is special about the polar regions;
  • and finally, to figure out whether the Earth is really round.

And then look inside the Earth, so that there are no secrets and mysteries. Or almost gone...

How did humans conquer space?

After the baby has learned so much about the planet on which he lives, his mom, dad, friends and in general all people live, it is natural to tell the baby about how people conquered space:

  • talk about who invented the rocket that can fly into space,
  • who built the first such rocket,
  • and why can it fly where planes, helicopters, Balloons and airships;
  • tell why a rocket is called a launch vehicle, and what it “carries”;

  • talk about what a satellite is,
  • and on what trajectory it moves;
  • tell who has been in space before man,
  • about how the first manned flight in near-Earth space went,
  • And when did the first exit take place? outer space,
  • talk about why the ISS was built,
  • and what astronauts are doing on it now.

You can just tell the kid about it or play with him every milestone in space exploration, as the participants in the first online stream did it:

We play astronauts

Of course, the kid will want to feel like a real astronaut. Build a spaceport and assemble a rocket.

Organize training for future cosmonauts, and then accept the best astronauts with the oath and listening to the astronauts' anthem, come up with a call sign and do not forget to follow all the traditions before the flight.

And a baby astronaut can spend the whole day on the international space station.

Flight to the moon

When the baby becomes an experienced astronaut, you can expand your horizons and go further - to conquer the moon. First, launch the lunar rover, and then fly to it ourselves in order to leave traces there that will be there in millions of years, admire the craters, collect samples lunar soil, ride a lunar car and find the flags of past expeditions.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Getting to know the sun better

Have you mastered the moon? It's time to get to know the Sun - the only star in our planetary system:

  • find out why it shines
  • why sunspots, flares and prominences appear on it;
  • learn what solar wind is,
  • and what does the sun have to do with the auroras;
  • find out if it ever goes out.

Journey through the planets of the solar system

And, of course, you need to visit the planets of the solar system in order to look for life there and make sure that there are no other planets in the solar system such favorable conditions for life as on Earth: somewhere unbearable heat, and somewhere freezing cold , one planet rotates too fast, the other too slowly, the surface of one is a desert dried up by the sun and winds, the surface of the other is a boiling liquid, covered with a thick layer of unbreathable atmosphere. All the planets in our solar system are different, and all are very interesting.

Exploring Mars
Exploring Venus
Exploring gas giants: Jupiter and Saturn
Exploring the Ice Giants: Uranus and Neptune

Asteroids, comets and space probes flying to the borders of the solar system

Traveling to Jupiter, you will definitely have to overcome the asteroid belt. Scientists still do not know exactly how it was formed: whether it is fragments of the stone planet Phaeton, which once orbited the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, or the remains of the substance from which Jupiter and other planets of the solar system were once formed.

You may also get lucky and meet a comet moving towards the Sun and fluffing its tail more and more. And if you follow her, moving away from the Sun, you can get to where she was born - in the Oort cloud (a sphere of solid and icy bodies of various sizes that surrounds our solar system).

Did you know that organic molecules have been found in the nuclei of comets more than once? Therefore, astronomers sometimes say that comets carry life throughout the universe. And although scientists have not yet found life within the solar system, except on planet Earth, they suggest that somewhere in the depths of space it can be. Why not send a message there like the records aboard the Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft that have left the solar system and are moving through interstellar space, one towards the constellation Giraffe and the other towards the constellation Shield. Eternal space wanderers sent from Earth. Who knows if anyone will see these messages...

Beyond the solar system: clusters of stars and constellations, galaxies, nebulae, black holes and one very interesting way travel through space and time

Having traveled enough through the expanses of the solar system, of course, you will want to go further to

  • see how our galaxy works Milky Way, and what other galaxies are;
  • find out why we see the starry sky the way we see it, and how many stars are in the sky;
  • figure out why the stars are combined into constellations, why they were called that and what the zodiac is;
  • admire clusters of stars and nebulae;
  • see how a supernova is born, find out what types of stars are, how long they live and how they die;
  • to understand how black holes are formed, and to be frightened at the thought that there could be a black hole in the center of the galaxy;
  • guess for yourself how mass bends space, and how you can quickly travel through space and time.

Fascinating, right?

And, of course, it is better to travel around countries or through the vast expanses of space in a company, so we again invite you to the online course "Great Space Journey" with feedback from the hosts and, of course, a competition among participants! We start April 10th. There is very little time left! Hurry up!

What sources to use when talking about space

media resources

One thing about space travel with a toddler is that for the most part, you won't be able to see what you're talking about. Of course, with a telescope you can look at the Moon and even find on it the very mountains, lakes, seas, bays, craters that beautiful names marked on lunar map, at a certain time you may be lucky enough to see Venus, Mars or even Jupiter with Saturn in the sky, if you have a powerful telescope, the location is suitable. Experiments, games and creative works will give an idea of ​​how space objects look like, how they are arranged, what happens to them in the depths of space. But the eye still wants real pictures or live photographs.

There is now a huge amount of information on space on the Internet: from educational cartoons for children to photographs of nebulae and distant galaxies taken by space Hubble telescope, and online broadcasts from the International Space Station.

Printed materials

On the Internet you will also find many space-themed coloring pages and printables. They will diversify your space everyday life with the baby, and at the same time train the baby's hand, develop mathematical skills, logic and thinking.

When surfing the Internet in search of printed materials, do not forget about foreign language resources. Keywords for searching on English-language sites: "space printables".


And of course it is better to travel with music. There are few children's space musical works, since space is a topic for any age, and children really like many adult compositions. You can download a selection of links to musical works on a space theme.


Even in our age of digital technologies, bright pictures from the screen of a laptop or tablet cannot replace a real book that you can read while sitting on your mother’s lap or leaf through one, looking at the pictures. Games, experiments, creative works and books perfectly complement each other. There are also a lot of books on the space theme now. They are designed for the most different age: for toddlers, for preschoolers, for junior schoolchildren, for teenagers. There are space tales (E. Levitan), there are encyclopedias, there are art books for older children. Some books are translated, some are written by our authors. In one book there is more about one thing, but there is absolutely no information about the other.

Among such an abundance of books on the space theme, it is very difficult to advise something specific. When choosing books about space, especially encyclopedias, we advise you to leaf through it and pay attention to whether all the information you need is in it. This is especially true of translated books, since they often contain almost no information about how space was explored in the USSR. But you must admit that in our former country with you, very much has been done.

Instead of a conclusion

And a few more words about the Great Space Journey project. Do your kids ask you questions about space? Can you answer them right away? Me not. Of course, you can take an encyclopedia about space and read the answer in it. With the eldest son, whose visual and auditory channels of perception are leading, this worked. But with the younger son who is a kinesthetic, this no longer works. By the time I get the book off the shelf, he will have already switched to something else. Therefore, I either immediately draw what he asks about on paper, or I take him by the hand and lead him to do a couple of experiments from the Great Space Journey. As the past year has shown, many children's questions can be answered there not only by the answer, but also by experiment, observation and creative work in addition.

What questions about space do children ask you? Share in the comments! We'll show you how to answer them!

A passionate mother of two sons: Andrey, 9 years old, and Maxim, 2 years old. I try to make sure that not only our classes, but our whole life are developing. When communicating with children, and not only with them, I try to adhere to the rule: "You can't tell - show."

Even before visiting kindergarten kids pay attention to the fact that night follows day, and the sun follows the moon. And since children are very inquisitive, they enthusiastically ask their parents what the sky is, why it is blue, and where the Sun goes. The universe for children is of particular interest, because everything unknown seems mysterious and magical. The task of parents is to tell children about the planets, space and astronauts in an accessible, childish language. We bring to your attention ideas for stories about space for children, suitable pictures and interesting cartoons. Dedicate the weekend to an amazing journey into the world of stars and planets.

About space for children: talk about the stars

The universe for children is an unusual and wonderful world in which the Sun and Stars shine most brightly. To get acquainted with the bright night "pebbles", invite your child to take a walk in the evening. Show him that there are many in the sky bright stars, they shimmer mysteriously. In fact, they are not as small as they seem. In real size, these are huge hot gas balls: the hottest ones shine in blue, others in red. They are different sizes. The most famous and brightest stars are the North Star and Sirius. The beloved warm Sun is also a star, the most important for us and our planet Earth. There are also colorful constellations in the sky - silhouettes of bright Stars. For example, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Space for kids: exploring the planets

Around the main Star, the Sun, 9 planets revolve, as well as other planets and asteroids. They are all different sizes and located at different distances relative to the Earth on which we live. It is generally accepted that this is the only planet inhabited by people; no life has been found on other planets.

To study the location of the planets in space, pictures for children will be a great help.

You can also be helped by verses in which planets are described from the point of view of remoteness. Here is one of them.

All the planets in order

Call any of us:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four is Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is eighth in a row.

And after him already, then,

And the ninth planet

called Pluto.

Planets in space: pictures for kids

Space Coloring Pages

Perhaps your child will be interested in watching cartoons about space, filmed specifically for children. We bring to your attention 3 training videos. It is also worth paying attention to the cartoon and the book "Dunno on the Moon", which are very interesting about space and the universe.

Cartoons about space for children

What do we know about space? Most of us cannot answer the simplest questions about this mysterious world which, despite this, attracts and interests us. This article presents the most interesting general information about space, which will be useful for everyone to know.

  • We (all living beings) are flying in the space environment at a certain speed, which is equal to 530 km/sec. If we take into account the speed of movement of our Earth in the galaxy, then it equates to 225 km / second. Our galaxy (the Milky Way), in turn, moves in space at a speed of 305 km/sec.
  • A giant space object - the planet Saturn actually has a relatively small weight. The density of this giant planet is a couple of times lower than that of water. Thus, if you try to drown this cosmic body in water, this will not work.
  • If the Jupiter planet were hollow, then all the known planets of our solar planetary system could fit inside it.
  • Reducing the periodicity of the rotation of the planet-Earth will move the Moon away from it by about four centimeters annually.
  • The first "star catalog" was compiled by Hipparchus (astronomer) in 150 BC.

  • When we look at the most distant (dimmest) stars in the night sky, we see them as they were about fourteen billion years ago.
  • In addition to our luminary, we have another approximate star "Proskima Centauri". The distance to this space object is equal to 4.2 light years.
  • The "red giant" named "Betelgeuse" has a huge diameter. For comparison, its diameter is a couple of times greater than the orbit of our Earth around the star.
  • Every year, the galaxy in which our planetary system is located produces about 40 new stars.
  • If one spoon (tea) of substance is removed from the "neutron star", then the weight of this spoon will be equal to 150 tons.

  • The mass of our luminary is more than 99% of the mass of its entire planetary system.
  • The age of the light emitted by our luminary can be equated to only 30 thousand years. It was thirty thousand years ago that a certain energy was formed in the luminary, which to this day reaches the Earth. By the way, solar photons get to the aforementioned planet on which we live, in just eight seconds.
  • The eclipse of our star can last no more than seven and a half minutes. Moon eclipse, in turn, has a longer duration - 104 minutes.
  • The "solar wind" is the cause of the mass loss of our luminary. In 1 second, this luminary loses more than 1 billion kg due to this “wind”. By the way, one "windy particle" can destroy an ordinary person, approaching him at a distance of 160 kilometers.
  • If our Earth were spinning in a different, opposite direction, then the duration of the year would be less by a couple of days.
  • Every day, our planet is experiencing a “meteorite bombardment”. Why don't we see this? Most of the space objects falling on us are very small, so they do not have time to reach the surface and dissolve in our atmosphere.

  • Our planet has far more than one satellite. Modern scientists have determined that four objects fly around it at once. Of course, the most famous of them is the Moon. In addition to it, an asteroid (5 kilometers in diameter) flies around us, which was discovered in 1896. To be more precise, this object revolves around the star, but with a certain frequency, the same as ours. Therefore, he is always with us. It is impossible to see it with the naked eye.
  • The thickening of the "cosmic matter" is the cause of the periodic increase in the mass of our planet. Every 500 years, its mass increases by about one billion tons.
  • The Big Dipper is not a constellation, as many people think. In reality, this is "asterism" - a visual cluster of stars that are very impressively distant from each other. Some Ursa stars are even located in different galactic formations.

Initially, the planet Uranus, discovered by W. Herschel in 1781, was called the "Star of George." This was ordered by George III, who wanted the last discovered planet of the Solar System to be named after him.

If two parts of a meteorite come into contact in outer space, they will be soldered together. If this happens on our native planet, then they will not unite, since metals tend to oxidize on our planet. The equipment that astronauts use while working outside the space station spontaneously oxidizes on Earth, so it does not stick together in outer space.

Satellite vehicles created by engineers during their flight in space obey certain physical laws, which were first described by Newton.

Since 1980, sections of our satellite, the Moon, have been officially sold, and they cost a lot. To date, about seven percent of the surface of the natural satellite has been sold. The cost of forty acres is now no more than $150. The lucky person who bought the plot receives a certificate and photographs of his "lunar land".

  • In 1992, the official couple Jen and Mark went into space. To this day, they are considered the first and only spouses who visited space together. The couple flew into space on the ship "Endever".
  • All those who have been in space for a certain time (1-2 months) grow by about five centimeters due to spinal sprain, which then, after returning to Earth, can adversely affect health.
  • A satellite orbital system can photograph three million square kilometers of the Earth in half an hour, an airplane in twelve years, a person by hand in approximately 100 years.
  • In 2001 held interesting experiment, after which they found out that astronauts snoring at home in outer space lose this bad habit.