Wheel house with their own hands: Designer photos, a phased process of work. Trailer cottage with their own hands: Getting ready for a distant journey! How to make a house from a passenger trailer

The experienced travelers know that it is not always possible to be cheap and comfortable to spend the night. Therefore, with long journeys and availability own car Sin does not buy a hitch and do not pick up the cottage. In fact, it is a house on wheels - such a small number with a kitchen, toilet ... Well, in general, with all the subjects of civilization. In such a mini-hotel, you can do something conveniently to spend the night, but even make food for several people, and dine there, and most importantly - completely free! And today we will look at how the trailer cottage is done with their own hands.

Chassis and frame

The main component of any trailer is a frame. It is on her that all loads from the metal body (house frame "), and the bridge, beam and wheels below. By the way, on the chassis, you will not have any special difficulties, because the trailer design does not have fundamental differences from the car system, with the exception of motor aggregates. Therefore, when the trailer cottage is done with their own hands, as a running system, you can wholely "snatch" part of the wheels, spring and other pendant parts with a old car. For such a vehicle, any model of the car may be suitable, be it "Volga", "Moskvich" or "Zhiguli".

How is the trailer dacha do it yourself? Design of rooms

And if the algorithm for the design of the trailer-giving from the usual cargo variant is practically no different on the stages of the structure of the running system and the frame, then the body may have difficulty. The fact is that the homemade trailer dacha should really be comfortable and practical, therefore, in the drawing, you need to develop a design plan and the location of all parts. Specify where the bedroom will be, the kitchen, and if it is a frame with a length of 5 or more meters, you can additionally install the bathroom. However, remember that each new room It entails additional waste, and therefore the price for the finished trailer will be significant. Moreover, to legally ride in such a coupling, you need to register this vehicle in the traffic police. And this is at least a few thousand dollars from above. Therefore, do not overshable your trailer extra devices.

Options for dunklement

Most. practical option A homemade trailer is a design, which has a built-in frame under the onset (remember about the legendary Soviet Scythian). When it is in the deployed state, it turns out a kind of big tent. This significantly reduces the cost of work and effort spent on it. Such a trailer cottage, with their own hands made, very functional and at the same time convenient to use.

Traction Coupling and Illumination

At the end stage it is necessary to take care of how the finished design will be attached to the car hook. Also, the homemade trailer dacha must have a couple of stop signals and turn signals. In the center or on the side, consider the location for the license plate and spend the backlight to it, the best LED. Such a trailer cottage on wheels will definitely be the best hotel for the traveler.


Dacha trailer with their hands from a passenger trailer

Dacha trailer for car

Those who love to go beyond the city on the car with overnight know that in the car it is not convenient, so you need to take a trailer cottage with you. It is a house on wheels, it can be spilled in it, cook food, protect yourself from rain and snow. There you can put large bed and perfectly spend time. The trailer cottage itself is very convenient.

There are many manufacturers who produce various houses on wheels. But they stand quite expensive, sometimes even b. y trailer cottage also stand greater money. Therefore, many craftsmen make a trailer to do with their own hands, inventing their design. For each individual case, your kind of trailer-cottage.

Pros of trailer manufacturing do it yourself

Unlike the factory trailers, cottages, the homemade options have its advantages:

  • When a trailer cottage is done with their own hands, then it feels the soul of the one who did it, so it is more comfortable.
  • Making a trailer dacha you can make it the most convenient for myself.
  • The most important plus - low price Production, and functionality can be made maximum.
  • The design is made taking into account the possibilities of the car.

Inexpensive option of trailer

The most simple and inexpensive trailer tent is considered. When it is complicated, it looks like a simple passenger trailer, and if you decompose it, the awning roof appears above the trailer and slightly further from it.

To make such an autocumper you need to buy a factory trailer, install fastening elements on it for the base of the tent, make the folding porch to make the room. Here the main thing is to make a tent in size to the trailer.

In order to equip intrapace space, inflatable mattresses will be required folding table. This is quite enough for fishermen, who went fishing with overnight. In such a tent, 2-3 people will be able to spend calmly. But in winter it will be cold, so such a trailer cottage is suitable only for the warm pore of the year.


In the database, there is also a regular passenger trailer, but in the end it turns out a more solid dwelling. This will already be full walls with a roof. In such a trailer, you can even live for a while. You can make several windows for convenience. The tent must have all the necessary household goods such as a gas stove, dishes and other accessories.

To make such a capsule, you need to remove the sideboard. From a metal corner to make guides and weld them to the trailer. Next, you need to make a frame and consolidate it.

So that the capsule has a rounded form, it is necessary to cut it from a special moisture-resistant plywood. At the top you can make flooring, put the doors on the loop, the windows can be made from polycarbonate or plexiglass.

All items must be treated with sandpaper, then you can paint it and apply lacquer. 2 people can easily fit in such a capsule.

Dacha trailer

If there two-axis trailerYou can build a wooden house based on it. So that everything went smoothly, we need a wooden bar, plywood, metal tile, waterproofing film. A frame is made from a wooden bar at first. Next, the video where the guy makes the cottage with your own hands:

Next, everything must be done according to plan:

  • Frame to hide the waterproofing film and sew plywood.
  • The roof must be made of metal tile, you can also use professional flooring or ondulin.
  • The walls of the house should be coated with a layer of waterproofing, after which the house is separated by clapboard or plastic siding.
  • Put the door, cut windows and equip the interior to your taste.

This is a large trailer cottage, in which several people and even the family can easily fit. In such a country, you can live from spring and until the end of autumn. In winter it will still be cold.

Auto cottage from the station wagon

If there is an old car in the body of a wagon, then it is not necessary to donate on scrap metal, you can make a trailer cottage from it. The main thing is that the rear of this station is in good condition. It is necessary to cut off the front of the unnecessary car, and from the back of the trailer.

First you need to make measurements of the future trailer, so that the length is suitable in order to fit it comfortably. If everything is done correctly, but it will be a multifunctional trailer where it will be possible and swell.

The front part should be enhanced by a rigid frame from the steel corner around the perimeter, and also need to sew the front of the iron sheet, nookynyak, can and plywood.

From the front, at the bottom you can install a traction coupling device, usually make it from a chaserler. The entrance door will be the trunk lid, and the side doors can be used to load things.

So you can do the most trailer dacha, you can even do it yourself, the main thing is that there was a fantasy and the desire to create something unusual. The house on wheels is very convenient, you can always leave the city bustle of nature and live in a fairly comfortable environment.

The only problem is possible that the registration authority does not want to register such a trailer, because it, as it may seem, will not meet the safety standards on the road. Therefore, the easiest way is to take a used trailer dacha and remake it, while preserved documents.

Own mobile cottage-house on wheels

IN Western Europe and in the USA, life, travel or holidays in the company at home on wheels have long received wide use. Owners of such houses do not chase large dimensions. In the trend, there are small houses on wheels, but multifunctional so much that they can filter water independently, get electricity and heating with solar batteries On the roof and so use every centimeter of space that a two-story van with an area of \u200b\u200bbase at 14 square meters Looks quite a full housing.

Who is an adherent of life on wheels in a mobile home

In the West there are no pronounced preferences, however:

  • youth more often uses such a way for accommodation, but for traveling and recreation, as traditionally touches the city's cycling life and does not need privacy;
  • the families in whom children will grow up more tolerantly look at such a mobile home, because it is able to solve some financial problems, especially in the conditions of crisis, unemployment and more than high prices for the content of housing, as well as products;
  • active pensioners - they are perfect consumers of style house on wheels. I can drive with pleasure not only in our country, but also on accessible abroad.

Trailer cottage on wheels in Russia

In Russia, it was recently used to use fashion at the wheels. The direction is developing very slowly. First of all, because of the cost, because if there is a house on wheels in the west, it is really affordable housing regarding real estate prices, then in Russia such vans are more expensive than a good apartment. In addition, more than half of the population lives in conditions of harsh winter, and insulated houses on wheels are often standing like 2 apartments.

Mobile houses are conditionally divided into classes that describe the category of capacity, internal filling and comfort:

  • class A - externally similar to the bus and closest to the usual housing;
  • class B - here includes a trailer fully equipped in, sleeping place is directly in the trailer itself;
  • class C is a small-sized, created for movement based on an off-road or a passenger car, while the car's cabin is transformed into a sleeping place.

The budget of existing optionsThis is a tent trailer that is versed at the site of the campsite directly around the trailer.

But, if equipped home-trailers are not available for many, then the dacha on the wheels is more than the real option.

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DIY house-transformer

The folding house-transformer on the wheels of a passenger car will be a design of a shield house, which can be folded or removed from the walls along the side. In this case, such a house becomes like large gazebo. Domestic amenities include a table, sofas or bed, gas stove and stationary water supply.

Whatever the option of the trailer houses is chosen, the mobile home on wheels will become with their own hands not only the subject of the pride of the owners for their work, but also will give new opportunities to spend the weekend with the family. After all, in order to get on nature, it is not necessary to have its own plot of land. You can easily travel and stop in the most attractive countryplates.

How to make a house on wheels do it yourself

The most compact, simple and a budget option It is a design on a uniaxial trailer. Given the mass limits for light trailers in the Russian Federation to 750 kg, it is necessary to choose a durable and light material.

For this purpose, pine is well suitable:

  • The frame is made of paving stones.
  • The walls are trimmed by plywood, the optimal thickness of the sheets is recommended in 1 centimeter.
  • For furniture - tables, beds and shelves are also used plywood sheets.
  • The outer finish will be from galvanized sheets of steel, installed flashes.

As an option, you can use another building material for facial sheathing, the main thing is that it has sufficient strength and flexibility.

Read also: Facing the facade of the house: what material it is better to choose

Between the external trim and frame you need to place a layer mineral Wat., mineral plate or other insulating material to keep the microclimate inside, especially in hot weather, when the design is able to warm out inside 50-60 degrees in Celsius due to metal.

Dacha trailer with their own hands - Mobile house mounting

The installation of the design is carried out with the help of self-tapping screws, weaknesses, such as outer angles, are strengthened with a metal corner.

Protection of materials includes:

  • antiseptic strengthening impregnation for wood material;
  • sealing of seams by the silicone composition of the external sheaving;
  • painting face.

The sizes of the trailer can vary, the optimal can be called 2.3-2.4 x 1.5-1.6 m.

Building a house on wheels

The construction of autodackets occurs in two ways - on the trailer itself, it should be dismantled for this, or on a special stand, followed by an installation on the trailer.

The windows are recorded at the design stage and can be of different configurations - from sliding to folding.

Carrying is ensured by installing mosquito net. Additionally, you can consider the setting of the hatch in the ceiling.

A more solid decision will be a trailer-house on wheels with a base of a biaxial trailer. The principle and methodology for the manufacture of such structures are similar to construction for the trailer on one axis. Of course, more material will be required, therefore costs will increase in proportion.

ATTENTION, only today!


Mini camper trailer cottage with your own hands. Detailed plan

This project is intended for tourists and travelers and is a design that protects against extreme weather conditions, a small available autonomous home for homeless or affected by natural disasters. The camper can be easily constructed from SIP (structural insulation panels) and from publicly available materials. Low cost and super warmed for year-round accommodation in extreme weather conditions. This is a mobile home that can be parked anywhere and be housing while eliminating the effects of natural disaster. This small lodge on wheels is also intended for people who are engaged in outdoor sports or are looking for adventures in extreme conditions. Because of its light weight, super isolation This trailer is perfect for people who have kayaks, mountain bikes and other equipment that they want to take with them.

This camper is designed for extreme weather conditions and so well insulated that it can be heated only by heat or a small heater intended for use in the room. With a white roof and forwarders, it will remain cool in the summer when parked under the trees.

The best of all, the camper was built on the basis of the trailer of 120x240 cm, and the material costs for the camper do not exceed $ 1000 depending on the materials used.

Full step-by-step plans are available below.

These drawings require basic construction skills, and you assume all responsibility for any use of these plans.

1: What makes this camper so special?

Cabinets for storing above bed legs with space for a small LED TV or tablet, iPad with speakers or radio and DVD / CD player or this space can be used for boxes. All devices will be powered by solar panelwhich is located on the front of the van.

The camper has 100 cm at a 205 cm bed, which is sufficient for two people and is very comfortable for one person. Over the headboard, open storage shelves and two LED positional light sources for reading. Built-in wall in bed integrated folding table For food or study.

The mobile home has a door for easy access and the window of the window, so you can see who is outside the door, but a small enough thing that a person (or bear) cannot break and open the door. There is a window and on the opposite side for light and ventilation and an inclined deftlector on the roof.

Usually the walls of a small autofurgon with a 5 cm thick with isolation and are not intended for extreme weather conditions throughout the year of use. In this camper walls and a roof of 10 cm thick, with thermal insulation (more than in most houses) and this will allow a person to stay warm cold winter And in the coolness in the hot summer. In most cases, only the heat of the body will provide comfort in the campaign, but it can also be heated with a small propane heater. White roof to reflect heat, roof ventilation and side windows for passive cooling. There is a place in the outer walls for installing a small air conditioner if you wish, but if you park a camper in the shade of trees, there is no need for air conditioner.

In Ceper, the back is provided with a kitchen for cooking, which includes sink, cutting board, water canister, single-flow propane / butane plate and space cooler. For storage there is a lot of space for canned and dry products, saucepan and dishes.

You probably saw other small campers and mobile homes, but you have never seen anything like that, because it is made of SIP and has super isolation and strength, while maintaining the weight of towing to a minimum.

This residential trailer is designed for towing small cars or trucks, the base of the trailer is 120 × 240 cm, so it can be parked even in a standard parking place. It has a super strong 10 cm thick roof with trunk and fasteners for kayak, mountain bikes, skis. The design of the trunk on the roof is included in the drawings or you could use commercial racks.

The trailer of the camper is designed for 100 watts (or less) Solar electric panel, which is attached to the front of the camp, it can be tilted for better access of sun rays, and it can be removed and stored in a van when traveling. In the 100 watt panel and one or two deep cycle batteries and the inverter will provide the required power for your gadgets, such as a laptop, mobile phone, window fan, LED lights and even refrigerator and kitchenware.

The camper has a pad on the nose of the trailer, which is used to store the propane cylinder, batteries and a portable toilet or other elements that may be needed for long-term camping or permanent residence.

The vehicle is designed specifically for extreme weather conditions and is intended for long-term year-round housing for people who can live in a van within a few months or years.

The best thing Cupper is the ease of creating from publicly available materials by the main tools and people with basic construction skills, so that you can make one for yourself or they can be quickly produced for housing homeless or eliminating natural disasters.

Now let's build like that! Below are given detailed plans And the drawings for which you can easily create yourself such a camper.

The drawings include more than 60 schemes step by step, it is easy to follow these instructions. I donate on the development of the site, you can see the full version.

The camper was originally designed as easy to assemble, inexpensive and protecting against extreme weather conditions of tourists. This camper is light enough and can be towed by a regular car or pickup and takes place in narrow places.

In contact with


Simple travel trailer. - Community "Trailers" on DRIVE2

As the basis of construction, an ordinary standard trailer is taken. Body width 1200 mm, length 2400 mm. Task: Overnight to 4 people, plus the transportation of goods. Trailer category up to 750 kg.

For construction, two rolling doors were purchased, 30 30 mm bars, galvanizing, roof plywood and other details.

Full size

The manufacturing tool is also selected.

Full size

And so begin the assembly. We set the rack 30 by 30 mm, 1430 mm high. And screw them to the sides.

Then set the framework.

We install the side of the shovel and rear, Stelim Phaneur on the "second" floor. It will place for the night two people.

After we did, cover the awning for passing protection and then cover the entire trailer with zinc.

And at the end we set the finish from the allyminia profile.

The trailer is ready.

In the future, depending on your desires, you can install on the trailer, window, trunk, you can decorate your trailer with a film and much more.

Full size

Also for a depth night two people, you can set the cover on the roof of the trailer, install the awning and premises are ready. If you do not spend the night there, you can use it for the transportation of goods.

Full size

Inside the trailer, you can place two people on the roof of two people, inside you can also place a small retractable kitchen and table. There are many options.

Here is such a simple option for a beginner traveler, in the future if you understand that the journey is yours all, you will make yourself a trailer better, and this one can use, for example under the workshop.

Well, I will put the video.


Idea to create trailer trailer with your own hands

Traction for traveling is practically in each of us. Some implement it by purchasing a full-fledged home on wheels, and others make trailers with their own hands. We suggest you look at the wonder trailer, which is made from an ordinary car trailer. See how the trailer is transformed.

From the trailer, only a frame was originally left. All other details were removed as unnecessary.

Then the wooden base was installed on the frame.

Starting wall installation.

Dropped doors.

The roof is mounted.

That was the trailer before painting.

The inner decoration of the trailer.

Trailer in the process of painting.

The door also serves as a basising holder.

Inside the trailer oven. So you can cook right inside. Yes, and from small cold weather you can escape.

Front viewing window. Spare wheel and bin for technical purposes.

Panoramic view of the insides of the trailer.


Communities\u003e DIY\u003e Blog\u003e Caravan walls are set (materials, technology). Off-road tourist trailer do it yourself - Ch.7

Friends hello!
Summer ended, hurried to complete the frame before the rains arrive, therefore I did not post the information and video for a long time. My caravan is already put on the move of the wheel, and even managed to ride in the Lipetsk region for testing it in the field.

Before the story about the tests, I will still come out, but I can only note that the tests were very good! I am really pleased! Fuel consumption on the car on the highway 9-9.5l. In the coupling with a caravan, without a caravan 8-8.5l. It depends on how to harm on the pedal. City with caravan 13l. Without caravan 10-11l. Well, okay, I will not tell everything here, and then it will not be interesting! :)))

Let's go back to the topic homemade house on wheels. After I finished the floors, I started the construction of the walls. To make the walls with me exactly, I first put the rear wall and put the side walls to the back wall. When I got everything on the diagonal measurement, I put the front wall and began to cover the roof so that the walls were not loosened. After that, I put the partition between the cabin and the luggage compartment. And then I came to mind to make another extra bed, instead of huge lockers, where there will be so much to put so much.

Off-road house on wheels. Real wall set.

Off-road trailer: Side walls are delivered and future caravan shapes are defined.

On one wall I had 3 sheets of plywood 15mm. Each sheet weighs 25kg., That in the coupe 75kg. This is in principle a little, but still extra weight is not needed, and the punching plots are better filled with Paulinor's sprayed insulation than left 15mm. Phaneur. The thermal insulation coefficient in Polynor is an order of magnitude higher than that of plywood, therefore perforifying the walls I kill two hares at once. 1. I facilitate the design, 2. Wheel house will be warmer. Well, it is not all the harm of the rigidity of the frame, since two partitions are ahead (outer wall + partition of the luggage compartment). In addition to the walls, inside, in the middle of the module there will be two additional gain, I will tell you a little later. Such a design will not declare the walls on strong ughab and even protect the frame from the lateral strong impact, for example, about a tree. Those. Having received a good side blow, without such a strengthen, the frame may be a bit in the opposite side, which will lead to a frame of the frame, the cracks will appear and the caravan will gradually begin to completely collapse, and that this does not happen different types Strengthening. I'll tell you about it and show.
After perforation of the walls, which I performed the jigsaw right on the spot, I began to be paste outdoor Wall 0.4 mm galvanized sheet, gluing it into a polyurethane sealant Soudaflex 40 FC. When perforation, it is important to understand how you will have sheets to lie, so that the sheets of sheets do not fall into the place of perforation and emptiness has not formed there.

Homemade house on wheels: Work on perforation of walls to facilitate the design.

But before pasting the walls of the walls with a galvanized sheet, I indulged aluminum profiles 20x40 vertically. Pursued the goal to give rigidity to the frame so that the windows and the door were sitting in the frame from the profile to further finishing And an additional strengthening of the frame could be attached to something. Also, such a method helps to fasten the sheets among themselves, the size of which is 152x152. Two of which lay down + superstructure over them to achieve the desired height in the caravan.

Blowing at home on wheels galvanized sheet 0.4 mm

Separately, I still take off the video outside to show the walls of the walls of the walls to the frame, so that it was clear how and in what places I enhance the walls in order to avoid the swing.

The battery complied with a wonderful accumulator to the caravan.

Building floors in caravan (materials, technology). Off-road tourist trailer do it yourself - Ch.6
We will be erected by the frame of a residential module (materials, technology). Off-road trailer Navahi - Ch.5
Off-road NAVAHI trailer with their own hands (protection against corrosion) - Part 4 - Record removed (not straining can be found)
Off-road trailer NAVAHI with their own hands (refinement of the frame, a module company) - part 3
Navahi off-road trailer with their own hands (Lifehak how to flip 300kg alone) - part 2
Off-road Navahi trailer with their own hands (frame, brakes, corrosion protection) - Part 1
Off-road navahi trailer with their own hands - accession


Expedition trailer. - DRIVE2.

So dull ...

So, after another trip to Karelia, the construction of an expeditionary trailer caught fire. After each evening, turn over in the car the entire Schmurdyak for the bedroom device, and in the morning everything is re-released.
A brief TK looked like this:
In the trailer, we sleep, prepare and eat. Transportation Skarb (tents Bedrooms-awnings, etc.), products, chainsaw stoves, etc. With maximum protection against moisture. Lodka, motor, catch and other stinking cakes-in separate volume.
I hide under the awning of heat and precipitation. The trailer should not limit the geometric patency. Preparation of the bed and kitchen should take the minimum time (up to 5 minutes).
And most importantly, with your own hands. Is infirmized materials. In the garage.
He studied very poor information in the internet, figured to our experience of auto-trailers.
Built with a comrade. Hell, of course, but under him.
Surprisingly, but everywhere, wherever we stayed with our trailer, the fellow citizens have a huge number of questions, from primitive "why?" to pleasing hearing and pride "How?"
What for- I wrote.


I will add that, due to systematic non-interest operation, the trailer is under constant upgrades.

Actually, here:

Tags: trailer, expedition trailer, UAZ Patriot, Travel



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For lovers of relaxation in nature and passionate cars of travelers, the indispensable subject becomes a trailer. In the house on wheels you can cook food and comfortably spending the night. Neither the rain nor slut will be a hindrance for a pleasant pastime.

However, factory autocumpers are not available to everyone. They differ high cost even in the used version. Therefore, cutting motorists have to invent their convenient designs. Depending on the type of recreation, they are manufactured various options Trailers-cottage.

Benefits of homemade structures

  1. First, the development and manufacture is carried out with the soul. From this in the homemade autocumper it is warm and comfortable.
  2. Secondly, the construction of a moving house is carried out with all the requirements of the car owner, his family or friends.
  3. An important advantage of cottage trailers manufactured by their own hands is the low product price at maximum functionality.
  4. And finally, the design is made taking into account technical capabilities Beloved car.

Budget version of the folding autocability

One of the most simple and affordable examples of the homemade autocupper is a tent trailer. In the folded state, it looks like an ordinary passenger trailer. But in the unfolded state, a tent roof appears not only above the trailer, but also above the adjacent territory.

Such homemade autocum is based on a standard factory automotive. The refinement will relate to the fastening elements of the base of the tent, and it will also be necessary to manufacture a folding porch to enter the "residential premises". It is also important to choose a suitable tent model to the existing trailer.

As for the internal filling of the tent house, it will take a folding table for him and air mattress. Such minimal comfort and comfort is suitable for fishermen, when traveling to nature with overnight. This tent is able to give a shelter 2-3 travelers in warm time of the year.

Trailer - "Capsule"

On the basis of an ordinary passenger trailer, it is possible to make a more thorough structure than a tent design. Capital walls and roof reliably hide resting from night respiration by wildlife. The number of windows and doors is defined as an external design and convenience for family members. Under the hidden back cover, kitchenware are easily hidden:

  • gas stove and cylinder,
  • cutlery,
  • dishes, etc.

In the manufacture of "capsules", the trailer board is removed. The platform is welded from a metal corner. Using the crossbar from the corner, the framework is being strengthened.

Rounded forms of capsules are formed when installing side walls. They can be cut out of the wood-resistant plywood. Next to make flooring. With the help of loops, doors are attached, and the windows are made from plexiglas or polycarbonate.

The whole design is carefully treated with sandpaper and protective paintwork materials. Two adult traveler are comfortable in the sleeping compartment.

Wooden house on wheels

If there is a car dioxide trailer, you can make a real wooden house. For the construction, a wooden bar, sheet plywood, hydro- and parosolation film, Ondulin or metal tile.

  1. First, on the platform of a two-axis trailer, a frame of a future house from a wooden bar is made.
  2. Next, the frame is covered with vapor insulation material and is shedding plywood.
  3. The roof is erected from Ontulin, professional flooring or metal tile.
  4. Then the walls of the house are covered with a waterproofing layer. Next is the finish of the house wooden clapboard or plastic siding.
  5. It remains to install the door and windows, and then proceed to the arrangement of the internal space.

In such a trailer, the cottage is placed friendly and funny company or a full-fledged family. You can relax in nature in such a home from spring to late autumn. It is only important to choose a vehicle that will change the "cottage" without any problems.

Camper from the station wagon

An interesting embodiment of the trailer is the use of the body of an old or emergency wagon. It is important that in good condition there was a back of the car. The idea is to cut off the front part of the "written off" car, and make a trailer from the rear compartment.

Before you take for the tool, you should thoroughly measure the dimensions of the future trailer. Especially carefully consider the length of the autocheter. The main thing is that the bedrooms match the growth of the owner and its companions. When removing convexity on the floor and modernization of the luggage compartment, a multifunctional trailer can be obtained. It will be conveniently transported by overall objects, and also to get overnight.

The front of the trailer must be enhanced around the perimeter with a rigid steel frame from the steel corner and sew the sheet of iron or plywood. At the bottom of the trailer, a traction coupling device is mounted from a chapellera. The main door for the entrance to the mini is the trunk lid. Side doors are used if you need to load long items.

Making a trailer cottage with your own hands is quite real. Cooker and fantasy, as well as accurate calculation and perseverance lead to the emergence of new masterpieces among the houses on wheels. They are spacious and cozy, comfortable and multifunctional, extravagant and compact. Only a spoon of the fly can spoil the greatness of the design in the person of the registration authority, which will refuse to register the invention. From this point of view it is easier to modernize a used trailer cottage, while retaining his documents.

Many of the car owners dream of their own auto farmers on wheels, thanks to which you can easily travel with your family in various places. But the purchase of a car can not always afford a family, so many make it independently. To do this, you will need a little:

But, in addition, it is necessary to have high-quality, and most importantly, a reliable vehicle that can accommodate an autode on wheels.

So what should I do? Before creating a camper with their own hands, a legal advice should be visited. Such modernization of the car requires legalization. For each country there are different requirements.

First step - Camper with your own hands

The whole process of creating such a design can be divided into several stages:

  • performing outdoor work;
  • fulfillment of internal works;
  • providing water supply cherry;
  • side and connecting the gasification and electricity system;
  • furniture placement;
  • small work.

After that you can travel on Keper at any free time.

Number of seats

As an example of creating a camper, we will take the usual average van. If the exercise of the van will be carried out with only two people, there will be plenty of space. If the family has more people, then it is necessary to think over an additional seats. Do not forget that all seats should be provided with seat belts.

Determine in advance how many beds will have your home on wheels. There is so a good option Enlarge them. Arrange inside bunk beds. You can also make a bed that will "fall out" from under the roof. This will help save the space of Ceper.

At this stage of layout, you must have a clear plan of the internal structure. Of course, it will be possible to make their own adjustments in the course of the installation, but the basis should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Performing outdoor work

First of all, take care of the purity of the inside of the camping. The zone should not contain dirt, dust, essential defects. This will be the key to the successful formation of the autoomom.

Also should be planned form in general terms. In addition to the plan, you can make sketches on paper.

The body part rarely has windows, which is catastrophically for a journey on the crepe. Place where it is best to install the windows for the most convenient view. In addition, they will open access to the stream of fresh air and allow the sun's rays to penetrate, which will create additional lighting. Windows can be chosen absolutely various shapes, species and structures. Everything will depend exclusively on your preferences, as well as the features of the body part.

Additional holes in the body

When you create a camper with your own hands, do not forget to make several holes:

  • for the output of gas in case of his leakage;
  • for ventilation;
  • for output from the heater;
  • for filling gorlovin for water.

Of course, you can perform some of them after creating a camper, but it can be much more problematic. It is best to do everything at once and in advance. But it should be carried out only when you are exactly sure that these holes will be in those places.

The places with an open layer of metal should be immediately treated with a layer of primer to prevent corrosion.

Performance of internal work

How to equip inside a camper? It should create partitions between the front seats and the main part of the body. But if you wish, you can not do. Installation of the partition is also varied. It can be fixed with the help of screws or weld to the body itself. If necessary, at this stage, use the grinder.

During the operation of the Bulgarian, do not forget about security tools. Work with it neatly, especially if you use the tool for the first time. Do not forget to wear protective glasses on the eyes, as well as make sure in reliability of fixing the circle. Also, in the process of working with the grinder, sparks will fly, which when hitting the glass will create defects. Therefore, in advance to take care of reliably close it.


The layer of insulation for mini-camper is very important. From his quality and proper Installation The temperature inside will depend on, as well as sound insulation. The market presents a large number of materials various firms. Their choice will be solely individual, based on the features of the environment, financial position, type of body.

Insulation must be cut into small pieces and gently stick them. The main feature And the main is the protection against moisture. If the insulation layer does not cope with its immediate duty, remove it.

Prepare to cover the case in advance:

On the side covers should use a thick layer of plywood. This is done so that it can withstand the weight of the furniture, which will be mounted directly on it.

On the side walls it is necessary to use glue, which can withstand a large range of different temperatures. With it, glue isolation and side walls. Glue for different temperatures is used because the van will be operated in different conditions: And in severe frosts, and with a scorching summer sun. Additionally, heating is arranged. If the glue does not have all the necessary properties, then the sealant and the coating simply disappear.


It begins the cover of the autoom from the roof itself and before outdoor coating. We first make installation of the insulating and facing layer and only after that smoothly go to if you will equip an exclusively winter camper, then the sealant layer should be increased and additionally seal.

To ensure a sufficient place for insulation, use wooden planks that are mounted to the floor. Fasteners must be performed using a special sealant corresponding to the coating. After that, laying a layer of isolation is made, and then they are covered with plywood. The plywood itself is attached with screws or sealants. Do not forget about the place of water supply, gas cables and electric cables.

Water supply

The prerequisite for water supply at home on wheels - he must have filing flowing water. To implement this, you should install a couple of canister with water under the sink. The installed pump will produce the necessary water flow to the crane.

If you wish, the camper can also be provided with hot water. It will be convenient if you wish to post a shower. To do this, it is necessary to put large tanks with water under car body. To connect the heating system, the acquisition and installation of additional hoses will be required.

Don't forget about wastewater. The conclusion can be carried out with the help of a hose placed in the floor, or produce water drain into a portable tank. Capacity should be emptied within the shortest possible time, since in the summer it will go from it and in the winter it will be simply frozen. You can also install a toilet.

Gasification and electricity

Installation of the hose for gas and electricians must be entrusted with extremely qualified specialists. With the slightest error independent installation This can lead to a deplorable outcome.

Calon with propane can be used for cooking. You can do without it without it, replacing the container for the usual electric stove. Store the cylinder is necessary in a separate place.

The cherry electricity system consists of a charger, battery, control panels and wire system.

Gasification and electricity in an "Camper-Trailer" type is played by a very important role. In the case of departure to nature, the autonomy of both systems should be at the maximum level.


If you wish, you can use absolutely any furniture as you like. You can purchase elements of new furniture or design and make it yourself.

Almost everyone who has a camper, feedback leaves exceptionally positive. You can create not only a small family-friendly car on wheels. It is also quite realistic to make huge off-road campers. The choice is yours!

Some travelers and relax lovers in nature prefer home on wheels made by their own hands ready. The choice is explained not only by less homemade structures - You can consider the layout and equip the interior at your own request. Before building a house on wheels with your own hands, it is worth learn more about the process of making an auto houses, decide which option is better: cottage-trailer or camper.

Original autodom

Autodoma and residential trailer

Regardless of the type of authom, there must have minimal amenities: sleeping places for each traveler and cooking and cooking area.

In addition, inside a minibus or trailer can be:

  • washbasin;
  • gas stove connected to the cylinder;
  • shelves, lockers and other storage systems.

In the houses on wheels intended for long-term travel, there is usually a bathroom combined with a small shower.

Making an autode for himself, with their own hands, you can envisage the availability of a bathroom and everything else that may be required on the trip.

Making an autodoma with their own hands

The house on wheels is made on the basis of a van or trailer. The buses are suitable for this purpose - a spacious salon, a high roof make it a good contender for reorganization.

Before removing the trailer or van, find out the conditions for the setting of the automotive records in the auto inspection.

Autodom bus

The construction of the house on wheels consists of several stages:

  • project preparation;
  • conducting outdoor and internal works;
  • communication device;
  • placement of furniture.

First of all, it should be decide that to take as a basis: a trailer or van. The first option is more difficult - the van has already has a wall and a roof, and in the trailer they will need to be erected independently.

Maintenance with your own hands on the basis of the car

To create mobile housing, a car is used or, for example, an old bus. The vehicle for re-equipment into the house is chosen based on the financial capabilities and the number of people who will live inside the structure.

Depending on the number of residents, they think over the construction of the house on the wheels, as well as its filling. To work it was easier, make up a plan.

Autodom on the basis of a cargo van

Before making an autode, you need to stock the materials and tools necessary for work:

  • bulgarian;
  • automotive paint;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine;
  • thermal insulation;
  • finishing materials ( plastic panels, lining or other);
  • moisture-resistant plywood;
  • carpet;
  • fastener (self-drawing, nails, dowels);
  • mounting foam;
  • primer;
  • painting brushes;
  • sealant;
  • metal brush.

Outdoor work

When the drawing is ready, the design is thought out, go to external work. Required:

  1. Clear car body from rust and other damage. If the paint on the surfaces peeled, it is possible to consider it.
  2. Make a few holes under the windows in the van if they were not initially. At the same time, cut holes for ventilation.
  3. Determine the location and cut holes for the output of exhaust gases, drain holes and other communications.
  4. Cove the sections of sections, plots where the paint was removed, the primer to prevent rust formation. Wait until it is dry.
  5. Cove the paint outdoor surface of the van.

Autode based on the van

Internal work

If you plan to separate the cab with a residential compartment. Then the partition is mounted either by fasteners or weld metal carcass To the body of the welding machine.

First, the body is carried out with thermal insulating material. Any insulation suitable for residential premises. To fix the material on the walls, the ceiling is used by hardware, made of the same metal as the body - such a reception will help protect the car from the appearance of rust.

If the selected insulation does not tolerate contact with water, it will be necessary to additionally pave waterproofing.

Insert windows. Go to the walls of the walls. For the trim, choose moisture-resistant Phaneur. Sheets must be pretty thick to withstand a serious load - they will subsequently mount the lockers, shelves, furniture.

Works start from the ceiling. Pluging sheets there, cure walls. Next, on the floor fasten wooden ram thickness with height heat insulating materialThe plates of the insulation are laid between them. Fill the plywood floor, attach to Brusa with self-draws.

The salon in which the kitchen is located and the shower with a bathroom should be divided using a frame partition.

Phaneur can be painted, covered with varnish or fix carpet coating on it. The last option simultaneously serves as an additional thermal insulation. For fixing the carpet apply special glue.

The next step is the device of communications in accordance with a predetermined scheme: electricity, heating and ventilation. Cable, plumbing and gas pipes Put either over internal trimor mount simultaneously with the insulation styling inside, making holes under the withdrawal of communications.


Furniture for Avtomoma is selected individually. The necessary objects of the situation include:

  • table with a bench for the dining area;
  • bed or folding sofa;
  • hinged shelves and cabinets for storing stocks, clothes, bedroom accessories;
  • washing.

Since during the movement of the house on wheels, the furniture is exposed to increased load, it must be high-quality, strong, have reliable accessories and minimum moving elements. It should be verified that during a sharp turn of the locker door will not open, and the contents do not crush the cabin.

All furniture must be firmly fixed, it is desirable that it is fixed at two points: on the floor and wall.

Interior solutions in the auto house

Motor do it yourself from the trailer

Make a house on wheels from the trailer harder than to remake the car. In this case, it will be necessary to build the base of the floor, walls, roofs from zero.

For the construction of a cherry, the uniaxial autographs, withstanding the load of up to 1 ton, are often chosen. Therefore, you have to select materials for the frame, considering the weight of the future design.

The trailer-camper is emitted using a frame:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • sandwich panels.

The most affordable and relatively lightweight material for the manufacture of the house on the trailer - wood. It is easier to work with it, and special tools are not required for connecting items.

Vintage trailer autodoma made by hand


For the manufacture of the frame will be required:

  • bar 50 * 50 mm;
  • moisture-resistant plywood 10 mm for walls;
  • plywood 12 mm thick for floor;
  • fasteners (selflessness);
  • screwdriver;
  • olife, brush;
  • galvanized corners;
  • electrolovik;
  • metal profile for roofing;
  • galvanized steel (for outdoor clamping);
  • silicone sealant;
  • insulation.

Pre-draw a drawing of the future giving-trailer, only after that they are purchased of building materials for the manufacture of the facade and the roof of the house on the wheels.

Minimum autodoma parameters - 230 * 160 cm. The height of the construction is from two meters. With such sizes inside the residential compartment, you can organize 2 beds, dining area And washing. If there is a need to equip full-fledged housing with everything you need, then the sizes should be increased by 2-3 times.

Process manufacturing trailer-autodoma

Order of work

  1. Remove from the trailer of the side.
  2. Clean the chassis, paint it with an anti-corrosion composition.
  3. If there is enough durable foundation lags and the bottom strapping of the frame are fixed right on it, if it is missing, then the frame is welded from metal pipe 50 * 25 mm.
  4. Perform the lower strapping from the bar 50 * 50. Side elements are connected to each other using lags. Lags are placed at a distance of every 20 cm. Metal corners are used for their connection with the bar.
  5. Covered wooden elements Olife in 2 layers.
  6. The plates of the insulation are put in the space between lags.
  7. Stip the base of 12 mm plywood, fixing it with self-draws.
  8. Moving to frame racks. Bar connected S. lower strapping With the help of corners and screws. After that, the top strapping is performed.
  9. Cover the whole design of the oil.
  10. In places where windows should be located according to the plan, crossbars and racks from the bar are installed.
  11. The trim starts S. inner. Phaneur is fixed on galvanized self-tapping screws every 25 cm around the perimeter of the sheet.
  12. Grinding the inner surfaces using grinders. Covered with varnish.
  13. Outside, sheets are treated with oil.
  14. The insulation is placed in the cavity between the frames of the frame of the frame of the frame, they are cutting the frame with sheets of 10 mm plywood, which are pre-covered with oil from both sides.
  15. Made the door from the bar and sheets of plywood. Installation of the door is made on galvanized loops.
  16. Insert windows. A simple solution - sheets of plexiglas.
  17. The house made on the wheels made with their own hands is sheathered by galvanized steel sheets. Self-tapping screws are used as a fastener, they are screwed around the perimeter at a distance of every 10 cm. The corners of the trailer are squeezed.
  18. Processing sheets of sheets of sheets with each other and corners with a sealant to prevent water from entering inside the design.
  19. It remains to make a roof and roof. It is necessary to cover it with a professional flooring, fasten sheets on galvanized self-tapping screws.

Internal planning

Walls, ceiling and floor are already trimmed, so they can only be painted or covered with varnish. If the construction dimensions allow, shower and bathrooms are equipped separate room. The frame partition is erected, hang the door. All remaining space shall be divided into zones: sleeping, recreation area and eating, kitchen. It will be necessary to install outlets under the electrical appliance, it is important not to forget about qualitative ventilation For home on wheels.


To save space inside the trailer, we establish transformable furniture. For example, they do or acquire a folding table, a sofa bed. In the upper part of the walls, the shelves are mounted, in which things will be stored, kitchenware, clothes.

Useful little things

What else should you learn before you start making a house on wheels:

  1. For the outer sheaving of the carcass of the trailed auto farm, it is not only galvanized steel, as well as a professionalist.
  2. If it is not possible to organize the ventilation system, you can cut small holes in the door and close them mosquito net.. If there are drop-down windows, it is not required.
  3. In order for the mobile home to serve for a long time, the condition of the trim is necessary to monitor, paint metal if necessary.

The process of creating a mobile home is quite laborious, it requires financial investments, spending time and strength. Therefore, proceed to it with complete confidence that it turns out to independently develop a project and implement it into life.

Perhaps there are very few people who would not want to travel and at the same time spend the night at home without using the services of hotels or hotels. Many will say that it is impossible and any trip is accompanied by a hotel room. However, the solution is - an autod or a house on the wheels. You probably saw such mobile structures in foreign films. And it is not strange, because I will say in America, according to the statistics of each 3 inhabitant there is a house on wheels.

Such a house is not only convenient and comfortable, but also significantly saves cashSince the question of searching for housing disappears. On the advantages of the Avtomom can be told for a long time, and there are really many of them. However, one minus is - the car-house on wheels is not from cheap pleasures. But if you have patience and hard work, there is a way out - build a mobile home on wheels with your own hands.

The main need for such a house is traveling, which can be easily sent with family and even small children. Autodom is useful for business trips, you will not have to search for hotels, book rooms, collect luggage and wear it with you.

The main thing is that the driver is experienced, with good driving experience and of course, with a positive attitude towards this type of transport.

House on wheels: What you need for comfort

Although the house will be in the form of mobile housing, but this does not mean that it should not be comfortable and satisfy the minimum needs of the owners.

Lighting at home

To supply light to the mobile home, it will be necessary:

  • battery battery type;
  • device charger;
  • wire system for subsequent electrical wiring;
  • panel for controlling electricity supply.

Heating for home

For housing heating, you can use several types of heaters, it may be autonomous view and gas cylinder. Preferably the use of gas, since in addition to heat, it will provide the possibility of cooking.

If you have chosen heating with gas, then you will have to seek help from a specialist. Of course, to build everything with your own hands from beginning to end commendable, but you should remember the safety of passengers.

Air (ventilation) for home

Highly an important point is ventilation, especially when using gas. In this case, the holes must be several, and one of them will be as low as possible.

For comfort: water, bathroom, kitchen

No accommodation will be comfortable if it is missing elementary amenities. Well think about exactly where the kitchen will be portable to the size of the "mini" and shower. Also do not forget about tanks with water and pumps for it.

Water that will merge, better send to a large bucket located under the body. To do this, you can use a special hose to be paved in the floor.

Furniture for auto farm

With furniture can occur certain difficulties, because it should be as compact as possible. For such housing is used furniture, It is fixed on the walls. Purchase such furniture in most cases is possible only to order, which is sufficiently expensive. But if you can make it yourself, it will significantly save funds.

Optional: Doors, windows

As for windows, it is better to do at least 2, so you can save energy and do not include light in the afternoon.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that if the house is constructed from the trailer, the width and height of course should not exceed the dimensions of the car.

Build an autode from Gazelle

If you are the owner of a domestic minibus, which has not liked it for a long time, it can be safely used as the main material for mobile housing. At first, it is necessary to carefully clean it, remove unnecessary seats, the jet is upholstery, get rid of all too much. After clearing, you can proceed to the need for the necessary holes (for windows, ventilation, wires).

The metal part, which is inside, is well covered with a primer mixture to protect against moisture and rust. Next, you can proceed to the flooring of the floor and wall material for thermal insulation. Watch that the material itself is laid smoothly and tight. After you can proceed to finishing the inside of the house plywood you go to another coating.

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of thermal insulation and subsequent coating. All materials must be high quality and respond to all standards. That is how your gazelle and part-time the house on the wheels will last long.

The next important stage will be the conduct of electricity and gas. When these two points are successfully completed, you can start installing tanks with water, bathroom and furniture.

On this, it can be said that the trailer - the house on the wheels is ready. Now you can safely be poisoned on a trip with amenities and comfort.

Build a house on the wheels from the trailer

We will not deny that build an autode from the trailer is not more difficult than from Gazelle. The main difficulty is that walls and ceiling need to be built from scratch, unlike a minibus.

The first step will be the cleaning of the trailer, chassis, paint covering, preventing the appearance of corrosion. After that cover the frame with a dense layer of plywood. Drills holes: frame, timber, plywood and crepim with bolts.